!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~~~!!!!!~~~~~~-~~!..~·~·~~mllll!l~~·~·~-~-!!!1~1ra~~~·m~-~**~~!l!llllll~~!!!'!!~~~li64'~-~~~m~D~!~~~~"1'Rl~·~illll!D!~~~!!!!!!'.'~~~--~·~~~==~~a:cz~~z~~!!!!!~~~~JJl!lll!!~~ -~ ,==!1__~llli~Z! _!.!_!!...~·!!!!!L~illlk~!!~~~!!!:!!!!~~~~~~~~lllf'llllllll ......11Mam -----"'!_~_,_£____ _ .~---~ ~atutdhnt JtatttJmau. Too Lats in the Day. Not so very many weeks ago there resided parents were old friends of his father's. bent forwards over the bar. · ~--Our latest importation has arr!ved from France, and we w iJI 'bO in the ancient subm·b of Camford a someThe gentle Jos<)ph thought he had Mia Bilfil drew- back; and for a moment a glad to see our fnends and acquamta nces nnd (.hose with whom w 8 what narrow-minded individual named "struck ile," as the Americ'1ns say, with a looK of anger cros~ed bar face; but with ad· have been In corresprmdence. in Fact tm:v aml all who are m searC:h o f Joseph Gaper. vengeance. miral good sense she suppressed it. first class PEitQHERON::i. nucl FHENCH COACHERS, to look them over. We have au exceptio1rnlly 11.ne lot, and our stud is so Jarsz~ The name was not an inappropriate one \'\!hat could he do better than find out "You are talkinl! nonsense," she Bil.id ·har. all may be pleased. W e otrn the largest number a nd greateal; for several reasons. everything possible about this new acquain· with a laugh. ... , VfLl'tety to select from. All our imported stock is selected by M.R The youn&' man w:i.s much addicted to the tance, who probably was heiress to "heaps " I swear I'm not !" cried Loseph Gaper. F AHN UM himself personally in France. and he accepts nothing b.; CATARRH.-'A new treatment bas been dis· the best Horses of the most approved breeding. "Then if yon are serious, Mr. Gaper, ancovflred whereby a permanent curo of this hab·t of gaping at people; indeed, he genet·· of gol,1." Our Home-bred Stock i s all the pro11eny of selected sires aml eall'.13 " M iss Bilfil," he said to himself, "can ~irered M_ias Bilfil with admirable dignity, hitherto incurabl e disease. is absolutely affec t· ally went i~out-;-generally, did I say? Ay, of the b~st,form and modt desirable breeding. ·we guarantee on ed In from one to three applications. no matter always !-with·lus mouth pretty wide open. wait-she's a certainty at any given moI must rnform you that I am already enstock. SeJ, on easy terms and at low prices whether standing one year or forty years. 'l'hia Some people called him the fly-catcher ment. If Miss Clarke, the builde1"a daugh- gaged, the honor of your offer has come too We will be glad to answer all correspondence p·<lmptly · but we remedy is only applied on"e in twelve tlays, would strongly advise persons contemplating the, purchase a horse this unfortunate habit. ' ter, hasn't the prospects 1eport declareth, I late in the do.y." An amused smile came because of 1md doea not interfere with business, Descrip· He was not by any means au intelligent can very easily r enew my attentions at The into her handsome face as she said the last or ma1 e, Per~heron or.French Coa~h, to get on the train and come and see us. tive pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp by Catalogue fr ee by Mail. A.H. Dixon & Son, 305 King street, West looking person, this Joseph Gaper; on the Sceptre." words, Toronto, Canac1a. ?on~r~ry, he was i:bc~t as stupid-loo~ing an Consequently Joseph Gaper was not seen 'l'he flycatcher's jaw dropped; his mouth \VHAT IS CATARF!!Ii Catarrh is a dangerous disP.ase which thorn!· rndiv1dlml as one is hkely to meet with in a so regularly at The Sceptre Tavern as usual. s~ood wider open than ever. He dra.nk up ands are consciously orunconsciouslysuiferinp: day's march. He 11.ppeared every now and again, how· his grog at last, and went his way a wiser PltOl'Jlili:TOitS CW ISL,lND JIOJUE STOCK l'AIUll, H ll'OU'l'ERS A.ND JUtEIEDl~ U.