INTERESTING ITEMS. STATISTICS, syrup until thick, and pour over the plums 0 and set away. Cherrie11 may be pickled in The fields and garden vegetables of La the mu.nner. The predilection for tea. over coffee or To PICKLE CucrrMnERS.~Let the cucum- chocolate by the British public is shown by Vendee and the Lower Noier, France, are being devastated by anew caterpillar plague bers stand in a weak brine for three days, the report of the Coffee Tavern Corn.pany. which has already destroy(d all the winter WEDNESDA.Y, NOV. 2, 1187. put in a layer of cucumbers, then cqver them The Cdmpany sold during the Exhibition. foodfor cat tle. with horse radish leaves and mustard pods 55!),000 cups of tea, l;J5,0li0 cups of coffee, if you can get them; that will keep your and 56,500 cups of chocolate. The Princess of \Vales has consented to pickles ·green; take out and d~ain them ; The available coal of Alabama, collected become the patroness of the ladies, depart then cover with cold vinegar for a week; into one lump, would be forty-five miles ment of K ing's College, England. T his Pleasant Homes. then (!rain off all of that vinegar, and cover long by twenty-five lliiles wide by ten feet department was established eight years ..go, Some one has written that a ple&sant a.gain with new vinegar, adding mustard thick. A breaking off of 5,000 tons daily and the lectures are no 1 v a t tended by four the Largest and best Assortment on hand 00·m e is a sweet abiding place, not only to 1 secd, pepper and ginger root , clover. or from the lump would leave a large part of it hundred women. , All the New Styles. . those in its immediate circle, but to " the whatever spr.ces will suit your taste. Be untouched at the expiration of 6,0D O years. l\Ir. France De Lii.nne of Shii.rsted Court , strang~r within the gates." sure to change th1! vinegar once, as the wat. L ast year the losses by reported fires in county Kent, has attracted t o himself the a very large variety. but ~he · Noone can den:y- that t,he re.membran ce er from ~he cucu~bersre?uces the s~rength. the United States reached a total ,of $! 20, admiring eyes of the British nation by sucof a happy home clmgs to tnem like a breath These pickles will be mce and cnsp and 000 OD O or an avcra('/e monthly loss of $ LO cessfully raising ancl ha!'vesting a crop of . \.... , Soutl~ Sea Seal Persian of perfume-a memory ~hat can never be g~ee~ withou t being colored with.. the ver- ooo'.oo:J. .And yet tte loss t hey oocasi.on i~ tobacco. I t is said t o be t he firnt ever raised Laml t ake the lead. efface~ or shaken off. It is so de11.r to lll!- d1gns from a copper kettle. ] $60, 000,0!JO per anmunless than the amount in Engl11,nd. 'fhc Government has graciously all the latest improvements- a very to go mto a ~ome.where courte~y prevatle, CIIOCOJ,ATE C.AKE.- One quarter pound of . paid by consumers for cigars and $86,500, given cons ent that he shall go on with his ~here. each vies with the other m attempt· butter one cupful of yelks of two eggs half COO Jess then the tot::1l cost of tobacco con experiment, but insists that ho must pay choice and varied stock to choos& i!lg to be good ii.nd lovely, and where nho cupful,of sweet milk two cupfuls of flour su med i.n smoke ! . duty on his crop the same as t hough the from. f b k' httle attempt to eave the strength, t e . h { ' tobacco were imported. feelin~, the happiness of every member wit t wo t~aspoon u18 0 a mg powde.r. Since 1857 the gold fields vf New Zealand The wife oi a prominent citizen of Birof the family is lost - is, indeed, a thing B~at the whit.ea of the two eggs, u.1!