strange, does it not, after the offers I POlJLTRY. received? But you cannot open your mouth IS PUBLISHED to me on tha.t, you know," said Hyacinth CHEAP MEA~S OF PROVIDING SHELTER FOR · with perfect composure. THli: \VINTER. U!f;mRll' FRIDtl-T MORNING, "It is different with me- I loYe Garret ; -BYb11t you-·oh, surely yon don't love Captain The following advice as to a chea.p means By the Author of "KATE MASSEY'S FALSEHOOD," "BEATRICE'S AMUITION, ' ' "FOR Haughton?" · of providing a shelter for the winter is givA.~AMES, LOVE OR KIKDRED?" "A GOLDEN IREAM," &c., &c. "'No, most certainly not, child!" en in the P oulterer: AT TBlli OFEIOE "Then why-why--" Lily stopped, The sen.son will soon draw nigh, when if --------too utterly distressed to speak. nst omce Block, King Street, nowmanyou would avoid roup a.nd its kindred disvllte, Ontario. CHAPTER IX.-(CONTINUED.) J "Rich!" echoed the girl with the great. .;' W~y d~ I allow him to write to my eases among your fowl, you must be pre.. est contempt. "As if I cared for money !" fa her . C1~ild, do women marry for love pared for their proper care and a t tention. TER:l!.Cl:S: ou want nowadays? You ca.11 not safely crowd your pets into l'"lll.1'111· pe r Annmn, or $1 Ir paid ln advance . The boa:t swept across a. Ion~ strea m of , ,, Then it is not Mr. Ponsenb light pourmg from ~n open wm~ow, and ! to a.bout-he has no other Yrlcommen-1 "They ought to, or they ought not to confined and limited quarters ; neither ca.n ~ment etrlotly in advance required from they could see that. Lily was standmg ou the dation. Well who is the latest victim?" marry at all!" cried tho girl, speaking from you allow them safely to roam and roost a.t ~bers outside of the county. Orders to terrace a.lone,.lookmg towards the la.~e. "No one. 'I-we-are awfully iu-in ber heart. "I, though so ·nmch younger large, in trees, upon fences and open shEdd ~ttnue the pa.per mul'lt be a.coompanled by · than yon, can teach you as to thi>t, for I a t their own sweet wills. ·' Take me m there-to the steps, Hya. 1e11.rnest " ·uel'lllt due,orth pa.perwll not beatoppAd. 'll'baottbel'B areresponslbleuntl fullpa.yment Is cinth said. ".All is spoken between us that " We.?" Miss Verschoyle uttered the word ~now what love, true and honoura:ble love, A proper home mi.tst be provided for their ~. need be~or ever." . . in a tone of surprise, put her arm about l~." Soe knelt dow?, and, ~laspm~, Hya· winter 'comfort. '.l'his does not prescribe ."~JI is not.spoken; there is. this to say the young girl's shoulder, a.nd said, "Go on, c~nth about the waist, contmued'. Dea.r tha~ the must be ela.borate and expen&A.TES OF A.D'VEUTl!llN'G: ii;~ <1'11111«1 Column rme year ............. $60 oO ~ ~ ;;'; still, he rephed do~gedly, wi~h a savage dear-tell me. Whom do you call, we,?'· sister, you told m~, but I tlnnk that sive. .An expensive po,1ltry house is not .. I n.m afraid "-nervously biting a long when you received all th1~ money tha.t yon necessarily any more comfortable than "' " Ralf year............ 36 00 · lo:; ., look. " ~on shall either promise to marry .. One quarter ...... ·... 20 oo ~ - me or I will go up to Loudon to-morrow shiuin·a tress of her hair and hidin her have m_ade us so happy _with you lo3t would be one of more moderate pretences. sltG.Gtumn one year ...... ......... S6 O~ - - and la~ !he whole before the proper ink ;heek with it-" it' is not wha.~ ou SO;ffiethmg else-soi:nethmg that I couple .As for as we have observed t he cheaper sort ·· Ha.If year ............ _ 20 0 authonti~s; and you know what. the result ~ould call a good match at all. but we l~ve with poor Glynn's ?isappearani;e or" of houses are generally the more comfortable " One quarter ........... 12 /ll) of that will be. I swear, Hyacmth, that I each other very much and he ha.s enouah to The form the girl clasped m her arms l!MtUl' Coluir.n one ye11or ........... 20 00 Most beginners make their first mistake ·· " lla.1 f year ......... _ 12 50 ft wil~ either h~~e you or ruin you. Take your keep me ·a.nd docsu't wimt n. fortun;, he tr~~bled from head to foJt. She went 0!1- iu the matter of buildings- beauty being PUREST, STRONCEST,. BllltST, ·· ·· · One quarter........ 