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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1887, p. 6

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' ' · , ._. · I' ' '" I · , "' · · · " ~· ' ' ' ' ' Tff,E CANADIAN STATESMAN IS PUBLUlHED NUTTIE'S FATHER, CHAPTER I. ST. .AMDRoSF.:'s cuorn, The N an-gin·tsin, the greatest opium den 'For be it known in Chitm, is situated in the French ConcesThat thoir saint's honor is their own "-Sco·1T, sion in Shanghai, within a stone's throw of AT THE OJ!'EIOE . kl · · the wall of the native city, within which no The town of M x IC ethwayte was n sl.llg · h d t · t · The l!"ost Office Block, Klng Strccl, J;owmnn. · · There were salub rious sprmgs · opium s ops imd t h rivrng. h · ·t · are ·tsuppose t oll P-XIS t t· f . ..-n1e, On.tarto. · h · · d t rongs v1s1 mg 1 represen a s o an enterprisrng octor had lately l" t h a 10ns Ith wIllc 1fe, f rom the coo1· 'r E R IM: 13 brought into notice. The firm of Greenleaf ie o t e wea Y $1.GO per Annum, or $1 tr palcl In nclnu.a and Dutton m anufactured umbrellas in la.rue mercha.nt or the small man~darin.h It is w\th 't" f rom ti10 stout weath er-proof difficulty that one gets e t rough tie ..... t · tl 1 d quant1 res, · ins1 8 ··,.yment rrn Y n n vance requiredtwm crow<l s 0f peopl e h angrng around th d oor. sub l(lrlbere outside of the county, Order& to family roof down to the daintiest fringed toy Th h0 h t th · 't b :l.eo mtlnue the paper mu~t be a.ccompanie ~ b y ilf a parasol. There were a Guild Hall and saying of the vicar, the R ev. Francis Spyers, f ose w ,ahvte no e rehqu~i e r°fm. er the ·mount due, or th paperwil not besto.iped, a hanclsome Corn Market. There was a was, and St. Ambrose's Road was proud of ° copper cas 0 procure t e anc u pipe aub ""nb.e rs o.re1·esponelbleunti tuJlnaym entis Modern School for the boys, and a High it, that it was a professional place. Every wat ch with each of 1the ..-na ,._ ., ill horrible t · wistfulness "th _,..,, School for the girls, and a School of Art, one had something to do either with school rr:odre t> uen tptatss m Wtl · a _nervtbouts, mr0 EA.T.ES OF A.DVJlfll.'l'ISING: ,; . i!l and a. School of Cookery, and National or umbrellas, scarcely excepting the doctor r~e dste~ or ·~r cu 1 _whu.nng f~ pe:h· Wb.)!e Oolumnone:reall" ·.···· " ····· $60 oO g;~~ Schools, and a British School, and a Board and the solicitor, for the form 3r 11ttendod ui.rl a~e exp~essihon 'b'r nc co:nfiesda crd "h.e " " Half yea.r ............ 36 oo · ~::;: S h 1 h f h · , the pupils und the latter supplied them. umo rnr s cra.vmg as een sat1s 1e an 1s .. '" .,, h c oo , af1so c1 rnrc · " One Quarter ......... 20 00 ., es o . every . deignt, . Mr. Dutton was a partner· 1 ·n the umbrella transient p Ieasure h as p a~sed awa.y. one 1 0 every C UalfColumn one year ............... "" oa oo c ar es 1cnommat1on, an Iron T . h d th . k -. . b dd' . b factory, and lived, as the younger folks A errible Fil!'ht .Between Lions. requires a. strong stomac to stan e He . " Ha.It year .............. 20 oo rmss10n rooms u mg out m hopes oo e eni· fumes wi"th the ·i ·r i ' nsi · de 1 ·8 " One quart er... ........ 12 50 said, a.s the old bachelor of the road. Had E u rep1 ace d b y ch urch es. 'arl y T ues d a.y morning t h ere wa.s fear· th· og k d '[ h I di 0f 1 th a· · o&.rter Colurr.n one ye11.r ·" ·· ······ 20 OO Like one of the animals which zoologists he not a housekeeper, a poodle, and a catt fol a.nd exciting battle in the Jubilee Exhi· . ilc enfe · b e c ou s smolce, d le an 1ig it rom t e numerous co ore ·· " Il!LH year ........... 12 50 11 rad mte " d , t Irn town was constant1 11.nd was not hi· house, with lo"ely sill boxes b. . L' l D e I momco, . amps, PUREST, SiRONCEST9 B!::ST, '" o y fu ition t h e mos~ the numb ers of rec1imng · · f orms w1 "tb 0 ca '"" " ne quart er .·. .·· ·· 8 oo h' ll of flowers x·n the wi11dow·, the nootest 1 l at . 1verpoo f b . I b . . . d' ist or· CONTAINS NO acfllll!nee&ndunder.first lnsertion. 8050stretc mg out fresh arms along cotmtry · p uc ~y tamer o ea.sts, ias een exc1trng df b t th llfl t h" I "' ,· and d1"d not the the ti·ny con- t h e nerves of the visitors for a long time b y tc en over e sma ames ALUM, AMMO NIA, LIM E, PHOSPHATES, oach sub soquen ti nser t' ion...... 0 25 road s, all 1ivinu and working, and gradually of tl1e ne·t a h 0 aces . . hted th a w · le l 1 "frrom · a cage wit · h tb rec b' are · ig cause e novice a or any injurious materials. ,. six to ten Hues, first Insertion O '5 ' .,~ a b sor b' mg the open spaces b etween. 