' a a=t r ....aa trouble to those around and entir 1 y defeatsf WHALING.IN THE POLAR SEA. , its own end. -Perhaps it will be a case of sickuess in the l'c1 ·Us Eucount~rc<l by. Uic Norwegnlns tu A Chapter of ' 'Don't" for Parents, house. The devoted wife, n .-ther, or C:nplurmg Che 1.e,lnthau. I. Don't forget that you brought · your daughter, feels it to be .her sacred ,Juty, (a9 Every summer the Polar Sea, off the WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9. 1887·. children into the world without their know- well as plea~nre,) to g_i ve ~erself ,'1 P body, coast of Finmarken, Norway, is alive with ledge or consent. You have no right to em- soul, and mtnd? to the ~nvahd. ~h rn a~swers whales and their chasers. The principal bitter the life you have thus thrust upon perhaps f?;r a little while, .but if the illnes.s I game of the Non;cgian whalens is the grea.t them. I have known parents to make ab- ~~a coutmued one, the nurs~ become~ utter· blue wh ale, attaining a length of some Oil solute slaves of their children, compelllug l.r worn out, loses all desire for f.ood or to 100 feet. This mammoth champion of a.lmost constant attcndaucc, under the sleep? and rests on.the v,~l'ife of .r.eal,~llness. the Polar Ocean posscs~csimmenee streug~h, popular delusion that young limbs are A neighbor comes ln to s1t awlulc, a per- a,nd the wha.ler's "tackle" must necessan y never tired; and like the old slave·master, fectly competent person to t ake he'. phtce. he solid. 'Vhen killed .the whale sinks to ~iving nothing in return but food and "0 no," shjl answers to 1~ll entreaties, ";[ the bottcm, an1 th ~ ~aptor is apt to lose clothes. can do well enoug!1· I'll get along. I don t , his game. To prevent tnis Mr. Svend Foyn, Don't laugh i.t and deride your children's nee~ any rest. 111 let you kno;v when I t he piouc.:r of the wha.liug industry, has for a nd hobbies. Remember how much brighter cant get a.long ~ny m?r~. ,I don t ~vant to invented i. new harpoon wh.ereto is ufli xed a. DIRECT 'VIRE COMMUN CATION. life has seemed to you, when you could re. ~r<!uble ~ny one. This wn t unselhshness, self-exploding bomb filled with a ga~-proalize some cherished dream, and treat them ~~is ~oohshness. To be of most use to the ducing composition. \Vhen the whale is ' "CilstoT-1a.1ssoweHMa.p~tochlldrenthat CastoT"la cures Colle, Constlpnt!on, . mvahd, a VI', ' om an shoul.d catch all the rest · harpoo .ncad the bomb buried ill t he flesh of ['recommend i t as superior to any prescription Squr Stomach, p iarrhaia, Emctation, L Active :fluctations in the Market, accord mg1Y· Jwown w me." H. · · --··R "I D Kills W ~rms, i;wes aleep, and promoteu di· SJ·e can. Ihe wo.rId wi11 yer.h a.ps .cond cmn 1 j the ammal explodes, and the -gas p roduced , .u,. AA4...i.tt- ' " gest1ou , 3. Don't forget that youth needs amuse- a ~10ther for le~vmg a clnl,d L';l m~sery au~ permeating the veins and ca.vities of t he offer opportunities to specula111 SO. Oxford St.. Brookl;yn, N. Y. Wltliout injurious med1catlon. ment. Your children have not only bodies gomg ~W8:Y ;;o he dow.n. She 1 s. wlSe! and if leviathan prevents him from sinking. tors to m a ke money in Tnz CENTA un. C o l-IPANY, 'i'I Id uiTay fJtreet, N. Y . but minds. Rest for the body and amuse· the cluld. ism such misery that Its cnes c~n· How perilous ;uid haza.rdous whaling is, Grain, Provisions, ment fot· the mind, are demands of nature not be stilled, and she he.rself can do nothing even with the most perfect of appliances which too many parents ignore. If you do thr..t any one else cannot do, . she should go and weapons, is w ell illustrat ed by the Stocks, Bonds & not p~ovido for your children health~nl and far away an.cl shut herself m and try her followingnarrationrelatedby an eyewit ness : Petroleum. su~cient amusemen.t, than tl!auk God for best to obta.m the rest a m other needs so "It was a Jane day , with rmwh weather, Prompt. attention given t o orders. H is mercy on you, if ;)'.our children do not . much. . . . . .. rougher even than usual on a : ummer day FOR SALE BY J. IIIG GINBOTH.A:\d & SON, BOW MANV ILLE i take to dangerous or wicked pleasures when Otherwise the time will .in all proba.b1hty at Vardo. The little fleet of small, yet they a.re older. come, when she herself will need as much strong whaling steamer,,s mnst try their luck -Office over Murdoch's Store. 