I .......-·- ......... ....,. '· ' ' 1 ~ · ' · THE CANADIAN STATESMAN 1 I0 PUBLISHED NUTTIE'S FA.THER :BY CHARLOTTE M. rn~m;. . my mother no my. ,,grand· "Tl: en neither Imother ever wrote to you abou er : "I do remember that it stru\'k n:e that E V ERY FRIDAY MORNIN(;'r, -BY- A forfeit! " Oh, it's holidr,y t ime, an d the boarders can't hear. There's Mr. Dut ton's d oor !" This might in one way be a relief to Miss N t b 1 d«J. rk b · ht ugen -, ut s ie - 1 not 1 e emg caug upon the wall and therefore made a rapid DRS, itlcL.llJGHLIN & BEITH, desceut , though not without a moment's · · h d e1ayed h er OFFICE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, Bow~" . " 'VILLE. entang1ement of slnrt, w luc 1ong enougI1 to s I10w vr1 ·'" - J. w MoL D A. D ·~·' G ~ iere s I1e h a d b een, ~""· · · AUGIU, IN,, r . · EITH , rae<tl M D t t tit t d' tticootia te of the Royal as r. ut on was a ia momen a ' an· i\."A>l!ege ()r Physicians l a te of the 'l'orouto cing t o his own wall on t he opposite i;ide of >Md member of t.he University, Physician. the Nugent garden. Perhaps he w ould <ll£4cr,y&I Co!lege of Sur- Surgeon, &c. have pretended to see nothin" but for Nut· 0 ~lltl<llns, E dmburgh. ' tie's cry of glee. D.R. J. (). MllTCllE"!.L, "You wicked elf," said Miss Mary , "to t!IAnl:MBER OF COLLEGE OF PIIYSICI.ANS inveigle people into p redioa:n en t s, ~nd then .i 'V;~. tr.nd Surgeons, Onta r io, Coroner , etc. go shou t mg ho! ho ! ho! like Rohm Good· , _ !il\.!!lae e.nd Residence, JCnniskillen. 7~. fellow himself." "You should have kept your elevation -D. lnJJU!E SlMl"SON, and dignity like me," r etorted U rsula; . "IJIJ') ARRlS'l'ER, SOLICITOR, &c. M OP l-trn "and t hen you would have had the pleasu re ,i'i;l' ~T,OCK. up stairs, King Street, Bowman. of seeing 1fr. D ntt on climbing his wall a nd HG. Solicit!>r for the Onta~io Bank coming to our feet. " ~d\'lf.t0 lJho.e v s loa ncd a t t he loweat rates, " Mischicvot<s elves deser ve no good news," said Mr. Dutton, who was by no .Jolm Jlleitll Galb raith, mev.ns 20 venerable t hat t he cr?ssing t.he · 1Df. /1 H R I S T E R, SOLIOI'l'OR, NOTARY .0 P U Br.IC, &;o. Ofilct2'-BounBall's Bloc,k '~all was any e ffort or , ?on:pro1;n~se of d ig · llled Mary m t y, and who ha d by tms tune JO Y .i:.'.lu.111 Street , Bowman ville. Money to lend, on her grass p~ot: aonm .tT ARUotm., " Oh, whnt is 1t ! Are we to go to Monka l!W~GiIBTRAR , WEST DURHAM ISSUER Hortou l" cried Nut tie. .[\. rtf Ma.rda.ge Licenses, Barrister and Attor· "Here is a g racious p ermission from l!!:eir 11,t Law and Sollclto:r In Chancery. Mone;r L o1 ·d Kirkalcly, the only stipulations being <ti&i>lild on Real Estate. Ofi:loe on King street, that no vestiges of the meal, such as sand· B ll wm&nv!lle. wich p apers or gooseberry skins, be left on \'flLLU.1'1 WIGHT. the grass ; and that nobody does any mis· ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the chief," he added in an <1.wful tone of person· County of Durham. Orders left at the ality, " So iE I see anybody rooting up l"W.t'r ESMAN office or forwarded.to Tyrone P.O. holly t reea I shail be bou nd to interfere." " Now, Mr. D utton, it was only a bitby wflU. ~ecei ve prnwpt attention. ~S:Gm holly in a chink. " S. C. UIJXKUG, "Only a holly tree ! J ust like t he giant's 1CENSED AUCTIONEER FOR dauirhter when she only carried off waggon, the County or Durham. Sales attended peasant , oxen, and all in her pimifore. " 1ia1ar.u sn ortest notice and lowest rates . .A.ddrems " It Is · n ot 1onger th an my fi nger n ow · '" W&UC-tt'l'.DM P. 0. 30:tf " vVell, r emember, mischief either wanton GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO or scientific is forbidden. You are t o set an overy man who buys his Licenee from example to t he choir boys." "Scientific mischief is a fatal thin!? to llENRY SYLVESTER, Enniaki!len. ~ rare plants," said Mary. . Pianos Tuned and Repaired. ' "lf I'm not to touch anyt hmg, I may as well stay at home," pouted N uttie. "You may gather .as many buttercups - PARTIES WISHI.NG THEUt p IAN-OS ':l!.'aned or fepa1rea can nave them attendecl and daisies as the sweet child pleases," said tu "fiy ~aving word ,at the DOMINION ORGAN Mr. Dutton ; w hereupon she t hreatened to G'a OFl'ICE, Bowmanville A 11.rst-ola.s man throw her books at his head. Miss Nugent ask ed how they were to go, O ·w belnR In their emDlo -' ~ ----'------Mr. Du tt~n explained that there was ~O Bo! Gentlemen otFash· and only a quarter of a mile's walk from the station ; tha t return t ick-ets would be ion, not so fast. furnished at a tariff of fourpence a ·he ad ; and that there would be trains at 1.15 and ~~·~eaZirl~:~;~:ra~i~'." linee, 7,;:JO. ~t ~ou ca.n find me still at home, "How hung ry the children will be." l 11m not gone away. "They will eat all the way. 