0 ne of servatory over h1·s dini"ng·r·oom window t n'fi"mg m 1g f orest 1· ions. t · k pipes · .Qv~;:;t~l1nuebss.~qrus~l~slenrsteirotnio,pne.r'1·.1·n··e 00 3150 ·- 10 these arms was known as St. Ambrose's always produce the flowers most needed for Five more lions, of a different kind, but s1cBenmg sensat10nh. b ,. 1LL..,.·r·r TonoNTo, ONT. E W · · '-" .:, ' CHIC.AGO, ILL.. · rig · h to f the church, au incomp1ete favoured ladies. vVhy, the very daisies very b. · d f rom Af nca. · ut th as soon as 't t ·e eye R ~ad , m ll:&ch subsequent insertion, " O03 ig a 1so, arrive yester· l to t· ecomes d t h t accustomti1 1 Jlau'f'r ofthoCELEllP.l!.TED ROYAL YEAS:t'C.UES. V!l:1enumbero!linesto bereckonedbystructurein yellow brick, consisting of never lift their heads on his l~ttle day,andwereputatonceintothebige11ge 18 t escenei isnoi~e al jP:~e 6 db.".. Sl!&oeoocupled,.measuredbyascaloothandsome chancel, the stump of a tower, lawn, wlnc.h even bore a F~·eucl. 1 lookmg· with the three already at home there. They go up on an expensive sea e. n 9111.,·d Nonpareil. . 1e iustweather-tight . "'lass globe m the centre. Mum Nugent, or liad ao t1·a1 'n1 ·n~1 but Delmoni ·co went m· fi centre the lowerl room hangs one and one a1s and usable, ,., t 0 of f Ch" th ·1· of· the f Good .News at Home. ' mese amps, ce:~~=~=======::======~ 't·S very aspect, b eggmg · f or tie l com· Miss .M:ary one s. till called her, tas ,.a1nong them an th1·1"lled the c··owd that fill· richly nes carved e painted cei mg walls is 0 - ·· "" b u t · b Y 1 h ld t as. eve,ry t · wood, 'vhile the . DBS, HcL.UIGJILIN di BEITll, pletion of the beautiful design that w11s sus- er e es sis er s marriage was reccn ' ed the managerie by an unusually sensation- are thickly inla id with a peculiarly marked E . MoRRI::;, Esq.,-D1~AR Srn,-1 have pencled above the was assistan~ teacher at.the School of Arts, al performance. \Vhen he had done Mlle. bl h' h . I 1 'd f Ii . h d t l ll f D d . Oli'FIO E :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWM.ANVILLJC, It was the evening of a summer day which and gave private d:a.wmg les~ons, so as to Kora, his partner, went in with the lions mar e, w 'lC gives tie ea 0 un ms e · reason spea c we 0 . your an e1wn t· supplement the pension o.n her moth- an(l took a li.ttle dog. Thi'· was re- landscape sketches. Numerous doors on Liver and Kidney Bitters. I have been . i;!r.J. :W.MCL.Auam,rn, , Dr· .A, BmI'l'II, Qra.du lla db een very h ot · Th e ch 01r prac 10e was 11 · d l d t th k ' t t bl d f · K o. e smo era. apar men s. trou e or some time with my idney ..~ntia te of the ~?Ylll ate of the Toronto just over, and the boys came out trooping or lived. .They also. received girls as board· peated four times during the day, and the a s1 es ea College of Physiornns . 11 th ers atte. ndm_g the High School. five new 11"ons were too much stunned by In tbe outer port10n of the bmldrng stands and a friend of mine r ecommended them d h tt -.nd member of the University, .Physician. an c a ermg; very sma ones ey were; te d 'th l'ttl b f th6 for as soon as they began to sing tolerably . So did Mtss Headworth, who had all her the huge, noisy crowdaboutthema.ndthere· a coun r covere w.i i .e oxeso to me and I tried them in my case, and ll'toya.l College of Sur- Surgeon, &c. ifOOns. Edinburgh. they Were sure to try to get into the choir hfe been One .of those p~op~e WhO seem COn· aeated visits of tho lady, gentleman a.nd d_rug ready for smoking, wh.ich a dozen ae- found them t o WO!'k like a Charm ' thereerro or s1stants are kept busy handmg out to the f Ib h d . ' of the old church, which had a foundation d ~mne d t o t-011 t o mak e ~p f or th · e rs og to think of anything else. Their as- servants who wait upon the habitucs of the . ore. ave muc . p 1easure lll recommen DJl. J.C. ltl.DTCBELL, that fed, clothed, taught, and finally a.ppren· dumsters of others. First she help?d to tonishment had not worn off, and they were pla.ce. The average daily receipts are ~ng them to a~l pers?ns who are troubled ~AfEMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICI.A.N8 ticed them. So, though the little fellows educate a brother, and soon he had died to still quiet when left alone for the night by to be about £200. Tho smoking apa.rtments lU any way with their K1dnev. .f'f.11. and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. were clad in surplices and cassocks, and sat leave an orphan daughter to be bred up at the attenla.nts at 10 o·clock. are divided into four classes. Jn the cheiipYours truly, G IDce and Itesldence, Enniekillen. 7'. in the chancel for correctness sake, there her c~st. ,'rhe girl had marri~d fro1!1 her Shortly after midnight, however, the est are coolies, who pay about 4d. for their J. J. JoN:ES. was a space round the harmonium reserved first situation; but had almost unme~iately menagerie was filled with a. frightful roar· smoJ.e. In the dean~st the smoke costs Newtonvil~e, May 3, 1887. D. B1JRKE SIMPSON, for the more trustworthy band of girls and lost her husba.nd at ~ea, and on this her ing and snarling, and a servant sleeping on b '"'d '['h d l' d · h ,'lifJi ARJUSTER, SOLICITOR, 8r,o, MOPRIS / · e rug supp ie m eac c 1 aso ;J1./,'J BLOCK. up stairs, King Street, Bowman· young women who c11mo forth next, follow- aunt had settled at M1ckl~thwayto to rn~ke the premises rushed in to find the big iron a out ed by four or five mechanis.c a home for her ancl her child, at first taluug cage rocking and the eight lions fightina is much the same both in quality and quan· ·te. Solicitor tor the Ontario Bank H Behind came the nucleus of the choir-a pupils, bu.t when the _High Sch ool was~~et furiously, rolled up into 11 huge dark ball tity; it is the difference in the pipes that. ·i!"li'ivri.te !llGDlll'~ loaned at the lowest rates. £· h · d th f t up, c~angmg these !Dt-0 boar.dera; wlnle fr·om, whi"ch the bloo<l·stai·ncd ftir W"S flyi'na regulafo3 the price. The best kinds are 1. .lohn K eith Galbraith, s im, air- a.ire you o twenty; a nea ' Mrs. Egremont went out as daily governess i'n a.II d1'1·ect1 "011s. "'he h·1-e beast~s rolle"' made of ivory the stem being often inlaid precise, well-trimmed man, closely shaven, -'·" d "th t d d ed ti b more cos Y Y ;JlrJI ARR I 8 T lll R, SOLICITOR, NOTARY with steoping shoulders, at least fifteen ~ the childr~n of a !amily of somewhat over and over, dashing madly a.gainst the WI ' s ones an ren er '1;1 () PUBJ,IC, &c. Offi.oe-Bouneall's B!oo,k years older, with a black poodle at his h.1gherpretens10ns. Little l!rsula, or .Nut. side of the cage, 11nd biting pieces out of reason of elaborate carving; the cheapest ·l!:f111.g Streat, Bowmanvllle. Money to lend, heels, as well shorn as his master, newly tie, as s~e was calle~, accordn~g to theJocal each other with a ferocity that was sicken kinds are made simply 'of hard wood. risen from lying outside of the church door; Gontraction, was li~e t~e child of all the ing. All t he sights organized to gratify The rioomtsha.lso a.rte furniah~d acthcord ling to ROJUHl'lr A.:R!UOlJR, a gentle, somewhat drooping lady in black, I>a.rty; .,and after cl!mbi~g up through the man's fondness for fighting would have c1ass. n e mos expensive · e ounge nmGrnTRAR, WES1' DURHAM ISSUER not yet middle.aged and vory pretty : a High School to the last form, hoped, after seemed the tamest child's pla.y in compari· upon whi?h t~ie smoker reclines is of .fine ~. 01' Llcensea, Barrister and A.ttor· sma.ll, ~ager, unformed, black-eyed girl, who passing the Cambridge examination, to ~be· 1son. After a while it became evident that velvet, with pillow~ of the sam~ m!l'teri~l; : -8 1' at I..a.w and Solioitorln Oha.ncery.M.one7 1 Uoapproached for '"·~ir.nsd on Reai Estate. Olf1ce on King o'reet, could hardly keep back her words for the come a teacher there in a.nother year. there were two .distinct side~ in the battl.e ~~:t~;:.~t~e~~i6a~~d cj~~~. a:~d ~~S:d w'h~\~ .... ~wmanville. Tone and Quality. outside of the church door; a tall self-pasCHAPTER II. ancl the r_iew arrn:als were pitted a.t.unfa1r !air of these rooms is one of sensuous luxury. sessed handsome woman, with a fine classiodd~ agarnst the hons who had been m pos-,There is also a n umber of privat e rooms. WILLIUI WIGIIT. CATALOGUES FREE. cal ;cast of features: and lastly, brown· M01'KS HORTO~. session. The e~orts of the ~ervant to sep- In the poorest section will be seen many ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the faced, wiry hard-working clergyman, with"And we will all th· pleasure· prove, arate them only mcre~sed their. fury, and at wearers of the tattered yellow and gray County of Durham. Orders left at the an atom of superfluous fleeh, but with an By sha.llow 1ivers, by whoee frul5 last he rushed. off for Delmomco, who was ·robes of Buddhist a.nd Tavi st priests. Woihjfl· El:lMAN otll.ce or forwarded to Tyrone P .O, out . of i:;reat energy. Mtlodious birds sing madrigals."-Old Ballad. a le p b Ed ge l ane.. Th I air ~~ . e near Y m . e to ~mer .ar- men form a fair proportion of the smokers. 1 wall receive prompt a.ttention. 28:6m "Uh I vwar, wnere aro we to go?" was It was holiday-time, and liberties riv"d half clad ~nd f01~nd his hons bleedmg 1 The common belief is that the opium sleep S. C'. UVNKING, the question so eager te break fourth. were ta.ken such as were not permissible, fea;fully, but still fightm~. lis intended by a mild, pleasurable delirium, "Not t6 the Crystal Pa.lace, Nuttie. The when they might have afforded a bad pre· 'Ihe battle was narro'!mg do~n to a d~el l"vith brief glances of Elysium; but this is ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR · · ' ' Uie County -or Durham. Sales attended funds won't be11r i t. Mr. Dutt<>n says we cedent to the boarders. Therefore, when bet.ween ~wo o~ _the biggest hons, . wh1~h , the exception, not the rule. People smoke lio on shortest notice a.nd lowest rates. Address must spend "-&little as possible on locomo. two a.fternoons later Mary Nugent, return- were .rapidly bitrng each other .to pieces m Ito satisfy the craving begotten of previous VETERINARY SURGEON, :Jo1 iur1c 11 P. O, 3G:tt tions. ing from district visiting, came out into her the middle of the cage. Occas1onally the :indulgence. '.l.'here i s accommodation for " I'm sure I don't care for the Crystal garden behind the house, she was not scanda·' battle became gener~l, ~d for a few seco7:1ds , 150 smokers at a time, and there is seldom .A. GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO Palace, A trumpery tinsel place, all lised to see ~pair o_f little black feet under t?ere "'.ould be a wild JU~ble of snarlmg ,a vacancy very long. The stream of amok. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary el. every man who buys his Ucenae trom shams." a holla~d skirt restrng on a !aural branch, hons with a savage cr.unch~g of teeth to tell , ers goes on from early morning till midCollege, Member of Ontario Veter , l!l'.'lllNRY SYLVESTER, Enniekillen. "Hush, hush, my dear, not 20 loud," and gomg a. few · steps r:iore s~o beheld a how the flesh w~s be~ng tom. Th~ appear· jnight, when the place closes: the clouds of . . . . the quiet lady; but Nuttie only wrig· big ~hady hat 11nd a of little ha.nds 11nce of Delmomco with a red hot iron pro· tl ll d 1 mary Assocrntrnn, will attend Pianos Tuned and Repaired.' ·said gled her, thoug·h her voice was busy with a pen~il o.nd a. blank book; as duced a~ effect, and all !rnt the two chief · smon:e go up mcessan Y a a.y ong, to all diseases of domestic a trifle lowered. "If it w ere the British Vrsula sat on the low wall between the gar- combatants stopped fightmg l~nd crouched · animals. ARTIES WISHING THEIR PIAN-OS Museum now, or Westminster Abbey." dens, shacled by the laburnum which facil- sullenly do.wn, licking their bloody wounds AW0 rd t 0 Tuned or repairea can have them attendecl "OrtheAlps,"chimedina.quietervoice, ibtedthe a.scentonherownsido. and snarlmg encouragement to the two outg aimeis. 14 'by leaving word ,at tbs DOMINION ORGAN "ortheUJfizi." "Oh Mis1 Ma.ry! Delicious! Come up l eaders. On these in their rage hot iron ·wehavejustrea.d a very interesting ancl " Co's OB'li'ICE, Bowmanvllle .A. ftrst-elas man "Now, Mr. Dutton, that's not what I here I Yon don't kll!lw how charming this is." was useless, even when applied to raw flesh. instructive article giving advice to young A S PE CI ALTY· .Q11lw being in their emplo; 1 want. Our people aren't ready for tha.t, She moved aside so as to leave the ascent; The lions responded to the burning sensa- men setting out on the path of life. The C ll d O d . ' what they have let it be real. Miss -by an inverted flower-pot and a laurel, I tion only by tearing away at each other ' felicity w ith which the pilgrim progresses a 8 ~ll r. era by mail or t.~legraph ·' ~ollo? Gen ueuaeim ol!. F asb- but Mary, don't you see what I mean?" branch-open to her friend, thus knocking more fiercely. rests very much with himself, but for youth WI receive prompt attent:ron . iolll, not so .t ast. " Rathe r better than Miss Egremont her- down one of the pile of books which she had At last Delmonico, fearing he would lose there is ever an enticement and allureme1Jt CHARGES MODER.A.TE. self " s l'.id Mr. Dutton. bken to the top of the wall. Miss Nugent his two greatest actors, took a resolu~ion ! to w11ywar.dness just 11s much in the mono- 0 FF ICE HOURS, 8 TO 10 A. M. ,r Well," said tho Vicar, interposing in picked it up, ".ilforie Stuai·t ! Is this your 1which would probaby not have occurred to 1 : tony of a rural as in the dark dissipations .A. flrst-c!sss stock of Medicines always h ave written th<'li:e few lines, n.nd Rll l havo to say·the wordy war, "Mrs. Greeoleaf's children · way of studying her?" any oth er man if the existence of the entire and frivolous gaiety of a city life. When a . ?U. hanl\· · T:hat Jou can find me still at home, have llcarlatina, so we o:i.n't go to Horton "Now, you know 'tis holiday time, and anima.l creation had been threatened. He young man h as commencecl the world, a.a N. B.-W1ll vrn1t Williamsbur g every I am not gone away. Bishop. The choice seems to be between volunteer work; besides, she W:t~~ ei;itered _the cage half clad as he was and shut ; t_h~ say_ing is, ,I1e will find life not w?rth the Saturday of each week. 16-ly So all my kind old trlands may come, South Beach and .M.onka Horton. " for yon, and I could not help aomg this.' hunself m. l::te next opened a door commu. ; llvmg if he ooes not set up for himself a - And all ihe young one~. too, And get their gat!ll6nta nicely made "That's no ha.rm," cried Nuttie; "Mrs. Rhe held out a hancl, which was scarcely nkating with a second cage and drove into · standard of morali ty as a Christian and Cn fashions taat are new; JNIPORT.ll:NT TO Al"..1l..1 needed, and Mary spraµg lightly to share it like so many sheep the six lions that bail ' duty as a nrnn, from which he neither Where old and young, dear frie11da, may meet Greenleaf is so patronising !" "And both that and South Beach are so her perch upon tho wall. "Look her~ !" been lo?king o~. Meanwhile the other lions ; swe_rves in tribulation nor. abandons in pros· Who are Bald, or havo Thin or Gres Hair, or .A. welccma greeting, by R. PE.ATE. stale," said the youth. "Am I to guess the subject as m the were still fightrng, although much weaker. ; penty. A good farmer IS none the worse who are troubled with dandruff. ' "All if the dear ~ea could ever be stale," game of historic outlines," saicl Miss Nug· Delmonico's attempts to separate them were ) or being a good Christian, a good father cried the youn" girl. ent, as the book was laid on hor lap. "lt useless. They paid not the slightest atten- !and a good husband. On the contrary, all 8 "I thought Monks Horton was forbidden looks like a modern- no, a mediroval-edi- tion to him, and although in their -struggles '. those attributes generally excel in the man "t VV grouad," said Miss Mary. tion of Marcus Curtius about to leap into they dashed against him, they were evident· Iwho succeeds best in his calling. vVhen a "So it was with the last regime," said the ca.pita.! opening for a young man, ·only ly unconscious of his presence. Before the young farmer has finally determined to es· the )Vlc11r; "but now the new people are with hie docts instead of his horse. That to.mer could form any plan to separate them ' t11.blish an indep~nclent settlement of his cG>me ·I expect great things from them. I hound seem:' very rationally to object." the fight ended of itself.. The big forest 1own, either among his friends or in a forei~n <( hear they are very friendly." "Now aon't !" Guess in earnest." lion, who had been defending his home 1country, he must learn to labor and to wait. i:r: "I expect nothing from them," said Nut"A compliment to your The Boyl against the five strangers, rolled over on his : Few men grow rich all in a moment; fewer .:;; )> 0 tie so se.n tentiously that all her hearers of Egremont, poor fellow, just ,about to back, growled faintly, and died as the other ' still attain that independence oyer the per· Q: lD.ughed ancl asked "her exquisite rea.son," bound across the strid." seized him by .the throat. One of the front I plexities of life which make living on as Mr. Dutton put it. "Exactly ! I always feel sure my father legs, wa.s off completely, a hind leg i many farms a burden. Another part icu- LIJ n: H A RN Mi~ N L D e "L11dy Kirka.ldy and a whole lot of them must have done Bomething like this." was chewed to a pulp, all of the m! and Jar to which the young farmer should '~ V · U t.:. ' · · O · came in~o the School of Art." "1,.vas it so heroic?" Miss Mary. most of the neck was bitten away and the 1 1pay attention is in keeping an accurate '-' "And didn't appreciate "Head of Anti" You know it was for the hundredth time, body was covered with blood, as was the . record of his