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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1887, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN 18 l'UBLISHED I~OVE'S 13y the Aut hor of "KATE MASSJJ Y's L OVE OR K INDRED?" SWERY FRIDAY MORNING, -BY- TR,IUMP.H < M. A.JAMES, AT THE OFEIOK F..1 LSEliOOD," "IlEATRICE's A11rmT1·1N," " Fon "A GOLDEN D REAM, " &c., &c. C HAP TER XI. ., In the fu st -floor fro.nt ot an extreme1Y mod~5t London boar~mg-house . sat G lynn Pa:rment strictly in advance requlred !rom N ev1lle, late ~rooper m her. M!"J es~y s -~h nbllonbersouteide of the county. Orders to H.ussar.s, lcamng back wearily m his chair, tiJoontinue the po.per mm1t be accompanied by I h 1f 1111 amount du0,orth paperwil not bestopped. 118 qmet d ark eyes h ii 1f thoughtf , y, a )1.boortbers ara r esponsibleunti run payment !B sadly, fixed on the street below !um. ·u1de. The "top season,, had j nst gone ou t , the lt&TES OlF A.DVERTl§ING t i; ~ "hoop season" had come in, and !the street Tao\e Column one year ······ , ...... $60 O~:;; ~ ~ wa~ fille~ with [child~en trundling th er~, " " Ralf ye1n· , ..... ...... 36 00 · E~ ramng '~1th them, fallmg over them. an~1d Cne quarter ...... " ' 3 2 0 _ .... _ much noISe, laughter, and; while tne " I" ·fColnmnoueycnr...... ......... ~ · f h k 1 add d 11 d and " Half year 20 Ov cncs 0 a aw er w 10 e rum .............. set of pandean-pipes to a naturally stentori" One quarter._ ......... 12 50 Oua.rter ColuILn one yea.r .. ......... 20 00 an voice burst now and a e-ain through t he " ·· llaH year ........... 12 ~ dim as 1·eco~mended. his damaged f~uit " " One quarter........ 8 6 t tte t bl A ne hamcal Ten llne a and under, first insertion· l;IO 50 <? an . ma n ;ve pu IC. I c ll:achsubscquentineertion ...... 0 25 p iano ~mk~ed ~hsmally h alf t hrough a waltz \!'!:'om six to ten lines, :firs&i nsertion 0 7~ ·· tune, Jerkmg Ill a manne~ ~hat w ould have 1! subsequent insertion....... 0 3:>been d1stn.ct1ng to a mus1cmn_, then ceased, ver ten llnes,firstinsertlon,perline 0 10-10 and after a pause be_gan a ga._m a few ya.rds subsequent insertion," 0 03 awav. B ut, n'>tw 1thsta.nding the n01se, 'i'he number of lines to be reckoned by~ G J h d d d f k 1 .o e:1ta.oe occupied,.measured byascaleof lynn a opene t 1 le wm ow or t le sa e id Nonpareil. of t he breath of cool air that was wafted ine:::- ____ __ _ _ .:: to the little room on that warm August evening. DRS. ltlcf,UfGllLIN d; UEITll. A traveling-trunk standing near, packed OFFIC E : -MORIUS' BLOCK, BOWMA:<IVILLE. and corded, and labelled "New York," Dr.J, W ,Mc"LAUGHr.rn·, 1Dr., .A.. BJllITII, Gradu showed that the b oarding-house fir3t.floor U .centia te of the U.oyal ate of the Toronto front would not know him much longer, and College of Physicians '1ld member of the Umver a1ty, Phys1ctan. some articles of clothing-procured that day-were scattered over the table and ugly "!t oyal College of Sur· Surgeon, &c. geons, Edinburgh. horse-hair chairs, or hung out of t he open mouth of a small portmanteau. There was DR · .J. C. IIUT.:HELL, about him all the disorder of preparation !\.!!'.EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS for a long journey ; but alt hough he was to .ll.'11. 11.nd Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, e tc. 1 t 'd · ht d h' t t f I· 1s .UII:loe and Residence, Enniskillen. 74. s ll.r or .1ver poo a nu mg , aa1 packing Wl\S not nearly completed, the extrooper was doing nothing beyond sitting D. B lfRK E SllllFSON, still, lis tening to and watching the turmoil "O ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &o. MOPTUS 'th t 'th · d J t d f .k"l BLOCK. up stairs, King Street, Bowman· Wl on w 1 an rn u gcu eor an eye- 01· tte. Solicitorfor tho Ontario Bank it would be long b efore ne looked upon such Private Mone vs loaned at the lowest rates, a scene again. He was enjoying t he sense of being his own master, nml resting quietlj, .Job.n Keith Galbraith, for h e h ad been t rampmg t o and lro in the ,A.RR I 8 '1' ER, SOLICI'l'OR, NOT.A.RY hot streets all day, b uying what he required ' PUBLIC, &o. Office- Bounsall's Bloc,k for the new life before lum, and two severe .lGng Streat, Bowmanville. Money to lend, wounds and the merciless heat of Egypt had so injured his fine constitution that he was ROBERT A.BMOlfB, ·n:&:GISTR.A.R, WES'l' DURHAM ISSUER easily fatigued now. n of Marrlage Licenses, Barrister and,~ttor· The sharp ra.t-tat oi the postman as he ae:r at r,aw and Solioitor in Ghanoery. ro.oney went from door to door tl.own the now dark· c,nod on Real Estate. Office on King street, enjng st reet roused Glynn from these bitter U >wmanv!Jle, and torturing re!lectionB. He watched the man, half-hoping for a letter from his one lVILLI~lM: WIGHT. friend, to whom he clung now in bis loneliICENSED AUCTIONEER for the ness as a child clings to a parent; County of Durham. Orders lert at the and yet, when the ma.n walked up the steps, lil'r·TESMAN office or forwarded to ·ryrone P.O. and he saw the word " Gannon" scrawled "'Ull receive promot attention. 