$ from. It is a mnco·purulent dischar$e c.aused Fortunately, perhaps, for him, he had not ever, and gaped for an hour or so in his and a sadder man, having lost the woman .Address all communications to Detroit, Mich.) GROSSE JSLll. w A.YNE c:o .· HIC811GA.N.. by ehe presence of a vegetable parasite m the the most remote notion that he was rather a us~rnl idiotic manner, and then retired. who could have made him happy, and been tining membrane of the nose. 'l'he predlspo~· " She'e all right," he murmured to him· th?roughly snubbed by the one he was conIng causce are a morbid state of t ho blood, the pitia.ble object than otherwise. Ou the conblighted corpuscle of tubercle. the germ poison trary, he considered himself a very charm- self on his way home ; "smiles and chats as cG1te_d en?i.lgl'. to think was dying for him. 'll syphilis mercury, toxomre, from th e reten· ing , fos1:iuating, intelligent, and handsome pleasant as ever" (Joseph's grammar was Miss B1lfil is sltortly to be manied to Mr. tjqn Qftbf,l etr\lt~ rnatter Qf tho s]>in, suppressed p erson.;ge. shaky at times ) "and will wait until I speak, Reginald Chambers, and may all happiness perspirations, badly vontllaied eleepir* a.part· "I have but to look at a girl, and she as long as I leave her a shadow of hope." and all possible blessings attend her. men ts e.nd the germination of othe~ J!Olsons in the blood. Irritated by these, the hning mem· will, metapho:ically, and in many instances Miss rnarke, tho builder's daughti:r, grew brane of the nose is ever ready for the reception of tho parasite, wh-ich rapidly spreads.up not metaphoncally, but in reality, throw really fond of Mr. Gaper. Poor p1rl, she was not gifted with too m uch iotellect, A Hint to Business Men. the nostrils and down the fauoes, or back of herself into my u.r ms." the throat, cansing ulceration of ehe throat; up Such W<lS the opinion Joseph Gaper held which no doubt acMttnts for her e;xtraordi· . the eustachian tubes, causing deafness: bu ,:. of himself as r eg&rded his influence with the . nary tuste. The flycatcher had captivated A Canadian merchant who h11.s been very rowing in the vocal cords, causing hoarseness; gentler sex. her somehow or other. successful and has made his pile, in his nsurpfog the proper structure of tile b~·onchial He followed the occupation of florist, and It took him a .long time to discover "how y.oun,g sti;.uggli_ng days made a pilgrimage tubes ending in pulmonary consumption and lived at home with his. father, a highly re- sh~ really s tood,': a.s he .called it; and she to Ne~ York m order t~ see the ?reatA. T. death. Many ingenious speitlcs for ror the cure or · spe11table and unassummg old man, who had bemg a simple kmd of girl and, most fatal S.tewai t a.nd get a busmess wrinkle from ca.tarrh have been invented, but without sno· established the business in which his son thing of all against a silent tongu1> and a him. The great man was surrounded by cess. until a vhysiclan or Jong standing discov· wfoe head, in love, gll.ve him all the inform· many encasing obstructions which had, one ered the ei<act nature of th diseaee and the now shar ed. only appliance which will permanently destroy It_ was very amusing to see the self-satisfi- a.t~~n.that _la;r in ~er po'i\·cr. way or the other, to be ~ur!11ount~d before the parasite, no matter bow ar<gravated the ed Joseph Gaper make his wa.y through the lh1s sahstied h1~, and he proposed. the Canuc_k cou~d ha.ve his mter.v1ew. At case. Sufferers should send stamp at once. Camford streets, dressed all in his beat and On a lovely starlit night he made his of. last he gamed hrn object by sD.ymg he had tor descrlp1lve pamphlet on catarrh, to the business managers, .A., H, Dixon &, Son, 305 with the air of one who believed the ~hole fer, and r eport has it that after ' he had travelled hundreds of mile! in crder to ask Kinii; street, west, Toronto, Canada.. place belonged