8 00" ho10e now. sa 8 whia ered Lil I know you have not forgotten him; preferred to comfort and utility. What is ~l!Bes and under.first Insertion, \!0 50CONTA IN S NO She sank d_own a.gain upon the cu~hioned Oh do<J~n't he? y.They all aa.y so we n.ud yon could not care for .this_ ma.n-~o, wanted is cheapness, combined with dura· ALUM, AMMONl,A. LI ME, PHOSPHATES, SMJh subseQttent lneertlon ... ,., 0 25se:a.t. She did not speak,, but sat. with her know. 'Come child-tell me the na.~e of you could not l ~o not m~rry h1n;i, darh!1g bility, comfort and convenience. \!lmim rix to ten Uuea, first Insertion 0 75 -or any injurious materials. ·oh subsequent insertion...... 0 35almost . colourless bps. pres_sed tightly ~o- this hero of y~urs.,, -d" ~ot ! ,';>h, believe me, it 1a 1\ sin-a. am, For wintP.r purposes, and to accommodate 10 T ORONTO, ON T. tenlinea,firstinsertlon,perline 0 10 E.W. GILLETT, gether m the sullen res1gn8'.hon of "Well he is a hero-ind eed he is" re· Hyacmth ! . surplus stock, the cheapest possible style of CHICAGO, ILL. & liubseq uent Insertion , " 0 03 Finding that she kept s1Ie;11-t, he c~ntm!l· lied the' irl tears of emotion fillin' her ~he words were .spoken with a.ll the house is all sufficient. Kan'!'r ofthe Cllt.l'lBllA::'ll!lllOYAL YEAS'l' CAillS. 'lr'&e aumber ot lines to be reckoned by : e<l, after~ moment, n<;>t heedmg the light m hlue eyes. g "'He fought through twogcamw:eight that lov~ and mtense earnestness ca.u A safe a.nd cheap one would be a. sort of ·"" ·81u100 occnf.led,,measured by a sea.le ot h?r beautiful ey~s, which ought to haye told pa.igna in Egypt and the Soudn.n in the give; but Hy~cmth's only reply. wa.s to re· "lean to," built ag1~inst the poultry house Non11a.rel · Good News at Home. him that the wild creature before huu was ranks 'as a. common horse-soldier-~ troop· lease herself violently, and, walkmg over to or outbuilding, which could be removed in e!;:::----·~-· _ ..:.__ _ _ _ __ "" not yet, and that from defiance s.he ,, ' the window, she leaned her proud unhappy the spring, or n.s soon a.a the surplus stock DRS. MeL.i.UGULI~ d: BEITD, E. MoRms, E sQ.,-DEAR Srn,-:-1 have might turn to stra.tegy, and so escape him erHyacinth turned a.way her head sharply; face on her a.rll!· , · ha.a been disposed of, aud can be coustl"Uct~l'l'fC!lll :- MORl\IB' BLOCK, BOWM.ANVILLE. after allher lip was quivering her proud face onThe young girls happmess, her love, her ed a.t but little if any expense, especially to reason to speak well of your Dandelion "I shall write a. le~ter to youy father .to- vulsed with emotion. ' The thou ht of ~hat willingness to mako a "ba.d match" when farmers. Liver and K idney Bitt ers. I have been fl)r·.J.W.MOLAUGHUN., Dr. A. BEirH. Gra.du Take any sort of old lumber rails or lopes troubled for 11ome time with my Kidney U~ti.&te of the R?yal a.te of the 'l'orouto. !llorrow, a.s ~soon _!Is this nonsensical aancmg other trooper who had a.lso foug~t but ha.d she could so ea~ily haye good one, Oill9'f;e of Phyaioiane 1s oyer, 1'.6lhng him of our eng&gement a.nd not come home to be called a. her~ rushed fille~ her elder sister with &passi<;>nof en~, and lean them against the building where and a. friend of mine recommended them "'llJ;.d 111 ember of the University, l:'hys1c1an. askmg his c~msent -a. mere form, of course, into her mind. l!'or a. few minutes' she sat of wild regret, of vehement lom~m11; to l~ve you desire the fowls t o r oost, and ba.tten to me and I tried ·them in my case, a nd lftoJ;ml· College or Sur- Surgeon, &,o, -and gtve it to you to _Post or. not, a.a .you speechless a.nd trembling while Lily watch- that on_e eve!'ltful. hour of h~r aga.m, them closely, a.ud that the interior may be found them to work like a charm ; thereCQOIH, Edinburgh. . deem:~est. But y~u will send it, Hyacmth ed her afraid even to c~ress her thinking that, hke this child, she might choose the perfectly comfortable, and frost pr oof, cover fore I have much pleasure in recommend'll you ' was very angry a.nd disappointed. ' "better · p1·rt DR. ~. C, MITCHELL, - Wl . not? Listen to . me' " that she · · " Strugale · o . u s she m1'ght· she with straw and fodder. ·He lifted the paddles mto the ~oat, and "Are i;>u ver vexed dear, I - I could not control her feelings. 