28:6m across one of the envelopes, the young man's S. C, 111!1\"JUNG, heart sank within him; for Garret Croft ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR was to have met him at Liverpool on the the County or Durham. Sales attended. following morning , to see him off and vive to on shortest notice and lowest rates. Address him a hand-clasp at parting, and this letter a~ua~rne P. o. 36:tr must be an apology for dis~ppointiug him, a farewell on p aper. ,t GOOD WIFE GUA.RANTEED TO Ile sprang up, and then sat down again, & every man who buys his License from d 1umming with his fingers on the table and llRNRY SYLVESTER,Ennisklllen. b iting the ends of his thick moustache, ll.s i ;npulsive and impatient now, for all his five Pia.nos Tuned and R.cpalred. 1 y 3ars of discipline and rigid obedience, as he was when h e walked away from his · marriage. · ARTIES WISHING ra11rnPIANOS b n'de a b ou t an h our a fter tiie1r H e did not have to wait long ; in a very Tuned or repa1ren can nave them attended by loaving word at the DOMINION OBGAll' few minutes a sleepy-eyed, dirty child tapr..t·s 011'11'ICE, Bowmanvllle A ftrst-olas man ped at the door anrl entered. ~b _ e_ ln _ K_i_ n_ th _e _i _ r_e_m_P _ l_ o~ _ . _ _ _ __ __ _ "Two letters ! B oth for me ?" inquired f~eDo! Gentlemen ot!Fash- Glynn, in some surprise. "Yen, sir. An' pleuse, sir, you're to sign ion, riot !iO tast. your name here, sir. He said so ;" an d she pointed a grimy thumb o er her shoulder towards the steps, where he postman was 1uve written th~se few l!nce, still standinr:.r. "nd all l have to say 'Fi:lat Jou rni.u tlnd me still at home, " \Ybat-regi9tered I \Yho in the world [ e.m not gone &way. has sent me a registered letter ? vVho knows So all my k111d old friends msy oome, ef my address but Garret ?"-and the exAnd all the young onee, too, And get their garments nicely made trooper, a s he spoke, held the envelope with Cn fashions tllat are new; its blue crossed lines away from him, and W here old and younll', dear lrie~ds, m&y meet looked at it as if it wer e something poiA welcome greeting, by R. PEA.TE sonous. A horrible feeling of dread possessed him; something seemed to tell him this waa from · Hyacinth, and that she was sending him ' money. "·E's waiting-postman, sir," said the girl, offering him a slip of pa.per ; " an' he says as 'ow your to put your name 'ere, an' look sharp. ,, Glynn hastily signed the paper, and, C> throwing Garret Croft's letter upon the table, looked closely at the written address on t he other. It was not from H yacint h- he was spared C. H ARN (j\ E N, L · 0. $ , that bitter in·ult at her hand·; a nd, w~tb. a sigh of relief, he opened i t, not much carGradue.te o!the Rcyal College< f Dentttl ing who was the wnter. ~1u·v.<1onB , Ontitt·10. 'T'he letter was written on s. rath er dirty OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. + piece oi paper, and the penmanship was GO .LD FIL.LING A 1:3PECIALTY evidently t'ha.t of an uned ucated p erson. AliTIFIOIAL T.l!lETH INSERTED WrrHOUT Haviug a fain t idea that he had seeu somePLATES thing like this u nste ady h and on bills for Great Reducrions m pr~ce on all Dental horses' food and o~her thi~gs p ertaining to w urk. y.,,.,.11zert ~.h, constantly in use pro- i Cap tam Haug hton s establt.shment, he t urnducmg Painless Upera11ona. Parll<'U\ai· awm i ed the leaf to look D .t t.he signature, and. as ttou paid to the rel{ulation of Children's ·reet 1 I he did so, t\ Bank of Engl and note for fifty _.,..A [,L W 0 RK WA RRAN'l'R U.