· and nervous t issue; that t he food should be W.A}lTS TO .RESTO.RE THE EMPJRE. / SCIENTIFIC AND US.EPUL. such as to p rom ote a healthy 1'novemen t of le / A finger laid upon an oar, or the gunwale the bowels; that t he food should be less in 'lYhat ·1~ 8111<1 :llll Paris A.bou' tl1e Comtti < l'ul'is' ,h1pcnl. ' of au ov<:rturned boat, or a board, or almost summer tht>u in winter, and should contl\in l<?ss fat, which is mainly used for heating The Comte de Paris has now for ,,ome '.Luy flou,ting substance, will sustain a person WEDNESDAY, OCT. 19, 1187. purposes. 'vVe may add that oat-meal is d ays appeared before the French nation in / Ill calm water. specially rich in food -elements, and with the role of the saviour of society. Copit:s of J 1\fost p ernons do not know that the most milk makes well nigh a perfect food. his detailed menn of modernized mon archy effectual form i'n which first aid can be have _ been thrown broadca.s t throughout ren.dered in cases of sunstroke the appli- J France. But there has not yet been t ho cation of cold-as col<.! water, we, &c. - to He ,tn Thoughts for a Y Ollllg M ' an. WILLIAM SffOWERS'S CON FESSION. slightest sign ~~at royalty will reap from it the head and neck. Let the young man remember that for '.LUY ~arv7st.. Ihe masses the people rea:d Cherry-stain in imitation ofold mahogany: every offense which he commits against the Re Tell~ Uon be J{IJ}e <J Ills T~vo UUJe 1t ~i~h md.ifferen~e, or ~nth :-he _r:Jatomc Di_gest logwood chips in vinegar or acetic laws of health, Nature will bring him into Gmmlsons with O.eA.i<l ot'hls cunos1ty With wlnch the}'. daily read the acid fo r twenty-four hours or more. When judgment. However graciou~ly God may 111ouselteepe1·. poster~ ?f some new financial_prospectus or ready to use, heat the solution ; then dip deal with thh .e heart, all oJ.ul' experien~e A packed court room at L ebanon, P a., advertismg scheme. the wood until s»itable color is obtained. proves that . c never parr ons stomac , the other day heard read the terrible conNo srrn MADE IN l'ARIS. Pyro stains are eu.sily r emoved from the muscles, lungs, or brain. These must ex- fession of William Showers, aged , 60, who Even in feverish, over impressionable fingen by moistening the lu~nds with a dilpiate their offenses nnvicari~usly. N ay, m urdered his two little grandsons a t Anville P1His, the elaborate m anifesto causes no utesolutionof al most <rny acid-hydrochloric, there ar e numerous and obv10us cP.ses 'tl of last May. A few days ago he attempted to outburst of pat·ty·animosity. nitric, oxalic, citric, &c. After cleansing violated physical laws, w h ere N ature, Wt 1 bleed himself to death by puncturing his !'resident Grevy reacl t he manifesto at , in this mannel', ihe h ands must be freely all her diligence and sever'itj', seems unable ears. Showers tottered into court l eaning Mont sous Vaudl'Cy. After pondering over washed in hot water. lf this prevaution is to scourge the offender enough during his on t he arm of the Sheriff. L11ter bis con· 1 each phrase with his scrutinizing legal · _ n ind , not taken, the stains will reappe:i.r under lifeoime; an d so she goes " 11 plying her fession was handed to Judge McPhera~n, he slowlv rose from his chair and said : t he u se of so1>op and water. scou rge upon his children a nd his 0 h:ildrcn's who, after r eading it, ordered to plead to " It is a well written h istoric thesis. It Taken i;1 the morning, fruit is as helpful children after him, even to the thu·d and the indictment c ;f murder, and the culprit is thorou'1hly aca(!em ie, but it contains not to digestion as it is refreshing. '.fhe newly fourth generations. Punishment is entltiled plea.ded guilty. The confession was then a. p ... rticle of danger to the Republic." awakeued function finds info an object 01' on posterity i 'and neither human hiw nor read. It went on to describe how Showers TLI"· "IE'.