5 ,.'f[!:?.if.B!l:R OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS Such a retreat can be built by any one ing them to all persons who are troubled i.Wll .,.nd Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. tried to seize her han~s and kiss them. couldn't hilp being fond of him. Y~u don't '.'Go away !" she cried, with a t.remulons possessed of a. pair of good stout arms and in any way with their Kidnev. ~IJ.e and Resld~nce, Ennleklllen. 7'. Yours truly, But she wrapped them ~n the fold~ of her know how good he is- how much he loves voice. "Go away, and leave me m peace ! legs, and that too, without the outlay of any mantle and burst out, with a loathmg and h ,, You know nothing about me- of what I extreme a.mount of cash! capital, a.ud reJ. J. ~ONES, D, JUJRKE SIMPSON, hatre.d in her voice which were almost mi;.-H~?'ilirret Croft, I suppose? \<Yell, have ~one iu the, or w~n.t I am about quires but little if any mecha.nical ability. Newtonvil'e, May~' 1887. £:RRISTEU, SOLICITOR, &o. MO'PlUS fiendishThe longer these struc tures are made, and · . Lily I thought you had more ambition than to do m the. future. No-wmt. You must !C. ~LOCK 1 up stairs, King Street, Bowmen"Do not ~ouch me, su-do not! ~will that~ You might be a countess if you were not contradict a1>y one who speaks to_you of the thicker they are covered with straw iMI:. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank suffer a.uyth1Dg but that ! If there: is no so minded and et ou foll in l~ve with the my engagement, as I heard you did or fodder, the more comfortable will Ql'11:e.vaw :Uallevs loaned at the lowest rates, other way to sav? myself, a.?d you will not son ot an Irish l~ud!a.aent a. man who is not night. And give your lover clearly to un- lie the fowls. Jack Frost has but little to .John lteith Galbraith, take yayment without for~ml? me to u tter even a la.udowner hi'ms:lf 1 Wh child dersta.nd.tha.t when he takes you he ta~es do about such a retreat, and the birds will 1S'J A\.F.R JSTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY mea.nmglesa . vows to Y.o~, libe it so ; but to wha.t ut such foll into our reft' head? you port10nless ;" and she turned her white come out n.11 right in the spring with nice D ; P"l'.J BLIC, &o. Office-Bouusa.ll'a Bloo,k the degradation of.receivmgwhat ;vou please The Ja.n cannot gfve youya hu~drea a. year face round, hard and defiant, as though she bright red combs and wattles, and will have IC~ · Streat, Bowmanville. Money to lend, to call love 1 'fill never submit- never ! for your dresses ,, interrupted Hyacinth would have said, "Ask me no questions. I contributed their fair share to t he winter's Bring me y~~r letter to-morrow, and set me forcing herself t~ consider what h er siste; sha.l_l do as I please." . . supply of eggs. BOBllJlT A.RJIOlJJI., ashore now. was telling her and indeed deeply dis11opLily looked a.t her silently for a. mnmte ; · 'Hlti'.£lGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER He answered her merely ~y a bow of the pointed at the girl's choice. t~eu, coming to her side a~d touching her POULTRY NOTES. l.'li. ·r Marriage Lleenaes, Ba.rrlster and Attor· head a.a he turned the boats stern toward "F ll ? Oh 't . 't f ]] d . 1,, lightly 011 the arm, she r epliedThere is a tendency among fowls, as ·lll:.ti!!' sot Law and Solicitor In Chancery. MoneY ~~We ~r:·a:f~liy "Well, Hyacinth, you have been ~cry amouganimals, t.o breed backwards. U napproached tor <Q:l.w:Jd on Real Esta.ta. Ofiloe on King street, th~ steps. .He was the victor-he could plea.d~d l,ily ex'c i~eJ1y'. 811wru&nvl1le, afford to sensible- just as if we were not in love at good to all of us, dear, and I have no n ght During we.rm weather lice in the poultry Tone and Quality. They landed and walked along ~he t er- all We discussed everything His father to expect anything, although, from what house will b·eed with a.mazing rapidity. WILLIAM WIGHT. CATALOGUES FREE. ra.ce together, no other :word passmg bde- wa'nts him to.take some of the 'agency work you h~ve always, I did expect. you to The best and moat uatura.l floor for a hen. iCENSED AUCTIONEER for the tween them; and. five mmi:tes af~erwn.r s and live in an old old house a.ll covered a.ct . differentl.y. I .know Garr et .w.ill take he saw her waltzmg dreamily. with Lord with ivy-a.s old a.s' this Garret say~ but !Ile ID my pla.1;11w_hite gown as w illingly as house is bare ear th, if it can dry i.nd County of Durham. Orders left at the 'el:Al.