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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1887, p. 3

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~auadiau " Jtaft.$tttan. - ·- - · -- THE ANGEL OF SLEEP. BY ROBERT BURNS .WILSON. A GREAT BALLOON VOYAGE. · 1·11c ltcnrnl'lmblc AsccnRion 1'Jacle from 1=ridgep1 wt Yea1·s A.go. PERCH ERON HOR SES.. FRENCH COACH HORSES. WEDNESDAY, N OV. 9, 1887. · -"·+H----·~~...:.:~---- CA'l'ARRH. CATARRII.-A new treatment has been c1is· oov"red whereby a permanent cure of tlils hitherto incurable disease, is absolutely. affect· ed In from one to three a.pplicl\tione, no nmt.ter whether standing one year or fort.y years. 'rh is remedy·is only applied once iu twelve days, and does not interfere with business. Descr1p· tive pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp by .A.H. Dixon & Son, 305 King st.reet, West '.l'oronto, Canada. 'WHA'l' JS 0ATARRll1 Catarrh is a dangerous disc-as~ which t)lo_n~· ands are consuiu llsly or unconsciously sufferini;i from. Jt is a muco-pnrulent dischar~e 'c.aused by the presence of a vegetable p,aras1te,m the llning rnem brane of the nose. I he prea1sposlng ca.uses nre a morbid state of the blood,, the blighted corpuscle of tllberclc, th e germ poison ?(syphilis, mercury, toxomce, fi;om the reten· tlon of the effete matter of the skm, suppressed perspirations, badly ventilaced sleepin~. apa.r.t· men ts and the germination of other ~01sons rn the blood. Irritated by theue. the linmg mem· brane of the nose is ever ready for the reception of the-parasite.- which rapidly spreadsiup the nostrils and down the fauces, or of the throat causin11; ulceration or the throa1: up the eustacnlan tubes, causing deafness; Lu;. rowing in the vocal cords, causing hoarseness· usurping the proper structure of the .b~onch1a1 tube.e ending in pulmonary consumption and death. Many ingenious speifica for ror ~be cure of catarrh have been invented. but w1thou~ auo· cess, until a physician of long s.tandlng drncoV· ered the exact nature of th d1seaee and the only appliance which will permanently destroy the parasite, no matter how aggra.vnted the case. Sufferers should send stamp at once tor descriptive pamphlet on oa.tarrh. to the business managers. A. H. Dixon &:; Son, 305 King street, west, ·roronto, Canada. What the Rev. E. B. Stevernion, B.A., a Clergy man of the London Conference of t~e Metho dist Ohurclt, of Canada, has to say in regard To A.l:l. Dixon & Son's New Treatrnent for Catarrh, Oaklans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 Dear angel Sleep, 'W here lies thy world which yet hath not been seen By waking eyes, though they be charged with light Filched from lhe undyin~ sun, and pierce the night With eagle gaze ? The veil doth intervene 'Which hides thy mystic land. Thy noiseless wings Afar up bear thee on thy distant fii~ht While watch we keep. Still doth thy hand withhold, thy lips forbid, The strange half-pa.rting into bliss which bringa Some touch of solace craYed by every breast. 'rill softly to the cheek the fringed lid By weatiness or sorrow hath been prnssed And all-save life within the h eart-at rest. Then from the airy corridors which wed '.l'he shadowed halls where Death and Silence dwell, With vdvet foot-fails on the lonely floors Through closely bolt<.d and unfriendly doors, Thou- friend of friendl ess souls- with ha.stening trea.d Dost come to kneel-by cot and costly bed; With juice of herbs from many a dreamland dell · Caught up and pressed betwixt thy soothing palms To ecol the eyes that weeping hat h made red, And plants p lucked from th e fragrant earth, which shed Their priceless drops for thee, and poppy balms '.l'ha.t breathe elysian airs, whose touch r estores Lost happier visions of S\Yeet days, long dead, To hungering heartr. that feed on ·imrrow's bread. Across the