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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1887, p. 8

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~~~~----~--------~------------ CARTWRGHT FAIR. 'l'his Fair cam0 <>ft' ~~ ant:iQl~Med last we~k and as ususl, 'WaP. a l!il<lceas. To ofiO who has attended this Fair from year to year, a marked improvement is plainly visible, and the day is at hand when Cartwright Township Fair will compare with . any of th e b e~t f airs of the same dimen. sious in the Province. Particularly i11 this feature notice11ble in the hor~es and cattle,and great credit is due to several of the enterprising farmers there for the pains they have taken in this ne. Some very handsome heavv draught and roadster horses ~~re shown this year, and the cattle oxh1b1t was far ahead of any previous Pair Hamburgs, C. W. Magill la! , Pair Turkeys, C. W. Magill lat Thos. Darcy 2nd. . .Pair Goea0~ C. W. Magill let, Thoe. do11lter 2ncl, S. T. l!~ergu~on.3rd._ ·Pair Ducks, Richard Rowan 1st, N'o1soi1 Marlow 2nd, S. T. Ferguson 3rd. CLASS F. DAIRY PRODUCE. T ub of Butter, 50 lbs. or over, Mrs J Parr, Mrs T Whitfield, Mrs S Shepherd. 10 lbs. Butter, Mrs s Shepherd, Mts J Y McLaughlin, Mrs R Rowan. Cheese, J Samella. Bread, Mrs J Parr, l\:Irs G Marlow, Mrs N Marlow. CLASS H . DOMESTIC l\:IAN'F. Team Harness, J J McKee. Single Harness, J J McKee, Courtice & Jetft:ry. OLA.SS I. GRAINS, FRUITS AND VEGF.TABLES. Fall Wlrnat, T Werry, J J Llord, T White. Spril'g Wlmit, !Hwdi G M;irlow, J J Llord. 8~~:~bg Wiieat, soft, :R 1'hilp, GMarlow 1 J J I.lord. Peas, small, N Marlow, R Philp, G Marlow. Oat!, White, R Philp, I Beacock, T Werry. Oats. Black, R Philp. Barley, T Werry, J H Devitt, JTaylor. Potatoes, G Marlow, J Bennett 3rd. Turnips, R H Suggitt, jr., G Marlow, R Rowan. Peck White Beans, R Rowan, T Whitfield. Carrots, J Samella. Table Oarrots, '1' Swain, J J Llord. Pumpkins, Anson Taylor, J J Llord. u t a, (' " MNesb' .oee ,. M ar1ow, M 1sa i tt ·. u n10ns, · S Shep h er d , J Ed wards. Mangold Wurtzels, J Samells, S Shepherd. Fall Apples, R W Sufl"gitt, jr. ,R Philp. Winter " RB Spinks, J Edwards. R ueee t " J Campb e JI, C L armer. · S now " R Ph'! l p, J Camp b eII . .A pples, Northern Spies, T Coulter, R R owan. Fall Pears, Miss M Nesbitt, I Beacock. Winte1· " Mrs J PaI'r · Grapes, Miss M Nesbitt. Tomatoes, S Shepherd. Citrons, I Beacock, J .Tobb. Indian Corn, J English, J Parr. Variety Winter .Apples. R H Suggitt, G Marlow· vtASS J. LADIES' DEPATMENT. FALL 1 · I FALL!! FALL flt: . . ~ year. Cattle, ¥sheep,; ,pigs, poultry, &c. were well represented, both as to numbers and quality. The exhibits in the grafn 1 dairv, produce, fruit,and vegetable depiv:t· ments were excellent , and the display of bread and buo.11 !\ grn4i~ tQ thll falf ~ex. The ladies (Jeparbnent waii weil up and ~aye u.amis.\akable evidence of the skill, tagbe l\lld industry of the ladies . As usual I w0 are indebted to the competent and obliging Secretqry, Mr. Jae. Parr, for courtesiee shown us. As the names of most of the principal exhibitors appear in the subjoined Prize List, we will not part!cularize, but give the list as follows :CLASS A.