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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1887, p. 7

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bridge, the switch, and the fated train with its hu?1an cargo hurrying to destruction, for the wmd was high, an d the engineer would naturally think the fire far away until he was >in the very midst of i t . Then t he Our latest importation has arrived from France. and wo will be· struggle b egan. T h e smoke ran along t he WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2, 1887. glad t o see our friends_ and acqu aintances and those with whom we emhanlrnient towards them in great flying have been in correaP.ondence. in fact any and all who are in seardil ot' _:;__:... _.:._ gusts, so dense they could barely see the first class P E J:WHERONI:> and ll'ltENCH UOA CHJ~HS , to look them over. We h ave an exceptionally llne Jot, and our stud is so l& l"<:tll For the last !?our the conetrnction train , coward, he was' )ooked upori as th e only platfor m of t he car; the h eat became in'llat all may be pl eased. We offe1 · the l argest number 1md greatest ~a.d been ti:avellmg slowly ; for a. whole hour man on t he line who had pluck en ough ten se, b ut they never wavered . . .Perhaps it viu·i ety t o select from . .A.11 our importad stock is selected by MR. it h:"d caut10usly stumbled over the loosen· to run a snow-plow at t he head of was because women were few in the dismal F .ARNUM himself persona lly in F ra nce, and he accepts nothing but the best Horses of the most approved breeding. C ATARRn.-A new treatment h!l.S been die· ed fish-plates with a monotonous chuggety- five engines int o a choked cut, and country which had become their home Our Home- bred Stock is all the progeny of selected sir es and dfilD.!'l covf'red whereby a permanent oure of this chug and chnnkety-c~unk that had long stand firm when every p lank fair ly nuivered and tb!l.t, a~ is usual in purely male com'. or the best form and moot desirable breeding. We guarantee our hitherto incurable disease, Is absolutely affect· s tock. Sell on easy terms and at low prices. ed in from one to three applications, no matter ceased to !l'wa~en any mterest? symp~~hctic under the strain. One day, while he was munities, every man invested the gentler W e will be glad to a.newer all correspondence p ·omptly ; but we whether standing one year 01· forty years. 'rhi e ?r otherwise, Ill our dro~sy nu:r;ids, .l!in'.'11.Y dozing in his office, for Matt was lazy when sex colle:tivcly wit h a ·romantic he.lo in would strongly advise persons contemplating thew urchase of a hor:!e remedy is only applied once in twelve days, it stopped altogether wit!1 a Jerk,_ as if it ho h ad nothing to do, the door ·~pene:l with exact inverse proportion to the profane ee us. and does not intedere with business. Descrip· had.suddenly but conclusively realized t he a bang, and the operator , in a ~tate of skeptic!.\! contempt which he professed for or ma1 e, Per ..,heron 01· French Coach, to get on the train and come and B tive vamvhlet sent free on receipt of atamp by Catalogue free by Mail. them individually ; perhaps it was because A. H. Dixon & Son, 305 King street, W eat van1ty of any further effort. The astonish- breathless excitement, ran into the room. ed ~are pulled _ at_ their pins and pounded "'.)'here's a bush-fire below the Jong ~ome lingering spark of chirnlry, driven T~ronto, Canada. WHAT IS CATARRH'! th~1r buffer s as 1f m ang:·y expostulation at bridge, Mr. Murphy," h·: called out; "the 1i;t? .t he West .by the sneers of a higher Catarrh is a dangerons disE>!\Bf? which· tins fre~k of the loc?moti~e, and some ?f the wind is this way, and the Pacific Emigrant civ1hzat1on, baa flamed up suddenly iu the l'ROPllUl'I'ORS Oii ISi.AND UOJllE STOCK l<'ARJII, lltlPOUTEKS AND RJtEll~fHtS. ands are consciously or unco11sc1ously sufferm;i heart~ of th ese rough j ourneymen ; 01· per. Address all communications to Detroit, Mich.] GltOSSE .I SLE. lV A.'f{NIE c;u ·· llllClllGANP trom. It is a rouoo-purulent dischar!?e oau~ed men oflered.energet1c advice to the Deity as is due iu an hour. VI hat shall we do?" by the presence of a v parasite m the to wh a t ult imat e course ~o pmsue with th e M ·tt started in his chair and repeated haps it was merely the h umane hope of sav - ~lining membrane of the nose. 