to him. i~ken this stupendous step, he did not close Mr. Ste:wart _one question a.nd that the What the R ev. E. B. Stevenson,B . .A., a Clero11 ~oor f~llow I A good many people laugh· his mouth for four-and-twenty consecutive w~ole rnterview 'Y'ould . not take two man vt. the London Conference of the Metho eel m their sleeves at him but he in his pro· hours. mmutes. On bemg mtroduced the dist C'hurch of Canada, has to say in r eoard Ou the day thi!.t followed this proposal he Canadian simply asked " To wh <t do To A.H. Dixon&; Bon's New 1'reatrnent for found ignorance, felt co~vinced 'one and all a.dmireu and envied him. learnt, to his great consternation, that you, Mr. Stewart, attribute your great Catarrh, Oaklans, Out., Canada, March 17, ,1883 . Now, as is very natural in the spring- Miss Clarke's fat~er had los~ a very large :!1~rcan~ile. success?" and got_ his reply, Messrs . .A., Ii. Dixon & Son: time of manhood, he had serious thoughts 11.monnt of money m a bank-failure, and was To thmkmg of my customers first and myDE..lR sms.-Yours of the 13th inst. to hand. "Thank you, that is all I It seemed almost too good to be true that I am '.Jf finding out some gentle creature who consequently r educed to comparative po· self second." · want," and he went, acted upon the princi· cured of Cata,rrh, but l know that I am. I would suit his taste when h e should feel verty. have had no r,(ltUrn oC the disease, and never inclinea t~ "settle down and get married," _Now, not~ the course that this narrow- pie ~nd made his fort~n~. Stewart ha_d the felt better in mi life. I have tried so many as the sa.ymg croes. mmded florist took. R emember he h a d character of a bard,dnvmg man of busmess, things for CaLMrh, suffered so much. nnd for ~f course l~ knew a good many young plenty of money, .and could well' ·fford to but he. ha_d judgmen~ enough to see that the so ma.ny :rea.~s. that it iii hard to realize that Iad1e of his own class of life · though prob- marry a woman without a sixpence. old prmc1ple of the l::lermon on the Mount, l am really better. I consider that miue was a very bad .case; U ahly, if you had dared to ;ng<Yest thf~t a He took another stroll beneath the starlit " Whatsoever ye would that," etc., is luspe('tion Solicited. was aggravated a nd ob.ronlc,\lnvclvmg the shop-girl was bis equal, he would have been sky with Mis.:1 Clarke, and instead of sym- t he _only prudently selfish wn.y in whieh hroat as well , as the n asal passages. and I MURDOCH thought it would require the thl'ee ·. t1eatments, highly indignant. However, we will as- pathising with her in her father's great loss, busmess can be conducted if it is VicC01·~a Buildings. bnt I feel fully cured by the two sent me, and sume, and if we are wron"' he must· forgive which of course meant ruin to her as well as to be permanently successful, ani he I am thankful that I was ever induced to send ns, that they were his equ~ls. But } 1e turn. t? him, he revjled her for h aving misled acte_d ~tpon· it. Very li~ely he was not a Christian man. Very hkely there was a i:;1 t o/g~·are at liberty to use th\s letter stating ed up his nose at t,he mere notion of marry. bun. ing anyone in that position-a well-to-do "You misreprese.n ted thingsto rne gooddeal.abouthim which was the reverse .L!J tbat I have been cured at· two treatmente. and I shall gladly recommend your remedy to some tradesman's daughter was the lowest de<Yree 1 shameful," sa.id Joseph, gaping more than of attractive. But this at any rate ls to be ot my friends who are sufferers. to which he cculd dream of stooping. "' ever with real and assumed anger, "You've said of h~m, that any of his shopmen fonnd · Yours, with many thanks. There happened to stand, not very far treated me cruel. I wouldn't a minded if out makmg two prices of his goods in order ltEV. E, B. S1'EVE:>SON from his father's premises, a t avern bearing you'd spoke straight-forward ; for I ain't a to effect a sale, or concealing a blemish in And hundreds of others - ·--MANUFAC'L'URER Ol!'