<lmMAN office or forwarded to Tyrone P.O. Avenmore, a.s ca.Im, as beautiful, as con- not so large- close by the Nore-the' dear tf I brought him rt~hes ; a.nd-and-I hope hard. ~ roceive prompt attention. 28:6m temptuous of a.11 a.bout her as she .was befor.e Irish river that father used to tell us of.,, - I do ho~? you will be as ha.ppy a.s I know :!fresh bones from the butcher shop, pound· she ha.d passed through the terrible experi"But living beside the Nore in an old I sha.11 be. ed fine, are superior t, the commer cial bone S. (), BIJNKING, house- somethin like what the Gran e Sh~ pa.used, but there was no answ:er. meal. ence of the past hour upon the lake. ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR "How wonderfully successful women are b f I gt l"ttl 'tgI Hya.cmth stood close to the closed portion Poor shelter, bad care a.ud feed, " will, in 1· tl . f li '" h uttered was e ore speu a. i e money Oil i ' f h l . d . d h f h d d · t'lle County of Durham. Sales attended · e m · · sup ose-won't a. for our hats a.nd owns o t e att1ce wm ow, er ore ea presse n. few generations, make scruba of the finest "1·- ·sttortest notice a.nd lowest rates. Addreas m concea. mg ie1r ee ugs · VETERINARY SURGEON, no ~ui.tter what f~ncies against the glass, her a.rm hiding her face. blood stock. ma.king his way to the supper-room, bemg a.nlgloves chi!~ Y :fJl'l~l'C·lll I.'. Q, 36;tf s~rely in need of a.gla~s of brandy to br~ce you have ~bout and you could do so The gi!l kis.sed the. white neck, and then, Fowls seldom tire of mil&. They may ~at his nerves after this victory that was so hke h bette ,, "d H . th l'ttl h after lmgermg a. mmute or two longer left h f h A GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO d f t "B t f d f ·er muc r, sat yacm n. i es a.rp- h d · ' . too muc grain or meat or their hea.1t , u or eve_ry wor -a.y, or C\ Y ly. "How could you manage on seven t e room, sorely perpl~xed a.n sad m spite but milk in any fot·m is palatable and Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinar1 t..1- .e very man who buys his License from e e:i. · scornful look of to-mght she shall kneel to h d d "th 'd h of her own urea.t ha.ppmess healthy. 9'.IWNR.Y SYLVESTER, Ennlskillen, College, Member of Ontario Veter ' 'd k rdon with bitter tears " un re a. year. wi no ma.i ' no orses, ff . th l ft l t · d t"ll f me a.n as my pa . . · · turning your dresses yourself and getting · · ~ a .one, s 00 ·8 1 or some I k h' k · B 'Id inary Association, will attend , Then, ha.vmg steadied hims~lf with bi:n.nyour boots by a country' shoemaker ~", not hatemng to her sister's retreatt pays to eep c ic ens ID town. ui .Pianos Tuned.and Repaired. I t o all diseases of domestic d;r, he went back to the ball-room to. a.polo"I know wnat overt is· I have not fo~- ing footsteps, or thinking of her at all, but a small house and yard. P ut in a. do:llen animals. gize to a. forgot~en partner, and whispered gotten the Grange'f! . Bu£he 'wm not be very plunged once m~re into her own deadly gr~ef. good fowls and they will amply repay you A.R.TIJ!:S WISHING rnEIR PIAN OS the newd. of h1~ engage?1ent ~hrough t~e poor, a.ud-oh Hy11ocinth I shall have him Sudd enly she raised both her hands attd cried for the a.nd feed. fined or repa.1rea oa.n have thom attendo· room-a piece of i~ormat10n which, whe~ it and that is better than ~ll the finery in th~ a.loud. · The freshest eggs are the heaviest, and l'll.J" leaving word .at the DOMINION ORQAN reached. Garret !Jrof.t, almo:st ~truck him world, because we love other !"- and "Yes, I have decided; I will go as he when placed in a pa.u of water w ill sink to ~ OllTIOE, Bowmanvllle A flrst-olas man A SPECIALTY. .