-. pounds and some other par ers · flu ttered ......,, softly to the ground. G lynn glanced at , p h 0 fii Dr Rucherford's Orono u ranc tee, · ' them, but did not stop to pick t hem up, as ··-·-- --·- - ---- - -- - -- - he wa.s too 11npa.tie11t to read the letter. "Deer G<Lnnon - 'l'h i· comes hopping to II find you in good helth as it !eves me at I present thank God for i t and seeing as how k d d · h 8 11 dd you were sac e pretty ent, an nug t think I b ad a fin ger in it which 1 had not I made interest with the C for v ou an1l he sent you this stiff and p~s~age ate for Sidney by Occeden tel herintcrmediname on TERJM:S: 1.r;o per Annmn, or $1 if 1i:1hl ln 11dvn11 Ni Vo& t Office Block, King Sh·eet, Ilowm:m· ville, Ontario, Iself, lay ing d own premises of which at least he had no proof, and then r ell.soning fr~m them, Did she fear that he would claim Iher and put her to open shame, after she h ad so long enjoyed Mark Verschoyle's money ?. gg !10 -----------------=-... I. .. R L L P DE NT I STRV D ENT I S T RY G R A I N 'I J no. McI\iurtry & Co. 0 t hne;vot t?reher fla xen plaits and tied with a double fold nocenee ? H e would have forced you into & e re _us:h ~r II e ~ true, han e of black lace, hid all but half an inch of her marrying him and then told you w hen he Calls and Orders b y mail or telegraph 18 will r eceive prompt att~ntion. a~p(' ;:1'dn h e l u Y an ? :oue w t~ ;fu neck. Her long gray mantle was loose, and had paid his debts with your m~ey and ~ CHA.ROES M ODERATE . San h.a tahll.S on~ d ex pednenco,,o m ie concealed her tall, slender fi11;ure. when y ou would not have dared to ~peak m ucc - , ou d an a! wsuc Th 1 t t f 11 f GI , h d d h. Gradually he awoke from t ho t rance of for fear of the law- that I w~s alive, that OFF IOE HOURS, 8 TO lO A. JI . e e er e rom ynn 11 an '.a~ 19 amazement into whic~ he had fall<>n you were n ot h is wife l Oh , Hyacinth, he A ftrst·class stock of Medicinea a lways on h and. hea~ sank f~rward on the table 1 silent, to a sure and certam knowledge of would have lowered your pride to the very N . B.-Will visit W illfamebur g e very motionless, with clenched teeth. a.nd as~en who she 'Vas ; and as he d id so he dust : and I -what conld I have done Satu rdav of each week. 16-ly cheeks, he bore the agony of this revela.t ion told himself thnt only sudden death or so me t hen?"' much as he had borne the_lancet and probe frightful accident would force him t o lose !'But there was n ever any fea.r of w.hei:; the spar· head was bemg removed from sight of her again, his wife, his y oung be- that- never," she answered firmly. "Did 1.!UPORTANT TO A.LL hisHside. th t' l d loved wife, alone, unattended, a t night, in I not tell you t hat I was going awav . ere was e .exp1~na ton c1e_ar y e.n London. -to hide from the law- to hide from bim? Who are Raid. or have Thin or Grey H&1 r, or 1 1Y se t do ':"11 m th 18 gs.y, .t rum 1 pban t who are troubled with dandruJl', Pam Why was she here? How could she so For, Glynn, I loved you! I t wns my punlet~er be!ore !um-the exple.nation t?warde risk her reputation? vVhither was she go· iehment to love you- to long all t hose five winch his thoughts had bee? tend mg a.ll ing? he asked himself wildly as he pressed years for the heart I h ad d espised. I t is a alon~ he~e was the . 0 ?-6 pos.stble reason for forward until he touched her dress ; and, in relief to me to say it to you- to m e, who robbing }um, for brtbtng hun to the spite of all his suspicions and of t he reason thought to say it over your grave. Let me country a.t once, dou?tless oaloula. ,m~ that t h at he h ad to execrate the day that her tell you this once that to look up on your he would_ . he on the ~igh seas at the time of false fac e came into his life, he felt intoxi· face, to hold you in my arms as I do now, ..,,,,. her ma~,nage, and so, even if he 8~~. the i oated with pleasure and delight t o be so near is worth all the riches in the world to me, ....._ name The Hon . .Mrs. B a~ght?n m a her , to watch over and guard her unawares. and that I would die-oh, I would willingly Ill:: newspaper, would not connect 1t with her. · mh d 'di h ' . b die 80 1,, C:: )> " · ted h d .1. e crow w as rapt y t mnmg, ca s and . · , #lill 1 ,, H Her marriage,. e : epea t e wor .s omnibuses carrying off the greater p ort ion . "vV1ll you give up n.11? \yin you let me u., over and over agam to. himself through his of them, the 1est berng swallowed up in the hide you from t he law? W ill you com e. to UJ cl_on<~he<l teeth. The wh o had ~nelt by restless life of t he st reets. H e saw that she my poor home now, and across the seas with his ride and v~wed to e tru e . t~ him until was ner vous, undecided, t im\d, evidently me to·m?rrow ?" · deat I~, was de!1bera;tely planrn~10 and man· n ot quite equal to the task before her, whatShe