4.. J?on'~ forge~ that your children are nursing as th~ child. 'Nho tlien is to do i t ? owe ve:-, and off they gointhe.early morning: Entra11ce by Telephone Staircase. ~eg1.nnmg .hfe, while you, per~a.ps, are end· If some one can, ~e fo~nd then, let her be steering to and fro, battlingwith the high sea. 11-tf. mg it. Give them t ho b enefit of your ex· found now, to aosist, that all may be saved To no avai l. Not a w hale was t o be seen perien~e, but don't exl!ect that your exper!· added trouble. · . . anywhere, and the sea increasing, and t he ence will s~rve them In place of an expen· How ?fteu do we find !ll a family where wind developing almost into a storm, they ence of their own. severe sickness has prevailed rha~ 0~1e mem· turned and steamed homeward one after 5. Don't be impatient with your children ber after another su~cumbs, _but i~..is nearly anothP,r, all but one. He must try a little when they doubt your estimate of the alw~ys the overtasl,e 1, o:erwean.d nurse, 1f'.-lrther, The waves tossed tho plucky craft ·VETERINARY SURGEON. world's allurements. Remember it is you If tlio~e '~ho nur.se the nui se, we~e all.owed h ke a shell ; the harpooner on watch must who ha\·e tested these things, not they. to assi~t. m nursrng the f lrst vatient, m all take care not to be thrown headforemost You did not see with your father's eyes, probability there would be ~o se~ond . . Men into the frothfog waters. Yet no whale ; neither should you expect your children to often w:ork out the same idea Ill ~usmess. nothing to be seen or heard but the white see with your eyes They :W111 devote themselves to the mt.erests mouutaius and du.mb thunder of the rolling 6 Don't demand res ect of your of the~c employer, to the .utte~ exclusioi;i of waves and the shrill whining of the storm h ·id d t b self, m a manner that is neither noticed through the steamer The Captain at las'MARI~E c itl re.nt, or Ren ea:tor. o en.dorce it y yhour or appr cciatE;:i. The:y wear tl1emselves out, found the search fruitless and turned home~ au 10r1 y. .espe. IS pa1 not to t ose and no one is the ·wiser and no one the · '· When buying Coal Oil ask your d e aler for the New Oils, who demand but to those who deserve it b tt f ·t b t h ' h h d ward. The vessel arrivmg at the mouth , ' . , . · e er o 1 a 11 u ? e emp1 oyer, w o a of the harbor, a big whale shot up its front, 7._ Don t neglect your children s friends. perhaps ~o nee~ of it, and neither respects almost touching the bow of the st eamer. Iny1te them to .you~ house. Show.yonr nor admires his devo~ed .servant any the Theharpooner surprised at fir3 t was howchildren tha~ the1~ fn~nds are .your friends, ~ore. "S~lf:preservatwn 19 the first law of ever up to hhi business. A fla;h a' roar and y~ur chtldren s friends will be such as life," and it is a law that all ar~ 1 ound to and 'in the very moment the harpoon wa~ Try it once, and you will use no other. you will a~prove'. . , respect fm: t hemselves to a certa1.n .degree. buried to the handle i? the big whale. .s. ,Don t be Jealous of you.r clnld!·en s Be careful t hen how y~u condemn ~n a.~ot~er But, strnnge, the bomb didn't explode, and .McUOLL BROS. & CO'Y, Toronto. friend s. If Y?U make your ~ociety delight- as selfishness ~he exe: cise ~f that ms~mc." of the animal, suffering intense agonies, shot ful to your children, they will. always pre- self preservatwn winch without behttlmg, out to sea, towing the steamer after him. Graduate or the Ontario Veterinary College, for. you to any other compamon. If your makes that other one only th~ more oom· Against the towering waves, against t he Registered member ot t.he Ontario Veterinary cluld prefers everyone else to you, stop and ~tent to .st!l.nd a longer stram, or fulfill raging storm, the whaler went with light· Medical .Association. P.