'l'ha t's the Ser, aH my k \nd old friends may come, worst of .this "sort ,, of ou ting. They eat to And o.11 the young ones, too, . .&ad get their gtnmenta nicely made h ve and h ve to eat. Cu r.ash1ona tuat are new; . "At least they don't eat at church ," said 1 Where old nnd ycmp.11, d~ar fn~ads., ~ay meet ., N uttie. · A welcome greeting, by R. I EA.TE. ! "Not since the peppermint day,. when Mr. Spyers suspended Dickie Drake," ·p ut · . in Mary. j And the Spa Turace Church people said i it was incense. " "No, Nuttie !" "Indeed t.hey d id. Louisa Ba~net at~~ck~d us about it a.t sch~ol, and I ~aid I WISned it .ha~ been. <?nly tc1~y mustn t eat pepp~1.. ~nnt m the train, for 1t makes mothe1· quite III." . "Do you ~ean t ha t Mrs. Egremont will come ?" excla11ned Mr. D11 ~tou. . "~h yes, she shall. It is not t oo far, and C . H A R. N D ~ N, L · 0. S . it will be very good for her. I shall make her." Graduate ofthe Royal College ct Dental ."There's youn g England'a filial duty !" Surgeons, OnttLrio. sMd Mary. . ·OIJ'.FICE OPPOSI'l'E EX PRESS OFFCE. "\Nhy, I ,know w;1at 1.s g~~,d for her, and GOLD 1nLLING A SPECIALTY she alwv.ys a ocs as . I wrnh. "B~~eficent des1;otis~ !" said Mr. putAll.TrFrou.L 'rEF:Tir INSERTED \YrTHo uT ton. May I :~sk if Miss Head worth is an PLATES. equally obedient subject." Great Reductions in price on all Dental "01 1 A t u I 18 · Id f W or k. V1talized Air, constantly in US!l pre· ,~ · un rse very se om ire· dnciug Painless Operations. Particular a tt en rnme. ." N u ttie ! N uttie ! my dear," and a head tfon pntd to the regulation of Children's !l'eet:i ,,.. AJ, L TIYO RK WA ERA NT ED. ..._, with the s nows of more th~n half a cenmry appeared on the other side of the wall, B ranch office, Dr. Rutherford's Orono. d 1 ,I ________ _ ---·--- -- - _ _ _ ____ !1nder a cap an par:as~. ' am sorry to 10.terrupt you, but it 18 cool enough for " y~nr mother to ~o into,, the town, and I wish you t o go with her. llllu.ch subsequent insertion," 0 03: · 'l."h o 1!mmber ~!lines to be reckoned by ap .. ~oe occupied.,.mea.sured bya scale of ""'"'·d .. on11ii.rell, ~ -- ··-- -· , ae~:~:~\T~~:.~i~~f~:::t1~~~;e;ii~·e g~g--_10 CHAPTER II.-(CONTIN UED. ) "· ·u ugent t hou<>ht it · t h e wisest way "' I ary .c. " i"<n i Office Block, King Sb·ctt, R 1 nn11ltu· I to laugh and say : " "'You of ,.n people iu ' ~i l Jti, .. vn t iu·"· J the world, to vmnt t o make out a connec· T E R :iv.r S · , tion w it h the 8.l btocraey I" '"' . · I "True love is different," said Ursula. :tU.r.u per Annum, or $1 it I>aill tn a 1 IT11nce I "Ile m uot lnwe been cast off by his family Payment atrlc~I:r in advance requtred !rou1 fot· her sak e, and have chosen pover ty : Hllliuortbersoutsido ofmu~t the county. Orders .t~ ;,ro n,uk·e tl.'e croon a p un d ' my Al w:y~ gac ct t. o sc., ' !oomtin ue the paper be accompauiocl by ih<l &mountdue,orth pu.per wil notbeetoppl'd. And ohe ;-, 1 ,oon and t be pund, they 11ere ba1th for l$'<1riber s a.re responsibleunti full payment is me. L' l\de. Mary d id not t hink a yacht a likely place KA.TES OF A.DVERTIS'ING: ,.. "' for t he conversion of a croon int o a pouud, Wb: 31 r $60 0 ~ ~'.;; > '1nd the u t ter silence of mother and aunt 6 C01 « umnHna~l;:a~:::::: :: :::: 36 oo !"'~;: did not ~eem t o her satisfac tory ; but sl~e "' "' One quarter .. .... ·. . 20 03 i!J,, feared either to damp t he youthful ent hus1Hllf Column one year···· ·· . .. ... · ·· 36 M - - asm for t he lost father, or to foster ·curiosity 20 :: Half q year······ ······ ·· 12 ~g thath mi11Ut inful diseovery, One m·rter .... · .... ·· o t" k lea<l f to . some . pa t " l t d ua.~ter Colurr.n one yeo.r . ........... 20 oo ..,. so .~ e ?o · re uge m an m ar rnu,~ e soun · " " lialfyear .....·..... 12 50 I t hIDk Mr. Dntt ou k nows, proceeded 5 1N"uttie. " '· One quarter ········ 8 O~ Ten Unea andundei;, ~rst ln~ertion · ~O 6~ " Y. ou don' t mean to ask him?" lil&ob Hubsequent rn~erL1on ··.·.· O 2J "Ct 1 , I k _1 Id 1 k ~J:"O<m six to ten lines, first insertion O 75 ·· a c 1 me · now 1 10" ie wou oo AT THE OFEICE M& A.JAMES, l - I I at !!.", I L L A .,__,~-~~--~~-~~~--~~~ DE N T I S T R Y ' D ENT I S T RY Wr' BR I "M'A C01111' 'D f · .B. · W. J.ll. .D~, 'r.;1 w n·a T li:Bra. WlfR'..lV'r THB.TH PR!.