raised her h ead from h is shoulder for blmd him, t o get. lllm out of the ever it was. Although she walked fost she a moment, looked into his eyes, and auswercoun'bry 111 order that she might mar ry an. stopped of ten , Jookincr >n ed sol'lnmlyLl o u p at t]1 e n atnes < I ot 1er man ! the st reet corners, also abou t her, as if she " Y cs- for hbette. i· for .w orse, lfor for <( I r_icher 11 f 11 "I rlon't believe it- I can't believe it !" drell.d ed somethinn or some one. and once poorer , your ome 1s mme, unc w1 o ow 0 ' he cried out, find ing some sl ight solace in or twice she stepped aside to avoid a group you- o11, W I·11· mgIy-g l adiy-t h roug h t h e ... u.& the aou nrl of his own voic.,; wh ile the spear- of 'men whose loud voices and b old eyes wor ld ! ' wound J U St bdow-1. is hMrt, which had won seemed to alarm her. * * * * * him .an honomable diseharge and a small ·why should he not speak to her now ? " ~lym~, I have somet.h ing to tell :,;:011." pcns10n, began ~o smart a nu t hrob. "No, he ask ed himself, when the first a~sionate " Iell .it t hen, H y acmth ; ~1ews is ~·are I won't believe it ! S~e would not-oh, she delight of merely followin anrl watchin and pr~.c 1ous on the banks of Red R iver W ill be found mva luable for t he anil sea.Ip. would not ! J;Ier. conscience may not be Yer y her was H e h ad b!en wait inO' in~ Creelt ; and th~ s_peak cr, who was h,~lf:way ~~~~1h~se; ~h~ :~,'(l~j,~r ~~l~~~~1d1~i ~';.~~~o{.( clear con cermng money ~natters - a womi>,n's pat ien tly pfor the tl'ain that was to "'carr up a l~dcler, tratmn~ a gl'eat bush of lnt ter · baldness, wh.,re tlrnr " are tho slightest shl:na ot sense of honour never is so k· en on that ht'm to l · rder th t h · ht h Y sweet ll.bout the doorway of an extrr mely roots left It w ill 1,,·oduce good c rops or ha ir . ~s a mans' b ut h er unsn 11· . y , or warn ier, Ill o <~ mne tgw save er new . woo d en h ouse, lnrned a. sun bu;n t I 1 re·torcs Krey l1·1 11· t o its . cn g . I pmnt 1 ed punt her-he scare el e I. ·;vbich111a I co Ior, an· her fatr nam~ she would not ri.k those- and now that b some my sterious arrnnC'e· beam ed face ov er a rolle<! up 1e<i shirt · ¥,.xl~~!Dnl<:L1,:;.' y~\r~onr hair in a weak n o, not even 1f her heart. were real Iv touched me~t of event~ or which he knew no thin I sleeve, an d looked do~n '"Y1th _httppy COil· cond1t1011 get" bottle a t on ce. and she loved. Loved? Bah I She could she W<>S here, within a few yai ds of hi~' I ten~ed eyes a t a verv beautiful, if son~1nvhat Fm· &Hlu by J . HI~GH".B O'l'HAM & SOK not love Hau ""hton-she could · t h e 1amp- 11g · unt idy, young woman who . htec 1 s t ree t s n1on e sure, o ff not . turn from . pacmg d was standmg be· · e.nd all nr ugg1sts AsJ, tor it, S 1 M f 1 ? a n~wspaper an ~tu opt n 1etter m A. DORENWBND , ·n unsul lied and. honest a :'Ctl<·n t o him. , ly this w as the time to epeak to h er ! ' neat' o e an r. No-a thousand t imes. 110 ! I have been' . . . . her shm white han<l. 'l'OlWNTO, CANADA. and shall bg all my life-true t o rh e words .As he rl~batcd tl~ts q?estio~ w ith him~elf, "No-come down, please. I want to he .A . Doren wen<l 1· the leading n1anufaoturer that I ,-owed that morni ng, and so still .k eepmg h er rn sight, it was decHle.d close to you while I t ell you. This"-hoJd. ' of Hair Goods In Cu.u ..<la. will she. Do 1 not remem ber how she for hnn ma wav_ tha~ he half e~pec.ted 1t I ing up the letter- " i~ from Liiv. said, , It is ll<>thin~ to m~ ho w. you would ~ t te be, leavmg !urn no choice m the l' $ umething iu her face showed him t hll.t aI , I\ pass your life, but I e all live 111i·1e in pur· ma, r. . . . . t his news, whatever it was, was serious. . ticket if I h>Lveu' t s pelt r ight being a poor ity a nd_,houour itll my u11.ya ! No-again She p as.s ed before a. bri!liantly·1llumm- I He dropped the b.rauch of " b1tter-& weet." .i1 J lJ' hand ll.t the T'en going to morrow 17th from no ! IY1fc to me she has never been ; but ated pnbhc-house t <? look. for t he namo of do" u , pu t h ts lJrown hand abou t his WITS Tl1JJ:rn Wl tH ' vT T111Tll I Liverpool or P acific name on ticket to sta r t- "'"are bound t ogeth er hy the m·1st solemn t~e s treet, and, while dmug ~o, her bertu: !wife's neck, a nd touching bee aoft check Has commenced a t the ~ ing this day weak you telling m<; New Ym k <f t its She would uot <laie to do this ttful face and pale golden hair, only half saidW' "Ii:.' : W ILS vonr game be0a.nsc Australrn. t o deer 1 '. I 1' 1 .' !" · hi<lden by her veil attr acted t h" a tten " ~~r 11 Bl b JI t 11 " · D1..L. . .... · '\UJ , 1 am ., ·w i 1.; te< t u i.ig . n e , ue c , e me your n ews. · . 