\' S. · · I10ut human device can break the e ntailment. " l'l'l""' , urn '" '!INISTER's · · ' sueh l' ig h t 1it b or as w1'11 exercise w1t And in t hese hereditary inflictions, N ature and Betsy S!t.rgent, his hous.ekeeper, aged M. Rouvier, who vresides over the most seriously taxing its energies, and the tissues abhors alike the primogeniture laws of E ng- 40, were to .h;-ve b een marr1e~l last May, moderate and conservative Cabinet that has of the stomach acquire at little cost a l!t1in land and the Sa.lie Laws of France. All the hut tlle two ltttle boys were m the way. governed France for many years Sliid after of nourishment which will sustain thosu sons and all the daughters ar e made inheri· The, boys, ~ged 4 and 6 year.s wer e t h o sons read in~ the m anifesto : ' ' energies in later and more serious operations. tors, not in aliquot parts ; but by a kind of of ~ho~ei:s s daughter, wno is dead. S ho.w· " This will consolidate the republicans I t is an excellent J..>lan , w ith this object in malignant multiplication in ihe distemper, ers sw1fe Is als.o dead, and he was.a.lone w1tn more than anyt hing that could have been view, to add a little bread to the fruit eaten. each inherits t he whole. the boys,. Miss Sargent agreed to marry devised. It shows the necessity of r epubli· To clean carpot·s, use about three gills of I ask the young man, then, who is just Showe.rs if he got a place for the ~oys. Show· cans of all shades rallying round the Repub- ox-gall in a pailful of wat er ; with a soft forming his h abits of life, or just beginning e~s tri ed to pbce them, . and .finally they lie, and w ill force my colleagues and myself scrubbing-brush rub some of the ox-gall to indulge those habitual trains of thought disappeai·ed. Aft~r . their · d isappearance to seek a m:.jority i n the ranks of the .repub· water on the carpet, which will m ise a out of which habits grow, to look around S~owcrs gav.e confiictmg stories about them. licans solely, and not count, as hitherto, on lathei'. \Vhen a conven ient-sized portion him, and mark the ex!Lmpleswhose fortunes Fust h e said they had been bound out; t he votes of the conservative~. As to the is done, wash the lather off wi th a clean he would covet, or whose fate he would de- th~n tha~ they had b~en lost or: the moun· effect of the ma.nifesto that's briefly stat- lmcn nloth dipped in clean water. Let this tam. This lead to his arrest, and a few eel ·. ' t b h a f requently ; an d , w Iien ai:e. E v?n_ a:s we wa lk t h e s t reets, we mee t days later the dead bodies of the boys were wa er e c ange w ith exhibitions of each extreme. H~re, found buried in shallow boles in Shower s's ms COURAGE ADMIRED. all t he lather bas disappeared, rub the part behold a p atriarch, whose stock of vigor back Jot. Iatense excitement followed. " The French p eople, no matter what with a clean dry cloth. Mixtu res of m:tg· t.hree;scori: years .and ten seem_ hardl yteto Miss Sargent declared that she k:p.ew noth- their political stripe may be, in a mild pln- nesia. and fullers'.eart h mii.de into a paste h~ve nnp~ire~. His erect fori:1, his firm 8 p, ing of the crime. She was in court to-day tonic sor t of way commend the descendant a.re u sed to remove grease-spots. his elastic lun~s~ and undimmecT seiiseos, a.s a witness, and h eard the confession r ead. of the Capets for coming down from . the Alloyed w1t11 a sm al percentage of s ilver, are so many cert1J1 cates of good conduct,"': .r 'rhe most hor rible part of it is as follow : sublime atniosphere of generalities and aluminum loses much of its malleabity, but rather, so mtmy 1ewels and orders of nob1h-1 . emunciat ing clearly and distinctly his poli· h fi f 'l · b k d ty with which Nature has h onored him for Betsy. came to my house on the m ght of tical creed. They a pprove his pluck in wit ve percent. 