-....dumb with surpnse. the girl's beautiful face reflected the love went, where none shal~ know m~. I ~ill .he bottom at once. Older eggs will sink ~ JMIDR In their em11lo; that was in her young heart. not wed tha.t ma.u ~ - I will not so sm a.gam~t partly, whil e stale eggs will float ou top. Calls and Orders by mail or telegraph.CHAPTER X. llo! Gentlemen o:t Fash· will receive prompt attention. Hyacinth looked a.t her sister with envy myself. And I .will not bear t~e public A Canadian fancier says carrier pig\)ous · a wa.11 of in her eyes· but she only s1'ghed deeply a.nd shame. f I stand m n. dock, and th witness the intended for exhibition should not be flown CHARGES· M ODERATE. Au open latticed window, Ret m f th d th t · h ion, not so t·a si. great t hickness, with ivy and climbing roses turned a.way her head agony 0 my a er an mo · er, e rmmp after one year old, as it somehow seems to OFFICE HOURS, 8 TO 10 A. M. on the outside, and a. dainty lace curtain "You despise such .things, I know," Lily enemies! 1'.lever l I will ~o ~way. I keep ~he beak and eye wattle from fully deA llrat·claas stock or Medicines always fhve w rltte" th.,re few lines, within, draped back with a broad ba.nd of continued, after a pause, only seeing that will st~ud ov_er hrs and ~e I him that I velopmg. on hand. .~od Rll l hav" to say · p(l.le blue ribbon, revealing the interior of a. her sister looked very pa.le and stern, and I love h 1 !11· anil a.~k hun to torgive me. ~et A lump of alum in the drinking water N. B.- Will visit Williamsburg every 't'lllhtllit Jou can tlud me still at home, Iow-ceiled square room furnished with the never guessiugthn.t her words were wounding who. will have the !noney ; .whether I hve will gr eatly assist in purifyin·g it and pre- Saturday of each week. 16-ly i:i~t/!1':iudeo~~~:i."ends may.oome, · lighest and airiest of sa.tiu-wood chairs and her most cruelly; "but-forgive me, dear or die, I s~a.ll be do~.~g for his memory only vent ing cholera, though it is not given as a A 11d all the young ones, too, tables, the prettiest of chintz-covered sofas, Hyacinth~does wee.Ith make one happy what he did for me· cure. Being cheap and ii.exp ensive, it IMPORTANT TO A.LL 4&.m'l ~et their garments nloely made the brightest of rngs and embroidered Per· after all? Ask yourself.' (To BE CO:'<TINUED. )· , - should be med extensively. \?(/:er~s:i_!f~~J~~n':.r:, ~::r:~rlet1de. may meet siau ma ts upon the sombre floor, its sunny "My wealth has done a. great deal for Suuflower seed is liable to heat when Who ar:,~a~~~ot~~~bl~d~lil 0Jo.~d%iiair, or A welcome greeting, by R. l'EATE. painted walls gay with water-colourdmwiuga, you, and for my broth~rs, and for my . " thrashed a.nd p laced in a pilµ. '!'he safest - -and mirrors set in wreaths of china pi.nk fa ther an~ mo ther. Thmk of the squat. Good Sleepeis. way of keeping it for fowls is to cut oft the and g ilt roses, cont casting strongly with or ~nd ~leery tha.t we were all brought Dunug the long days of summer the Rus . flo wer heads '~hen the seed is t·ipe, o.ncl pile II I j_ · its low heavy ceiling with one gr e11ot beam up i'?-- tlunk of our mother, ragged and sia.n peasants live almost without sleep, I it loosely till t hrown to the fowls. Some who have fed fish to hens claim of polished a nd carved oak supporting it, its penmless-of o~rselves, a.nd the contempt except that which they snatch at odd moblack floor a.nd its little square window we were held m-a.nd thmk of the Grange I meuts -at meal-time especially Nat umlly th t th fl h f th f 1 d t ! ' h 11 l k 'd f now ! Money is not to be despis d L'I " ' l ' . f ·1· . f 11' · l a a fishy e es taste. o e'Ve ow s an ,errfreely eggd .A" overlooking t e su en a e outs1 e- or . . . e .' l y, t iey acquire a aci 1ty m a. mg :i.s ccp any- hM'e have fed fish there were so mt\ny shadows of hi"'h walls said Hyacmth, with a tremulous voice. where and Mr ltobert Bremner gives a t f · th · d t" d ~ 0 1s rn e sprmg, an newir no ice a ~ . trees ab out " No .' · but it Is not ha.PP!ness. · Th ere are ra.t1 . ·. sketch of their . perform- ba.d o ow and towers and grea.t I>ranch mg · ier· enterta1mng flavor Cook t he fish before fdecliug it that only n. little strip of Haughton water thmgs it ?annot bny- thmgs dear er a.ud a.nces in that line, in his "Excunions in · , · . · )Ir could sparkle in the sun as other lakes do. more precious even th&n the pleaaure of the Interior of Russia.." Sl)lne of our nuOne of the best? as well as -h;- simr:iJeqt The lady sitting silent, and motionless in benefiting one's family !l'nd aidi?g people in merous sufferers from insomnia ma.y well processes I have tned!11 est1c use, is to 1 · 1 the cushioned window- ~eat kept her eyes !1eed- a.s Y<?U do, ~yacmth-tlungs belong- re:i.d it with envy. Poverty and bard grea~e the eggs thorough!) w1th,1ard. E".er.Y a.u fixed upon the lake below. A dainty t ea.