1 ' PR1Ul'fUJAI. IH!:NTJST, Your frend "J r - I Rmall He ba rl 1.een walkintr up anrl down the t ion of two wel-dressed ht\lf mtox1ca t ecl 1 "It is I\ letter from Lily; and ahe ~ays A MES I.ELLY, st1fli Pg room whi le words fell men. _One of them advanced towanls her , that H imghton, our e nemy, whom we fear 'lV&R TWICN'l'Y Y&A«fi RXPlllRJreNCJO, "I got ynu r arld r < 'as out of :!\Tr. Ct'Oh's from his lips. He pau ·ed n ow and S9.t and QaiclI even her e on the borckr s ot the l nd i<>n terri· trou10xldeGa~ A. t i mlnh·te1·ed for l"ahtlc· room 1 · ' s wr ote 11 p orJ .he wall o··e1 the fi n;. t <lown bv 1h. table again, pr<-asiog his ha,nd "Ah-parrlon, me-~ant n ame of stre~t, !tory, is-is dead ;" and she turntd bet· fa ce 1 ' to his side-for the sc~rred fl esh felt as if it my deah 1 Cau t I assist Y,ou? Pretty girl\ inst his true heart and bega,n to sob like Ut··m1Hons. I place." O.ill'FICE U(,'4JLIJNG'~ BLOCK. "Now," thou~ht Glyun, whc1 h e had we1e bein" torn with red hot pincers. T he - 9 ll alon7- so late-ire! wr onl!'-ah !"- a chi1d. : ·--- -- - -- - , fiucceecle<l in mastering t he meaning of the long swor d cu t on his face also had become and he tned to place h is arm r ound her · He gave a quick sigh, .half of surprise, 1 h!'-lf of profound relief, and , with his arm ill-wri tten, ill-i;pelt, and unpunctnated ' qmte in fl.amed. sho,~lcler. . · words, "w~1at is this ? Is her hand in it ? If it were to bleed now unt il I d ied," W l~at ~rough~ Glyri:n N oville'~ name t <I still a b(·Ut her, took the new spa.per and I s it part of the same game that began wit h he 1.hought, wri thing in his chair wit h, Hyrcrnth s l!P8 lll a wild despa1 rmg .~ry as, opeued it, a bold heading-" $u1cide of an I the stealiug of my p ocket· book, which · "what a blessing it would be for her l But tremblmg with nervous te1ior and · 1sg~st, Oflicer," meeting his eyes at once. 'do~btless was a?c~mpli·hed w ith this man's 1 J shall n ot d ie y et; I Jived, .I who so~ght ~!1 e, tote herself froi~,, the tc.llow, crpng, ' "A fi t ending f?r him. J3>J.h, ch il<l- :vhy Are u o w in a r.d a re w ell a sort ed , W e 1 ' assistance? !f It IS n ot Miss Verschoy!e, death · wheu men who had wive~ and h t tle Glynn--:--oh" G l~nn. w l'. llc ~be light~ do you ery ? , 81lld t he ex troop er a little h a ve them fro m t he C heapes t to who else can H be?" . ones in En gland po11red out their life-blood <lanced bdoic hei eyes and s he aL~1ost fdl sternly, when he had read the p,ffagrap h. · A d Pale with emotion he sat boldin !! the Jet-,'"' the hot s,i.nd- men w hose < brok e 'Aud yet that a ppeal, that sobbing cry for " l cry not for him , but ror Heaven's , t h e very Fin est G rad e . 1 I · l re prepare to pay t 1e u g test pnee 1 ter i n hii haud and look in~ down" b :dHkl.v I the h cai ts ot nrnny a mother, " 1fe, or be h_ clp und prot.,ct i01., made !n her im6gin,L- mer ey to me," she "":1swernd. "_He i H ~ 1 all kinds of Grain delivered at tliJe at t he Jl'+P"'"" on t he floor. u llr<l1t60ning trothed. A broken IH~art ·' h, do I 110 t10n t o a ltt tl.i h~ttp of ~~ud Ill !t desert! take11; I '1~1 shown _ m y srn, gi;;·nted time t o 'l U I1 and : mpul ~ l\·e i·s ft wom an m ,dl t hat con-1 know wh l'.t a broken ht>art IS? by the Nile, was ans1vi 1ed a t once. , rep('nt, p a1cloned, given you ! v J I Uu I 1 1 Wharf or their Store H onae in to wn. ' cerocd the aftteLions, he leap eLl to the con. He started up and liegan walking about li e whom she had thou11ht of as cle1'd , fer I "I understand yon," he s~id , kissiog her. j - - -- - -- - - - -- - -- - - --I clusion tha.t, this let ter fiom his fello~v se1 -. ttgai11, i n a. 1umnl t of <loub~ a;-cl a.pptc~1en- whoRe memory she wa~flyrng from t he world "And now, wher~ ""~ _,;d nch en ough, we fr r ,> ,fil Up, ! vant- wbo h ad never been on good terms sion, at !Jne momeri r, bel1ev1mr B y acmt h that she once preferred t.o h im, to c< tst c1.111 go to Irela.nd Ill ~aftlty and "" e L ily 1 rnd ~ - +with Iffm, and was a bou t lhe, persoq in j gu'.lty, at anot~er thtl.t th ere w&s s':'me ~e- hen e_ l f down whcro she t hough t the poor her h~sbnml i_ 11 tlmt i vied ~'!use,,hy the N ore ' ,, a -S uit or O verc. at tho world to h()frie ndhim- had be<·n writreu fartou<plot against her, t he first step m win ch r ema ins of w hat she lov<'d lay- he sprang of winch she is 1.1lw ...y8 v.11 t mg. . 