0 81 ver it can e wor e his fillelity to her laws. H is fair complex- May 16.. We lit the candle. T lle clothes throwing overboard, once for all, the fiction well, and takes a more beautiful polish than ion s]l~'B that h is blood h as n ever been cor -Jof the children lay on ~he woodchest; She of the divine right, but feel convinced that t he more pure metal. With three per cent. ruptcd ; his pure breath, tlut he has ne_ver r?lled them togetl:er rn a bu~dle. '.I hen I henceforth the return of any kind of a man- of silver, it is very suitable for philosophical yielded his digestive apparatus for a vmt- h t ID}'.' old l.a.ntern. ~had already dug t~e. archy in France would be a mere idle instuments, b eing h arder and whiter t han ner's cesspGol; his exact language an d keen bole m which the ch_1ldren we1e ,~ound ~n dream." the pure m etal, and is not tarnished even apprehension, that his bra.in has never been the gutter the evenmg ~efore. I he chll· U nder tbG Rouvier M inistry the r oyalists by sulphuretted hydrogen. ' Vith small drugged or stupefied by t he p oisons of a dis- dren . were then already i~ bed, Sa~':llY· and imuerialists have found a mod1wvivendi, <Lmounts of silver, it appear s ver y suitable tiller or a toba,cconist. E nj oying his appe- the little .one., slept up s~!urS, and Wdl~am a sort "of truce with the republicans; and for sc~.le-beams, and is now frequently used tites to the highest, he has IJreserved the down stairs with me. .T!1en we weut mto for the Comte de Paris to launch h is thun· for this purpose. The alloy con taining five 0 TliE RTY · YEARS · IN · BUSINESS ! ;a. .!ti.AYER,, The practical Furrier calls attention t o the follow · f B " Ing ranch es 0 f h IS new F a11 S t ock . . le HEALTH. !s o! I F a 11 H ats t i Lar,.,est and , b eSli .ASSOl , , h tment All the N ew Styles. Gents' Fi ·1r CapS a Soutl.. very large vanety, but ~he. Sea Seal aL.d Persian. 0· I .3' Oll a.IlLL · ' · L a.ml take the lead. '-' ' the latest improvements-a very Ladies' Caps, allchoice aJtd varied stock to choose from. Ladies' & Gents' Fur Coats, A magnificent selection good and cheap. Call early for first choice'. Cutter & Carriage Robes,A ~~~ on hand. Prices very reasonable. GENTS' F'U RNISHINGS AND UNDERWEAR, .A COMPLETE.. Display. Shirts, Socks, Gloves, Ties, Braces, Studs, Buttons, J'vlits, R ubber Co'.1.ts, U mbrellas, etc. ~Furs · altered and repaired. Highest Price paiQ for Raw Furs. M.MAYER. N eadi:,' Block, Bowman ville. I AT Mrs ··l'-lorrison's· N Ew F A N cy · AND . "" .. 1~. ~~ t~aet ~~ehi:;se~~~~d8~~:;e.Fcrti~~ ~~i~c~f;m~fi s~::~n!;~~~~~~. s:!~~s~:~frd, 0ei~ ~~~c~e!,~~~:nab::~ea~~~J~~.11~.::~~aJ ~~-~c~ gd~~~0p ~l o woef~~ef secn~~% 1 ~yt~e~toryD,e~;t~~~e e1::t 0 ·· · his cake and still kept it. As he drains the and . a b out a }'.arcl l ong. W .111ie was 1cepmg . ary advisers felt that his truce m igh t bc- bright, and retains i ts lustre in handling. 