C::TBRMB :-11.50 Pu Alnfml:, NEW SERIES, NUllBEB OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD A.FTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EDITOR A.ND PltO!'RJJ!:TOR, 182. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1887. VoLUME XXXIII. H AMPTON . NmrnER 48. OPENED OUT LAST WEEK - -AT-- COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN'S, THREE BAL.ES - - O F-- Direct from John Crossley & Sons, Halifax, England. 8RUSSELLS,) F (AND IAPESTRY) CARPEH;) Notice For Elegant Designs, Permanent Colo.rs and Durability, C r oss- P ley's Carpets are unequalled. Hou~ekeepers requiring Carpets are requested to examine our Stock before buying. No better y al ue anywhere. Couch, Johnston &Crydorman One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. chool report for Septem ber. 4th Class ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. -.-I. Lawrie, J . Crumb. Sr . 3rd ClassE. Kennedv E. Power E. H arnden. J r. ' 3rd.-G. F olev B. Harnden. 2nd Class' G. Stephens 6. Reed E. Rundle. P t. 2ndSAILINGS, Clase- B. i-> tephens T. R ichards. Class ~~tt}J"JW.AN r~~m Qu,~bec. Nov~mber1i B.-F . R ichards F . Power C. Snowd en. SA.U.Ml'l'lA.N, 17 Class A .- N . McKinnon C. Stephens RATES OF OCEAN P ASS.A.OE :-Cabin, G. Reed . W. E. J AMEtS, Teacher. $50, $65 a nd $75 ; r eturn, $100, $125 and $150. Intermediate, $30 ; return, SOLINA. $60 . Steerage, $20. The last train con,.,. necting with the mail s t eamer at Por t- / The following is t he r eport of S. S . . land leaves Toronto on Wednesday morn- f N o. rn. for t he month s of August a nd ing. T he last train con nect ing with t he 8eptember. Names in order of merit . mail st eamer at H alifax leaves Toronto 5th Class- l'tl. Smit h, ·R . A rgue, Ann ie on T hursday mor ning. F or tickets and ~mitl1 . Jr. 3rd Ola1s- S . Wilkin son. every information, apply to W . A. NE.ADS, Par t 2nd -L. Tordiff, M G ilbert, Willie B owma nville, Agen t Allan line. 11-t f Cryderman, L . Gilbert, Mary· W ilkinson. Pa r t lst Sr.- A. R obbins. Part 1st J r . -L. Gilbert, G. Wilkinson. Sr. Table t OUSE FOR SAL E OR TO R E NT! - L. R obbins, E. Tordifl'. Jr. T ablet - '!'hat two.story briok reeidenoe with one halt acre of land situated on the south- YV. Tordiff. F, .J. GROAT, T eacher. east corner or Ontario and Wellington streets. More la.ro d can be obtained i t desired. If not sold at once it wlll be rented. For terms and ENNJSKIL [;EN. particularil apply to W. s. ORMIS'l'ON, Barrister · / _,...etc.. Bowmauville. 37-Jw* / Uur genial friend Mr, David G. Aust in - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - -; has r eturned to Toron to t o finish l11s AR M EOR S ALE. - Bein u 100 acres coursA at the Ontario Veternary College. or lots 9 and 10, con., ' 2, De.~lington. on D a vid will be gr eatly missed by his ~anvere !toad, .1~ miles north of Bowman· numerous friends in this localitv especialv11!e. Gcod brick house, commo'llous out- I h f l f · f h ·' h buildinl{a well fenced and well watered good Y t ose o t 10 air sex o w ' m e was orchard. 