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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1887, p. 5

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--.:~~~.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LYMAN'S CONCE"TRATED EXTRACT OF O©FF:BJE_ For the Seaside. .Fo1· Picknicking. For Camping Out. For Tra-velling. Honie. For Stayin~ = A great many citizens took advantage · of. the _fin e weather last Sunday t o go for drives mto the country. The Great Convenience and Luxury o John McMurtry has a large stock of the day. Rich and Full Flavored. shirts and drawers for men and boys. La'Vholesome, Stimulating, Easy of Use, dies' underwear-;--a .~6,od aasortmentEconomical,. the General Favorite, Nu cannot be beaten in to'y~. You can buy white wool Blankets 25 per Cheap Substitute for Peas, Wheat· or cent. below wholesale prices at the Bank:Barley, but Genuine Mocha and Old rupt store. Just fancy $3.50 Blankets for $2.00, and $5.00 Blankets for $3.00. Government Java. FREE SET OF H.AitNESS.-S. Thompson For Sale by Grocers and Druggists in & Co. will give gratis t o the person buying the most goods at their shop during fu.,-?J-lo~tb, Bottles. '.J'mu S1zE 5 CENTS: 1887, a set of all Nickle Single Harness wort $25.00. 1 (Mention this paper.) r. Ceo. Y.t, Jamieson, of -Dale, one of the most successful teachers in the county, has Ieceived the position of Principal of Hall'ipton School for 1888. The people are ~o be con~ratulated. Persons sending reports of meetings or 1' occ nces of any kind to this journal would do well to recollect that freshness & is an essential to publication. Stale items gravitate towards the waste basket. Famous Etx Powder will kill every To save e>:pense and trouble, the person who took th:.t hand trnck from J\fr. Jly in a room in 30 minutes. E. G. Burk's yard at. "The Evergreens," two weeks a~o last Monday had better return it to M . .A.. J Al\IEs' residence. He was seen. The hotel at Canton, recently kept by Mr. Sam. I' arsons, was destroyed by fire, last Tuesday. It was only vacated the Gloves can be cleaned as by day previous aud only a few old pieces of furniture were left in it. 'rhe building was totally destroyed. The people of Oshawa seem to have caught the in1:1piratiun from this town. to ONLY 10 CENTS AT improve the appearance of their streets and dwellings. A large numher of their buildi1.1g> have been improved by paint and b rush the past summer. Those of our readers req uiring anything in carpets should read Couch, ,Johnston & Cryderman's advertisement in this paper_ '!.'hey carry the largest stock of c:.rpets held by any house in the county and as they import them direct from the manufacturers no one . can undersell them. · Doring the year of 188() the Dominion Piano was used at 64 public concerts in the city of T oronto, played by the best trav<llling profes~io!lals as well aa the best N. STANLEY'S CELEBRATED professionals ao:i d amateurs in the city of Toronto, which is the strongest proof of the excellence of the "'Dominion." vV. No Speetadt:1s in the market equal tl1em in Lltt:l Ruse, Mamtger of Local a;{ency. Office, EYE PRES ~VING QUAL!'l'IES they possess, or Big 20, Bowmauville. th.~ GREAT'1>AS!C and COM~'Oi:\'£ they confer Oil -~ · the wearer. On Tuesday of last week, a surprise THEY 'U:VER 'l'HtE 'l'IfE EYE AND LAST party met 11t the residence of Mr. 'l'. H. MANY YEARS WITHOUT CHANGE. Smelt, Horsey-st., it beihg the 15th an· .rhe sight tes, ed by our New Test Card, niversary of their marriage, and presented a.a used by t.he leading Oculists thronghMrs. Smelt with a handsome silver cruet ,mt the world. a.nd numerous other presents. Mr. W. · H, Williams made a few happy remarks Druggists and Opticians, BOWMANVIJ,LE. in connection with the presentation to which Mr. Smelt respondt::d just as hap· GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. pily. The company numbered about <10, and with a good supper, fun. jollity, and BOWM.ANVILLE STATION. sociaJ.- pastimes a remarkably plea;iant p~ng was spent. GOING EAST GOING WEST / 'rh D' ' j f th b t. h'b't f Local .........8.53 am , .Express. ~ .... 