FOREIGN MISSIONARIES. ON TIIE WAY. · FALL! I FALL!! FALL!!! I Dry Goods. ·we take great pleasure in announcing that we have com:pleted arrangements for the Fall Trade. We have employed our time during the quiet summer months visiting the markets, examining samples, testing goods by all possibl~ means, comparing prices. of different manufacturers, using every cai·e and precautionias to quality, appearance ..and prices, till a.t last we havs - su.cceededjin placing in stock as fine an assortment of Dry Goods as ever was shown in Bowmanville. -~Ne cannot begm . to ennumerate our immense stock in det11il, but we invite the public to call and inspect our stock, even though you may not wish to purchase call, examme and compare, and if you are not satisfied that we can show you better vttlue for your money than yon are accustomed to, do not buy. ----::-------·- WA'rCIIES, CI.OCXS, JEW'EI.BY, AND SILVEEWAli:S:. This department of our business is receiving onr careful attention and never before have we shown so large and choice a selection of' desirable goods, Our system announr.ed some months ago of selling atone-half the regu- LrVERl'OOL, Eng.. Oct. 11th 1887. DEAR EDITOR AND FRIENDS. ...:..J now give you my promised letter. After leavini;: Newcastle I visited m.i brother in Toronto, and arrived in New York, Sept. 24th. On Sunday 25th meet.iogs were commenced in the Jane-st. M. E Church in the special interest of the mis·ionaries, and continued till Wednesday night. U ev. Dr. Lowrey who has just r eturned from Chili, South America, whither he conduc1ed a party of rnissionarit,s, presided at most of the meetin~s. Some of th() finest men in the city spoke, and Drs. Parker and Lane will long be remembered for their powerful sermons. The musical part of ihe pro;1,ram was superb and was presided over by Prof. Kirkpat· rick. The iadies of the congregation provided meals from Monday till ·Wednesday, so that ·no one nee.d leave the church except for sleep. Of course we were looked upon as heroes by some, but many others envied us, saying our prospects in Africa were better than theirs in America. It would surprise you all to go to this church and see how " brightly the fire is burning", and how great a missionary spirit is prevailing there. After procuring part of what outfit we needed, we set sail on Saturday Oct. 1st, in. the Inman Line steamer, "City of Richmond"-a large steamer but rather slow. We were given a cabin passage so that our fare all the voyage was good. As you have lately had long accounts of voya~es across the Atlantic, I will not recount every item, as there was not much wh;ch Y<'U 11ave not previously said. The sea was very calm with the exception of two days in which we were shaken up and some were relieved of their meal& soon after taking them. Each day we saw a vessel of some kind, and a meeting was held in the saloon every day. We had a spiritualist on board with whom much time was wasted in controversy. He among other wild things that conversion is the ethic<1.l part of man's nature predominating, and by his knowledge he could bring them visibly before him. CJh poor df<lluded man ! . On Monday morning the 10th we were informed that a man hai died during t he night. Upon enquiry I found his name to be Henry Pvlylase, a native of Cornwall. Eng. He was a miner and had left his wife and family in En!tland two ye<\rs agn, and came to Americl to seek his fortune, but not haviug very good health he thought advisable to return home, and eoon after going aboard he was taken sick with bronchitis from which he died. He waa put into a black box perforated and weighed, and e.bout 2 o'clock on Monday the captain read the Episcopali ~n service, hie body boi11g ~hipped through the gang· way i.n · to the ocean. We had several Chinese aboard returning home. On Tuesday morning we sighted the "Ernerald lsle" and soo n landed the mails and some passenaers then steered to Liver· pool where ;e a~rived Wednesday morning all in good health. 