--the name of The Sceptre. ' pa.uper, whatever other folk~ rnay be. " ~nything he had t~ d~spose ·of, was always N?'" The Sceptre was. without any ex- l'oor :M:~ss Clarke cried yer:y much, and ms_tiintaneou~ly ?~sm1ssed. H,e would . alcept1on, the best couductecl house of the assured him she had no idea of the evil :?w none of cu~Lomers to b~ able to ~ay, ifUllW \t.~ ~~J~ lfJ i<F-& W ~· ;J"i kind that ever was seen. that was pending and which had so suddenI ~rusted m your yoang mun an~ I was KING STREET, BOW:MANVILL The landk r 1, a hearty, genial-faced J olm f ly fallen upon her poor father. deceived. I took the goods on h_is word He.snow on he.nd a number of vehicle~ (and ls m!l.nufacturing a great many more) of t.l1 ~ .t ie Has r eceived her new st.eek o! Bnll, co_ nducted his business in the most~ "Had no idea !" exclaimec1; the flycatcher ~~cl afterwards fo_und out my. m1st~ke." patterns and best finish, which I am otferingo for sale at the lowest prices conaistenl exemplary manner possible. I scornfully "Of course not! no one never lhe~e was one price fi':ed and rnvar1able, with due rege.rd to workmanohip and· quality. The filllowing i.1 a list of the p1·inoipal vehicles manufactured by me No drunkenness or rioting wus permit· / has no idea of 311ything which is likely to ~nd if these wor~ a blemtsh, however em~ll, and invites the Ladies of Bow ted at The Sceptre. upset their apple·carts " (this was rather 0 it, ~ad to be pomted out and allowed for. ~ouble Covered Carnages .....·...···. : ......··.....·· . .··.·...........·... .. $150 Upward~ The landlady, a delicate, lady-like looking , shopp(, expression) " with them as suits ~ms plan. Stewart found to answer. bes~. Si11gle Phretons....··.. . ..... .. ....··....·..·. .·········· , ....··.···.. . ···.. ··.· 100 11 manville and vicinity to call person, was universally respected. The I them, 'which was the flycatcher's mudaled lhe best Judge, and the worst, were In his Open Buggy.......... ....... . ................. ............. ...... ....·.. ······· 70 11 name of the worthy couple was Bilfil. They way of endeavouring to state that p eople s tore all served alike.. He ha~ n') stock for and see her Pattern Top Buggy...... . ............. . .................................... .. ............ . 90 u were blessed with an only child-a daughttr. never know of anything that is not likely to ¥~een-horns! a'!-d no hes for chtldre~. Now Democrat Wagon.......... ................................... . ................ .. 65 " At the period of our story she was two and suit them. if that prmc1p!e were only umversally Lumber Wagons.......... . .. .................................................... 55 " twenty years of age. lt was useless for poor Miss Clarke to adopted and acted up~n, wh~t a change for and assortment ot Now Migs Bilfil was a remarkably hand· plead, Jet her do so never so wisely, the better there would be ~n the world's Light Wagon.............. . ...................................................... 40 ., some-looking young lady. We call her a Joseph Gaper had made up his mind to ~ork and ways l. A cheatmg tra.desman Express Wagon.................................................................. '75 .. lady advisedly, e,nd not in the general sense pick a quarrel with and get rid of her. is the .most shoct-s1ghted fool that breathes. Skeleton .............................................................. , ·· ··· . · · ··· · 50 ·~· of the word, which now is applied to every Having reviled her for half an hour and He game an advantage now and then, but at Sulky............................................................................... 