· mg to our IDner lives- that money cannot manual l abor h ave a t some compen- pa.rt should be to~ched, oiud ~o maure this 1t (!J service stood on a little blue Ia.cquered table g!v? us," urged Lily, cla.api'.lg her ha.n.da a.nd sations. ma.y be best to dip t he eggs m to the mdted C ~ H A R. N DE NJ L · D · 8 · near her; but, except that she pushed it givmg vent .to thoughts wh~ch she did not What stuck us most in regard to these lard. · . . Graduate of the Royal College ct Dental away impatiently when the servant who know were m her heart until that moment slumbering scenes was the suddenness w ith · ~here are two va.n ehea of g~meo.s domesRurgeons. Ontario. brought it in had lef t the room, she took called t~em forth. · which the men fell into r epose. Some people I tic~ted, the common, or spec~led,_ and ~h! <( OFFICE OPPOSITE E XPRESS OFFCE. no more notice of it than she did of Hyn.cmth etood up, 11oud with a. couute- said to be able to command sleep the white, th? fatter not so well know_ , be1~1 0 '{} OLD FIIJLIN G A SPECIALTY the clustering roses about her window, nn.nce which all her efforts could not com· moment they court its favors; and the coll!p~r11tivel:f new: There ~re s?vero.l wild I.LI or of a. groupe of young women who were pose ?eg:i.n to walk up and down her pretty Russian peasant would seem to have t he v~riet161!, their native country bPmg North- Q: MTIFICI.AL TEETH INSERTED WITHOUT sitting a.nd lounging a bout the terra~o below mormng·room. same power, for he is asleep a.s soon as his 1 em Africa.. . · ... PLATES. her, discussi11g the ball of the night be: : re. "You right." ahe, more as if she tools thrown down. I .A F.r ench ~emedy for dipht h.e rm among One moment of the hour is given I fowls ts t o. m.1x to~ethet turpentme o.nd t~r, Great Reductions in price on all Dental They and theh· half-silly, half-spiteful gossip were ~mmunin~ with her own heart tha.n W ork. Vitalized air, constantly lu use pro· did not concern Hyacinth. She was think· a.nswermg her sister's words. "I have spent to a scanty meal (o.n onion a.nd a. piece of a.ud blJ;rn it m a tig ht where tho di~· Will be found invalut<lile !or the balr and scalp, ·'<lacing Painless Operations. Partioular atten ing of the life she had led for the past five my wealth, not simply on myself and dainty rye-bread need but little carving ) and all eased fowls are temporarily confined. It IS Jt cleanses tile scalp of all Dn.ndrutr, invigor· llif<Jn paul to the r egulation of Children's Teet n h t , t t 0 d · k · , claimed that the tenacious membrane be- ates the growth'. or th e halr". and in o!lseH of Year s looking upon it as some th mg done fan cies in lace and oruameuts but upon the r est is be8 to ed 'o _..ALL WORK WARRANTlW.-.. · makmg · ' w their nw a. ' ll(X rm l et e cl ' :i.nd a cure . i~ · u. t once e f· roots baldness whPre Lhero are tho slightest signs of with ' for ever, divided from her future by ers-tn others happy. I ha:--e ing, seems to be favorittl dissipation. comes c lefL it will produce good crops o( hair. JJ3unch office. Dr. Rutherford's Orono. her husband's grave m the desert. lighte ued the heavy b~rden of p~verty m The positions they choose for this purpose te~ed. . · d . k ~t restorea grey hair to its or!glna.l color, and f h f ·l She sat with her head bowed and her many homes ; I given a helplllg ha.nd are often most surpr ising. Where a piece ! co~vcment ve,se1. or t. e ow s_to. rm is a.n exc!'ll<'nt; . - -- - - ---- -· -- ·--- -- ·-- - l:;ands lightly chi~ped thinking planning to many a strugglin g young man a.nd wo- of p eme t i· d. ·. · d d l out of 1s made by aawlllg off about six m ches DO. ~Or DELAY. it your hair is in a weak . . . · ' , I h d . . av n s uu er repan , 1u a crow e f th t f . k t t' condition get" bottle at once. resolvmg, until a qmck tap at the door a.nd men ; a.vo ma. e the dechnmg of street, yo11 may see them ~leaping among 1 ° e op 0 ~ D!ll1 . eg mg a coi!1· ]'or sa le by J, HIGGINBOTHAM & SON. a sweet bright voice demanding admission many smooth and peaceful, and I have done the stones a.ud mud, liable to be run over : m?n basm ID i t. T he n~n of the bo.srn and all druggists, Ask tor it. roused her from her wretchedness. it a'.l ~o secretly that ev.