'Ve were soun comfortably emconsed in our hotel. Ollr company is composed of 17 adults. married and single, and 7 small children, coming from all parts of the U. S. One v::mng lady comes from Dundas, Canada. ·we have a tmsmith,a doctor and minister a carpenter and cabinet maker, and the r"st are farmers, preachers and teachers. These with the trades already o'i1t, makes the mission strong aa each helps t he oth er as far as possible. Our destinatwn is Liberi<>, in Africa, or at least inhnd from Liberia. Bishop Taylor explored the ground the past. summer , made arrangements with the chief for the recef>tion of the white man, aud some of the house& are alrl·ady built. Eyerythiug looks very promising for a grand work. Bishop Taylor says that the climate is very healthy and that a whit e man with car.i can live there as well as in America. He even compares it to the valky of the Hudson. Taylor is a go-a-head man. If he lives long, h as health and sti:ength, and the people of America continue to tRke the same interest in the work that they do now, Africa will soon be a l\:lethodist civilized people. Five new stations are to he formed by our party, mor1i than one being sent to a station. A small boat fully equipped is being sent out to Mr. Williama, Grand Bassa. This will be a great h elp for con· veyance and trading. We are provided with provisions for a short time till we are able to got a crop, which will not be long, then we shall be indepen<:Vtnt of home. Farewell for the present. Address papers and letters to me in Caro of Mr. J. S. Pratt, Cape Palmas, Liberia, Africa. Sincerely Yours, . H . GARWOOD. lar jeweler,s profits, hM had its results, as the public has become a.ware that. we are carrying out om determination. One thing we want distinctly understood, ·vfa, that our g oods are the best quality to be produced. We Kave a large personal acquaintance with leading manufacturers both in Canada ancl United States and consequently get the benefit of always seeming good ggods. Solid Gold nnd Silver a.nd R:>lled Gold Plate. J . J. Ma.son. J.J. MASON General Dry Goods & Jewelry House. Mr. John Davidson, of Iowa, ha~ been visiting Mr. }'. L . Andrus, Orono. . Mr. Wm. Nichols has left Orono for Toronto to learn the carriage business. Alex . Henry is quitting mercantile life in Kend,.ll 11nd going back to farming. Rich. Whito'e barn snd contents were destroyed by fire on Sunday week, near : Kendall. Mr. Sidney Gamsby has left Orono for British Columbia wh4're he has secured a situation in a photograph gallery . . Mr. John Glendenning, Mrs. James I' R owl and s and M. · .urown, n N ew1ss A n · ie 1 castle, were reported sick last week. I Mr. Albert Tourje, Orono, received al always on hand~. severe blow on the forehead while splitH" h . . . . ting wood lately, the axe coming in contact with n clothesline. 0 d fill ·1 d d · Kendall L. o. L odge, N o. 915, will r ers ec an ehvered to parts of the town. Prices: hold a grand soiree in Kendall, on Saturreasonable. Telepl::one communication. day, Nov. 5th. There will also be a 43. demonstration of Ora.ngemen. The oil excitement which has b een agitating the good people of Le~kard for a y"ar or more has at last reached Orono. Prof Powers, of Chicai;co, in oil expert, who is on a visit to this n eighborhuo<l, -AT THEhas di·covered stronit eymptoms of Kerosane all up and do wn the gully on t he western side of the village. Mr. J ohn Carscadden, Kendall, died a few days ago at the ripe ago of 80 years. My stock of COOKING RANGES consis t s of the Mr. Carscadden waa a nai.ive of Leitrim J 1 · Co., Irel'a nd, and c&me to Canada in 1836 with the new Duplex Grate ; as our own Scotch Canadian poet, McLaC'hlin, h:ts said. . "He hither came in days when this For PARLOR STOVES, I have a large stock, with and without ovens,. Was all a howling wilderness." consisting o f 1 In politics Mr. Carecadden was a Uont t Hervative. He wae an earnest Ohristian man and will be ~ery much missed In t he Also a full line of Cooking Scoves of the latest patterns, and for size Methodist Church. weight and finish , are unequalled. I also take orders for the NoVELT; Leskard and vicinity are sgain excited S p H F over the oil <luestion, aud one evening TEEL J,ATE OT Ant UilNACE, it is a powerful heater and very last week a meeting was held in the Sons' reasonable in rri ce. G ranite u.nd Iron Wares constantly on hand. DARLINGTON COUNCIL. H all when Mr. John Simpson, sr, was Eave Troughing, Roofing and Job Work done on shortest notice, and appointed to the chair. He immediately prices, considering material, as low as the lowest. called upon Mr. Powers, of Chicago, who Town Hall, Rampton, Oct. 29. spoke on the future of Leske.rd by the Newcastle. 