-HORSES DitAUGHT. -.J;he · ' Team to double wa~on, T. Darcy let, J. Coate:i 2nd, G. Nesbitt 3rd. Brood Mare (foal by her side), J. J obb 1st, T; White 2mi. 'l'wo-year old C::ilt gelding or filly, T. White let, and 3rd, B. Mountjoy 2nd. One year old colt, J · Coates 1st, C. W. A splendid assortment of Tweeds J ·nst receive~ and'. V-./0 take great pletl.Sllre in Magill 2nd. . a .£! h av1?g nrst -c1~ss cutter, suits of the most· stylish' and Foal by side of its mother, T. Darcy announcing that we have com- lat, T. White 2nd, A. Beacock 3rd. serviceable quality can be furnished to all comers on GENERAL PURPOSE. shortest notice aud at lowest p1·ices. pleted arrangements fo1· the Team tc double wagon or Democrat wagon , J. F order lat, J. Edwards 2nd, Carpets in great variety-at yom own p1·ices. . Fall Trade. We have em- A. Taylor 3rd. ployed our time during the Brood Mare foal by her side, T. Whit. Everybody call soon and get bargains before too late · . field 1st, D. Milne 2nd. Two year old Colt gelding or filly, S. quiet summ~1· months visiting rrhe whole stock is offered en bloc to anyone desirous, Allin lat, A. Taylor 2nd, H. Mountjoy . markets, examining sam- :3rd. of entering the Dry Goods, Millinery and Clothing Trade · One year old Colt, T. C. Taylor let, T. in Bowmanville. Thebiggest and best assorted Stock, , j>les, tes ~~~oods by all pos- Wh:tfield 2nd, J. Bennett 3rd. and best stand in town Foal by side of its mother, '.['. Whitfield Home-made F lannel, all wool, Miss M ·s ible means: prices l~t1 A, Beacock 2nd, D. Milne 3rd. Apply to CARRIAGE Nesbitt. THOS, BINGHAM Home-made Flannel, mixed, S Shepof different manufactmers, 'J'em , J . .H. D~vitt ht, E . Dickey 2n d, herd, Mrs J Y McLaughlin. ::.": ~cLaoghlm 3r?· B ome-made Rag Carpet, Mrs C Larmer, u sing every care and precau- J. Brooc; f?11l by!~~: side1 W. Tar lor 1st, Mrs J Y McLau ghlin. -- . ~ :g9~1E_l -~!1!l'.'IO Wi;ic.i\en J?)ankets1 Mrs S tion as to quality, appearance J. ,Jobb 21.'<f, . 'l'wo year ('Id D<:>Jf ·itelding ?f Bll,f; ll ii '.P~rgiison, Miss TiAyki.t', . ; .· and prices, till at last we have McKee 1st, J .· X , McLaughlm 2nd, ~. Home-mad" Woolen doverlet~, 1'i ias ~ Ginn 3rd.! Tordifl', Mrs M '.L 'ay!ol:. succeeded in placing in stock One year, old Colt, G. Fallis 1st, J. H ome-made Cotton Covedet, ST Fer2nd,, S: ~'· Ferguson 3rd. · guson, S Shepherd. , · , . . , _ fine an assort:nent of Dry Par~ Smg1e. Dr1vmg Horse, .A. McKee ls., Home-made Gent's Pfa'!'i, Miss E ---- - -- --- -- -- -- Fa.Ills 2nd, 'I'. Mclver 3rd. Ginn 1 and 2. . She '.l'1·ied in vain to Get Goods as ever was shown in G.Saddle Horse, 'l'. Swain 1st, J. Parr Home-maae. Ladie·a· ;S~twl, Miss M RelieC and had quite · Nesbitf. Miss ·E Ginn . 2nd, A Taylor :3rd. Bowmanville. We cannot be- :Foal by side of its mother, W. Taylor Uom~·ni~de Fancy'{!e11ting, Mrs J Y Given u1> all Hope. 2nd. M~J;.au gnlin, · ;i: .J ' Llo~~L gin to ennum.erate our im- 1st, J. Jobb Campbellford, June !J, 1887. CLASS B.-CATTLE. ,Hol\ Pl:iin"Quilting, T Darcey, J . Y. . McL;~ngh!iJ;J ~· MR. E . Mo1mrn, Toronto, mense stock in detail, but we DURHAM. . Gent 's Shirt,; ;c;.