6.20 1¥'m F' ep .1rt.oma. tort]· el tesB ex i i ·101 Express... .... ,. m . Local, ........8.1~ m ine rm mg a ie as owmanv1 e Mixed .........3.38 p m Express*; ..... U.1'> a m Fair was awarded to the STATESMAN Local·...... ···· 7.18 Pm j Mixed_, .... ·.. 3.3:;i IJ m office. The samples shown were all Exuress ...... 9:41 p m Express ··..... 8.131 P m · b d · h f ~Except Mondays. se1ectel1 mm JO s executel1 nrmg t e p·1st year by our young Foreman, J'i[r. Sid. A. Jewel, and did not consist of CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWA fancy cards ought in Toronto nor of BURKETON ST.A'l'ION ork exe ted years ago and exhibited a~ous exhibitions. This office has GOING .EAST, GOING WEST. facilities and abilities for turning out fine Express .. , , .. 10.29 a ill Express . . . . . . !J.45 a m printing without having to purchase h igh Express ...... 6.52 p m Express .... .. 7.42 p m Tickets a.nd ftlrther information may be had priced fancy cards to place in compe~ition from R. B. ANDREW, Big 20, Railroad, and with our competitors. l<'or either plai n ,Steamboat Ticket Agent, Bowmanville, or fancy printing the STA'rESMAN Office takes no back seat for any country oftice. LVMAN,8 FLUID COFFEE l . Stylish fall millinery at Mrs.Morrison's, See Eureka Card Co. advt. in another column. Great bargains in fancy goods, a t Mrs. Morrison's. '.l'ell your neighbors about our new offer of "Two for a Quarter." Dr. Potter, cffice and residence, Prower's Block, King-st., Bowmanville. 1-tf. Rea.d the auction sale notices. The STATESMAN office ha.s a boom in sale bills. John McMurtry's blankets and tie· downs are at the lowest prices. Can't be be'l.tLadies' Jersey and ShortStrcetJackets for just half price at the great Bankrupt store. CERTAIN 'DEATH STOTT JURY'S Farmel's·ahould advertise stray animale in t he STATESMAN. John McMurtry'a gloves and hosier are at pcpular prices. 'rl1e editor of the sun last week a c· knowledge«. a present of a pair of wooleu eocks, Job n McMurtry's fingering yarn- a largo aRsortment-Scotch and Canadian, at lowest prices. An immense lot cf Men's and Boys' Overcoa.ts, away below coet, at t he big Bankrupt Store. Binges Cough Syrup cures coughs, colds, hoarsness, whooping cou~h. Prepared and sold by J . H iggingbotham & Ron . · It has been remarked t hat better t onsorial artists, better conducted or more respectable hair cutting and shaving parlors cannot be found in Canada than there is in this town. The cheerful phiz of friend M. W. Williams, of the Cobourg World, illumined our sanct,uary on Monday. He is bacoming as aldermanic in appearance as his partner. He was accompanied by his wife, having Fpent a few days among friends around here. J J. Mason wIShea U8 to annou'ace that every watch, clock or article of e welry left in his store for r epair has his pt!ts'onal Rnpervision and all work will be t urned out in perfect order and warranted and if not satisfactory the customer will confer a favor by returning the article and having any oversight corrected free of charge. F om Dec. 1st 1886, to May 1st, 1887 -just five months- the Dominion Piiino was used at 98 public concerts, in the city of 'furonto, and pronounced by both travelling and loca l p rofessionals and amateurs to be the best Canadian piano, and equal to the best American pianos. W Ruse Manager Local acrency office Big 20, Bowman ville. . / Bowmanville Silver Plating Works· King-st. east. Plating 10 gold, ailve and nick0l on all kinds of metals. Carriage and harness plating at rmtsonable rates. Knives, forks, epoons , cruets, tea sets, etc., re-plated in silver, and made better th<m new. Special rates to hotels and boarding houses:· Opposite the Salvation Army Barracks. R. H. HENltY. F. N . HA111, Manager. 'T G 'd · d · Th e P · or t f -1.ope m e is omg some howling O ·v er a big turnip raised by ~Ir, A. Ilosevear, of Hamilton township, which is on ly 38 in. around and weighs only 21~ l bs. The West Durham farmer ·1 b · l ll who W I l rmg us a turnip t iat wi " top this turnip ,, shall have the s~'A'.rESMAN f f t Tl · - t ree or nex year. iere 18 J<US a passibjlity that the Guide man ha~ been d uped,. f·or h e pro ba bl y d oes not k now a turmp from a equash, and t h is '"Jumbo" may be the btter k ind of field. ·frui't. · ' ' M ' I ;::: HOWARD'S Gl. OVE CLEANtR ! -MAGIC- Stott & Jury's Medical Hall. . g ht SI VS. Bli·ndness. The Third page of tl1e Toronto Daily Mail is n oted for "Want" advertisements. If you want to buy or sell anything. 