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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1887, p. 5

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· Stylish foll millinery at Mrs. Morrison's. Farmers should advertise stray aniro1ds Mrs. J.\.fonison's is thd cheapeat millincry house in town. Great bargains in fancy goods, at Mrs. in th1i STA'.rESM.AN. J',forrison's. J ohn McMurtry's gloves and hoaiory Show your n eighbors the ST..l.TE81fAN and ask them to subscribe. Papel'e sent to the Editor for notice are at pcpu 'ar prices. should be marked. Miss Edith Harnly, of Port Hope, is Get y our fal! suit or overcoat at .Tohn J; M··son 's dry gnods and jewelry house. One old and one new subscriber for visiting in t his town. 1888 for only $1.60. Mr. H.. Beith is a j udge this week at FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. Col'd Kid Gloves stitch back, 50 cents the great Live Stock Show in Chicago,Ill. Ron·r, VIRTUE, A~ent, B owmanville. tf. a pair at the Bankrupt Stu1·e. Bowmanville has not been behind All wool flannels frnm 18c. per yard l!'or the Seaside. W.W. Andrus will play with the Ham· other towns in the barley market this and up at Couch J ohnston & Cryder· F or Pickoicking. ilton Base Ball team next year. Rev. Messrs. Ma~thews and Sanaerson man's., lt is reported that Dr. Potter, cflice and residence, Prow· year. For Ca1n1·i11g Out. ' several Organ F aeA er's Block, King-st., Bowmanville. 1- tf. will e:x:change pulpits on Sund ay moi:ning tory mechanics have been interviewing a .l'or T1·avell i og. fortune teller . · John McMurtry's blankets and tie- next. Look out for the big bankrupt stock to '1..'he B azaar P atterns for ladies' and f Fo11.· §taying Home. downs are at the lowest prices. Can't be arrive at the Bankrupt St·>re this woek. children's wear, fall and winter styles, at \ be<J.t. Mrs. M orrison's. The Bankrupt Store has without any J3iggest bargains ever heard of. Bmges Cough Syrup cures coughs, coMs, J ohn McMurtry's t weeds are Wf'll asexcept10n, whatever, the best tailor in hoaraness, whooping coull'h. P re- sorted ; prices low. Sui ts made to order the town. Try him. 'l'he Editor's time has been so fully oc- pared and sold by J . . Higgingbotham & at lowest prices. 'The Great Couvenience ancl Luxury of cupied otherwise the past week that he So,n. . . . , Per~ons who wan t money and can give the day. R.icb and Full F lavored. 7 rhe ladies of the Church-st. Metho.dJAt real estate security caa get any amount h1<s not lmd time to prepare his English " Wholesome, Stimulating, Easy of Use, Letter. church meet t o-morrow (Thursday) m gJ:t on applica ·ion t o M. A. JAMES. o complete arrangements for the anmC t H 11 tt d d tl · f Economical, the General Favorite. No Overcoats and suits t o order, for 50 t versary tea. ~ ap . owt a; .Pn e ie npPnmg ? ·Cheap Substitute for Peas, Wheat or per ·ceut. below reg ular vr1ces, at the Big · d' t' a t he new Sal vat10n Armv harrac ks m Tl1e corn Ii us k s "re +" _nm. m ica m g M t I ~ d M: d A perfect fit guar- short Barley, but Genuine Mocha and Old Bankrupt Store. and open winter. The woodcbucks on rea. o n ' un 0 ~y ai~ . on ay · anreed. dug early and d eep, i>resaging l\ long 1111d I mJ?erial Stovepipe\ 11rP1sh pronuce~ a -Government Java. I Although Thompson & Co. has changiid sev«rely cold eoa~on . beautiful ~loss aud ma~es. no offem1ve . . !to Mason and Dale they give that $25 Capts. Z immerman and Fisher, of ~mell. Sold by J. 1.'11 ggmgbotham & For Sale by Grocers and Druggists m harw·ss a.way all the same at tho end of Toronto, )<;;ad