·s T Darcey 1 and 2. DEAit Sm :- I feel it my duty to give Milch Cow.,with pedigree, J . Campbell :,, )?atch Work, ;frs C Larmer, J Y Mcinvite the public to call and lst, ., you rny testimony for the. good. I had T. A. Wright 2nd, T . Werry 3rd. Lau"hlin.. , - -AND THE- ' Dandelion Liver and Kidney from your inspect our stock, even though '.~wo vear. old H~ifer, wit~ pedigree! R. , _K nit .Q~ilt, Mrs T Whitfield, Mrs J Y Bitters. My liver was in a bad state and P hilp lat, J . CoaG es 2nd, 'l. A . Wright McLau~Jilin. ,,Yarn Mnt, Mrs J Y McLaughlin 1& 2. I wad a great sufferer. I had tried in you may not wish to purchase 3rd. One year old Heifer, wid1 pedigl'0e, J. :B;~ " " MisaT vain to get relief and had quite given up all hope, till a friend told me of yo ur call, examine and compare, Wright 1st . . , McGill. . . Heifer Calf, under one year, T. A. . Stocking Yarn, Mrs ,J Parr, R Rowan. Bitters. I got a bottle at once and I ::tm happy to say the Bitters made a new WO·) and if you are not satisfied Wright lst 1 'l'. Werry 2nd 1 J . Campbell. Woolen Socks? " laud 2. man of me . I can heartily recommend . h_ . . b - ·1. , 3rd, , :,·, :.. : 1 ·' Stockmgs, Mrs S T Ferguson, them to any one troubled with liver comt h at we can S OW you etuer Bull CaH, undet: orie year, J. Wright It Rowari. h 1st, J . Coates 2nd, R. Philip 3rd, '[' ' ' Woolen Mitts, Mrs S ~r FGi'gilson, Miss plaint. Yours truly _ CAnRrn SmPnENs . Va1 Ue f 01' J OUl' money t a. n you Herd, consisting ?f one male, and fo_ ur M Nesbitt, are accustomed to do not buy fen~ales, T. A. Wright & Sons lat. R. Woolen G loveei M1·s S T F er guson, - - - -· ' , ' Philp 2nd. Mrs .J Parr, . w .ANTED. -LADlES for our fall and ' GRADE. Berlin \Vool or Worsted Vi' ork, fiat, Christmas trade, to take light, work at their own homes. $1 to $3 per day can ·-- -- -· - -!\filch Cow, J. Campb e11 1st, H · M oun t · M rs J T ay Ior, M rs J B oacock · be qnietlY made. Work se. n t by mail 11ny dis· joy 2nd, R. T,\T, S uggitt 3rd. B'erlin Wool or Worsted )York, raised, to.nee. No canvassing. Address at once, ·Two year old heifer, T. Whitfield 1st, Mts T Swain, Mrs ST Ferguson . CRESCENT AR'l' co.. 117 Milk St., Boston. Our new Fall Stock looks like a Daisy in the Spring.. Maes. Box 5170 J. Samella 2nd, T. Werry 3rd. Enl.broidered Braid Work, Miss l\I One year old Heifer, J. Wright 1st, T . . Nesbitt, Mrs 'l' Darcey. Our Prices are tame and are warranted not to srare or jar WA'1'ClIES, CLOOXS. Werry 2nd. : lbrochet Work, Miss E Tord1ff, Mrs J And our whole establishment has, . Heifer Calf, one year, J SameUB ; Parr. LIVERPOOL ENG. _ SHAFTESllUJtY the most delicate nerves. JEWE:C.:RY, let R. H. Suggett 2nd. Fancy Netting,Mrs T Darcey, 1 and 2. TEMPEUANOO: Rona,. :Mount pleasant. CJ,ASS tJ. _SHEEP . " Knitting, Mrs J J Llord, :M:rs J 100 rooms. 'fhree minutes' walk from Central ent ered into a conspiracy to make the P eople happy and . .ANI> SI:C.VEBWA.Eli:. Phl1 "n and Lime Street Stations. Night porter. ReY M cL aU "' J.',,'w ·· CO1 Embroi ' dery · on Muslin, Mrs J Beacock, commended by Rev. Dr. Briggs, '.I'oron to, and comfortable, without impoverishing the pocket book. - · oL·o iJ. ' J h Rev. Cha.H, Garr ett, England, 20-~5. Ram Ram, Janies Coates · i!:t, o n Mrs 'l' Darcey. ··- ·- ---·- ··--· 'l'his depa rtment of our busi , Bead Work, Mrs J Beacock 1 and 2. 