TERMS :-11.50 PJtit Al!ncmr. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. BOWM~NVILLE, M, A. JAMES, EDITOR. A.ND PBOl'IURTOR, VOLUME NBW SERIES, NUMBEB 1-81. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1887. ZION. HAYD UN. XXXIII. NUMBERf 42'. OPENED OUT LAST WEEK · A T- - ALLAN LINE, ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. SAILINGS, SARDINIAN. trorn Quebec. September 22 POLYNESIAN, " " 30 P AHISIAN, October Ii SARMI'l'IAN. 13 CIHCASSIAN, 21 SARDINTAN. " 27 POLYNESIAN ,, November 4 l'ARISIAN, JO SA.RMl'l'l AN, 17 11 RATES OF OcEAN P .ASSAGE :-Cabin, $50, $65 and $75 ; return, $ 100, $125 and $150. Intermediate, $30 ; r et urn, $60. Steera;.re, $20. The last. train connecting with t he mail steamer at Portland leaves Toronto.on Wednesday morning. The last train connecting with the mail steamer at llalifa:x: leaves Toronto on Thursday morning. For tickets and every information, apply t o W. A. N EADS, Bowmanville, Agent Allan line. 11-tf AND & RESIDENCE FOR SALE. I -' -The resider-cs of the l&te C. H. Giles. situated on Lot. 4. Con:, 3, East 'Whitby, com- AUCTION SALES. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN'S, LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL. THREE BAL.ES --OF-- 8RUSSELLS,) -(AND TAPESTRY) CARPETS~ prising 4 acres of first-class land· 1'he house is nearly new, stone .cellar, soft and hard water. first·class driving house and stable, splendid young orchard with all kinds of fr uits. Clo~e to Maxwell's school house. 4 miles from the town of Oshawa, one mile lrom T11unton, and one from Foley, This is a good chance for any one wanting to retire from active life. Will be sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to t.he widow GRACE GU.EB. 'faunton, P. 0 ., or \V111. HODl3S, Valer.tie., or Dn. Gn.1 rs. Halliburton. P. S.-lt not sold it will be rented to a suitable tenant. 37-6w Direct from John · C rossley & S ons, Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the E.state. of THOMAS Halifax, Eng land . LAWSON, late of the Township ofCa.r twright, in the Oou,ntv of Diwham, For E legant D esigns, ·P erm a - mer, dectased. TO SECTION 34 OF nen t C olo r s a nd D urabilit y, Cross- P URSUANT Chapter 107. of tho Revised St.atntes of Ontario, und of Section 1. Chanter 9, of t6 Vic· toria, Ontario Statutes. notice is hereby given ley's Carpets are unequalled. that all creditor· and persons having claims LAWSON, la.to ot against the Estate of the 'l'ownship Cartwright, in the County of who died on shoot the Durham, Fnrm er, Hous ekeepers requiring Car- 12th .Tnne, 1887, at the said or Township of Cartwright, and to seIJd on or before ·the first of December, 1 $87, by post, prepn.id. to pets are requested.t o examine our day James Parr, Blackstock P. 0., Ontario.the ad· ministrator of the Estate and flftects of the said wsoN, their Christian and l5urS tock before b u ying. N o bet ter TRm1us names, addresses and descriptions, the full p .. rticulara of their claims and statements of their accounts and the ature of securities val ue anywh e re. any) held by them, accompanied by a Statn· tory declaration verifying the accuracy or such ]far THOMAS o( of J,A 11 (if B ou.ch, Johnston &Crydorman One Door West of P ost Office. Bowmanville. claims, and notice is also given. that after tho last mentioned date, the said administrntor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitle<l, having regard only to the claims of which the said administrator shall then have notice, and that he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof, to any person or persona of whoeo debts or claims he shall not thon h11ve notice. Dated at Cartwright, this 21st day of Sept., 1887. .J.AMES,P .A.RR, 38 Gw l:llackstock, P . 