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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1887, p. 2

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,~auadiau ,A Candid Doctor. One ot our exchanges has a Jetter from one of it& subscribers in which he states certain plain thin({s with regard to the " doctoring" needed for common ailments. Fur in· stance he says : Some yeai·s ago tho writer waa laid up by a very badly injured foot. He even got so low that there was a slim chance of his ever being any better. People would come in and say, " Why don't you try this or that ? The doctor isn't doing anything for you." Sn I asked him one morning if there wasn't something known to science that DIRECT WlRl!; COMMUN CA'l'ION. would help my foot to heal up ? He replied, " I am sorry to say that there is not. We can only keep it wet with dilute acid, Active fl.uctations in the Market, and let nature work." I knew he told the truth, and was satisfied. \Vith some naoffer opportunities to speculatures, perhaps, a harmless rnbstance, put on tors to make money in with strong asrnrance that it would surely Grain, Provisions, cure, would have been best, so strong an in· fluence has the miud on the body ; hence Stocks, Bonds & our often wonderful so-called" faith cures. " P~troleum. My doctor knew me, and knew t hat the exact truth was what I wanted, althoug h it Prompt attentio.n given ~o orders. was a sad admission for science to make, in view of o.11 the healing (?) salves and ointOffice over Murdoch's Store. ments tha.t our mothers used to have. Entrance by Tele'phonfl Staircase. I once had a very hard cold, and my H-tf. wife sent for the same phyaicfon. He and looked me and said, "Keep covered up warm in bed, so warm as to be rather uncomfortable, a~nd you will be !loll right in a day or two." Not much medicine for two dollars surely ; but it proved to be all I VETERINARY SURGEON. needed. In some places, I presume, he would have given some bread pills or sweetened water, " a. teaspoonful every other hour." Now, this man is thorom;hly post . e<l, and up to the Limes; au<l what does he do when he feels " bilious?" Take medicine! Yes, the very be~t kiud. He gets cmt his horse and buggy and drives down to my pfoce. Then he puts. on an old suit of clothes, and, with dog. and gun takes a long, rapid through the woods and fields, am s In e mm · through the various categories until he aruntil the sweat runs from every porn othis Reason sometimes misleads us, feeling rivedamongthe£rst-classconvicts. He has body. When tired out he comes back, puts sometimes misleads us; the wise man a share in a farm wliich he and bis wife sup· on his dry clothes, and after a few doses of corrects the one by the other. erintend, and he has under his orders some it once, and you will use no other. · ~" this "medicine," goes home all right. This No man ever got rid of a lie by telling of the lower class of criminals. His life has been his practice for many years. it ; it is sure to come home sooner or later sentence has been comµmted to one of twent y .lU cUOl-'L BROS. & CO'Y, Toronto. How foolish, then, for us to dose our. to hobnob with its author. years. The doctor who was condemned last Reason and kindness are the J7reat year for having sent poisuned g ame to a colselves with injurious things, which the most Graduate of the Ontario Veteri!lary Co!lege, intelligent physiciaris who know all that promoters of that harmony and hilarity league is giving satii!f.action in tho colony · .Registered member of the Ontario Vetermary science has yet taught, on this point, which generate friendship and affection. and hopes to be able to attain the privileges Medical Association. wouldn't think of touching ! And how much accorded to Fenayrou. On the whole, the ·Office and Residence, Newtonville, Ont. 3 more foolish, and even wicked, to stuff the There are n t tles everywhere, but educated criminals, even those who are Will visit Orono every Tuesday and;Saturday same down the throats of the lit tle inno- smooth green grasses are more common undergoing sentences for serious crimes, are Ofilce hours from 10 a. m., to 4 p. m., . at cents, every time they cry or are fretful ! still. The blue of heaven is larger than highly spoken of by the Governor of.Noumea, Coulters' Hotel, Calle by Telegraph. receIYe There isn't a siugle drop of medicine in our the cloud. and the most unmitigat ed rascals are the immediate attention. house of any kind. We have always let naNo one ever had a glimmer of a will to Parie gamins and the brut ish pea.a ants or CliARGES MODER~~---k f II 1 come, but that shining" whosoever" flashed b f h d E ture ta e care o al itt e ai1ments, doing its world-wide splendor for his opening eyes. 1a orers, most o w om mur erers. 