3.6 .tf Regular meeting, membtirs all present, prospects of oil. After this gentleman , -- ··· .. minutes read and cantirmed. views the audience in a The following i;etitiona, and communi- laid very his clear and before comprehensive manner, cations were pranented. the question was thoroughly d iscnssed From John Corum, and 18 others,pray- and a committee appointed which con-AND THE-_:_ ing aid, for Mrs. Campbell, Haydon. sists of John Carve th, David Bell, Aaron Laid on the table. Robbins, A. W. Carver.It and John Davey. From ~· ~ Oke, and eleve n others, to A. W. Carveth was appointed Secr etary. open the Slmce-way betw'3en the 1st and It WM then thought neces ary to have 2nd Oona. Lots 30 11r.d 3~, and close the eome ex!Jert who tnoroughly understands one acroe11 the 1st Con, hne. . , his busiiieas come and ~few the field and ~oved by Mr. · S~a_le Sti3onded by Mr, it h e reports favorable to take all 11ecesSmith, that the peht1on of W. II.. Oke sary steps towards sinking a test well in and others, be referred to a committee of this place. A subscription was bken up Mesrs Worde~ and ~wde, to confer with and funds to the amount of '$15 paid in Mr. R Court1ce,. w1th reference to tho for this purpose . Tt was decided to have prop~sed change m the water cour~e and Mr. :McLister, of Oil Springs, Ont. , to that if he ag~e~s to the change, t he p~ay come down. er of the petition be granted. Carried. \ A uumber of ac~ounts were presented, and laid on the table. Messrs Jonathan S tephens and Mr. Our new Fall Stock looks like a Daisy in the Spring. Hobbins. maJe appl:cation from loss of sheep killed by dogs. Granted, see beOur Prices are tame and are warranted not to sr.are or jar low. Mr. lfob t. Garter, complained of the C. the most delicate nerves. And our whole establishment has P. R. blncking up the side roads with their snow:.plows last "'.i":ter, and aRked entered into a conspiracy to make the People happy and the Councu to see that 1t 11!1 not repeated. Moved by Mr. Smith, Seconded by Mr. comfortable, without impoverishing the pocket b ook. Smale, that the clerk do notifiy the manager of the C, P. R. Co. that the side When you are up street drop in and see us, while we Imes crossing their roi~d in Darlington is iu winter, m '\de impossjble by the snow show you our handsome stock. being loaded on the said roads from the C. P. U. Track, to the great injury and The West End House is in the same old place. danger of the public, and request the manager to see that the approaches to the track are not filled with snow, as heretofore . Carried. Mr. Williams, complained that the under brushing of a. side line in the 10 th, Con had net been done as promised. Hefe1ored to Mr. Bmith. Mr. Snowden, Co~plained of injury t o his fe nce by parties taking gravel. Re· ferred to Mr. Smith. Mr. Awde submitted 1J. communication, from Mr. D Archer in reference to matte1· of damages before last meeting. Refer. red to Mr. Smith. This powder nevor varies. A marvel o! The janiter, was instructed to have purity, strength aud wholesomeness. More the Steps leading to the Town Hall re- economical than the ordinary Kinda, and can not be sold in competition with t he multitude paired. low test , short weight, alum or phosphate Tho R eeve and Mr. Smale were ap· ot powders. Sold only in cane . . HOY.AL B.A.K· pointed a committee to examine the bridge I NG POWDER C0.. 106We.11St·. N. Y. ----------------- Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run in the village of Tyrone. Dlt. J<]. (). Jtl~DO\VELL. Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. ICENTIA'l'E OF ROYAL COLLEGE Awde, that the Clerk is hereby instructed over one month. of Physicians. I.omlon, ]<;ng.;Member of ----~ to advertise for tenders for 14,500 feet of College of Phy8iciaua anu Surgeons. Ontario. DISTRICT NOTES. good sound pine plank l6 ft. long and S l[ HG.ERY AND,REBIDENCE:-Rear or ~..