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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1887, p. 4

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· , JunaE O'Connor died qnite sudd1mly last week in Cobourg of internal hemorhage while in attendance at the Assizes. GRKAT ASSORTMENT OF On the 14th of this month the resignation of the Hon. C!iief Justice Adam Wilson will take effect, three vacancies will thea JUS'f.' OPENED, exist on the benches of the Courts of G"uar&ntood to give satisfaction. My ex- Queen's Bench and Common Pleas in this .peciencti in this departm~nt enables me province. The Dominion Government, to give tbia guarantee. therefore, has before it the important ~ib(lral Discou nt to Schools. duty of selecting frnt:'.! the members of Ji'JI()T.(.) ALDUMs, in the newest designs, at the legal professi<'n three new j ud g~ s. a . very lo w rnie. You \\ill he surprised at. wh i.t you can get u. good Alb nm for. THOUGHTS FOR THE TIMES. BIBLES-Family, P ew and Pocket. At the opening of the .Assizes in CoA lady mi d 11rn nth er da.y, Mr. T. you .have, by far, tlw b>Js t selection of writiug bouri! last w~ek Mr. Justice O'Connor congratulated the Grand Jury on the fact pt~ per i n town. Buying for cash, I always buy the best, that the calendar of crime placed in his get the beot rat· s, and my customers get hands by the ShtJriff was very light. B e said that no country in the civilized the b enefit. world could boast of so small a cal11nrlar My five quires of paper for 25c. of crime ns tliis Province preaented at the is a grea.t bargain. present time. He attributed this to the growing intl:llligence, industry and so· britJty of the people. So long as people PP~P ER. were temperate and industrious they Always 11 RpB cialty with me. N ew patterns were not addicted to the concoction of just received. P ain ted Windovr Blinds crime or anything that led to it. at lo wea r. rotee. Library &Gift Books equalled. No writer has hith~ ··to ap proached him in hi~ keen apprec ,, hon .of the ch,.racter .,f the s:iilor ; no 11 ~ve~1st has ever given us such vivid desnt·1pt1on of"" storm a, sea. Erice 30 cent·. For sale at all bookbtor ea. The Milton Reformer is no1' two years old, f.lnd, though 110 young, it has already pAst through stormier t tm·:B and ·:ncountert1d fiercer opposition than cnany JOUrnals t en times its senior. But it. h '·S outlived it all, and is, if anything, all the stron!!Pr for t he rough trnatm"nt. it has reclltved at the hands of itB enemies, who w.ould ha,ve throttled it rn its nfancy. The Iteformer will stdl go on, µursuing the evlln tenor of its way, exposing abuses and aff.,cting reforms whenever anrl wherever cons:der· ~d neces·ary, let the consequ·nces be what they may. Mr. R tch. Whi t~, .au old Bowman ville bov, is oue of Urn J"mt proprieion. The Reformer 1s ;in exc~ l· lent local paper. Not for the last ten years h as there been such a stringe ;cy in the money ma·ket as at present. Rates on money. have advanced. This is owing to I\ great dr.J.w on money to Engl~nd and on mort.gnge payments and interest. THEJ OPIUM HABIT. THE l\lOSl' ABJECT OF SA..L VERIEflANY J!.MAN Cil'A.T u U. IS THERE FORD WATCHES EXACTING ROOM A gue3t went to an hotel in St. Catharines,OnL Thero wns n.o lock on the d oor of his room, and some mon ey was stolen from him. He sued the landlord, and Judge Senkler held that the h otel-k eeper wns lialile. The travelling public will ngree with the judge, Why is wheat lower in prico than it was ten years ngo ? !:Secauso d ·mg the ten ye11rs previoua to 1882, there were several unusually bad seasons in Europe, while they were universally good on this continent., and there was, in consequence, au abnormal demand for .Americim wheat. During the last five years tbe averal!e production of wheat. in Europe has increased sou e 50,000,000 bushels, while the harvests have been generally b"tter. 1n consequence of the increased European demaml, large areas of land wer e bronght under wheat culti ·,ation in Russia, Brit· ish Jnd1a, .Australia and South America, 11s well 11s iu the United States <ind Canada. The increased production in India and Austmlia, has been very large, especi~lly in ladi'l, '?wing to the