1f you want a situation, a mt,chanic, a busi· ness, machinery, lodgings, if you have lost or found anything, or if you want to find out whore ttnyonc is, ad vei·tise in the Toronto Mail and read . the a d verc A great affiiction hao fallen on a family HOUSE AND L OT FOR SALE BY ·n '\.)8 h awa n arlied B cdfo r d · Tl1e olc ' l "' dy NASAJ. 'BALM.-The only medicine in 1 011 tl1·~ tl1i1·d · J)a!r .e of that pa- 1 tl.s"111e11ts ~ ' · · a· f I8 > d h ti the mar ket th at will i mmediat.ely cure .Auction.- 'l'be undersigned has receiv1 l per. 'rhe charge is two cents a word f" e c a e f w "fee ~ ago, anf JI er dson, L ie cold in t he head a cl tl cnre ed instrnctions frorn the Rx:ecuG ors of tho 111t0> each inser t ion. Address, The Mail, 'fo- "t1 1er o a amt1y , soon o owe . ast · ' n penn anep Y . Mar y Ann Bedford, to sell by P ublic .Auction. ronto Canada. week a daughter of 17 died also, and ca tan h, hay fever, etc . ~lll~:~1~·Fila:r:.?~io~~~~·za;.~ri~~~.~~,t~kai£1v~~; 42 _tf other members of the family are lying ill. desirable roug)1· cast dwelling house with half CAU1:ION TO FARMERS HAYING SALES.Mr. Bedford and his daughter died of MARRIED. an acre of land atl ached, being thehouseownPersons who intend havmg auction sales typhoid fever. Ln:ARMOU'l'l·I -R"x-lly the Rev. H. s. Mat - ed and occnpietl bv the deceased Mrs. Bedford, should 1.· n struct their auctioneer to get th h 1' h ~ J h C , - in said of Hampton. There i s a n excelHoR Slil~ \VANn;u;- Mr. George Baute! ewe, on t " · t · ll t., a.t t e hurch Street lent ga.rden with goo<l. variety of apple~. and their eale bills print,ed at the STATES3IAN .ll b h R b Parsonage, M t\ J ame8 .A.lex, 1,earmouth, to other trees and small fruits, Tit le indisputOllice, or a petter plan is to order them of Rochester, wi e a t t e ue ottom Miss Eliza ll ex, all or Bowman ville. a ble, I mmediate possession given_ Tel'ma.· I' f h House, Bowmanville, on Th ursday, FriKE!'"1'NllR- CAR'l'rnu - On tho 12th inst., by the One Tenth Cash on dav ofSale: the balance in yourse1ves. B rmg to us a 1st o t c <lay and SaLurday Oct. 20th 21st and Rev. II. fl..Matthews. at the <.Jhnroh·st. Par· two week~ from day of sale, the pnrcl1usor articles t o be sold and we will draw up 2 d d ' b ', Erastus Kentner, of Drnm-Qumn, co. to. search.title at h1s,? wn expense. Executors the bills as well as any auctioneer can. 2 n ' prepare to uy he~vy draught, of Halton, to Miss Itebecca Carter; Brampton. . will. fnrmsh Deed, .£he property will be ~olcl . · . · f general purpos_e and carrrna e horses · subJect to a reserve bid. Jfor fur ther partlcn· Th IS notice 1s given because b 1ate a d d d f.' ° f ' . Jara apply to 'l'noMAS SYER, E sq., Janetville. certain amitioneerhas taken bills ti> an- goo a n soun rom 5 to_10 yearso age . . J. K. G ALRRAl 'l'JI. Vendor's So'Hcitor, Bow· other office t hat the persons having the This will be a good chance for farmers to BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, manvllle, or to S. C. HuNrrnrn, Auctioneer. turn their horse· fle~h into gold. RememHampton Sep. 30, 1887 10· td sales intended should be printed at the ber the dates. Correcte<l by J. IJlcllitrtry, every Tueiulay . , - - -- - - -- - STATESMAN Office, so that they would get the benefit of a free notice in the 8TATESRev. Mr. Murray, cf Stre etsville. oc- FLOUR, 111' 100 Its......... $2 10 t o $2 40 ~rAN which has a very much Ja,rger cir- cupied the pulpit of St. .Paul's ch u rch,on WnEAT, Fall, ~ bush .. . .· 0 75 11 0 1 80 culation in w ·est Dmham and Ontario Sunday, and preached able and earnest 11 Spring, u ·.··. 0 80 11 0· 00 . disoourses. He has been aiding the pas- BARLEY, W b ush, N o. 1 .. . · 0 65 11 0 00 county thu.n any other local paper. · D · I d k d tor in evangelistic ser vices. These serHE par tnership heretofore existin g 0 n F au 11y a young a y pw e up a " " 2 ... . 