-ssrs. I 3 inches thicli:; 600 pieces of cedar scant1 A woolen mill is to be er ected at Lake- ling, 16 ft. long and {i inches through at small end; and 100 pieces of cedar 1G ft. field. STol' IT. -Continnal hawking and spit- Jong and 12. in. in diameter at small end, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer. &c. Money to loan. Office, in Bell.Ver Block upstairs in ting caused by C >1.tarrh·is·permanently re- all to be straiuht and sound, to be deliver- roo-ns formerly occupied by Dr. Harnden, moved by Nasal Balm. :!: ed at the undermentioned places by the Bowmanville. 39 Wm . .A. McKee, an old resident of Port 1st of April next. I'lcink {;mall cedar . Lttrge do. FH.ANK M. FIELD, D. A. Hope died last week. 2500 ft. 100 20 (LA'l'E HossACK & FrnLu. UNEQUALLED.-P. B. McNamara, ·dry Hampton, J 8S8-EVERY J... ADY SHOULD TA.KE IT-lS SS. Tyrone, 4000 ft. 50 20 i;toods merchant, 13rockville, Ont., eayaARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, &c. Enniskillen, 1000 ft 25 Aa an instant relief for cold in tt10 head COBOURG. 20 1000 75 and catarrh, Nasal Balm is unequalled. Bradley'a Ofllce,- Arrnour Block, King Street. 1000 2[) 22, FRANK M. FIELD· The effect ie noticed as aoon as it is used. Baker's 10 Courtice's, 2000 100 t 10 50 R1mdle's 1000 Jn 1879 Canada had no more than 4,600 T. Smale'a 10 - 0 }.'1000 41J Uver (Jom1·lntnt, miles of railway; in 1886 she had 10.710 W. Windatt's 1000 10 30 Dyspepda, miles. BlllonHness . Carried Sick Jleadnehe. A PERSON .--"Unable to sleep in bed, Kiilney ·rroubles, Sketelles ofNotul J>lnce~ 11ncl Peo1>1e, Spl en1lhUy.Jllustratoo Articles, On motion the Reeve was inatructed to Rlleunintl· ut. 'l'nles ancl Novelets b.f 1'"111non~ Aulltor·, unable to work, unable to take ordina.ry grant orders on the Trt'asury as follows:Sklu DJseasett llJ1V1t ratt.>d DlJ1b on the Faolttons. Numeron)I 'tYork·Table Patterns. exercise from the effects of Asthma until J. Stephens, sheep damages, $20.06; M. and all TUE BEST A.NP CJIE.lPEST of tho Iady'a·books. It givea more tor the money a.nd OOnt· asing Southern Asthma Cure. :A. sample Rol:lbins, do. , $4 00; Geo. Murphy, do . , Impurities or the bines grea.ter merits than other. I ts stories, uovelets, etc.· are admitted to be the beat lllood fEom what· published. Its contributors are among tho most popular authors of America, package relieved, three .packages perman- $4.25; W. R. Knight, attendance Court <'Vt,re:msenrlsing A FULL.SIZED DRESS·l'&TTERN with number, whioh alone is wort.h the price ot ently cured. l of Revision, $2.00 ; 'I'. T. Coleman, Fem ale Weak· the number. J~very month, also, there avpe!Lrs a. ff,lMMO'rJI ()t) J,OltED f<'A.SHIO N-l'LA.TE, iesses and General superbly colored, and giving the latest Pansia.n styles of dress. Also, nonsehold, cookery, a nd The barns, with their contents, of Mr, Woolner Case, $G. 50 ; J'as. Knight, 82 lebility. other receipts. articles on art· embroidery, tlt>wer·culture. home decoration- in short everything Herbert Renwick, on t;he 3rd Concessicn loads of gravel, $4.10 ; Selecting of Jurors Purely Tegetnl>le. inte1·esting to ladies, of Clark, were recently destroyed by fire. $9.00 ; n.. Oourtice, drawin~ cedar, $2.00; Highly coneentnitefl, plensnnt. eJlednal u s e a··t.IJB·PllEMllJ~lS FOil ~~NEST EYER Ol!'l' ERI;D ll;E:t. The hired boy was alone iu the house at Drs. McLaughlin & Beith, Poor Acct., . ASJ'i: FOR '.l'ERJllS, 4M'fA.TS IN ADl.A.NtJE. $2,00 A. YEA.R. the time, but ho managed to eave the $22.75 ; Mrs. Sully, 40 loads gravel, $ 2.PO With the elegant book," Choice Gems," or a largo eteeh_i.ngravirig, horses. T here was orily insurance to the W. Aldsworth, work 4th con line, 26.00; DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. 2 Cople~ fol' $~ .50 ! Talce no otht>r. S i>ld cvery,vke··c. l'ricc, 3 Coples Col' 4.r.o 1 " The Wreath of Immortelles," as a. pre".Dinm for getting up the club, Indigent Persons, C:>urtico $ 7; ·waller, amount of $400. 7i> cents 11e1· J>ottlcs. 4 CoJ>les for $6. 40 ! With an extra copy of the :Magazine for 1888, as a pr omlnm, to t h e INVARIABLE J:NI)ICATIONS.