'l'he p1·ed1spoa- management o~ the ~oad m _genera.I and the the man's words in a dazed sort ot way. ing t he wives and children of men who had lng causes are a morbid state of the blood,_ the "Can't "Ilus:l-fire-and they are due in au hour. slept under the same blanket, worked in the blighted corpuscle of tubercle, tbe germ poison long .rre1gh~·lmks ~n ,par~icula.r. 'Jf syi;hilis, mercury, toxo1nce, from the reten- help it, cant h elp it l mud the brak eaman My Go:I !" Then he got up, stae;gered same ditch, and shared the same biscuit;-· tion of the effete matter of t he skm, suppres1;ed as he ca me along the top of the box-car across the room and leaned a"ainstthe wall. but , what~ver the cause, it was sufficient to perspirations badly ventila10d alee ping apart· ahead.· "The ra.ils have spread, and it'll be The baggae;e· m~ster, who h~d overheard silence selfish consideration and make them men ts and the germination of othc~ ~oiaons in the blood. Irrite.teil by these. the lmmg mem· two hoara,_ ~~y be three, before we start stepped in fr~.m the adj oining office, and the look upon th e sacrifice of their lives as no . . . oporator with 11 shrug of his shoulders more than the fulfillment of a. necessary brane of the nose is ever ready for the recep· her up aga1~. tion of the parasite. which rapidly spreada,up But the time passed, the tram still wait- turned to him and said in a perplexed way: dut v. the nostrils and down the fe.ncea, or back ot ed, .and we b~gan to grumble stoutly, won" .Murphy's drunk as usual !-what's to All around them the trees were falling in the throat causing ulceration of the throa1; up rows; broad flashes of ffame, quenched for a the eust.acbian tubes, causing cleafae~s; bn,:. d ermg_why, m the name of various pl!1ces be done?" where a r e t o seen rowing in the vocal cords, causing hoarseness; ai;id thmgs, they chose to dally in st~c~ a "Drunk, you' blamed idiot I" eri,,ct :.Nolan moment in the black smoke, burst up and usurping the proper structure of the b~onchial dismal, ~od-f?rsak~n spo~. It was ra~n!ng indignantly; "his wife and kids are on that flared in the wind like shreds ~f some vt, st tubes ending in pulmonary conaumpt10n and at Rat Urosa1:°g ; Ill fact it had ?een train. Get out of here,) ou scented squirrel, tattered canopy. .Along the ground the dea th. Many Ingenious speifica for ror the cure or slowly, siead1J1, f?r two days with acertam and blamed quick too, or I'll make your brush wilted awlty, burning with a sharp catarrh ha ve been invented. htlt without auo· desp~rate p ertmac1ty. There had been no empty head so blessed sore you couldn't see crackle like that of a muske try discnarge ; cess until a physician of long standing discov· prev10us drought t? render . such an abund· daylight through a ladder l Say, Matt, old and up through the h Jllow tamaracks the ered the exact nature of th dis.,aee and the ter desuable ; rn the cour;i~ry man--" H e did not finish his sentence, fire swept with a noise like the bellow of a only appliance which will permauently de·l;roy ance of wa_ the parasite, no matter bow aggrav a ted th e through winch we passed we had _not1?ed "vi; the next moment Murphy pushed him lil_ling sail. . Great trunks tottered and fell case. Sufferers sbonld send stamp at on ce no fields of par~hed wheat, no with~rmg aside and sprang out on the_platform where with a boommg like the sound of dis· tor descriptive pamphlet on. catarrh. to th~ t~ees, no droopmg vegetables,_ no tlursty the men were collecting to hear the news. tant cannon. The hot air quivered around business manal'(ers, A, 11, Dixon & Son, 300 :a.ttl~, ~o tr~veled roads on which the dust "Boys,' he cried in a voice that seemed them, and they gasped spasmodically as King street, west, Toronto, Canad~.. What the Rev. E. B. Stevenson,B..A., a Clerov reqm~e a.ymg. On th~ eontaar~, the lakes to rasp in his throat, "boys, look a-here! I they shook off the burning sparks and man Qf the London Conference of the M et ho wer~hall fnl! to oderfiowmg, the rivers swoll· want three good men to go wit h me 1 Haul laughed hysterically between short howls of d.iat Church of Canada, has to sav in regard To A..11. Di!lJon & S on's New ~l.'1·eatmcnt for :.