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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1887, p. 5

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Li:.dies, read Mrs.Anderson's new advt. I No w is a good t ime to buy farms. MARRIED. Miss Neads has been visiting at Co. I L a nd is cheap. BROWN-HOl'l'Eit.-Ou the 26th inst:, by the Landlords must lower rent s. Few ten- Rev. S . Salton, at lhe residence ot the bride's J uLn McMurtry's gloves and hosiei:y bour<> parents, Brooklin, Mr. Matthew Brown. of ,,. , . ants can make ends m eet this year. are at pcpu lar prices. Farmers, read t he STATESMAN a uct10n M" B f n b 'd · · · New Market, to Mary,eecond daughter o! Mr. 1ss · owe.r man, o race ri 1?e,1s visit- Hichard Hopper. Mr. T. H . Spry is offering his splendi<l sale list . ing Mrs. Mat thews, at the church-st. GRAYDON-CJ!URCBER.-On Wcdnesday,Oot, new brick residence on Queen-st. f1·i: Mrs. Morrison's is the cheapeat millin26th, at Ht. Phillip's church, Toronto, by the· parsom\ge. sale. Bev, J, Fielding Sweeney. B D.. Samuel Gray ery house in town. We are pleased to see Rev. J ames llon, Toronto, ~o Minnie Churcher. Newcastle, Clothing made to order in first; class . · P ersons int erested in music, go t o t he Carscad·den ou t again a fter his recent se- On~ ,.. --style for half price at the Bankrupt B and Room to-night. JONES-BRUCE.-On the J!Jth ult., by Rev. H.· vere illness. ' Hassard, at the residence of the bride's !athe:i:, .;(For the S'~aside. Store. Show your n eighbora the STATESMA.::< _ Mr.J osiah Jones, or the Towmhip of Manv!lliii, Gymnasiums should be provided on to Apple paring bees and corn husking Miss Sarah Jane Bruce, of the Townshi)10f. and ask them to subscribe. Jt--.or Picknicking. · every school ground . Calist henic exer- C ar ~. bees are now the rage in the country disFIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT I nsurance. cise should be compulsory. CO!\UN - JAMIFBON.- By tile Hev. S. IL For Cam1·io;;- Out. tricts, Matthews on October 26th, at the Church-st., RonT. VIRTUE, Agent, Bowmanville. tf. Citizene, a ttend the School Boa a Methodist Parsonage, Mr. Samuel J. Conlin, Prof. Hartmann, director of the Massey Fo1· Ti·avelling. All wool flannels from 18c. per yard Miss Elizabeth Ann Jamieson, alt of. Ken· Co'i! Band at the tournament here in and up, at Couch, J ohnston & Cryder - F riday night and Council meeting M o ' - to . _,; dali, Township of Clarke. day night. Lively t imes expected, For Staying Doane. June, di~ cl at Toronto lasi; week. man's. City policeman John A . Ch11rlton gave DIED. LordLandsdowne ia going to Hamilton, Uitizens don't forget t he Collegfl Fedb nt lie should get a pair of Treleven's eration ·meetings this afternoon and to- us a friendly cal! on Saturday He and McDouGALT,,At Maplehurst, Peterboro;., 1\lrs Char!t.on and child ar e on a visit to Oct. 23rd. Janet Gilmour, beloved wife of M r . ovi:rahoes t o keep his feet comfortable. night. friends in West Durham. David McDougall, formerly ot BowmanvWe. Bm" ges Cough Syrup cures coughs, colds, in her 36th :rear. " All signs point to a revival of t rade in A pair of twins were born in Ohio r ehoarsness, whooping cou~h. Pre- Clluada- especially in boots and . shoes at The Great Convenience and Luxury of cently-one b lack t he other white ; b u t pared and sold by J. Higgingbotham & Treleven's BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. ithe day. l ticb and Full Flavored. the boots and shoes sold by T releven are Son . .. .,Wholesome, Stimulating, of Use, l'teady Made Clo thin~ an d Overcoats alw~ys mates, and take a good polish . C:orreet ed by J . lleJlu rtry, every Tuescltl.y ·. Mr. Trebilcoi;k is offering some at trac- away below cost at the Bank rupt St()re, (Economical, the General Favorite. No The frie11ds of Dr. James Bray, 327 tions for t he sea9on. See his new 11d vt. Bowman ville. P arliamen t st. , 'l'oronto, will be glad to FLOUR, ~ 100 lbs .. .·· ..·. $2 10 to $2 4fl ' Cheap Substi tute for Peas, Wheat or He d ocs a good t rade in Sunday School The Bazaar Patterns for. ladies' and hear t hat he has recovFirecl WHEAT, Fall, ~bush · ·..