'very what we could to assist her by good care, year a certain number of these has to be shot and for larger ones called an intelligent -F. 11· H avergal. down by the warders. The official who uses physician. Great efforts from great motives is the his revolver against t!le convicts is tried as I know it is hard to sit idly by and see best definition of a happy life. '.Lhe easiest a formality by a court-martial and acquitted. loved ones suffer, hence we try to prevent labor is burden to him who has no '- motive The number of convicts is ten thousand or ·it by giving them pure air, sunshine, feed· for performing it. more, and there in addition 240 female ing them properly, and seeiug that they More is felt than is pereeived, and more convicts who, however, were sent out to take plenty of exercise. Sickness usually is perceived than can be interpreted, and N oumea of their own accord from t he Mai. comes as the result of violating the plain love climbs higher with its lambent fla me son Centrale, of Paris, fo1· the purpose of laws of health. It is t:".ature's protest than art can pile the faggots. M.\R1\YINO FIRST·OLA.SS MISDEIMJU.NANTS. against ill-treatment, and nature is the Life has uo wret chedness equal to an ill· These women are supervised by nuns. There greatest physician on earth, and seldom· assorted marriage-it is the sepulchre of the are on the island 000 warders. The number loses a patient if given a fair chance. heart, haunted by ghosts of past affections of first-class convic cs amount t o l,600, and ' and hopes gone forever ; some of them, like l<'enayrou, have been alAn "Emergency" Cabinet. Every good deed will . have its blessing. lowed to send for their wives. 'l'he State VETERINARY SURGEON, In every house, especially where the fam· We need have no fear of losing the reward furnishes them with agricultural implement s, ily is large, there should be some provision if only.we make sure to merit it by the food, and even a few herd of cattle, when for accidents, and sudden attacks o1 painful virtue of our motive the judiciousness of they are permitted to be~in farming, and they generally contrive to do well. Another disease. A contemporary describes such an our effort. Let grace and goodness be t he princi~al class, apart from all th.e others, is composed We have now co mpleted arrangements for a big sale of popular good1:1 " emergency " cabinet, as a box or closet arranged to hold a variety of articles, such loadstone of thy <\ffections. For love which of skilled tradesmep. ...and mechanics, mlk. fl,t prices _ which-must take the-eye-o!e very ec_ on omical J;rnyer. We keep as wide and narrow bandages of muslin hath ends will have an end, whereas that siclans, and even actors. These have a savthe best qualities, styles, and asso1tment in neatly-rolled and ready for uae, the former which is founded on true virtue will always ingsbank of t11eir own, a kind of club, and are almost too prosperous for convicts. The for cuts or hurts on the body or limbs, and continue. There is no power of love RO hard t o get bandsmen are S! to be as good as many the latter for wounded hands or fingers. There should also be a packet of court pas· and keep as a kind voice. A kind hand regimen tal performers, and they play profor ladies', gents' a,nd childrens' wear; also in Trunks and V11lises. f ter, a roll of diachylon or adhesive plaster, is df\af ancl dumb. I t nu~y be rough in flesh grammes of select music before the Govern· pieces of old linen, lint, cotton, a small hot · and blood, yet do the work of a sof t heart, or's mansion twice a week, hesk!es giving Come and see our .elegant stock- Cash bought it, low prices will sell it. tie of collodion for cuts, old muslin for mus- anil do it with a soft touch. But there is occasional concerts. From this it will be 0 · 1 · l t · t · f ur spec1a ty I S t o p ease our cus omers, our aim o save money or our tard plasters, pins, scissors, and other ne· no oue thing that love so much needs as 1, seen that the life of many convicts is far cossaries that w ill suggeat themselves, and voice to te\l what it moans and feels; better than that which is led by thousands patromi, our intention to do better for you t han anyone else. Goods are known to good housekeepers. and it is hard to get a,nd keep it in the in the slums of J>al'is, and it is no wonder. cannot be bought cheaper-none