-d put m have produced in round numbers £45,000,- mingham, Conn., cl!.ught fou rteen pounds with the fiour alternat ely. Bake rn a long OO:J T he gold export er] r eached i ts highest of blackfiah in front of lier seas1 'de cot tage we never f orget · · h' h h th b tt d 'ti · c ' · , vYe go about the world, a.nd so d.oing we 1 pan wd 10 · as vV~ 0 °m c~vez:e '--wkidi point in 1866, when 735,316 ouuees, valued at Ansonia, t he other day, and would have A magnificent select ion good and cheap. Call early for first choice. 1 see a worl<l of homes. Too often there is a gtr~s?t ptaperd. _ ien ~~e ca e is ~'he at $2,84~, 51_7, were exported. 'f he p resent canght .nore if a two pounder hadn't broken 1 ou an remove l · t ti a e e paper. " en production is valued at nearly £1 OOtl 000 her tackle. But this fish didn't get a way · , tfut. 1 word 'd at! chompt a.m ' a sdarbca1'tstecr cold, returu to the pan and cover with boil-1 A tot ·l ·r·cn of 2 f reft r11'1l~a of 'golL i for, when 11he saw that there was danger re ec ion, an ie ear ts sore an d . . !" .. ~ . . 1, 000 eqr1are · that finds its abiding place here. But once e icmg. and silver beP,nng lands is already known that he would, she waded into the water, . on band. Prices very reasonable. let us go into the home where husband Jr'or the ~cing.-Boil one cupful ofpulve:i~- and proved. and, using her _skir t~ as a landing net , r~quests, courteously, any fa.vor wh?n he edsu~ar wi~h ~ ~poonfulof c?ld wateruat1ht La~t year tax was paid upon 3_,510,898,- brought ~he fioh m t rmmph to t he shoro. GENTS' FURNISHINGS AND UNDERWEAR, A COM:PLETK sits down at table ; takes every parns to candies. I our tt on t~e. w~1tea of two eggs, 488 L'igars. The a verage smoker is content Thero is . still running in good cond ition Display. Shirts, Socks, Gloves, Ties, Braces, St uds, wait upon the wife of his heart that he well beaten. Then stn· rn six tablespoonfnls with a cigar worth $30 per thousand, or on the/!. uburn branch of the New York 1 Buttons, Mits, R ubber Co'1ts, Umbrellas, et c. took to win her to his household circle, and I?f grated chocolate. Sp~ead it ~n the. cake one that r etails a.t five cents. On tha.t baeis Central Railroad the car in which .Abraham we learn how sublime a. thin~ it is to make ~n. the. pan, and ~o not di.sturb it ~util .the there annu11.lly goes up in smoke $180,000, · 1 ' Lincoln rode from Httffalo to Albany on h is home what it should be. rnrng ts hard ·. Then begm at the r_ight cor-1000, or $15,000,000 every mouth, half a j way to Washinaton for his first inaugura.We have sat down to dinner in a home nn, i.nd c.ut dmgona.lly from on.e,side of.the million dollars evory d11.y. In addition, tion. '.l.' ho ceiling is decorated with t he of middlc-clase people, possibly where help pan to t he other. Then cut ~iagonal Imes boys waste on cigarettes $6. 500,000, and j national ihg, and at one end is a portrai t N eadt/ Block, Bowmanville. M.MAYER. was provided, but wl1ere the wife all fro~ th? left co~ner a. £ewd. me hes 11.part, ' t hose who prefer a pipe a furth er sum of of Lincoln and at t he other one of Washingsubservient to the wis'P of her family, where which Will form damtv lltt1 e mmonds. $20,000,000. ton. The car, uow known as No. MO, was a.11 was dainty, sweet and perfect, .and we The number of hogs slaughtered by Chi- new in February, 1861 , and was dccont ed have seen the husband caz:etnlly wa.1~ upon Bismarck and Germanv. ca.go packers during the pasv seven monthsi for the purpose of call'yln~ the President. I ev_ery guest, and fi!1ally hhimsddf, while the p . c B' k 'll d th' t b . or since the opening of the summer packini;i: The .First Surrey Rifles of t he British 1 wife, who had t~ied so. ar , ca!lle 'own rm e !smarc ~1 . 