expenditure, profit and Graduate ofthe Royal College cf Dental nous by Miss Ursula. J~gremont,'" was the and he had no rea.son to expect special entire There was not on the dm~d iloss. A system of book-keeping of some 1Suri:ieone, Ontario. cry that interrupted her, but she went on danger." lion any unbit.ten whole piece of skin lar,:e : kind is absolutely essential. A common· ~ OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS Ol'FCE. nnruflled- " Any thing so fool" Ch, but his mother was waiting, and he enough t o have a glove. Ile had place account in which the items of the ....., .GOLD 1r!LLING A SPEOIAL'l'Y with'diguity ish and inane as their whol.e talk and all their had to go. Now, I'll tell you how it must fought for his rights just as long as he had da.y's expenditure, household and hrm , and ARTIFIOIAL TEETH INSERTED WITHOUT observations I never heard. "I don't like have been with my father. You know he been able to work his teeth and claws. profits, if o.ny, are entered and ha.lanced is al ~ this style," one of them said. "Such ugly sailed away in 11 yacht before I was born, The victor seemed at first inclined to dash J that is r Equired. It will show where the W. PLATES. Great Reductions in price on all Dental USP.less thinus I I never see anything pretty and pooi,- mother never saw him o.gain ; but at the tamer and at the lions in the neigh- expenditure may be curtailed and where the There was a ship J boring cage, but he clrnnged his mind under ; direct road to profit lies. Many young 'l.V ork. v ·tahzed air, constantly in use pro- and neatly fimshed such ll.S we used to do."' I know what happened, d ucing Painless Operations. Patticular atten The girl g11vo it in a tone of mimicry of the on fire like tbe Birkenhwd, and the little 1 Delmonico's eye, and after a. weak but tri· i' farmers begin their agricultural career with- , w·ii b f bl f th . d. ~ · t1on piud to tho re11;t1lation ot Children's Teeta none h a l unt voice, · · · h l d ump h ~n t _roar over the b o d yof Ius · v10 · t· · . "fi t . 1 e oun m va1ua o or c 11a1r an .. sea1p, a dd" ID" with fresh imita· yacht went near to pwk. up t .e peop e, an u_n , ?Ut l1avmg any ~ore exact sctentl 10 ra m- It cleanses the scalp of a ll Dandrll:l'? fnvigor· ~AJ~L WORK WARRANT.ED ·..._ t ion, '".And another did not o.pprove of my father called out, hke Sir Humphrey he ret!l'ed mto a corner and moanecl over Ins . mg for the purs:ut they are abouc to follow, ates the grow~h _ of the hair. and in C!l-ses of from the life-models might be such Gilbert;wound~. Although conquernr he was not than tbe most ignorant laborer who plods baldness, :Wh"~ e there are tho shghtest signs ,ot Branch office, Dr. Rutherford's Orono. drawini; t o b e en vie · d . H is " mane was gone, a.ud h" ·1some, unconscious · ' wa.y from It roots left it will produce good crops of hair. --- ----------- - --· ·----- - -- s t range peopIe. "' "Do not tear, Heaven i" as near is ! , on · m h'ts t oi re~tores <>rcy to its original color and "My were not equ&lly open to their By water ns by land." body looked a3 though an especially wicked i dawn to dark. A little knowledge is any. is an excellent dressing · ' profanities," said Miss Mary. "I was And tho little yacht wa.s so close when . ha.rrow had been repeatedly dragged over j thing but dangerous on the farm ; in fact it DO. ~OT DEL.aY, if your i~ in a weak struck by tho good breeding and courtesy the great ship drew up t hat it got sucked , it. Illood trinkle'.1 f.rom fa hundred ug~y '. i~ all but indispensable and people who be- coFg:tx~:Mfe~; ~~ttiJ 1'fi8~:N'iJoTH.AM & SON, of the leader of the party, who, I thir.k, wo.s down in tho whirlpool, and rescuers and all : ~ounds, ai;id there is little hope that he :will : heve, ~nd. unfortm111:tely there are many and all druggists. Ask for it, Lad"y Kirkaldy herself." died a noble death together J" hve. Curiously e:riongh not one of the hons I who 11b1de m that behef to the contrary, A DORENWEND S0I M f "I saw I I thought she was patronising "Has your mother been telling yc.u ?' had its tail bitten ofl' in the fray, which j unworthy of the name and position of farm · , ' e an r. you, a nd my blood boiled!" cried Nuttie. a.sked Miss Mary. seems to indicate that some code of honor ers.-Foi·est and Parm. 