ei.:ceJ· sively low prices of labor and to increased facilities for transportation. Referring to the luge number of insane penous confi ned in the common goal, Mr. · " C"nnor said that while the TD&"~ ·~r~ l~ ~AU Government of the Province bad done a If"$ · ·\9 l!'rl ~;,, t~:;.!) ~ I~ l'4' u l~ ft. great deal and wertJ d oing their best to provide sufficient accommodation for th is ==w:::- - - - - - - - -Ja.rge class of unfortunate beings, yet the cr:mmon goal was no place for them. Ile instructed th1:1 grand jurors to look into the cases of the persons confined for inBowMANVIHE , Nov'n. 9, 1887. sanity in the goal at Cobonrg and to make inquiry if they had been put thero MR. Jc.lm Macdonald, of Toronto, is by relatives or municipalities to get r id &id to have been offored the vacant On- of supporting them. . ta~io. s~natorship, but ha.a not yet inform· The grandest product of the farm is the ed the Government of his decision. boys anrl girls. In every a°\'enue of life Beautiful govcls for W edd ing Pres nts, etc., new. rm where thrift, capacity and energy are reTn:& municipal nomination and election quired, the man who pushes to the front days will be tho 26th December and the is the son of a farmer. He has the inThere is a sort of broad 2nd Janu,ll'y, the days that ..vill be ob- telligence. comrunn sense running through his acts. flerved as Christm!'! B and N ew Year's He has a constitntion that can ew::i ure la· bor. It is a notable fact that in tho holidays. colleges of our country the best students In the Mr. Tlios.Burden is a candidate for the are the boys from the farm. Reeveahi p for 1888,and unless we mistake · workshops, in the halls of legistaturc, at the bar, in the forum, in the plllpit, the. bat of the electorul pulse, he is going nmety nine-hundredths of the men who There is dejection in Kansas while to he elected by vcclamation. No man at stand on the summit were once boJS on .t he. Council Board deserves better the the farm. They were bare.footed , wore there is rejoicing in t'ie C11uadian North patched clothes, and worked for their West. The farmers of the one place promo ~ion. have only h alf a crop, while the farmers bread. of the other ·have had an abundant harA su:rirou i8 afloat t o the effect that Almost one·half the µeople of this conn- vest. Hon. E. Blake i~ LO enter the Imperial .try reside in town. Where s re the town COLLEGE FEDERATION. Parlmment at the reqm' st of Mr. Glad- boys in the race of life? Foolmg, curling their hair, pohshing their boots,- while stone, and that he will represent an lri~h tho rough country boy is plunging bare· A meetin. g of the '\fethodis t denou1ina· con_~titueucy . I:Ie is at preeent in Ire- footed along the road to fame. vVith a tion, for this district; w ae held in the la.nd an d ~poku a· :i. public gathering a book under one arm and a few extra Queen-st church, Bowman'>'ille, on Wed clothes in his hand he passes the elegant n esday afternoon in the in·erest of Col· fel'll"·days ago. house of the town boy, and he looks in lege Federation. Rev. S. H. Mattbe wa, Chairman of the District presided. R ev . lT i~ thought ii1 soroo quarters that on ea·e and lux::iry almost for the first time. H e may be called a tramp a· d he Dr. l'otta, Secretary of Education, was H9ia. J ustice Armour \'ill be gazetted as refu~ed a. crust of br, ; one day he will present and laid . before the convention Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench return and buy that mortgage-covered the Federation sch~me. 'l'he amount ap· Divfoion. and it is felt that this would be house. Where diet that boy get bis noble portioned to the district is nellrly $5,000, but. a fitting recognition of tbe ability of pur pose and his unfalterin g courage 7 which was equitably distr iouted over th e Tbe yield of fall wheat this year is 14,· They were born in hnn on the farm, they differ ent circuits in the district. The the Judge u.s one of the foremost jurists were woven int:i his hbre by early years following resolution, moved by R ev.·T. 440,611 bush ls, being 3,630.531 bus hels of the Doniinion . of toil; th e warp and wool of his life E . Sanderson, M . .A., and seconded by less than Jagt year and 5,162,6!!3 bushels Mr. W. E. Tilley" Public School Inspec- less than the average of six: years. 