the Ar my services on Son· on . l't., ~lb !tb, Bottles. TRIAL SIZE 5 CENTS ~ the year. d·.y. The barracks was erawded bllth l\.fomb<>rs of Bowm anville L" dge, A. 0 . (Mention t his paper.) .M:r. James Muir, B. A., is teaching afternoon and evening. U . W., will give an interesting program Mr. Mill· r's classes while that ,:::entlom-.n On Su nday evening ne-.:t sermons will at their meet ing on Friday night, l'l th I is "reading up" for an important pi:ofos· be preached in the town churches on inst., t o u n umber of invited gues ·s. sional examination. In the· resolnt10n a:1king t ender~ for S1tbbath D esecration in ace,ordance wi"h John McMurtry has a large stock of a resoll1tion of the M inisterial Associa- plank and cedar in ,t he proceedings of the ehirts and drawers for men and boys. La- tinn. Darlington Council published last w011k dies' underwear- a good asaortmentMr. D. W. Campbell'fl magic l antern the word acamling should n ot have cannot be beaten in town. ~ exhihition on Monday ni!!-ht in the T own appeared. " S~bbath desecrations in the town and Hall was well att ended and gave g roat The annual dinner of Court Pride of & els~ where," will be the subject of Itev.R. pleasure and satiMfactiun . His views :·re Ontario, A. 0. F. GOOO, will be givEin at D . :Fraser's sermon in St. Paul's chtuch, magnificeut. the Arling · on, next :F' riday evenin~. whf'n 1'he STA'l'F.SMAN is printed on Tuestlay Oshawa Conrt is expected to be the guests Famous ,Ely. Powder will kill every Sa.bba1,h. evening, at 7 o'clock. A drummer for a City printing home afternvon each week and mailed on of our locll.l Court . fly in a room in 30 minutes. was in town last week, but our merchants Tuesday night, Bo that subscriber" in Couch, John8ton & Cryderman are now gave him a very cool r A ception. No nearly all parts of Ontario can r eceive showing a fine stock of ladif's' d olmane, - - - ----- - ·- - ·- - -outsiders need apply in this town. the paper on Wednesday. ulsters nnd short j nckets--impor ted from 1ods are elegimtly cut Our School Board are having a hard Germnny. 'rhese w There has been a tremendous rush for boots and shoes at Treleaven's the past time to agree on matters connected with and' beautifully made. week. He has a tremendous assorment our new school buildings, but every one .B@ autiful white wool blanket s for $2 Gloves can be cleaned as by and lil selling at tremendously low pl'ices. aurees that John .T. Mason's is the host per pair. Best grey all wool Chambley Mr. W. S. Russel having got comfort- place in town to buy dry goods, clothing, flannel for 19c., and· the cheapest tweeds in Canada at the· Big Bankrupt S tore, ably settled in his new palatial brick resi · watches, clocks and jewelry. Our citizens were startled to hear on next door to Mnrdoch Bros'. dence ha<l a big "house warming last Friday week. The elite of the town Monday morning that Mr. James Mc· Is t he electric light d oome.l 1 To all ONLY 10 CENTS AT were there. Clung had died q uiet suddenly at his appearances it is, for th e new ligh t, His remains Lncigen, is far ahead of it in illuminatiug FREE SET OF HARNESS.-S. Thompson residence i n Brampton . .Tusi fancy reading- sn1all print & .Cv will give gratis to the 1ierson buy- wer1' bronght for int.erment, the funoral power. ing the mose goods at their shop during from the residence 1887, a set of all Nickle Single Harness 0AIUUAGE WoitKs.- H aving re· b e done with Lu01gen, it is cucning to the · - ----- - --- ---· worth $25.00. · The entertainment given by the Sons of eeived the D iploma for best se!ectio11. of fron t everywhere in Europe although it r T i;rn1ierance last ·ruesd.