0 no mg , 0 rmg · season, is l,640, 78!) against 2,275,12:l the Arm are ivio a burlest t10 erformance to anhd corresponding period last year,_ showing a of West It was mois eyes a~ ~ us e ee war would inevitabl ut an end h decrease of 634,335 hogs. DLumg Septem· given first a.t Wimbledon, and was so s uc~e: ~ehevmg a mouth~ui;-obl\ ch~= 1 aged monarch's life. Yilthe i;xciteme~ ~id ber the decrease ~vas ll 0,00 I hogs .. 2ll,:1251 cessful that it had t o be repe!!.t ed before 1 .,., na man was one 0 e es· t k' ll h ' h f . f h fi were packed agamst 321,200 during Sep· the Duchess of All-any Lord and Lady loved his wife-without her he would have no at _once i im t e atigues 0 t e rat tember 1886. For the se11.son ~;o date Arm- vY t d th d' t " · h d t t b en hel ies8'·'1Jut he was thoughtless Oh campaign would, for no power on earth . · .' an age, an o er ls rnguis e spec a ore carelc~s ! L'et him have a. 6 ked her g~ntly'. 1could keep the old soldier from the field. ~~r ~& Co. have ~laugterhed nearly 600,000 and now t~e soldiers are giving it as a preeven if last, what she would prefer, Even j What then would happen? . In an article in g · . lnde to their promenade concerts. Whereat a if she had not tasted a morsel her heart ! The Epoch, by Mr. L. Reigersberg, :Editor Nex t :o the annual expenditure for ~ood ~oi;doD; paver r egretfully rer~a;ks that 1 would have sung for gladness, her ~htle~ of the World '.l1ra~el c;:azett~, we are told a~d dnnk of the peo~le . of the _Umt~d Nothm~ t~ s11.cred to the satmst or t he . · flushed, and she would have forgotten weari· that the Crown Prmce JB neither a states· Km!fdom comes that on ar~tcles of diess, ln - bm;lesq ms!. ness and pain, 80 sensitive is the heart of · man nor a militaTy genius, while the ch·- volv10g an o~tlay of well mgh £148,000,000 'Ihe S~c1ety .of . t~e Stdney Prosbyterw,n \ cumstances of Germany imperatively de- gross, or £ 123,000.000 net or real value. Church m lllmms 1s composed wholly of woK~l~asant home includes a h ome circle , mand that for u.nother generation at least Th.e house expenditure comprise? about women. ~hey bu.ilt a little chapel -the wife, the husband, the children-and ;the Imperial sceptre shall be firmly grasped £72,000,0 0 ~or house .rent! some £11,0U O,- and dedicated it substantially free from each striving to leave each day a golden ' by a statesman who is not without milita.ry 000 for fur;11~ture, ,estunatmg the value of debt. Th~re were no men to hold th e bead in the rosary. of life for ill the rest. genius. This consideration doubtless nc- annual additions, £15,000,000 for coal, £.14, - o_ffices, whwh have been vacant a year. The How true are the words : counts in some m<asure for Prince Bis- 000,~00 ~or ga.s and f2,000, 000 for wate;, little church became a s?rt of elephant on marck's forbearance towards France and makmg mall £114,000,000. Then t here 1s the hands of the Dloommgton presbytery, I'd ha~~ i~!nh!i~~:~~v:!rul, darling; evident wish to keep well with R~ssia. the e~p.enditure in tobacco~ a.mounting to which recently app~iut?d a. commit t ee . t o Nor given you ueedle~B p~in. The Crown Princess, inheritinG' the talent some £13,0QO,OOO gross. complete the orgam7:a~ton. The questIOn For we 'ex our OWll with word and tone, for affairs of her mother is ant9rrpnfotio to Th "G I ' 1R t f th whether w·m1en a re ehgAble to v.11 the offices Tho' we love them far the best." B' k dh b 