are allowed t o undersell us. Among usefol things to be added to the right tone. One must start in youth and that such being the oase numerous transares L . Honorary Graduate of the Ontario etertna1y above are such following eimple remedies, be on the watch night and da,y, ?'t work I sors against the law of the land, including 'College, Toronto. Registered member or the as essence of peppermint, spbita of camph- and play, to .get and ke"p a vorne that those who commit the most terrible crime!),, 28. Ontario Veterinary Aosooiation, in accordance or, some £rat-rate olive oil, aromatic spirits s~all ~peak at all times the thoughts of a should view with longing and delight thi°j~ with the Veterinary .Act. despatch to New Caledonia. ·· · ls prepared to treat all diseaees or the Dom· of ammonia, water of ammonia, a little al- lnnd heart. estic Animals, according to the latest theories. cohol, common salt in £ne powder, bicarbon· All calls personally. by Telegraph or Tele ate of soda, and a box of mustard. VERY RIOil FOLKS. Nihilists in .Russian Schools. :Phone will receive prompt attention. The aromatic spirits of ammonia and .&'OFFICE- Main St., Orono, one doC>r north~of Claus Spreckele the sugar king, is said to While the Russian Government has camphor should also be kept in every W. Henry's 8tore. hitherto devoted its undivided attention house where there are aged persons, as they be worth over $30,000,00(). CHARGES MODERATE; The Duke of .Duccleuch-she richest man with very partial success tQ, t he suppression are subject to sudden attacks of faintneaa, - - -MANUF.A.OTUitHlR OF - - of nihilistic tendencies amGng the students and be>th these agents afford relief and help in Scotland-has an income of $1,500,000 of the uni versities, t he gymnasia, the to restore impeded circulation of t he blood. polytechnic schools and private lyceums Mustard is a valuable nauseant, in cases per a nnum. '.rhe late Meredith Featheringil, a Spanish have escaped the inquisitorial measm'es of I of suspected or accidental poisoning. It soldier, KING STREET, BOWMANVIJ,L leaves an estate of $1,000,000 to tha Ministers of PGlice. R ecently the may here be added that copious draughts of Hal'I now on hand a number of vohlclOll (and !a mt.mnfaotnrln. t,i a groat mnny more) of. t ho n a heirs in Kentucky. most alarming discoveries have been made t epid water taken until vomiting ensues, pat terns and best finish, which I am oiferin1r tor eal lil i.>t t h e prloo8 con11ls te11\ Mrs. Hicks-I,ord, Mrs. Par1 m Stevens among the male and fema.le students of and thereafter repeatedly until the poison is with due regard to workmanship and qur.lity. 'l'h e following i11 a Usu ot are the rich these scholastic institutions, At Ekaterthe principa l vehicles manutarJtnrod b y me supposed to be throv..-r1 off, is a ~ood remedy and Mrs. Marshall 0. Roberts 1 widows par excellence of New 1jork. inoslay it was first discovered that the to use until tile help of a physician can be D o u ble Covered Carriages ............. ..... . ........... ........ .. ....... .. ... $150 U pwati:h i1 procured. If pains folt in tho bowela, Mrs. Mark Hopkins is the ri~heat woman elder boys and girls of the different gym.nas.ia Single Phootone. : ............ . ............. . ..... ... .. ... .. .. . ...... ....... ..... 100 11 in America.. She has a fortune of at least met on certain evenings in private rooms give copious. injections of tepid water also, and does not spend half the infor the reading and discussion of socialistic $10,000,000, and rid the system in both ways of tho poi· Top Buggy............................................. .... . ................. .. ... 90 11 come. literature, and each member °'f the secret son as speedily as possible. Democr~t u George Westinghouse, inventor of tho air society contributed a small sum toward tbe Gymnastic Tra.inine;., is worth $9,()(}0,000. Thia is believed clandestine purchase of the forbidden broLumber Wagons ... ................. ,-,···················· · ······· ~ ··............. . 55 ·· WILL CURE OR RELIEVE to be the largest fortune ever made out of churea as fast as tbey appeared. This L ight Wagon..................................................................... 40 , 11 BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, Dr. Hitchcock, of Amherst College, hae wind. diooovcry rcsultod in tho immediate arrest Expresa Wagon.................................................................. 75 ~ DYSPEPSIA DROPSY, been carrying on for the last six yoors a Isaao Jeans, a Philadelphia Quaker, who of a large number of students of both sexes. 50 11 INDIGESTION, FLUTIERING · carefnl atudy into the physical measure- has made a fortune of $a,OOO,OOO as a fruit and a general inveatigaton was at once Skeleton . . ........ . ... , ........................................ ,. , , , · , . ..... , · . . .. · ~O JAUNDICE OF THE HEA:Rr ments oi the students under his charge, !lind importer, began his busineaa c&reer by aell- instituted in all the chief scholastic superior faoilitiee tor me.nufe.aturlna carriages, I Intend. t o eell very chea.p tor 0 ,. ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF I ha.s obtained results that differ materially ing oranges and apples at retail. cenlntrc~--~toff a s1"m1'lar but mi1ch be.... ~ Possessing or approved credit, and b;r 110 doing I hope ta greutl, m1 num bei· ot sales. "VoulQ n"h " """' SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, from the popular impression regarding phy· eell the w ood parts only, or &he i;rearlngs or bugglet il·oned. sical devele>pment. He has taken the The est11ote of the late ex Senator Cilley organized secret society of male and £emu.le HEARTBURN DRYNESS measurements of 1,258 studenU., includinu of Nottingham, N. H., is valued at'$125,000, students was discovered. H ere they had HEADACHE.' OF THE SKIN, · men b eI onging to the ~ of which one forth is to be devoted to char. a complete secret library of nihilist ic and ath letic And eve:ry ·species o~ dis11ase a:risin1r. base.ball and foot-ball teams, and men who itable purposes. The deceased 8enator was socialistic litera.ture in active circulation, ;/z'Om disozode:red LIVER, KIDNEYS, At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. have taken prizes at athletic exhibitions a power in New England politics a third wit h a. President, Secretary and Treasurer. STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD. He makes a separate group of these athletic of a cen.tury ago. .· . The worst feature in the eyes of t he At the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning a.nd Sawing wi th Olrc1C1, Ba.nd 'Ser Saws, o.nd prepare all kinds of lumber .tor carpenters nd others tor building puq1aaea, Propr1i;'6~~NTO. men, and find a that their average h..ight is . The fortune .of Pi mce Ferdmana of Bulga- authorities o£ the Raratoff discoYcry is Ornamental and Plain P ickets !or tenoBS in every style required . made to order. · greater than that of the average student by ria, a?ou_t winch there has been so m_uch that the majority of the male members of only four-tenths of an inch I "Of the fif- ta.!k,. 18 J1;1Bt $50,000 a. year. Th e prmce 1 the society were students of the ecclesiasti· 9 teen men," says Dr. Hitchcock, "who took will IDherit a furtl:er for.tune of $-,p~,000 l cal seminary. It was found, t oo, that £rat prizes in 1886, four were ab-0ve and on the ~eath ,of his mouher, t he I rmce~s these young aeminariats had from single eleven below the avera~e height of the col. Clementme d Orleans, and also th~ bee.uti- copies lit hographed an immense number of lege ; and of the nine first prize men a t the ful. estate 0~ Eberthal, together with a fine copies of Nihilist proclamatious, which gymnastic exhibition threB were above and palace a~ Vien,na. were circulated almost broadcast. Similar To b~y Foot Gear for Men, Women, six .below the average height." That which The Nizam .of Hyderabad, who has offer· i disco,·eries have been made hero in Odessa., Boys and Maidens, at is true respecting height is also true re- ed the Indian Government £200,000 to I and at Kief, Kasan, Moscow, Ananiev, specting all the bone measurement. The stren~then th~ c!efense of the northwest Smolensk, Tver, Memiroff, and oth er bones of the athletic men are usually but a frontier of Ind.~a, 18 the greatest of the. l\.fo- i pla.oes. The little town of Memiroff appears sm11.ll fraction of one per cent. larger than ~amme~an pnnces.~ H~ mad~ a s~nkmg . to poeaess the most uniquely red chE.racter. those of the average man. Even in tho ;mpresston on t~e English durmg .1118 stay. There, it is stated on the authority of the Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the muscular measurements the difference in Ill .~on~on. His ma.nners ~re said to be ' Ministerial investigating agent s, the whole favor of the athletic man is only 3.3 per fascma~IDg, ai;td h e is the highest type <?f 0 of the students, male and female, in every .LIVER, STOMA.UH, li:IDNEYS AND uoi;11E1. s. cent. In the tests of strength the difference ~he native Indian gentleman. · O~ course his l class, are concerned in the secretpro,tlaganda They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and is but 7. 