· 0 75 11 0 80 Barley, but · Gennine Mocha and Olcl libraries . . 11 children's wear , fall and winter styles, at from the mjuries received three weeks Spring, " ·· ..· 0 80 11 0 00 Remenyi, the famous violinist who Mrs. Morrison's. ' Giwernm ent Java. ago from a k ick from a h orse, while out BAll.I.EY, 111' bush, No. 1. ... 0 72 11 0 00 gave a concert here two or three years " " " 2 .. .. 0 67 11 0 00 John McMurtry'e tweed s ar e well as- r iding with a coJVtpanion, t o at tend t o hie a go, was drowned in a shipwreck of MadaOffice duties. II II ·I 3 . .. · 0 55 II o· o~ For Safo by Grocers and Druggists in sorted ; prices low. Suits made to order gascar recently. 11 11 On Sat urday night., R ev. Alex. McRYE, 0 l\. Z · · · · · · · · · · 0 50 at lowest prices. Ab., !Th itb, Bottles. TmAL SrzE 6 CENTB: Mr. A. McClellan has. been transferred Naughton , who li ves just east of P or t Ous, " · · · · · · · · · 0 30 11 0 00 Persons who want money and can give to the Peterboro branch of the Ontario (Mention this paper.) H ope, and th rough whose farm the rail - PEAS, Blackeye, lfl' bush ... 0 60 11 0 65 Bank, and Mr. A. E Austin, of that real estate secu rity can get any amount way runs, was tu ruing a n umber of horses 51 11 Small, 0 52 11 0 n5 on applica tion to M. A. J AMRS. to wn, succeeds him in the bank here. 11 B lue, O 50 11 0 55 f rom a pasture on tie l la k e side o f t h e · Imperial S tovepipe V arr>ish proil uces a track, when thi~ expresa going west came BuTTER, beat table,~ It. .'. 0 20 11 0 ll8 Rev. E. Barrass, M. A., and Mr. F . L. 11 Ellis, delegat es of the West Durham beautiful gloss and makes no offensive along, and five of the hor,sea were killed. L ARD, 'W lb ······ · ····· · · 0 10 0 12 Sold by J, H iggingbotham & E GGS, f' d oz .. .·.· . ·.···· 0 17 11 0 00 Sabbath School Ass0ciation, attended the smell. (i ed. A p A l 1 not ie r long·fe t want satin ""'b h o -o o·{lO Provincial Convention at L ondon, last Son. If b , · l h b · d OTA.TOES, v US .· · · · · · · · 0 11 · se morng iarvester as een mvente HAY . ..··.·..· ···. ···· · . 10 00 11 11 00 week. Our lady readers should send for a copy which manufactures a straw rope as i t is D RESSED H oGs ... _ . ... .. · 5 50 11 6 0(} · Montreal is flooded with counterfeit 25 of Woman's 1\fagaziue-a very · excellent want ed for bindin g purposes. .No mor e CLOVER SEXD ....·.....·. 4 !)()1 6 00 & cent pieces, which are not easily d etected, monthly publish ed by F rank E. H oush cat tle killed hy fragments of wire-binding ALSIKE .····· ·· ·· _ · .· ··.· 4 00 11 6 00 11 but the good q uality and low p rices of & Co., Brattleboro, Vt. get ting into their stomachs, a nd n o m or·e ·-- - - - - - -··- · · ----=me::. Treleven's boot s and a:!J.oes are e&sily de· .....,;~a;mous Fly Powder will kill every Somebody says that t he age of a coal harvest weather lost because t he supply RENT-The Stand one door west of the tected. dealer is the tonnage. Some folks think of twine h as run out. NEw8 Offic~. Suitable for small store, ·er . fly in ia room in 30 minutes. ~~ But this is not the Maynard the Jeweller is again to the it's the shortage. If yo n want to buy or sell a farm, ad- for an Office. Apply to GALE BROS. front with a magnificent display of goods case with our dealers. vertise in the Toront o Weekly Mail. T hat MONE Y TO LOAN I N AMOUNTS in his line. His lar~e advertisement Doctors are t oo many in Bowmanville paper reaches 100, 000 farmers homes te suit borrowers, on good farm security speaks to t he public in a manner that -the town is too h ealthy for so ir.any. every week, and your advertisement Apply to M . A. JAMES, STATES)IAN Office. shows that Maynard is bound to give his Citizens prcvont sicknoss by wearing should meet the eye of some one who ··- -·-- -----·- -- - -- - - - --·--~3t!__ customers satisfaction · . Call and inspect. Treleven's boots and shoes. Gloves can be cleaned as by wants to purchase. Advertisements of M ONEY TO LOAN ON RE~ estate. Private runds. .A.poly to UX:JK: . A short young man wants the STATES· this class are i nserted in the T oronto '!'his evening, Nov. 2nd, there will be Box 25. BowmA.nville P . 