12f1 GOOl m1U'U Di G)Gll m i Samella 2nd & 3rd, When you are up street drop in and see us, while we n ess is receiv ing our careful atYearling Ram, .J. Samt:lla 'l st & 2ud. Wax Fruit, Mrs '.l' Darcey, Mrs E ~l~~,. ~'~~ ~~~"J!I,~ Two Shearllng Ewee, J ohn Samell lat, Johnston. t ention and n eve1· b efore have we show you our handsome stock. James Coates 2nd. Wax Shells, Mrs T Darcey 1 and 2. shown so large and choice a sel Two ll:wes that have raised lambs t his Arttficial F lowers, not Wax, Mrs T season, John Samella 1st, J·ames Ooates Darcey, Mrs J Beacock. ection of des1rable g oods. Our The West End House is in the same old place. 2nd and 3rd. Paiuting in Oil, Mrs T Darcey, Miss system announced s ome months Spinks. T wo Ewe Lambs J ohn Samella 1st. ago of selling atone-half theregu LEICESTER. · Crayon Drawing, Mrs I Beacock land2. Yearling Ram, R. H . S uggitt lat Thos. Leather Work, Mrs J Taylor, Mrs T lar jewel er,s 1)rofits, has h ad its Werry 2nd. Darcey. OF LONDON, ONT. r esult s, as t h e public h as b ecom e Ram Lamb, R. H. Suggitt 1st & 2nd, Farmer's Wreath, Mrs T D ar cey. Werry 3rd. Hair Wreath, Mrs J W right, Mrs T Thos a.ware tliat we are carrying out V111it ly'lmprov"d l Ulustratt·d Article·! AU the New~ ·! l'opular D c p11rt!mentH: Two Ewes that have r aised Jambs this Darcey. our d e termination . O ne thing -itome He111Ung · ! J Z 1·11i;·~ Jle~nlarly: Berlln Wool Wreath, Mrs J Beacock. season, R.H. S uggitt let, hos Werry " " Flowers, Mrs T Darcey. w e w ant distinctly under stood, 2n~~o Shearling Ewes, R.H. Sugriitt lat Woolen Tidy, Mrs J Heacock, Mrs s viz, that our goods are the b es t T. Werry 2nd & 3rd. T Ferguson. J udginb(}' by tl1e large tra<le that I have done with people Two Ewes, Lambs: R . H . Suggitt 'lat, Cott,o n Tidy, Mrs J Parr 1 and 2. , 'l'o all now subscribing for th e ye11r 1888, at quality to be produced. W e Teasdel Whitfield Znd, R. H . Suggitt 3rd. F eather F lowers, Mrs T Darcey, Miss . the low price or in Bowmanville, a n d also with thos e in the c ountry--some trading with. h ave a large person a l acquainCLASS D.-SWINE. Flowers, Mrs J Heacock, Mrs T ::f>ER . ANNU:M me who have (as they have told me) come fron;r O shawa, taiice with l ea<ling manufacturers su11110LK. Darcey. Burketon, e-tc., in fact within a radius of 1 5 miles 0r more, to buy their both in Canada and U nited · d W k M. E S · k 8 Talbmge·s· and Oth.:r Sernaonid German R :1.1se Sow Pig, six months old or under, J ohn or ' iss pm · Exc~ucnt 1t1111t1ia1 Scleettuns ·! b oots and shoes ·is a direct verdict 1hat I sell at close prices. I sell States and consequently get the Jobb ht . l\fre ST Ferguson. lut.crnaUonul Snndny Scbool ·l>e1son11! BERXSHIRE. CottonStockings,MrsTDarceyland 2 . cheap b ecause I bought cheap myrnlf, and besides I take small profits b en efit of always securing good Sow P ig that has raised pigs this season " Socke, Mrs J Llord, Mrs JParr. ""THE H 0 L LY Q'l:J EE N " 11nd sell for cash only . Now tha t the fall trade is approaching, it win goodo. Solid Gold n.ncl Silver k ' Sofa P illow, Miss M N eabitt, Mrs T A. Spin 8 . Darc>ey. ·A' limitcd number of this beautitnl premium pa<v those who need anything in boots and shoes to come t o m e. I and R:illed Gol d Plate. J. J. Sow Pig, six months old or under, picLure Is offered subscribers for to J Nelson Marlow lat, & 2nd. . Log Cabin Quilt, Miss M Nesbitt, Mrs centR extra. make also a specialty in Trunks and Valises- selling the m as cheap as M a son. J y McLaughlin. . "Tlle ' n:STElfN AD\'EB'l'ISER ·1tnd PREHl k "' LAROE :BREED. Tuft Quilt, Miss McGill land 2. nm r or $ they can be sold i n any of our large cities. I have a . arg e stoc O.i.. Agents pr'izes wanted everywhere, Twenty-five · ht f or f'a 11 wear' (ou·r o~un mnke) I Boar, Thomas Swain 1st. L ace Work, Mrs 'T Swain, Mrs J Bea· .. vah:rablt> to' be awarded over and above B00 t s now 0n h . and ' u s t rig '" ... ' w h :ch · Sow that raised pigs this season, Thos. cock. t11e cash commission to the most successful cn'n se·ll cheaper than any shoe stor e in Bowma nville, . as they were all Werry lat. · Batting, Mi'S S T Ferguson, Miss Mc- a.gents. Registered letters come at our risk. .,, B(Jar Pig, Bix months old or under, Gill. :~gJrZ:a ~ sample papers, terms to agents, etc., bought at a Tate on the d ollar, a nd will be sold at less than they M ichael Chapmann l B t, 'rhos Swain 2nd. Crazl Patch Work, Miss M Nesbitt, ·· · AD1'El1T1st:n 1·1t1NTING uo.. actually cost t o O'et t h em up. I have a 1so b uug h t a, l a:rge s t ock of Mrs J :.arr. LONDON, ON· r; n CLASS E.- POULTRY. .~n·Ecu:L rR1zE8. . - - -.- - - -Boots and S hoes from the factories, at close prices,. and which will .be Pair P lymouth Rocks, Jas. Coa.t;es lBt, ' 'B M y east , M rs J y ML nm. s old accordingly. c aug h · 1·T:a:E STATESMAN S Cr.u1rmNG Ov1 ._:...,· B rea:(·, Thoe. Darcy 2nd. Pair Black Spanish, C. W. Magill lat, lin. . , . , . M" E T a·fi· ·you can bavc The Woetem Advertiser and Ladies Under Skirt, iss · or I · its ·beantifnl ·Premium together with the Thos. D aTcy 2nd, James Coates 3rd. Etching on Linen, Mrs T Sw<!-iD. . (31'A'l'.E;SMAN for i888. f?,r 1)nJy $UJ~ by !lddress· Pair White Leghorns, C. W . Magill 1st Child's Dress Mrs J Beacock Mrs T m g : M ..A. JAMES Subscnpt1on A.o:~ncy, ' ' ·Bowman ville. . .[2.~w. & 3rd, Thos. Darcy 2nd. Pair Dorld na, James Coates 1st, Thos. D arcey. Fancy Bracket, Mrs J 'B eacock, Mrs 'J PUOF, L «f\V'!i; SllLPlllfJt Sf>AP is I\ d e Darcy 2nd. Jl:i;llthtl toilet lnxury·ns ·well :u·1n1:(10d mu 2G·3m, Pair B uff Coohim,J" as. Coates l st ,Thos. P arr. Ottoma.n Top, l\IIrs J Deacock. "' atlv c ·to1·- ;;;khr ·1Usl!llsc. Uarcy 2nd · Dry Goods~ compC:_~ing 1 I Gents' Drawers, Mrs ST FeI'guson. Pillow Shams, " Genta' Slippers, .Miss E Spinks, Mra S T Feri<uson. Toilet Sat, Miss M Nesbitt. Spatter Work, Mr:i J Taylor, Mrs J J Llo:-1, Etching on Muslin, Mra T Swain. A R·nE C·)MJlINATION.