2 per cent. Dr. Hitchcock draws ;cc~nt offer has added vastly to his popula.r- and study of forbidden literature. are invaluable i n e.11 C omplaints Incidental t o Females of a ll F or from these statistics the deduction that in 1ty m Lqndon. ~------~C hildren and the aged t hey priceless. making athletes " physical gifts count for The Rev. M. Baxter....... has long dabbled in A Clever Thing. less than the energy of will, which is put the interpretation of prophecy. He has ·· I was getting measureil for a suit of upon the muscles. It is the intelligent · h d ~. training, and not the big measures, which wit in the thirty years b een "cock sure" ; clothes t his mawning ," sa.i young ,.1r. Sisdetermine the standards of excellence in our that the end of the world would have cf me sy to his IJl'etty cousin, "a11d just for a Is an infallible remedy for Bad L egs, Bad Breast s, Old Wounds, Sortl athletic feats and sports." by this time. I t has not, but Mr. Baxter joke, y' know, I ii.waked Snipem if it weally and Ulcers. I t is famous for Gout and Rheumatism, For disorders of the is as sttre as ever, and now goes again into took nme tailors to make a man. He said -Cheat it ha.a no eq ual.All this is certainly encouraging te small particulars with a confidence that would b e ' it would take more t han nine tailors to make men, and accords with our own observation For Sore Throats, Bronuhitis, Coughs, Colds, Our New Stock has arrived, and com· of the development resulting from special positively sublime were it not somewhat a man of some people. I thought it was priaes something neat and pretty for exercise of the muscles. It shows ver clyear- ridiculous. He says England is ij0011 1·0 be quite clevah." Gl~ndula.r Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; ~nd foi Ladies, Good and Serviceable for Hen ly that the difference between the athletic separated legislatively from Ireland, India .< "Yes, it was clever, Chal'ley, " said his oont raot ed and stiff j oin ta it acts like a charm. :._ · her colonies, Lucien Bonaparte is to : pretty cousin, .a nd Boys, and Boots that R Boot1 for and the untrained man lies more in the' and bt come king of Syria and later on E .nperor ! f act t h at t h e athlete b as learned how to nf every member of the household. l~rance. Belgium and the Rhine pro- i Grnff Old Gent (to dude)-" How's your Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, use his muscles to the best advantage . h f vinces are to be annexed to France. In 1896, Rister coming on ? I haven't seen h er in a h er t h an mt rate possession greater na.· :·buu~ V years hence, l!H,000 Cllristians are long time. " Dud-" 'Why, she it h in Italy. 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 633, OXFORD S'l'REET), LONDO.lf ~ ~HllNIUl, VA.USES, d: SAT<;BJllJ!l, IN STOCJK. tural strength. t o ii:scend to heave~from sor1;1c spot on eart.h, She 00~ the pw!;-e ,~t t.he Conservatory of And are aold at ls. 1!d., 2e. 9d., 4s. 6d., lb. 1 22s., and 33a. each Box or Pot, &ll I wh!ch apparently is not said, and the mil- Muth1c m Rome. .Did she go to !tall'. to may be had from all Medicine Vendors t h roughout the World. P"Ordered Work and Repairing a No N of Catching Oold. lenmm is to commence sure on the 11th of learn to play on the piano ?" " Y eth, thir." .S pecialty, ae usual. WP·rcbasel"I bould look at &he J.abel o.u the Pots and Boxe·· If' the r ddre . Speaking of colds, I have a theory that April, 1901. 'Vell, wha.tnext? The truth i "Well, if she did tha.t the Canadians ought D. DAVIS. · ' to give her a.notber :Prize." 11 a liSS, Oxford S&reet, I.ondon. they a r e 11parlou1, no one need ever have one unless he chooses; of all this will soon be seen, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2, 1887. J tattsman. HEALTH. ~~er wo:~~~ha~-it COX& TORONTO CO.~ STOCK EXCHANGE. is CRIMINALS. to train. the skin, that wonckrful organ , which is generally looked upou 11;, the paper Wher·e They A.1·e aml Wllllt Tiiey Dowrapper to our human bundle, t\S to render J·ri~on Life a t Noumea. it non-susceptible to sltdueu chapges of tern· An interesting account of the p1·esent perature or atmospheric moistu"e, whence status of notorious Freuch criminals in New colds come.<lonia how been furnished by an official And as this is exactly the seaoon to com- who has just returned from that pena. mence such a system of pellar e(! ,1~ation, as colony. The most r espect able, as well as it has proved effective in many mstances I tho senior of all the convicts is B<Jrezovski, ,w ithin mv own knowledge, and a." it is with. f the P ole who £red at the. Emperor Alexin easy reach of every one to try, I write it ! antler II. during the PMis Exhibit iou of 1 here. The theory is that no skin that has '1 18G7. F requen t applications have been been exposed freely for half an hour a.t t he made for the liberation of Bcrezovski, but begiuD;ing ?f a day to a. temperature lower they have all been r efused. He is n?w in t~an it w:1ll encounter throug.h the day, the island of Nou, w~ere he occupies an for will note small changes or be a.fleeted there· little room apart from by; ALI. '£ HE BAD CIIARACTER.9, 1 A cold is simply a nervous shock, received and has ewn a small garden for himself. "0Mtor!Ai~ so we!lamapted tochildrei::. tho.' CBStorla cm es Colla, Constipation, by the myriads of minute nerve terminals He roams about the island, which is one[ r cco:nm en<l 1t as sunel'ior . to any prescriutloa Sour Stomach, Diarrhroa, F · .'ructation, that bristle over the surface of t he human fourth of t he size of Paris, at his own sweet (;:;Jo-mi to me." Fi.. .A. ucmm M D Kills W !)MDS, gives sleep, and promot9til di~ ..., . ' · ·~ gest1on. body, transmitted to the centers and so will, and his conduct has always been irre£il So, Oxford 6t.. llrooklyn, li. Y. Without injuriol,!8 medication. back a gain to mucous membrane, the pecu- I proachable . He receives a large quantity liar seat of this special irritatiou. Let us j of newpa.pers, books, and pamphlets from then so train t hese sensitive £broR that they different countries,by every mail. Berezovski will pass by, unnoticed, ch.i.nge,; of atmo-1 is now old aud feeble to an extreme degree. splMiric condition, and the matter is accom- Of a d ifferent class ar() Gilles and Abadie, plished. the murderers of the Paris grocer Lecercle. - -- · - "" 'f'hese worthies are employed as st reet scavF ORS.A.LE BY J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANV ILI,Ei fOR SUNDAY CONTEMPLATION, engers at Noumea, and their occupation is looked upon by t heir companions in penal --- - - - -- - -----~ There is some virtue in almost every vice servitude as a good one, for it is eaey, and except hypocrisy. also enables them to pick up bits of tobacco Simplicity of character is the natural and varipus odds and ends, including oc· result of profound thoughts. caRional alms. Pel, who poisoned bis servPoliteness haz won u:ore viktorys than ant at Montreuil, and the11 burned her relogick ever has.-Jo h Billings. mains in a stove, died in the beginning of 9 the yea.r, as well as Moy aux, who Every day should be distinguished by at MURDERim ms OWN DAUGHTER. least one particular 1>.ct of love. - Lavatr. Guichard, who murdered a bank measenge1· Th ere never was an:y heart truly gre,at at~Marseilles, is doibg well as a storn olerk, ~ and generous that was uot also tender and and hopes one day, if not to~get to Australia, compassionate. at least to settle down in New Caledonia as It is the moment when our resolution '~ colonist. One of the most comfortable seems about to become irrevocable that aud thriving of the convicts is F enay rou, teats onr strength. the chemist of the Tioulevl'>rd Malesher bea, TI~ Ad . . J'k th ft "t f 118 th who led the lover of his wife into an ambush 1 vi.~e ~ snow; e so er~ a .~ at Chaton, and then murdered him in a most When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, 1 ?n~er_ it t~el 8 · ~pon and the eep('r 1 , atrocious manner. '.!.'his criminal has passed q~i~~-~::~~~-=-,---···-N;T~DFRENCH - - ~ ------·----· - _ l_ !_ _u __ :r:::_____ =::::....!....!.!...~-~.:,~~~~~~~ inu··~ =..'!!!! I I I == THB,ESHERS AND IILLIEN ~LA ~ --usE1[ MACHINE Oil. E B E 8 T TN THE MARKET. f ° F AMILY S AFETY & S UN LIGHT C OAL Q IL ' Try The , P rices tell, the Quality sells. JOHN SPENCER, BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS M. TR E EV£ N · ===================== ;': HAINES' CARRIAGE W-ORKS, ----·---- GEORGE C. HA.INES, Proprietor, OARRl AC ES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &C ., Open Buggy................................................. ............ ......... 70 ··· Wagon................................................................ 65 Sulky............................................................................... " All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired T. MILBURN & CO., J.t Pays I I HEALTH FOR ALL ! THE PILLS Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe THE OINT l\1:ENT i EMPORIUM! ° eea 1

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