TB RMS :-·1.50 Pu A.mnm. NEW SERIES, NUMBEB 188. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE. WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EDITOR AND Pl!.oPRIBTOR, VOLUME BOWM.A.NVCL.LE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1887. ~oci~ls iire all tbe go in tbis vir.i~ity~~ A XXXIII. N U MBER 44. OPENED OUT LAST WEEK --AT-- !rJ.APLE GRUVE. OOURTIOE. Mr. J anies Rundle, Sr., has lately return ~.:! from a vi~it t o London and Exeter. _......,··""\ r There is a cow in this place that does · · th b ·n,., tied messenger service, e m essage e1 ., to h l"'horn. Rev. R, Sanderson and Mr. John Walters who have been on the sick list h d a.ve recoverc · Rev. R. Sanderson' a lecture on Matriy p A d · mony to the . . ., rew au apprecia tive ~ence of youog people. Mr. George Morrow and Miss Mary cGowan having tired of battling with the difficulties of life singly have united thcil' forces. We wish t he happy couple very much joy. Tnur. A CAR LOAD COUCH, JOHNSTON COAL-DI L , & CRYDERMAN'Sj AT P R lI(JES NEVER BEFORE HEA'RlD OF, AT very eucceseful one, tbe ·second of the se,nes, we.a held e.t Mr. Samuel Snowden's on Fnday eveniDR; the followinR tlrogram was renderod, and g1"Ve good satisffl'Ction : A capital spceo by Rev R. i:::iander8 on. 'full or humor and to t oo!nt ~ Mnsic }ly Mi~s E. Sanderson and Mi e }', Lo'Urtice ; M)Jsio \iv Mies '\Villi a.me ; 'Mus by Mr, W Martyn : Readings by Messrs Conr· tice'<'lnd .Foley, Miss E dna Kennedy and 'Miss E. Sander8on; Remtations by Miss A- Cole and Mr. 'r. Kirkpatrick. A ll seemed to e11jov them· aelvee very mncl1. R ~celpt s $17.59. Oome one, Cll'r.le all, to the n10xt social on Wedneed"y evening thi9 week at Mrs. c. Rundle's. An· ot!l1ler good time sure. De:x'r11n. The Baptist Chapel is being r e-pa.1.nted. Frank Wilkinson!s dwelling was burn· ed last Friday morning. The R evival " ser viceR h e ld n ightly in the Simcoe Street Met-hOdist C h urch givo promise of much good . The anniversary an d services, tea and lecture, in l'!onnection wit h Ch rist Ch arch, Oshawl', last week, were I\ deoided sue· cess. The Oshawa Malleable I ron Comp:tny we1·e never so busy as they are :i.t the present time, about three · hundred meo are at work in the eetllbliah!nent. E arly Thursd ay morniug a roost d aring bur glary was cou1mitt ed at the r esi. d ence of Mr. Jae. Luke, King St. East. About three o'clock he was rou ~ed from his sleep by a noise in his r oom, and thinkmg 1t was Mrs. Luke, ~poke to her. Immediately a man stepped up to the b edside, and throwing t h e r1;ficction from a dark lantern in his fa.co, pointed a r evolver a.t his head,- the villa.in, ':l.t t h e same time, orderin~ him to keep quiet. Mr. Luke, howe ver' did not comply with thia modest r equeet, and c,.lJed fo r h elp. conveying the unprt'f!sion thl\t other men were in the house. The abrm caused the b urqla.r to make a ha~ty retreat, without further molesting Mr. Luke. HAMPTON. tr:g - - OF--- BlUSSELLS,J (AND TAPESTRY) CARPETSJ . - 1831 Dir.act from John Crossley & Sons, Halifax, England.. F, 01 r Elegant Designs, p ,erma- nent Colors and Durability, ,C rossley's Carpets are unequalled. H(o,usekeepers requirin g 'Carpets ar·e requested to examine our Stock _before buying. No value anywhere. CoiJ.ch, Johnston &Cry~orman One Door West of Post Office. Bowman.ville. NE-W- GOODS! 