· and ~~v1~es k. rowti'.f'bthe h wamps s~ak- up a bumper 412 ! catch a hold the;e; now p ain; Ahead all· was red a.nd black, a sea , . ie an s s? u t at t e relief-pipes ht ave away-so 1 Drop her on the track- of fire. Mur phy called out once mor e, Catm·rh. · ed forth a.contmuous stream of spatter- th t' ·t 1 Sl th . f ,,, , " Steady, boys, steady !" and they plnnged Oaklans. Ont., Canada, Maroh 17, 1883 pou1 mg_expostulation a sl . ap on e 011, you e11ows. .1. ~ o . 't I l . h MutJrs · .A, B. Di.xon &: Son: N t · b t d ' · th" hundred lives! My God !" he continued a.s mto I reso ute y, wit the desperation of a . h ·- DEAR Srns -Yours of the 13th inst. to hand. .1s 1'I.VIS excess of if thinking alond .. Quick you 1 wounded bull charging on the espada's o w1t s_ an mg It seemed almost too good to be true that I am water ti 1 e air seemed no fresher than before ff ith ' h. :~ d b d j blade Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy· cnred o! Cata.i:!.'l;l. but I know that I am. I the storm when the th t · th o w yours ir..,, an 1 iurrv 1 a11 a oar . ..; d '· t d d ermomeer lll e That's the style· noweomealong boys and "::ltea y,mymen! upancldown,upand b have had no r eturn of the disease, and nev·er ' ' ' down l stick to her, lads; it'll aeon be over felt better in my Ji!e. I have tried so many c_a oose reg1s ere 97 egrees on the shady work/" Ware, Bohemian and China Cups a n d Saucers, things for Catarrh, suffered so much. and for side of the track. Both front and side doors H ti fi t ti d t k th now " wide open and so f ti b . P was ie rs on ie car an oo e Th. fl eo many years, that it is hard to realize tha t were · ' me 0 .19 oys, 1? a rear handle behind the brake ; Long Mike en the a.mes closed upon them, and as I am really better. Inspection Solicited. en~eavor to prdduc" ~ passmg son~at1~n the Finland er, Jim Reeves, and "Dumb th.ey lowered their heads before the whirJ. I consider that mino was a vex:Y ba; it was aggravated and chronic,-1nvclvmg the o res ness, sat . own m the . sem1-flu1d Dick" jumped 00 after him ; an oil-can, a wmd of fire a~d smoke that .was hurled at Victo1·ia Buildin;s. MURDOCH BROS.. hroat as well , as the nasal passages. and I ~uddied, t':".e\ed w:1thha film of cm.~ers, and monkey-wrench, and as axe were thrown them,,they shivered at the crisp crepitation thought it would require the three ;tteatmen ta, tang e eir m~ e.pour outs1 e. But on. the men gave them a shove to start and uf their hair a nd beard, and felt the hot but I feel fully cured by the two sent mo. and a d, the water a.w~y they went down ~he long grad~ fif- grip of the fire fasten on t hem as they I am thankful that I was ever induced to send o no pur~ose : t e. air was d.efl 1 to sh e _and gr~wl. teen miles an hour. waTrhm, a!lc wfe eontmuec ' writhed in pa in. Something struck the car toYon yon.are at liberty to use th1s · l e tter s t a t' mg e view rom the car was notmterestmg. . . and it reeled for a moment that I .have been cured at two treatments. and To the left, as far as we could see through lnstmetively,-for they merely knew that · I shall gladly recommend your remedy to soma the endless, unfolding curtain of rain a dis-1 there was a fire below the bridge and that i " Stand by her, boys; st~ady there !" of my !l'iends who are sufferers. ma! muskeg swamp stretched away~to' thc the train was soon due,-instinctively Mur- 1They qrasped the handles agam and strug' Yours, with many thanks. nouth of t he track, broken only rare phy's three companions had understood gled on ; by the hollow sound of the :wheels . REv.E, B. STEVENSON clumps of ragged tamarack Both slopes of what they had before them. They were all they knew that they werE> on the bridge at , .~ And hundreds of olhcre the bank were covered by l~ng beds of pink old hands and knew that this was a desper· last, au~ it lent them fresh str~ngth., Then ' fll fire-weed varied with patches of soggy a te venture, \\ forlorn-hope, and that their sometlung struck the':Il a.g3:m· ' . Hard, pigeon-urass and to the north lay the deso· only chance of success lay in their working ha rd at work ther e ! Jim, Mike, D w k, all late waste of brnle through which we had well together, each man doing _his duty, ab- of you,!-pump away,_for God's sak~, boys I been traveling for interminable hours. Here solut ely r egardless of what might happen. we. axe nearly_ there. ?'ry agam l the Hae received her new stook of and there alllong the shiny black poles of But a ll this the_y felt rather than reasoned, , switch, boy~r, mmd the ~witch ! all ~gether the burnt trees little bunches, of" p opples" tor men of a ct10n rellect slowly, and .the j ~ow, heave : . But ~tram as they nught,ru~tled their loose leaves with a nervous pace was ~o severe that they lmd no tune : anrl they strained wit h a fierc?, d_eaperate W e hav · that seemed out of place in the dead for reflection, . J . f?r t h ere Wll.8 SOm".thmg Ill .l\'.[ura arge a n we selected stock and invites the Ladies of Bow activity q·.iiet of t heir surronndings,[and their silly, Mat~ leaned _ o ver and slipped th? key of i phy H tone :hat went to their heal'ta,- the manville and vicinity to call feeble flut.terin~, like the barking .of a tnesw1tchtoJ11n R eeves,whowasrnfront. jcarwasfasu az:d would n ot move. T~en , SCOTCU frightened cur was 80 exasperatin"' that we "If we haven' t time to unlock her, Jim," , they h eard a w1!d cry a~ove the thundeung . _ . . and see her Pattern could scarcely ~efrain from throwh;'g a. stone he said so quietly that it hurt the men to ! cras 1 of the bridge a s It fell from under i ' . atthe shivering things and calling out . "Oh hear him, "jump on the lever and break _them ; the car w_as suddenly shot ~head and . shut up l" . ' the chain. Now, felbws, heave a.vay fur : sprang awa.y easily over th e debris that lay The underbrush was thin ' and the rid es all lou'rewortb." across the iron. The was passed; and assortment ot of pink gneiss banded with black thr~st The first six miles passed quickly. to. b:1t at the rear handle Mike sto~d alone ; Alf.Ir their bare, sr:iooth surfaces throdgh the right and left the road and the tree11 'flew i h 13 part;11er, :Matt Murphy, wa~ gone; that mottled moss like great pock-marked baekwar~s, and ~othing was heard buv th". last fallrng brace' had struck J:llm squarely . latest designs, a n d t o part1·es i·ntend1·ng 2hou'.ders of giants protruding from short, quick pantmg of the men, the burr of 1 !.\cross the arms, a id 'Yhe11 }ie saw ~hat he -~~:~~~t!~eendDoorWest of William· their tattered shirts; in the gullies t!~e co~s, a nd the clickety-click, clickety-! co:ildno longerp1~ll h1s\\:e1~ht,heiump~d _erect Monuments tl;lis fall, who will call between them the water gurgled dismally cliek ot _ th". wheels over the fish-p.l ates. On : off an.d pllt all his remammg strengt!1 m . such low prices a s below the t aEgle ot dead trees, and ran away the half-mile up-grade to Baas' l!'a.lls they that last 'P 08 ~ that.sent them through mto shop we will sell un~cr tbe glo""Y pigeon-berry leaves, on to had to slac~en up a lit tle and ha?-g on the I; th~,compara.tne qmet be~ond. . which the grote! que pitcher-plants, opening handles, while the s~eat rnn off their emooth Steady, boys, and God be with you !" never heard o f before lll Canada. wide their lids, p oured their surplus water. b acks down ove~· t heir muscular arms b the emn_e once more ±rem out the chaos of flames Save by the patt~r of the rain on the crossbat· an d dripped off on to thA platform; behmd them, and that was all. On the a n d g e t prices be.Pore h and the pisl~ -pishing of the eng ine below off b Jt with their heads down and ev~1·y musele otller side _beyond. the clay cut, ~hey heard . · .Ll pure as1ng e sew ere:) steam, tho silence was absolute, and render- ~raced, they wor kecl on . B tead1ly, pant· I the bellowrng whi2tle of the engm e ; a few I and see we do not mean w h a t we ed only .more profound by the booming crash rng hoarsdy t hro.ugh _ their closld teeth. , st rokes, _ and they \ eached th e sw i tch. say. of a fa llmg tree. They h ad. b ut one idea m common, and that . Jump, Jun, for hod 's sak o, jump Bes ides our p arty of engineers, detailed on w ..~, as Jun Hee,ves tersely e>'.~ressed ~t, th at , qmck l" The next moment the train sl!ept remeasurem ent work t her e were two stran- they must reacn that qua lified switch 01 ! r oun d the curve over thti frog and ghded .l _ gers in the car; the/had blank passes from bust. At regular intervala Murphy, who : smoothly down the siding, w hHre it stopped; the chief and were going West; as they kept seeme~ t o h ave 1·cn_ouuced his customary j' but the hand-car had <lisappem·ed. , · Bow me.nville, .August l7th. 1887. t? themselves, talking t oget her most of the r.r~famty, r epeated his shor t, earne1.1t txhor· Whe!1 t hey ca me ba ck they found Jim . ~ - =·= -= --= ·· :: -= . ----------.==----------~ 1 time nnd not seeming to .care for our com. t at10n , mor e aa a prayer t han a.a a command : R eeves s b . ody b;v the brok en l ever of the W N PU~EST 9 ST~DNC~5T,BEST, pany, we bad pai.d no especial attention to "S""teady, boys, steady ! for God's sake I" s~itcl~ ; L ol!g Mike too they picked up be-1 OMA 'S WA"YS. Ready i'o 1· nse i n any q mintity· . :r<:or them. E very man of ua, however, turned '£ he t op o f the grade w v,s reached ; then 1 aide him, with a shattered l~g and an ugly , , . . " · ontin nee to do a General Banking Buainem11. maldng S < > a.p , i ng W u t er, D1s1n~udden'.y as the younger of the two, speak - came a level run of t wo miles before the g_ash across the forehea d, w~ile 011 the other . · Victor Hugo. sa1J · The nmetee;11th sBo wmanville Branoh. (~ctin~·,and a ~npiclred ether uses, A mg ·~~c1tedly in a loud, swajl',gcring t one in- curve to the bridge. Ahead of them on ~1de of t he track "Dumb Dick" was clutch- centu~y belon~s to wo~an. In t~e twentieth c an cqnal!l 20 pounds Sal Sod a, DEPOSITS ten~rfied by a strong twang, said to his com· each side of the track the worltmen, apprn· : m g ~he b~oken hru;tdle of the h e.nd-mr. ancl ce~t~r y, wari1;1he scaff?ld, h a t1ed, roya.l~y Snlrl by a n Grocer s a nd Druggists, pa.n1on: b ending some disaster from the enorinous sobbmg like a child. Strong men lifted fn ,,ogma WI ave died ou t, but m an will 'teoelve4 in Savings Bank Depe.rt.mentaniif :E, W , GIL7 ..T,T':l.', TORON'llO. .all and inter est allowed at en rrcn t rates. ~ltl "I tell yon,. Morton, that mtrn Matt Mur- volum_e of sm?ke th11.t w~s blowing toward t~eir crush?d bodies w~th tender care, a.nd 1 i~e. . · · . ·Otice ot withdrawal phy ~as the biggest coward that ever walk· th\lm m purplish clouds mnmed with golden side by side they laid them on a. bed · The la.test C~lifornu boom story ts of m- payable on demand. n ecessary. All depolih:a ed thrn_eA>rth; and don't you forget it!" sunlight, had assembled before the Falls' o.f fra.gra.nt b~lsa.m boughs; a woman's tereat to the fair sex. It says a Mrs. Hen. ~he mtonation of the ma.n's voice was so station ; and as Murphy's gang came, hand w1~ed away the blo_?d f_rom derso~ recently found a. $~0 gold piece in EXCJDti.l\'GE v1c1ous, so mean, that we a.II felt convinced along, up a.~d down, up and down, every M1k? a roq~h face and, held moist lmen ~he st1 eets of Los Angeles, mvested the same 3oughtand sold and Draftelsaued u ponEIU'O that the statement was false, and, althou 1h man in that crowd tell; his eyes grow to his bleedmg brow. Soon he opened his ma.suburban cornel' lot, and in a fortnight Jnited Sta.ten and Canada a lao Gold s·1 · ~ Your attention is direoted t~ the immense ut~rly_ ignorant of the facts, each of us f:lt moist and his throat dry. " With one accord eyes an_d lo?kcd solem~ly, with a pu zzled , reaw..ed the handsome sum of $1,250. Jnlted Sta.