0., or to M.A. JAMES. a meeting to organize a singing class in MAN to t ell him how to increase his stat- Weekly Mail for five cents a word each S'l'ATESMAN Office. ~3tf . the D. 0. & P. Co. band r oom, market ure. Hang yourself by the heela to t he insertion, or twen ty fi ve cents a word for five insertions. Address, The Mail, FARM TO RE~T.-200 .ocr·es, beiQg ceiling for an hour three times a day besquare. All desirous of learning t o sing T oronto Canada. .. Lots 1g an,ll 17, ( ·On 4. Darlington. Pl<>l"'· · music by note at eight are invited tu at~ fore meals. ' mg posseae1on immerl1ately. Apply to W. F . ONLY 10 CENTS AT tead. M eetings opens a t 7.30. C. N. (]ouch, Johnswn & Cryderman are now To Avorn BAr,DNESS OR GREY HAIR.- ALLEN. Bowmanville, Rusi~, conductor; showing a fine stock of la dies' dolmane, Use Dr. Dorenwend's Great German Hair OUSE T O LET - A comfortable MORRIS CARRTAnR \VoRKs. -Having re- ulsters and short j ackets- impor ted from Magic. I t keeps the scalp clean and free Brick House, suitable for small f»mHy. ceived the Diplonn fot best selection of Germany. These goods are elegantly cut from D 1i.ndr uff, and promotes the growth near Ont~rio Street. Apply to S. vV; .smN<J1'6 N Church·st., Bowm1mville. ~ 43tf of the hair. It preve~ts p rematur e gri:y· carriages at the County Farr, we h ave and beautifully made. teken several mders for b uggies and cutThanksgiving is Nov. 17th. 'l'his is r n ess and stops all fallrng out of the hair. MEN WANTED IMMEDIATEI,V-.bald he~ds, whe: e t.he r oots have not ~ t ers for the corning season . .P..r.ties want- too late in the seasou. Abont the m iddle On _ I want twenr.y men immediately, 10 ut timber in a cedar ~wamp, near Newcastle. ing cutters call and examine our stock be- of Oc w ber won ld be bet.tor-about the perished, It w ill mvigorate them an.d r U ICHAlW J<'OSTEH, Newcastle. 13* '1· Fmrn SET Ol!' I!ARNESS.-S. Thompson time that T releven gets h is winter stock force a. n ew _growt h of hair: Ask .f ?r H1~1r Ill & Co. will give gratis to the person buy- fore buying. JAs. Momus, Proprietor. of boots and shoes opened out . Magic. H 1~ t he only reliable. :B or sale ing the most. goods at their shop during ORSES F OR SAL E .--IHAVE FOR J J . Mason wrnhes m1 t o announ ce . . by 11ll druggists. sale a Slmtll bll.y horee,vmmg, B Onncl ana 1887, a set of all Nickle Single Harness that every watch, clock or article of On Fwfay afternoon last M iss M ary , quiet. Also a nice Pride of Scotland fi lly , five. worth $25.00. e )\Clry left Ill his store for repair has his MosettaJames .....avo a birthday party when R ev. n. s. Mat~hews, pastor of t he months otd. A . J. REYNOLDS, Solina, Ont. · · and all work will · he 11r1wa1 ·d s o. f th" t f I1er young f nen ·· d s Church-st, Methodist A good hen lay 20 eggs the first personal Auperviswn ··- -----..____ _ _ _-14:~ ir y o . b t k. church I{ ' B0wm1111_ E' R b year, 130 the 2nd, 135 the 3rd, 114 the t urned out in perfect order and warrant - enjoyed ii few ll'J urs of genuine pleasure. VI11 t ~' s eem~ to h .e d~ ~n.g t . ev. [" ? · EAS WANTED. - 3000 bushels of 1 4th, the 5th ancl succeeding years grad- ed and if not satisfactory the customer ' She ecei:\?1!tl sollle beautibl presents. er 8 .P aco m . . ts . 16 n c 1 n hper 0 r mindg s"'1all peaa wanted ot the Caledoni!ln · · · L. r · marriage ceremonies. 11e as a 1rea y Miilla. Bowmanvillo, for which t ho very highually less till the 9th when 2he lays 10. will confer~ favor by retu~nmg the ar I· r. F. V. . Allon, of Providence, and performed a larcre n umber since lrn came will be paid. JOHX MACKAY. Pro· est price N. STANLEY'S CELEBR.A.'l'ED But Treleven sells moro fin e boots and cle and havrng · any oversight currec~c 42-~ d Mr. Harry Crnn,_ o~ H~mpton, !uwe 11ere last July. ~ But he only seems to be p~~.ror. shoes 11ow than previously. free of charge. . ?ough t out a Jlour1shmg livery busmess keepi ng u p his r ecor d, for we uuderatand ULI, FOR SALE. - I will sell very A western paper says several merchants cheap my thoro'·bred Short Horn Bnl.I, ~rom. Dec. 1st 1886, to Ma:y .1 st, ~ 7 1? ~or~ l-'erry and have move~ to th:t on a former circn. i t he marriEd 92 couples ·No·£pectacles in the market equal them in the of that town are out north hunting. ' '1'·anhoe." 