0 58 II O· 00 · h' h t' d f ti k between and carried on by the undersign. bank bill on the grounds and 1n compttnv 1vices w ic con mue or uee wee s, II II II 3, . -.· 0 50 II (:) 00 ed at 'C own of Bowmanville, as horse · . . · were brought to a close on Sunday even- R n1, 11 ·· , ······· 0 45 11 O 48 dealers, under the name style and form of wrth her compan10n withdrew a few 1 . Th h 1· 't d l ' t t · t· f ' t Sl rng. ey ave e 101 e muc l m eres Young & Wyllie has this day been dis· Percy, d tl II · · · · · · · · . · 0 27 II 0 28 solved by mnt,ua.I yar s t·o see 1e d cnomma ion o 1 ·· le d d t d lt D M T · h OATS, con>ent. 0 had no sooner opened it than a. young afuL' odne grea c afvO ' PEAS, Blackeye, lJl' b ush ..· 0 60 11 0 fi5 .All debts due to said Jlrm mmt be paid t o, · M CVM t d f d d k d h 'f o m say, an ev. r. c rae, o o· and all debt~ duo by said finu will be paid by 11 Small, 11 0 50 11 0 52 1 ~~n s eppe orwar an as e er. bourg rendered valuable help the :first Young & Percy. who will cont inue to carry on 11 Blue, " 0 50 11 0 55 said ~l:ie had not found ~ome mone.y, addmg o.nd s~cond weeks. bnsineas &8 partners under the nam6 and that h e dropped a bill a few mmutes be. . . . B UTTER, best table, lfl' It. . . 0 18 II 0 20 firm of Percy & Young. fore while taking some money from his The D1r~ct?rate of th0 Umt~d A!{ricul- L ARD, 'IP' lb · .. . · .. · · · .. · · 0 10 II 0 12 Dated at Ilowmanville this 27th day of· pocket -book, and so saying he took the tural Somehes i:eturn then· smcere E GGS, tl' d oz .·.·.. , ...... 0 l G 11 0 00 U5t, 1887, Signed J OHN PERClf, Romr.U'f' YoUN bill from her hand and walked away. lt than.ks to t~1e ladrns allll ger~tfomen W,ho POTATOES, 'Ir bush . - · · . . . · 0 50 II 0 00 G, JOHN \VYLLm, On Friday week last, about 50 of the is now thought that the bill ($5) was not so lnndl.y assisted :i-t ~he f.a1r, m arrangmg HAY .................... 10 00 II 11 00 ·w itness, ~nttadiau trieuds and neighbors oFMr. and Mrs.C. his but the one :.dvortiscd in t ho STATES- the exh1b1ts and m ]Udgmg. For extra D RESSED H oGs . .. _... _..· 5 50 11 6 00 ., .. ._,. . . _ Jt. UUSSK LL LO SO OMDE.... . ...........,,., Hooper gathered at their residence, P ro- MA;,, This young man had possibly seen P.rizes and couttesies e:i::tended tney dtf- CLOVEit SEED .. . - . - - . . . . . 4 90 II 5 00 Bow1u.NvrrCE, OcToBER rn, 188' . spect-st., in the capacity of a surprise the lady pick up the bill and and watch- sire also to thank tl~e editors of the local ALSIKE .. .... .. . .. ... - .. 4 00 II 6 00 party, on the eve of their departure for ing his opportunity had iicted as stated. papers, Messrs. Silverman, Boulte~ & T oron to, and presented them with an He h as since been recognized twice by Co., of Moi;treal, Can;noque C~rnage DR, E. C. lllcDOWELI,, address and r a China tta service and a the la dy and to save expense had better Oo., Hon. E. Blaire, \\ . Buck, Esq., of gl_~~s set. . '.fhe address was re11;d by Mr. call at the STA'.rESMAN oflice imd leave t he Brantford, Me~srs. Bur;ow, ~tewart & I3~~Y~fu+,.;~ ~!}~~.Y:-n~.?iif!b~:~ Pure mixed paints at Higginbotham W. H . Williams for Mrs. W1lhaws and money M ilne, of Hamilton, D S. B errm & Co., College of Physicians and Surgeons. Ontario. AN]) R ESII)ENCE:- Rear of Messrs. SURGERY . rs._. Dui;isford, (who had the managec;;,-0), , LIN'( C Tl . of London, The Williams Sewing l\faehi. ne 1 161~t~g drug store. m t-ef-tbc affair) on behalf of the guests .P ,LIN'G . 1[°~-i· 10 ~ln~ua 1~ Co., of ~fontre,.J, M. Porter, W . C, Higginbotham's Drug Store. Bowmanville, ll-l yr;' ,Tohu McMurtry has a fine assortment ·tssembled. Mr. Hooper made a suitable . 9: ~wkmanvbl e ur mg tu ... wda~ ite · ind Wells, J . Jeffery, M. Mayer, J ,J.Mason, 0 c . .) r ms . an .-Of dry goods. Selling very ch'lap. . . f tl1eu · . , tne rm cu room, on J . L ~1e, '" R use, ·· R B e1 ' tli, I -'· T o1e, W . FRANK lVI. FIEl,D,, B. A. rep1 y, tl. iank'mg tiie . compan~ o~ wa . tt d d '.l'h ffi f t h ". " · 11 a e:i e : · · e_ 0 cers or . e Jcnnmgs, S . S. Edsall, M essrs. Couch, Large amount of money . to loan on generous mark of esteem for lus w1fo n:n\11 · 8 ~: (LATE HOSSACK & F IELD. farm aecurit:¥ at from 6 to 'l per cent.