'IVe a re now shewing a c·om plete n ew Stock o f new Fall ,a nd Winte r Goods, in all our departments w h ich fo r style and.d esign ·w ill be h a rd to surpass in t his localjty. ' Ordered work in the Tailor in g STORE. Department a specialty. A n eat --L --L - -A --N ·---L- I -N --Egarment with Style and Finish A is guaranteed by the NO. 1CUTTER, W. PEARDON. · open.:. Our M i]linery Room ·th th e for inspection filled Wl latest no\relties o f th e Come with your m oney a nd g et the first. choice. Yours, et c., Geo. Laing . W Bowrn a n ville, Oct- 4, '87. ·· of Scarboro', was man and Mr. iR. J, Nic ldery.. here on Sabbath. -'l'he hotel lkeepere in tbe·county were sumUIOJled \o ap11ear here last'Thursda.y for viola· Mias Maggie Henry was taken from the 'I'h(> Best; <af the t lon ot the 8colt Act. Tl.ey all owned up and Id l t d S:. t d · b t paid the fines ·imposed, ~6'\'eral or them being o . 10me-a ea ~n .,a ur a.y. in a US!! o the second. ·Cobou~g next time, their new home in Rowmanv1lle . The pnblkl ·meeting in ·connection with thfl Tho third Quarterly M eet ing will be D EV01 :Jil) TO Hampton Branch Hible Society will be held l ld · thie (Wednesday) even>ng. in the Methodist ie at B eth esd a next s a bb at h . S erv1oe rFm·m Cr.o;ps ·a.nd P f' m:es.~es, church. Rev, R. D. Fraeer,. ot Bowmanville. at 10 o'clock, L ove-fllast and Sacrament A sad d eath occurred at N o. 134 Peter l'J.oirflirmltur< rt ·and Frzdti(;r0'1.Ut9% ~nd circui¢ ministers wl!hiddreBB the meet· follow 11treet Toronto, ll. private boarding house, mg. · loo:ge attenda.nce·lil requested. ~ Liv( :-titock aEll9, l:Pai1·yir~ 11Jr. C.Uoodman·a wife 1 preeented him with ie trustees of our school have succeed- on Saturday morning. '.i'he wife of Mr . While it also > nclude1 1 e.ll minor d<tiJartments a !lne youflg daught .,,ron · :Frida;rlast. Con· ed in kee ping Mr. ,J. W . Odell as teach er J . Dunlop, a student for the Baptist min1 or Rural inteltoot, AU< 1b a s tl!<i Poultry Y!'rll~ gratulatlons. SLOW BoY, for another year, at an advanced salary. istry who went there t o boord a fo t t night Entomology , ~e·Kf etiing, Gl'esntouse e.n ago, bec11.me ill of heart diee&Se on T hursGrapery', V e l·errnary R:epliefl, Flll!m ~aestions _ . . Nl!JWO.ASTLE. .John is popular. and Answers. JFire' llide Reading. llomee&ic day . . Her m other, Mrs. Blodmlield , olUtle meeting 0f our council for the purEconomy, and a eum mery of ~be 'News of·tho :Mr. W. f·'rancis. of Providence. paid a ftying \ · from Oshawa to nurse her, ~nd on F riday Week. lts Jtb1<RK:E1~ REl'OH'li'S <1.re ·unusua!ly vi·it here on Sunday. Come again. pose of electing a sheriff will be he d m evening administered a d ose of morphia . complet,o, and ·much . 'llottentl.on ~s ,PtJitl to ·~be we not ice that coon·coats e.r~ becoming nso- the court room Saturday evening. By Prospects or the Cro pg,aa throwing "light· U~Gll Aftertaking the drog ~ rll. D unlop beorder of the M ayor. one or tho most lm1 IOl't&nt of nll <gu6otione- ful a.)