3 <>Id, Pedigre" in late " Brii- Just five mont;hs-:-the Domrn'.on P1~ lO . h~e .y borg and taken p osse 3sron. \ e ii: three years, .e.ud i tt one instance mar - ish · J']YEl l'IUCSERVING QUALITIES they possess. 01' American Hen l Book." Il. C.lIOAH, Dwo.. W e'll bet 1>. sou thev donit Bdvertis.., in t.h e tl.t.6GUEai· EABIJO and coMI<'OhT they confer on wus used at 1!8 public concerts, m the cit ., wish t:_h em success. ned 5 couples m one day. lington, l3owmanvillo. P . O. U ·tf ' the wearer. local paper like Treleven the great boot of 'l'< ·r:onto, and pronounce~ by both ~I;'ti<lJ'wirmiug ~he _l~rgest. numbe1· A question t hn.t interest.s everybody is T.HEY i., E YER TIHE 'l.'FTE EYE AND LAST and shoe man or they would'nt have t ime VUSE TO RENT, ON SCUGOGtravellmg an d local profesa1~mals . and of pnzes at Bowm1mv1lle }~air will please h ow to preserve the he ;1lth , and j ust now llfA.NY' YE.A.RS WITHOUT CHANGE. Street, two stor('ly brick, con taining· 7 to hunt at this season of the year, amate urs to be the best Oan~dian :i;nano, call at t~e.Big 20 a?d get the Elegant we can offet· n o bett or advice thi·n to pro- r1 > oms. closets, etc. Hard and soft wafer. The sight teetoll by our New Test Card, Qu ... rter aero of land, Apply to H:n:N nY BAM· The mayor of Argona, Kan .. on Tues- and equal to the best American p1an,os. N~w Wilhams :i-1achme, offered a~ a pre- ceed to J . Hellvar's and buy a pair of !Ill used by the leadiug Oculists throughout tbe world. day gave birth to a fine boy. This is t.he "".'· Ruse, M.anage.r, Local agency office, nuum by the V\1 ilhams Man:ifacturmg Co. , boots or shoes t.hat will keep your feet RRAY, 'l'own or to W . BROAD, Haydon. first instance in the history of the world Big 20, Bowmanv1lle. of Montreal, t hrough their agents, W . warm. He nev~ r h ad as well a 2 sort ed EIFER ASTRAY. - Ct1m0 011 t he. where the mayor of a c ity has made such premises, lot 2, eon. 3. Darlington, about. Bowmanville Silvo: Pln.ting w-<?rks, Ruse and Jas. D eyman. and as extensive r1 stock of w)nt!')r footDruggists and Opticians, BOW?,!ANVILLE. week in September, a Ycarli11gHeifer. the last a record. It is hardly necessary to state King-st. east. Plating m gold, silver Mr. D. W. Campbell, who some time wear as no w. The fact th a·f Lhere has The owner is requeated to prove property, ___ __...:.. ______ - ----... that the mayor of Argona is a woman. and nickel on all k inds _ . ---·~!!-of m.etals. Car- ap:o gave his lecture on L ondon , il!ustrat- been a constant. increase in bis business pay charges and t ake ller away, W. J , BRAGl:t, Bowmanville. 42 :!3w~ lW1; She was elected last spring. riage and harneas plating at reasonable ed with ·tereopticon views, will deliver every :y ear since he came to Bowmanville ~UtUlllW\U. London, Ont, is getting eiectric lights rates. Knives, forks, ftpoons, cruets, tea another lecture i u the town hall on Mon- is suffiment evidence o f his successful ARM FOR SALE in the township of ~~~~--~--·~~.~---.~ · ~--~~-·~"~' at 36 cents per light for all night s"rvice. sets, etc. , re-platecl in .silver, and made da~, N ov. 7th,, on "Around the W.orlcl." efforts. in pleasing. h is patrons. See new . Cartwright, lots 10, 11 and the no ,.th pl(r:; l~. of the 8th con. , abont 300 acres in A.II. Will Toronto ia paying 55 or 60 cents a light bet ter than new. Special rat?s to hotels This lecture will be under the allspices of ad vt. BOWMANVILLE Nov'R 2, 1887. be sold reasonable. on 2asy terms. Apply t.() for a much g reater number of lights and boarding houses. Opposite the Sal- the Young People's Society of St. P a ul's '£he comitant success of the Ill ustrated owner on the premisos, A, BHUCE, ,or C!OO'a· 38·tt which ought of course to 'come cheaper vation Army Barracks. R. H. HENitY· church, and Blwuld be largely attenued. London News (American ediiion ) is not rea, P. 0 . - - - - -- --...----and the greater . the number of ligh ts, like F. N . HAM, Manager. The Mitchell farm, situated at Zion, by auy m eans a surprise when even the AKE NOTICE.