1 Or \\ e will mako y ou r at the instigation of the girl who had : requir ed h is removal to t h e other side of th'e forward at her coll and fl ung th<· dru nken ' "Yes," - dreiumly. Do yo11 koow, G y nn, : t hat will excel any othor Ilouae Wlion R:iby wns sick, we g"ve hor Co.storl:l., ' bliri-hted his liie · thu.t t he m om·y was her I world. Slowly he came to the resolution wretch who had molested her hea illong from in epi te of what sh e s.tys about lier happy ! in T own. S · \l 1 Whcu she"'""" Ch~d, sho cried for c:storia, mo~ey, and that she was t rying to tempt 1 t hat it was hie duty, having regard to the the p avem.ent ; .then he turned, look.eel at life, I thiuk I:'" hnppi,.,t·-for I have sinned! C« upon Wbcn sho bec,mo Miss, she clung to caatoria, I h im to go 1 ,0 Au stmlia , after h e.ving sue- chain that bound t~em .both, to go to Haugh- her, and sne, with a ~ud.den and p assionate . and been _ f org: '.'en , tned y ou and found you . Wben ailo had Children, she gavethow Castor!!\, - , ceecletlin gaiuing possession of ~yerythin g t~n , see h er, aud, if ~Ins. wcie a plot , con· movement, cla.sped l;mi m h er ~rms. ! true ; while Lily:--: Ah , wdl, we bo~h , 1 · that he might have used against h'er. ! vmce her t hat he still hv~d and solemnly So husband and w1f_ e me_t agam, aft~r fi ve k now t hat th~;e 1s N oTUING Ln rn Lon; m : , · Why was she so terrified at t his whim of warn her that she must abide, even as h~ y ear s, under the fi>J.mmg lights of a gn1 -pal- all the world 1 , r .~ 1his to look on h ~r onct more "! he asked him1 [TIIE END.1 F OR 1' OUR CLOT BING. Surely not 1 ·what then could have indueed hei- t o employ this groom of Captain Haughton's to rob him first and bribe him afterwards? W hy was she so anxious for him to leave England 1 'l'o these torturing quest1ons-w~ich his sober judgment could .not answer-his hea~t replied with a fo rbodmg that bl;i.nched In s b J k h 'l h d d t t 'b rown c 1ee seven w 1 e .e arc no pu 2 1"nto '"ords. n He rose from h is chair and began walking " . . .' . . aimlessly about the room; a hundred d_isShe ts m1,, wite-~dkkn ii\ ' could Y .u . . d d I h d l get J~e a c_ab . he sa1 ' ecpmg_do~vn hrn .iomte i eas, t wug ts, an reso .ves passmg e1~~t10n w_1th all t~e str ength of ~!s w1U. " through his mind; while H y1tcmt h's p~le Ihe policeman signalled to . a growler. proud face, contemptuous lips, and unhappy ·1 Th GI dd l H ti eyes seemed t o meet l i m at every turn. of the busy st reets, w hich in a manner har.~n Y1:1D a ressec' f :r,acm l. . " . -~'hy had she done t his t hing? Why had mouized w ith the agitation and tumult in Hyac1lnth-~~y wrre, he said- will vv h' h t ti · t h 1 l' ttl th t you come lome she compromised herself 80 with a man who is ear , ian In e c ose 1 e r oom a " · ,, · . . he had left And so long before he had ex· I1o me, she whrnpered, m a. st range was as crafty_ and insolent as he. was decei~- ccted it l~e !vnnd 'himeelf o posite to s~. dar.ed w~y-" home ?"- an d ,_ turning sligh t· fnl and fa.wnmg? What n er.essity had dri- P , R\ . St . ' ti PE Jl h ly she kissed the sleeve of his coat 1 a11way at1on W I l 1U y an our 'He took h er m . h is . arms and placed · ven h er to sue h a d esperate ac·t a s th' IS ? · t ancras her Mnst there not have been some reason for spare. . . in the cab. it? She must surely be goii1g to do someHe went mside the terminus, and "Drive on-any where 1" he cried t o the thing that she fear ed would for ce him to 1 , l~anecl against. a railing on. one of t he cabman. · break his oath and claim from her the ful~l- platforms, try10g _ to calm ~1mself a nd to Sha was still clinging to him con vulsivement of the vows that she h ad uttered m cout~ol tl~e tumult of e~ot10n~ th;i-t was ly, as if she never meant to release him Herby par.ish church five years befo~e ! . ll!akmg h is heart be~t agamst Ins side and from the clasp of her slender arms. With W hen his thought.a had reacl1 (:d th1s J?om~, his wound throb as 1.f the flesh.would _ burst. a calmness that sur prised even Glynn him· and he was ~lled wit~ tho fear of the .m~v1- Ile en~eavore~ t o mterest lumself ~n th e self, he phlced her beside h im, antl, submit. t~ble c~nc u s1on to which _the)'. we~e brrngmg confus10n, exc1tem!"