- himself and expressed ~egret at leav11fg penst~rn., yearMwernEele(c,tGBd aks ~01 ~0w8 . - Johnston & Cr yderman , ,V. M. Horsey, BAH.RISTE R, Solicitor, N otary , &c. F. H. MASON. tl · · 'd t A 1 t · 1 a wness,- rs. · "" ur ' a. rons, J E 1 d d M D ll . i eu m1 s . t bvery peasant socMm ev nnd· - H on. E. Blak ~, Col. Cubitt, G. T.Blackn o.. < ng an. an rs. one y. COBOURG. Order Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picli:etq, m g wos spen . Y a 11 presen · r. t k I" t t' b · C 1 The Salvation Army Ba nquet on M on Office,-A.rmonr Block, Kin"' Street. · F L'b t M II 'th th ti s oo ; :-..epresen a 1ve mem ers,-o . . . etc., at 11'.Iorris' P lanmg . actory, l er y ra. ooper carry WI em le re C b 't t T . R ,b tt . p. 'd t W day and assoc1»ted services on the 15th , 22, FnANK M. Fn:r,n. of all who knew tliem ll 1 , uOS . . ue o om. ies1 en,- · . f I street, R . H . 0 sb orne, 1easee. · J. J ons; Vice-President,- Robt.Beith; lGth and 17th mst., were :ery success u "\V, S, OJUUSTON. I,~ L. B. A big turnip was left on. a western The Hampton correspondent of th sun Uha.plain,- H.ev. R. D. Fraser ; Sec.- t!Huughout. All the rneel;rn~s wet't:1 .very Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c, Money editor's table Inst week, weighing 2() lbs., wrote last '\yeek: "l'he Snn may be ~ n- Treas.,-M:. l\foTttvish ; Managing Com- lar?ely attended a..n~ the serv1~es were full to loan. Oftico, in llea.ver Block upst;a.irs in 'U S formerly occupied DY Dr. Harnden, gratulated in its enterprise in g etting o t mittec,- ·W. McKay, B. McGill, Col. of mterest. Staft.-Capt. Morris and sons roo .and measuring 4.3.'/- inches round. o9 Bowmanville. 'l'be. cheapest wool blankets and com- the prize list of the late fair ahead of a Cubitt., N . S. Young, S. S. Edsall. R. D. are very poq11lar h.ere and are alwa;i:s forters in Canada, are at the Dankrupt ·others." What d oes this paragrnph meau, Davidson, J. Rot:1nigk, D. Beith, N. Gor- f(reeted by brge audiences._ Mrs.. Morns o RJ<}N'r- '.l'he Stand ODe door west of the NEWR Office; Suitable for small store, er .Store, next d oor to Murdoch Bros' anyway l Does it mean that the l<'air was on, M. lY.lcTa ·sh. The selections of was unab_le to a.t tend, MaJ?r B~1ley led late, y~t ahead of all other fairs 1 or that s ·ns was le ·n abeyance for n. future the meetmg . s w1t.h much sat1sfachan. A . for an Office, Apply t o GALE BROS. At the Bnnkrupt Store you get6 papers t h e sun pu bl' ' tl1e prize · l 1s ' t of some mecllr "' lbh eu . here are !mod prospect s for a D _ C. L ew1s .ana. a h ost of o ffi · cers f rom of pins for 10c., 2 papers of best needles f·an· · a liead of a II other pnze · i· t s ; or that Ii vely time with the c, bbsom and stanes t I10 surroun d In[f c.orps were presen t on ARM TO RENr OR SELL. - B eing 1s the sontll Iii a,cres of lot 7. con. 3, DarlinA· for uc., good 5 button Kid Gloves for 4 9c., the sun got the prize list ahead of every this season. Monday. Stafl-:£:wut. P"ul and a con·Gents undershirts and drawers £or 25c., body else;. or what 1 ' As the othe1· local ve1·ted French Priest from Montreal met ton, Apply to ,V. F. ALLRN, Bowmanville. 31).tf , Home Made Socks 20c., and 50 per cent. papers .vere printed the same day as the i!IJtWIW!W with a chee1·ful welcome and added great ARM TO REN T.-200 acres, being offal boots and shoea. sun, and contained the prize list of Bowinterest to the services. The banq uet Lot5 16 and 17 , Oon. 4, Darlington. Plow· The Lady winning the largest numb~r manville Fair, and in addition the prize was a splendid success in every respect. ing possession i mmediately. .Apply to W, F. of prizes at Bowmanville ]fair will please list of Clarke Fair which came off the - - OF-Better laid out or a mora inviting spread ALLEN. Bowmanville, ls selling· a real American ' Va tch, ::>tem j.2-tf 'Winder and Setter for :ST. 50, Call and see . call at the Big 20 and get the Elegant \veek previous; and which the sun only than the tea was is seldom seen at a pubt.he nobby goods he baa got in fc.r the com· New Williams machine, offered as a pre· published in its last issue- the second lie feast. The young ladies and gents in pEAS WANTED.-3000 bushels of in~ sea,~on ; taking the ctnantit:y into cousid· tnium by the Williams Manufacturing Co.. week afterwards-and then stole the char<Ye of the tables performed their small peas wanted at the Caledonia.n er:ition we are t he cheapest in t 3wn. Gold · agen t s, 'u · f rom t h e oth er Ioca1 papers, ·"' most exc~1· h t o f est Mi price a, Bowman ville, for which the very high· I th roug h t h eu 1en t Iy. TheaII ~ng o f M ontroa, n · whole t lnng duties w ill be Jo:a:N MACKAY, Pru· 2.nd Silver Watches all kinda, Jewelry a. Ruse and .Jas, Deyman. the pnblish~rs of which attended the prayer was enJoyed b.v a considerable j prietor. 4.Z· tf· very large variety, Clocks all the best makes and cheap, Silvermwe we always If you want. i;_o buy or sell a farm, ad- Fair and copied the complete prize list number after the tea. The Bowm:.nville take th,; lead, Spectacles and Eye Glasses; ARM FOR SALE in the township of vertise in the T·f>i·onto Weekly Mail. That from the Secretary's book the evening of cor9s possess one of the best brass bands everything in tho optical line we keep ill lots 10, 11 and tb.e north part paper reaches 100,000 farmers homes the last day of the Fair. 'In addition to AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE 1n the country and their music is very l:l, ofCartwright, H tock. H EPA lING of fine \Vatches, Clocks the 8th con., about 300 acres in all, Will every week, and your advertisement all this the other papers published last HEARD OF, AT much appreciated, We cong rat ulate the be sold rea.aona.ble, on :iasy terms_ Apply to J ewelrv, in fact anything in our line. . should meet the eye of some one who week about four c.o lumns of descriplive officers-Capt. 'l'om H owell, and Lieut. owner on the premis<'le, A. BJ-!UC!l:, .or Crc~a· 'Ve have the ability and tools for doing all rea, P ·. o. 38·tf kinds of work. We ask comparison, \Ve wants to purchase. Ad vertisements of matter about t he " late Fair," but the Jim Wilkinaon-and all t he member s of defy competition, '\Ve give a printed guar· this class are inaerted in the 'l'oronto sun's "remarks" were "witheld" until he · · tho corns on the successful result of their EIFER ASTR.A.Y.- Came on the antee with our work. Uold and Silver Weekly Mail for five cents a word each could find time ~o rearrange and touch up efforts on this occasion. The Salvation premises. lot 2, con. 3, Da.rlingtoa,about Plating and E.ngravin,,;. All work done on· ptember. a. Yearli1 1 gHeif'er. ·insertion, or twenty fi vo cents a word for the particulars 10 the reports of other Army in Bowman ville is doing a great the last week in RA th~ pr~mises by The owner is requested io prove property, 0 :five insertions. Address, 'rlie Mail, papers. Where does the eun's en!er· I IT C AN :NO .ilr\UM to try 1'rcem:m·s deal of good and they have the respect pay cha.rges aulil. take her away, W, J. BRMW, I Uorm Powdct'1' whenyou1· cllllll ls ailing 1 i 2:3w* I ·Toronto, Canada. I prise come in, Mr. sun Cor ? l aevarJSJ1 or rretrlll. and good wishes of the citizens generall y. Bowmau·ille, Mayn~rcl. ENC LI SH SPECTACLES. Ladie.1-, read Mrs.Anderson's new advt. r 1'here never has been such a number STR.AYED INTO 'l' HE SUBSCRIBEH.S Farmer;,, read the STATESMAN . auction of sale bills printed a t the STATESMAN ofp110mises, lot 6, con. :i, Darlington about sale list. ffce on any one season within ten yeau as a week ago, a Pig. · owner is reqne'sted to J>Wrov N e propa.ty, pa,. e;i;penaee and take it away. · d there has been this year, See the n e w 42 · ICKSON, Several stray animals are adverti: 9 e list of sales this week in another column. this week. ULL FOR SALE. -:[;,.ill.sell very New subscribers to the STATESMAN are , Mr: !'>-· J . Smale, the popular and en- , cheap my thoro'-bred Short Horn Bull ' erpr1SI~g young merchant, h as boug ht ,'lhvanhoe," 3 years old, Pedigree in late " Brit! now coming in. th,~ entire rnterest in t he firm of Smale & 1~ American llerd Book." IT. a .H O AR, Dar1\irs. Morrison's is t he cheapeat millin- Som,erville, and the business H-tr here- lmgton, Bowmanville, P . o. ery house in town. after ··e run in h is name.·- Winnip:;;ct Sun "' . RJPEP ASTRAY.-Came on th e p r eMr. Pethick, the toneorialiat , has been Momn.~s C11.~RIAGE WoRKs.-Hav iog re- S mises, lot . 7, con. 4, Darlington, a Ewe. ailing the past week. · The owner is requested to prove oropArty, pay eeived the . D1plom" for best s eleclion of costs and ·ake lier away. W M COLWILL Show your neighbors the STATESMAN carriages at t he County Fair, we have Bowman ville. · ' and ask t hem to aubscr:ibe. t 1.1kcn ~evcral .Qtd.:m i for bugg ies and cutORSE FOR S ALE.-AHEAVY .John McMnrtry's mantle and ulster t ers for the comfog season. P arties wantfarm horse. good to work, 6 years old, cloths are very low-a large stock. ing cutters call and examine our stock be- Qan bes~n on Mr.A. B.Clemens' fa.rm.'l'yrono. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. fore buying. J As . .Momus, Proprietor. I· or parhcnlars and p·ioe apply to .A.. E.CLEM ENS or J. PERCY, J~ ·. Bowmanville. 38-tf Ron· .r. VmTUE, Agent, Bowmanville. tf. "Ain t she just sweet, as s he passed on t he st reet, All wool flannels from 18c. per yard ARM TO RE:~f!". ~100 Acres, mor6 or less, being lot 21,. con. fi, Darlington. Her mant le was made £lf t he loveliest and up, at Couch, Johnston & CryderNo better land in the country. Good buildings cloth man's. and fences and well watered. Jmmediate posAnd the trimmings all ma tched so neat, session. Apply to JA ~ms I:l!EhLLIE, Solina, Mr. Will. Porter, of Los .Angelos, Cal., !l-2w On her ch ic little head she wore a is home on a visit, and is receiving ma;ny cloud AKE NOTICE.- All peit3'0n11 i ndebted hearty hand-shakes from old friends. to the sub~cri ber either b:r Note or Bank As wh ite as the r iven snow, The Bazaar P a tterns for ladies' and Account will please call at m y · ?!es·idence on ol.'" And t he cut~et of gloves protected h er before Nov : l~t and settle the same, otherwis& children's wear, fall and winter styles, at· hands costs will be monrred. R. s . MA~1NING. Mrs. Morrison's. 42·2W. When out where chill winds b low. The award of the valuators for loss of On her dress grew th e sheen E IFER ASTRAY. - on t hEJ tlw Union School Buildings by fire, is for ()£ t he shimmering s un, premises, lot 12, con. 7, DarM ngton, aboui;. $7,400. . Which laugh ed bac-k at its phototype' s 9 ct. rith, a two-year-old Heifer, The ow ner is requested to vrove pronerty, pay e:iqoense11glow, John Mcl\lurtry'a tweeds are well as· and take her a way. : w. ,J. HAY CR1'1'T; Haydon, sorted ; prices low. Suits made to order Her costumes were the e nvy of all on th e 1'.!·:Jw» stteet, at lowest prices. TRAYE D OR STOLEN. -F rom M r. In fac t wherever sherd go, T enders are asked for cleaning and pilS . \V . Quick's, on Fair Day, a. r .e d oow with ing t he bricks of the walls of the burnt T o end this poem I needa· mlil!!t tell w hite spot s, on" cr-0oked horn, dry in one teat. Where she got all t hooe goods so grand, The person having her in posse!IBioa had school building. better return her to t he same lJl.ace o r to. D. Why at MeMurtry's, the West End DAv1s, Boot and Shoe Dealer, Bowmam-me. Remember you save 25 per cent. on all House, :tZ·tt. Dress Goods and 50 per cent. on Trimou know the place where they always Y mings at the B~nkrupt St ore. keep their stand. BUILDING PLOT FOR SAL:&- For Imperial Stovepipe Varnish pro cl uces a u rh f th · ~a le, 2} aores or more, tile property ot vv en you cannot rest rora as ma tic Mrs. Colonel Ueid, being part of Lot No. 9; in beautiful gloss and m akes no offensive troubles, Souther n Asthma Cure will at · lat Cm1. lying north ot Mrs. Holland's;. and smell. t:5eld by J. Higgiugbotharn & once r elieve. D oubl e treatmen,t in each adjoining the south east pa.rt of Mr; Mck .., Mnrtry'd farm. Seventy yards fron tage on Son. ,,/" pac age. + side line. Ternis to snit purchaser. l<'or·pa.rTliii School Boa.rd arc getting plans for ticulara apply to F . CU BIT'!', Bowmanville.. ~,2:3\v a / separate hii?h school buildinir of four Tyrone Circuit. class rooms and for a public school builuARM TO SELL OR RENT.-11(!)'4 ing of nine class rooms. Missionary eermons will be preached a or6a of lot 25, con. 3, Darlington, o~ The Methoaist miniaters·-in this town on Sunday, 0ct. 23rd, as follows- ;. '.Jl'yrone, which are a new br ick house. and good stables and graining, Good orchard, good soll. well ave arrang~.d to change pulpits once a at 10 a.m. , by Bev. N . Hill, of Oshawa; wutered and fenced. About 8 acres of bush1. montn:--The first exchange was made Tyrone, a t 6: p .m., by R ev. T. Manning, Ver y reasonable terms will be l{iven. Apply last Si:.nday morning. M.A.. of Oshawa ; Bethesda, at 1() a. m., to gnw ARD KEAS'l'. on ihe premises, or if by letter, to Bowma.nville, p _ 0, t 2 3W' Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are now by R ev_ T, Manning, M. A.· of Oshawa ; showing a fine stock of ladies' dolmans, Bethesda, a t G.30 P· m;, by Rev.N. Hill, OUSE FOR SAL E OR TO RENTL ulster&and short jackets-imported from of Oshawa; Haydon, at 2 p.m., by R ev. - '.rha.t two·story brick residence witl.1> one halt acre or land situated on the south-· Germany. These goods are elegantly cut N .Hill ; Long Sa.ult,at 2. 30 p.m., by .Rev. east corner or Ontario and Wellington streets. and beautifully made. T.Manning,M. A_, of Oshawa; Salem, at, More lar,d can be obtained it desired. If nol; B p . B h F 2.30 p.m, J. E.Sanderson ;. Providence sold at once it w ill be rented. Foi· terms and A · ig Jowmg ee on t e new i air at 6.30 p.m., by J. E. Sanderson. Sub-- particulara apply to , V, s. ORMISTO N, Barrister Ground has been arranged for on Monday Hcriptions and ,ccllections in aid of M is- etc.· Bowmacville. 37-!w* next, Oct. 24th. All friends are invit ed sion Fund will be taken a t each serv ice, to assist. D inner will be supplied plow- R e v, W. Kenner will supply for. Rev.JS. · FARM FOR SA L K-80 acres, being-: ers at the Arlington Hotel. lot 17. con. 4, Darlington, on which are a H ill, and .Rev .A. E. Sander son, (.,lueen-st . house and good far m bnlldings, well fenced llev, Dr. Sexton's lect ures Tuesday ' ·and wa tered, about 3 acres orchard, gciod soi and Wednesday evenings' l ast week, were p.dapted for grain a.n<i pA.eture. Within 2~ TWO FOR A QUARTER ! milee of Hampton a.nd 3 miles of Bowman ville. attended by very large audiences and Terms very easy. .E'or further par ticulars apII t t' f t ' II ·11 b ply to M.A. J AMH:s, ut the S'i'ATES;\lAN otnce, !!ave exfce en sa ion. e wi J: e To introduce the STATESM.A:N int o 500 Bowmanville. 25-tf. sure 0 a 1arge au iencei w 1 ien ever te h . d 't t t d -- . t n ew omes,we w1 11 sen 1. o any wo a . re urn~; . dresses from n o w to New (15 weeks) , FARM EOR S ALE.- Being 100 acres wi.l be seen by our sale notices, Mr. r for only 25 cents. If YOU> havt:l two : of lots9 anrl 10, .con .. 2. Darlington, OD s ·It C Hunking and Mr R Hutchison are . d . . . Manvers Hoad, l ·I miles north of Bowman.· · .· · · fnen s anyw 1 iere that will en]oy readmt< ville. Gcod. b rick: house, commo1ions out~ettrng the bi~ run of. _ s ales. B oth are the S·rA'l'ESMAN, tak e advant age of t his build ings, well tonced and ~ell watered, good fi rst -class auctioneers itnd t h El farmers liberal off;n~ vVe will accept a dollar for orchard. Ha.s_ boor. mostly rn g_rass for somB ·a tl k ·t s· , l h ' years. In c"p1tal sta.i;e of cult1 v·,t10n. W ill ev1 en Y now 1" . o many sa es. a ,,,ve 10 new subscribers for the same t i me .. ~ell before Nov. lat _ v ery cheap· J;'or full par·! t 'l t fi nd s 1· t · · oiey tl ·ia auo o1erauc10neer it Getu p.a club P ostagesta.mpstaken fo r t10nlars applyto J 01 rn F'os·rER, drover. Bowhard thing to pick out .a clear day." less than $1. · man ville_ ~7-tf. . B will H F T H ._.. F H I t STOTT & JURY, OISSOlUTION Of PATNf RSHIP·. T I l:R. c' lhe "taitlUUan. ~ -~...._......_,,,-t'"-_,_..._ ,.-.....~-.......,-...~~~,,...._~....._,......, Local and Otherw1s . L 0 vB 1 1 1 1 T I F MAYNARD A CAR LOAD co·AL 0I L ° F THE JE\VELER F W Q{JJCK & C0 ,S. H tho Jeweler._ I

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