(lTIC.t..it DEN'l'U!T, 'lV!CR TWENTY YEARS EX:PERIENOE. ¢~011.aOxldet;a11A1hutnbter~d for Painle~ Operat1ons . · G ,R A I N ' -·· -·--···--------~------·- HCULIJN""' """ ..,.,...,,.. ---- - BT........ · Jno. McMurtry & Co. &1-e prepared to pay the higheat price .a ll kinds of Grain delivered at the Wharf or their Store House in town. T he crusheu strawberry colla.r that was 's1:1 fashionable for a time has beensucceeded PY a shade called spilled molasses. , . . r wo big copper ~ents ismecl m 1817 are .among the rarest m the coin collection of 1 h" Philadtl M" t b.e · P 1a. m t · These h ave tho J"'tberty head well ddl.ned, but on the to1:. o.f the head, over .the Liberty cap, ~s a smalL ~~otuherance which u~d.er the mwr?soope <ll?'pears as a cr~wn. This was cnt m the d ie by an Eng!1~h engraver, and thus cover_ tly set the Bn tlllh Cl"OWnoverthe American L iberty head. I I small jealousy excited when my uncl e join- life , but old gray heads shook at the action ed us in our walks, and monopolised her, of the committee. '.l'hat m an will d ie, t hey turning May and me over to play with his said, if you put him in a house where he is dog." · protected from t he elements ; treat ment of ' ' But, Mark, Mr. Egremont rs some_ this kind will kill them : all they need is yea,rs ol der thau y our father. H e could not plenty of rain and sunshine, cold and heat, · " h1>ve been a young ma.n at t h at time. a. hollow log or grassy meadow to sleep in. "Ro ·much the worse. !'.1os t l"k 1 e]Y h e But t he fated hand of civilization was kindly d h . t '.l.'h t 1 seeme t o er q m t;e pa erna . c ncx placed on them. In a comfortable h ouse the thin a I recollect w as our being in the Isle tender hands of the first ladies of t he land of 'vVight, we two children, with Miss H cad- : nurEed them ; preachers p rayed for t hem ; wor th and the German nurse, and our being t hey were furnished medicine by the skilled told of our new sister. U ncle Alwyn and hand of an allopathic physician, fed on the his ya cht were t here, and we went on board best the market afforded, but notwithstandonce or ~wice. '!.'hen matters bec~me con- ing all the kind t reatment t he prediction of fused with me, I recollect a confusion, ]'apa the gray head s became t rue, and t h e wild tin<l gmndmamma arr iving, everybody seem- spirit of t he man t he child of nature and ing to u s to have become very cross, our 1 an inha bit antof n~ture's wild forests wln<>cd dear Miss H~dw?rth nowhere t o be found, its w ay to the happ y huntiI;Ig gro~mds"' of our attendan t s bemg changed, :md our be- et ernal r est. '.l'he survivors will now ing forbidden to speak of her ng1 > in. I. cer· ' witness the strange sight of seeing the tainly ne\'er t hoµght of the matter till a father and husband laid to h is eternal r est month a "o. You know my u ncle's eyes have · in t he bosom of mother earth in a coffin been aff~cted by his illness, and he has maue by skilled wo1·k men of so1~e great city, made a good deal of use of n;e. H e has got and paid for ou t of t he coffers of J efferson a valet, a fellow of no pa~·twular count ry, county , while t hey look on and wonder lik e more Savoyard t!ian anythm.g else, !_fancy. some dumb creature a t t he strange proceedH e is a legacy, like other evils, from t ?e old ings. The sur vivor s of t his strange family General, and seems a sort of necessity t o wili now, no d oubt betak e themselves to my uncle's exist ence. Gregorio they call their former r etreat, as the toil and worry, him. He was plainly used t o absolute gov- and work especially is exceedingly dist asteernment, and viewed the coming down ful t o them ' amongst us as an assertion of liberty much ,... - · against his will. vVe could see that he waa The Pain .from a Pugilist 's Blow . a wfully jealous of my father and me, and would do anything to keep us out; but pro· It has been said t hat the hurts suffered in videntially he ctLn't write English decently, pugilism a re ptLrtioularly sever e, and that though he can speak any you please. vVell, bu t few pains can equal the pain result ing the man and I came into collision about a from"' blow of t he fist squar ely and forciblv scamp of a groom who was doing intolera- delivered upon t he nose. An incident which ble mischief in t he vilfage, and whom they goes to suppor t