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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1887, p. 7

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········-···=· -··l!llll'lll!llllllllllllllllllll_ll~w~au'!l.~·-~-~1~·!! .'.'!~· '··--!!-----·--------·-·-···-·.!!!._______________ ~------------ __!£!1 ~tood there like a figure cut in snow, for lier kirtle was all of white seme, and her l11dr was as a cloud fallen round about her, 1Vhen she saw my lady she drew in her lireath with a. sharp sound, and set both WEDNESDAY, OCT. 12, lSSi. 110.nds against her bosom. And she bend· .,d forward from her loins and listened, 1mt in none otherwise moved she. And Time -A bitter Janu:try n'ght in the y·nr of Grnce lOGO. 111y lady went on ; "To-morrow I will ste ScMe.-· Suuderidgc Castle-The great hall-A moustrous fire burning jn the big fireplace-Nurse Crumpet . Lhee free~! do swear it. vVith the rising discovered aeuted on a oettle-at her e'ther knee lean the little Lady Dorothy and her brother, the ~ oung .Karl of Sunderidge, Lord Humphrey Lennox. . o' th' morrow's sun thou shalt be free as CATARRH.-A new treatment dis· air. Only speak to me now. Only speak oovl'red whereby a p ermanent has curebeen or this h!tberto incurable disease, is absolutely affect· Afterwhile she saith almost in a whisper, 1a cry exceeding sorrowful and bitter, so that to me now. Just once, Ernie-just once." the Largest and best .Assortment on hand ed In from one to three applications, no matt~r h f With one spring Mistress Marian was whether standing one year or forty years. This "But thou needst not go?" my ear t roze to 1 ieat .it. · upon her, and had pinned he1· arms to her , All tbe New Styles. 7 remedy is only applied \'nee in. twelve da:\"s, He said, "Darling, how dost thou mean?" " v\ oman I woman I was it for this sides. And the two women stood and gazed and does not interfere with business. Descrip· And she whispered more low and said, " 1 I gave thee my fair name to cherish? a very large variety, but ~ t!ve pa.mphletsent free on receipt. of stamp by · h h h · to 0 · f h ' th t I t · into each other's faces, with their throats .'I., R. Dixon & Son, 305 Kmg st.r eet. West will fbO wit t ee tot e new continent · r was it or t . ts a pu my name Ill· stretched forward, as serpents stretch their , South. Sea Seal and Pe:ra:ian morrow, and there we can live the rest o' our to thy keeping ? Oh, child, listen while d T;ironto, Cana a.. throats ere springing upon each other. Laml take the lead. WBA'l' 1s CATARRH1 days in peace and love," And she broke out t here is yet time ! 'iVilt thou with thy own M' f fi d Catarrh is a dangerous which tpous· all at once wilder; than ever : "Ernle ! hands take his manhood from . thy husband istress JY arian spake rat, an her ands are consciously or unconsc10usly,autfer m!l . h h h , p . I voice was as a voice that I had never .h eard, all the latest improvements-a veYJl 1 trom. It 18 a muco·purulcnt dischar!j'e c_ansed Ernie! take me! I will go with thee! Iw111 to crag it t roug t e mire. atience, as and she said, "So this is the truth, then?" choice and varied stock to ch~ by the presence of a. vegetable p,aras1te m the leave father, and mother, aud home, and have shared thy chiidhood, a.a I have loved l\1y la.dy said no word, but her eyes were lln!ng membrane of the nose. Ihe predispo~· country, and friends, and King for thee! and cherished thy girlhood, as I have held fl from, . In~ causes are a. morbid state of the blood., the Only go not to war! go not to war. thee in my arms as bride and wife, give me a ame. bhghted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison He said but two words back of his teeth; back my honor while there is yet time. Oh, And Mistress Marian gazed on her for an ?l syrhilis, mercury, toxomoo, f~om the rcten· instant more, then dashed her aside, and tion of the effete matter of tho skm, ~uppressecl "I must!" and then again, "I I" my wife! my darling I" And I heard him turned toward the cave. But when he looked a t her for answer, lo I sobbing like a little lad. perspirations, badly-ventilaied el eepmll. apar.t· A magnificent selection good and cheap. Call early for first cboic!t,;. ments and the germination or otbe':' i'. 