r . ? 11 . l. HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Creeper spent New Years with their daug ht er Mrs. A. Grant, Toronto ......Mr. and Mrs. Theo Slemon visited friends in Bowmanville .... Misses Ida and Marjory Moore and Mr. A. Moore visited relatives at N estl eton .... At his home on Sunday evening Dec. 31 Mr. Arch. McNeil, an old resident, entered quietly and peacefully into rest at the advanced age cf 79 years.. He h ad suffer ed patiently for some time with cancer which was follo wed by a stroke. Surviv ing besides his wife are five daughters, Mrs. D. Mc Pherson, Siemon, Miss Kafe McNeil, Toronto, Mrs. Samuel Va11stone, Whitby, and Mrs. Robt. Moore; and three sons, Messrs. Richard, James and Alex McNeil who live here. The funeral service Tuesday which was largely at tended, was conducted by Rev. W. Higgs and interment took place in Bowmanvllle cemetery. The family have the symp athy of the entire community in their bereave ment. .. . ::-Ir. Herbert Siemon Yisited with relatives here ....School meeting was held last Wednesday morning. Mr. R.Si emon was r e-el ec ted trustee ......We welcome Miss Graham, Orillia, who has been en gag ed to teach the school and commenced duties Wednesday morning. BLACKSTOCK I j / I __ ... DON'T THINK ALL DRUG STORES ARE ALIKE. 1 { Quality W e exce In Strict Attention to Business In Carefulness In Quality- For o v er b4 years our s tore has e nj oyed a, reputa tion for dependable goods of und o ubted quality and today every old resident knows that our name on a package carries with it a guarantee to cheerfully re turn the money paid if conte nts are not satisfactory. I ·'Ne exercise the Care-This is the watchword of ou r store. same care in selecting our assistant druggist as we do in selecting our goods, ·and you can always depend on nding a skiLed gmd ate of the Ontario College of Pharmacy ready to give you n·s oest attention either in our Optical Department, our Dispensing ment or our Truss Depar'ument. Depart Strict Attention to Business-We ,. May we have the pleasure of serving you? thoroughly enjoy It is a pleasure for us to feel that the d rug business. we are giving you good service, and the best that is in us is dev o ted to the interests of our customers. r I Jury & Lovell, The Safe, Satisfactory Dru ggists and Opticians. Jl Corn for ,_, _ _ JUST ..,.. ..... _....., ARRIVED : ..... ........_. Feed .. -·- { A car of choice American yellow corn for feeding purposes-just the thing to mix wifh yout' light grain. Also Bran, Shorts and Mixed Chop. Best grades of Bread and Pastry Ftour. Prices}Right. : Chas. Horn, Hampton. Phone 129 r 6. + + + · +-'V'+'-' . + -"'. · · + +'-' + +'-' +·"'-/ . .,. ... · · . . ,. · . ... · + Fl OUr Try E C1· lpSe · 10r 11 r c ah eS It /.' an d P astry + + · It makes delicious pies, cakes and fancy pastry. Ta lz es Less Shorten!· ng' / " /[: ar : That's why so many of :Manitoba flour. t"he best cooks prefer Eclipse Flour- n.. .. Christmas Visitors:-Messr.,J: E. \ind Roy Penfound, Toronto, at nome .... Mi:; ; . Ethel Courtice and daughters Belle anti. Doris at R. E. Osborne's . . . .Mr. and Mrs.' _.:S ! A. E. Clemens and Family, !\fr. and M rs. I. G. Trull and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hancock and family, Mr. and Mrs. Blake ,at:tory about to Courtice at L. M. Courtice's; Mr. and Mrs. locate in_ _ ,.solicits your acreB. J. Ga y and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. age.of com, peas, beans and tomatoes. Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gay, at 750 Acres Wanted Mr. Milton Gay's; Miss May Waldron, Representatives are now making house Trenton, at her sister's Mrs. (Rev.) S. F. to house canvass but will be glad to meet Dixon's; The Brook's family reunion was all interested on Saturdays at the held this year at the home of Mr. S. S. moral o tel, B ow manvil !e. Brooks; Mess rs Arthur and Harry Butte are visiting their sister Miss Bella Butte; Miss Lyh Osborne, Toronto, and Miss MAPLE GROVE Florence Osborne, Dunbarton, at home Mrs T. Sanderson, East Toronto, with Mrs. W. R.Courtice;Mr.Elmer A!Rundle, The fifty-first anniversary of Maple Toronto, at home; Mr. Howard Courtice, Gr ove Division Sons of Temperance will Ottawa, at home; Mrs. Ann Br o ok s re be celebrated in the Sons Hall on Friday, ceived a fine plum pudding from her son "}an.). o.t. · ;:- :::.. G- -::'. ·,..og:-am by :Vl o r F. W. Brooks, Esq., "!'1'1iddle Queen," rison's Goodyear Orchestra; also recita Wellington, Eng .. .... Many pleasing tions, dialogues, solos and addresses. Pie comments were passed on the tastefully and Devonshire cream will be served at decorated S. S. room, at Ebenezer. The the close. A dmission 15c. decorators were Mr. A. J. Gay and his MARK MUNDAY,JR., RHEA JEFFERY, S. S. class of young men ....Ebenezer R.S. W.P. Ch 0ir furnished splendid Christmas music Sunday .... Rev. S. F. Dixon at the even ing service in place of a sermon, read ENNISKILLEN DARLINGTON pleasingly a story "The man who missed Christmas" to a large congregation ... . Presbyterian anniversary services were Newly elected officers at Mt. Carswell Xmas Examinations at S. S. No 3: Total marks-800-Sr. IV. B. Cr ago-'-6S8, ell attended Sunday, especially the even- Division are:-1. P., Kenneth C o urtic e ; F. Burk-567, L. Power-452. Jr. IV, G. mg. The sermons by Rev. J. A. McKeen, W. A. Ve ra vVerry; F. S. Mab ell e Wa !.t er , Power-492, M. Burgess-489, F. Rundle B.A., were much appreciated; also music , Treas. J. Morr o w; R. S., C. Pe n fo. und ; . d Ennikillen choirs. M on- A. R- S. G., Brooks; Chap. Frank Walter; --486, W.rvietlf-,(83, N. 'M'etcalf.-446, by Eldac;I an A. Parsons-390; E. Clarke-347. Sr. III day evenmg · s entertamment was also a Con, W. Sulley, A. C., Muriel Penfound; Total Marks-700-Sr. II G. Gibson- success. Miss Gillman, A.T.C.M., Tor-· Q. S. A., Short· 0, S. Albert Jones; 418. Sr. II Total ma ks-670-G. Dow onto, captivated her audience in her ren- O rganist G. M. Brooks· . W. P., Geo. F. n ey-492. Jr. II W. Rundle-490; N. dering of "Sowing Seeds in Danny." Miss Annis. Burgess-478; L. Crago -3 67; Norman Vera Col will s sweet voice won the audBurgess-363; D. Glark e-3 50; M. Downey ience's favor also; and last, but not least, -316. I Total 260, Burnett Power-2II. the Goodyear Orchestra, who were called ,,. S. A. MOISE,Teacher. on for encor after encore. They are always appreciated .... News reached here -Saturday evening of the death of Mr. Jno . ENFIELD. Hockin, a former resident of our v i llage MCKEE-r:'ANS . ... Mr. John SleJ:?On ?Pent the we ekvend. A quiet but p rett,v 'W ed d i ng took place arold ,;.ni?