-y night, was a carriages at the County Fair, we have does not appear to have cro~sed t o this splendid one ; everybody was deligh ted ti<ken eeveral 01d.3rs for bugg1es and cut- sidtt of the water. OUR LADY F RIENDS will be·interested with the pJogram. Another will be an- .ters for the coming season. P ar ties wanting cutters call and examine our st.eek be-. in kn owing that by B <nd ing 20c. t o pay nounced soon. Some very desirable town residences fore buying. JAs. Mmnus, Proprietor . postage, and 15 top covera of Warner's .Mr. Jas. Cryderman, the Township Safo Yeas: (showing t hat jthey used _ are offer ed ·for sale in the S1'ATESofAN. , .is on a visiting t our through r..t least l o P··ckages) t o II. H. ·warner & Collector, Farmers and others intending to move/ the township j ust uow. He says not- Co., Rochester, :N . Y., they c,;n get a 500 N. STANLEY'S CELEBRATED into Bowmanville should couault th withs·anding the bad crops, so far, he page, fi nely ilhlstrated (J,,ok B'·iok, free. advertisers soon . has met with good success, and is not be- l:\uch a bo:ik, bound in cloth, could not b e Miss Thomas got leave of abeence fror · hind other years, perhaps ahead. '! 'his bou.- hr for leas than a dollar. lt is a No Spectacles iu the D'larket equal them in the the School Boa; d till New Ye are to atten speaks w.. 11 for D«rlington. 1\fr. Cryder- wonderfully good chnnce to get a fine book EYE PREBEitVING QUALITlES they possess, or L , M d' C 11 T the GREAT EASE r~nd co:.iv'Ot<T thoy confer on the adi1' S e 1ca1 o ego in oronto. nlan is worthy of a bonus, or rather the for the mere poahge and tile ladies ahould ' the wearer. Mias Manning a successful teacher from le who are always punctual and ·1 ~ct promptly. n ·11e, N ov. 8 uowma11v1 ·, 1887. 45. THEY Nl!._ V ER TIHE 'l 'ffE EYE AND LAST Tyrone is teaching for her. npt in piiyi ng their taxes every ye at'. ·'·Aint she just sweet, as she passed on· the 1 ··- · - - - ·- - ·.. ·-·-- - - - -· . MANY .YEARS WITHOUT CHANGE. The NovemberWide-4,wake is enriched b-yland ! splendid B aby land ! Mother . . street, . ___ BIRTHS. O RENT- The Stand one door west of th.0 The eight tested b y our New Teat Card, with several papers connecting eo closely as used by the leading Oculists thl'Ough· s ud baby enjoy it togeth er . It lightens Her mantle was m ade of the lovelies~ r J_,AN(HIAl!fl.-ln Darlington, on Oct. 2ath, the . NEWS Offioo. 8uitable for small Rtore, er· out the world. with some of the most d elightful things tho moth er's care and labor by giving her cloth wife of Mt'. Arthur Langmaid. or a son. for an Office. Applv to GA.LE BROS. in literature that both young and old will storie~ and pictures to read and talk about. And the trimmin"'S alt matched so· neat ~TUTT.-N ear Wroxeter on the 2!Jth ult., the always keep this number of the magazine. B ab y grows t o un d era t an d t h em a I mos t· as ULL FOR SALE. - ! will sell verr 0 1l h er ch 1c ' l'~t ' I wiJwor 1\1.r. Jas. H. Stutt. of a son. 1 l 1e h ead s h e wore a SWAIN.-Near Enniskillen, on the 6t h inst.. Druggists and Opticians, BOW:MANVII.r.IC. cheap mv thoro'-bred Short Horn Bal., n as he undentands chickens and t:Jirds cloud the wife of Mr, Char!ed Swain, or a. son. -= _ , ··-------- --The ever popular Quintette is again SOQ "Ivanhoe," 3 years old, Pedigree in late "Brit· and kittens. Don't let him. tear it. A s whit.a as t he riven snow, lsh American Herd Book," H . C. HO-AR, Dat· fl!'