0' 50ns m she had· swoooed away. At that sound she put both hands over "Ernle," she said, " heart. I will the blood. Irritated by these. tbe hnmg mem· h d d h f k' set the free-I, Marian I" But ere her hand brane of the nose is eve~ roady . r?r the,recep. He was to set forth in two days after the, er ears, an starte to er eet, 1oo · mg did touch the bolt, my lady was upon her tion or the parasite, which rap1d1y epr~ads,up morrow; and on the morning of tht\t day, from right to left like a hunted thing, and I like a little tiger, a.nd she wound her hands the nostrils and down the faucee, or back ot behold ! we could not believe our own eyes could bear it no longer, but leap ed forward on hand. Prices very reasonable. :~: !~~~:~ti~!~s~~:~~e~~~;~fn~f j~~f~~?~~~:~ for astonishment when we an· the Lady Pa- and fell on my knees before her, and grasped ~~a:~sir~:~ e{!:::~. thick tresses, and ro""ing in the vocal cords, causmg hoa1 seness, tience step quietly forth, composed and gen- · her kirt le with both hands. I could scarce And they rolled over and over on the GENTS' FURNISHINGS AND UNDERWEAR, A COMPLET£~ rumrping the proper structure of tb.e b~onch11i/ tie, tli.ough very pale. She saith good-mor- / speak for tears, but with all the strength ground, even as do men when they fight, tUb'1S ending in pulmonary consumpt ion an row to every one, and after a while she doth that was in me did I plead with her to draw Display. Shirts, Socks, Gloves, 'fies, Braces, Studs,. death sliphera.rmthroughherhusband'sarm,and back the bolt, butshe would not. Now to saying no word from first to last. 'l'he Buttons, Mits, Rubber Co'1ts, Umbrellas, etc. Ma~v ingenious speiilcs for fort.he cure 01 horror of it smote me tha.t I fell down upon catarrh have been invented, bnt w1_thou~ suo· saith she, "Come fo-: a walk Ernle; I have this day when I do think of the fool that I my knees and was dumb, Now my little ·1" physi'cian of long standmg discov· much to say to thee." So they started forth to- was, not to run without her knowledge and t1 pai~ creessd,tuhne e x~act n· t i re ot th diseaee and the now Mistress Marian. ~Furs e ~ 1 d t gether. Now I, fearful of many things, did bring the old lord, thy grandfather, or bide ladv was uppermost, . only applia.noe which will permanent1Y e~ igy follow at a little distance~ As they walked my time and unbar the door when she had And had not my lady been stron~ with desthe parasite, no matter how afl;gra.vate e pair, Mistress Marian could a mastered case. Sufferers sbould send stamp at onoe she besought him agitin that he would take gone, it seems as though I mnat he.te myself her 0 , th' instant. But she fought like a l'i' eado' Block, Bowmanville. M.MAYER. tor descriptive pamphlet on. ca.tar~~· S to ~i~ her and set sail for the ne.v continent. And for evermore. But a.s I pleaded with her, sh e-wolf brought to bay, with teeth and business mane.i:ers, .A., H, Dixon "" on, when again he told he how that it could all at once t h ere was something cold against King street, west, Toronto, CanadR. l not be, she fell down upon her knees before my throat, and I seemed to know that talons too, and 'twas almost as though two What the Rev. E. B. S tevenson, B ..A., a CMertvh11 d d d of a size had to11ght there. Howbeit, with man of the I,ondon Conference of the e o him, and clasped him with her arms, an 'twas a dagger, an the stee1 cowc me, as dd M' t M . fl dist Church of Canadci, has to say in 1'C1J<J:!d she said : " lf thou dost not love me, let it doth sometimes cow strong men, and I a su · en move, is resa armn ung my · To .A.H. Dixon&: Son's New Treatme?