!ain. Sign of a lower tem11erature. came seriously ill 11nd two d oatnrs were Wben to Buy and w ~e n to s ..11. It is hbtmtlly Th II k d f h Quite a ·number trom ·her e attended the e we n own an amnus orse called in, but slie died early ou S atu rday Illustra.ted1 and·. l!!y R !:CENT &NtL ~IM:tEMEN~ Clarlte l)li.urcll annivorsa:ry on Monday. Re· (Cornel), committed suicide by fallin g m orning. H er remains were taken to oonta.h·iz more read inir matter than ever !Kl· ported a succe1s. fore. 'r'he Su bscrip tion P rioe lso 'f2:U.O.per yca·r . The Quarverly Meeting in conneetion with into Mark Twain's cre ek and getting Oshawa by noon train on Satu rday by but we now o!fer a S PECCA.L 1l:EUU CTIO!l the Methodist ohurcb cemes oft' next Sabbath morning, l:Iope < o see a good turn out. drowned. Value, $10. in our the husband and mother , wh ere thoy will llov. Dr. Bredin vreached an excellent eer· The final foot-ball m atch Clarke vs . be interred. 'r.he deee!illed was 25 y oors NEW ·CLU B RATES F10R IJ:88S'! mon here on s ..bbat h ,m orning. His eound D l ' I d K ' b S t Two !!mb11cliip~111,, in one remittance .. .. ~l!Wl doctrine 11nd abilit.y a11 ·a preacher, were high· ar mgten WBS P aye at 1r Y on a · old .-Globe. Six Sld·..crtpfton~. do do .. . . ~ Jy appreciated. 'J'he·diecourse was based on urday · The game resulted in a draw, An offer has heen made for the purch astJ Twelve S1tb..cl!'lpU0tn11, do ·d ti ... . · m the words ·in John 3:2. nei t her aide succeeding i n scoring a. goal. of the Joseph H all Mach ine Works, ancl · U 'l'o all N EW S11 bs eribers f .ot ' - l !, rpqi1i ·1v What's wrong with the officers of the s. A. Darlingt o n now claims the vict ory , 1 tt:oal t 'I> ad1 11u11ce 1r..1D, '\Y :ll: W ILT, SE.ND ' 'l'HH: · l'.Al ' ll:J~ bere that they. doli'tkeep bertororder in th·ir t h e price to b e p!lid for s aid establish men t WEh:KLY. 'fiYMn OUR H.ff."Cl E ll"ll' af>"fi/le r e11ii'ltmeetings~ Have you not go· the law to pro· to n one. Who was the Darlington umhas been arrau~ed sati~factorily to both Q,ftce, t oJan 'U11rfJ lst, 1 888, W I TB QU.INJHARG1£. teot you ~ Shame· on you b·.·:re. to have to be pire ? buyer and sel\11ra. The n e>(otiat ions, a o looked after o.ud told to behave yoursolYcs in H°S'.!"oi!0~11H1>N C OI'l:ES FRE I; . Address. 1 'ace . r worahip. 'l'hat young man that waa h e re Sunday far, tue oonditioual, and b~.sed on t he enpLuther TW':ker & Sona, ,p,uhiish~'l\<r,, a p Our stove and tinware depot is a. lively afternoon and disgnced himself so badly poHit ion that the town is pn·nar ed . to .Alb.a.ny, N . Y. "-*!w pince these·daye. :Mr. Honathan is doing an had better stop 1 ·n tl·iu vi'\I"" . e ' l l l the hill immense trade, and why Rhouldn't he when h e v u.' gmnt a bonus t o encourage t he operat mn sells thoibest st.aves that are made and so very with his mothbr a little while fonger. U e of t he works. The gentleman ma.king the cheap. to " ·He atten ds promp·ly and care· · h t b ti k f 11l tl t h t 1 fuily to bhe"Wantsc0f .h1R customers and well mil( e um ia e go 10m e offer is said t o possess ample fin ancial l~etter deserves the s ttceess he is getting. with one sleeve . lf it h ad bee n some ab ility for th" successfal cnr rying on of .