this alle~ation is repor ted put it on me t o get discharged. On from Paris. A lion tamer in one of the that occa.ssion l\1r. Gregorio g rew inso- Bo·ilevard shows was set upon by a .power 1en t ' an d m · t" imat e d to me that l need not ful and irritable old lion, whose cage ·h e had make so sure of t he succession. H.e knew entered according to habit in the course of that which might make the Chanome and an entertainment. The beast made his atrr.e change :mr note. W ell, my fo~her is al- tack without warning or part icular cause, wa"s for avoiding rows ; he said 1t was an and in an instant the man was upon his back ., h unmeaning thr~at, it was of no ~ise to .co!IJ· between t e lion's paws. The spectat ors plain of Gregorio, and we must digest his ID· screamed, thinking it w as t he end of t"(ie lion solence. But just after, Uncle Alwy.11 ~enu tamer, but like a flash , he was upon h is feet, me to hunt up a paper that 'Yas m1ssmg, and, striking out w ith his right in accurate and in searching a writ ing-case I came upon pugilistic st yle, land ee l his fi st upon the lion's an unmistakable marriac;e certificat e be- nose with a spat that was heard all over tho tween Alwyn Piercefield Egr~rnont and place. The lion wheezed and sneezed and Alice Jleadworth, and then the dun recollec- back ed away, shaking his head and shut t ing tions I told you of began t o return. " his eyes as if dazed, while the man st epped "'Vhat did you do?" quickly, bu t with dig nity, out of t he C!l.go, "I thought I had better consult my '.l'he blow was a good one, and if it had fallen fat her, expecting t o hear th at she was dead, upon a man would h !Lve undoub ted ly and tha.t no further notice need be ta.ken of "knocked him out." E vidently it made the the matter. But he was areatly disturbed lion tingle from the spot where i t was d elivto hear of the certificate, and would hardly ered t o t he tip of the t ail believe me. He said that some friend o\ my grandmother had wr word of g 01ngs b itten her i,· b tl d on a t Freshwater etween plS ro ier an Labor and Liquor . the young goveruessa, and .th. a t they went U nder the above hea d '.l'he A tlant ic off at once t c put a stop to tt,, but found us Monthly r emarks : left with t he German maid, who d eclar ed At present the workingman can hardly that Miss Headworth had gone off wit h Mr. make both ends meet. Is it not because h e Egremont in the ya?ht. No more was hea r 1 insists on creating capitalist s out ('f t he saof my uncle for six weeks, and w~en he loon-keepers, and, not content with tha t, on came back there was a grea.t row wit h t he submitting all his rights of citizenship to old General, but he absolutely d,enied being the same object of worship ? The saloon in n_ 1 a.rried.. I am a fra id that wa.s an the old politics is ' the most hideous abuse of the ~mner wished, and t~~y wen~ ~ff tog~th~r da,y, but where would it be if the work ing· ID the yac:ht t o t he est Indies, "'.here it . men "it hclrcw t heir s11p.port from it? I t was burnt ; but the~·, as ;you kn~w, never l keeps them poor. It k eeps our politics corcame to Epgland agam, go!ng stra.i~ht off to rupt. It supplies a const ant stream of base the· Mediterranean, havIDg..t heir hea~l· adven turers who disgrace the American quar ters at Sorrento, and crmsIDg,~bout till name at home and abroad. I t makes the th~, O,eneral's death ten years ":,go. terms " public, office" and ' pu blic plunder " 1' es, I once met them at E~o~ence, a.nd synonymous. It stifles progress, fost ers thought them t wo w eary pitmble men. pauperism brut alises husbands and fathers One looked at the General as a curious relic breaks w~meu's hearts, puts r ags on th~ of the o~d buck o.f t he Regency d~ys, and workingman's back, disease in hie body and c~m~~ss10D;ated his nephew for havmg had shame and despair in h is hear t, Yet when his hie spoilt by d anglmg nfter the old man. la bor is most dis turbed when the d emand It was a warning_indeed, a,~d I am glad you for advanced wages is' the loud~st, when have profited by 1t, Mark. . strikes are most frequent when hunger and "He came back, after t he 9ld man died, misery are most rife in °the homes of t he I b r£ · L d d Id h b e to c u 1 e m on °1:· an se. om as e n poor, t he saloon flourishes still. '.l'here may near the old place ; m~eed, it has.been !et be no bread at home but t here is always till 1:ec~ntly, and he wo.