·t 'or me be the first to die by thy sword. Slay stirred not , neith er spoke I a word more. ln.dy down, and set her knee upon her, and Catarrh. me, as I kneel, for the love I bear thee." Her face was over me, like a white flower h eld her, a.nd looked from side to side as 1883 Oaklans, Ont., Canada, March 17' He "Patience, Patience, thou wilt in the purple dusk, but her eyes bright and though at a loss, and my lady's strength was Messrs .A H Dixon &: Son: d A d , h k , fast failing. DEAR, siRs:-Yours of the 13th Inst. to ban · break mine heart." terrib1e. n w nen s e spo e, twas not When I saw tha.t, I could bide still no And she, st1'll kneeling, d1'd cry out with my little lady's voice, but rather the voicu e , ·!most too good to be true that I am It sreeedmor"cQst·rrb.I hut I kno. w that I am. 1 lon~H, to Mistress Cu ~ .,...,., d ever a wild voice : "1hey lied who named me, j o' a fiend. And she said. .,,,,. . butbran forward, . h crying h have had no return ot the drnease, e.n n 8 tor in an ill hour wa.s I born, and I . " Swear that thou sayest nothing of all iu.aria.n to e gent1e wit er. telt better in my life. I have tried heo 1:i r~~ h Id She answered but these words, " Nurse, things !or Catarrh, 2 uffered so muc . an · not patience to support it ! I thought that this to man, or to woman, or to c i , e1se t k ff . dl d b' d th I d , a e 0 my gir e a.n m Y a Y8 80 many years, that it is hard to realize tha. thou did st love me, and Jo ! thou lovest will I kill thee as thou kneelest. " I am really better. b d se· H the husband of another wom~n more than And I knew that for the time she was hhands witihd it." Andd thbere was that in I consider that mine was a .ve,~Y ~ !Cl!. the thou lovest lDA t" mad, and would kill me even as she had er voice not iso ey. So . 1 bound was aggravated and chronic,.invc v ng d 1 my ln.dy 's hands, she saying never a word, hroat as well r as the nasal pe.sse.ges. an He bent to lift her up, groaning,- but she said, did I not swear. So I did take that d h th . dl f k tt d M ' thouµ;ht it would require the three ;tiea.tment~ would not; whereat he trembled from head fearful oath, coward as I wa.e, and to this an w en e gir . e was ast no e · isbut I feel fully cured by the tw.o sent me. .and to foot, and she shook with hi9 trembling clay am I a craven when I think on't. tress Marian helped her gently enough to I a.m thankful tha.t 1 was ever mdueed to sen as the leaves of a tree when the shaft is When I had sworn, she turned from me as rise, and biddmg me have a. o' her, 50 -/g~·are a.t libert·y to use this letter etat!nd g smitten by lightning. And she cried out though t here were no such woman in all the tdurne~ anhd drew back the bolt from the . a G od m · that I have been Cured at tw o treatments. an again, an d said , " As t h ere 1s k earth , and went once more t·o th e d oor o , oor , tJ t e cave. , I shall gladly recommend your remedy to some heaven. thou dost not love me, an thou th' cave, and called his name-" Ernie!" 'Ihe 1ast light 0 the sun fell Ji e a. goldDf my friends who are sufferers. , f ,, d h d 'd , Th' en lance a.cross the threshold, a.nd across · Yours with many thanks, canst go to war and leave me to die o' grie . He answere straig tway, an sat ' IS I d h th f d 'th ' REV. E, B. STEVENSON Then, as though 'twas torn from him, he · once will I speak to thee, but if thou dost my or as 8 1e.y ere, ace own, WI And hundreds of others burst forth, " Now as there is a. God, thou not unbar the door o' th' instant. I will his bands against the sill 0 ' th' door. · h th · dost not love me, to torture me thus l" nev,·r hol d speec ll wit .ee agarn, nor . And " she H stooped h h f · down d f over k him, , f sayd " 0 And all a t once she was "uiet. So he touch as much as t h e hem of thy garments, mg, at ainte or 1ac 0 00 · but I knew that there wa.s both wine and bread i' th' And shece.lled his name, ' stooped and lifted her, aud ca.lied her his by the living God!" . "bride," and his "wife," and his "de.rl"She said; "I cannot l I cannot! But b h h' H6Brecelved hor new stock ot ing," and his ,, heart's blood," and more oh! say not such dre11.dful words. We will ut e was sileat. And she called LID d b r I k 1 h and again. And at the bade me come wild, fond, foolish names than at this ay e happy. ' Tie for that eep t iee ere. to her side, and when we had turned him , I ce.n remember. 