~uder whether you have not oo!Dpelled Ingher duties. ning speed, though its engine was reversed. UOfHce and Residence, Newtenville, Ont. him to seek elsewhere the compamonship, . l!'or eight miles the terrible race went on, Will vieit Orollo every Tueeday andiSaturday love ;i.nd sympathy he ought tJ have found Home Cookmg. onl y tho masts and the chimney of the steamDlllce hotira from !O 11.. Iii., to t p. m., at in you, GooD Prn-CRus· .r.- Allow orie·qnartcr of er in the mean time being visible above t:ie 'Coulte:rs' Hotel. Calls by 'l'elegraph receive 9. D()n't be afraid to let your children a cup of lard to each cup of flour, rubbing i t waters, The v:e~sel was st rong? however, immediate attention, see your love for them. Let a child feel well into the flour ; a little sa.lv s hould of and the crew tried men, who did not proCHARGES MODER.A.TE. tha.t no matter where he goes, or what he course be added. Mi:x: all well together pose to let go. does; no mu.tter whether friends forsake or with very cold water to the proper coneist· "But what's that ?A fishing. ho.at with ~ts foes slander him, his parents' love and trust ency, being careful not to get it too wet. keel upmost, and two m en cl~ngrng for life will always follow him- and that child is This makes a crust plenty rich eno ugh for to the wrnck ! To cut the hue and save not only safe for ~ll time, btit the thought either lemon or custard pie, Por one cus- the men w~s the ha··pooner's fi rst ~hought. . of this love will shine out like a lamp in a tarrl pie mix following ingredients in a Th en we w1ll lo8e t he whale, the h ne, and !' dark place, cheering and strengthening him bowl. t,he harpoon, thousands of crowns' wo~th, was against all odds. CUSTAHD. - 3 ef!gs well beaten, l r,int his secoud. I t must be done, and Ill a few JO. DJn't forget that the great Pather of sweet milk, salt ai;d sugar to taste, and a minut.es we. cai: be back a.nd save t_ he men, all has had infinite trouble with yon. You little grat ed nutmeg. was .his conclusion, ~nd o~ the ve~sel went. · have been just as refractory, ungra.te- I 0RA:s-cm CAKB.- Two even cups sifted H allo, there, what is up. . The lme burst, ful and disoberlient as any child you have. flour, two cups sugar, one·half cup water, the. wha~e sank out of. s~~ht, the ste~mer Let this thought temper your auger, and yolks of fi ve eggs, white.~ of four eggs, one· tossrng a11}"1l~ss on the rol,m~ w~:es: 'I here make you wise to direct a complex human half t easpoonful soda, one teaspoo11fnl cream was n~thi_no more to do. 'Ihe cai;itivc w:a.s soul. tartar, juice and grated rind (outside) of one free, s mkmg slo':'l,Y to the hott-Om. to die. sour orange or lemon. Bake in layers, and But two hum~n In es w ere saved,.. and the spread with the following : J nice and gr at- whalers consid.ered t.h~meelves r 1 chly re. VETERINAJ;tY SURGEON, .Home Decoration. ed r ind of one large orange. m.u:ed with the warde~ for their terri~;e r ace and the loss Never hang a picture so that it will be beaten white of an e~g, and powdered sugar of their game as well. necessary to mount a step·ladder to view it. enough to spre&d thinly. Make a little stifWe have now compl eted arrangements for a big sal e of popular g ood:3 Hang it so that tho cent er will be a.bout five fer for the top of cake. Lemon cake is very · Pope Leo's Income. fee.t and a half from the floor, a. little below I nice made the same way, substituting 11, t prices which must t ake the eye of eve r y economica l buyer. W fl keep tho line of vision of a person of averal{e lemons for oranges. · A foreign diplomatist accredited to Rome the best qualities, sty les, a n d a ssortment in height. · · - CHOCOLATE CAKE.