40 » 8TOltE:-SecondDoorWeat of William· thing feminine in human shape under the l:(iving her plainly to understand th~t be what a cost! "Cheat me once, that's your latcher Stu.II sun. · was at a,n end between them, he left, and blame. Cheat . me twice, tha'ts mine." Possessing superior facilities tor manufacturing carriages, i Intend to sell very eheaJ) trr:t ea or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly increase my nnm ber of sales. Woll)fl She had·been educated at excellent schools, repaired to The Sceptre. · And how _qmckly the char~cter of a sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies Ironed, and educated thoroughly. This and tlie fact "Ha I" he exclaimed mentally, and his sharp, unreliable man gets wmd ! So~eof her possessing a natural refinement of mouth stood wider open than ever with ad· how, one scarcely knows how, the warnmg mind, emanating most probably from her miration-" Ha! that's the girl for my mo· gets general "Take care of him." "Ho's gen J e mother rendered her a most desiia. ney." scaly.·~ " He's not on the square." And At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. ble wife for a~y man who should have the He stood gaping at Miss Bilfil, as though bad as the world is; when st~ch an opinion At the Factory I also do P~aning. Matohlng, Turning anO. Sawing with Circle, Band "' SQr good fortune to win her. he really did feel a little bit in love for. once comes to be general, there will be fonud to !:!awe, and prepare all kmda of lumber lor carpenters nd others for building pur~ I ·t f h b. · in his life. p b bl · k. d f be more or less of truth in it. Sharp 1 It's Ornamental and Plain Pickets tor tenoes in every style reQuired. made to orde:r. ntshpi l~fo ti e respecta ihty of The Seep· . ft I . bro a y it wdas a llll o reac- the sharpest men that are soonest r~ined th t ·t · t 'bl t 0 b · t re, e 1 e s 1e WW:! compelled to lead as t1011 a er us &seuess au crue ty towards Some peopl 8 barmaid was not, or at any rate could not : the builder's daughter. h t de ! is no poss.i e e be acceptable to one possessing her tastes ~ Miss Bilfil was t:i.lking to a dark and rea~ 1 e ~h vibg. Ia th~~ ca;se 18 the She, however, made the b.,st of it, and.as · markably handsome gentlemanly-looking wo~t~ t~e er ,. e; e ~t=r· Life not her chief delight was in rendering her par· man when tho flycatcher entered. He had n rn on sue rms. ents happy, no one ever heard her grumble seen this dark personage there a good many PUREST, STRONCEST9 BEST. at her Jot. An Absurd :Bird. ; times during the last eighteen months. He R eady for use ;n a~y quantity·. l!~or It will easily be understood in what hiah ; had asked who he was, and had been inmaking Soap, Softening '.Vater, D1s1nrespect Misa Bilfil was held. From the '. tormed that he was a gentleman of excellent Kiwi-kiwi is the creature s real name fectini:-,and a bm:1d»eil ethe r uses, A poorest frequenters of the house to the I.· family, holding a good berth in a govern· but scientific men call it apteryx, which i~ can equals 20 pounds Sal Soda, . wealthiest, from the humblest to the best meut office. Although l:e always made way a Greek W?rd l!leaniug wingless, because, Sold by all Grocers and Drug'gists, Purify the Blo~d, correct all Disorders of the born, she was respected aud liked by them for the florist when he came in, and never though a bird, It has no wings. That is ::E. W. GILY.ETT, TOR.ON'llO. 11o11. endeavoured to monopolise the conversation a~s~rd enough, but it does not satisfy the LIVER, STO!llA.CD, KIDNEYS A.ND ROWELS. It was currently believed that the parents . with Miss Bilfil, an endeavour Joseph Ga· kiwi, who seems to have tried to he as were very well to do. They d eserved to be. per always made, the flycatcher was not unbirdlike as possible, and, in order to be They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and and doubtless they w ere. The natural in'. w.