'Twas near sundown, and Speak to me ! Ernle ! Ernie I Ernie I npon his side 80 that his face was toward and invites the Ladies of Bow :~:td::~~~g~~.wt~ ~lllsr~~~·re ?a~~:~::~~ ~~~~~ !ju~a~n~ee l~'hy love once more ! Just us, behold, he we.s dead. But Mistress v1 'c1'n1'ty to ca}) streak of light, like a golden ribbon.. And But she might a.s well have plead at the away." Marian, saith again, "He hath swooned manvl And she put her h and upon his p tt the brown clouds above a.nd below it were door o' a tomb for all the answer she got. brow, but no sooner did she touch it than h d an See er a ern like locks o' hair made wanton by the wind, Again and again she called him, but a dead she cried out at its coldness, and shook t he which· it as a fillet did seek to bind. But man speaks more than spoke her lord. And d d · h f · i ey t'wain walked ever on, till by-and-by ea man 10 er renzy, cry ng, th . at last she sprang to her feet, and rushed "Ernie I Ernle ! thou art free! Wake ' and sssortment ot they neared that ca~e o' which I did tell away into the darkness toward the castle, man! thou a.rt free I" . ye. As they came Ill front o't my lady and I a.fter her. . I said : "Mistress, mistres8, for love of turned, smiling piteously, "Ernle," saith And when I was entered in by a side God ! Dostthounot sec thatneitl-.erthou she, "wilt thou go with me into the cave door, aud bad changed my apparel and nor e.ny other can wake him more?" and kiss me there, that when thou art gone gone forth to in quire after- her, lo I she was Thereat she fell back upon her knees, = -==·= = ·== -~-= -~= =-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-== ======-:===~~~==-=-=-=== -=-~=--==-=-= -= =-= -=·= ···~ l!TOJlE 1-SeeondDoor West of Wllllam· l may come hither and think 0 ' thee?" ravinir as with fever, and all they, her leaning upon one arm, And she said, "Dost Stall And h e said, " Oh, my heart I what father, and mother, and Mistress M.arian, thou mean- " . would 1 not for thee?" ~\nd he kissed her thought that he had ridden away and le t I bowed down mine head, for I conld not : : J. · · · · · . . r: ·. . . . .' ·. ·. . Q again and again. her i' th' park, having said fal'Cwell to them th A d h f 11 h · b 0d " Do not .th1'nk me ere he and my l a d y d i d set f orth to wal k . mee . er eyes. u s e e upon Ls y, l 'resently sl1e sa.i"', u fooli~h, but wilt thc.u enter first?- it is so h a nd st' irred no more, so tha t w h en th ey came And they strove to comfort er. to bear t h e poor young lord to the castle, dark," And sbe stood in the doorwity, with Tho morrow W8,S scarce .-lawned when she they <lid bear her also. Aud for some hours her hand on the door, while he entered. was up and dressed, and 8tor.1ing through we thought her dettd. He,said, " T hHe is nothing h ere, sweet- th e covert to the door o' th' I folNow when my lady saw them how they heart, ·bu t a monstrC\us dttmp odor." lowed h er, for she heeded me n o '?ore, now , lay there, and t he sunlight red upon them And she anrswered: "Nay, but go to the that l had taken the oath, k nowrng that I' like to blood she came and kneeled down vt ry ernl ; there may be toads; and when would be torn in pieces ere I would in front o' m~, and lifted up her poor fetter thou art there halloo to me." So she wait- betray my trust. Vvhen she was come to ed hands meekly, like a little child. And ed with h