~t, a.nd general _disorder ting tq her embrace but not returniug it, lum, his eyes fell upon h is fnend s unopen- of the scene on which ho looked wtth such spolre t o her in a low stern voice ed lett er In that perhaps, which would unse,,ing eyes, and ~o force }'imself to p ause "H . h 'f d ' d · con· f or a 1· · th e t orturmg · · cessant t h' yacmt e-my ove ti an un· doubtless' have some scrnps o f gossip 1tt,l e 1ll m 111 k tt 'f ' my . w1 t · 1 b 1 cerning thti guests at Haughton Abbey, ing , conj ecturiug, qu e;tioning, that was bc-1 orgo en W I ~- g iven ~my arms m s Y 0 would be on ·~nawer to all his questions, or wilderiug him, 11nd to which he could not ~ .m,estrange ch~nce, telhng me b!,yoursweet a confirmation of what his heart was repea t - possibly obtain an a nswer for many honn·. cydcsLfixe td on lbnmteh, by ytour dear o.frms clasp· · l d t . c a ou me, y e nt erance o my name rng to !um more ou ly every momen. . The H cen e d irlfor a fewmimlLestake lumont when you were in danger t ha t in spite of H e aa.t clown by ~he tab!~, and, tearmg of himself. One of t he greet excursion· trains your cruel and sinful words to ~e fi ve years open the envelope with shakrng hands, read tha t in July rrnd August brmg " country ago you love me as I never dared t o hope as followscouains" op to the city from every p art of yod would-Hyacinth I will n ot ask you "D0a~ Glynn-Althou gh I hope to cla~p t he k ingdom h ad just labored slowly in; why y ou are here-~hy yon throu" h a hands with you t o.morrow, I cannot refram the platform wa s filled with a mass of peo- ser vant robbed me and tried t; bribe n~e t o from d ropping a line to, to prepar e pie, sw:arming, hurrying. cro"".ding hither go away into exile- \\ hy you allowed i t to be you f?r the fact _ t hat you will Jtnd the ve~y and thither, most of them not m the least said t hat y ou were about to marr y Cyril ~rnppiest fellow 1!1 t he three l~wgdoms wai t- k~o~~ng ~hither t hey were ~o go n ext , but H aughton I I trust you , I believe in you mg for you at Liverpool. L ily Ver schoyle reJOicmg m t he fact that t his was L ondon in spite of everything and I ask you to give ha.s a ccepted m e. Her parents h.ave not ~nd they were g~ing t o have ten days of ~n- up all- all that you ' me up for five said me nay , and we o._re to be n:ia~ried some JOy~ent for their mo~;ey-:- others l ooldug years ago- and t o listen to your own heart. " thi;ee months from .this. And 1t is all your a:ix wusly t own friends or r claHis voice falt ered and he stopped, unable do~g. My soldering turne.<1 .her gentle t1ves t o pilot them to a p lace o~ safety, to control his emot ion ; and shti, her hand heart t o me first, and my sold1er~ng I owe to or encumbered by b aggage, or wives and creeping a little further round his bowed you. I took courage on the mgbt of the daughter s. seeking assistance at the h ands neck li'er cheek pressed a little closer to his E~rl's breaking-up ball, asked her, and re· of ~ome official, whil.e the turmoil and con- broad shoulder, an ineffable delight filling ce1ved my answer, so.that I am really ?-nd fusion sec m1ed unendmg. her hear t, whispered so low he could scarcet ruly the ~ery happmst fello"'. breathmg, But the excitement and noise were wel· ly hear hera~rl must gus]l to you on p aper hke a school- come t o Glynn N eville-anything but si"I d id not rob you; Haughton didgirl. I have one crumpled lei1 f among my lence and the agony of h is own t h oughts after you were dead, he said. In that way roses however-I s~ppo~ o~e m~st not be was welcome to him during the hour he had he discovered my secr et , he declared. B e altogeth~r blessed m this h fo ,_ it ';Vould be t o wait. He pushed iuto the middle of the told me you lay beneath t he sands of the ag5rav,atm~ to oth~r fo!k. ~t 18 Mias ".crs- crowd, and, one among fh·e hundred, drift· deser t ; and he threa tened to p ut me in t h e ch<_>yle s evident di.ssati,sfa.cti~n and disap- ed slowly t owards the main ent rance. He felon's dock unless I married him. But, pomtme~t at her siste~ s chm_c~ of a mere was not watching anyone in particular, Glynn, I could not-no, I could n ot ! In nob~dy like n ;e. Sh~ 1.8 lot ~r~m~ to l/e- when, in a strange, senseless, mechanical life or deat h I am yours; and I believed you ven ouy um~n cer am y, .u ~ 10 u e~s w ay, while a curious dreamlike, unreal sen· dead; so I said 'Yes' to gain t ime, and I ma!!Y thmgs w~th those ~neeri~g lips of hers sa.tion took possession of him, his eyes fixed came away secretly ; and of all the money I which put one mto a white fur:i; even . t o re- t hemselves upon a tall slim lady dr essed in brought only enough t o ta.kc me to- to t h at call afterwards, ~nd which .are impo_ s sible_ to dark gray, wearing a t hick veil, and carr y · p lace-oh, I B hould have found it !