\se enough to learn by example-indeed, so, has gone to very ridiculous extremes, are invaluable in ~11 Oomplalnts Incidental to Fem!!.les of all Ages. Fo:r Continues to do a, General Banking Business It not only has no wings, but it has no ference dr~wn was, that Miss Bilfil, being he di?n't like the dark man, probably for eBo wmanvilli; Branch. · · Ohlldren and the aged they are priceless. an only child, would one day be extremely the simple r eason that the dark man was a tail-not even so much as an apology for well off, and consequently, if only in a gentleman. one. And, as if that were not enough it DEPOSITS , 1 pecuniary way, she would prove an excellent That night, as usual, the dark gentleman has no feathers worthy of the name. 'its ~oelved in Savings Ba nk Depart.ment and · very soon retired after Joseph Gaper's ap- quills are covered with soft down for about Is a.n infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sorei lal.l and interest allo.wed at current rate&. No catch. But Miss Bilfil was not the kind of young pearance, and left him master of the posi- one-third of their length, and then are 1otice of withdrawal necessary. All deposltt and Ulcers. It ie famous for Gout and Rheumatism. For disorders of the payable on demand, lady to throw herself away upon the first tioi'l. fringed with hair-like webs out to the ends -Chest It has no equal.fool who had the impertinence to flatter ner. "Those chaps in government offices ain't which are sharply pointed. It is only a; EXCHA.NGE She knew how to put a man in his right much to do, I should think," said the fly- lan;e as a common domestic fowl, but it For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, <Jo11glis, Col.ds, iloughtand sold and Draftsieaued upon Europe place as well as any one. catcher, with a snter. has much stronger and stouter legs and Jnited States and Canada, also Gold Silver and Gl.11.ndula.r Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival·1 an~l ff} Of course. ther~ w~re many who ogled her, "Have not they ?" answered Miss Bilfill bigger feet. :7nited Sta~es Greenbacks bouirht e,x{d oold. a:nd some 1magmahve gentlemen who be- handing him his grog. Of course you can not be surprised to contracted and eti~ joints it acts llke a charm. COLLEC'l:'JONS heved they only had to ask ~er to marry, " Lazy snobs as a rult"," said Mr. Graper. l?arn that such a bird looks at first sight "There are exceptions in everyrnld,, re· like a quadruped. It carries its head low Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, Promptly m.ade :at cnrren~ rates upon all par and she would consent-conceited donkeys! ' and hobbles alonginamostuncouthfa.shion at Great Brittain; -the U mted l:ltatee and :o~ . , Amongst those who frequented The plied Miss llilfil c'mplacently. Sceptre was the hero of our story, Joseph Now Miss Bilfil took these two last re· moving so swiftly when pursued, however' 78, :NEW OXFORD STREE'r, (late 533, OXFORD STREE'r), I.ON!JOlV1 minion of Canada, Gaper. He cam~ ver:y often and gaped very marks, aimed against the man who hacl just that it is very difficult to capture this ri'. And are sold at ls. ltd., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lls., 22s., and 3Se. e ucb Box or P()t a.111i) Telegraph '1'1·ansrers long.i.t pr_etey Miss B1lfil. r etired, with such calm indiffereno", that diculous bird. may be had from all Medicine Vendorsthrottghout th" World. ' Made tor lar~e or small 11ums on all. parts of ]\f1ss ~ilfil was courteous and polite to- it gladdened Joseph Gaper's heart beyond When it sleeps in the daytime-for natuCa.nada. This _is especially advantageous to wards htm, as she was towards all who measure. ..