. tt'tt\· .t.hl.:··..,; _ li!l:ttt+ .. aft! \1 '1" ready for business with Mr. A. McKeown lington, Bowmanville, P . O.. 41-tr And the cutest of-gloves p rotected hei: DIED. 0 "' \:.11-"~4TM4':""~'·- ~ "-"'-"*._."... as leader. Parties r equiring music for Beautiful Babyland ! exc.,!lent Bahyland ! lrnuds Me8onLn:Y. -In Bowroanville. Th,ursday, Noballs, parti~s, or concerts, may address D. Mother with bab.l' a year or five years old, OUSE TO RENT, ON SCUGOO . f y 1 verober 3rd. Charlotte. daughter of John and ~Iorrison, Sec'y, who will give all infor- 1t 1s or you. ou can get a Silmp e ci·py When out w ,here chill winds blow. Mars McSorley,ap;ed2 yearsand 9' montlrn. Street. two storEJy bri<ik, containing ; closets, etc, Hard and· soft· water, mation. On her dr,.ss grew the sheen McCLuNe.-In Bramuton. on the 7th inst., rooms. b_ y sending five cen ts to D. Lo~hrop Comacre ot land. Apply to llENRY BAM· Qui>.rter · Of t he shimmerinl( sun, James McC!ung, aged 61 yenrs. DRAY, 'l'own or to \V. BROAD, ll1.1ydon. Gentlemen with bald heade should call pany, Boston. on Prof. Dorenwend, at the Ruebottom The '1.'hird page of the Toronto Daily Which laughed back &fjts phototype's N~;1,7;~'Wini!::i /~Jo~~nr~~::erl~nof 1U::11~~'. EIFER ASTRAY.- Camt. on t he House and see h is fine Wigs and Toupees. Mail is noted for "Want" advertisements. gl1lW, , .. ; ton, aged 17 years. premises. lot 2. con. 3, Darlington, abont Pure mixed paints 11t Higginbotham's He will be here on Nov. 25th and 26th. If you want to buy or sell anything. If H er costumes were the e-nvy' of all on the Fllnersl on Thursday. Ceremony at 2 p. ip.; the last week In September, a Yearlir.gHeiier. street , hearse moves a t 2:30 o'clock for the cemetery. The owner le requested to prove property, drug store. The cold weather is coming on and every you want a sit uation, a mf'ehanic, a busipay charges aud t.ake her away, W . J· BRAGG, ness, machinery, lodgings, if you have In fact wherever ·she'd go, John McMurtry's mantle and ulster one should be protected, Bowmanville. 4.2:3w-' BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. t:lotbs are very low-a large stock. The anniversary of the Church·st. lost or found anything, or if you want to ·ro end this p oem I needs must t ell find out where anyone is, advertise in the Where she got all those goods so grand, ARM: lt'OR SALE in the township of . John McMurtry has a fine assortment M"thodist church will be held on Sunday ~orrec&etl by J . Melllurtry, every Tuesdny, F Cartwright. lots IO, 11 and the n orth :part of dry gouds. Selling very cho;iap. 20th and Monday 21st inst. Rev. Di-. Toronto Daily Mail and re.a d the adver-1 Wh.y at McMur try's, the West End 12, or the 8th con,, about 300 acres in all. Will Houoe, F LOUR, V 100 lbs.·..·..·· $2 10 to $2 40 be sold reasonable. on 3aey te:i;ms. Apply te> :What papers do you intend to 1mb- D.iwart, Editor of the Christian Guardian, tis.,menta on the third page of that paper. 'rhe charge is two cents a word You know the place where they always WHEAT, Fall, V bush .·..· 0 75 11 0 80 owner on the preroioos, A. DttiJOE,.,or Crosa· .scribe for next year, besides tho STATES- will conduct both services on Sabbath. each insertion. Address, The Mail, 'fo- 1 keep their stand. . 0 00 rea, P . 0. . 38·tt 11 · S pr1ng, 11 · · · · · 0 80 . 11 MAN 1 Further particulars next week. ronto Canada. 42'-tf BARLEY, lJl' bush, o. 1. .. . 0 72 11 0 00 TAKE NOTICE .-All persons indebtecl R:imREMIN(l PoINTS .-~asal Balm does Merchants must hand in changes for A petition signed by a.bout 130 of the 11 11 11 2 .... O 67 11 0 00 to the sub·crlher either by Note or Book The recital of Miss Mitti Fraine in the their advertisements not later than Sat- respectable electors of the West Ward ~oeen-st. Methodist church, Bowman- not irritate or cause sn~ezing, does not 3 0 55 11 0 00 Account will please call e.t my residence on or 11 11 11 · ·" ' 1 before Nov; l\Jt and sett le, th.e same. otherwia& urday. asking for an electric light on the cornflr ville, under ~he auspices of the W. C. 'l'. req uire any inetrument for its use, does n ot 0 52 costs will be mcurred. I ·· S. MANNING . · · · , , · · · · · 0 50 11 " have any ill effects, r elieves from the tirs1, RYl!: 1 Large amount of money to loan on of 8cugog and King-streets was treated U., on Frid;\y night , was very :argely at- and one 50 cent bottle will cure an ordin- Oils, 11 . . . . . . . . . . 0 30 11 0 00 4~ farm security at from 6 to 7 per cent.- with consummate indifferance at the 0ct. tended. On the plat form wtire Revs. San- ary case, with no other 'e xpense attached, PEAR, Blackeye, ~bush . . · 0 60 11 0 66 I H EIFER. ASTRAY. - Came on t he F. H . MA.SON. session of thtJ Town Council. The West- dersoo , chairman, Matthews and Gunn, 11 Small, II 0 52 II 0 55 I p,remlees, lot 12, con. 7, Darlln"ton, about ::: n-d D oors, S ash ca, Bli'iids, Pi ' cketa, on 11 Blue, () 50 11 O 55 I Oct. oth, a two.year-old H eifer. 'l 'he owner Miss ~ er , warders M'e vowing N ven(>,eance y '.l'h the II nnd Mrs. S. Mason, President. is requeetec l to prove prooerty, p&y expenses -etc,, at Mo,rris' Planing Factory, Liberty Councillors at ew ears. ey' Fraine recited '.l'he Settler's Story, by BUTTER, best table,~ lb... 0 20 II 0 23 and take her away. w. J . IIAYORAWT,Ha.ydon. Address and Presentation. "Turn the rascals out," they will. Will Carleton ; The Brakesman's Opinetreet, R: ,. ; Osborne, leasee. Lum, 'II" lb . · . . . · . . . · . . . . 0 10 11 0 12 4.2-3w· Persons having furniture to eel! in town The circulation of one local paper com- ion of Churches, by Bob Burdette; ancl Mr. Geo. Piggott has beon in very poor E GGS, 1f' doz .·· · ·· ······· 0 17 11 0 00 S TI-tAYED OR STOLEN,-From Mr. can make very satisfact,·ry arrangt1ments pared with another is evi<l1:1 nced by being i·ecalled gave The Bishop and the healt h for some time p· st, necessitating POTATOES, 'lil' bush . . ··.··· 0 50 11 0 00 . W . <~uick's, on Fair Day, a light rod cow with white under belly, dry in one teAt. at the STATESMAN Office. Terms easy. the number of small advertisements, such Cow, a humorious selection ; and c~m h is r emoving to a warmer climate. The H AY · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 10 00 11 11 00 The person having her in vossession had Bowmanville Salvation .Army Brass as nre found on this page. People ad- cluded with Sim's Little Girl. She . also employPes of the Dominion .Organ and DRESSED HoGs ..·..... . .. 5 50 11 6 00 l\etter return her to the same place or to D. · Band recently played at a banquet in vertise in the paper they subscribe for. d elivered a 20-minute address on Temper- Piano Factory deemed it a right aud fit- CLOVER SEED ..··...... . . 4 90 11 5 00 'Davis, !loot and Shoo Dealer, Bo¥ro.1anville. 12 ance that would eclipse many effouts by ting opportunity t o tender to him some ALSIKE .. . .. . . . .. .. ... . . 4 00 11 6 00 ·t,t. iPickering village, giving great satisfac- ~i~~e~~ti:~s~~: :::~~a~~~s,c;~~i~:r~~~ noted advocat es. Mi6s Fraine was ham· . . b f d . -. g o u sE AND LOT FOR SALE.- A e ore epartmg MONE Y TO LO .AN ON RE AL two-storeynewt>riok>house onOueen·s!:. tion. h pered in her choice of selections by being mark of appreci:i.hon from t hose wit h whom h e has been for so estate. Private funds, .A.poly t o Lome containing seYen rooms and large hall, excei. in a church, bu t gave excellent sa JSfacto m any years working as manager Owin g Box 25. BowmR.nville P. o .. or to M.A. JAMES, j lent ctllar, hard and soft water. goocl ,guden She was the guest of Miss Nforris to the very weak st'J.te of Mr Pi"gott's S'J'Nl'ESMAN Office. 43tf , and .nec!lssary convenience. Terms easy.. PooThe STATESMAN contains three times as as any other paper p ublished in t his dis- tion. ~ . ~ session 1mmed1at.ely. Apply to WM, BROCK, duriog bet· st a.y ir. t own. Come a-gain, he<J,!th t he arrangements were. prepared B OARDERS WANTED.- R ooms with l owner. or ~·OJ. B. MARTYN, or It. WOR'l'.11, much local news each week as its con- trif. N·:w ENTERPRISE.- A faI"mer who Miss :Fraine, ancl you shall have a h:Ul. very "uietlv.. Mr. A. J\'.litchell b eiD" d e- , boa1·d for t.hree or four res?ecte.ble board· I Bowman ville. 4'!l·-tf,pd3. temporaries. lives a s)1ort distance west of our t own f "' h era can be obtained at Mrs. Wilson's, nor th of " · 'VELL DESERVED C0MruAmNTS.P.· puted by t!ie donors ~o per Ol'll'i t e Orga'! __ ac,tor:!'.!_. H -tr. H OU SE AND LOT FOR SALE.-A Mr. J. C. Snell, of Edmonton, was the has planned in addi&ion to the usual fall pleasant d ut1esoi' presentrng a gold-hel_'-d- FA.RM · ro RENT.-200 acres, being good dwelling house;, ptLrt brick and guest· of Mr. Samuel Allin, J;>rovidence, crop a fine specimen of a silrer watch . ferrin g to the departure of Mr . W. McMurtry from Port Perry, the loca ed cane and a purse of muney a ccompanted 1 Lots 1G and 17, (~on ~. Darlington. Pl~· 1gart frame. with good woodshed. driving fast week. Mr. ::Snell was m qaest of The ground was carefully prepared and if apers speak thus kindly of him : Mr. with an address. The cane is of ebony ing possession immediately. Apply to W, l!'. ouse and stable, ha;rd e.n~ soft water, about.{ . d ' ALLEN Bowm11.n vi!le, 42-tt acre of 1<arden. S1tu11.te in the cenLre of the well bred Short Horns and went to a good it produces a good crop the mnn will go P W. J . McMurtry, for Manager of e-urmounted by a eohd gnld hea , beau· -. . villar<e or Hamoton. Very suitable for retiring place ·to find them. into . the b'Jsiness more extensively. 'l'o the Ontario B:mk here, has severed his tift Hy embossed in rustic patt.ern, and is H OUSE TO LET -A c.omfortab.le farm e ·r. W ill be sold cheap and on easy tei·ms. Mrs. Morrison is selling out, giving up give the scheme no chance of failure h e connection with the same by r esignation, ~ splendid speJimen of the goldsmith's Brick House, suitable for small fa!I\.ily, Apply..:~~~~ma McLEAN", Hampton, H-3w "G p ,, near Ontario Street . Apply to S. W AS[IJNG'l'<JN , . husineBI!, intending to leave town, and bought the watch from that cheap and · which we believe has been accepted in a a~t. One end bears the monogram · . , Churcb·et., Bowrnanville, 43tt TEACHER WAN TJi~ D.-A MALE offers her stock of new winter millinery, reliable dealer, John J. Mason's dry goods friendly letter addressed to him by the the ot her the masonic emblem, while one ·.~ --MEN W.ANTED 'reacher for School Seotion No. 21. Haydon 1 fancy g"ods and wools at cost. West and jewelry house. General Mana.b<Yer. Mr. McMurtry has side bears the inscriution "Prnsented to Q~ ~ !11MED~i\.TELR- Village, Darlington. Duties to begin Jan, lat, , . · ' nd I want twenty men immediately, to , 1888. Applicants must state c1.uahfication, exEnd Millinery House. If you want to buy or sell a farm , ad- conclnded to accept an offer of partner- Mr. Geo.Piggott by the employees of the r ut timber In a cedar swamp, near Newcastle, I penence ancl salar y required. Apoly up to Our citizens will he plea~ed to learn vertise in the Toronto Weekly Mail. That ship from his brother who is in businsss Organ and Piano Co., Bowmaaville,Ont., lt1cHARu l!'osTER, Newcastle. 4J* 1 Nov. ~th, to Jon~ RUN D L E, Secy,-'l'reaeuror; 'Th 0 aft'au . · t O'lk ... ANTED, TO BUY-of about Ilaydon, Ont. 43·!lw·· that Mr. ,V. J. McMurtrv has returned paper reaches 100,000 farmers homeli! in Bowmanville, and will remove there at '·' .1., ov. 1 s t , 1887 · " . Pl ace "(J"lARM w . to- town and entered into partnership every week, and your sd vertisement once, A genial person of good bminess last Tuesday, at the horn? of Mr.P1gg_ot.t , .l.' 50 to 75 acree. within a convenient die· 1 B U ILDING PLOT FOR SALE.-I~or with his brother John at the noted W est should meet the eye of some one who qualities, he and his estimable part ner who was t ouch in gl:f supnsed at t he kmd- t~nce ~r Bo.wmanv1!le. .Appl¥ to M.A. JAMES, ) sale, ll! acr~a or more, the property ?f End H ouee. 'rho new firm will make wants to purchase. Advertisements of leave a host of friends b ehind them in ness and fr1 endslup of the men and he SrA TKSMAN Office, Bowman ville, !l.5-3w. Mrs. Colonel, bemg part of Lot No. 9, in · d · h' th k 1s t Con, north ot Mrs. Holland's, and their announcGment next week. this class are inserted in the Toronto P ort Perry who wish them every p roa- could not fin voice to convey ls an s. JJORSES F OR SALE. - IHAVE FOR adjoininglying the south enet part of Mr Mc· Mr. A. w . Cooper, the ~reat ba~krupt ~eekly Mi~il for five cents a word each perity and happiuess .-Sta.ndard.- The On Wednesday evenini;( the m embers of sa,le a small bay hcrse;)foung, sound and Murtry's fa.rm. Seventy yards frontage on the D. 0. & P. Co. Band sernadecl Mr. quiet. Also a nice Pride of Scotland filly. ti'Ve s~de line. Terms to 6 ?-it purchaser. l~or par· stock dell.ler, is a "stayer." He is .going rnsert:ou, o~ twenty five cents,~ word f?r town has sustained a loss in the removal · r-,. at h lS - l 10u~e,and on F ri 'daymor nmg · 1· on. t tICulars apply to F. Cm111·.1·, Bowmanv1 1!0. lllOn th ' sot·cl . A· J · R KYN0 LDS, soma, 42:3w t o i·emain in Bowmanville and sell goods five nU1ert1ons. Address, Ihe Ma1l, fromourmidstofY>l.J. McMnrtry,Esq., late manag'3r of the Ontario Bank here. he and Mm. Piggott left here for Santa '11-2.kJ FARM TO SELL OR RENT.-l04. :ah prices so low that he will be a terror Toronto, C11nada. . man, a Barbara Sout h Califor n1 11, amids t the pEAS WANTED. - 3000 bushels . of to the d c l-fsshioned, high-priced merMr ..John McClung and family have re- As an honorable, active business t 'f f .· d I ·h d B!llllll peas wan ten at the Caledoman acres of lot 25, con. 3, Darlington, on · cl1ants. All stocks b nught by him in, turned to to.wn and.taken p<>ssession . of v11l uabl e, courteuus ancl energetic towns- regre ·S o many ne~ s w io g3:· ere on I Mills. Bowrnanvl!le, for which the very high· which are a new brick house. and good stables man, Mr. McMurtry :laservedly stood the platform, and r insed a pa.rtrng salut e est price will be paid. JOHN MAoKAY, Pro· and grnining, Good orcb.ard, good soil, well the future ~,;11 b e sold here instead of l the commod1ou~ residen ce 1111~ · grounds watered and fenced. About 8 <!.ores of hush. 2 tf 4 They in t end Jl~~ · · · Very reasonable terms will be given. Apply where th e fa riure tak"s place. '.l'he first · formerly occup10d by E . G. Burk, Esq. high