1 8 c0 0 Ds ·. . · · · cup of life, there are no lees at the b?ttom. I tied. t he twme, around ~1s neck more than come a lasting peace, thereby d estroying His organs will reach the goal of existence one .tune, and choked hun to d eath. . She forever any chance of the mona.rchical restotogether. Painlessly as a candle burns earned the lantern, an~ h ad closed. i t so ration. down in its socket, so will he expire; and a that no one should see lt, an~ I_carr1ed the Tirn NEWSPAPERS HAPPY. l ittle imagination would convert him into boy under my arm, a~d put ,him Ill the I:ole. The manifesto has certainly b een a peifect another E noch, translated from earth to a I' T hen we went up stair~. '[he other light godsend for t ho aria newspapers. Column better world, without the sting of <lea.th. we. put o~t. She. earned the hnt crn up after column of leading articles appear d ay But look at the oppo~ite extreme, wh ere stairs to give me ligh t . It was a. four ~or· after day. F'igaro says :. a n opposite history is recorded. V.T h9.t ~,cred l antern, . and she. opened . one ~1de. " The act that the rep resentative of the wreck so shocking t o behold as the wreck of I.here was a ~1ttle p e tticoat,, and this I monarchy has just accomplished is perhap~ a dissolute man,-the vigor of life exhaust- tied arounc~ Sammy Speraw s !leek and the most important one in our history since ed, and yet the first steps in an honorable stran~led h~m. Then we took him do~n. the Freuch Revolution, for t he charters of career not t aken; in himself a lazar-house \I carried bun under ':'1Y arm. She carried 1814 and 1830 were only intended to orga· of diseases; dead, but by a h eath enish cus-1 t he lantern, but h ad lt shut so that no one uize the purely representative ma.chinery of tom of society, not y et buried f could see us go down :he l ot. There were government, but the p1·ogramme of the 15th Rogues h ave h ad . t he initial letter of their . currant stalks! at th1~ hole, and when I of September embraces a wider horizon and title burned into the p.alms of t heir h ands. came t h ere with t he httle boy I tumbled aims at an entire reorganization of .society. Even for murder Cain \>'as only branded on over t he curra.m stalks, and the boy flew out THE COUNT's COUitAGE. the forehead ; b~t over the whole person of o~ my hands a.gaii:;st the wall, . I had to let "M. le Comte do Paris, after studying the debauch ee or the inebriate, the signa· him go or I would have fallen mto the hole. the condition s of modern life in the United tures of infamy are written. How Nature Betsy cought hold o~ my back :i-t the coat or St11.tes and England, exposes with a. loyalty brands him with stigma and opprobrium ! ·I would have f~llen m. ~hat is wha~ caus- equal to his courage the entire mechanism How she han gs labels all over him, to testi· 1?d the :wound Ill t he boys head-his fall- and details of his future government. The fy h er disgust at his existence, and to ad- mg agau~st the wall, She (Bet sy) sto?d tl!e RPpublic is now more than ever impotent. monish others to beware of his example ! l an1'.6:n Ill th". currant bushe~, openmg it vnth an army ready to face any foreign How: she loosens all his joints, sends tremors Isufficient to give me enough_light t~ cover enemy-a.a General Breart now says it isalonL_his muscles and bends forward his 1up th e hole. J:then covered it up with the w ith an army ready to quell any insurreofmm~, as if to brin'.g him upon all fours with ;ground. '.l'hen w.e w ent up to the hou~e. tion at h ome, and w ith IJ. worthy heir to a. ldndred brutes, or to degrade him to the h~d the sh ovel and she bad the lantern, race of kings on the throne, Fr,..nce would reptile's crawling ! How she disfisureis his which h ad bee~i, 0 }?sed up. . ~n the way. to a.gain arise from her ashes and regain pos· countenance, as if intent upon obhteratin~ , the house \,~aIU, What 'Yll. we do with se6sion of herself." all traces of her own ima.ue, so that sh e may Ithe clothes . Then sh". s!1ld these I would swear that she never made him! How ·llO [burn. We talked awhil e and were both exp ours rheum-over. his ey es, @ends foul ~pirits · ited, you can think.