~u you knew little ' by t he first wheel will JUst ~n.p ~:e~ the edge r,, the keg, and· A. DORENWEND, - Sole Manfr. "Hyacinth dear, may I come iu ? I sent of it. Bu t I - mysel.f - she paused, and j A droschky-ma.11 falls a.sleep standing by I the coutnvanc . ts elevat~d eno_u keep TORON'l'O CANADA . you up some rea.. Did yo~ drink it? Did fixed her eyes on he~ sister 's face;-" I ; his horse's shoulder, and leaning his head !bet fowls from Ecratchmg dut mto th A. Dorenwend iA the· leadinit m'anufaoturer it do your head any good ? ' not known a.n hours real h11opp1ness smce 1 on the poor animal which never moves an :va er. of Bair Goody in Ca"adu "Yes, Lil; and you may come in;" and my ?ucle's death." j ea.r for fear of diatu~bing him. In short, a. 1 Roup may.gener ally be t:ac~d to want ot . ·-·- - - - -- - -H yacinth put aside the thick tresses tha.t Ltly mad e no reply ; she was always n. Russia.n s!Peps iuevery attitude and onevery cleanlmesa, improper ventilation or undue hung across her shoulder and looked towards · little afraid of her r ich and be11.utiful sister; kind of bed, - sitting or eta.udlng,- on the e~posure., and the poul tryr_nau who has pro- . ; ,' , the door. ~ud this mor~inp t here was a subt le ch~·!ge top of duni{-co.rta, or perched on a load of vid~d aga.m st theee rn rc?'8ouabl y safe ., ' J..ily enter ed at once, dressed in cream. m the elder g irl s m~nne! an:l Jook wmch . stones. , th e ro:iii· B~t it so1~e ~11'.1:-u hap~ens WITtl T IU; rn. Wifl'l'v' r TntlTa white moroing·costume, and with a wide· alarmed her, and which, Ill spite of herself, ! Sometimes the post which he takes up that the cauee is obscure au~ clif~cult to lincl. Has commenced a.t the r 1W' 1 "D WI" 'M' brimmed hat set on her golden head looking , she connecter:l with a rumor that had been is still more dange rous. \Ye h ave seen Iu such cases the wants of .he t°":'ls shou~d ·,IJ o A.U. .n. JU. .W. · ' as sweet and fresh as one of the ros;s swing· 1floating from lip t o lip among the guests 1 md , work men stretched on t he r idge of some b~ car~fully looked a:her, a nd a. little tome PRACTICAL DENTIST, ing in the sunshine outsid e. house-party .th~ night before, and to which roof which they had been repairing ; and g!ve~ m tho foo~, with a few drops . of')VlllR TWKN'l'Y Y&AR H lllXPKRilllNOlli, "How well you are looking ! Dancing 1 -wh~n Amir~m~ly to h er- she passing a.long the quays, you ma.y see them , ni~e i~ the \rate · t h p l W Id . ··t ro11110JtldeGHA.dmtntS1er ectrorratntet , all night seems to be good for you. Did ha.d g iven an u:d1g?:i.ut <lem~l. She hardly , a.t a.ny time soundly a.sleep on t he nar row "T~ ca.~~s o r~up, I e ou tr~ d o [ sayi8' ti you have a. pleasant time child?" asked to ment10n it ; she did not tor a· mo- where if they turn but from the , e 1 sease ~ow s, separa e rom t rn 0 · pera ons. , liya.cinth, with some a.ppea.:a.nce of inter est . I ment believe it. She tried not to attribute , right aide to t.he left, they have not au r est, should be given comfortable quarter.a Q CU'FICE · · KtJCl.IT XG A BI.OCI. "Oh, yes I- I was ne\' er so happy in all Hyacinth's present uncontrollabl~ ~gitation ~ inch to save them. from rolling into the 1'nd be properly t reated. Perhap~ as sens~- I my life- never!" answered the girl; and to what s he had heard, but the ~1rl s hea.rt , deep rive r below. hie a treatment as. any would be lirst of a.I 1 then, blushing very much, she sat down be- sank 0;s she watched her sister s tall form I 1.'hey may even be seen fast asleep in the I t? ca.nae them to rnh!.'le the fum~s of creso· side her sister and was silent. sweepmg r est lessly to a.nd fro in the room · sun 011 the narrow edge of a. loade<l barge : lme; then to ope? the bowels. with a good "I wonder you are not tired of it all. a nd something seemed to whisper1uea.r the strongest pa.rt of the stream . yet ! dose ot castor. oil; after which. ke"p t h.e This cla.ncing and tennis-playing and dress"It may be true." . 