- All persons i ndebted the boots and shoes sold by Treleven. The Third page of the Toron to D aily adve; tisecl in this paper t he 3 weeks, contents for a single week is considered. to the sub·eriber either by Note or Book rnct1on on Wed- Take for instance t he issue of October .A.ccount will please call at my resi<lence on or -Pure m ixed paints at Higginbotham's The Dry Goods Stock of Mr. Thomas Mail is n oted for "Want" advertisements. Darhngton, was sold at 1 bt fore Nov: l at and sottlo tho · nm o. otherwfa<.> Bi~ham h as been sold to A. W. Cooper, If you want t o buy or sell anything. ~f n. esday, fo r $0,220. The farm comprises 29· t h, n ow on the m arket. The supple- costB W iii be incurred. H, S. MANNING. .,(\rug store. "Bankrupt Stock D ealer" at a very 1.ow you want a situation, ~ m, a busr- abou.t 72 acres. Mr. Wm. Lander~ of ment alone, giving an excellent colored 42-2w Murdoch's China Hall window is a big rate on the $ and as soon as stock takmg ne ss, machinery, lodgmgs, 1f you have Da,rlmg~o n, wa~ the p urcha9er. The portrait of Prince Bismarck, is a valuable TRA.YEDOR STOL]fi.q-, F~·~m ,~ttraction. is completed th~ wholo stock will be lost or found anything, or if you want to , pnce' paid for this farm goes to show that S'JUVen i r t o possess, while in addition W. Quick's. on Fair Day. a light red eow Mr. Louis H ouck, merchant, Whitby,· cleaned out away below wholesale prices, find out where anyone is, advertise in the good farms are as valujlble as eve r in this there are pictares of the. N izam of Hy- with white under bell;r, dry in one teat. The person hBving her in vosseesion h&d .died on Sunday. in store formerly occupied by Mr. I3ing- T oronto Daily Mail and read the adver- llection. !"fr. S. <'.· Hunking proved him- derabad, t wo pages devoted to iUustr:i- bet,ter return her to t he same plaoe or to D, . Mr. Robt Sinclair, of Toronto, spent ham. .tisements on the t~ird page of that pa· self a , tal auctioneer. tions of the et..te of IreLmd, anoUier page DAVIS, Boot and Shoe Dealer, Bo wman~· Ule. --· --42· tf._ 'Sunday in town. Those of onr readers requiring anything per . . The ?ha.rge is t wo cents ~ word )Hss Annie Allin, daughter of Mr. of our Troops in Burmah, one of B order OU SE AND LOT FOR SALE.-A John McMurtry's mantle and ulster in carpets should read Couch, Johnston each msertron. Address, The Mail, To- J.lamuel Allin, was the r ecipient, a short Sketches in K elso, one of Bristol Cathedt wo· storey new brick house on Queen-at. 42-tf time ago, of a beautiful silver cake s tand ral, one of t h& death of Ca~sar, and a containing ,c l oths are very low- a large stock. & Cryderman's advertisement in this r onto Canada. ae;-en rooms and large hall, exoolMisa Mitti Fraine, teacher of Eloc John McMurtry has a fine assortment paper. They carry the largest stock of and pickle cruet from Providence congre- most attracti ve pict ure of a little girl and len t CblJar, hard and soft water, good g;> rden and necessar y convenience. '.l'ern1s et1sy. Pos. gation in ucognition of her services as a dog en tided Speak ! The reading matof dry goods. Selling very . ch!lap. carpets held by any house in the county tion in W l1itb ,y and W (JO d stock- L a d1 s ·· · · d l immediately. .A.poly to WM. RROCK. session aud as they nnport them clirect from the The assembly m et at tlie terrs an of recita. s organist. h., as m 1erest10g - f 11 · comp 1 ete as ever, owner. or to J . B, M ART'i.N', or R. WuRTII, Cannot something he done to prevent manufacturers no one can undersell Uolleg~ s, will give an evening ·d family resi.clence ouito by surprise. l\f.r. w ue thed pnce or a · u on y ten Bowman ville. H-tf,pd3. h h F in the Q ueen-st. c urc on < r1 ay even 1 All 1 b l cents. .,...~ · stoves from becoming m,eless so eoon1 the . I" · h John Wi .. ht was chairman. Councillor . news et> ers a ve it, and t 1e ...,ew M ing next. Nov. 4ih. iss <rame as ~ y k fil · · h p B ·1d· OUSE AND WT FOR SALE.-.A. What papers do you intend to sub· ur local shootists " bagged the bulk gi ven readings in severa1 towns Ill · (' 1ale made the presen :ation a nd short or o · · ce 11! m t e otter ui mg. ,a.nae1a good dwelling house, part brick and scribe-f~ext year, besides the STATES.· the game" at t he East Durham · Rifle and the Press notices of her d ocutionary spee~made by Inspector Tilley, The Pet erborough E xaminer chronicles part frame. with good woodshed, ·dri viogMAN 1 ss0ciation, the individual winnings, in abilitios aro very eulogistic, indeed. Rev. S. V anstone, Esq., a nd Mr. E. Dowson. with deep regret the death of Janet Gil- ho use and stable, hard and soft water. about± acre of gardP.n. Situate in the centre of tht:> Mr. John Banbury, 0£ Los Angeks, cash and art ic'es, being; King $17, Rus- Dr. Hare, Principal of- Ontario Ladies Mr. Sam. Allin returned t hanks on his mour, wife of Mr. David McDougall, and village of Hampton. Very suitable for retirinp: farmer. Will besotdcheap and on easy ter ms· ·Col., was visiting friends in town last sell $16, McLaughlin $13, Hilton $35, College, says she is a thorough Christian daughter's behalf. Mrs · Northcott con- eldest daughter of t he late J ohn Gilmour .Apply to JAMES McLEAN, II1 unpton, H-3w week. Morris $ 12, Young $11.50, Sando $10.50, and exerts a h ealt hful moral influence. tribu ted to the musical program t o the Her death took place a t 5 o'clock Sunday Large amount of money to loan on Mitchell $7, Beach $5, Curtis $6. 25- toto l Prngram begins at 8 o'clock. Admission delcctati<,n of the cornpany. A suru ptu · morning, at "Maoleh urst ," the residence E ACHE R WANTJi~D.-A MALE. fa.rm security at from 6 to 7 per cent.136.25. Thero were 48 competitors, and by silver collection at the d oor. Teacher for School Section No. 21, Haydon. o us r epast was taken of and a pleasant of M rs. Gilmour. The deceased lady Village, Darlington. Duties to begin J an, ht. time enjoyed. The presents were bought was held in t he h ighest esteem by a very 1888 ~~ H . ~hsoN. i ~1 ·267 entries. · .A.ppllca.nts must state nuahllcation, exEDITOR S ·rATEB!IIA.M. - -D EAll SIR.- ln f rom M aynarcl tie l JO . We11er , B owmanv1 ·11e. large circle of friends, who j oi n in con perience and salary required. Apoly up to Citizens clean up your back yards be· Durtng-.tlul_y!'.ar of 188G the Domini<?n your Editorial corres.!wndence of last "Aint she just s weet , as she passed on the dolence and sympathy for t he ber eaved Nov. ±th. to Jou~ RUND LE, Socy.-'f reasurer; fore the s-dow falls. It is easier to do Piano was used a t 64 public concerts m 43·4w' week you gave a correct ·account of the street, . ' husband and fami ly . Her demise makes Haydon, Ont. .now than next spring. the city of Toronto, ployed by the best Devon and Cornish farmers sending t o Hor mantle was made of t he loveliest the second daugh t er of the family reEIFER 'ASTRAY. Came on the Canadian railway co cnpanies have agreed travelling profes<ionals as well a.q the best Bude for saod. I ~ive you two double cloth . moved b y d eat n within three weeks. uremises. l-Ot 12, con. 7, Darlin111ton, abont itomake return tickets good for 30 days, professionals a1J d amateurs in the city of verses, writ ten fi fty years ago by Joe And the tran.1111n gs all matched so neat, The funeral was largely a ttended 0.1 Oct. 5t h , a two.year-old Heifer. '£be ownor 0 is r equested t,o prove prol)crty. pay expenses ,i'Ustead of six aa heretofore. · Toronto, which is the strongest proof <>f Honey, of H olsworthy, in derision to the On her chic little h ead she wore a Monday. The d eceased leaves an infant and takoher away. \V.J. I AYC HAl"!', HaydOJl , Order Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket~, the excellence of the "Dominion." W. Thornbury farmers for their stinginess cloud . daugh ter about G weeks old, as did also 12-3w' ·eto., at Morris' Planing ]1~actory, Liberty Ruse, Manager of Local a~ency. Office, when sending their boys for sand. They As white as the nYen snow, her siste1· who died two weeks previomly. U I LDING PLOT FOR SAL E.-For street, R . H. Osborne, leasee. Big 20, Bowmauville. are n ot the m m1t polite, b ut full of mean· And the cut est of gloves protected her Typhoid fe ver caused M rs. McDougall's s11le, 2} a.eras or lnore, the pro1ierty bt Persons having furniture to sell iu town The Canada Citizen has been changed ing : h ands dea th. M essu. John and R obert Mc- Mrs. Colonel Reid, bemg part of Lot No. 9, ill 1st Con. north ot Mrs. Holland's, 11.Dd Come all you Thornbury farmers D ouaall of this t own attended the adjoininglying ·C .an make very satisfactory arra.ngtiments from magazme to ei1?,ht page newspaper 1 When out where chill winds blo w. the sot1th east pa.rt of Mr. Mc· And send your boys to sand, On her.dress ~rew the sheen fune;al.' Mr . McDoug~ll has the sym- Murtry'g farm. Seventy :Yards fron t.age on ;ait the STATESMAN Office. Terms easy. form. Under the able management of Long with a barley pasty Of the sh1mmermg sun, . , pathy of h is m any friends here in h is sad side line. 'l'erms to suit purchaser. J<'or Plbl"· A scheme is on fo ot to erect a monu- Mr. :B'. S. Spence it is doing good work in ticulars apply to lt'. Cumn·, Bowmanville. To carry in their hand. Which laughe~ back at it s phototype s and sudden bere~.vement. rn.ent t o the late Dr. Nel:es, as a token the line of prohibition, and should be pat42:3w And when thev come down under clef' glow, of the high esteem in which he was held. ronized by all ad ·ocates of the temperOn King-st .. , n orth side, in this town OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE,T hey could not h eave their bags, Her costumes were the envy of all on the Accommodation for three or four res- a.nee cause, as it furnishes a good many There keeps a butcher of r enown. That very comfortable and commodious T hey took t11eir barley pasties skeet, new brick dwelling hon5e, at present occupied Our citizens all r ound should know i t, ;pectiblH boarders c11.n be obtaine d at M . rs. rounds of temperance ammunition in And tore them all to rags. In fact wherever she'd go, by me on Queen-st, near the Obnrch. 'l 'h el'e \Vil.son's, just north of the Organ Fae- every issue. $1 a year. And gastronomically show it , are seven rooms and large hall, heated by flll"Come all you boys to dinner 'ro end this poem I needs must t~ll By daily goin g to MARK AYRE's sta nd nace, and in e:ccellent of repair. 8plendid .toxy. A correspondent of the c~nnington I'm sure you need not fail, Where she got all those goods so grand, To get the t enderest in the land garden. Hard and soft water, and all nece&Sensible people are banking their Gleaner says, The Campbellford Paper earr conveniences. Will be sold on very easy For here's a barley pudding Why at Mc.M:urtry's, the West End Of aurloin r oasts- cuts to invit e i!· t! terms. T. H. Sr>HY. Bowmanville. houses before the ground freezes tight, Milli!, owned by E.G. Burk, Esq. , ~re And he is m8de of meal. H ouG e, The most capricious appetite, :and buyiug boots and shoes from 'l'ro-1 lif;htecl by electric light and r.unnmg For 0ating broth and 'tato skins You know the place where they always And cause the downcast to forget ARM TO SELI, OR RENT.-104 leven . 11:1ght and day. the day hands. bemg re· acres of lot 25, con. 3, DarJinaton, on Your nature. will d ecay, keep their stand. Their misery care and even debt. Cold · 1\'[ taru-15 degrees below heved at .6 p. m. by the mght relay. which are a new brick house. and gooCt stab~ A nd as soon as you get lazy Since last October I have suffered from W h ene'er you din e at our hotels m on ...,,.. Heavy thick brown paper for oardboard and graining, Good orchard, good soil. woll watered ·a nd fenced. About 8 acres of bush. .zero last week. Before .the cold wlave boxes and tarred paper used in house· The'll send youpff to sea. acute infla mmation in the nose e.nd head. Ask always the waiteress belles 17 ery reasonable terms will be given. Apply . . . . 5 trik I P buv your fam1lv boots s ioea R . P., Bowmanville. ]for a week at a time I could not, eco. I If this house p rocures its mea t d es bib e "' f T 1 , b·g 'assort- bmldmg are the prmc1pal manufactures to Er>W!ARD KEAST, on the premises, or if by 1 au. ru . _ ers rom re even s . and the demand is great. The meaning of the words--heave their have used 110 end of r emedies, also em- From M. AYRE-north aide of King Street ? letter. to Bowmanville. P. o. 42-3w ment. bags :. prior to that t ime some farmers ployed a doctor, who m id ic wa s i mpure Winter closes round u11, · FA.RM FOR S A.LE.- Being 100 acrus ,The Orillia Packet of last week aays the that had bad roads, used donkies, with blood- but I got no help. I used Ely's BIRTHS. of lots 9 and IO, con., 2, Darlington, o.n Summer's passed away, CQDgregation acldressed by Rev. D_r. bags thrown over their backs, or panniers Cream Bn.lm on the r ecommendation of a KEELRY.-In Dowmanville, on t he 23rd ult., Manvera Road. l~ milea north ot Bowman· Autumn leayes are fallinu;, il'ott8 was ono of the largest ever seeb m hanging down on each side to carry the friend. I waa faithless but in a. few days the wife of Mr. J. H. Keeley, or the New3, of ville. Gcod bric.I!: house, commodious outShorter grows the day. buildings, well tenced anti well watered, good .the church. Bowman ville citizens, go t o sr.nd in instead of horses and waggons. was cured. My nose now, and also my son. orckard; Has beer. mostly i n grass for so.ti)& B ut the icy storm king hear Drs. Potts and Dewart in the Church Some farmers would keep 8 or 10 donkies. eyes are well. It is wonderfull how q nick Tov.- In Bowmanvillo, on the 21th ult., the years. In capital state of cultiv'l.tion. WU! You need fear no more : ot Mr. Thos. Tod, of a da.ughter. sell before Nov. l s.t ver.r_nhcup· J?or full pnr.Sbreet church to-night. lT CA.N DO NO R~ltl to try Freeman's it helped me.-:Mrs. Georgie S Judson, wlfe rtowm.-In Pickering, on the Uth ult.~ the ticular!I a pply to Jons F osn;;n, drover, BowGo and get your b oots from 1Vorm 1·0,'l'ders whea your 1:hlld b Ailina Hartford, Conn. II N.l.TIONA.L PU.LS wlll not l~lpe or stck· wife of Capt, P. Rowe of a daughter:. 1 rna11vilfo. ll7-tC. Treleven's well known store. ttverhh ur fretful. LYMAN'S C1JHCENTRATED EXTRACT OF COFFEE- LYMAN'S FLUID COFFEE. CERTAIN DEATH STOTT JU RY'S } liOWARD'S GLOVE CLEANER! -MAGIC- Stott & Jury's Medical Hall. '.S . . g'h t vs. Bl. dness . Stylish fall millmery at Mrs. Morrison 'a. See Eureka Card Co . advt. in another r.olumn. Great bargains in fancy 'goods, at Mrs. Morrison's. Are we t hreatened with a beef famine ? Some think so. Papers sent to the Editor for notice should be m<1rked. One old and one new subscriber for 1888 for only $1.60. The trees have shed their summer foliage and now look bare. Are we to have a water fami ne ? Many wells in town are dry. The American .Agriculturist for Nov· ember i& .. sube.rb number. Quiz, here is a chance for you. Bro. Creighton wanh a humorist . Col'd Kid Gloves Rtitch back, 50 cents a pair at the Bankrupt Store. Dr. Potter, cffice a.nd residence, Prower's Block, Kiog-st., Bowmanville. 1- tf. Read the auction sale r..otices. Tho STATESMAN office has a boom in sale bills. John McMurtry's blankets end t ie, downs are at the lowest prices. Can't be be<J.t. One hotel in t own is run as a temperance house we are told. It should be well patronized. Mr. J. L. Margacb, Genera.I Agant, Sun Life .Assurance Co., moved to Port Hope last week. "For loci>l news the STATESMAN ia worth all the other papers in the county" says an old citizen. Next Saturday evening is Guy Fo.wkea' night when there will be a big rush for boots and shoes at Treleaven's. A young man protests against lighting the town with electricity. He cannot find a shady spot around town to steal a. kiss. Rev. H . S. Matthews preached an excolfont sermon on Sunday night to a full house, based on the words, Who is my neighbol' ? John McMurtry has a large ~tock of shirts and drawers for men and boys. h<tdies' underwear- a good assortmentcannot be beaten in town. Cocoanuts grow uaturally in Brazil, but they are now raised in Florida. But Treleven sells the best boots ruid li1hoes in Bowmanville, See advt. The woman's j ournal, Good Housekeeping, published at Springfield, Mass. , is the best of its class in the world . A free sample copy can be had by writing for it. Farmers should advertise stray anima]il in t he STATESMAN. I TO H ·110 l H P will 1 EN,CLISH SPECTACLES. B I H STOTT & . JU RY, ~-- H F fiht Qtatt:ltffiaft_ Local Otherwise. ! T S Mr. R H T ) H - B .H . I F en, ;vet 0 tlloroqh cathartic.

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