'd' .., e ,enern ·.,.nrrna. e urn o e nee $Sat'Y t 0 a. co nplet or aniz tion is . I 1smarc ' an. as .est es a hobby which British Arm "for t he yea.r 1886 has jusb '" . . l e g -Jo And when we feel that we ca.n walk home · must be pecultu.rly distasteful to the Chan b tyd t p 1. t 0 th · 1 t under considerat10n. . spot to w h'iol l t h e h ea.rt s h a ll t urn m . a11 cellor-the establishment . . - f een presen e o th at . ·t· n f e th s Otter I' l t, one O· . th e great est of C o-a of Parhamenta.ry D b , e 1886 0 after life, a spot where peace i!eems to hold Government in GermD-ny as it exists in Eng- ) ecemel efr,th ' e compos fi lilon Ofe manche chiefs, d ied in Indian Territory a . . . . . o e armyt was ows · f ew d ays ago. F' · t b f h' d h 1 . :S . sway, a pa.ss10nu.te ungmg to <Jscape a ll the land, which, as Mr. Reigersberg Justly says personn fi ~ 204 · \V :ffi. as o 687 < ive rnmu es e ore xa eat · 1 world and abide there fills us - our mission 1 · would undoubtedly be a national calamity' cerst, · d f' .11.rran ~ °~rBs, they held him erect and rigged him ont in ' ter _ . d d d h 1 , . gean s au arners, 12, / 56 , ug1ers, e c., h ' b t t Th . ted h' is, m ee ' a pure a.n o y one. young Empire. If Germany is to 3 376 · .... . k d fil 184 540. T t l 208 is es war cos ume. ey pam im · h t . d I' to the . . ,. ' an e, ' ' o a' ' d th' b t h' h d , . d T o . the , h usb a_nd comrn~ ome rie c?ntmue to subs:st and to retain her posi- 563. The n11.tion11.lities of the non-commis- r~ · s~ . is war on~e on ts .ea ! .,x e up and tired, the light on his hearth, the tion on the Contment -and there are few . d ffi d f th his hair m beaver skms, and bid him down h' h . . . . · s10ne o icers an men o e army were as . t h d' d Tl h' fi . to k . t bl th fi tempt mg t~a a e, e re, ts easy c air, imp11.rttal pnblim~ts _we should say who follows: Ea lish, 146, 171 ; Scotch 16 446 ; , J US as e te · . ien is ve wiv~s o and the smile that years cannot efface from . would deny that it is for the good of the I · h 32 153 ~ y .· ' sharp butcher kmves, . slashed their fa.ces 2 437 his memory,_ all these are a living pwture world that . this great Teutonic Power ria '. ' ' anons, .' · . wit h deep cuts, cu~ themselves iI?- other 1 that never dies. ·should contmue not merely to subsist Tins year the U. S. daily pr oduct JS rated places, and beat their bleeding bodies and And to the wife who makes all things but to hold the foremost r ank-she to be worth $480,000,000. In 1860 it was pulled their hair . They also burned every· ready after- a monotonous day, the cheery· must not yet thi;ow away the sword by only $8",000. ,000. It is estimat ed also that thing they had, tepees, furniture, and even welcome, thewords, "Howbeautiful,my;wife which she freed herself and won that rank. 21,000,0QO cows are employed in giving most of the clothing they had on. A big this rests me," repays everything ; there is . A strong and statesm11.nlike foreign policy milk. The supply is rated at 7 ,:150,000,000 ' crowd of buckslook 'don and killed tenhorsed, · no ~il too ~eai·y after that. _ . \will be necessary before all things to Ger- gallo~a year!)'