~ts -~o let it agam, beer and whiskey at the bar ; and men who bt;t It 1s altog~ther too dilapidated for tha t consider themselves th e victims of circumw1thou.t repairs. So he c .ame down t o see stances or th e "th ralls" of capital squander d t k ll th B t to about it, an was a en l ere. u their earnings ancl spend their savings in returw to what my father told me. He was these rlens. Ca.n t here be a serious labor shoc~ed .t~ hear ?f the .certificate,, for ?e question while this st ate of thious contiuue11? had nnphc1tl.Y believed lus b~othe~ s demal Can workingmen talk grave l y of their of t he marriage~ 11;nd he 8 8:1d Miss H ead- wrongs while it is plain to all Llie world CHAPTER III. W?rth wa~ so childish and 81 ~ple that she that if they only saved the capital t hey earn Hl!a& H UNTING. might easily ha.ve. been t aken ID by a sham they would be comfor table? ceremony. He sai~ that ~e no~ saw he h_ ad ·· And she put on he~ gow.n ol 1rreen, done very wrong ID lettIDg his mot her·lll· 81 And Tlelt h.er·mP othten B.t ~.:ee? ..; law take all the le. t ters about "that un· Rioters in Westminster A bbey. o m.iriy e er e11 . - " o1nswo&'rH . h b . " ff his hands without look in the shrnbberie~ of Monks Horton were . appy husme;: t ~ h d b· Several thousand of the unemployed, walkin.:r a la.dy somewhat past middle age mg at \~m: ~] e was due elgr~~~~ wit h a red flag at their liead, marched in 8 1 but full of activit" and vi<rour with one of 11 my mo er 1 t neh~s, an 'd atsy tioe tr· ce'out 1 procession on Sun.lay afternoon from Tra· , "' ' , ev er occurrec o 1m as a u · ~ f 1 . t W t · t those bright faces that never grow old, and what became of the poor thing, and sec that I a gat squar.e ? e~ mms er Abbey, an d with her a youn" man a few years over h .d d f f 1 "' otl k ,., I alt hough no mv1tatat10n had been ex tended, . a grave " ' almost careworn Mr s es. was proVI e says or lais sa e ·z Y· faire .L ' i l , 200 of th~ crowd were a d mt ·tted . Th e twenty, with and E 1Tremont is no our 8 countenauce. . famil fa lin rr aud that our first thou ht is fi:ag was left m charire vf t he vergers. In· More and more confid ential waxed the Iiow not Y to d 0 .t,, g side of the o'1 · · ·t the Abbey · d many cl d · unexpect d 1 d ed · conve~sation, fo~ the lady was making fresh " yes u t ter repudiat ion of such cases was vis~ or~ remai:~1e ccvere an m u gc Ill ncquaIDtancc with a nephew seldom seen the line 'taken b the last generation; and I whistlIDg, wh1!e others mounte~ the pe~essince he b h11.d .d my mo Yther wou Id be very severe" . b been her pet and darling as lam a f i·a1 . tals th dof the. t various 1 statues t orhmmgled tl with 1 ft almost a a y, and he was experiencing the "Another thing that actuated my fat her e e?e~ peop e presen , w o mos y e inexpressible charm of tone and manner th f f tt" h. b othe i· to the bmldmg. The crowd, as a rule, chewed was e ear o ge mg is r r n t b d t t d h d ~hat rncallcd the y oung mother he had lost trouble with General Egremont, as he him- o acco an expec o!a e eve.ryw e._re regar · Ill early boyhood. ~ If ld h ' b th t pr fit I 1·t less of the surroundmgs, until t he tir st lesson · is · made up,'; she said · ; So ce Iwou e een mu e one ot his o letting JY · ~as announce d , w h en tl1~ read~r W?-S Ioudly "Then your mmd do not a' wonder ch a 110 "you ~re quite right to decid e on having a the whole c rop without enquiry, and never Jeered, complet ely ~r~wnmg his -yolCe. !he profession ; but how does your ia.the1· take . t the let terR which there second lesson was s1m1la.rly received. Can10 k" it"'" once. 1 mg a I ld · " t " t h" to b . on Prothero then preached a sermon, t aking . . . . cert"'ID y were. cou no ge un e· f h " t t R .. 6 I h . d. "He1sqmteco:ivmcedthattorepeatmy inn onit withm uncle,butMrs.F~gremont or is _ ex omansxu'.,. n is 1scourse uncle's life danglmg on as heir would be g Pt Y ·d · thi.nki"ng that he argued that the pumshment of the law1 on my s1 e m was s ' . ' t h e most f atal mistake." such a rong thin you ht to be looked into, and as 1irea Iter ~as necessary f or the good of the " Assm:edlf· and all t~e legn.l knowledge I had fon!d tl~e paper it would be best commumty. you acqmre 18 so rn~ch Ill favour of your that I should speak. Besides there was no usefolness as the sc1mre." enduring tl1at Gregorio should be pretend· The R eason Why. "~f I cv~~ nm the squire, of which I have ing to hold us in terror by such hints." "Bridget, I t'ink I'll shave off me galm~. \~ubts._ JI.' E "Well, and has there been a wife and ways," remarked Mr. Hoolahan, sadly. ou expect l l'. gremont t o marry?" family in a cot ta <re all this time ?" "Why, Micky ?" "Not a future marriage ? but one in the "Aunt Maraar~t he has never seen or pv,st." ? 