-Purr.hu&el'I hould look at the l.abel on the l'ots an<l Rox.,11· u the · <ld re .. rally it is odd en ough to choose the wrong per11ons llvmi;t m Mamtoba or tho North·wes· la a li~:I. fhtford i.tr<llet. J,cmtlon. they ArP. l!ltmrlnna. "If she'd cared a straw nbout hi~ she'd time for sleeping-it rests i ts long bill on ae It makes the funds available at once at th1 conducted themselves properly, but nothing more. · fired up," he thought. the ground, and so makes itself lock like a plaoe or payment. ~o.seph Gaper,_ ho".l'ever, held the same By thls it will be seen th.i.t the idea had s trange sort of three-legged stool. Most _ _ s ·" -Forrnrther particnlars call at the Bankln~ op1mon about Mis~ B1lfil a~ he helu about 1 flashed through Mr. Gaper·s mind that Miss oth~r birds use their beaks or their wil)gs or House. Lines not under the horse'sfeet, Write BREWSTER'S SAFETY REIN, HOLDEH . ., at! the youn_ g hi.dies of his acquaintance, Bilfil might »t least have a friendly feeling their spurs to fight with, but it would be T. RODIE, GEO. McGILL Accountant. Manii.&er a~d f~~t convmced he h'.l'd only to sa~, "lie towards the gentleman in question, whose !oolish to expe_ct .any suc_h natural proceed· Co .. Holl, Mich. Your attention is directed ~o the immense ·lv nune, and she would Jump down his open name, by the way, was Reginald Chambers. firnghf~om ~he kiw!; and, Ill fact, its plan of stock of mouth. He had put this as a kiml of feeler and g tmg is to kick. It 8 very fond of He thought the matter over seriously. he was rejoiced with the result. ' ear~h-worms ;_and one of its ways of pro" It would prove a good match. Old Bilfil The bar chanced to be very empty and · curmg them is worthy of so odd a bird. has property ,in Camford-;-a good deal uf soon Mr. Gape found himself quite ~lone !t thumps the earth wit~ its big .f~e~, and of every description at property. Hes proud of his child, though with Miss Bilfil. " She looks prettier than 1£ there are an)'. worms lll tl;e v1cimty, up he don·t show. much affection toward her ever," he said to himself. " N 0 wonder she they _ come to _discover wha~ is the matter. 1 M iD 0 · ft:' :f{Ul!i.IS :lt\IU!~ 11 V 'It outwardly ; Ins moll:ey ~s sure to come to has been proposed to scores sf times. " . It is a cousm of the ostrich, ancl thon15h tJr:1 :n~. u\~~~ir~~.tt.. Ii her eventual)y. I th!nk I might do worse a He didn't, however, in his wonderful self· its plumag~ ~as no s:ic~ value. for us as its She has just opened out one of the l:i.rgen long wa;r. She's a nice girl, educated well, codceit wonder how it was she ha.i never large relat~ve s has, it l~ very highly val~e~ and most stylish stocks ever brought speaks llrench, and all that sort of thin!l. said " Yes" to those who had asked her by the natives of Ne~ Zealand. The k1w1 to town, consistina of : I '.J.:he sort of girl I shouldn't feel a.shamed of, He was convinced in his own mind that h'e hu,s a very tough skin, which, when it is th~ugh 1 have pro.spects, and hold myself was the only person to whom she would say properly dressed, makes good leather. Jll ilJ ill Cl' y , f} l'C; S S ilks above the. geu_ eral:ty of rno,rket-gardeners " Yes." "I think," he said to himself as - -·- · "\r el~ret~, &c., and "such-hke. I thmk I shall h·!lve to marry I he .st. o od "' aaping· at her' I . have tried . h er On Iy a L'ttl Qurn · t 0 onversa.t' ALL LIVER AND KIDNEY COM- her 1 e ion. with a very fine stock l)f Fe:i.thers and · , . _ . patience long ~nough, poor girl. She might " , .. · Such was the st-yle of reasonrng m which get desperate m the fear I never mean to I So you re tued of my crazy notions. PLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTFlowers. flycatcher indulged. For ~any evenings he pop the que; tion, and go and marry some You think I'm, becoming in .sane, do you?" Call and inspect this fine display, whfob ION A:ND ALL DI"3EASES ARISING appeared regularly at The SceJJtre, and one else. I mustn't risk such a thing any repeated Mrs. Snapper. · ___ c~_:ino: fail to give satisfacLiou: _ longer." Then addressing Miss Bilfil he "That's what I said," said Mr. S. stoliclFROM DISARRANGEMENTS m· THE gaped.for hours together at Miss Hilfil. ' · ly. ' ." D1d he love her?" perhaps the reader said : LIVER AND KIDNEYS. . I've had something very particular on my "Maybe you wo.uldn't object to having me Would ask. .A.bsurc~ quest10~ ! how coulil such a poor, mind for a long while." loc~ed up ID au msane asylum either. I n~rrowmmded thmg love anyone beyond " Iu~eed !" said Mies Bilfil with her plea· do~ t suppose you 'Yould he~itate a m!nute." OF CANADA. i huns~lf. sant smile. I reckon, I might hesitate a mrnutc " Capltal puld up, $1,000,UOO. ltcs1, lil:lflO,Hll Gorn~ horn~ one night, after having in- "Very particular," said Mr. Gaper. was t he defiant rejoinder. ' ·-;; w.· dulged In": little t~ore alco~ol thau .u~ua.!, · ~·I hope it is very pleasant also," replied ." Ym~ woul~, ~ould you? Yo~'d wait a I '"~ ThiB Bank ta p ropurod to d o f ,eglU---Joseph said to himself with an idwtic Miss Bilfil. mmute m hes1tatmg, ·wen, I will ~ay to .1 .' " oo:ite Banking in all its bra nches. ~ ?huckl.e: "I-1-~early let myself in for "Oh, very, very ! The very pleasantest you righ1t here, 1 11.r. Theophilus Snapper, F armers notes discounted ; Depos'ita ~ j It to:mght, t lrnt I did. She looked so nice, thiug I ever had 011 my mind !" cried the J that you re too lE,Lte. You can't get evidence ..Et teceived and Interest paid on amounts o'f ' and I 'd a good n_imd to secur~ her without flycatcher. now that would satisfy any court that I am 'YProprietor, Toronto. further d~lay. She's ?' straight girl, I'm Miss Bilnl smiled, and sarveyed him with ,. non compos. I don'.tkuo~ what _ you might 55 upwards in Savings Bank Departmenl: ____ sur~, and if she once said' Yes' to a fellow, a kind of pity, which he mistook for admir-1 have done, though, if you d apphecl when I _. 1 t 11 dt t dF 1 DRAFTS SOLD~ BY shed never dr~w back, even t hough she met ation. eo_nsented to many Y;?u. I dare say you the sho~:stunJtP::,vaa{the Po!.!:rpoa~ft!l~~!t~~ ,,... ,,... _ BOTH.... 11t· 111· ~o "1 som.eone _she liked better ; ~,ut that would Shall I tell you what it is ?" 5 \id the j nught hu,ve succeeded. Gaskets and Burial Cases ready on short notice lseued and Collections made In Eur.opt)111.H_. - . i::!1 .L·, neve: be if I once aske~ her. flycatcher, whose voice ha.d now sunk almost First-class hearse on very moderate term'8 United States and Canada. HI'UIVI 1 Hl With these reflections the conceited to a whisper Th b . · Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand. Fun W. J. ,TONES;. , BOWMANYIL:CE. !Ga;per retired to rest little dreaming howJ "If .,, dM. B.lfil e ow necktie has had its very short eralcardssuvvliedatonce. Furniture Shop&:; ' you p 1ease, answere 1ss 1 , day. ; Sh.ow Rooms-Bounsall'sNewBlook. A'g · ID WEDNESDAY, OCT. J9, 1887. fi~:;~~;is:.'youldvarytheweukcurrentof marae,~y;YO\t·i~rs~!~~eea~~st~~e~in~yt'~nadka~d\~~ p ER HER 0 N H o·R c E s_ It came·about in this. He was introduc:::::> ed to a rich builder's daughter, whose Hestretchedouthispalmashespokeand FRENCH COACH HORSES. c CATARRH. of .. SAVAGE & FARNUM, ! I ordoch rothers' where are' to be seen I 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed ~ed Room Sets, .20 White Bed Room Sets'" I SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR CLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED·. Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, F ancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c,. HA I N S' CARRIAGE GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor,, ~ ri~~ ~ ~ c T. i.~'"l~ ~.!Ji~: &t.J I !us OARRl AC ES~ .SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, \VAGONS, 8ttJ'., GOODS"l · B 0 NN ETS, HATS I j TRIMMINGS A 11 Kinds of Vehicles Repaired si:.i: d8:? li HEALTH FOR ALL! 'THE FIL .LS THE ONTARIO BANK l I TH · E OINTMENrr - ·5.to$Sad~=~p;:aa:dduty-F~~c_ L _ ·-A··.D" 1·~s $ ! DANDELION LIVER AND KIDNEY MILLINERY e BITTERS CURES 0 I The Greatest Blood Puri·_ fier in the World STANDARD B.ANK R R IS E. M 1 I I uNDERTA K c · .· , ·. I' I I" I LEV I M QR RI S. · · ·