·ea Greenbacks'bou11:ht i{d ~~f J~ &ll stock of an mstmct ive desire to contradict him. But English and Y!!!.nkee, Frifuch-Cana.di ns expression, J.?1° the anxious facea of the wo- i Miss Henrietta. Brooke Davis in the COLLEC:T.101\JS before a!l'y one could think of what to say, a. and Italians, Swedes and Finlanderii, gave n;ien and chil<!ren tha.t stood 11rounf him, ' N i nttetnth Cenl.ury, advise the 'establiehdeep v01ce fr?m the end of the car condensed !lne solitary ringing cheer, 1rnd stood Silently wa.tchmg for his recovery. '.I hen he ment by women of a college in w hich the 1 our feelings m the energetic and la.conic an- silent a~ain, as if suddenly a.we.d by the sim- re~em?ered ~11 ; _fur a moment a bright duties of the household, the a.rt of cooking, _'ft '~~f;~YB~i~~:i:.t ~~~·r&!~{aJest~~.?.n al~, ~ w,~r : · · ,, pie heroism of. these fQur m".n, apparently smlle ht ufu his pla.m ~eatures ~nd died a~ay etc., _ma.:y: be taught: ~he great advantage minion of Canadn.. &n,. """ of every deacrip·ion at 1 '.Iha.t ·a a - - he I . . ru_sh ng consc10usly,. determmedly to cer- elowly as e oaugh_t sight of .his compamons tilf tlus w1!l be that it will raise the standard '.l't~Dc· J ")I' .. · The speaker, J Collms, wa_s the quiete~t tam death~ and workmg fiercely as if they s~retched beside him. Comrng through ~he , of domestic service. . ;rra )) l .._ ranMlers man on the staff, and had aeqmred a certam wereeacaprngfromsome great danger instead distant smoke ~~e rays of the red evemng l ,. , ror large or ~mn.11 flums on all artbtl o! kre, sent out 1)11.n>\Cla. 1 "jhls ls eepe_ c iall:r n.dvantafeonl!l to Sh~ ha.e just-Opened out one of the large11t reputation for mindmg nobody's business but of hurrying into it Not a man apoke as they sun touched their pale faces with a ruddy j Dr. Elizabeth Bea.tty, of Inc hi" own. Jack. wa.s somewhat of an enigma. fl!l.shed past. A f~w pushed their ha.ta back glo'!" and .wove a seft _ g?lden h:i-Jo aro~nd by t?e Pr~sb_Yterian ~hurch in Canada. as,. a i ~:"TI'.~~~k~: ~:e!~lll~,~~~oba or the North·we"1! and most 'sty lieh stocks ever brough5 to us a~l ; we did not understand, but we aH and stopped as if ashamed of the movement, their pa~s1ve heads. W1~h a slight qu1v~r ; mec~ica.l rr:1ss10nary~ has tr~ated over 6,0uO l)laoo 1> f payment. a.Hable at once &· t ~ to town, consisting of ;~ liked hrm, for he had a way of doing small watching the hand-car grow smaller and Long Mike passed away m the eunser s1- ' patients lil the past twelve mont hs, and F · j th_ioks a hospital and traimng echool for Ha::~~~rther p artfo ul&r s call a t t he Bimlr.lrt Millinery, Drcs11 Sillu1 cha.ritiea and helping the boys in a pinch that smaller above the converging lines of the lenee to join his c?mrades." ehow:d ~truly g : od na.tureand a warmheart. rails. When Jack finished vh~re ":as a pause ; 1 Ihndoo women. w,ou~d make thousands of I 'l'. ltODIE, V~lTets, &c., Whau his exact work ~as none of us knew; Swearing Dan Dunn, the walking boss, then ~e all look~d up at him with the sam e 1converts to Ch~i~~ia.mty. Accountant. OR:O. M cOIJ.,J,., with a very fine stock of Feaiher11 aud he had the name of bemg a go?d locator and stepped out into the middle of the track be- question on ?ur h~s. He rose slowly from 1 All the trammg schools for nurses iu MarJ~;er Flowers. explorer, especiallyamongtheoldermen, with tween his men, threw down his pick and the corner m wlnch he had been ··itting. I Philadelphia. are free. This is one profes - ··-· ---- --------·····- --- . _ . _ --·---------~- Call and inspect this fine display, which whom he usually associated; his r eportsnwer wiped his w et forehead on the sleeve ~f hie "You want to kuow where I ho.rd 1:.ll t.hi~?" \ ~ion for women t;h o,t is not over- crowde d passed through our office, and no complaints shirt. he askc~. " Oh l I am' Dumb D:clt.' T o be ' and whe:re women can earn good w ages: 5t~ $Sa day. Sam ples Mi r! rluty F REE cannot fail to give satiefaction. · <>u Ial'lty · fh 'd, "that gang's a-goi'n' frank .w ith you , b oys, I Iiave b een a >1iec1 ·a11 Tlie ch' , mes not un.der llrn h n1·- <1'8fe .. t.· Wri"-were ever mad e a b ou t· t h e irre., ' · }' >Oya, " h e sa1 . 1ef qual'fi i ca +· "tons are good he:1 lth, l'n~"'s':r" ""' 1 h c . !