deep Unguessed abysses of etherial space Bridged by wide arches of the glimmering stars, Through darkling distances-"on wind-reaped moors:Beside dim r ivers on whose Roundless shores The countless journeying years have left no trace To tell Time had been there, thy friendly hand Leads fortb our spirits to that shrouded land Beyond the vague impenetrable bars Which hedge this conscious life-a world that With other light than this- in which the soul " 'Sea.pas for a little from the harsh control Of tyrant circumstance, and oft it seems We almost have cast off ou1· chains and stand Freed from the r each of care and earthly dole, So fa.r we wander in thy la.nd of dreams. But while life bides, the binding tie must hold, \Ve must return to earth. that were shed · Before thine arms closed lovingly around us Scarce have grown cold, When to the scene in wtiich thy coming found us We wake; once more recalled, once more, as when We life down we take it up again And trudge beneath our burthens as of old, Thou a.nd thy fair fantastic world being fled. Y et, evermore in happiness or sorrow, In health or sickness, trusting thy strong wing To bear us to the threshold of the morrow ; From Night's still unaccomplished hours w e borrow The comfort of new hopes which dawn may bring, · DEAR Smli!,- Y'ours of the 13th Inst. to band. It seemed a.Imost too good to be true thil.t I am cured of Catarrh but I k now that I a.m. l have had no retu~n of the diseas~. and never felt better in my li!e. I have tned so man)' things for ca.tarrh, suffered so much. and for eo many, that it is hard to realize that I am really better. .i J consider tha.t mine was a _ve~y, t was aggravated and chrome, ,1nvclvmg ~he hroat as well 1aa the nasal ;pas~ages. and I thought it would require the thi·ee ,treatments, but I feel fully cured by the two sent me. and I s.m thankful that I was ever Induced to send toYou you.are at liberty to use this lett er B t a.t' mg that I have beGn cured at two treatments. a nd I shall gladly recommend .Your remedy to some ot my triendB who are sufferers. · Yours, with many thtmks. REV. E , B. ~·rEVENSON And hundreds of other s MeBB'I'! . .A.H. L'i~on &: Son: · 1111 McTAVISH ot Has received her new stock GOODS., and invites the Ladies of Bow manville and vicinity to call and see her Pattern Thus safe across the dreary gulfs that sunder The re<>lm of Day we pass, by t hy kind care ; And if some cloud, lit by the lightuing's glare, Or i·ent in pieces by the crashing thunder, Wakes the deep-slumbering Ef1rth to trembling wonder And frights thee hence,· how anxiously we stare Ollt through the gloom, aghast, not knowing where Thy startled flight hath lef t us ; for a space, Held by the lingering spell w c have been under, ·we see a world in which we have no place; As though both Life and Death by some strange blunder Had fallen awa.y and left ua lonely there. The soul thus dallying on Life's farthest edge Not having stepped across Dea th's wavering line, Leaving ,its house with Life as if in pledge · Of sure return, slips down the shimmering ledge Whose yield:ng sands with unknown jewels shine, And out upon the sea-which like a wedge Divides two worlds and far out-flowing laves Oblivion's shadowed coast with soundless waves. " I see," said a veteran aerommt t he Our latest importation has arrived from Franoc, a.nd we will be glad to see our friends and acquaintances and those with whom w0 other day, "that the parachute jumper, havo boen in corres pondence, in fact any and all who ill search o.!' Baldwin, has alr e<tdy got a number of first class PEl:tCHEHON~ and FRENCH COACH E HS~ to look them imitators, aud t hat oue of I.hem h ad a. close ovc1·. \ Ve have an exceptionally :tine lot, and our Ht nn is so Jarr.,"l> shave the other day. It is only a question 1 ha~ al! may be pleased. We offer the l