~n il!..terestiDS!.mect>pg_ of tho s. . E .Lodgc other d ay ~ would have boon b apti sed in the proposed businesB. The t nwn is a~ ked expected next 'l'uesday ·mgllt. ;lT AlNK. the pond. CLDU.X. to grant :~bonu s of $ 10,000-$5, 000 to be '!l'MT & MORRISON'S amd · i·n~OT& il'll"C ,EDITO.R·-'.\V e; hope to hear from 8';\'ElCt their Wall Papere-le(;est paid upon the start ing of the works, !lnd u Katrina " e very week , ua we bu.ve been desi11;ns. gr eatest variety, and OSHAWA. without a. correspondent for Newcastle for $5,000 i n equal a nnual insti1lmen ts -Of i)ricee tG suit everyone. eitock some tim.e. ,If " Katrine" will send us t he $ L.OOO e&ch, with interest, and R r'lmisno1Wre&~'· names ol those '\\il1 0 act so rudely at the:;_ A. Oshawa's population, accor ding t o t he Do yon want a new and J>l'('lt ty meetini.;s. will publish them, They deser ve eion of ta xes for 10 years. J<'or this bonus Window ~h ade or Blinds~ '\Ve las t assessment is , 4, 110. pubho e~!l(Jsnre. the party agree3 to Amploy 50 h ands for h ave so. m ething new in t his $ 13,500 of this year 's t axes has alrea.'iy b1 B1noh. C ull and see them bethe rst six mon t hs, an d for the h~lance of S ULIN.A. fore ·YOU invest, or you'lU bo been collected in Oshawa. the t en y ears from 100 to 200 h 1 w de u.r a oo~"Y· Mies Sarah Awde has been visiting friouds The P resbyterian Sch ool will h old a to bo emp loyed. T he a rticles wl1ich i t near Col·u:nbus. is pr oposed .t o m an ufacture llre r ange. 'l'he population i·n tho suburbs has increased social on Thanksgiving D ay. aoro:ewhat lately, Wor k he~im on th e new Cu rling and boilers, patent sto vepipe elbows, patent Still lead.a in Photographs and shi ngles, gal vanized i)ails, fruit c3ns Jj ·. our Studio js often crowded. Quarterly .Mee ti n g will be held at Eldad on Skating Riuk on Wednesday last. Come early in· the da y when you Sunday rne><t at to,ao a, m , quid paint tins , t u bula.r lant.erns,and othe1° Th e proceeds of t h e Chrietian Church can. Mr. II. Rlliott,.J r ., -0 r Hampton ha.a purcha.s wares which may be added from time to Just now you may want some ed th e store in this villa~e. Social. Friday week, were over $80. extra Er:i~ravings or Chr omes to t une. The scrmon·preaclied by Rev. S, Salton on adorn yo10r r ooms. We have a F ire from a defective chim n ey d amaged Sunday ~ast was a.good one. great va.riety, good a nd cheap, Dame l'lllnor sars there is to be a wedding Dr. El'llt's r esidence Oct. 24 th t o amount too, If you ·want a baby carriage around hove in I.he nel\11 fut nre, W ho is it1 AUCTION S ALES. we can e:ult you ; we have some Mr, W. i);.eo.ch a.nd family have mo;-ed int o of $ 1,500 . nice ones. Dell's Carriages, too. the ho11ee l o.tel:y ·vaca ted·by Mr. Geo..>Vash Mr. J aR. L eask, Taunton, won a 2,000 and Bo;)l's Wagons, Carte and ington. W heelbawows. Lawn 'l'he Sa!hr£ti on.Ar my intend to oven :fire in lb. p latform sciiles at Bowmanvillo F air WEDNESD AY, Nov. 9.- Mr . J.Bombridge, thie vill&g·e·thia W·ednesclay evening at the for the best exhibit of grain l ot 21, con. 1, Cart wright, will sell t he Sons' Ila.ii.. . Mr.Dewar, m iller at the Osh awa Roller wholo of h is h ousehold .furnit ure, a Mr. W . !Baker who intends removing to · Toronto s!lnol'tiY oo<d: h ie house and lot on Wed· Mills, had ~h e first t wo fi n gers of both P arlor Oro\]'Uet, Carpet Balls, weaver 's l oom, washi ng miichine, :.15 nesday laat.