_ ~ · "-"" JJ.oR,~; ., ;.:;i.AUJ.C~.· y H ~1N ·HOL D."EB 0 is worlq ~e ~!ways w ent off before office· to ever las tin' destruction as plucky a.a c etec.tive on t e · P. R. ~or _several ) ea.rH, go_ od t e mp er, genernl intelligem:e, and a Co., Holl, Mich. hours with his compass and note·book, but any fellovrn 1 ever see, every blamed and if I tell you so now it ia becaus;, m y , lou r commou-2chool educo.tion. - - -- - - -- -~he men not infrequently found him lying of them, and I'll be\ a barrel of contract is up as soon as I have hand<.:affe cl m. a a~cluded co~ner ~eadin_g, or sleeping high-wines to a cup of tea they know Mr. J~mes Bowles over th.ere. . Don't you . 1 . Irla _ Lewis W ilson stil~.keepJ ,he old ~oau with his book behmd lum. He was a large, it t,oo. Matt Murphey knows it, sure." move ! he called out, covermg !um with his! 6 b~ich ~~~ :skved h tiur tee~ peoph~, an~ . 1 00 6 8 powerful fellow, with a. heavy beard that Then, turnincr suddenly ·and pointing down r<;volver. "I suppose," he cor1tinued, ad· ia Y as . i e u ses it , and ~wys if concealed half his face, of which the only the t rack, h~ cried in his u"ual bullying ?,ressiDEJ the man he had call.eel Bowles, ~he werte hagda~n to. n:ve h , ;dhe koppJrt umty to rcmatkable features were a strong determin- tone : that it would have been more correct to r escue e rownm., s e ta e t he old bo'l.t 1 ed mouth and long, slanting black eyes that "G ive the m a yell there blame you -all chain you first and tell my story afterwards; l rdt~er thv.~hthe.~~andsoi1 Nnew oue present · 1 k.ept moving slowly. round from left to toge ther now, and yell till' you bust, ~r I'll r but I knew you could not give , me the ~lip. e er ~ c Cl !~ens 0 cwpor t: . m au Ve h<.~n s""'"" br. ono· 1 ill nine h0111'S. 1 1 1 Hnn'i/; ~ /"\" right. and s.uddenly JU_mped back to their ' break the son of tadger's head that hang· boy_s, Prrnc_ess of hAustn ~~: {var;·t.;""az~ " " "':~ "'"~~1"F~~';,~0v~'.':;~~ ~~~~· c~~;i:: '"' That t man, t th was d Murp! d _1y s p artner. Ill a h The_ Crown Abb d .a, .dunal! o AgencV ·~on1:st&rd1:· 1rm11yl)ur· idnity!<Qc11n~.s ·tt·e startmg-pomt, ·S omet1mos, when we pres- fire." co~ rac on 13 roa an tned to get h1111 to er SOJO Urn at az ~a, on t e A nat10, c~m - Writ e f.oi· Ilii~"tG·o';; . \'" :~. '~",' ,"""'" factu re in cu.uaci;,. :FREEMAN'S sed him very hard, be told us a story or F or once, although they had their custom- swmdle the company. M~tt wouldn't do it mantled a crew of six young a nd beautiful J\dcl rcss ll'O!Ll~li" 1'Qc "l~·;,;_~f<i~!i-1\'"~' t l'R l!JJ!! to 11ll; ~om~ adventure that had happened to him, a:y effect of insuring prompt compliance with and th~eatened t? show him up,-; and now Countesses of the bluest bloo~ of the En;.pire, ( Al., 303 3 r.1 f.l. (~"'"·~ :i :d·.';' ct'1.:-.!~~·~r. POWDERS~ and it ~as only the~ that his eyes were at his orders, Dan's threats were superfluous; that .he s ~ead. thrn ~ellow t akes hi..~ revenge who womaned a barge, 1wh1ch the Prmcess , ......... ··-------- --· :est, v01d of expr ess10n, as if he were read- for once his wishes coincided with the wishes ou; m at.ackrng h1a char i1cte1 ·. Howeyer, steered as they rowed. They v!ere all expet·t Are pleunnt to tr.l<e. their own mg from some ~ar -away book. :S:e spoke or his m en, a nd from those five hundred h.e s so badly _ wan ted a~ headquarters JUSt at the o~;s and ca.lied t h e Prmcess "Com- , Purgative. IB a a!l.fe, 11uro, and cflcctD.41 slowly but well, ma low, even voice that throats there burnt such a cry t hat the now that he will keep h rn month shut about modor e. dclltroyer ":l worllZN in Children or Adults. commanded th~ attention of his_ heare~s; fla1i;es. ahead seemed to halt for a moment in 1\hu phy for the nex t t en yearn. " T went.y tl10us!l.nd women K nights of w e never qliest~oned t he truth of his s torL_es, t~e1.r forward rush. On the hot, pulsating L!!.hor are organized, in the city of New anc lwhenever any statement seemed a trifle air it fior1ted away across the muskeg, over Orre Oashier that is Safe. York alone, for mut u u.l protection. J,ike extravagant ~ve