-If you have Luff, Sprout, Lewis and Gay, $5 each; 1; (:01de~ Cor 9.0o 1 person getting up the club. Malle~ . Cornish, Orchard and Co11rtice, sour stomach, heartbnrn, sick headache, ii (Jopies :for $S.OO ( With both on extra oopv of tho Magazine for 1888 and the hirge steel 7 Coplc~ ror 10.i>O 1 eng·raving or the book 'Choice G ema' to the person getting up the club. rising and souring of food, wind in the $4 each; Campbell, I,ane, Beard, Wilson, I· 'OR 1,A itGElt CLUBS STILL GR E ATE lt I N DUC E MEN TS ! stomach, a choking or gnawing sensation RobertsonandT~ick,$3each;Dean,Stal't 11 Address, post-paid, CH A RLES J. PETERSON, at the pit of the stomach, then you have cey, Gre~ory, Mrs. Campbell and btoquos U ) Sold every where. Prine, 25cents and 50 cents sure indications of dyspepsia which Bur· $2 each; Dell, $10. :JOG Chect nut st Philadeluhia, Pa. On motion adjourned to Nov. 2Gth, at. per bottle. Propl'ietors and manuftwturers, JfiiTSpeciJL cua ~ent grati1', if wrlttcn for, to ::;ct np club3with. '13·1w . dock Blood Bitters will surely cure. It 10 a. m. R. 'VrnDAT1' 1 'l'p. Cle.rk. Tile 11.NIO:il 1trnD1c1:n;; co ·· - · 'l'<w<>nto, Can. ha.a cut'ed the worst cases on record. Lindsay Oddfellowa have seour~d the servicea of Mra. Scott Siddons L or an enturtainment on the 23rd inst. MuLTUM IN PARvo.-'rI1ere is · .ich in a litile, as regards Burdock BloCld 11itters. You do not ham to take qui.rts a11d izallons to got at the medicine it c"'itains. Every drop in every dose has medical virtue as a blood purifyiug, Bystem regulating tonic. There are twenty-four students in atteuda_nce at the Woman's medical college, Kmgston, ten of whom were admitted t his season. B EYOND DrsPUTE.-There is no better, safer or more pleasant cou~h remedy madfl than H,,,gyard'a P ectoral Balsam. It cures hoarsene1P, sorj:l throat, coughs colds, bronchitis a.·1d all throat and lung koubles. The district inspector of weights and measures, states t hat Colborne and its vicinity has been a harvest field for ille,,al weighing machines. ,., A RARE OounINATIO:N.-There is no other remedy or combination of medicine that rueets so many r equirements, as does Burdock Blond Bitters in its wide ranae ot po1ter over such Chronic diseases ~s dyspep~ia, liver and kidney complaint, scrofula and all humors of ·he blood. Bugh Ferguson, fourteen y ear old son of Mr. Hugh Ferguson, who lives near Lindsay di~d last week from injuries received from falling off a wagon. A CuRE FoR DEAE'NESs. - Tliere have been many remarkable cures of deafness made by the use of Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the great household r emedy for pain, infiamm:ition and soreness. Yellow Oil cures rheumatism, so e throat and croup, and is useful int ernally and externally for all pains and injuries. The total yield of barley in Ontario this year is e8timated at 17'436,322 busheTu, being ~,136,000 less than the average of the}ast five years, although the breadth sown is 50,000 acres more. '.l'.AMA:r..Ac.-Is an Elixir carefully prepared by an experienced chewiet, w th the well-known Tamarac as the fundamental principle, imd all the other ingred· ients in its c.,mposition are of the purest. and best calculated to rolieve all cases ot Coughs, Colds and Lung troubles. :!: CLARKE .NOTES. Kendall expects a r oller mill. Grangers are shipping barley from Newcastle. CALEDONIAN MILLS. Having thoroughly refitted and added a lot of new Maclii,!leIY to th~, above Mills, I am prepared t o furnish ~I' '<' Robt. Hodge, blacksmith, is leaving Kendall for California. Geo. Mastera is building a shoe shop and residence in Kendall. Roller and Stone Flour,. Oatmeal, Rolled Oats, Split Peas, &c. Farmers' Gristing a specialty.. Pearl and Pot Barley,. Bran, Shorts, Barley Feed, Corn, &c., ig est price· paid for Grain of all kinds. au JOHN Ma cKAY.. STOVES, STOVES-! CHEAP FOR CASH. STOVE AND TIN DE POT, NEWCASTLE., ewe Range, also ;Grand Duchess, Grand Universal and Diamond R1lnge. A r G ar1and s, U n1versa · 1s and A r S u Itanas. W. T. BQNATHAN, The VOLU""TEER Leads the THISTLE, .l, I WEST END HOUSE Leads the Country In all that is New, Beautiful and Clean in the Dry Goods Line. - -4Klf4G McDOUGALL & --METCALF, POWDER Absolutely Pure·. B OVT:M.A..N""-VI LLE=' are ottering Coal as follows : Stove and Chestnut,. ................. $6.25 Grat~ and Egg, ....... ....................... ·a:oo L Higgmbo~:~:~:~:s:::~·L~o:~:f~i~~> LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. McDOUGALL & METCALF B PETERSON'S MAGAZINE LITERATURE, ART, AND FASHION "OUCH Alla LU"G CURE DR. HO ODER'S . Children Cry for Pitc.h er's Castoria~