- Five eggs yolks of all gives the following account of the Pope's Never,~elect furniture whose "me~ns .of and whites of two, two cups sugar, one-half r evenue and of the way in which it is spent. support do not appear adequate. Chairs cup bntter (scant) one cup milk three cups It is derived from three sources. l. The with spindle legs inclined t q.o far inward or flour, one teo.sp~on soda, tw~ teaspoons interest of an enormous sum left by Pio for ladies', gents' and childrens' wear; also in Trunks and V a l ises. outward have an apparent tendency toward cream tartar. flavor with v.auilla. Bake in Nono to the pontifical trea.aury and invested di~ruption, .and are. cousta_nt terrors to call- layer s and sp~ead with whites of three eggs in the English pub~ic funds. ?'his interest Come a nd see o u r el egant stock -Cash bought it, low price s will sell it. ers. Straight, substantial legs suggest beaten stiff one cup po"'dered sugar two amonn bs to ubout 3,000,000 hre, or about Our specialty is to p l ease our customer s , our a im to save money for our strength and inspire confidence. oz. Baker's'chocolat e. · Heat till the ~hoeo- £125,000. .L eo XIII. is a. great sp~culator, Never treat a hallway as thouvh it were a late is melted, and spread between layers and subscribes to the It~han loan~ rn order patrons, our intention to do b e tter for you than a n yone else. G o ods dooryard and no pa.rt of .the house proper. and on top of cake to sell when the value nses and mvest the cannot be bough t cheaper- none are allowed to u nd ers ell us. A ha.!l . should be Jnviting and hold out to LEMON Prn.-Li~e plate with crust, and profits in the Envli s~ co~solidated fu~~· Honorary Graduate of the Ontario etertnw-J' ~he visitor a promlSe of the beauty of the put a strip also round the outside edge t o 2. The proceeds of I eter s Pence. '.Chis 28. COll~e, 'roronto. Registered member or the mner rooms. . . . . prevent contents of pie running over while ~rs.noh of the revenue has suffered greatly ·Oiit&no Veterinary .A.esocia.tlon, in e.oeorda.noe Never put a P!e~e of furmture ~n room baking. For filling mix the following: One recent years, but nevertheless, t~e ave~Ith the Veterinary Act. CARRIAGE Is prepared to treat all diseases or the Dom·- n;erely be?ause it is pretty. and will fill up. cup sugar, one cup milk or boiling hot I rage amou~ts to about 2,000,000 h:e, or H A I yy estlc .Animals, aocordiilg to the latest theories. ll:very article should have.. its real or appar- water, one lemon, one egg, one tablespoon- a.bout £83 .~ 00. ThePe two sums, '"'.Inch reAll calls personally, by Telegrs.ph or Tele ent use; as a general thmg the necessary ful cornstarch one tablespoonful butter pr esent £ 208,000 per annum, constitute the l)bone will re<'.eive prompt attention. · ordinary income of his Holmess. It is dis·OFFJCE- Maln St., Orono, one door nortb)of pieces will occupy all t he space that ~hould 1 Use upper· and' under crust be allotted to furniture. , · . tributed by the Chamberlain among the W.-Henry's S tore. ·Never permit a white mantel to disfigure CHOCOii.~TE CARAMELS.-:Boil to.gether for Cardinals residing'.in Rom~-about £1,050 CHARGES MOD1J/RATE; an otherwise t aeteful room. Cover it with twenty i;imutes, one cnp of molasses, one per annum for each Cardmal- among the - -- MANUFACTURER O F - a draped mantle board. White marble has of. sugar,.~ne of chocolate, and half a _?UP of prelates of the P apal Court, the Secretaries, a sugges~on:of cemeteries about it, It al wa.ys bi!t· V'i hen nearly done, ~di a piec~~ the nuncios, the guards of the Pontiff's looks crude in a drn.wing room, even in t he u .er 1arge as a.n eg.g, an avor wi. body, eto. :I. The extraordinary part of from oi the finest sculpture. ya!1i~la. Drop a .little m w~ter to ascertain the Papal revenue is derived from the KING STREET, BOWMANVILL Never forget that an open fire and "udi- if it ts done. Stir a ~ew minutes, and th.en receipts of the Apostolic Cha ncery. The Ball now on hand a number of vohiola.. (and ls manufact uring a great many more) of the ne ciously selected pictures w ill make any ;oom pold r upot ~~ttere~ di~hf.tt~Vhen not qu·'fJ° items include the sums received for titles of pe.tterne and best finish, which I am offering !or sal8 at th e lowee' prioee oonsieten~ with due regard to workmanshit:> and qu11llt y. The fJllowiug le a list of cheerful. co ' mar e c~n Y m 1 e squares wi 1 nobility, Papal decorations, benedictions in the principal vehicles manute.ct.ured by me the back of a kmfe. th t· I f d tl · ·1 f th · It . - -·- · . ~ ar iceo ea:1,pr1v1. eges o ~a .ar, N everputpaperonthe wallsOf anursery,, Double Covered Oarriages .. .. .......................... ... ....... ... ..... .... t150 Upwarc11 it is better either to paint or kalsomine D t · d Th Sh ,, b Q t ' private chapels, dispensations, ecclesiastical · . .. · · · ' J ermrne ere ou 1 u e no ues i on n Single Phretons. ·· . . .... . . .... ··· ·· .·. . . . . . . ·.. ·· .... · ... ·· . .. ··· ·. ·. . ..... · . ··· 100 11 There is a.lways danger of potsonmg m the i1 es, and '.11any o ther th·mgs. Th' . is d ecoloring of the paper or of the paste becom· About His Spelhne;. partment yields about 2,500,uOO, lire, or Open Buggy ........ .... .......... . . .... . . .... .. ......... . .. ... .... .... . ····..·. 70 11 ing: sour. · . There was a sign out at a grocery the :£104,000, per annum. The whole annum T op Buggy ....... .......... ;...... . ..... .. ............... ... ....................... 90 11 Never have a dra)ving roo . m so filled with, other day readin9.; "Smurney Pigs, Very meome of L eo X III., therefore, reaches the frail and delicate bric-a·brac that the lea.at I Cheap ." It wasn t Ion~ put out before a enormous sum of about £300,000. Lumber Wagons... ......... ...... ............... . ....... .............. . ...... . . . 55 .-\-.." WILL: CURE OR RELIEVE ·movement is fraught with dan~er of costly pedestrian entered the place and said to the ~ 11 and wholesale breakage. This does not proprietor: The St ar t o.Every Wandering Bark. BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS1 Express Wa.gou... ............... . . . ........... ... ...... .... ............ ......... 75 11 conduce to ease. · "You ought to be a.shamed to ·spell the DYSPEPSIA DROPSY llY NORA LA UGllI!R. Skeleton .. ..... ..... .... ,....... ... .. ................. ....... ... . ..... .·.·.·.... ... 50 11 Never have dark carpet and walls in a name of a country in that way. Every INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING Bulky........... ....... ,..... .. .. .............................. ................. . ... 40 " Thou dear little st:u-, room that is deficient in light. Onlv &part. I school child will laugh at you." .JAUNDICE1 OF THE HEART, 'ments open to outer light will stand·gloomy As soon as he went out the grocer removed So twinkling a.nd bright, Po1.,et111lng superior racllltles tor manutacturlni' ca.rrla11:es, I Intend t o 1ell very oheap for ca. Look down from afar ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF or approved credit, and by so dning I hope to greatly lno·rease my number ot sales. Woul4 tones in decoration. the sign and put up one reading : Smirny In silence of nigh t. soil the wood parts only, or the gearings ot buggies ironed, SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, Never use au inordinately large mirror with Figs, Very Cheap. h wasn't half an hour Oh I look down on me HEARTBURN DRYNESS a bulbous gilt frame, planned with the evi· before a second ma.n came in and .said : In this world of woe. HEADACHE, ' Of THE SKIN, dent purpose of getting rid of as much gold "Say, it isn't any of my business, of 1'-le, a. poor wanderer, leaf as possible. Small beveled g lasses in course, but that spelling is a dead give way AJJd eve.ry species of disease o.risi.JJz With nowhere to go. At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. .itwm discrrde:red LIVER. KIDNJ&YS, cosnces or framed in rich plush of color bar- on you. Better change it." Pity me, love .:ne, . STOMACH, BOWEU OR BLOOD. At the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning anO. Sawing with Circle, Band ·r Sor monizing with t hat of the wall paper are in The grocer at once removed the sign and Oh, bright, little stRr, Sa.we and prepare all kinds ot