'Hae beer. mostly in Rraee for ' some an ardent admirer. :rears. Jn capital state of cultiv~tion. WUI . , sell before Nov. Jst very cheap· For full Dal'· M r . J. C. Callander, of Smith ::; F alls, tlcnla;e apply to JOHN FosT1 m , drover. Bow·' ~ been spend ing a few days here with manvillo. :!7- tf. his brother, on h is way t o the city where - -- - - - -- -·h e also will be in at t endance at the Ontario V etn nary College. W e wish the boy11 every succm. The re turn match-Clarke vs. D arli ng· -ton-will be played in Clarke, n ear I n the matter of the E state of THOMAS Leskard on Satur day, 29th inst . Game . . t o commence sharp at 2:30 p . m . Some LAWSON, late of the To.v.;nsh1 p of Cart- more 11;ood kicking expected. wr-~1ht, 'i1~ the ·c oim tv of Durham, Har- 1 _The Metho~ist S. S. is maki_ ng .p reparmei · deooase(l, at1ons for their annual tea which i8 to be U1:t$UAN11 'I'O S ECiNON 34 OF h eld as usual on '.l'ht\nks~iving D ay. Chapter 107. of the Revised ~tatute· or · Ontario, an<!- ot Section 1, qha~ter 9, oH 6 VicA STATEMENT. tona, Ontar10 Statutes. notice 18 here by gtya'P.. that all creditor· and persons having ~!aims against the Estate or THOMAS L AWSON , Jato ot Whereas certain r eports are current in the Township or Cartwright, in the County or Durham, Farmer, who diecl on or about the the neighborl10od of Enniskillen detr i 12th of .Tune, 1887, at the said Township of mental to tho character of Mr. J ohn Cartw1·ight, and to send on or berore· the first Gilbert, w1>, the undersigntd, h aving day of December, 1887. by post, prepaid. to James Parr. Blackstock P. 0 ., Ontiu·io,the ad· investigated t he matter , desire t o make ministrator or th e Estate and f:ffects of the said the following statement : T lu t Mr. ·.rno)tAS J,AWSON, their Christi& n and Surnames, addressee and descriptions, the full Samuel Arche r, who is r epor ted t o hav e p.rticulars or their claims and statements of s1Aid that ho 5a w Mr. Gilbert pnt t he their accounts and the nature of securities money which was lout in Quigley's stor e, (tr any) held by them, accompanied by a Statutory declaration verifying the accuracy or snch 13urketon, on th e evening of the 29 th of olaims, and notice Is also given. that arter the Sept . . 1887, in his · pocket, stated be for e last mentioned date, the said administrator us t hat he did n ot seo the said M r. will proceed to distribute the assets of the de· ceastid among the ~artles entitled. having re- Gr~ourt touch the los't money at all. gard only to the claims of which the as id ad· (Sign ed) s. SALTON, ministrator shall then have notice, and tl1at he will not be liable for the assets or any p1ut R. H UTCllISON, thereof. to any person or peraons of whose J. 0 . M ITCHELL, debts or olaime he shall not thon havo notice. JonN STAINTON, Dated at Cartwright, this 21st dii,y of SeJJt ., 1887, JA~rns STAINTON, JAMES P AHR, Enniskillen , Oct. 22, 1887. 38Gw Blackstock, I'. O.· On ALLAN LINE' LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL I : 111APLE GR UVE. ENTERPRI SE . S ix miles from O ron o and four from P on typool is E nterprise. Miss Lillie Allen has gone to .Bowll:tanville . H ow we do miss h er ! llr . Mr. Blewett has very sor e eyes. Alb. Wright is :recovering. Mra. W. Blewett is hmue from Longford. S uccessful parties have been held at Mr. A. Wright's and B . Green wood's. More to follow. H to Creditors. NE-W- GOODS! ·-----'-i CO TO 'l'Ve are now shewing a c omp lete new Stock of new Fall and VVinter Goods, in all our departments which for style and design will be hard to surpass in this l ~c a l ity. Ordered work in the Tailoring Department a speciaity~ A neat garment with Style and Finish is guaranteed by the NO. 1CUTTER, W. PEARDON. Our Mi]linery Room is open_ for inspection filled with latest novelties of the Come with your money a ·n d get the first. choice. Yours, etc., Geo. Laing. Bowma n ville, O ct. 4, '87. (Received t oo late for last issue.) One of the mcst fashionable wedd ings AUCTION SALE S . " hat h as taken place in this par t of Canada ca me ofi last Wednesday, at nrn. s. c. HUNKING' SALllJS. " Maplevale," t he family residence of William Ballagh, E sq., the contractin g WEDNESDAY, 0Cl'. 