er hand on the d oor. the door., she .lmeeled down a nd. Jeane~ h er she said, "Nurse, 'I pray you tell me what He called to h~r; "There is nothing, head a.gamst it and called to lum, w1lh a it doth mean. for methinks I e.m waxing love. until I return to thee." But, voice so exquisite low, 'twas. ~!most ~s 1 foolish, like 'poor .Marjory i' th'. village PUREST,STRO~C~ST,B ~ST. ere he h ad cE!ased speakir1g, she chtpped ~o though one should hear the spirit when it whose man fell from the cliff. " . Ready for ~1 "e ;n a ny q uan tity. _For the door{all her might, and did push speaks w ithin, and she saith, "Ernie-my !'could not answer h er for sobbing. makin g Soap, Softening W ater, D}S!.llforward the great ir on bolt, so that he was love- my love." . . . And she, "Do they sleep ?" fectln.,. and a 'hundred oth er uses, A caneq~als ~O pounds Sa l Su da, a prisoner in the cave; I being rooted to the And ·all was still as death. And she sal<I : And I nodded my head for I could say no Sold by all Grocors and Druggists, ground with a.stoni11hm ent, as fast as was ", fe<il .with thy hands for the_ brea~ j word. ' :E,W.GILLETT, · TORON'.IDO. ever the oak-tree under which I stood. At and wrne. It is nee.r thee on the right o Sbe said: cc Pray you, do not wake , firs!; he thought 'm·a~ but one o' her pretty t~' <~oor as thou enteres~ in. T;';"o bottles them. An they sleep till the monow, all l trickeries, and I heard his gay laugh a s he o wrne and some loaves o ? read. will be well." Suddenly her wits came I came to t he shut door, ancl he called out, But he answered her neither by word or back upon her with a rueh ii.s doth a wind and, "So, sweetheart, I am in trulh a sighing. And she, " 'il\'ouldst thou that seemed to bo gone fo; aye And sh e ( ontinues to do a General Banking Bu sine~s Produces a beautiful gloss and creates no offensive prisoner o' war ; but a.rt thou not an un- break 1 !1y h eart ?" '.!.'hen, when she saw snapped the girdle on her wrists like as it sBe wma.nville Branch. · merciful general to confine the captured in that h e would not answer h er, she cas_ t her, nn.d been a thread 0 · silk, and ra.u and laid smell, will not bnrn off, neither DEPOSl'..lfS so r heumatic a. cavern?" self face down ~long the ground, ,~d tore hold on him with her hands, e.nd dragged the pipes rust. :teoelved in Savings Bank Nepari mentand She sat down and leaned her head against up the grass w!th h er hands; ana pressed I him forth upon tbe gr ass. .And she saith; ia.Il and lnterest ailowcd at current rate& . No the door, but said not a word. down her face rnto the damp earth. And "Ernle ! J<~rnl e ! Ernie ! Vilh,.t ! wilt iotice ot withdrawal necessa.-y. .A.ll dep0Btt1 '¥ And h e sp oke, saying , "Darling, I after l\ while (for th' looks o' t) she r9se and t hou not answer me, noN tha.t t hou a rt I payable on demand, ' ' pray th ee wa,ste not w h at li ttle t ime doth went b~ck to the castle. . free? See ! thou mayest ride to wtir. It is E:XCD A ~GlE yet remain to us.'" At ntgh~falt there i ode ~ mim to t he cas- not· yet too late. 'iVhat there, 11u rse, ! My S till she l\nswcred n ot; a.ud he tle gat~ with p~per, wher ern my .Lord Falk- lord's charger! R un I run!" Then leaped I :loughtand sold nnd Dra!ts iasned uponEurop~ Jnited Sta.tea and CaI\ada, also Gold, Silver a.nd $P>tke, and his voice began to be sorrow- land did question wherefore Lord Rodnor sh 1 to her feet with one cry tlmt methought Jnited States Greeinbacks bo1111l!t 1md sold. ful. h1irl not answered the summons. And all . would 'a crackled the welkin in twain above "Oh, my wife," h e said," canst thou j est they were am!Lzt-d and looked at one an - our heads. CJOLLECT.101\'S at such a time? ot her. The messenger said, moreover, "If "Dead ! Oh God in heaven !" So for an instant she s tood, with h er arms Promptly- made at cnrren.t rates upon a ll pt>r . At last she answered him, saying, "I j est tl!at it cannot be p roven ere to-morrow 0>t Great Brittain, the United t1t aLe~ e.nd ll· not." n~gl~t t~at the Lord Ra~nor h at h been t he reaJh ed high 1~bo~ e her h ea 1, and her e) es minion or Canada, His voice clmnged somewhat, and he said, v10tnn o foul play, he will he, branded as al upon· him M he lay at her feet, even as n ~"What dost thou, then?" dc~erter throug~1out the land. ' fbme doth poise for a breath E:re sink ing ---- ---- --TeJegraJlh 'fl.':raJ111.