80 Sflund is their repose that though 'you eyes and no~tnls '."'a.shed out witn ?h.lon -, iug a.nd flirting cannot always please you. "Of course you must go t o the Gran~e at watch t hem till t heir short hour is out, you 11,a ted soda dilut~d m wate~, and o.~mm.ister , Are n ow m and are w ell a~sorted. W& Y ou have been out three years, L il; and once,, and Croft mus~ follow yo~ or. wnte- 1will not see t hem move limb or feature. , German lto~p Pills .accordmg to directions. ha ve t hem from the Chea.pest to you know cho ohj ect of being ou t is to thitt 1s the proper thmg to do, Hyo. - Tell the peasant of his danger in t hns e:x:. ; A t ow drop, of te ma.y be. add~d uo th_e . . stopping bes~de a pretty satin - '. posing himself, remonstrate with him on d:r:mk. If a. fowl i· in this ~ar 1t the very Fmeat Grade. Are prepared to pay the hig hest price a. good establis hment. D o I need to r e. cinth at l~st · mind vou ~ · ·-and Hyacinth smiled half wood escritoire, a.nd seernmg to turn eveu ' liis rashness, and he will not understand will recoverfrom th:i ~oup , if the case 1s cur· , -all kinds of Grain delivered a.t tlle . bitttJl'i), half wearily. p11.ler than ·before a.s she spoke. ".And I . you. H e does not know wh at fear is ; his able.. Hut no medicm e and uo syste :n of Yes, ' agreed Lily; "I- tho.t is -- " m ust go too." fatalism 1111~kes him careless of life. tr~at1?g ca.n cure every case of :;oup. Som" ' Wha.rf or their Store Hou se in town. She stopped hesitatiui;r. " You, Hyacinth?" will d te, do whatever you ma.y. · ; " And yo~ have had good offers," contin· "Yes i I - read that," She opened the ' ued the other, as though s uddenly a.n. ...:ious ?esk beside her: took .l\n unclosedletterfrom Under Water. In Fine Condition. t o see the g irl settled. 1t, a.ud handed it to Lily . . . Lily wondered a litt le a.t her sister's tone, . The girl rea.d it, noting the name sprawl- . " B~en .~ookmg a.' t he Th1s-shle, Mrs, Maid (to mist ress)- Ja.mes, the footmen, Or we will umk(} sou a. Suit or Overcr at When B"by was sick, we ga-ro her Co.etor!a a.nd then, taking off her large hat and sho.k- mg ha.If ~cross the fo~t of th? page, then S ii;:pkms. , . , s~ys, mu,m, n.s w hat ~" caugh t cold last t hat will excel an othor House ing all her golden hair about her blushing looked with a.u expr ession of mmgled horror ~t t nec?ssn.ry ~o ge.t soak~ng wot mgh~, a.n has a. we~y s tiff neck. · . Y When ahe was a Child, she cried for Casto~a, face saidand bewilderment into her sist er's face, lookmg at the Thistle, Simpkms. Yon had I Mist ress- Tell him to have the carn age m To1vn. So call upo n When she beollllle MiM, she clang to Co.storia, "I -I-w~nt to t to you about t lat which was deadly pa.le and c11olm, and ex· 1au overcoat and umbrella." ! at the door, Marie, in h!Llf an hour. I have When ·ho hlld Ohililro111 oho guo ;holll Caatona. dear ,, ' claimed" They wa'n't of mush ushe. Got a. bet : some shopping to do. (Turning to dn.ugh · "Do you? Why, who is smitten now? "That ma.n- that bad man !" <>nth' Thi,a-shle, 'n I ;:vanted t' shee how she 1 ' ter)-·For 011ce, ~y dear, I think J ames will · · 'Not Lord Avenmore, or little Mark Ponsen" Yes, that man, my dear. It seems looked un er we.sher. be able to _h o~d his head as I have endeavorby? Mt·. Ponsenby's awfully rich." . ed 119 him to. FOR YOUR CLOTHING. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN M. LOVE'S TRIUMPH. I I r. I. .. 0 f .· 1 " ·- - - --'----- - L BELL &co.] Guelph, Ont. ENNISKILLEN, L F. A. JONES, it; P Operations & Dentistry ii@ ·----- ----- s: :f I j D E N 'T I sT Ry ' D DQRENWE:--,NDJ s r Z 0 Cl': 3: ... :::c: I I fi- c C!J 0 -.. l> I I I I I I I FALL BUSINE ss ur Fall Cloths, Furnishings, Hats and Caps B J AC 0 BE Ec1 · BH 1ps o usH · G R A I N ' Jno. lVIcMurtry & Co. I I" Reaa~ Ma~e Suits from $1.50 up Overcoats from $2 up, I I I w H IvEs Children Cry for Pitcher's Caetorla~