·te:·Mrs.>R1 md le, or Broken Front. hands par tly crushed by machinery fast Games for famlli es and social acres of land on which ara 15 11cras -0f I wieb ['were a poet· friend pai·ties: -Our Mirrors are clear Li &e " Slow Boy" then m y news I'd send week· st1mding pin e. Sale at l p. m. W. S. and t rue ; oar picture frames are I'd wdte<of ah that was going on of the lat~st and most attractive WroHT, Auctioneer. Cedar Dale people presented Rev. H . In poe.tny,,8'Jd·verae and song, designs. Curtain poles & rings. '.Visitors Jinth-0 neighborhood last week: Mr. Ii:. VI'. Kemp, of Ohrist Church, Oshawa' P lush goods-nice and oh,,,ap. AUCTION SALES.- 8 . C. Hunkin g, C1 11rt'1'. E. "Vamuington,."roront.o ; Mrs T. Ormiston, with i~ µu rse cont.aiuing $40, aa a, mark Anothei' new branch just int ice, O ntar io, Licen sed Aucti oneer, for Colnrubus ~ . 1M;rs.. H,,..Short,· Courtlce; Misses. troduced at 'l'ait & 1 'l'o::n, or 'l'-orODto, l\nd Mi.es J, 0. Cowle, of of t.heir appreciation. Darlington a nd Whitby, Bowrnanvilfo Bowmanvi.!~e. A meeti11g has been called for the p ur-- and Osh awa, Appraiser, &c. All business ·Farmers w·thts . n~gfaborbood are busy t ak· ing. up their 1 t um ips " 'h ich are q'1ite ll rootv pose of organizin g a chor al society in attended io pr omptly. Orders m ay be Is a. J ewelry Depart ment w h ere cr.,i;, Wedo.not think,> MR,J·EDITOR, t ba.t the Osha wa. Mr. Will. H , D ingl e will be l eft at th e S TATESMAN office, Bowman ville, you -will llnd the very latest in ST·1.'ESJIUN will be sent free for big turnips cond u ct or of the society. or Reformer office , Oeh& wa. Ladies' anclGent-lemen's j ewelr y. ' · &rou-id hert1;,, W11 invite special attention to Mr. J. F. Tamblyn has b een appoin ted onr new stock just in. Base R . Hutchiso~, Lioeneed Auctioneer i or -OOBotTBG. Ball goods, School and Hymn D . D. G. M. of the Oddfello ws for t his tbe T ownshi ps of Darlington, Whitby, Books, Stationery, Toye, and in· M11<;. Scott8'.iidd ons.wi{l a9poiu in Cobom:g d ist.rict. comprising Bowman ville, Osh awa., Clarke, M anvera and Cartwright. Sakis deed everything to ·be round in a W h it.by, B r ooklin and Port Per ry. V ariet.y and Fancy Goods' 1 on N;cweruber W6ilt·1. at tended t o promptly 11nd at. reason able f 'l'he fall ll!l:si~es qpened h ere befor e M r. '.i'he st reets on S aturday night were rates. W h ere it is n ot con veifo:mt to t<ee J ustiee O'Cunno.r .o n >M:@nday. thron~ed with people, a nd tl1e town bei11g me", arrangements ean be made with the · M r. W. H . iK:i.thlmAn and ,family re- · lit with e lectricity for t he first time pr e- Editor of t h e STATESllAN. - R .Hu'.t'OHISON, i ,;moved to Tor-Qni;o ,on U:Uesday . d d ! Beni. B ray i£e11 f rom,1; scaffold at the sente a gay a n a nimated appe arance. E nniskillen. N .-B.- Onr adver tising rate for a uction ! ,Car Work~, c1Itting his face connidera bly, A n excit ing foot ball match was pl ayed , ,.1md b rea.k rng Jua.arvm. Satur day afternoon 0 11 the cr icket g ro unds sales, wh en we d o n ot print the ealo 1 i On s 11nday w.eak Mr. Wm. :fi'iold, trip· betwean Cedar D ale and Oshawa High bills , is 25 cen ts a. line, each insertion. ROYAL M AIL STEAMSHIPS. , iz.i.ed o vor a b oa rd ,o,ud ifu(ling l:eoke his School clubs. Osha.wa 3 goals Cedar ~Persons ordering l!Bl e bills at t h e ! ·'!light leg a bove t he k nee. . D ale 0 . STATESMAN office will recei ve a free n otice Cobom.g Lodge.. :No. J:~,, A,.O. U . W., The directors of the ctuling ch1b are: - like the a bove U? to date o-f sale. Th e 1 s.ui:,rnas. · :w, iii!l hold .a n opei!il .moet ing on !"u esday M essr 3. W H. H olland, Jos eph GoulCJ, STATESllIAN h as tl1e largest circulation in .POI,YNESI AN from 'Quebec. !l!.ovember <l , Nov. 8th. in t hei1· ~G16!ge .room. · J:<"'. E. Oingl e, J A . Sy kes, F . L ambert, W est D urham and Ontario. Orders for ~tJ{~"[,fllk ~~ J'1iss Emma St eph ens, of ;this town, has D rd :-ae, l 'res. and J. 1!~. Tamblyn Secy . sales may also be left at t h is oftice. UATES OF OCEAN p ASSA.GE :- Cabin, . 'b een a{>pointed or,g.anist ,of the ~ntral an . 00118. $50, $65 and $75; c.eturn, $WO, $125 ()1mgregati(,l~ nal Chm:eili.. W.inc11ipeg. M r4!. Bloomfield, mcth er of lVfr. Geo. ,Joh n l\icMurtry's fin ger in g yarn- a nnd $150. Intermediate, $30 ; retur n, M r. W . I ·. Kerr, .el<lest son of W IT!-. B!<>Gmtield, baker , while visiting h er large aR sortment--Bcoteh 1ind Can adian., 1 $60. Steera!le, $20. The l ast. tr.a.in con - K~~ Esq.. C., iliJ.a,s .bung out hr.ii daugh ter m Toronto recently, lost h er at lo weet ? rices. lS necting withthe m ail s t eamer at P ort- ehiti:glea!ll:i~"TJSter-a.t-law, at .S tra tfor d . footmg and ~e~l dQWl~an ~ll~ir~ fligh t of land l eaves Tor ont o on W ednesday morn· A !Qarn Ollliled by Mr .. .lames Barn:um, steps sustammg serious m Juriea iag. T he last train conn ect ing with the a.od occupied by Wm . (i)ul~an,, was Th~ .o.peni og lecture of t he M ed r.alf St. l N. ~RIEF, AN D '\'() 'l'lt'lt: PciiNi;.-Uy~..mail s team er at H alifax leaves Toro nto ~~r:i: ~~~t~~e~aound rec~ntl:}' with ~n Church C!onree for t his winter, on Mon - p~paia 1s dreadful. Disordered liver i sIndigestion ia " foe t o good on T hnrsd ay morning. For tickets a nd W t l ·f ·'i t h t d ay evemng last, was a. pron ounced suc- misery. S e8S0n. every i nformation,6pplyto W. A .NE..rns, Rohe.areso;~ oGear~Lo v·ie ·~ea cess. Rev. Dr. Wit hrowis anablespeak- !lature. The hum an digesfo,e a pparatus Bowman ville, Agen t Allan line. 11-tf c ester 0 r eo. · av"1'ty, · orme r '5 er and h andled hi.a s ubject in a manner is one of the most cowplioated and won of Cooourg , and br other <if a ur t awo aman. t h at was pleasing a nd at t he same time derful things i u existence, It is e<U1ily M r. Rob ert L avrty . in str111ctive to those present. J?U t out of ord er. Gr easy fo od, tough Mr. Eastwood, Baltimore, has a goose ThislBK.c:IJ thll.t has raised a decent sized family al· Mr. G~o. And erson,. a. youn_ food , slop py f c H>d, b ail' cookery, ment> 1l g former Rolled Gold "'-"" ,_,·.~ii worry, late worry, irre£:ular hr~bits a nd Plate JUn g =-"-·--' · r eady t his season and is slitting on a nest near 'Ylutby, was puLtmg .°' br1~le on a (wu.rrnnted r, y~rLl's) " 20-p1t~e Hook of Choice N~w many other things which oucrht not to be of eggs with the int ention of raising lmrse m t he st~ll, .somethi_ng fnghtened Card Samplet3,IiargeCa.nvassing Outfit ~f Nov~l t1es and Our llig '.l'erms to Agent· Free, Send size of another . A Rur e indication of .an .open the horse, causmg it t o sprm g b ack and have made the Amet'ioan pe; ple a natio~ finger:mil J 7 cts. st:im ps for m:.il . 9 0 Lovely Scmpwinter. rnn ou: d oor s. A nderson's hand was of dyspept.ics: B m:; Green's August book. Picturcs an<l 25 Beautiful ChromOf~, your nu mo Flower has d on e a won derful work i n on,on l)· lOc . Pkg.(J fo) Large Rich Xmasaud Ne1 v A fow weeks a go a st yliali looking caugl1t m the ham e·s and he was dragged r eforming this sad b usineBB an d ma.king YMr <Jttr<l· (worth $ 1.00) onl y a o ct.. young man claiming to be an agent, canout of the stable, b u_ t managed to stop Ad<lre·o EUREKA CARD CO., llolton, Que. the Am~rican p~ople so h ealthy that they vassed the town soliciting advertising for the horse a fter breaktng !u s a.rm . can enJriy th eir meals and be h appy. ANTED - LADI ES for our fall and a directory he was about t o iesae. He The herd of Herefords owned by Mr. Remember :- No l1appine~s withou t Christmas trade. to take li~ht, pleasant secured numerous orders h er e au<i in Robt. J. Mackie, of '5pringdale li,arm, Bnt Green's Auguat Flower work at t heir-own homes. $1 to $3 11er d!LYcan Port Hope, the cash for wl1ich was paid two m i les east of Oshawa, numbers about h e:i-Jth. be quietly made. "Vol'k sent by mail any dis. brm~s h eallh and happiness to the d ys ta.nee. No canvnssiug. Add.ress at 01rne, down at t h o time of making t he contmct. 50 h ead, notwithstanding i;he large con- pephc. Ask your druggist for a bottle . CRESCENT ART CO.. 147 Milk St., Dost.on. He has sir,ce skipped ont, 1tnd the adver- tingcnts sold ear ly in tlie 8easoa. M r .. Seventy-five cents. 27 l\fo.es. Box 5170 tisors have learned another k.Elson,- not S W. Dearborn, East \ Vhit,by , who .AS S\VBrnT AS Jl@NWY is DI.'. J,ow's Plcn~ to t ruot oily-tongued boats. --Scntiuol- bought from Mr. M ackie, is. getting l'RtH<', J ,O W 'i'l S UL'PHFJ.lll S IM,,!' is n d e i nto 1 nnC . 'l't'orm Syn·!·· )'c t: su1·c to cllst.roy :uul Stnr. U ~ltth1 l toilet lnxury :.~ '\Vitll as (t ~oo 1 t cut a proaporons herd of the white faces. u! n ·c tor skin d18ea~c. cx.iJcl worms, , COUNTRY CftlTLEMAN ~). ~~~!,°:;lt~a.!~;h:!t:;~~ f:!~!~:~'iaabb!fe~ fo~~:x; y~::Ubridge, 0 left here laet week, leav· sever al to mourn his hasty deJ,1)11,rtnre. l\fr. John Kerr,'-Q. C.. of Col>O'u.r.ir, was her ·on Thursday last iu connection with the Soott .<Act trials. Mr, and Mre. :r.r. Il. Crydermnn were vle1ting TYBONE. i "their daughte<'. Mrs. H. J . H<ridge, at Bloom1 1ngton. last week. Mr. G eo. Emmerson is la.id ap with G - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -· r :Mr. Jae. Stewart,wifoand ·d aughter, ofCo THE \CULTl:VATOR bourg, were al~o here las~ woPk _visiting felon. triend9.and look1ng after b111nneea affairs. Mise M anning takes Providence school ANI> · · The pupils of our echool are lamenti·g over Mar~:hall 'Mr. John W. QUICK & Co's. f88· s! ACRICUlTURA t WEEKUES. - ,C_O_T_O_ · -~: TAIT & MORRISON'S -. i · LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL ,, 9· I ,'r'.z.· .,.,. j