26.- Mr . J . M itchell, pa.d os being M:iss Mary L ouisa B allagh lot 30, con. G, Darlington, will s ell his a.nd Mr. Wi lham J . St aples, of Ur on o. farm, farm stock , imple ments, etr,. , T here were present by i nvitation about withoub reserve, as he is going to seventy guest s from T oron to, P ort H ope, Manitoba. S ale at l p . m . See large N ewcastle, Orono and surrounding d isp oster;i. S . C. H UNKING, Auctioneer. trict.. The cer emony was per formed at 4- o'clock, the R ev. Alex , L eslie, B. A., T H URSOA.Y, Ocr . 27.-Mr. Thos. V eale, lot 30, m o. 2, K ingston R oad, Darlingofficiating. T h e bridesma:ds were Mias ton, will sell the whole of his valuable B.illagh, sis·er of the br ide, and Miss farm stock, machiner y, impll'lments, Katie B ~ a!llish, of P ort H ope. T he 4 acres t urnips, etc., withou t reserve. groomsman w~s Mr. D . McAllen, of Sa.le at 12 o'clock, This is a big sale. Orono. The b ride wore cream satin, Go early. See large posters. S. C. looped with orange blossoms, a bridal H UNKING, Auct ioneer .. wr eat h and long white veil, white kid gloves · m d white kid slippe rs and carrie .J F RIDA\r, OcT. 28.- Mr . JonatlormBennett a magnificent boquet, and look ed charmwill sell 011 lot 2 1., con. 1, Darlington, ing, having rntturally a stately and very without r eserve, tl:ie whole of his farm q ueenly carriage. The bridesmaids wore ~tock, machinery, implement3, poultry, cream nun's veiling and white t ulle hay, et c. H e is gi9ing up farming, w resprntfully. 'fhe groom an d groomsman everything must be sold. . Sale sharp wore handsome suits of black broadcloth, at 1 o'clock. See far ge p osters. S. C. button hole boquets, white k id gloves, H UNKJNC1, Auctioneer. etc. The wedding dinner was surpassingl y excellent, conaisting of several kinds TUESDAY, N ov. 1, -M r. CLas. White, TYRONE . Harmony, Ea~t Whitby, will sell his of fowl, meats, sauces aud all t he farm stock and a lot of standi ng t i1Dber Mr. J ohn B ell and family left here for delicacies of tb e season, making fou r i n q uant ities t o s uit purchasers. Bee T oron t o yesterday. courses in all. T he m assive bride's cake posters for particulars. Sale at 1 p .m . was com posed ' of five storeys, WM richl y The Home Circle meets on Friday' S. C. IIuNKING, A uctioneer, T.A.l'l' & MORRISON'S and iniced, most bea utifu lly and a rtistically n ight. A full attendance desired. spect their Wall Papers- latest AUCTION 8.ALES.