., or 350 gallons each per year. including a favorite teo.m of l<'res~ .Adding'\Vith ns it.all rests, for \'ery md1fference many for m11.ny years to come and with the Of this quantity 4,000,000,000 gallons con. ton, on whose ranch Otter Belt lived. or weariness wa s~metimes fail tc eay the example of England before German states- tribute to the making of butter, and 700,· 'l'he first young girl to be cremated i~ words o·JJI. }i~arts. dictate, and how wrong to ~en-the pernicious effect on her foreign 000,00~ gal;.ons to cheese. The 011tput of America was !) year ·old .Alida vVeissleder, f : ::.,. . ·. repress a smgle impuls~ for good, for. there rnterests produced by the Gladstonian Gov- bu~ter ts 130,000,000 p ounds, and of cheese t he daughter of t he superintendent of the ~~~~o can b? a home about w:h1ch. every p:i-ss10nate ernment of 1880-5, and the present dead- 160,000,000 pounds. The exports of but- Brush Electric Light Company in Cincinnati. tendril of the hear~ will fnendly cling ; and lock, resulting from the demoralisation of t er 20,000,000 pounds, and of cheese Her body was burned last week at t he are home11 from which the young escape, all the House of Commons,-they are not likely 85,000,000 pour;ids, ~bout 2,480,0~ 0,000 crematory in t hat city. The corpse, wrapped too gladly, for these has love grown cold, . we trust yet awhile to indul"e in what gallonsofthemtlkobta10edannually1scon·linwhitealumlinen w ith white and y ellow a:nd the word whicn should mean only affec· · 1:rince Bismarck calls the "lu~ury of Par- sumed in the natural st . a te. roses on t he breast,' was slid into the retort txon and sweet content has g:own ~u.t a l1a~nentary . Gover~ment." . ~~~ ~rown 'rhe London and North-Western r:i.ilroa<l ~y two a_ t tendants, who at once retired , and · · . mock~ry, a burleEqne upon its origmal , Prrnce, who is describe~ as simp.1city itself, corpora~ion ha~ a capital of £llO,OOO,OOO in the stillness that follow:ed the mourners a ' meanmgi w?uld P!ob11;bly be easil,Y mould.ed t o t he.· (about $550,000,000). T he r e,'en.!le is about. could hear the puff and sizzle of. the ga~es . OO O . of the body as the heat devoured it. After ' Home-a pleasant horr.e-let ua have. .A.a 1 will of his wife, ancl their accession there- $0 ~O OOO 000 ll It h the poe t says; jf ore I'f l't S h OUld S tren~th.en t Ile p ar1· annua y. are employed as 60' in em . . ' . iamen- ploy es, ·J.6,000 of whom lo- an hour t h C blue flames stoppe~ C trchng 1 1 "Two heavens sweet' tary party would d1stmctlv weaken the;. comotive construction p runs throuo-h about the body, and a long wh1te streak · Tbe one above the sta··s, fornes th t 1phold the E i B t th · " " h 't h d b T h h Tl!e other thi· side of the,' a. L · · · mp r<l. u e . such a populou s country that it carries an- was seen w ere I a .een. . ese as es, Where some blest pair have ,met, Crown Prmce is s~ffermg fro_m what ma.y . nually 60,000,000 passeugers and :13,000,000 when ga,thered up, weighed le~s than a And called it II0.1<FJ.'_ yet prove be .an i;:icurable disease, and tf · tons of freight. The company owns 3,000 ponn d; They were .re~urned to t ne p ar ents the aged .i:;mpe1or hves a few years lon&er engines, which r egister a mileage annually a.~d w~ll ?e pre~erved rn an urn. It was the · ~he I~pcrial Crown may descen.d .from lum of over 5'1,COO,OOO miles, nearly J50,0U O nmth momcratton at the cem.i.tory. 0 lns _grandson. . Fri.nee Wilham, . over miles a chy, 6,218 an hour, or J04 per About the House. To clean nickle on stoves, wet soda with ' whom his mothe_r is s i u d to have no ID~u- minute. The engines collectively make a Inquiring friends. ammonia, apply with an old tooth brush, o.nd :nee whntever, 18 11.. sta~esman and soldier, jo~rney in four h mrs equivalent to t~at of Dnmley had been away from home a rub off w ith a woollen cloth. nd the gener~l beh?f 18 th~t he may be- gomg round the world, mid so great is the couple of mont hs, and on his return met come another Frederick the Great, He has wear and tear that one new engine has to bo Robinson. .Once a year, eve_n the mo_st frugal house- a good manJ'. notions in c?mmon with the brought into use every five d ays. "Yes," said Dumley after the greeting wife should replenrnh her lmen clo_se~, and Emperor, with whom he is a great favour. Produces a beautiful gloss an d creates no offensive add to her store at least the furmshmg of . ite; and he is a warm admirer of Bismarck- ' The L !l.wrence Machine Company, L!!oW- was ovm·. " I a.m honestly glad to get back. smell, will not burn off, neither will one bed and a do.zen towels, i Need we look any further then, in view of r ence, Mass., have been awarded the con- After a.11, t here is no place like home. I 1 To remove kerosene from a carpet, lay these considerations, for a reason for Prince tract for one of the litrgest pumping plants s'pose the boys were asking after me?" the pipes rust. " Oh, yes," replied Robinson. "There's blotters or soft brown paper over the spot Bism<1.rck's determined purpose to stave off ever planned in Amerba. 'Jhe plant is for and press with a warm iron. l'tepeat with the c?mi:i;ig war IL': ~opg as possible? He . is the c~ty of Montreal, and. consia~s of f?ur Brown, t he gas collector, inquired only this fresh papers till the spot is removed. !happi!y m a position almo~t to forbid its centrifugal ;pu~ps, eac_h with a dischargmg morning if you ever expect ed to come back ; Try one of the smallest coal oil lamps. It ' bre~k10g out; and let us hope fo_r the sake openng .of 24 mches diameter, and capal;ile and Tom Sawyer, the tailor, where a letter looks like a wy, but for a hand lamp it will . of f,erma;ny t~at no unknown accident may of hndlmg 18,C90 f(allons of wa ter ~e: mm- would r each you ; and 'Billy,' over at the make as much light .as a good tallow candle, 'thwart hisdes1gn. u_ te,and four .s1m1lar pumps o~ lo 11,!ches Hole-in-the-Wall, he was very anxious and will not drop sparks. . discharge ope!1rng, an~ a CalJacity of , !000 to see you, and-wh11.t , goiug 1 vVell, so . . Lovable fnends. ~allons per mmute. Thus the four 24 m ch long , old boy. J s'pose you're anxious so Two ounces of soda dissolved ma. quart cf! . . . pumps h&.ve a combined capacity of 72,000 see the wife and babies." l1ot watc ' ill make a ready and useful aoluThere at~ frie11:ds who are snnpl:y bemgs gallons per minute, 4,:320,000 gallons per tion for cleaning old p1>inted work prepara- i to lovP !l'nd admire- people · who till your hour , 1PiJ,68Cl,OOO gallons, or 386,000 tons of ADVISE TO M OTJIERS.-Are y ou iliatory to repainting. '.l.'his mixture, in the ; heart with t~uderness! fo; whom you feel water per day of twenty.four hours; and t arbed at ni ght and broken of y our rest above proportion, should be applied when ·.the most enti.~e adt~nratwn, w~ose very the four 15 inch have a combined capacity of by a. sick child suffering and crying with ,mnn, and the woodwor k afterward washed ,faults are so i;armon.ous ~o their general 28,000 gallons per minute, or 1,680,000 gal· pain of Cntting Teeth 1 If eo send at with water to remove all traces of soda. characters that you are .fa:m to love t hem Ions per hour. These pumps contracted 01ce and get a b ottle of "Mrs. Winslow's too, and would be unw1llmg to see them f b th 0 I d t' C 'tt f M t One of the most serviceable kind of wash- other th an."".h a t they are. . Tltese f rien · d 8 real or Y . a ion to ommi o sewage on - S )othing Syrup ." F or children teething, . and arenun designed pump ee the i 1· value is incalculable, It will relieve stand splashers, andalsooneofthe cheapest, 1have the d1v10e use of callmg forth your f th . ·t th ll d d'k · 1 is made from a yard of fancy matting bound love. In their presence you have never an e Cl rove~. et wa stnt t h lea now m tb.e poor little sufferer immediately. D e· 10 0 0 with a wide braid or a. piece of silk or mer- angry feeling, never a bitter thought They Pt.rocessf there?t P~l ec el o_wer pend upon it, m o\hers ; there ie n 1 ino, matching the prevailing color in the arc morally like some cool green °ftower· t~ons 0 de cbt Ythroifln die andn?a innun af- mist ake about it. It curee Dysentery 'th f ta k h t d b h . ion ca.use y e oo s an ice gorges o our c s, eac .seen e nr our w ere you rest on o. burnmg th St L .R' room and f astencd up wi and Diarrhooa, regulates the Stomach and took covered with a colored ribbon. Where summer day and get refreshment for the one · awrence Iver. B 1wele, cures Wind Colic, 1oftens the the room is small and th.ere is no dressing ward climb in the fiery open. You cannot According to the statistics, 297,82[> Union Gums, reduces I nflammation, a.nd give1 oase, pockets of the mattmg may be fasten- analyse your sensations-you only know soldiers lie buried in t he variousna.tiona.lcemeed each side of the splasher to hold the that you feel. vVhen you go to them, you teries of the States. The war cost the N orth to:ie and energy to the whole sy..tem. 1 comb a.nd brueh. go into peace. You hear no bitter judg. 320,000lives, morethanoncinnineofall those " Mn. W inslow's Soothing Syrup" ~ or The.Art Interchange says: Especial attcn· men ts, no harsh words, no uncharitable aur- who entered the service. · The two op pos- children teet hing is pleasant to the taste tion is being given nowadays to the dressing mises. Ridiculo is an art unknown to them iog armies met in over 2,tOJ skirmishes and is the proscription of one of the oldof the bed in the guest chamber, the most and anger follows the fate of ridicule. They a.nd battles. In 148 of these conflicts the est and beat female physicians and nurses elaborate work 11.nd the richest materials be- think that men arc better than bad, and loss on the l<'ederal side was upwards of in the United iil tatea, and is for sale by in;; devoted to thls use. Among the latest t lrn.t people as a rule try to do their best. 500 men, and in at le1st ten batdes more all druggists through the world. Price novelties may be included the newly import· vYhen things are patently evil, and even than 10,000 men were reported lost on each 25 cents a bot tle . Be sure and ask for ed embroidered linen sheets, finished neatly charity finds her cloak tco short and small side. The combined losses of the Federal "Mits. W1NsLow's SoorHING SYRUP. " at either end by a. b~oacl hi:m-stitched _hem for the covering, they prefer not to speak. and Confederate forces in the following Bild take no other kind, 11,nd at one end showrng a richly embroider- To othera belongs the task of condemnation· engagements were :-Shiloh, 24,000 ; .Antieed band of ornament in Irish tambour about to them only that of excuse when they can; tam, 38, 000 ; S tone R iver, :37,000 ; Chaneighteen inches deep, this part of the sheet of charitable silence when they cannot. oellors\·ille, 28,000 ; Gettysburg, 54,000 ; being meant tc pass up and over the pillows Such sweet and gentle-hearted people are Chicakamauga, 33,000 ; M'Clellan's Pen· instead of shams which are somewhat out of lpricelees. insula. Campaign, 5' 1,000; G\'ant's Peninsula. of style. Pillow ca.sea to accompany these _ Campaign, 180,000 ; and Sherman's Ca.m- When Dnby 'l'!'t\8 sick, WO gave her c...t.or1a, ; ..,;.,,...