-There 1·~ no other remedy or combination of medicine that meets so many requirements, as does Burdock Blood Bitters in its wide range ot power over such Chronic diseases as dyspepsia, liver and kidney complaint, scrofula and all humors of ihe blood. We ]1ave received froin the publisher, F. Trifet, 408 Washington .st., Boston, Mass., a sample copy of the Galaxy of Music, a monthly musical magazine at only $1.00 a year. It is full of vocal and instrumental, of the best class. Every person interested in music should take this publication for a. vear. Send 10 cents I for a sawple copy. · I A special :Bill of Fare is being prepared I for the Holiday No. of the Springfield, Mase. Gooo HousEK}JEl'INCI, of date of December lOtll, to be issued during ' Thnnlnigiving week. One of its m1my l.\t· tractive features will be a special dish prepared by Mr. E. C. Gardner, author of "Model Homes for model Honsekeeping," and many other wise sayings in a happy and effective vein, which will be recorded in the Menn for the occasion as "Moral Malaria: Its Cause and Cure." This will be illustrated by Mr. Gardner's pencil, and illuminated, as are all his writings, by a sharp and pointed pen. Goon HousEirnEPING is published Fort· nightly, $2. 50 a year, or ten cents a copy ; all newsdealers sell it. "Peterson " for November is before us ,· it is evidently determined to iro out, - steelthis year, wiih flying colors. The plate ia thfl finest oUhe year : it is a copy of one Millais's most charming pictures of children-the portrait of pretty litt.le Miss Muffct, of nursery fame. '.l'he wood engravin!!' "Three Home Rulers" ~ is, in its way, equally noticeable; it is thfl loveliest production of Kate Green. ~way's facile pencil. The fashion-plates display their usual excellence. The pro· spectus for 1888 ofl'el' the promise of even greater attractions for the coming twelvemonth. " P eterson " ha~ earned the right to style itself a magazine of literature, art and fashi on : for, in every essential, it unites the distinctive features of three separate magazines, either of which one would acknowledge to be of superior merit. Specimens sent free to those who want to get up clubs. Address Peterson's Magazine, 30G,, Philadelphia Pa. - '- - - ·- --- -- DISGUSTING CATARRH:. - A gent eman from M ontreal writes :-For years I .h ave been greatly ar.noyed by Catarrh._. It . ~~.usecl ~ev.ere pain e head 1 co~tmunl : _,scharge rnto my throat, and very u;;i,pleasant By a thorough use 0f ; Nasal Balm I was completely cul'ed. An ' g SE LL ING OUT. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. -- l THUS. BINGHAM. f). Having decided to retireSfrom theBBI DRY GOODS Trade, a:i;id devote his whole time to Insurance, is now offering· his whole stock at sacra:fice prices that must clear out the· entire assortment in short order. · A large and carefully selected stock for the fall trade has just been re-. ceived-but all must go. I The VOLUNTEER Leads the THISTLE,,/ 0 l l WEST END HOUSE: . Leads the Country In all that is N'ew, Beautiful and tClean in the .. Dry Goods Line. Visitors to England. AD THE VE WESTERN R Ts E R 1 l ' TH£ v£RD lC T ! Balance of 1887 Free M~~;r ,$ 1 $1 ~ewcastle, 0 J.J. MASON ·General Dry Goods , & Jewelry House. L All :PATGHING ANO MENDING PROMPTLT ATTtNDtO TO. 0 GEORGE BUCK. Children Cry for : p ;tche'r 's Castoria~

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