'IORONTO, CANADA. "Will boiling blood endure a. picnic in "Ohno! she never mentions him. She lexists."among lions which prevents them A.Dorenwendisthe leading manufacturer of Hair Goods in Canada. the park of ~o much ignorance, folly, a.nd does not know. No one does· but I am from making each other ridiculous, even in Th C p R . patronage?" aitked Mr. Dutton. quite sure he died nobly with n; one to tell the deadliest combat. 'rhe other six lions e · · ., and Cotton for Chm11,. "Oh, indeed Mr. Dutt\:m, N uttie never the tale, only the angels to look on, and that st ill live, but they badly bitten. The The Boston llerulcl sa.ys : The C!l.nadian WifHloT TllllTfl 'WIT.II _ T EJ!l'I'B, said t h11t," exclaimed gentle Mrs. Egremont. makes it all the finer. Or just suppose he loss, if the second lion dies, will be about Pacific Is developing a eonsider11.ble traffic in "'Vhether it is fully worth the doing is was on a desert isls;nd all the time, and ,, £400·. In any case he will always be a dam- 1m~nufactured cottons .from New England the question," s11id the vicar came back to find us ! I sometimes think, aged hon. points. Recently a shipment of 3,0H bales Ha':! commenced at the "Grass and shacle do not despise," said he is." of co tton cloth to lJhina was via BosPRA.C'TIVA.J, DENTIST, Miss Mary. "Whs.t? When you are quite sure of GI d L' !ton and J,owell R11.ilroad to Newport, Vt. , ~Vll:ll TWEN1.'Y YEARS EXPERIENOJ1 "There surely must be some ecclesiasti- the other th<oory ?" a. ives, ani Canadian Pacific R&ihoad, Vt., to Van·ma10.Jl:ldeGHSA.drulnlstered for Palnlell ce.I remains," said the young ma.n. "I mean I am quite surewhile I am thinkFew things are so conducive to a 1couver, B ritish Columbia, a.od thence by Operailon8. "And there is a river," added the vicar. ino- about it, or reading Robinson Ct·usoe, or cheerful spirit as tha.t habit of mind which , steamer to Yokohama and Hong Kong. The en1c1r . · JIVCLIHiG'S :8LOCJK. "I shall got a stickleback for my acqua- th~ Swl88 Family." l1takes delight in the common and ordinary ' shipment made a. train of twenty six cus, rium," cried Nuttie. "vYe shall make "Oh!" f things of lifo. The songs of birds and the I which ran through tO the ship's side a t Van' some discoveries for the Scientific Society. "Mias Mary, has no one ever told you fragrance of flowers, the bright sky and the ! couver, a. little more th11n 3,200 miles from ~ I sh11<ll note down every individual creature anything about my father?" fresh grass, the mirth of children, the inter- 1 Boston. By this route cotton goods can be 1 I see! I say! you sureitisnotasham "No one." ests of home, tbe society of friends, tho shipped from New England even without waterfall or Temple of Tivoli I" "Thtiy never tell me. Mother cries and , day's vaca.tion when a longer one is denied, ithe expense of tho dressing which the Eng" It would please the choir boys and G. aunt U rsuln. puts on her "there's-an-end-of- I the little gift where a costly one is impossible, 1 lish ma.nufacturers apply to their packages F. S. girls quite as much, if not more, in it look." Do you think there is anything ! the thouaa.nd little acts of kindness and ! shipped through the Suez Canal. Instead of that case," said Miss :Mary; "but you need they a.rewa.iting to tell me till I am older?" I' courtesy, of charity aml benevolence, tho,t \ that, Americans can ship the cloth in ordin· Are now in and are well assorted. "If there were, I am sure you had better cos t so little o,nd mean so much-such things 1 ary bales Ol' boxes, because the voyage being Are prepared to pay the highest pdce not expect that, N uttie. Landscape-gardenhave them from the Cheapest to ing is gone by. " not try to find it ont beforehand." i ' -and their name is Legion-may, if they a short one and wholly in a northern latibhe very Finest Grade. ".l!.veu with the country people?" said "You don't think I would do anything are permitted, fill up the life with gladness ' tude, the condition of the goods on r.rrival all kinds of Grain delivered :it the N uttic. of that sort? But I thouuht you might know. i and the heart with cheerfulness. Dut, will be the same as when they left the face Wharf or th~ir Store Honse in town. "By a.t least half a century," said Mr. Do you r emember their first settliog here?" 1when they are pushed aSido as not worth at· tory. The time required for the shippiug Dutton, "with all deference to this young "Scarcely. I was a very small child then." tention, and every nerve is strained to the 1 of the goods from the New England mill to A "Wisconsin politician, who has just re- ady's expedence." Mis~ Nugent had a few val!ue recollections i utmost after costly and far-off