'fhe were threads of gold. ·---=,.-~ tor, was carried unanim(·usly :- "That berry is smull, but hard; and while some I --Should Mr. Horrny not be a candidate There is a story afloat about some of wo cheerfully accept the allotn1t·nt as r ead correspondents say it is below the standthilJ y ear for the Ma) oralty, no one in our ci· izens who were gloriously " sold " by the chanman, and pledge ourselves t o ard weigh t' others claim that the h. u dness town is betkr fit ted for the position of while in London, by the wax fi m1res in do our utmost to raise the amount." and sonndness of thll g rain fully compea'fhe average A rra11 gements were made for l11llding sa.te for its lack of size. D eputy-Reeve, as his services at the Madame Tuosaud's Muse um of 'Vonders. Counties Council would be invaluable . One geutleman, who shall be nameless, meetings in the i[Jterest of Federation in yield per acr e is 16 bushels. each circuit in the district. The chairSpring wheat may be set down a.a a Worthily as h e fills the Mayo.r 's chair, he apologized to the old Qu"ker for ina<lvsrt ently trcadiug uvon that gentlHJmrn's man expressed the conviction that the general failnre, for while a few jzOod fields would be of even greater service there. t<·es Our r"aders may guess if they can, dis trict may be regarded as good for the are reported the common result is a small Cart thern not be an arrangement allowing of our friend's feelings; no ·pen how ever, full amOll.llt. yield of inferior quality. The estimrted I11 the evening a public meeting was yield is 5,633,117 bushels, against 9,518,the . t hree principal 0fficers to be elected could do them justice. Another gentleman, who thinks he knows a thing or t wo h eld in the Church-st. Methodist Church, 553 last year and 9,61.3,879 fo~ the av er by acclarn1 .i tion 1 walked up to one of the wax policemen when Itev. l\1r. Matthews again presided . age of six years. ~ for informarion, but he suddenly reme m· The attendance was only fair. The exThe barley crop was saved with scarcely M AYO:r. Horsey, following the example b eied that '1e had an imporrant enga<1e· cellen b choir of the church furnish ed some any injury from discoloration, but wD.ile appropriate music. After t he opening ex- the grain is bright it is light iu weight of the Mayor d Toronto, announced at ment in another department. ercises, and a short speech by the Chair- and thfJ yield per acre is lees than for any th~ Council meeting on Monday night .Ariother of our shrewd busineas men man, Rev. Dr. D ewart, the distinguished the businllss wi.s ovcr ,that he should was carefully examining some of the Editor of The Christian Guardian, lucidly harvest of the last six years. The total product is 16,134,830 bushels which is n ot be a voluntary candidate for the counterfeit retiresentatives of celebrated explained the federation stJheme, aud the 2,387,448 less than last year and 2,031,583 changes it involves, such 11s the removal murder ers and cut throats, of all nation· mayor's chair for next year. But should less than t.he average of six years. tho. cit izens want Mr. l:l.oreey's services alities, in the Chamber of Horrors, wheu of the college from Cobourg t o Toronto, Owing to the hot;;, dry sm.amer t he oat he was some what surprised to feel his and the h olding its d ... grees in abeyance. in that capacity, we have no doubt but arm quickly prnched two or three times, What will l:>e its advanhges 1 It will crop is below the average in yield, and it that .h e would accept the position for a turnmg suddenly around to find out what build up their ministry, at home and is also light in the measure. For a fow localities, where the land was low and new thi1d form . He haa a most efhcient was up, you could have knocked our abroad. It will bring a closer connection or where local Bhowars prevailed, b etter friend down with a straw, when he disbtitween the Church and their education. -Mayor. covered that he had been mistaken by an By this movement, the Methodists ohould accounts a re given. The estimated oro elderly dame for one of the figure!! spread out their usefulness, bv identifica- duct is 49,848,101 bushels from 1,692,473 ·r1rn namoof:Mr.. John Wesley is being aforesaid . N ow, if the old hdy had tion with the culture and learnin!!' which acres, ag1>inst 58,665,608 bushels from freely mentioned for the position of taken htrn for one of the Kings or sormi the ext ended curriculum would give. 1,621,901 acres last year. 'l'h. e account.a of peaae are more varied Mayor fo1· next ~'ear. Shrrnld he allow other distinguished persow;ge,our puzzled Objections ar<i urged such as that it is lhan those of any oth,:r crop. Where and disg usted friend would perchance n·o t productive of spiritual life, a11d may himseif to be placed in n omination tor have been complimented, but to be t aken be conducive to agnosticism. The govern- sown early and favored by local showers that diatinguishcd positi.on, we have no for a common cut· throat was more than ment will rest with the s~nate. All they a fair yield is reported, but under other dol\bt of hi:; electi011 by acclamation, for flesh and blood could stand, so our h ero c uld a8k had been conced"d to them in conditions the pods filled impnfectly, and r eli<>ious mattarr1, and every denomination 111 some localitie11 the crop was nearly a it is a duty the town owe£ to one who fled the scene . 0 wa.s r epiesented there. Again the other tot al fr<ilu · e. 'rhe est.imated yield is 12,is the successful business manager of one B ia Honor J ndge Clarke, Senior Judge colh·ges were not coming in also, we are 173 332 bushels from 716, 756 acres, against hels from 703.83G acres last oft.he most prosperous mimufacturing in- of thPse U uitl:ld Counties, has resigned spending t h tl money and not getting much 16,043,734 buM clustries in Canada, and one of the and accepted th e position of solicitor of for it. 'f 0 these h e answered that the year, The Manitoba estimates of 1st October largeEJt compon::> nt fact.ors in our town's the Canadian Pacific Railway Company Methodist Church would have a larger give 12,351 724 bushels of wheat, 7 ,2651 at a salary uf $ 15, 000 a year. No doubt number of students, better oaid profesprosperit.y. Should Mr. Wesley not allow but. that J·udge Benson will be promoted sors, better buildings, better things every 2:37 oats, and 1,925,231 barley; while eshim.self to b e a candidate, we understand as ':lenit.r Judge, and a betLer appoint- way. The work has proceeCJed so farJit t imittes of the same di<te give for the t h<J.t M r. · w. P. l 'rower will ofFi' for the ment could nlit be made. Bon. Sidn ey wilt be disastrous to go back now. If United States a yield of 4GO,OOO,OOO busSmith, we underattt nd, haR the i nside the· Methodist Church has beep a blessing hels of wheat, 600,000,000 of oats, 55, · position. track for the Junior position. t o any, they should help the work for· 000,000 of barley. ~ ward. '.l'hey are but stewards, and would T HB publisher of the eeteemecl Oshawa This is the tim e to ad verti!l<l. 'l'he have to account for all the money given RETURNED FROM EUROPE. Vindi c~tor is decidedly wrong in thinking farmers are nearly through wit h their t o thei r cha,rge. T h <, Rev. John Potts, D. D., the able A.ND WILL DE A.'.l' THE llUmJOTTOM HOUS E t h e,,re has been a " clique" formed in the work. The fail season is open. Businese ~·JtIDAY ANl) SATURDAY, N OY. i nterest of the SuTESUAN and the Re- begins to liven up, and the thrifty mer- and popular Secretary of Education, dechant is selling to attract customers. tailed at some le,1gth the n egotiations 25TH AN~ 26TH, former to rob him of his due share of There is no better way to reach the public with the Governm1mt for the five acres patronage in the way of sa le bilh. There tha n by advertising. The best medium site in the Queen's Pai·k, valued at $ 60,P rof. Dorenwend , the well-known Hair has n ever a word passed between t h ese through which to aclvertistJ is the paper 000, grauted on a lease of $ 1 per acre pe r Goods manufacturer of the Paris H air papers on the subject, Kor have we tc.ld with the largest circulation and the annum . Be said that the F edera.lion \Vorks, 'i'oronto, has Tisited the pr incipal widest tntluence in the community whose any farm'1r in this d istrict that by getting citizens are desired to be reach'3d. The sch eme req uired $200,000 for building cit,ies of Europe, as London, Paris, purp ose~, $250,000 for farth er endo\ '· Berlin, etc. The tour was chiefly made h is sale bills printed 1.1t the STATESMAN STATESMAN filla the bill amply. ment, told how nobly Toronto and its fo r the benefit of bis business. He has Job iRooms he would get a free notice of people had contributed . · ~he P~0 P?rti~n rf\turned with some n ew ideas and ha.s W_Bryce, of Toronto, has jm1t pub- ass~gned .to the Bown;ianville distnct m now in addition t o his well assorted stock th~,. sale in these two papers. vVe do lished M r , W. Clarke Rnase1l'a latest .b usiness 011 our own merits. The reason novel, " The Frozen P irat e," and the wluch tlus first meetmg was l~el~, was j of Ladies' Hait- Goods the n ewest and $4,800. Cards were then d1str1buted most becoming stylPs that ever ware the, STATESMAN oJ11ce has printed more tmblication of this is the literary event of thrm~ghout the audience, and t~1eDoctor, 1;1hown on the American continent. He sale bills than the other offices is because the year. No writer of sea stories h us who is nue of the most p ersuasive o.f be1i has seen the Wiggs and Toupees made by t he leading manufactnr er8 of Europe and of the very much !argcr circulation the ever attained the prominence of W. Clarke gars, w~nt on_to plead the cause ~ith a Russell. Be has far surpassed Capt. the. wit ..y racm ess ·. altem ated ~i.h the has m ade improvements on them . Every S 'I'A.TESMA:-f has among the farmers in Marryatt in th e field so ~ong held without P?l1te speecl~e~, wluch a gen · lady and gentleman .should make a note D u.J:'he,m imd Ont11rio Counties. a rival by t hat distinguished novelist. ume sun of Eun. W.h en t.he c:i..ds were of this and call at lns sho wrooms in the Ruasell's st ories fascinate the reader . given, thtJy were found to r~presont a Ruel10ttom llouse, Nov. 25th a.nd 2Gth. The proceeclrngs were '.l'A:liARAC. - 'f o P.ffectually cure a bad His d~ scription of the different moods of goodly ;;mount. John McMurtry's fingering ynrn-- a Cough vr Cold, and do it quick, use Tam· the sea ; his knowledge of a ship ; his bro n~ht to a close by the doxvlogy and . ara::> Elixir. It strikes 11,t the root of the direct a nd clear-cut method of saying the b ene<liction, which last was pronoun- , large Msortment- Scotch and Canadian, what he !us t o say,, have never been ced by Dr. Potts. I a t lowest prices. tropble and gives irnmediate relief. t ~~~~~.,,,,,.~~~~ The New York pilpers latsly published SERVIC~ a ve·y pathetic story about a very popul~r emotion~! act·ess. It was to tlie effec~ that she had become a confirmed victim to the opium habit, -iuvolvin!.( an almost total loss of phy~ical and mental powers, and actual destitu· tiou. 'l'ne story was at once de flied by h er friends, who say ~ha hllS suffered simply from ne>'vous prostration, is m none· cl of pecuniary aid, and is on the way to speedy recovery. Opiurn victims :\re usually hopeless, he lpl<'ss sl ><ves, mind 'veakened lacking une_rgy for .an.y l:l'!fort .to w'ar~~ 'nicovery, rnp1dly dnftrng rnto 1mbec1hty a dunTHE JEWELLED, timtJly gra"es .A peeuli ..r feature is the.t vicLims craft- Has been appointed sole agen1 for ily conceal it from their ne arest frieuds. A young lady at school near Philad..-lphia the celebrated ROCKFORD ATCIIES, w tts recently fonnd to b,, secret,ly addict· they are the best American Wat ch ed to it, k eeping her "mediciue" in a school·room mkataud, inj11ctiug th3 fiuid manufactured and are guaranteed into her arm with a stylogrnph pen! from the factory as be' fir·t-class, In the Chicago Fann lt'ielcl and, StockCall and ex amine them. man. Septemher 24, 1887, is this lHtrer signed S. 'l'. 