'h ft h at Dieppe "The b'ys is beginning to ask me why I d f h 1 0 1 1 "A pr1va · t e marriage! · D o you euspeci ·would tear 0 you erbelieve smce it e thinks er he himself a don' t put t assels onto that fringe." it?". · t' ? He never ~eant more than to "I don:t suspect it- I know it. I have :::;~~~ himself with the pretty little govern"Did you know that a. mule is a mighty been hopmg to t a lk t he ma~ter over with ess and he took ou board a Mr . and Mrs. intelligent animal?" said Smythe to Brown. yo?· Do yon remember our first governess, Ha~ghton t o do p ropri'lty, shady sort of "No." "\Vell, he is," How do you make Miss Head worth ?" eo le 1 imagine but that she did not , it out ?" "Look at the amount of brayin' "My dear Mark, did I not lose at P era. P ,, ' ·work he does." the charms of your infancy ?" now. .1:1si~ng ! :it~~~:;n;:J ~~e~!r,a~;:1!ug~dfoah~v~ ':'; £~~~?:hat~~':;:e ~l~h tl~jfn th~tlst~~i=~~Y~~ ~~ ~:~:e~~~eer:ser~ ~~ !~~~:a~!;':ree~::::. "I h11.ve heard of them," Paid Lady Kir- 1 GENERAL N1Wd· kaldy, significa.ntly. ....(to BE CONTINUED. ) Some of t he old deer in the Windsor Orea.t immunity from governesses w ~.a compen· · ··· Park in J~ogland ILr e ao fier ce that t he public sation for the lack of daughters. . ach " th " Can you tell me no d <;tv.ila," e!\1d Mark DEATH A WILD MAN. . are warn ed again~t · appro mg em. anxiously: " Have you 110 letters ? It was - · The remains of a great R oman build ing ab out t he time when Blanche was born, <Jivllizatlon Rilled him, nnd l11s Fan1ily :;.r e being brought to light at t he steamboat · ·a t R axIey . " --111 Ti"' Btaticm of F facheu, on t he · Ammer see, in w h en w e were i· 1vmg " ·"'c ·o · the '"ooils. n · i·r ... twenty years a w ild man h.v Bavaria. ,A lready a fronth agebof 120 feet, " I u m sorry c.. w say tliat our rovmg 1c For over d · wit haeight separate r ooms, as p revented my k eepmg old letters. I h ave the name of R ichardson, with his family, and cellar has been discover ed.een cleare , often 1 ·egretted it. L et me see, there was consisting of his wife, with an occasional one who boxed May 's ears." child added, have inhabited t he woodland " Force is n o Remedy," in English words " T hat was long after. I t hink it was thickets of Jasper and H~wden count ies, headed an article on the Ixish question in that woman's barbarity that ma de my fa th- T exns, hiding whit her and t hit her as occa - t he Citizen's Gazette of H amburg. The police er marry again, and a ver y good ·1 thinfrtha.t suppr t he ape1·. · _ , s ion might r enu ., ire, subsisting on t he nat ive caused .d th t he t · 1 .ession d" tof l . · ' tp d th S They . l w v,s. lt wu.s wret ched before. " 1 ss ea'""· products of the forest, such as acorns, r oois, sa1 e ar 1c em irec y m c1 e . e ocia · wort h was in my own mother's time." &c. , and when opportunity offered t he decay- ists t o viol ence. " I b~gin to r emember something h appen- ing flesh of dead wild anin.als. I n their ' Vhile some men wh o wer e t aking t he ing t hat your mot her seemed unable t o write wooded r etreat, hedged in by an almost places of stdkiug hands in a North1tmpton, about and your gr andmother said that she impenetrable thicket, this strange family E ng land, shoe fact ory were going home from lrn.d b~en greatly upset by "that mi~erable lived untrammelled by t he rules of civilized work t hey wer e beset by a mob of s trikers, affair ," but I was never exaJtly tolit what societ.y. T his life they !ell un til about t hree and in t he mi dst of the exdt ement Geor ge i t had been." mm1t hs ago, when, unwittingly wandering A rnold, one of t he workers, st aggered, t hrew "Mil!S Headst one came when I was i.re 1 uent d ead d four 11 within three miles of Beaumonu, t he family, up h is hands, i>nd fell to the p1 or five years old. ~dda, as we use to ca apparen tly almos t overcome with sickness from heart disease. het in· Mu.y'slanguage, was the fi rst per son and h unger , and uuable to wander further, L abor ers digging a cut for a railr oad near who gave me a snse of beau ty. She had were captured by passers by and brough t t b d 1 t f t · d·¥lt eyes nn .,,11· lovely complexion. I re- he1·e. a n er