-where answer at the time. It is a satisfaction ing a ~mall bag or dressing-case in her I t hought you lay." to me tthat are , walk. · d1a ' t e1y f we 'llto have I none of her tmoney g l oved h an d , w h o "as mg 1mme " Good heavens ' he interr upted involun 1 0 1t H mo~t , d ";' ts g°Th ~upr~se,l ~ pa~ in front of him. Her back was towards tarily cJaoping he; waist "I see it all now ; 18 on~ · e f 9.t h e ~t him ; a little tweed cap, pressed down on How could I ever hav~ doubted your in: did, by the conditions of t heir separat ion. '.!.'he sun had now set; the lamplighter was hurrying down the strtet, and t h e swat ming children wer e more noisy and energet ic than ever. Glynn went to t he window, and stood there for some minutes staring, seeiug noth ing however but Hyacinth's fair face set between h im and all the world. T hen, wit h· out waiting to gat her up t he money orletters, he took his h at and hurriedly left tb.e house, walkin" with a step so weak and u ncei t ain, a deme~nor so wild and excited, that he was conscious of the passers-by stariilg atd~im. A p oliceman even t urned an d fo !owe mn for a few paceH, wondering if he were drunk or mad. In the course of his walk Glynn N eville stopped opposi te to a Jooln ng -vlass in a hair· dresser's shop , and pulled the travellmg-cap he wor e a little more over h is forehead, scarcely recognizing as h e did so the wild h aggard face-ashy white but for t he angry sc· r on one cheek-tile drawn mouth and w bur ning eyes that h e saw there. Tf h t f ti t · L e was an our oo soon or ie rarn t hat he intended to travel hy ; but he w:d ked s traight to wards the station. It was a r elief to walk, to he in mot ion ; the t ime passed more r.mckly amid the life and noise I ace, amid t he l:urry ing life of tl.e London streets. H yacinth gave no h eed t o the looks or commen ts of t he pas~ers by, caring for noth· ing but the fact t hat he was alive, t ha t she helrl him fast in her arms, pressed dose to h er hea.r t , and knowing t hat, before h e cast her from h i m for ever, he must listen to h er, he mnst h ear her say"I am punished more than you, for I love you-have loved you since the 11ight I sent you from me !" She tried t-0 sa:r this, foaring that h e wo~ld b i ei~f fbom her, ~111!ltat he: opp~~· 1 e gone, .oo mg U fJ mto is tumty WOU < face and feeling the beating of his heart against her side. B ut what she saw in h is face Jove and forgivenness - choked t he words in her throat ; and she could only c.:ling t o h im in mut e ecstasy of happiness, one moment of which wa s worth all her five y ears of wealth. "What's the matt er with the lady ?" asked a policeman, approach iug t hem. . Glynn start ed .· r oused. · to the exi0 c,encies of II fe Il'f the mans ques t IOU 0 ~m~ IES T~ D S T RON!C EST? IS!EST, CONTAINS NO t.LUM, AMMON IA, LI ME, PHOSPHATES, , or any in;u rrnus mat eria ls. \ E. W . G I L LETT, ·r or ~~r~~Gi~fiL. lilau'f'r o!tbe CELE:SI:A!ED :ROYAL Y EAST CA!l:lilS. G ood News at Home. E. M on,ms, EsQ.,- DEAR Sm ,- ! h11ve reason t o speak well of your D andelion L iver a nd Kidn ey B itters. I ha >e been t r oubled for some time with my K idney and a friend of m ine r ecommended th em t o me and I tried them in my case, and found them to work like a ch arm ; t here· for e I have m uch pleasur e i ii recommend · rng them to all persons who are troubled in any way with their K 1d nev. Y ours truly, J , ° J, J ONES. Newtonvi lle, May 3, 1887. !or " U napproached for Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FRE~ BELL &C0. 1 Guelph, Ont. F. A. JONES, VETERINARY S U RGEON, ENNISKILLEN, H onor ary Graduate of Ontario V et erinary C ollege, Membt-r of Ontario Vet e r , inary Association, will a ttend t o all diseases of d o west ic a nimals. b't folt ?uzz tg d} huser R led t~· Operations & Dentistry A SPECIALTY. D. . DO REN\V. END'S Z ::c .. z fhrl 0 > 3: I Cl O: 0 - 0 1 1 iaDO is I I I __ _. ---____ FALi B USINE F a ll s _ r B R JM A C0 MB I. , E 1 · H JO Ipso DUSH I I Our I" Cloths, F urnishings, I-Iats and Ca ps I ! I l I ! .? R Mrl f '$1 5 pa U v e s ro m 0u n t' Overcoats $2 I i I w EI °I v E s j Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla· ·

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