in publ ic estimation and bis r emoval ~ts t he train ste:imecl off. stock will arrive thifl week- it's a beauty. I The citizens extend to them a cordinl from the town causes universal regret. remaining at Santa .Barbara uver t he rrAILORING. -Mr. Hind son, Tnilor, to EDWAilD KEAST. on the premises, or if by at McUlung Bros.. is now prepared to letLer. to Bowman ville, P.O. 42 S)V .All new fall <Yoocle bought by our "ex- f welcome, and are glad to see Mr. McClung He is going intr> the Dry Goods business winter. The addreRs, which was creditiu colored inks was th e oet u p make a limited nnn;1ber of suHs for conotry FARM "'ORS · ' LE B . pert buyor" f:,r l,'Oc. oii.. th e dollar. You 1 b~ck in the ol~l stan~ again, '.vhere the in the t r>wn of B owman ville and he ca.r- :i.bly dune . ' · ~ . '? · buyers or from Ollta1dc cstablishmc11ts. En,_, .: "' 1 . - >Otng 100 acrea 45·tf or Iota 9 and 10, cou.. 2. Darlington, on. are alw1 ·yfl sure of Ten Doll:J,rd worth of i dry goods b usmess will be carried on e:x:- ries with 11im the respect and best wishes of Mr. J ohn Keaclne, fllld tho mscnptwn trance through Quick & Co's store. of all. Of Mr. McMurtr.v's future sueand the devices on the cane were the H -·-OU"'E , , . s · E LL Ol"' REi NT -A Manvers Road. I ~ miles north of ?owmangoods fo l' a ,li'ive Dollar Bill a t the _Big t.en~i~ely _in all its branches, under th e . , · ti k l · f M (! S "] b oth e . , "' ~ 1 0 ~ ·'-' " · ville. Good brick honae, commoi1ous outr. :reo. m h l., m comfortable fmmu cl wclli"g and ono lmildings, well 'fenced and well watered good B;i.ukrupt f' rt' · Next door t o Murctoch farr11lmr firm-name of McClung B ros., cess t h ere can b e no d oub t, h is stnc V WIJr man:~ up o 'Ve _hope ~fr. a.ere of lu.nrl. on wh!!lh are several good _frlilC orcl~ard. Has_ beer. mostly in g_rass. ror' aopie Bros'. '~ which h~s so long been a household upright business habits, his courteous and ployees rn . t h e fac tory.. manner and fair and honorable and ]Ylr s. p 10crgot may l'each their d est1na- trees. good well. ~1tnated on Scugog street. ye<J,JB, In capita.I star.o of cult1v'ttt0n. Will Asi~1mll. cn"ed hy the double treatment wor d throughout th1.s d istrict. W e 1vish oblicring · · '? . ' . · . , d ~'or further particulars a pply to WARR.AN soll before Nov. l~t ver:r chc1 1p· l!'or full parof Southern Asthma Cure, is a common the firm m ay have a most p rosperous dealmg cannot fail to secure patromigc t1011 in safety and rettu n to us restore DrnoMAN, owner. or to Mr. w. Cann. Bow. tietll"!'B apply to J OHN 11·0.s'.l'Ell, drover,0 Bow· wherever he goes. ·- Obse1:ver. to health, manv!lle. · 45- 2w 1manv1Uc, ·7- H. renurk. ;!: business career. LYM AN'S I 'C . O NCENTRATED E XTRACT OF O (f!"FFEE_ $31,400! have purchased Mr. T. Bingham's ~1tock McOl UNB 8' '109' at 64 cts. on the dollar, and will ~ontinue the .business in the tY M AN'S FLUID OOFFEE. AMOUNTING TO $17 400, O L D STAND! .,. · CERTAIN DEATH STOTT JURY'S ANOTHER STOCK OF &614,.0C>OaaOO IS . being added, making over $30,000 worth of Choice Goods. H OWARD'S GLOV EC L EAN ER! -MAGIC- Stott & Jury's Medical Hall. Sigh t vs. Blindness. ~~k~~; j'.~~: ~~~r~~: The whole now o.f fered to the public at ~~ :,~~ ~~~pnce ct~5°!e~. ~~:~~:,~~~:t~ LESS THAN W H0LE SA'l E 0ST c · IM-- AKE ENC LISH S PECTACLES. by securing Bargains at Mc CLUNG BROS)'! T · S.T Q T T . & J U RY, ft'hi& B H Local and Otherwise. ~ H I I ~h~O~~a~~ft~· ~f r:~~t~~~!n}!:!n~~~:z: ~~~!~: ~:~1=Slla:v:,:~; , ~~:~g~~::r:is!m~~~~ 0 I ·-I I I 0 I I

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