ury nncover e an a mos per cc cirw· ~ a o. d b cular well built of flint s. Local ant iquaries 1 member in aft er years being si ence Y The Church appointed a committee, who say t hat h is t he opening t o some subterr an- or I I p C O N TAI N S N O c P UIRES'f, ST R OINC E ST~ B E STt ALUM AM " ONI A LIME 0 1 , PH , 111 , SPHATES, or sny injur ious materials. E. W · GILLET T, ll!an'f'r o!theCELEB::?ATEll llO?AL Yli:Aa'l'C~l!:ES. R ly found near t he same spot the remains of two R om an solrliern. Ton.;~fr~~(;~~fr:r.. I I G ood .News a t Home. A 225·ouncc nugget has been u nearthed by Ch inamen a.t tfargr:w es, Aus tralia. The news of the find leaked out th rough t he E. :M"oRRIS, E sQ., -DEAR S rn,- I havo b reason to speak well of your Dandelio 1~ transmission y Chinese "'h of itb to the mint . f agents. .L e ce1e r ated Cair nugget o one L iver and K idn ev Bitters. I h a ve been cwt.wasfoundat H argm ves in t heyear1852, t roubled for some t ime with my Kidney and r ece ntly, a few miles away at the :Mait· and a friend of mi ne r ecom m<'l nded them lan d bar, a 460-ounce nugget was found. to m e and I t r ied G hem in m y case, and The lifeless body of a p oliceman was fou nd fo und them to wor k like a ch ar m ; thereI · t f · ht · th iangmg on a rec n ow mg s ago m c fore I ha ve m uch plearnre in recom m end· par k aroun d t he Elizabeth Church, Ber lin. ing t h e m to all p ersom who are troubled At t he door of t he vestry n blood-stained in any way wit h t h ei r Kidney. chisel was found H e had evidently been Yours t ruly, overcome by burglars, whom he surprised in J . J . J oNE3, in an attem pt to br eak in to the ch urch. T he N e wtonvil' e, May 3, 1887. church lies in a frequen ted pa.rt of t he city. T wo brazen Roman helmet s have been dug up b y laborers digging a trench for a wa.ter H course at Scbaan, in L eich tenst eiu, by the old Roman r oa d t o Coire. One had engr aved on t he br ass the name" Publius C ..vidius Felix " of t he c,.e ntury of Caius l 'etr onius; the other "Nunerinus P aponius " of t hecentury of L ucius '.l'uretudius of the Th ird Cohort. A confectione1 · of Newpor t , England, having missed from t he bakehouse t ime aft er time dainty morsels, set a wa t ch , and a form Unappr oached for resembling t hat of a boy was seen st ealthily T one a nd Quality, creeping along t he roof of the a djoining bakehouse, N o at t en tion was paid to cries t o CATALOGUES FREE, come down, and a gun was fir ed. The a im was good, and a d ea.d monkey r olled from the roof int o t he road. d b 1 E nglish spor tsmen are scandalize Y t he perfor mances of some shooters in E pping F orest who have maimed deer and let t hem go, and wh o s hoot y ou ng d eer as often as t hey do bucks of p roper age. '.l'hree VETER I N ARY S U RGE ON, youn g deer andinno ar e one alleged to have -been shot oneb ucks d ay, and you ng sr L L" ==-~lORGAN S Gnelpb, O nt. BELL &CO. F. A. JONES, ENNISKILLEN, I' j ft ° I deer was found wit h one of its h ind legs shat ter ed by shot so t ha t the bone and H onorary G raduate of Onta rio Ve terin~r.y sinews hung to the limb simply by shreds College, Memb er o f O ntario V eter , of skin. iuar y Aseo cia t ion, will a ttend One Paris repor t er is det ailed to follow t o all di.seases of domestic women who have a Teutonic ex pression of a nimals. countenance. E very such woman is suspected, i t is said, of being a German spy, an d a.ll her movemen ts are noted and p u1i.· lished in 'the L an tei·ne, t o which paper this A SP EC IA L T Y . rep ot tei- is att ached. Up to date he has ~u cceeded in detecting t wo alleged spies, Ca.Us and Ord ers by ma il or t elegrap li will receive p r ompt att~gition. one of whom is p rove11 to be s _ , ch by the fact that she never passes a F r ench solclier CHARGES M ODER.A.TE. without looking at him, and t he other OFFI C E H OURS, 8 T O 10 A. M. must be a spy beca use she has a mysterious .A. first-class stock of Medicines always relat ionship with a blond man. on hand. H ashish is super seding mor ph ine and N . B.-Will visit Williamsbur g every vaporized ether, it is said, in the affect ion Saturday of each week . 