0., from B.. rstow, Ky. : We h&Ye also the finest stock of "l miss,,d the paper thtLt had my letter in, ao I did not k11ow you m:vle the all kinds of Watches, Gold and request to knnw what it was I used to Silver, in the town of Bow:tnanvilJe. breuk up the morphina habit, until I got a letter from a geutlemlln asking informa In J ewellry, we have an end]ess tion. I should have answered s"oncr. Jt. variety- Clocks of all kinds veJJ was Warner's safe cure. I should have cht'ap. given it when I wr,.t e the fotter, but it looked too much like an advertiaement." In Silverware we have the e-:-.Thia voluntary stBtement goes to con. firw the claun madtJ by the proprietors clusive right to sell for the largest of Warurr's safo cure, that it is the only firm in t,he U.S. The quality and remedy in the world which ha· any decided power over dise&sos of the kidneys prices are the best a:ud lowest in nnd liver, and that this t errible habit this part of i.he country, We ask cannot be cured 11ntil thes r · organs have first been restored to fu II health, because you to call and examine our goods they are the ones chiefly affected by t his before buying. drug. Editor Wm. A. Bode; of Alton, Ill., Speca o.nd Eye Glasses, Cases, &c., was completely cured of the opium habit, we carry the leading stock, and acquired by lor1 g 11se in a painful malady, with Warner's safe curt!. It cu.nnot be guarantee every pair for 6 months, cui-ed at all if the kidneys iiud liver are if well l,Jsed. If they l}reak we diseased. will repair them free of charge. It is not claimed that there is anything Call and get fitted properly. in Warner'0 safe core alone which will do away with the ha.bit, tJXcept that it puts OUR REPAIRING DEPART?.1ENT.--We t e kidneys and live r in a he.dthy condi· tion, giving the whole sy~tem that can only go over the i;ame old saystrength and t one without which any a t- ing, that we repair \Vatch es, Clocks tempt to throw off the luibit, would be and J ewellry in the most skilful Vbin. It is because physicians have discover~d manner. We are hoked upon as that no other r bmedy is so beneficial in the ·only reliable Watchmaker in re~t oring he,i.lbh to the liver, kidneys a nd general system as the one stated, that it this part of the country. ~fore has com<i into general use in connection talking can't do the work, but tools, with the special remedies for the cure of ability and experience combined the dreadful opium habit. can, of which we have plenty. One of the worst J eatures of the opium habit is the deadening of mental and moral sensibilities in proportion as it weakens the physical system and the will power. 44. The Jeweller. CANADA'S GRAIN CROP. LOST I FAMILY BIBLES -AND- w Albums from Agents instead of local dealers. We have received a large supply .of ALBUMS and BIB.L ES, which we are offering very cheap, and we think it will pay you to inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. KBNNER&CO VARIETY HALL. MAYNARD, E';'.ASY TO USE. co:cessiYo c:-cpcctorntion caused by Cntnrrh. Sent pre-pa id on. r eceipt of 1 uicc, 50c. nnd $1 . Addrc ~s 'f lH.FOP.D '11, CO ., Brockvllle, Ont· NewGoods I am now showing a complete Stock of N e w She Tried in vain 10 Get It.eJieC and had quite Given up all Hope, Campbellford, .Tune 9, 1887. give you my t estimony for the good I hac l - ANDfrom your Dandelion Liver and Kidney Bitters. My liver was in a bad state l\nd 00 S, I wad a great sufferer. I had tried i n Which for Style and D esio<>n cannot be vain to get r elief and had qnite given up all hope, till a friend told l;t'i{of your surpassed in town, and to which I in't6 th 8 · 1 tt f th 1 f Bitters. I got a bottle at once and I am 0 :~: d' et .P~Cia a en ion e a L es happy to say the Bitters made a uew wois 11 nc · man of me . I can heartily recommend the~ to any one troubled with liver com· plamt. Yours truly King St., B owmanville. 40 CA1mrn STEPJI&NS. fALL ANO WINlfR MILLIN[RY .F ancy G d r ° a· MRS. ANnERSON M~E~~ ~~=~ I ;:;~o~t~y d uty to 18 l NOTHING BETTER For the preservation of health than having your feet kept dry and warm, HELLVAR being aware of the fact, has laid in a :first-class stock of fELT BOOTS,SHOES&OVERSHOES In large quantities and greater variety than ever before- All well bought on best cash t erms, saving large discounts to benefit prompt paying customers. Good assortment of all kinds of Seasonable Leath er Goods. Grand display of Trunks, Bags and Valises. Call and examine stock . We are going to sell on small profrts fearing no honest competition. All goods warrcnted as represented. We are fully prepared to carry out ALL we advertise. JOHN I~ELLY AR, 44 K ING ST,, BOWM.ANVIL~E. ·

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