acknowledged that it must the heads of the devoted crew, and re-echoed the fabled Amazons, they are rnn.dy to assert ~our fault If we could not u nderstand the with a boQm ing roll from the slate walls of "I see yon have a new cash ier," remark- and defend their r ights, but n ot, as they circumstances. the. rock cut through which they pushed ed the president of one bank to another. did with, the sword. '.l' hey will be com· OF CANADA. h h , t "Yes, we set him to work yesterday." JI d d b 1 10ug t is expre~sion of "Had any cxmerience ?" pe cd to eman the a.lo t for their own F ?r a moment after his usua.lly emphatic th e~1· car. I>U, t 1 VapUal paid up, ltn,ooo,ooo. defense, and when they do t he groat ar my _,,,,_ Rest, $26&,00 demal no one spoke ; the stranger had risen their com:ades sympathy cheered and help- "Lots of i t.""" . that J did n ot move ed them, it told each man only too plainly U I of organizad l abor will rally to the irside.. Thia Bank ts prepared to do Legiti- at once, but seein!!' ·~ th t t h ' l· 1 · b h . " uc er heavy bonds, I sup pose. Our nrnn ~' is ,was 11s ast JO on t e track. ,, 18 under $150,000." Dona I sadora Cou sino, of Chili, is said to ba h e ~at d own agarn, fi_lle_d a fresh pipe, and mate Banking.i.n all its bra nches. waited. Jack was s1ttmg on the Jioor at . Thats gcod-bye_ for .the ~ong cc>ntract, "w II d'd tlie rich est w oman in t·he world, and h er Farmers il,.;.n.e s discounte d; Deposita the end of the car looking down pel.tSively s:i-1d R eeves, and .Mtke m his broken Eng- · bonds.'~ ' no; we 1 not require big fort.une is cstimi..ted to b e a t least tw o hun- .A:'l>'"$J: - -·received and In terest paid on amounts oi at thO! revolver thac hung from his hel~ ; hs~ r~pe~t~d : " Great heavens, man, h e'll r un off i.B two dred millions of dollars. Dona Cousino is 85 upwar ds i n Savi n gs B a n k Department. :Uter a. s~ort !?a.use h e looked u~· at the ce1lY as · Koo.t-pye,, pyes,- koot-pye l bu~ weeks with the whole b11.nk." on t h e sunny side of for ty, above medium MO~~RI S mg, and m his usual slow .wa.y he told us both rel~pse~ mto silence at the sound or "We haYe every con fidence in him.,, height, of graceful figure, !l.nd of a Spa nish DRAFTS W J am tully prepareu to attend Funerals Ol!l Issued and Collections made in Europe the story of Matt Murphy s last work un Murphy s qmet r em onsk ance. "¥Yell, you'll pay dearly en ough for it. type of beaut y. She proposes making N ew the ahortes t notice, at t he !owes t possible rates United Statea and Canada. tne road. "Steady, boys, steady! and mind the He'll be in Canada inside of a month." York a visit; and if she does come will ~askets and BurialCases ready on shor t notiea W J. TONES It had happened two years b efore; brake, ,Tim ; we're rig htonthedown-grade." "I think not. You see, he has just run make her presence felt, for she spends her First-class hearse on very moderate ter m s · · · , Mu~·phy. was t hen road-mas~<·.r at CampAt t~e end of the level was the grade to away from a Canadian bank with $200,000. money freely, and is interested in a 2reat Shrouds and Cefili;is constantly on hand. FtUll er al oards supplied at onoe. E'urniture Shop A; Ageo bells Pomt, and far from bcmg thought a th~ bridge "'nd the fire; beyond the fire the I think he is safe eneugh." va.riety ohubjects, from 11.rt to cattle-raising, Sb.ow Roome-Bounsall'sNewBlock. PERCH ERON H 0 R SES.. FRENCH COACH HORSES. ___ ___ A STORY OF OUR NATIONAL HIGHWA Y, ~~~~~'-~-~- C.L \ TARRH. I .SAVAGE & FARNUM, -- ur ooh rothers' I be 1 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, 20 vVhite Bed Room Sets~ SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. &c. .vfuf eg: by o u N s AL L's .n_ a b le Works, B e 1 d 1 1 of MISS McTAVISH GOODS., cne~gy, & lNCttia ClANtTI to at the we::re BONNETS, HATS I t~e~tle MO NU'IUl"E NTS at TRIMMINGS of I ' . Call h I m~70 If .E. R. B Q UNSALL, Managei!I_ THE ONTARIO BANK L ADIES, 11 M I L L I N E Ry 0 vQ MRS·.D· t DNNELY'S i I I m \fj I I f . :. . _ . · ., WORM '° . I STANDARD BANK LEVI ..

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