argest number and grca.trot. vanety to select. from . A ll our imported $tock is selected by .MR. of not a. very long time before B ~lclwin FAHNU M himself personally in )!'ranee, and h e accepts nothin g but breaks his neck if he keeps on. He h as the best_Horses of L ho mo'!t approvell breediag. . · demonstrated only what was demonstrated Om· Home-bred Stock is all t.he prol(eny of selcnted sires and dalll11 of the best form and moat. desirable breeding. ' Ve guarantee o~ years ago, and that is that in nill'l ca& cs stool, , Sell 011 easy t erms and at low prices. out of ten a man can get down all right in vVe will be glad to a nswer all oor1·espondence p ·omptly; b ut we a para.chute if the most minute pains are would strongly advise persons contemplating tho.purchase of a hot'&li) taken to see that every detail is perfect. or roa1e, Per.oheron or French Coach, t o get on the truln and come and s~e us. But ihe tenth is sure to come. Air ships Ca.talogtie free by Ma-ii · are treacherous t hings at the best, and, even with all the care you may take, they will play you a. scurvy t rick some t ime or PltOl'JllE'J'Olt!l OF ISi.AND IIOUE STon-. l-"AR:NI, UIPOR'l'EKS AND BREEDEJtS. other. And their t ricks never mea.n but one Add ress all communications to Detr6it, l\'Iieh.] OJtOSSE ISLE. " ' "-YN E tJI) ·· IUl«JIUGAX, thing when you are up half a mile or so. " I been u p over fifty t imes, and I used to be filled wit h enthusiasm on the s1tbject, and went ha.lfcrazy tryiogto invent steering gear a.nd trying tt: make myself believe that a balloon was something more than a gas bubble with one or more fools dangling on it. But it i s no use. Ballooning has no progres~ whatev or, T ake the achievements of theentire century in b:i.llooning, and what do they amou nt to? Just a few improvements in val ve tackle, a contrivance for ripping up the side of the balloon and letting the gas out all at once w~en advisable; i>nd _some less clumsy grapplmg hooks. That Is every blessed thing. The balloon remains j ust where i t was-au · irresponsible bubble. "And then the balloon voyages of now· adnys are no~hing like so long and adventurous as they used to be. Why, I remember one t hat occurred up here in Bridgeport 35 years ago that was one of the best on record. 'rhe balloon attained au altitude which, I believe, has not since been reached. That was 23,543 feet-over four miles : in fact, but a lit tle under four miles and a half. The ascension wa.s made Sept. 6, 1852. The aeronauts were three FrenchmenGustave Reynard, Mon. Petin, and Joseph Dufour: Prof. Such, a teacher in a private school, went a.Long to scientific ob· scrvations. Petin and R eynar d were professional a!lronauts. They could not speak Engljsh, and Dufour acted a.s interpreter Ins1>e<'tion Solicited. between them and Prof. Such. Dufour is, I think, now living up Bridgeport way Vicfoi·ia Buildings. IUURDOCD BROS.. somewhere. " 'The dimensions of the balloon were 160 feet 11igh and 72 feet iu diameter a.tits equator. Instead of a ba2ket, there W M attaohed to it a 12-foot boa t called the Fancy. I have forgotten the name of t'!'>e balloon. When they first went up they dr.ifted t hewestwardaboutt:wenty-six .4" miles, until they got over Greenw 1 oh. Th en fll C-J liiQll they shot up higher, and attained their t'.'.! , highest altit.ude, when the)'. struck another current of air, and went oil to the eastward. o~TT T hey landed-or , rather, they struck water VV ~..A_N"""VILLE -about 6?; in t he evening. They down six miles out to sea off Hamp ton _ " Now, t hat is as good ballooning as there has ever been before or since, or as t here will be for many a year to come." SAVAGE & FARNUM, nrdoch rothers' where are to be seen 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, SEVERAL GASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. 20 White Bed Room Sets. Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c.. --2"= BO-UNSALL'S Jg a rn b - l 0 ~111!1. k i I B . . w ~ We have a large and well selected stock of Business 'rraining. BO·NNETS, HATS a.nd assortment ot TRIMMINGS l11teher Stan l!'l'ORE 1-Se~and Door Wed oC Wl\llam1 -.L · GILLETT~ POWDERED PUREST, STRQNCEST, BEST. _Ready for use ln any quantity. For m Soap, Softening Water, Disb1fecting,and a hundred qtber uses, ;A can equals ~o p ounds Sal Soda, Sold by all Grocers and Druggists, :E¢W. GILLETT, TOR.ON'J.10.· LVE 99 PERCENT LADIES, Your attention is dire cted ~o the immense st ock of MIL_ LINERY of every d escrip~~on at MRS.-DDNNELY'8 and most stylish stocks ever brought to town, consisting of :j · Sh11 ha.a just opened ou· one of the b.rg11&t1 Millinc1·y, Dress Silks Velvets, &c., with a very fine stock Qf Fea~her11 antl Flowers. Call and inspect this fine display, whicll cannot fail to give sa.tiefa.ction. '==============================:::-=-=-==-===================================-=-· rREEMA'.N'S WORM POWD ERS~ Ara t o t~e. their 0"'1'I E'=Gntive. l s o. ea.fa, euro, and cllectu.aJ 1$e1Jtro;ror o:t worm.cJ iu Children or Ad.!Utl. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. ()apltnl pald ' , $1,000,000. _.,,_ Rest, $260,00 This Bank 111 prepare d to do Legit!.. mate Banking in all its branches. Farmers notes discounted.; D eposits received and Interest on amou·ts of 15 upwards in Savin gs Bank D epartment; DRAF'l'S I1111ued and Collections In Europe United States a.nd Canada, W. J ··TONES, A111a Bus iness men are often heard complaining of the education which has been $iv-en.t o the boys who in due time go into busliless. They say it is of no use wha tever. It does not help, it only hinders. A boy goes into the entry desk or into the counting room of a la.rge establishment, what ia the first thing he has to do ? To unlearn all that he has been ta.ught about book -keeping or even ordinary arithmetic. 'The merchant has to There with thee drifting, in thy shallow boat begin at the very beginning and what a B eneath thy up-stretched wings, which fan the air drawback this is! The Germans have a With fragrant do,vny plumes, once more we float different a.nd a better idea.. They Forgetful of this life that is so fair, thorough m·e rcantile schools in which are But wl1ere each blooming path by Death is haunted, t aught such things a.a the following : ModAnd where the burning hopes so often vaunted dorn languages, book-keeping, oommercia.l Soon smolder in t he ashes of despair, science, mer ctintile arithmetic, counting And if they live a.gaiu, some other -whet'e, ·house work a.nd correspondence. The No heart, however fearless and undaunted, scholars are drilled in such mutters as the Can surely know ;- No mortal hand may dare cost of produce, business customs, raw maPoint out the road by which we shall come ther e, terials, duties, ta.riffs, markets, rates of exBow mi n ville, .August litb, 1887. change and so on for the chief countries. But when upon thy tranquil breast r eclining ·-------- --·---- - --- --They are also t rained in the knowledge of No more we care if life hath used us ill African Adventure. t he different articles of commerce, and as a Or if for rain tl1e summerfields be pining Lindley gives a lively account of consequence, instead of doing a.s they have Or if fierce winter scourge the naked hill ; to. both iu this country and Britain, taking an adventure which befell 11. member of his ontinues t o .do a General Banking Buein<D.IJD Nor if d ark clouds have quenched the moon's fair shining the very lowest posit.ions with little or no party in Kaffir . Land. 'l'he p>irty had halted sBo wmanv1lle> Bra.nch. Nor if the heart whioh loved us loves us still. for breakfast on the bank of a stream, and salary, t hey can step at. once into good p o· DEPOSITS And when at last Life will no longer 11tay, sitions with good incomes. What is the re- Thoma.s, a negro, had gone down to fill the lecelve~ In Savings Bank Departmentand kettle w ith water. Suddenly all hands were But turns aside all heedless of our cal)ing, sult ? " London merchants," said a d iI·ecall and mterest allowed at current rates N 1ll And we can go no farther on t he way, tor of a Vie:rna academy, " often apt1ly to star t led by hearing h im scr eam violently; 1otlce of withdrawal ne ceaso.ry. .All depol!i\JI Because the great abyss, d eep and appalling, us for suitably t rained men, as these are not and looking after him, saw kettle a nd bnck- ;a;yable on demand, Gapce widely iu the darkness for its preyfound in Britain. " There stress is laid on ets flying in one direction whilst he went Then, whether night be come, or- slowly fa.lliugthe mE'roantile bearing of every study. in anothE:r, IJ-Ud fell flat on hi6 face as if he fol!gh t and sold and Drartsissued npon En:rop«1 The twilight shadows of t he evening gray, Thus in geography, distances, railwa.ys, had been shot. "Take to your arms, mein boys l" shouted Jn1ted Sta!es and Canada, also Gold,Si!vor:MI<Q. Or some last dawn our swimming sight forestalling, roads and routes are carefully studied so Or if th~ time be some fair summer dayth<J.t while an English or Canadian lad will Mr. V a.n Meyer. "Perhaps some Kaffirs J nlted St11..ea Greenbacks bou2ht and sold, It hinders not thy coming nor t hy care : have the vaguest idea of where- have b een !!hoot the man with assegais." And COl.. LEU'J'JOltS Kind fi rst, !_ friend, thou wilt not leave us· there. abouts most places are, his foreign the har dy old bush -fighter was r eady for t he fray, with his formidable r oer poised, and Prom ptly made a t current rates u Na.y, lovelier seeming then, dear angel Sleep, 11 competitor will be able to discuss t he merits finger on the trigger. .>C Great Brittain , t:he Unit ed Sta¥~sn aand ':>:8~ From thine a.bode,- where Death and Silence keep oi various routes and t he cost of send- his Meantime the ex tra,ordinary conduct of minion of Canada. Watch on thy going ,- down the cloud -built st.air, ing ~oods by them. In this way t he Ger'l'elcg·ra1·h 'l'ra1u1f"er8 On thy last j ourney thou dost softly creep : mans are actually supplanting !heir Engiish Thomas continued toala;r m u~. He remained , Thy cup of balm clasped in thy hand, to steep competitors. Then t he most of English flat on t he g round, movmg his legs and arms Made !or larg6 or emall Our a.nx ious spirits- as of old- in rest, · speaking lads have no knowled ge of any lan· as though he rP,ally had been shot, but at I Canada. '!'his ls espeoi:n~sagn a!l partl! o'J Once more, upon the pillows of thy breast. guage but their own. What lit tle of French the same t ime.continuing to ydl as no shot ' persons llving in Manitoba o~ t1!nN~~~~~:e"!: ever did. ; u It makes the funds available at once- 8 ,. tM! But from his gloomy hall the bla<"k-robed king or German t hey lear ned at ·school is a mere person Gun in hand, revolver in belt, keenly scr u- \ plac6 of payment, · Steps hastily and hahs thee in thy flight. farce. . They coul<l not read or reply to a For further part! call &t the Bank!J'l, And while his presenee overawes thy sight ; foreign let ter for t heir life. It is say ing t lnizing every surrounding bush, we moved The poisoned jewel drops within thy cup. little to affi rm t hat the knowledge, t he real forward t o where t he unhappy negro lay J Houae. T. nouni:, GJW. :McGlLI. And wh~n w e drink, our fainting spirits yearn practical knowledge, of Fren ch 0 1· German howling. No blood >VaB to be seen upon him, no asAccoun. ta11t. Man;.~.,:r For thy soft bosom where we fain would cling would have been all the difference to ma ny segai sticking up from a bloody wound. ·lv 'l'o r est forever from our wandering: a lad in business between success and fail· 'Ve <1nestioned him, but in vain. He did - - --- ------Once more thy strong arms lift us gently up, ure. There are some Toronto merchants Once more the 'l·orld fades out, and soon the light t~ $ S a day. Samples n.nd <luty F REi<J who have to send their travellers to Paris nothing but yell and howl for at least a Lmes not u,ndi;,r the ho1·, e'1.1feet. WTita Of worlds unk nown and fabled suns that burn and Germany. How many of these er of quarter of an hour. '.l'hen, in answer to our BREWSTER 8 ~ A ll'E1'Y HEIN HOLDill~ reiterated inquiries, he at las t sat up, rolled Fa.r off beyond the farth est star of night, their clerks know a word of eioher French Co.. Holl, l\Iich. his eyes w ildly about, and pointing to a Breaks on t he plumes of thy space-cleaving wing. or German ? And what a difference it would So we go hence and never more r eturn. make if t hey h11d a practical, not to say little pool of water nea.r by, > bugging one --------- - - - -- - - - -- - - of his feet with both hands, he said, " De profound knowledge of bot h. Jlow lnany d..,bbil I De debbil, ma.ssa 1 De debbil kotch could d o business with a Frerichman or ~ :Boom Exploded. Mrs. Murphy's Sarcastic Way of Putting It. Germa.n? Scarcely any. Now this will me by de leg in datwat er !" H was long before we could elidt any fur e Anoth~r big boom h~s gone.the way of Mrs. Moorphy, ye certainly are no lady. never do. If English spea.k ers don't t ak_ R!HJS t her informa,tion from him, bnt fimi.lly we many of its }Jrede.cesso1a. D tm ng t~e pa~t The way yez jumped int o my b'y Dinny an' care bhey will. be entirely distanced in the managed to make ou t th,1t something hMl . EAS ~·ear or ~o wh.i.t is k nown as the Gogebw all fur just hollerin' '.Rats I' sh :>ws to me r ace of life. e~ther struck or seize~ his foot w.i th s~1ch . onl::. or >eudi lH.\'\'> hP.on s ,;wed iron _ r eg10n, on t he south shore f~f L ake moind that you are a dangerous charackviolence as to knock h rm down. 1'.lore tna.n 1 ~:-~r .m ~.1E <d~~.m!~tl. Jl unrirc<Js )1:lve ~:t wci t n amJ~ ~:o~·~~ Supenor, has been puffed so extensively as t her " '"h" ·r. ·ras 1' r poss1' b le to tl1"sco ·er · b · c .;i. ·' · ~xu£.f.lrt v:Ji :ll, <'! yrtim Pr:v F a rn1p;· and W c od Chor>A Man of Many Offices. u i s1.., w ...... 1 1 "Y ~ a.a epre- 1 1 ~ 1 , wnn t·t>r l": 1 ·.~t0Hte·,-t y (, 1J l'\' i( · iii i :.y ~('cn}'e~ u 1 t-., to cre~te a craze among mining capital!sts " B e aisy wid yer t ongue, there Mr s. 0 1 At L'lberan, a British possession in North ferre.d _rol~1ng on t~e grou~~ and groaning, <t~~~~Y·r0 ~ 1 N1~~~~,,i;~rra~;. 1~~;?0 ~. 1~1!11J~:J,;~11i:~~i1: ..c~nad1n . and mmcrs almost equal t_ o tha.t of 49. Riordan. Oi'm nathrally as peaceful as a "Mintn[Ji qaq?.l(t/Jil,ba l mini1~gi qa.qu,amba.' ~~~~Ire;<>.~ ,}i'O!-:~~]~;:_;: ~1A'\\~·~N (* t n:~';-t:~r.iJ~~J]~ Last year a.bout 100 c.ompa.m~s were for m- goat, but don't you say another wor rud av Borneo, the only English officials are Gover- m ina feele!" (Too much pam ! too much -'-" " .Hi 3 to ~ 1.:1. " · <U""" t si., ~cbka,:<>, Ji il. ed to .work the ~ange, the capital repr~~ent- an oncomplimen tery nature. I t's b o.d nor Leys a nd Lieut. Hamilton. The latter gentleman combines i n him ~elf the offices of ! I am dying!) ----·-----·---·----------- --- -----ed bemg_ over $-00,000,000, th~ n:~J o_11t~ 0,~ en~u~h t o. have to ?wn yez for a neighbor, master attendant, postmaster , colonial secre- With the inquieit ivenes.q for which his them bemg ~£the cfo~s ki;iown ,is wildcat so it JS, w1 dout havm' to shtand an' be talk tary, treasure1., magis trate, inspector of compatr iots are famous, our Yankee friend ·e ~er- ed t o by yez. " concerns. The fa~t is ~nat t}1er e a1 was t he firat who thought of going to inveshaps ten gcod pay mg !flllles m t~e regxo:i, "Niver you moind tba.t. It's an honor police, inspector of the prison, c hief com- tigate the little pool, to see whether the missi·;mer of woods and colonial eng ineer. oome of th~!"