·· '\ ..·.. are very simply finished with a broad hempaign, 125,000. Waterloo was one ot the 'Vhcn eho woo a Child, sho criod for Cutoria, .:.> . ;;.:. stitched hem. These sheets, according to To Destroy Nihilism. 'mos~ desperate and bloody fields chronicled When sho became Mis·, oho clun& to Caatorla, \ . __, their size and depth of embroidery coat.from The Russian Government is attempting to in European history, yet Wellington's When aho had Childrou, ahe gave lihow CaatQria, n ine to ten and a half dollars each. destroy Nihili8m by putting an end to the c. a sualties were less than 12 per cent ., while higher education of the lower classes. during the American 'Var, the loss frequent Coun Tolstoi, .the Minister of the Interior, ly reached and sometimes exceeded 40 per has issued a circular in which it is declared cent., and the average of killed and woundOriginal and Tested Recipes. thated on one side or the other was 30 per cent. CURRANT ,CATSUl'. :__ Curranta four pounds; The gymnasi11., high echools, and univer- If the figures of the Confederate losses two poun ii of suga.r ; one tablespoonful of sities will henceforth r efuse to receive as could be accurately itscertained, the total .cinnamon; one tablespoonful each of salt, pupils or students the children of domestic deaths in the late war would probably surJEFFERY always at th e Door. doves, and pepper, and one pint of vine!Jar. Stew the currants and sugar till quite thwk, servants, pensants, tradesmen, petty shop- 500,000. --------ihen add the rest, and bottle or can for use. keepers, ±armers, and others of like condition, whose progeny should not be raised The Chicago Anarchists have not yet 'This is very nice with meats. from the circle to which they belong, and been hanged. They ought to have been To PICKLE PLUMS.-Eight pounds of be theniby led, as long experience has long ago. To a dead certainty they will be ·:plums ; four pounds of sugu.r ; one pint of shown, to despise their parents, to become at no distant day. At least every genuine vinegar, and spice to taste. Boil all together discontented with .their lot, and irritated lover of liberty will cherish the hope that 9 until plums are done, then take out the against the inevitable inequalities of the they may. B 0 W M A NV I L L E, _plums 11ond put them in the jar. Boil the existing social positions. ~-" Id '*U \t ..thru AtU-""'l a;' ""' gt';\'t ~ ttm \t'U. -"~fM'tt THIRTY · YEARS · IN · BUSINESS .M· .1' YER, HOUSEHOLD. The practical Furrier calls attention to the following Branches of his new Fall Stock. I 'I Fall HatS Gents, F,1 r Caps Ladies' Caps, Ladies' & Gents' Fur Coats, Cutter & Carriage . Robes,A ~::~ I ,rrarFurs altered and repaired. Highest Price paid for Raw Fura. ~~empty pJat~ teTi ~~t~ ti:~~~dn~ohd~i~~ ~f":n;i; l~r~~~ ~~:s!~e:h~\e ~~et~~1~~~ia~o~f B~ffalo ~ill's ~ild Sh~w. AT a! I I I AND I I ° · h h as b een 's elected w1"th eat . Iw h IC gr r NEW FANCY ICOODS. ca 11 and E xam1ne · the StQCk ' . Hats Re-shaped, Stamping Done. I...C>VV.. . . . . . PDAB Care ! -- ~Y'fl ~·· (IS~ · ----o---J HIGGINBOTHAM & s0It Chem. st s an d D rug . g .s t s · io Our Stock is complete, compr"sing an assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Sponges, Chamois, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Soaps, &c. ----o--- 1 · Imperial Stove-pipe Varnish r Thorley's Horse & Cattle Food, Pure Ground Oil Cake, and Prairie Flower Condition Powder ALWAYS I N STOCK. I If ° £ P;t· DUN.N'S BAKINC Merchant Tailor & Gent's Furnisher . P OWD. ER THE COOK SBEST FRIEND Children Crlf for Pitcher's Castoria~. .