- S. C. Ilunkiog , _ Ccur t · designs. greatest va,riety, and W esley W. F raser leaves here for oroa mented and weighed nearly half a prices to suit everyone. Stock Wheatley,to-dav with Mr. N . Coles ns an hundred weight . After the r epast was t ice, Ont ario, L icensed A uctioneer , for now ready, apprentice to th e Bla.cksmithing. S uccess over 1}10 happy b ridal · couple entere d a D arlington and Whitby, Bowmanville Do you want e. new and pretty beaut iful hack provided by Mr. T homas and Oshawa, Appraiser , &c. All business Window Shade or Blinde1 We in}your new sphere, Wes. have something new in thiB D ouglas, of Newcast le, and were d riven attended io pr om ptly . Orders may be bra.nob. Call and see them beMr. J . A. Cooke, New Orleans, will t o the G. T. R. station en route for left at th e STATESMAN office, Bo wmanville, fore yon invest. or you'll be deliver a te mperance le,cture in the Son s' T oronto, L ondon , Chatham and other or R eformer office, Oeha.wa. sorry. Hall on Tuesday , N ov. 1st. H e comes places in Western Ontario, showered as MR. R. HUTCHISON'S !!.A.LES. with good tes tim onials. they left t he h ouse by an abundance of Among 'ohe vieitors t'his week we notice: rice ri.nd multitudes of old slippers. T he WEDNESDAY, OCT. 26. -Mr.John Gibl!IOn, Still leads in Photographs and our Studio is often crowded. Mr. James Smart and wife and Mr . R . r esidence and grounds were brilliantly lot 30, con.8, Clarke, will sell t he whole Comt> early in the day when yo>.11. Smnrt , Peterborough ; !Mr. Davison, wife illuminated a t night by Chinese lant erns. of his valuable farm s tock,implemente, can. and family, U . S., and l\Irs. Omally, '.l'he pr esent s t o the bride " ere nu merous, Just now you may want some et c., wH'i.out res~rve, having r ented his extra Engravings or Chromos tQ Toronto. cos.Hy and elegant and included the farm. Sale at 1 p. m., ehar p. See adorn your rooms. We have & great variety, good and cheap. p osters for particulnre. RH aTCBHiON, The annual meeting of the Br.anch following : th e groom, a ma.ssiv<:i gold too. It you want a baby carriage B ible Soeiety will be held h ere on Friday r ing ; t he parents t o th e bride, a. h andA uct!ouer. we can suit you ; we have some night, when addresses will be delivered some set of gold jewelry ; Mr. and Mrs. M ONDAY, OcT. 31. - 1\fr. A. J. Griffin, nice ones. Doll's Carrie.gee, too. and Boy's Wagons, Carts and by Hev. R. D . F raser, M.A., and circuit .,J) ohn Carveth , a $10 ba nk not e; Mr. W. lot 28, con. 7, Olarke, will sell all h is Wheelbarrows. Lawn Beamish a.nd family, a maesive tilting minister~. valuable st ock, including 12 good miloh eil.,:ver ice pitcher and cup ; Mr. and M rs. Mr. R. Lindsay has bought the residcows, h is implements and various other ence of Mr. John Bell, adjoini:og t he H 0lJSford, Uhat ham, a large fruit dish aet art icles. See large p o ~ters. Sale a t Parlor Croquet, Carpet Bans, in silver ; Mrs. an d Miss Milligan, T oReeves, for .$100. Games tor tamillea and social 1 o'clock, sharp. R . H uTClllSON, A ucionto, silver cake basket ; Mr. a nd M rs. parties: Our Mirrors are clear M rs, S. P ollard is visiting h er bt<>ther '!'homes Milligan , Toronto, silver car d t ioneer . and true ; our picture frames are In Cartw.right . of t.he latest and moat attractive ; M r. and Mrs. J. J ackson , receiver R . H ut~hison, L icensed Auctioneer for designs. Curtain poles & rings" The Sons of Te~perance propose hav· Chath am, celery glass aet in silver ; Mr . the Townships of D arlington , Whitby, P lush goode-nicennd ob.,ap, ing a tea ·h ere on X mas day. There is D McAlden, silver cake ba~ket ; Mr . and Clarke, Ma.n vera a nd Car t wright. Sales Another new branch just Introduced at Tait & some talk .of pu tting on the board a tiret M n . J. R. R eid, cryst al lemo nade set ; at tended to promptly and at reasonable class drama. P ar t iculars later . Mr . J . R eid, silver eugar bowl e.nd spoon rates, Where it is n ot convenient t o BtlC D on ',t fol!~et the foot ball mat ok on hold er ; Mr. S, Taylor , silver spoon me, arrangements can be made with th-0 Is a Jewelry Department where Saturday. All parties wi11hing to go ar e holder ; Miss B allagh , silver butter Editor of theSTA.TESMA~.-R. H tJT{JRISON, you will fin d the very latest in to leav.e · their n ames with 'l.'oby or at the cooler ; Mr. B. Hall, berry d ish set in Enniakillen . Ladies' andGentlemen'aj ewelry. silver ; Mr. T . Sharp and sister, parlor cent ral boot and shoe -store. WA invite special attention to our new stock j ust i.n . Base lamp ; Mrs. W. R eid, pair vases ; MiS1 T HURSDAY, OCT. 27. -Mr . .T. D.TreleaVt)ll A new painter in t he willage p uts up at h aving sold his fa.rm will offer for sale Il!IJI goods. School and Hymn K Braden, pail- bisc orname nt s ; Mr. t he manse. Books, Stationery, Toye, and i nby a uction; on t he premises, Lot 9, and Mrs . Jas.-Stark, glass set ; M r. Geo. deed everything to be round in aThe boys miss Ed . .t he Barb er_,~ne Con . 4, Darlington, the whole of his. V11riet.y and Fancy Gooaa' Davidson, handkerchief and glove boxes ; to T oronto. Who will iill his place .'/ farm stock, consisting of hor ses, cattle,, Messrs. A. Staples and .T. MeConnachie, sheep, pigs, geese, tnrkeys. dnckq,hens,. Farmei;11 are well for ward with fall magn.iticent h anging lamp ; Mr_ · F rank implements, &c. Sale at 12 o'clock,,. plowing. B eamish, a la.dy'a companion ; M r. aad l unch at 11. 8ee posters. Let it be ·k nown th at · i t was B illy R o w Mrs. Jae, Hunter, an unique cheese dish; who stood erect with. such a manly form Mr. a.re.d Mrs . .J ohn Milligan, pai r richly FRIDAY, Ocr . 28 - Mr . Wm. Cryderman,. gmding t he .engine with<:mt causing &ny fra med. pictures ; M iss M . McCon nach ie, lot 22, con. G, Darli[)gton, will sell hjs . fires this seMon . Will is .a good pilot, a hand painted placq ue ; Mr . and MI'S. T. valuable farm stock, implemants, etc. careful engia eer, and pi.ir.sonalJy a j olly T. Ball~gh, pai r fur g auntlets ; Miss N. Sale begins at l p. m ., sharp. See, good fellow. Ballagho plush letter case ; M isa M ary large J)U8 ters. McUon w.wuie, tidy ; Mr. a!ild Mrs. J. Mr. .John Davey and wife, Whitby, McK ay, eilver pickle cruet ; M.r. Milton N .B.-Our advert ising rat e for aucth'ni were the gue111ts of Mr. Tho11:. J .. rdine, sr. 1 H all and sist er, lemonade set ; Mr. Scott, sales, when we do . n ot print t he salt" on. Sabbath. N ewcastle, biscuit barrel ; M..~. Fred. h ills, is 25 cents a li ne, each insertion. Mrs. Ken aer, t eacl1er of th e b ible class, Milligan, biscuit barr el ; Mr. and Mrs. ~-Pecsons ordering sal(,l bills at t he presented Miss E va Bell and Mr. J . E . c. B. Borl~nd, t oilet sei in plWih case ; S'.r.ATl:ISMA N office will receive a free notice Bingham with a beautiful bible each, on l\:liss Edith Borlan d, silver thimb!e; M i86· l ik e t he a bove up to date of sale. The S un day afternoon. W. Ballagh, o tt oman ; a nd sever.a,! othet· STATE.Sll!AN h as the largest circulation iu articles t he <loners of which I cannot W est D urham and Ontario. Orders for Our m ill in this place will b e one of th e name. 1'.Y.Irs. Staples will be very m ucl1 sales may also be left at this office. best mills, if not the best, in the county m issed in the n eighborhood, for not only t o turn out first cla~s st one 1luur when was she the life of the home, b ut the life completed. J. C. is making ex.tensiYe of e very company of which she was a The SrATES~fAN, or the MEnrnmsT repairs. Givo our new miller a call. member, and her old companions and large OBSERVER, or the W eeki?/ Globe, W esteni R eports are that ouy Cadet s have re nt - circle of acquaintances wish t hat in he r A dvertiser, Montreal Witness, or almos t ed Mr. J os. M oor' s house on t he Market ne w sphere she will be equally popular, any other dollar weekly will be sent to Square. T hey propose keeping batch. and th at th e newly wedded pa,ir may li ve any ad d ress from Oct. 1, 1887 to J an uary AS !!11V~lE1' AS JIONlll' i s Dr. f.nw'~ Plens- N ow is a good ch.u1ce for so me you ng t o co joy very m any h appy years of ! 1st, 1889, for a dollar. Ordflr3 m ust be ;anl. 1voru 1 Sy rup, yet su 1·c to dlsti·oy und ma~tial blias im<i prosperity. sent to M . A. J,urns, Bowmanville, Ont. lady. CLIMA.X. expel "'OI'ms. I Owing to pressure of business last week, We could not find t ime to wr i te : I n haste we once m ore seize our old r usty pen ; .A few items of news b i ndite. Our cheese factory closed on the 14th inst ., having done a good business this season . T he firat half of August cheese h ve lieen sold at 1 l c. Mr. M ichael Cryderman ':i ne w h ouse i! a.bout comple te d. . Mrs. T. C. I vory r eturned to her home in Omemee week before last. The T ownship Collect or will soon hav~ h is bills d istributed. · Mr. H . E lliott. sr., has recovered sufii. cient t o' be out to church Suoday. " Mr . .J. L . J ohns is improving slowly , The frosty nights of lat e has h ad th~ effec t of livening np t he farmers to pre-. pare for winter. Mr. J ohn H are & Co. at e again going into tho cider businers. Of co urse e very person will be gett ing a lit tle vinegar made. Mr. W m. Cor a m and wife, of L eskilrd, wore visiting frien ds in t his section on S unday. Mies M . R ogers, of your t own. has been visiting h er e t his week. Mias P . R oach has ret urned t o her . uncle's, ~fr. T. 811rrows . We con ~ra.tula te t he STATESMAN on having s uch an efficient foreman. The specimens of fine priuting exhibited at t pe lat e fair were really very fine, tl1ey would ha ve done credit to any city office. Sr.ow Bov. ENJ'I ELD. Mr . Geo. Carscadden wh o left h ere for Virden, M an., last Mar ch , has h ad a most successful year, havi o~ harvested over 6,000 bushels of grain with four horses and tho help of h is own sons. H e has also a good crop o f potatoes a.nd plenty of hay. George was told before he left here t h11t t hey would a.II starve t-0 d eath in Manitoba, bu t t his does not look much like h. Mr. D. Dyer was one of the judges .at Cartwright F air. Mr. J oh n S. Ashton's residonce haring ~een enlarged a nd bea.utitied is :.i great e o,lit to our vill11.g e, Tile colt shown b y Mr . W . J.McCullo ugh at Bowman ville Fair, i s allowed to be t he best for his age in the county. Mr. W m. Or miston raised tho frame of a barn 40ft .xl00ft. last Friday. Although it was n ot a very favorable day, there was a large t urn out nnd everything passed off very sncceasfully. M r. R. Ash ton & Co., of Columbus, are the cont'ract~rsl STA RKVILLE . Mr. R. P ascoe boasts of a potato weigh s 2} l bs. tha ~ I TAIT & MORRISON'S _S_T_O_R_E_._~ .... ---·- -·'---- I