16-ly of the P arisian dilettant i drunkar ds. T hey have founded a H ashish Club on t he Rue JlUPOllTANT TO Af.. L St. Michel, wh ere t hey mee t ever y F riday. The amoun t of the drug which each sha ll Who ar6 Bald, or have Thin or Grey Hair, or take i;, prescribed by a doct or, an d the dose who are troubled with dandruff. is prep,.red b y a chemist , bot h members of t he club. It is t aken in pills, and not chewed, drunken, or smoked, as are the Orien cal fashions. J~ach of t he members is bound t o describe t o t he others, eit her in writing or verbally, his sensat ions as t he drug gains its influence over him. <( The famous float ing island of the Derwent - ..;:: water, J<Jngland , has come to the surface a:::; again after a long disappear ance. T his is a mass of decay ing veget at ion forming a Jayer of peat, on t op of which is a t hin I.LI covering of clay bounu together by the roots of vegetat ion. It r ests on the clay bot tom of t he lake but somet imes some force, suppose l to 'be in t he gases gener at ed by ... the decaying mat t er, causes it t o rise to the ' surface. · Its ext ent somet imes reac~es half_ <( an acr e an d it rises and falls with t he wat er, ~ntil finally it sinks out of sight ,,.,,,. again to be gone probably for several .... years' ,., · '-' An iron column, 23 foet long and weighi n~ over 6 000 pounds part of a. new ligh thouse Will be round invaluable for t t.e ·hall· and ec& lp. being built , was r~centl y lan ded a t .Bishop It cleansee the scalp of 11.ll Dandni,ff, invigorRock, England, and a st orm coming up, ates the growth of the hair, alid in cases of was left la.shed by a half.inch cha in at each baldness, where t.l1ere ar e tho slightest signs of r oots left it will pr od uce good crops or hair. end t o strong eyebolts. Three da.ys after- I t restores grey hair to its original color, and wards the workmen ret urned and found t hat is a n excellPn t d ressing · t he column had been t-0ssed up by the waves DO N01' DELAY, if your hair is in a weak 20 feet t o the top of t he rock , w here it was coFg~ti~::J:e~; ~~tti{ 1'(i(}!~~OTHAM & SON. sway ing a.bou t like a piece of Limber. Two and a ll druggists. Ask for it , days a fterwards, when they wer e able to A. DORENWEN D, Sol e M anfr. land t he wo~kmen found t hat'a blackomith 's '.rORON'fO, CANADA. anvil weighing 150 potm ds which t hey had lef t in a hole 3i fee t deep and on ly 2J. feet of~ia?roGe~oa:'l~ 8at;;<l~~adinJI( manufact urer in diamet er had also been washed by t he ·-------~---- - --' waves complet ely out of t he hole. V isit ors t o Man itoba. who have a n es· t ablished character fr r tru th telling and no · · b · spelJlal puvat~ ends to se1·ve y exa ~ge1:at10n come back with t he most enthusiastic r eH a~ coi:imenced at the l r vest a n d of th e genera l por~s. o f t he Iate .1a fertili ty of the soil. '.l'h~y say that too stron g lan "' <rnage abou t the soil I could scarcely be · h · used, and t hat the crop t 11.s year avIDg escaped the heavy frosts. wl_uch a re th~ i:ir eat scourge magmficent. T . · ot .the coun B try is s1mply d I . his is mce. ,ut a goo . crop on .Y 01:1ce 1Q m fi ve year s won t d o, aud till the blightIDg , Ur · b effects of t hose early frosts can. e cou nteract ed the future of t hat count ry IS not secured. · 1et ii; · never b e f or got ten In the mea?tl!ne t hat O~tarlO lS not a bad place, though t he crop thlB ye ar has been poor, and t hat there . ill still much land waiting t o be lJOssessecl 1 Are n o w m an d ar e well aEsorted. We . h l 1f and t !lle d . · A good many w o 1 ave e t bave t h em from the C heapest to Ontario durmg t he las t ten years devout ly 'h F " t l.' d . b k . . I t · " e very m es ,-ra e. ~1sh to ~et ac to i t agarn. 1:~ so~e t!mes wise to let well alo.ne. T~e msc~IP· t1on on t4e old t om?:tone 18 al;'phcable Ill a vood many ways, I was weli, I would l:e I bett er, and I a m her e." Operations & Dentistry D", DO RENWEND)S Z CC: :c > .. c::J LI.I s: Cl 0. ... - > , FALL BUSINES S Eolipso Houso Fall Cloths, F J urnishings, Hats and Caps I I R d sUI'isfrom $150 up ead vM a B Overcoats from $2 up k 1 t Sl G0 t M d "'" u e a · . . . " Do you thinlt it would be very h ard for Or we will make you a. S mi o r O ve rc cat me t o b ecome an ac t ress, d ear ?" . ask c d M rs. t hat will excel any other H ouse F igenspecht of her liege lord, af ter retur ning . from the t heatr e last night. . · m T own . So c all u pon · "Not at all, mY: love ; t he easiest th m!{ m t he world, " replied the b rute. "All yon would have t o do would be to s tand around · · . and t alk, and you w ould need no r ehearsals for th?..t, you know," FOR YOUR CL O'l'HI N G. · B lw H IvEs · Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria: