--·--:------~- MANITOBA'S OROP. REl.'ORT 01' THE WIFNIPEG HOARD OF TRADE, DISTRICT NOTE ~ Srn.-Acting under your instructions, l give herewith an estimate of this season's crop of the Province of Manitoba, based on information received by the Board from the principal grain, commission and agricultural implement :firms doing business in the province, and such._ other reliable sources as are open.. WHEA'l'. FALL I FALL!! FALL . I !! Dry Goods. vYe take great pleasure in announcing that we have com~pleted arrangements for the Fall Trade. We have employed our time during the quiet summei· months visiting .the markets, ex~winine- ,samples, testing goods by all possible means, comparing prices of different manufacturers, using every care and precautiou~as to quality, appearance and prices, till at last we have succeeded in placing in stock as fine an assortment of DTy Goods as ever was shown in Bowman ville. We cannot begin to ennumerate our immense stock in detail, but we invite t he public to call and inspect our stock, even though you may not wish to purchase call, examme and compare, a ncl if you are not satisfied that we can show you better v ctlue for your money than you are accustomed to, do not buy. In ;June last the crop reporters of the Department of Agriculture of Manitoba, n11mbering 350, and representing 3ol townships; made returns af 432,134 acres under wheat crop. It was estimated before harvest, when the grain was standing, that the averago yield would be abuut 24 busheh per acre, but on threshing it has been found that the actual yield is full.y 20 per cent grP,ater than that estimate. In many sections the yield has been not less t.han 35 bushels per acre. Grain buyers are practically a unit in declaring that thirty hushels is a sufficiently low estimate of the average yield of wht:at for the Province, the only difference of opinion being as to the acreage under crop, some estimates being ten ptir cent. un<ler the amount returned by the crop reporters. But the test of the amount of binding twine sold to farmers this year proves conclusively that the Government reports underestimate, rather than over estimate, the area of the wheat fields. Taking a lower estimate than has been decided on by our principal grain dealers and millers (30 bushels as mentioned above), I have averaged the yield at 28 bushels, which, on the returned acrea~e of 432,134, gives as a total, 12,099,864 bushels. Allowance must be made for a home consumption, for seed and breadstuffs of 2,000.000 bushels, which leaves in round numbers 10,000,000 bushels available for export. :BARJ,EY. Mr, W. Holland, of Madoc, ht·B a bible 2()2 years old. The total receipts during the Port Perry fair amounted to atlo·1t $4,000. NASAL B.ALllI.- Deafness caused by Ca· t arrah is quickly relieved by Nasal Balm. Headache caused by Catarrh is quickly cured by Nasal Balm. i Incendiaries are busy in Peterboro. .A reward has been offered by the Mayor. Dyphthcria is alarmingly prevalent in Montreal, 20 deaths from the diaease OC· curred last week. TA]l(ARAC ELIXIR is not advertised to cure consumption, but it has made some remarkable cures of persons supposed to be in the first stages of that disease. :!: A particularly virulent form of Typhoid fever has broken out in Hungerford, county o Hastings. Two Scott Act constables in Renfrew county wern fired at with a l'ifle, fortunately without effect. No one can describe the sufferings caused by .Asthma except those troubled with the complaint. One package of Southern Asthma 01Jre will relieve any case. Double treatment in each package. A serious fire occurred on Tuesday of last week iD Napanee, the business portion of the town being badly burned. Mr. W. Barret t, of P errytown, wbile walking along the west side Main street, Orono, fell in to the rellar-way in front, of Mr. Henry's new block, breaking h ia arm and shoulder blade. J oseph Valois, of P eterboro' , accuPed of having criminally assulted his own daughter, was dismissed by the magis· Having t horoughly tefitted and added a lot of new Macbine1 y to --,.,'.he trate, the girl having declared ~hat h er first s tory was a falsehood, instigated by above Mills, I am prepared to furnish her stepmother, who was angry with her father. AMONG THE INDIANS.-"While my hue· band was trading in furs .he came across an Indian who was t llken to his lodge to die. He hn.d inward pains and pains in all his limbs. He gave some Yellow Oil internally and applied it externally and cured him. It alsr> cured my husband of r heumat ism, and I find it valuable for coughs and colds, sore throat, etc." l\IRs . A . BEs~w, Cook's l\11lls, Serpent River, Ont. CALEDONIAN MILLS. Oatmeal, Rolled Oats, Roller and Stone Flour, Split Peas, &c. Farmers' Gristing a specialty. Pearl and Pot Barley, t 5(),110 acres were under crop. The yield has been lar5e, but the average here assumed (which is lower than any given by grain men is 35 bushels per acre. On this basis, t'he total yield may s~fely be estimated at 2,000.000 bushels. OA'l'S· Of oats, ll56;J.7G >1cree were sown, but it is likely that 25 pAr cent. of this area will be cut for fodder, as the seeding was late. To make a very full allowanc" the acreage, herettith used for calculation, is placed at 100,000, which, at an average yield of 50 bushels. shows a t otal of 5,000,000 bushels of this crop harvested. FLAX. 12,000 acres have been harvested," with an average of 15 bushels pet acre, giving net yield of 180,000 bushels, POTAT<>ES. The acreage reported reached 11,000 and a safe estimatej of 250 bushels per acre may be used. Thia represents a total crop of 2,750,000 bushels. :BINDING TWINE SALES. The yield in al! grains in Manitoba is so enormous, and being unprecedented in most parts of this continent persons who have not visitHd the Province may be loath to believe that t he estimates l1ere· with presented are of . any approximate value. It is well, therefore, to apply such tests a.s are obtainable t o verify the correctness of the figures set forth. By actual returns obtained from all dealers in binding twine in Manitoba, I find that 1,81(),130 pounds weight of that article was sold to farmers this season. A lowing 3J pounds of twine to an acre of wheat, and 2 pounds to an acre of oats (though, as a matter of fact four-fifths of the oats, nearly all the barley, and a considerable percentage of the wheat were bound with straw bands or raked, owing to tho shortage of twine in the market) the following result is found :Wheat, 432.131 acres at 3}lbs ............ 1,512.460 Oats, 100,000 acres at 2 lbs . . .. ......... -~~.ooo B};YOKD D1sPUTE.-Tbere is no better, safer or more pleasant. coni.th remedy mad~ than Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. It cures hoarsene11~, sore throat, coughs colds, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. The Scott Act fin es imposed in the town The motto on the cover page of the Noand county of Peterboro since t he lst of verr.ber number of :E'ItANK L ESLrn'i; 8uNJauuary, 1887, amounted to over $9,000. DAY MAGAZINE- a j()urnal of refined, useful and interesting literature-is well carThe Salvation Army authorities, of ried out in the number. The articles. Dunnvill ·., ordered tha.t b11stle must go . long and short, bear this character, One of the sisters ref used to reduce her "The Gospel · in E ilypt" is a m ost importaut article. It is by Mi~s M. L. W hatrear annex and she was expelled. MuLTUM IN P ARVo. - There is much in ely, t he daugh ter of the late Archbishop a little, as regards Burdock Blood Bitters. Whately of Dublin, and shows the re· You do not ham to take q uarts and gall- markable success achieved in Egypt by ons to get at the medicine it contains. one devoted woman. Dr. Talmage's serEvery drop in every dose has medical vir- mon is on the " Employments of Heatue as a blood purifying, system regulating ven," and editorially he discusses ' 'Holy tonic. Curiosity," "0nr Own Condition," "The One of Hamilton's fresh young men Negative, "and "Our Church and No was fined $20 and costs or sixty <lays by Other. " The two long stories are conthe P . M; there recently for follo wing a tinned and there are two shor t stories. lady on the st reet on Sunday evening, Several good poems and many short t~lking a~ her and catching her by the articles 1nllke up an excellent uumber of al'm, . . · l this favorite £aml:y maga7.ine. Mr. W. E. Caigel', Advertising Agent Scientific M ethods of Capital E xecufov t ho Toronto News, says :-I was in- tion, by J. Mount Bleyer, M. D.; .J. duced to try Nasal Balm for a severe and Fitzgerald, Publisher, 24 East 4t h S t., troublesome Cold in the H aad. Once us· New York; price, ten cents. Whether ing it literally wa~ hed out the clogged se- the capital execution of criminals is . or is cretions, and left my head clear as a bell. not a measure necesimry f0r t he deferwe :t: of the community may be an open q uesA Port Perry st ove man advises the tion : with regard to the barbarousness husbands of the Port lo buy his Jubilee of the method of doing male.factors to Ranges, and then adds "your wives faces death by strangulat ion, there can be but will be wreaking with perpetual s miles." one opinion. It is indeed a brutal, and Singular habit that of th e P ort Perry in very many instances a bungling performance. The present treatise shows ladies. · how a capital sentence may be executed A CURE FOR DEAFNESs.- There h a ve "decently and in order," !md without been manv remarkable cures of deafness sh ocking the humane sentiments of the made by the use of B agyard's Yellow Oil, commu·niLy, by invoking the aid of electhe great h ousehold r emedy for pain, in· tricity, er by the administration of sunfiamma.tion and soreness. Yell ow Oil dry diemical agents, as mor phia, prussic cnres rheumatism, so' e throat an<'t croup, aciu, chlorofurm, etc. Iu an appendix ie and is useful internally ancl ext ernally for given a striking essay by Park Benjamin pains and injuries. on Capital Punishment. I<'or sale by R. l\lr.H. J. Rainsford, Esq., late foreman B . Andrew. of the Grand Trunk Works, in Lindsay, has been appointed by t he Nprthern l'acific Railway Company t o be Mechanical Superintendent of their works at Minot, Dakota. A R AltE Co~rnINATION . -There is no oth er remedy or combiuation of medicine that meets so many requirements, as does Burdock Blo11d Bitters in its wide range ot power over such Chronic diseases as dyspepsia, liver and kidney complaint, scrofula and all h11mors of the blood. The Imperial and Royal ladies · who 1 wear the crown in Europe have an at· l traction even for readers in this re i:iublic· J an land,and many will follow with. int eriet Lily Higgio's account of Emnresses :tnd Queens whose portraits are given in the November numbt:r of F RAl'iK LE~Lrns PoPuu:& MONTm,Y,frnm Queen Vic- Orders toria to the talen ted literary lady who ehiires tbe throne of Servia. One of the important pointa in t he number is the commencement of " Prince Lucifer," a 4 ;), " new serial novel of eurpaesing skill and power by Etta w. P ierce This must be bailed with delight by all r eaders of well drawn character. T he mi,10r stories in the number are all extremely clever. I Bran, Shorts, Barley Feed, Corn, &c. always on hand. H' . . , ' . ighest price paid for Grain of all kinds. . filled and delivered to all parts of the town. reasonable. Telep!::one communication· . · Prices: JOHN lVlacKAY. SELLING OUT. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. THOS. BINGHAM, Having decided to retire from the DRY GOODS Trade, and devote his whole time t o Insurance, is now offering his whole st ock at sacrafice prices that must clear out the entire assortment in short order. I A large and carefully selected stock for the fall trade has just been I"eceived-but all must go. · A splendid assortment of Tweeds just received, and having a first-class cutter, suits of the most stylish ancl serviceable quality can be furnished c all comers on shortest notice and at lowest prices. Carpets in great variety- at your ·own prices. Everybody call soon and get bargains before t oo late. The whole st ock is offered en. bloc to anyone desirous, of entering the Dry Goods, Millinery. and Clothing Trade in Bowmanville. Thebiggest and best assorted Stock,, and best stand in t own Apply t o THOS, BINGHAM: I WATCltES, c:r.ocxs. JE'WE:C.:BY, AND SILVEE.W~B:sl. This dep'.Lrtment of our business is receiving our careful attention and never before have we sl1own so large and choice a selection 01· desirable goods. Our sy&tem announced some months ago of selling atone-half theregular jeweler,s profits, has had its results, as the public has become n.ware that; we are carrying out our determination. One thing w:e want distinctly understood, viz, th11t our goods are the best quality t o be produced. , We have a large personal acqua.intance with leading manufacturers both in Canada and United States and consequently get the benefit of always securing good g90ds. Solid Gold and Silver and I{..1lled Gold Plate. J. J. Mason. J.J. MASON General Dry Goods & J eweIry House . · l General Booth is planning a Salvation Army campaign for Zululand and South America H e has issued a call for 5,000 officers to be trained t o go abroad as missionaries. 'l'housands promptly respond1,712,409 ed to the call. This cotJcluaively proves that the acreJNVARIAllLE INDICA1'IONS,- If you have age harvested was over, rather than un- sour stomach, heartburn, sick headache, der, the area returns sent in to thtJ depart- rising and souring of food, wind in th e ment of Agricult11re of Manitoba last stomach, a choking or gnawing sensation June, and on which the yields are based. at the pit of the stomach, then you have No fairer or more complete test could be sure rndications of dyspepsia which Bur· applied and the result obtained amply dock Blum.I Bit ters will surely cure. It justifies the government estimates oforop has cured the worst cases on record. areas. The residence of P e ter Cockburn, near ELEVATOlt CAPACITY. the G. T _Stat ion, was rec.,ntly destroyed The elevator capacity in the Province by fire. 'l'he occupants were out at the is approximately 1,600,000 1bushels, time. The origin of the fire is attributed which will practically be devoted to wheat. to t he explosion of a lamp. The building With 10,00Q,OOO bushels to handle, the and contents were insured. farmers may be prepared to meet with G1v E E LY'S CREAM BALM a trial. Thia delay in getting their grain taken off j ustly celebrated remedy for the h ead , their hands. &c., can be obtained of any r eputable With over 14,000,000 bushels ofprodnce available for export, it will require over druggist and may be relied upon as a safe 20t000 cars (averaging 700 b:ishels for all and pleasant remedy for the above com· plaints and will give immediate relief. It classes) to transport our surplus. Supposis not a liquid, snuff or powder, has no ing a train to consist of twenty cars, not odor and can be used at any less than 1,000 trains must be supplied offensive time with good results, as thousands can to meet the demand. · testify, among them some of the at taches . VALUE 01" AVAILABLE E X PORTS. of this office.-Spil'it of the Times, May The value of the year's crop which will · 29, 1886. l be available for ex.p ort is estimated as The Cartwright Road Company is at a follows:· standstill at proeent for want of tenders Wheat .. 10,000,000 buehelsat55o ........ $5,500,000 for the construction of the road- no one Barley .. 1.000.000 do. :300 .. . .. ... :ioo.ooo Oats..... -2,500;600 ·do. 18c ·.. ·· · .. 450,000 so far having bean found willing to li'la::c. .. 100,000 · do, 700 ··· ,.. ·· 112,.'iOO undertake the job. It is to be hoped, Potatoes 1,000,000 do. 2fJO -·- -·· - . · 250,000 however, that the company will not H,650,000 $6,612,iiOO allow the project to end in gass, as the It Is safe to add tor tihe value of dairy the Scugog Marsh Land Drainage Com· products, stock, vegetatles, wool. hides, etc., available for eX>f)ort, pany has .d one so far, · not re11uired in Manitoba... ...... . .. 500,000 GrvE THEM A CHA:N"CE. - That is to say $7.112,500 your lungs. Also all your breathing CHAS. N. BELL, Secretary. machinery. Very wonderful machinery it is. Not only th:e larger air-passages, The November number of the "Do· but the thousands ·o f little tubes and cavmestic Monthly," besides having attrac- ities leading from them. When tl1esa are tive plates of the autumn fashions, has clogged and choked with matter which all the accepted styles for the coming ought uot to be there, your lungs cannot winter clearly described. Thou Domes- half do their work. And what t hey do tic 'is always correct in its plates and they cannot do well. Call it cold, cough , descriptions, ai;id for a Im;g time has been croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption one of the leading magazmes for women. or any of the family ot throat and nose J t was never better than at present. Mrs. and h ead and lung obstructions, all are Henry Ward B eecher has edited one of bad. All ought to be got rid of. Th ere its departments for many years, and all is ~ust one s ure way to get rid of them. the well known writers contribute to its T hat is to take Boscllee's German Syrnp, pages. 'l'he Domestic Monthly . is pubc which any druggist will sell you at 75 Jished at 853 Broadway, New York, at cents a bottl e, :H!ven if everything else $1.50 a year, postpaid, with $1.00 worbh h as faifod you, you may dep end upon of patterns to every subscriber. this for certain. 26 Thia powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More cconomical than the ordinary kinda, and can oot be eolrt in competition with the multitude or low tllllt, short weight, alum or phosphate powders: Sold .onlyin cans. ROYAL BAK·l ING POWDER C0.. 106 WallSt.. N . Y. = Visitors to England. 100 The VOLUNTEER Leads the THISTLE,; --AND THE-- IVERPO<Ii ENG. - SHAFl'El:lBUltY Lrooms. Mount pleasant. Thre" minutes' walk from Centro.I TICMPERANlE HOTE r,. and Lime Street Stations, Night porter, R ecommended by Rev. Dr. B1·iggs, Toronto, and 20-45. Rev, Chas. Garrett, England. CURES tlver Complaint, Dys11epsln, llUlt>us ness · Sick R c1ulnc he, Kidney 'l'ronbles, Rlleu111uth111, l!ikln Dt~cascs Impurities of the Rfoocl from what- WEST END HOUSE Leads the Country In all that is New, Beaut iful and Clean Dry Goods Line. in--~?~: - -·~ . and all ever cause arii;iua; Female Weak· 10ss0s and General ')ebility. l'nrely Yegctublc. Jligbly co11central.cd, pleu sa11 t ellcctua l use ASH: FOR DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. Take no otbcw. Sohl everywhere. J>ricc, 15 ecn ts 1·er bottles. DR. HODDER'S Sold everywher~. Price, 25c()nts and 50 cents per bott.le , P r oprietors and m a n ufacturers, Tile lfXION 1'UmIClNE co... . 'J'Ol' OlltO, C:nu. IT CAN D.0 NO H ARJl to ti·y 1"1·ceman·s 'Voi· m Po-.vdtw~ wJrnn yo1u· clllld is a iling COUCH A N D LUNG CURE Our. new Fall Stock looks like a Daisy in . the· Spring~. Our Prices are tame and: are warranted not to scare or jar the most delicate nerves. And our whole establishment has\ ent ered into a conspiracy to make the People nappy and: comfortable, without impoverishing the pocket -book. vVhen you are up street drop in and· see us, while we show you our handsome stock. tcverlsJ1 or freUul , The West End House is in the same old place. Children Cry fot Pitcher's ·cas·toria,~-