!' producmg; hematite ore In ye don't deserve. An' Oi'm thinkin' very In al! these cap11citles h e corresponds from mystery could thus be elucida.ted. large quantities. The n m?ty o~her mmcs seriously of puttin' the police on to your H e went off from the circle <;bout the unhim)elf to himself and carefully copies and represented by t he compam~s ex1~; only on . " reg;pters his let ters. In writin!.' offi cia.1 let- happy 'r homas very quietly, intendi ng, no pa.per: In some cases t he m tent10n of the "Well a.s for that, Mrs. Biorda.n, I niver doubt, n.Jone and unaided, to achieve what organizers wa.s go?d ar!d l_ arge sums of had any dalin's wid the police, but av I toru from h imself to himself h e ad op ts a ev_ e r glory ~ight re~ult from possible disco\-. \ ~! money "'.er~ spent in trymg 1? fiI!d ore, but wanted a n introduction to 'em I don't know dii:;nified and stately style, and subscribes en es. t he maJority of the ,orgnaizat10n ~ were av any wan th_at would be better qull>lified himself, " Your obed ient servant." Se\·eral of us followed llim. He gazed ji:~~~ formed only . for the p1.rp0ae of sellmg out by long acquamtauce to g ive it than your into the pool, suddenly darted down, plunge d The Three Mile Circuit. the stock while the cr aze lasted. own self, Mrs. R iordan. <;}ood day till his hand into t he water , and drC'w forth in ye:r.." The mackerel have evidentl y entered into t riumph a rathe1· large, flat fish. He was Struggling With His Memory. a combination to make it sppear that the in the act of turning to us exultantly, and An Anxious Wife. Canadian inshore fisheries are of some vah e had just Ejaculated, "Here it is 1 Here's - .B--S.?'"Bobby was spending the afternoon at his to the They'bavc kept so well the debbil !" when he droppell the fish with aunt's, and for some moments had been "Uharley ," said a young wife, " i s there · within the three-mile limi t during the past a loud yell and cried, " An electric fish !" gazing out of the window in a painfully really any such person as t he fool-killer'?" >rallf O '!ll So it proved, and a very danger ous cus - W I am fully prepared to attend Funt t houghtful sort of way. "Oh, I guess not ; I don't know," sai:l season that the New England mackerel catch h as only reached 67,349 barrels, wher eas in tomer ; for I have no doubt that were a per- the shortest notice, at t he lowest poaeibleratero " What makes you so serious, Bobby?" Charley, who was rea.ding the morning pa· 1884 t hat was 389,437 barrels. ~on to touch one in crossing a river, he Qaskets and Burial Cases ready on sh or t :ootlco asked his aunt. per . First-class hearse on very moderate term11 would receive a. shock powerful enough to Shrouds and Cofilna constantly on hand . Fu:n " Why, ma told me that I must r emember "Well, C harley, a ll I wanted to say is paralyze and disable him, when the curren t eraloards supplied at once, Furniture S-hop 1$ The cash in the U'. S. Treasury now not to ask for a.nything to ea.t a!ld I'm try- please don't go out 11.f ter dark any mo!'e un· Sb.ow Rooms-Bounsall'eNewBlock, would car ry him l\Way. amounts to $658, 7341680. ing to remember it." til you find out. " MONUMENTS of latest designs, and to parties intending to erect Monuments this fall, who will call at the shop, -we will sell at such low prices as w ere never heard of before in Canada. Call and get prices before purchasing elsewhere and see if we do not mean what we say. ' E. R. BOUNSALL, Manager. THE ONTARIO BANK EXCHANGE l I $5 I 1 1 I I Ut~DERTAKIN·C LEVI MOU.?FHS. ·

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