0., On N E-W- GOO DS I W e are now shewing a complete new Stock of new Fall a nd VVinter Goods, in all our departments which for style and d esign will be hard to surpass in this locality. Ordered work in the T ailoring Departme nt a specialty. A neat garment wit·h Styl e and Finish is guaranteed by the TAIT & MORRISON'S and inspect their w·all P11pore- 1atest desi~ns. greatest variety, and prices to ·snit everyone. Stock now ready. Do you want a new and pretty Window Shade or Blinds1 We have something new in this branch. Call and, see them before you· invest. or you'll be SOI'l'y, Still leads in Photographs and our Studio is often crowded. Coma early in the day when you can. Just now you may want some extra Enii;ra.vings or Chromos to adorn your rooms. We have a great variety, good and cheap. too. H you want a baby carriage we can suit yon ; we have some nice ones. Doll's Carriages. too, and Boy's Wagons, Carts and Wheelbarrows. Lawn Parlor Croquet, Carpet Balls, Games for tam!lles and social parties; Our Mirrors are clear and true ; our picture frames are of the latest and most attractive designs. Curtain poles & rings. P luRh' goods-nice o.nd cb.,np, Another new branch just introduced at Tait & co TO TAIT & NO. 1CUTTER, W. PEARDON. Our M ij linery Room is open. for inspectio:q fi lled with latest no·v elties of the Come with your money and get the first, choice. Yours, et c., IB a J ewelry Department where you wlll find the very latest in Ladies' andGcntlemen'sjewelry, WA invite ~pecial attention to our new stock j ust in. Base Ball goods, School and Hymn Books, Stationery, Toye, and indeed everything to be found ill a Variety and Fancy Goods' MORRISON'S _S _T _O _R _E _ ._it Geo. Laing. Bowmanville, Oct. 4, '87. A particle is applied into each nostril and is agreeable. Price 50 cents at Drllggiets; by mail registered, 60 cents.- CircaJar free. ELY BROS.. Druggists, Oswego, N. Y. l AS SWEET A!! llOlillY t s Dr. Low·~ 1·1eas ant 'VOl'ln Syrup, yet sure to di stroy and expel wo1'1Ju, On Saturday, the 8th inst., a number of members of the Zion congregation and choir assembled at t ho residence of Mr .· John Tremeer , and to his great surprise, brouu,ht thoir baskets with them well filled. After the ladies had the tables arranged and almost loaded down with good things, Miss Tremeer was presen ted with a beautiful silver teapot and cake basket containing a sum of money . An address was read exi>t·essing appreciation for scrvicea rendered at thn organ £or several years and expressions of good-will coupled with the hope that h er life may long be fpared to serve the church os in the past. The ar ticles presented w ere purchased at Mr. J. J . Mason's, Bowmanville. After the address an d presentation the tables were filled and the people were also soon filled. Several social game6 were heartily enjoyed by all after which the party dispersed a ll having enjoved the evening's entertainment. Special services a re still in progress at the church. The farmers are Vry buBy gathering apples which are a fair crop though rather wormy. Several of our farmers have sold their barley at 60 and 95 cents. We are sorry to say t hat another of the };tAPLE GROVE. old residents hBs left this part in the ' are busy gather ing their root person of Mr. George Wa~hingt on. We Farmers wish him success. crops aod plowing. Sales are very numer ous this fall . Mr. Wm. Worden is leaving this neighSrF. borhood for Manitoba. M r. Christopher Cox received a severe A CURE FoR DEAFNRss.-Ther e have been ma.nv remarkable cu r es of deafness kfok from a colt last week . H e is recovmade by the use of Hagyard's Yellow Oil, ering nicely . Master Fred. Foley has recovered from the great household remedy for pain, in:f;lammation and soreness. Yellow Oil his recent sickness. cures rheumatism, sore throat and, croup, . Mr. W. J. James, the t tscher from and is useful internally and externally for B tnnnanville, is ill- unable t o teach. all pains and injuries. The first of a series of socials was hPld at " Brookhurst," Mr.M.Monday's residTYRONE. ence, on Friday n ight last and was a deRev. 1\1. Courtioe, Lindsay, was a g110st cided success as far as tea and entertainment were conceroed, bllt the attendance at the parsonage last week . Mr. Robt. Pollard has been calling o n was not as large as was desired. Mr. and Mrs. Ruse and Miss Maynard, from Bowfriends here. manville, very ably assisted in the proMr. N. Cole, Eesex Centre, is here aramme, which was g reatly augmented visiting friends. b y the services of Mr. W. Allin, who Officers of t.he S . A., Brooklin, cornluct- pleased the audience immensely. ed services here at the Barracks Thursday A social will be held at Mr. Samuel night. Snowden's, on Friday evening, Oct. 28th, Mr. Ed. Bingham leaves for ·roronto in conn!.'ction wit h Maple Grove church, on Monday to attend t he Ontario Vet ern- to raise funds to aid in paying t he exary College for a term of years. Success, penses of repairing. A good time is exEd. pected. and a general invit8tion is given It is sui;rgested that a team be picked to all to come and b ring ever ybody else from Darlington to i;ilay tlrn t eam which with them,and to give as lib erally as t hey came out victorioj.is on Saturd11y. Not a can. .., bad idea. AMONG 'fHE INDIANS.-"While my husThe frost on Friday night destroyed a band was trading in fu rs l:.e came across great many apples on t he trees. an Indian who was taken t o his lodge t o Missionary sermons will be preached die. He had inward pains and pains in here n ext Sabbath at 10 a. m ., by R ev. all hia l imbs. He gave some Yel low Oil N. Hill, Oshawa, and at Gp. m., by Rev. internally and applied it externally a nd Mr. Manning, of Oshawa. cured him. It a lso cured my husband of The great foot ball match of t he season rheumatism, and I find it valuable for took p lace here on Saturday, Clarke vs. coug bs and colds, sore throat , etc." MRS. Darlington. The ball was kicked off A. B m;Aw, Cook's M ills, Serpen t R iver, about 3:30 to play for H hours. Both Ont. teams strained every nerve to get a goal, but the Darlington boys played a little OOURTIOE. the stroni;<est and at the close of the game it stood l izoal to none, in favor of DarlMr. Jabez Littlejohns J1as completed ington, Mr. F. A. Cole, Hampton, and his new residence and moved into it. Mr. J. J. Gibson, Leakard, acted as Now for a house-warming. umpires, and Dr. Fish, Cartwright, as Mr. Robt. Patterson, of the T oronto referee. After the match a sumptuous P olice Force, spent a few days of last repast was prepared by the ladies for the week at l\fr. George R eynold's. players and spectators t o which they d id Our auctioneer's services are growing ample justice. Proceeds of tea, $10.65. in demand. Farmers say he has no ~n Following are the players which composed perior in t his par t of Canadii,. Since H. the t eams: '1. Phillips left, S. C. H unking leads the 0 LAliKE. - Goal- T Brown ; backs- W proces;ion. Bowen, A Chapman ; h alf backs - H The Ebene?:er Y. P. A. elected, on the Simpson, A Carveth ; r igh t wings-ii Simpson, John Simtison ; left wings- J 11th i nst., t he followin g officers : Hon. Cooney, J McDowell ; centre- A. Simp- P r11sident,, .Hev. R . Sanderson ; President, A. J. Courtice ; Vice-President , son, W Davison. DARLINGTON .- Go&l- J H H icks, Ty- F lorence Courtice ; Secretary, Charles rone ; backs- W 'Vard, Hamp ton, C Worden: T reasurer, W . . E . Courr.i ce; Swain, Ennisk1llen ; half backs - R Organist, Ada Osbnrne ; Program Cow.H.oidge, Tyrone, F Kerslake, H ampton ; mi ttee, W. R. Courtice, J. H . Allin, right wing- C Callendar, Ermisk:llen, R Polly Oke and Edith Short ; Room ComLane, Enfield ; left w ing- J Collacott, mittee, vVm. Rundle, S. Everson ancl R . Ooborne. Tyrone, H M Pascoe, Enfield ; centreThere was great excitement among the J Odell, Tyrone, FA Jones, Enniskillen . The r eturn match will be played at junior mombers of the Hunt Club, on Saturday last, t hat being the day selected Clarke one week f rom Saturday. to test the merits of t he black pup and , CLIM.A X. Tbe Secrelary claims A t the meeting of the Tyrone foot ball the spotted one. club, on ~aturdav e\lening Inst, it was that the spotted one acquitted him~ elf moved by J. Odell and seconded by E. credit ably, and wears an assuring smile Bingham, that a hearty vote of than ks be of large size, while t hreatening t he exter tendered to the ladies of Tyrone who so mination of the fox tribe the coming liberally contributed in procuring so ex- eeason. . ... . , --· - . . ·-- . cellent a repast in so !!hort a notice. B EYOND DISPUTE - There is no better Should the ladies in any way need the assistance of the club at any future date, safer or more pl~asant cou i;<h r emed; their benificence on this occasion will not made> than Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. be forgott en, and we h ope to be ab le to It cures hoarsene 1., sore tluoa.t, coughs show our appreciation of their li berality colds, bronchitis a nd all· throat and lung in more than mere words. We m~y here troubles. also state that the Olarlce 'illeven wish to l N BmEF1 ANn 'l'O THE P orNT.-- :Oystender their sincere thank& for the hospipepeia is dreadful. D isordered liver is tality with which they were received. misery. Indigestion is a foe to good J. ODELL, Capt. nat ure. The human digestive apparatus M. CLE;\U!Nll. ,. is one of the most complicated and won I :l"OUND IT A SURE CU:R!Jl, I have been der ful t hings i n existence. It is easily troubled with catarrhal deafness for seven put out of order . Greasy foo d , tough or eight years with a r oaring noi9e in my food, sloppy food, bad cookery, mentll.l head. I bough t medicine m 13 states but woxry, late worry, irreqular habit s, and nothin~ h elped me till I procured a many other things which ough t not to be, bottle of E ly's Cream Balm.. l n four have made the Amer ican people a nation days 1 could hear as well as ever. 1 am of dyspeptics. But Green's August cured o·f the catarrh as well. I consider Flower has done a wonderful work in E ly's Cream Balm t he best medicine ever r eforming th is s ad business and making made.- GARRETT \ VrnJUcK, B.astiogs, N. the American people so healthy th9.t they can onj'>y their meals and be lrnppy. Y., J. I!AVR USED Ely's Cream Ba.Im for dry Remember :- -No happiness without catarrh (to wh ich every }~astern person is health. But Green's August Flower subject who comes to live in a high lati- brings health and happiness to t he dyst ude,) H e has proved a cure in my case. peptic. Ask your <lrugg ist for a bottle. 27 I! Sovcntv-five cents. - B.F. M. W EEKS, D enver Col. Mr. J ohn H oekin h as leased Mr. Jas. Harper's residence. MR. I:!. C. HU:SKING'Fl AA.LE,~. Mr. E.T.Slemon is attending college at THURSDAY, Ocr. 20.-Mr. H enry Hill, Cobourg. l ot 6, ,con. 5, East W hitby, will sell alt Miss R. S . .Broad returned from her his very val ua~le farm stock and imvisit in Uncle Sam's domain last week, plements. Sale at I p . m . S. C. l ooking hale and hearty. l!UNKIN'O, Auctioneer. Mrs. A. Wheeler, of Brigdon, Ont. , FRIDAY, O cT. 21.-The undersigned has and Mrs. 'Vm. Patterson, Essex Centre, received ins tr uctions t0 sell by public Ont,, were visiti11g friends in th is vicinity aucti on, the property of Mr. Frank recantly. H all, on L ot lG, Con. 4, Da rlington, Mrs. A .McNeil and Mrs. Thos.Ashton, consis ting of farm stock. implements, were visiti ng friends at Providence last etc. F or p articulars see posters. P osweek. · itively no reser ve. Sal e at 1 o'clock. ::i. C. H u :NKING, Auctio11eer. Mr. and Mrs.H.S amells,of Cartwright, spent Mr. Thos. Mou n tjoy's, and Mr. G . SATURDAY, Our. 22,-'l 'he Execu tors of B rown and Mr . W . Chapple, of Clarke,at the l ate Mary Ann Bedford will offer Mr. S Soper's. for sale by public auction, at B eer 's Hotel Ha'llpton, at the hour of 2' It is i·eported that we are to have a o'clock, p. m., a rough-cast dwelling singing school 11tut here soon. M ay it be house, half an acre of land attached. so. For P a rticulars see advt. and poaters. I NV.HUABT,E ]NDICATIONR.-If you l1ave S. C. H UNKING, Auctioneer. sour stomach, heartbnru, sick headache, TuEsn1..Y, OC T. 25.---Mi·. ·Jolm Conch , rising and souring of food, wiud in t1 1e having decided to reti·e from farming stomach, a choking or gnawing sensation will offer for sal e on his pr em ises, Lot at the pit of the stomach, t hen you have -Con. 3,Tp. of Clarke. on above date, sure indications of dysp~psia which Burhi8 valuable farm s tock, implements, dock Blood Bit ters will surely cure. It etc' Sais at 1 o'clock. S . C. H oNXING, has cured the worst cases on record. Auctioneer . WEDNESDA.Y, OcT. 26.--Mr..J. M i tchell, lot :.m, con. 5, Dddington, will sell h is farm, fam1 stock, i mplements, etll. , withou t reserve, as h e is !:(Oin.-: t. o Manitoba. S il.le at 1 p. m. See large posters. S. C, H u NKrno, Auctioneer. THURSDA.1! 1 OcT. 27 .- Mr. Thos. Veale, l ot 30, ton, 2, Kingston R o:·d, D arlingt on, will sell the whole of his valuable farm s tock, machin ery, implements, 4 acres t urn ips, etc., without reserve. Snle at 12 o' clock. This is a big sale. Go early. See large posters. S. C. H UNKING, Auct ioneer. FRIDAY, Ocr. 28.-Mr. JonathanHennett will sell on lot 2 t , con. 1 , Darlington, without reserve, tlte whole of his farm stock, machinery, implements, poultry, h ay, et c. R e is giving up farmin g, so 1ld . Sale sharp everything must be sc at 1 o~lock. See large posters. S. 0. H UNKING, Auctioneer. T uESDA.Y, Nov. 1,-Mr. Chas. ' Vhite, Harmony, E a.st Whitby, will sell hi~ farm stock and a lot of standiug t imber in quantities to suit purchasers. See posters for particulars. Sale u.t 1 p. m . S. C. H UNKING, Auctioneer. . A ucrroN SAms. - S. C. Hunking, Ccui·t tice, Ontario, Licensed Auctioneer, for Darli ngton and Whitby, Bowmanvilla and Osha wa, Appraiser, &c. All business attended io promptly. Orders may be left at t he STA'l'ESMA..'< otlioe, Bowmm:tville, or Reformer otiice, U.sh!twa. i\IR. R . lIU'l'CliISO."l'S SA T ,ES. TnumrnAY, 0 0'1'. 20. - Mr. A.W. Carvet h , village of Leskard, Clark e, will sell his valuabl e fa1·m stock , implements, lum· ber, shin gles, e tc. Sale at 1 p. m. R . H uTCIIISON, Auctioneer. · l<'mDAY, OcT. 21.-- By virtue of a land· · l ord's warrant, ther e will be eold o n lot. 27, con. 5, Darlington, some implements, chattels, etc. , formerly belonging to Geo. W ilkin8on, Solina . Sale at 1 o'clock p . m . See posters. R. H UTUHISON, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, OuT. 26.- Mr.John 'Gibson, l ot 30, con.8,Clarke, will sell the whole of his val uable farm stock,imple inenta, etc., wic\ont reserve, having rented hi11 farm. Sale a t. 1 p. m., sharp. See posters for part icl! lar s. R . H ur c.:msoN, Auctiouer. MONDAY, 0 < JT. 31,-Mr. A . · J·. Griffin, lot 28, con. 7, Clarke, will sell all hi B valuable stock, incl uding 12 good milch cows, his implements and various other articles. S ee large poster3, Sale :i.t 1 o'clock, sharp. R . H o1'C1 nsox, Auctioneer. R . Hutchison, Licensed Auction eer for the Townsh ips of Darlington, Whit by, Clarke, Manvera ancl Cartwl'ight . Sales attended t o promptly and at reasonable rates. Where it is not conveni ent to see m e; arrangements can he made with tho Editorof theS'l'ATES, \ IAN.- R. HUTCHISON, Enniskillen. THURSDAY, OCT. 27.-·Mr. J .D. Treleaven having sold h is farm will offer for sale by auction, on U1e premises, Lot 9, Con. 4, Darlington, t he whole of his farm s tock. consistmg of horses, cat tle, sheep, pigs, geese, tnrkeys, d uck~,hens, implemen ts, &c. Sale at 12 o'clock, lunch a t 11. :See posters. . . ____ ____ f N .B. - Our advertising rat~ for a uction sales, when we do not prmt the salt> bills, is 25 cents a line, each insertion. J,©'·Pe~ons orderini:r; eala bills at Ute STATESMAN office will receive e. free notice like the above up to date of sale. The STATESMAN has the largest circulation in West Durham and Ontario. Orders for: sales mav also be left at this office. M uLTUM IN PARvo. - There is niucli in a lit tle, as regards Burdock BloL ' d Bitters. You do not h am to take quarts and gallons to get at the medicine it contains. Every drop in every close has medical virt ue as a blood purifyi ng, system r egulating t onic. The STATES~IAN, or the M El'HODIRT OnsERVElt, or the W eekly Glo be, W esten· A dvertiser, M ontreal Witne~s, or almost any other dollar weekly will be sen t to any ad drePs from Oct. 1 , 1887 to Januai·y 1st, 1889, for a dollar. OrdArs must be sen t to M. A. JAMES, B owmanville, -Ont . en, XATIONA.I. l'ILLS J ' et . .s. nlll not gri pe nre a thorough eathartlc. Ol 8i Ck·