- ~'Now, " she said, af,~er Cologne. to inhabit hie breath; and shrieks, a11 With we put the ~lothes m the cook stove, 1 Cologne is ch iefly in t eresting to viAitors a trump<'t, ·from "very p ore of hie body, poured coal 011 on them and they were soon on account of itH Cathedr<>l i\ucl its Cologne "Behold a b east !" · · i burned. . . . wate l', To s ee t.he one im ·l to buy 8 0 10u of Uut ' Y hy Hhould not a. young mn.n indulge A~ this Miss ,Sargent fainted, and was th e other are ! he two great ohj~c ta of travan ambition to lay up a stock of health, as CiLrn ed unconscious from the conrt _room. ekrs here. But, r.pa rt from the"'l principal well as to l ay up stock of any other kind 1 A war rant u:as se~Yed on her later m t he attra.ctioae, we ehi~l l tind t he city very in · Health is earned as literally as any com· <lay. She st1l~ dem~s t h e charge, and says teresting. Most of tho streets are ciu ecr modity in the market. Healtll Cllll he a.c - . ol~l. S~owera 16 trymg to. drag her down and old, some of the houses dating froru tbt, cumulat ed, invested, ma.de t o yield its in - j with hur · The pe?ple beheve h~r, and 8 ~,e thirteenth century; anrl t he Rhine, which terest ·and its ·compound interest, and t hus · was sent home tu·mght under police eurveu- i's h ero crossed by a lung brid,,e of boats, 0 . l f lance bl d T h capit1.1 b e doubled o pre~ents a very busy a nd lively scene with · d and d redou 11eb · f f e 't d b h eaIth , rn ee , may a e or e1 e Y one its craft of many kinds. . . l mts . d emeanor, as a n. c11 man may p h ysica. . . . ,... 'rhe real Cologn e water is made by ,Johann sink all his p roperty in one bad specula· Color-Ehndness among-Ra1lroad.c.mployees. Maria. Farina, but when we go ont to lmy tion; ancl it is as capable of being increa;sed i The conflict between the officers and th e . some, wo may be a little perplux ed by findas any .other kind of ca.pita! ; and it can be omployes of the Reading R ailroad, wlth its ing that there are some thirty or for ty plKsafely msu~ed, o~ payment of the reason- .forty -two thoiisand employees on three thou - p le of this name, all of wh om k eeps shops 1 able pre11!m1!' ot t~mperanc~ and fore- sand miles of track, which has occupied r e- for t he sale of Cologne water. Ther e are " thong;h:t· This, too, is a specie~ of wealth cently the attention of the public, and h as great many dt::scend1>uts of the original in ~h1ch 1s not ?nly capable of a h.fe-long en - threatened to p i·oduce a. suspension of work ventor of this perfume, aucl the law does JOymen.t by its J?ossessor, bu~ it may be on that roan , lrns r e(lpened the q uestion of not permi t anyone to assume the n.arn<' ;yrHJ t ransmitted to oh1ldren b,v a. w ill and t est!L· color-blindn ess <Lmong railroad employees, does not be loui< to th e famHy; hut t he boy me .nt wrl Jed to a full demonstration of its exist- babies of t il e .Farim·s are ., iterieru.lly· ha,1 _;t' z'>d l that uo h uman Jndicatur" ca.n eet 1 II.SIC e. e11c.:e amo11g rh ··e engaged even as engiue- 1 Johauu Mc.ri<>, ao th ..t they can gu iuto t lie Imen, where the defect may lead to serious : Colognt watt::r business when ihey grow up. Food. ·accidents, with loss of property and life. There are two or t hree shop~ where: the , · · The officers of t he road have selected the bes· t\nd " , original " water is sold, and a t 1 A correspori:aent w n tc;s to u s trom A la· system for examination suggested by the oi:te of thlse we buy some of the celebrat ed bama, requestrng an article. on _f~ods-the writer, and employed to a foll success for I p erfume , generally ~o'.d to travele:s in small m?st.wf..ole some and .most d1ge~t1b.e. Th_e more than five ye~rs p ast ou the Pennsyl-1 woollen boxes contarnmg four or six bottles, pnmary . nd of f~od is to s~pply the p hysi- vania Railroad, and have appointed me to i which we. get a t a v ery reasonable price cal maclnner v with material .for t~e ~eve! - sup ervise its details, aud, as ophthalmologi - \compared with what we may have to p ay opment of force, for the rcr.a.ir of its mc~s· cal expert, to d ecide all doubtful cases afccr for it in America. \Ve cannot take much sant waste, and for the 1muntenance of i ~s careful examinat ion of those found defecti ve : mor e than t his, becau se Cologne water is normal te~perature. A second but suborch- by t h\) non-professional examiners of the · classed as spirits by t he cus tom·houae aunate end rn p lea.sure. Aud the h~o ends ?-re company. . , t horities in Eugluad, and each traveler fo so far connected. tha:, ot;~er .thm~,a berng 'rhe conflict is nearly over, ~iuce dfl· , allowed tn bring only a small qurntity of it ' into that country .. e b qual, t h e f?~d ~hich. rehsh~s most, monstrations of the optical d efect in engin- . eB st atctc homp ist eshtlle pnmafr"J:denf · eers, made before a committee appointed hy 1 - -- -- -- - u e mos o esome oo or one ma) th · l 1 t ' fi d t l f th t be so f another. · \Vhat is suited to the e e~p oyees iave au ie e iem 0 e i· News of Stan'ev. no . or . . propriety of t he t e,trn g, and that the safety torn~ zone IS not adapted to t he u.rctic. of the trnvd fin " pub lic dema nds t he removi.t Accord ing to +be l ast news r eceived a.t The rnfa~~· ,the a~ult an,d the old m_ a n need of all. color-blind persons from posi tions Bum a fro1 !1 t.hf: Upper Congo, St· 11ley '~as e~c~1 ~ .~1ffm en: diet. ~ he aedeu:ary br~m - wh ere t heir opticu,l defect mig-ht be the }'U~hing lor w1>r<1, and t he only <li!ticulties 1 1 wo1 );.,1 a ud t l: e out-iloor mu·cle· \\ °' ~'c can- cau~ci of di>:tre"dng acoid~·nts. Jn the recent h e met with wer e the natural oh8tacles of not .equally d1ges_t th~ a'"'."' foc~d. 'I hA !Han demornitrat:ions, l was. able at my ofli~e to the eountry. About the ::?5ch of ,J uly the ofy1gorous cou.~t1tu c1011, rnheri.tcd or _devel- show t hat an engine man declu.re:l a r ed e:x pedit ion had nocended the .Aruwhimi to oped, can ~bri,·c_ on .what rnw h t kill unc cl anger -sig nol, macle hy p lacing r ed gla~s i11 the elevattJ<l courrtry belougingw r.he Mabo· w hose _Physwal vigor is not{;'.' great. I ' . front of ·~ lar ge g11.~ lig ht at a distance oft" o ili dist,l'ict. T he nver becoming t oo narrow, ll<Llitt~, iilso, h":ve soi~."t w g t" c 0 w itn fee t l\way to be a gHien lioht · heWl\S 11.lso th ey left t l11· rafts, a n cl the men for several 1 our ea~rng c~~ac·ty. ~.~"' l""'P " >it_ th~ not oJJ!y ~u:~hlo lo rlistingt~ish a r ed from i1 ll<·~s hr~d to carry a double b urden of p:oNorth s ottld h~T~~ ~h~ . i. 0 au;t J'.<.llllll. green fi <g within ' ix feet, but h e failed to visions. Tl11> 8tel whaleboa~ w as earned of tl'.e 'outh. : e . .act 18'. t w ' ~rio~s c i ebssify the fl»gs, white, red, green, a ncl blue, p1tst the lr·"rrows and ag11.m _ '.a1rnehed. gcst 1ve glands a1e stt eug tl:wne<l , or :vrnken - even whim allowed t o t ak e them in his own Stanley Mku'lated th&.t upon a.rn vmg at the eclf· us thw arc, or a.re nob, called mto d u e hand s. W i 1.u.nr THOMSo:<, M. D., in summit of t.he t<Lule lands giving biuope to ac !on. . , h I I'opidai· S cienc;1J ,J!ont!dy for October. j lhe basin d th e . Aru;wliimi, the expedition 'I.he man of v.1gorous h e"'1t , w ' ?se .occuwould ha lt t wo (bys for rest, and would pation :ecureR llllll all need ed exercise _rn the e 8t1>oblish a camp t ber P, to he garriEoned by open_au·: h ardly neecl s t.o n11se u.que~t,1ou a.R Ca . ttie for G .' rea.t Hrit ain. ' t,wcoLy men , wi th a EurO Jlea u offieE· r. 'l'he to ht· 1liet., liruv1<h> d h e tlU·uda "~ "rn ~ t cd l ,J ;., 1ricta tr;e1·1?rsecl we.re t.rnn 1u;l, 11 ncl little excess. '.l'htJ prese11t !0od of tL i1 .1t1?n I'! the The great µr e\"d e11 r·e of the Texar; fov et' in (Li!i _ ,11 11y was cxperitlnoed in obrnii iing pro· result of t he 11.ucucrrn lat«d expen e n·;~ · :t P<>mrsy lvruo w. auil Lil·; strenuous dful t' , .f V l ti \(·lJa 'irom t l'e natiV<·fJ, Tht:: progress of thou~an ds of )'.°" r8. Jn the t 0rrirl zon<: ii; I" 1h1p; ulhoritit· th.,,.e rn buppress it, are fact >: the eJ< peilition !L Vtrage:1 t wenty k i ,omet res f\ '.lllx rnre t,l u.,, h, g r.tw, veget';'~lL s aud <·f mm·e tlmn us>1ai in 1 eresc tv our C11nadfau cl:dly. TipllOO Tib in hi s last n1f" ""ge wrote frm e, wit h a moderat e a muuut ut fo. , , fa.rm<in ., who fort.11 11 ~tely a.ro not ·ubj cct to i h·.l t he wa~ >till i<.t his 1 ,o·t ILG S ·tcu ley Fu,][8 J us t so for a.ij oue \$ coc·· lit111 io1> u,1ly "I· it dlo··trou s vi,i1.. tions, Any Oll C who awilioiJl ·' r eiL>fornernen t·. H e hd.d gained facblt>, or is w1:Hkcno1l hyKick n1;<S or chrn11 ic : , ,.~ w,,tc~· i:d the >tali st ics of ex p orts of cat. t ho goo3>1i ll of several n eighbori ng chiefo. ailmenw, his diet must l.>e sL1itc1l lo l,b Cvll - tie fronr thi 8 "on t iiit::ut t o Great Br·itain is Owiug to the dist urb ed srnt e of the country dition. Even in a case of dyspep·ia, the aware ttu~t \.he U i.itecl Sta Les lta8 flouded the T ippoo 'fib could not, as he agr eed to, organil<~ b est food.. eould not lie determin"d for a ll E ngli>ih and Scotch market s wi th far great. "'revicttm lling force t o de.p11tch direct to eases, s in~ it would difftt· according to the er numbers than have been sen t from C,m. Albert Nyanz&., but he intentled to do so as type of dy ~pepsia. ada, thus ser iously depr essillg and unset - soon as posoible. J)isquietcontinued between B'tt we may i;ay , in general, that rnlt<'d tling t he market to the loss. uf our p rodu c. Sttmlcy F .,,118 !Lnd t he confluence of the Jt of digestion. than fresh ; er1.1 or shippers. Unfortunate as it mrLy be Aru whi mi ::i.nd the Cong o, a nd many Vil· food is m ore di fficu. that our food, a 8 a whole, "bould contain o..ll for ou r neighbors, this dise'1se in sorne of the l af.!'.JH hacl ucen pillaged. I t is believed t hat t he o!ements which enter into the composi- States, l.1ard _winters in oth ers aucl se.:·ere t he "arrison which S'tanley l eft at Yambunya. tion of our b odies'; hence , that whole wheat· drought Ill & till others, mu st tend to relie ve has "'been forced to interfere to m aiutuin bread is uette1 · than white bread, as contain- C>Lnadian farmers from some of the pres· order in the neighborhood. in _; elem ents essent ial to the teet h, bones m n : of this competition,- E'x. I All Jift;s in buildings should b e bricked in, or the sides of the well-hole cove.red wit h metal p lates, abestos sheets, or some ot her noninflamma.ble material, to render them fireproof ; and l aws should be enacted ma.king it compulsory on builders and property-owners to make such provision for the safety of lifo and property. Ilut in buildings where no such provision is m ade the following device has been suggested for preventing the spread of fire by wav of the lift-shaft. I t is proposed'to.ere'.!t a standpipe in one corner of the shaft, with branches of perforated pipe of sma.Uer size surrounding the well at each fleor. The water can be turned into each of these p erforated p ipes simultaneously by pulling a. lever at a point remote from the elevator, thus filling the shaft with a shower of B pray, which will l>e likely to subdue the flame, unless the dmught is very great and the fire t oo fa1 · advanced. Call and Examine the Stock, which has been selected with great care. Hats Re-shaped, Stamping Done. L.C>~. II I · · E t d C d' C u y on xpor e ana ian ·ream. There is considerable complaint among dairymen in Vermont and Northern New York at a late ruling of the T reasury D epartment. In an swer to an inquiry as to the duty on cr eam impor ted from Canada., the Department held th&t the separation of the cr eam from t he milk did not constitute a manufacture, and therefore that the cream could only be taxed at the rate of 10 per cent . ad. valorem as a. new and :mmanufactured article; while butter, a manufactured a rticle, ia taxed four cents a. pound- more than double the tax on cr eam. It is claimed that G;onadian dairymen can produce butter and cream cheaper than ~hey can b e prod need by their brethren on ~he other side of the line. ' ·>* =>=·= =a w A l DVJSE TO MOTH.l!l\8. -Are you · is· tur b e d a t night and b roken of your re st b y a s ick child suffering and cryina ., with Plin of C u tting ·reeth 7 If so se nd at o nce a nd get a bottle of" Mrs, Winslow's S >othing Syrup." For children teethin~, i ts value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. D e · pend u p on it, mothers ; ther e is n · mistake about i t, It c ure s Dysentery and Diarrhooa, r egulates the Stomach ari d Bowels, cure s 'Wind Colic, sof tens th e G urns, r e d uces · I n fl ammation, and givei to:i.e and enei·gy to the whole sy~t~m. " ~rs. v _ :Vinslow's S oothing Syrnp, ,ll'or ·1 chi dren teething i~ pl easant to the t oste and is th e prescription of one of t h e c H es t and best female physician s :ind nuISes in the United States, and is for s alt1 by a ll druggists through the world. Price 25 cents a bottle . Ba sure and ask fo r "MRs . WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYimr." and t ake no other kind, ~-e: ·:.!'!!!~·~ -·"~-=~~~-~~~-:-i~·~~~~~ - ~~ - D t .· . g ... A~Y PRAR · · . . .· i· · . ·. . · · . . . .. ·. · . · . Q ----o---- J. HIGGINBOTHAM &SOI~ Chemists and Druggists. Our Stock is complete, compr. i sing an assortment. of Drugs, Medicines, Sponges, Chamois, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Soaps, &c. J mper1a · 1 Stove-pipe . V arnish ! Produces a beautiful gloss and creates no offensive smell, will not bnrn off, neither will the pipes rust. ----o---- I I Thorley's Horse & Cattle Food, Pure Ground Oil ·Cake, and Prairie Flower Condition Powder ALWAYS IN STOCK. 1 JOSEPH JE-FFERY, 7 7 A PROMPT AND RELIABLE CURE F"or Cholera Morbus, Cholera Dnfa ntum, Colle, Diarrhrea, DY.sentery, and all Su mmer Complaints of Children or Adults . 'L'. MILEUll.N & co,, l.'r oprtetors1 \i:'ORON"l'O, ONT. ' J.EFFERY always at the Door. IMerchant Tailor & Gent'sFurnisher I B ~ I W M A NV I L L E, Children Cry for P itcher's Casto ria~ ·