- on Wed n esday his son Mr. and Mrs. James Gilbert visited t Gravenhi:rst c. 20th, 19u, at the friends at Port Perr y recen t ly .... Mr. and is pleae? with his 1mpro' me?t . · ·: hr ne of Mr. an frs . Thos. McKee, Cart Mrs. J. Niddery spent Xmas holidays in cent V!Sltors: Mrs. :g ai:d Miss ChnstJPa ,,·right, when reir eldest daughter, Violet s aw Brock township .... Master Everett Orm Sanderson with rel a t ives m Osh , was t·ni tr>.i' lll h o y matrimony to M r. . a; N1 1 :, D. iston visited friends near Raglan last week Jean Sharpe, Brantfor d Jo shu;:. r .- -an s, of Yelverton. Only the n et a Th - imm. ;.;d . : . --.atives of the co ntract ing . , Mr.A. Sharpe; Mis; M .....Miss N. Ormiston, Bowman ville, is father' s ".:----esei t guest of Mr. Arthur Ormiston . . ·... .Miss son, Toron o, at he r fathers Mr· Ed;· a rd part i f's The happy even t . . , Mr. tr·ok plare. 111 the Pearl McCu llo ch s many friends will hope Thompsol). ,; Mr. John Ranto.r ;::>' ·lor of the home ds; . al ter ;:Ranton , Tor o _nto, w· n wr 1rh w heauti d. to hear of her speedy recovery ......Mr. · corated for th Arthur Ormiston was re-elected school Miss Edi th Maxom, mdsa · Occ. no, .. ,. t 4 r -:.··. the strl'ns of the µ or- we· Ji:· trustee at annual meeting ....Mr. Geo. Pa:o,yancouver, M s r i hplaJdbyJ\·' HaEvans, Ormiston took the colt to Campbellford onto,!.. 1ss Lyra :r:reCJ.th, Hampt n, 'a ... n0 n · .:n .ae p. . aning on _o that he sold at a big price . .. . Social gath Mr. v. )'"Pascoe s, \Vm. 1.'r ew m t1·" .. o· Ii r. D.er ana d beneath erings have been the order of·the day arrd Miss Fl ol rence_ at .q.r. H. Collacutt's, r jr a. m._ ..c L l:!Vergree.trimmed many of them. ro ne; Mis :: carnation e · W1tl:: ros... ceremony perf om.U by Rev Joe Taylo Blacksrv ...k, and Mr: Was ' Delve of / Seagrave. 1\ne bride Ro bbi n s l\l!l=-Win Mrs. J; · ed in d1'uns SOLINA, Smitb a9J: sons at Mr. F. W. Lee;s; M Pgne silk ;'embro' rquisette , a a tnm rrj\ed witJl silk a Helena iind Master Gordon Werry mbroidered m net and"-insertLon, r Re gular meetinir of Solina Women's Orono; ;Ir. and Mrs. G. B. Fraser and «: . hower bouquet of vvhite can d asparagus Institute will be )1,..dd at Mrs. W. C. Wer- Gokhv:i"f at Trenon; Mr. and Mrs nge her hair, + ry's on Thursay! Jnuary rrth,. atr .3 0 oodley, Dr. Beith, Bow man v ill s, ; · fern, with <f ".a "" an d looked , p. m. All dies invited .. ..Mr.F. SI rt- and Mttx.,.. H. Slemon and da u ghter G · t She was at tended b1' ' innie T, Mcridge le, for.Winnipeg Monday .. .. . Toronto, Mr. Milton ee c Kee,"' + wrenct Weny broke hls leg Dr. C. W. Sl emon s .... League thi en1broi dered Master g - null es la ce and · last weel!: ut is do ing nicely ....Th male will combine Xm,;s and New Y choir. Sunday did exceedingly we! thei r ram. Mrs. F. W. Lee will.· L<rKe -""). .s ;".,. ._net of pink + The\ sele'ctions being good and well rendered topic and Mr. J. A. Werry the New ':.. ·-:ild1 .· j ,Pur choir sang at the P reb 'terian church one ....Rev. J.E. Robeson intends anniversary at Enniskillen ;;und even- ing special services in the near f· Many inherit weak lungs, per,1 ce will · ing .. . . . . The Sons of T hold an entertainment a ' box social for usually assails the weaY. the benefit of hospitals ......Mr. Norman person s are continuallv Reynolds is resuming tis studies at Bow- of cold and pul mo r'· manville High School ... Recent visitors: speedy use of T X Mr. and Mrs. W. vVeri' at Ked ro n Mr. Sy run ,..- / I H. H Bal Mrs. H. ' r' WAT H 1 ' T 1t!1 ' _ : W: :$ $ c-tn[ M; r,N itf.e and Minerva and Lori't · Trewin's; }"f. i Hospital, atne, j -#- · r CARTWRIGHT 7DING. l .s J9e.0 I '1;"" ' T;f5· / Slemon, Haydof a in J :