§f'crs She answered: "I keep what is mine. _ Thy ,,gmndfother gave o_ne c_ry. "M~r- again upou t h e coals. But an.on .she drop Made tor large or Bml\ll sume on a.II part s ol 1 Canada. 'l'his is espe<1ially advantageous t& Where my forefathers <lid Jude their trea- ~ered . and the soun<l of i t stilled. the hfe ped d own beside h im, a.ud bt:nt her forehead per11one llvlng In Mamtoba or the Nort.h·W<'S sure, there hide I mine. m me _ t hat I fell down as one deat1 . And with the J,1wer palms o' her ha1 <ls, imd ~ h e " u It makes the !nnds avallabl6 a t once at t h> He s~id, in a loud voice, " Go will not ~hen ,I hacl once more ~ome to t he poss~s- sriith : "\Yell didst thon sign m e with thy place ot payment. · · suffer it. " swn o my wits, J ock chd tell me as how I blood! well dids t thou ~ign me with thy Forturther partlculare oall a t the Bankln.· Then fell a silence between t h em. But 'twu.a a lren.dy whiepered in the village !ha~ i blood !" Then nll at once did she p ·:.ep up EoUHe. by-and · hy ho spoke again. " Darling, " he t h e, young_ lo~·d had deserted th e cirnse, and I ab me O\"Cr her slwnlder w,th one o' her win· T. RODIE, OEO. McGJLJ,, saith, " surely thou dost not meau to do this hau set s~1l m for the New \Vor~d. , some ,mys, and fell a -laughing softly. Accountant, thing?" Upon tl11s, . I straightway swooned aga.rn. "Nurse, " saith she, "hath he uot fou nrl - - - -- - - - - - --And she saith, like a child wheu 'tis And when I wa.s r ecover ed enough to stand a pretty way to pumtih me~ He feigns it , naughty, and knowetJi well that it is, but upon. my feet and go fort~ from my ..:ha.muer, well-by'r h\k'in- doth he not, muse ?" likes not to say so, "What thing t' bcho1d 1 there was a silence over ·all the 1 And bh e rocked t,0 and fro as s lie knelt . He answered, "'Thou canst not truly hou8e_. as_ in a hn~se where t.he best beloved b eside him, laughing softly ~o hereelf, and mean to shut me h ere to bdng dishonor has died m the mght. . ever and again she would r each for th one upon me, who have loved thee better than .M.en scoured the country fa,r a.nd n ear, m i li ttle hand all ~c ..rred in her struggle with ma.n ever loved woman" (for so do all men searca o' th' murdered body o' th' young 1 Mistress 111.arian a nd wo'ul d touc l~ 11 stray cay, and truly t hink). lo~d. A ud 'twas now the evening o' t h' lock into p lace, ~nd once she bent over and She said, " Thy life is more to me than third day. . !Jnt my la dy mean~_not t o opei; ! kissed him, laughing softly , and nodding to thy honor. !he door until tne morrnw, for if she openect : herself very wisely, And she would sit A nd ha groaned aloud, crying, "Oh, God ! it er e t h en, she know not but what ma tters : tha.t way al\d r ock h erself t o and fro and that I have lived to hear t hee say it!" and m ight he righted, and b er lord ride to the i smile up~n the ground and Jaucrh s~ftly aga:in t~cre fell a.. sile~ce, for the warn in spit~ o' all. When it was n igh to unt il the very day that she did die. And wh1spermg of the ~1ght m the trees above rnnset ~he ,did c;eop forth and k~1ed .at the the last words that she did ever say were, ALL LIVER AND KIDNEY COM- us and the creepmg of small crea tures I door o· th cu.v<>, and call to lum m that , " Just once Ernle-ju~t cnce" the dry ~'ra>s. ".!~was almo~t cur- I b eaut itul, gen~le v,?ice, "Ernie l Ernie ! my j (Nurse C~umpet rises and· stirs the fire, PLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGEST- few -t ime, and there was one star m the lo\'e ! my darlmg ! amid a dead silence broken only by the black front o' the night,_ like the star on t he And when h e _ did not answer her, she~ little Lady D orothy '; sobs and t he rnshing ION A:ND ALL Dl'3EASES ARISING forehead of a black sta.lhon. . ceased not, as on the day before, but went · of the wiud outsid e the great hall.) . .,.. ··.: . FROM DISARRANGEME NTS OF THE W hen he spakP. agam his voice was very . on : "To-morrow I will set thee free. As . fierce, and he saith, "Patience, I d o com· I live, t hou E hall be free to.morrow. A n ['.rHE 1 rnD.] . LIVER AND KIDNEYS. maud.thee to r elease me." thou wilt but let me be n ear thee like thy But she spake never a word. dog , I will no more. Neither will I Unfounded Fears. .And again he said, "Bet ter let me out to fret thee with my sorrow. Oh, love, I do love thee, than t o k eep m e h ei·e until I hate beseech thee speak to me, whuse only sin :Friend, (to young author)-How is your hee." w i1s in loving thee too d early. L et the n ew book going, Chatfoy ? She shivered l eaning againat the door, kisses t hat as a bride I luwc se t upon thy Young AuthPr (dubiously)-I t 's going until the big bolt rattled in its 11races. li·p s 1-lead w ith t hem that they speak to me. 1 pre tty fast . I've already given away five And he said yet again: "By the Lord Oh, my h eart ! oh, my husband, have pity ! . hundred copies. J EFFERY always at the Door. God, an thou dost keep me her e to sully my If th ou wilt nevu speak to me again, speak Friend -· Five hundred copies. I congratgood name, and that of thy father and mo- to me now. Say but my name , my silly, , ulate you, old boy. I was afraid you . Proprietor, Toronto. ther , who have heel\ to me even as my own ill-bestowed name, 'Patience.' Na.y, curse . wouldn 't be able to give away more t han flesh and blood, I will never live w ith thee me, s o I but h ear thy voice. Call me what h a.II that number. , .L. again as man with wife, but will go forth names thou wil t. ln God 's name, Er·nle SOLD.: BY into the N ew World to live and to die vl'ith In the n ame o' her who was once thy wife!" . . ·. . BIGGJ1'3BOTHA.lll & SON, thy handmaid dishonor!" And as she knelt and pleaded :i.s a woman Raw ?mons chopped fine an~ mi?=ed with And she was silent. . with her God, behold ! there stepped forth food twice a week, says a. fancier, is better B 0 W M A NV I L L E, Again he spoke, and lifted up his voice in from the coppice Mistress Maric;n. She than a dozen cures for chicken cholera. BO~' MANV ILLE. ~auadhnt Jtattstuan. Nurse Crumpet Tells the Story. BY AMELIE RIVES. THIRTY· YEARS · IN · BUSINESS CAT-ARRH. The practical Furrier calls attention to the follow.... ing Branches of his new FallStock. I Fal l Hats Ge nts' Fur Caps Ladies' Caps, Ladies' & Gents' Fur Coats!)) Cutter & Carriage Robes,A ~= altered and repaired. Highest Price for Raw Furs. ""'· M_A Yl!)H, AT .-Urs. Morrison's .AND NEW FANCY COODS ·. lls 8 MC T Av lsH GOODS 'Jle and "' Call and Examine the Stock, which has been sel~cted with great _ care. B 0 N N ET S HATS Hats Re-shaped, Stamping Done. . : J?Fl.ICES ~ TRIM MINGS . . . HA~ .. . . - Y PBAJl ----o---- J. HICGINBOTHA &SO Chemists and Druggists. 99 PERCENT Our Stock is complete, comprising an assortment, of Drugs, Medicines, Sponges, Chamois, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Soaps, &c. THE ONTARIO BANK ----o--Imperia l · Stove-pipe Varnish will Horse & Cattle Food' IThorley's p G d Q·1 C -"' ure roun ake, and PraI·r· · wer C ·t· le Flo ·011d .I Ion p owde:r .ALWAYS IN STOC'K. I I J os EpH J E FF' E ' RY · ·· . J DANDELION LJVER AHO KIDNEY I I BITTERS CU RES I I The Greatest Blood Purifier in the World. j E. M Q R R I S, I 'I --- Merchant Ta1·1or & Gent's Furn1·s.he'll"'.

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