illusions, it is · S ha11ghai is about thirty da}s; the time turned from lforope, is credited with the · " It was out of their own mouths " criecl which she did uot think it expedient to ; no wonder that the starved capaci ty for from E ngland via the Suez Canal to the authorship of a most wonderful st ry. He· the girl defiantly. "That's all know mention. A dim remembrance rose before 1 happiness should dwindle away, and that a same point is about fifty-three days. And $2up, ..... said that on the voyage the steamer was I about country people and so I hope it will her of mysterious whisperings a.bout the 1 vloomy discontent, born of hope long defer. what are our cotton manufacturers doing 1 .;followed by shark,-whioh- the seamen 1 be." ' beautiful young widow, and that it had I red, should driYe the smile from the lips There ought to be no :f!Ossibility of over- Or we will make you a Suit or Overcoat .nnally killed., It weighed 1,760 pounds. j "Come in, my dear, you are talking very been said that the r ector of the Old Churoh i and the cheer from tho production in Canadian cottons, if these arhat will excel any other House In i!-8 stomac~ were founcl a water pail, ,a : fas.t,". iuterpo:ied Mrs. Egremont, with some had declared himself to kno'\17 the ladies mitde suitable for the Ea.stern market. a ch1ld,s rockmg horse, a pair of foherman s pa.m in the soft sweet voice which if it had well, and had heartily recommended them. . . . in Town. So call upon h oots. three empty beer bottles, a copy of been a. little stronger, woula have been the ~he thought it wise~· only to speak of h?-v· Mrs. Mari~ White, an old friend of tho There has been £361,492 spent for ext erThe London Ti·, the well.preserved seat best in the choir. ing been one of their first seholars, tellmg Beecher family, has rented th.e house of! minating rabbits in Australia and 7 853 . . Q~ a pair of trons_ers and a ~quare piec.e of j T~e houses in St. Ambrose s R.oad were of the awe ?1'1iss Headworth inspired; but H en:·y 'Va.rd Beecher, and will let theit787 rabbits have been killed. That is, ~very pine boa.rd, on which was pamted the Blgn : semi-detached. The pair which the party tho ple&sure it was to bring a lesson to f,urmahed rooms to lodgers. rabbit has cost nearly a shilling to kill, -"No Smoking _ Aloud." I had reMhed had their cntmnces at the 1 . while they have rather increased. FOR YOUR CLOTHING. -BY- li:Vi!i!· R T FRIDAY 1'IOR1HNG, M. A.JAMES, a.nglos, with a narro\V gravel patli leading by a tiny grass polt to each. On·' · which wa11 covered with a rich pa.ll ,,I: purple clematis, was i;he home of Mrs. Egremont, her a.unt, and Nuttie; the other, adorned with a G lo ire de Dijon rose in seco.url bloom, wa.s the abode of Mary Nugent, with her mother, the widow of a naval captain. l?urtber on, wi·th adi·oi'nin,," gax·dcns, was ;: anoth~r couple of houses, i·n one of which c li'ved Mr. Dutton ,· 1·n the other lodged the youth, Gerard Godfrey, together with the partner of the principal rnedical man. The opposite 11eighbo11 r were a master· of the Modern School and " a scholar. Indeed, the 0 , pretty Mrs. Egremont, who always r eward · ed a. good one with a kiss, "and she was sonics to kiss-yes, and is." "Aunt Urse! and mother were both governe6ses," continued the girl, "and yet they don't want me to go out. They had rather I was a teacher at the liigh School." "They don't want to trust their Little Bear out in the world." "I think it is mo1e than that," the 7.irl. " I can't hel[J thinking i;hat ne-my hther-must have been sonw one rather grand, with such a beautiful name as Alwyn Piercefield Egremont. Yes, · I know it was th ...t, for I saw mv. baptismal certificate when I stood for the echolarship ; it was Dieppe-Ursula Alice, <laughter of Alwyn Piercefield and Alice Eliza.beth Egremont, May 15, 1860. James Everett-I think he was chaplain at Dieppe." (TO DE CONTINUED.) - - - ----.- CHINA'S BIGG.EST OPIUM DEN. Gorgeous :noom.s ror the ltich and l'lnln Ones for &he l'oor. ° 0 · ?c I ° 0 L a L F A JONE s E N N I S K I L LE N, BELL &CO. Guelph, Ont. P y r , . 1 I . Ope:ra 'ti"ons & Denti"stry I I , D ENTISTRY D DOREN\-XT E1NDJ S Z f :c .. z · 1 UJ ! CJ _ ,. I DENTISTRYm I J.11. BB.IMACOMBE, 0 I FALL BUSINESS GRAIN ! Eclipso HoitsH Jno. McMurtry & Co. Our Fall Cloths, Furnishings, Hats and Caps I l Rea~~ Made Suits from $1.50 up Overcoats from I I . _-·· - W. H. IVES Children Ory for Pitcher's CastC\ria.

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