lumber tor oarventera nd others !or building pUl'J)OSes. No one to h elp n1e, bJtter taste. put up one reading: "Smerny Fi~gs Vary & Propl'l~~~Nmo. Ornamental and Plain Pickets tor fences in every style reQu!red, made to or der. Thot1 - -art so lar. Ne\'er hang a ·p icturefrom one nail. Aside Cheep.", C11nst t hou be an eye from t he mere q uestion of safety, the use of He wa.s regarding it with a look of satisTo guide me aril(ht two nails, the cords stretched across them faction when a man halted, read it over and Out of this darkness so as to come down square to the oorners of said : Into tbe true light1 the frame, has a symmetrical effect and " Are they nice figs ?" J will ha.ve n o fea.r, makes the walls look very mu~h more fin· "Well, fair to medium," was t he r eply. Thy bright ligh t I se~ ished. "There ma.y,be some quest ion about the figs, . So silvery a nd clear 'l'o buy Foot Gear for MeD, WomD, Thou'rt sent to save me. Never have a carpet patterned with gi - but I .don't propose tlrnr e sho.Jl be ahout my gantic roses or other actual flowers. They spelling book. L et some one jump on to :Boye and Maidens, e.t harmonize with nothing. The colors iu a me now if they can !" carpet should, in a great measure, complete - - - -- - - -Count Tolstoi Sane and Real t hy. tho color scheme adopted for the room. Church Dissensions. There is no trut h in the stor y tha t Tolstoi Purify the Blood, correct all Dis orde rs of the Never place a picture or a piece of decor· Minister's \ \Tife- I t hink these church dis- tne great R ussian novelist is out of his mind. ation where it does not serve some artistic sensions are awful, my dear, aud so unne- I A R ussi.i.n journalist , who has j ust paid him f_.IVER, STOlllAtJD, J{ID:NEYS A.ND BOWELS. ,i>Urp?se. If a Pi?tnre is. intended. t? be 1ccssary. a visit , describes him as perfectly healthy seen in a strong hght do. not put it man Minister- They a re not pleasan t, but anc l perfectly saue. The statemen t that he They invig orate and res t o r e t o h e alth D ebilit ated Cons titutions, a nd ?b~c~re C?rnar, . and, . on the other hand Dea.con Jones has gone to far. If my infl u- hacl r enounced literat ure and set to work to are invaluable in ail Complaints lnc[dental to Females of all Ages. For if !t b~ pa.~ut~d ma _lngh . color key, do n?t ence, as p ast or, isn't great enough to bring earn his living in some other mechanic;;.! ' Children and t h e aged they aro priceless. ~nng it withm the direct mfluence of a brtl- about his expulsion, l shall re~ign. t rade fo eqtially baseless. H e is busy writ: liant sunburst. Wife- I would indeed 'W hat is your ing a sed es of tales and sketches for t he en. Never imitate a rich m aterial in. a cheap· tex t for to-day ? ' · tertainment of the less cultivated class of ' er one. The use of glossy pa.per laid off like Minister- " \Vhosoever shall smite thee Ru~sian i eaders. Ia an infallib e reme dy for Bad L egs , Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, S o rel aqua.res of marble for ha.II decoration has on thy right ebeek turn to him the other \lVhen he first took \~P his pen those of and Ulcers. It is fa.moue for Gout and Rheumatism, For disorders of the fortunately been done away with, but the also " his compat riots who could read and write - Chest it has no equal.use of bogus stained glass still continues to · wer e, he remarked to his visitor, to be conn :,_ , charm the tasteless. When robed for the evening the girls nowadays eel uy t he thousand. They now number For S ore Throats, .B roncbitis, Coughs, Co~~s, · Scarcely an a.tom of dross on them leave; 0 ur N e w Stock h as arrived, and comNor ulame them, for what )· an evening dress millions ; but Russians possess no light lit · prises something neat and pretty f~ But a dress that is suited for Eve. eratnre wit hin the reach of the c&pacities of GJ.Q.ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no riva. ; and foJ contracted and stiff joints it acts llke a charm. Ladies, G ood and Serviceable for Men Selfishness. "This beefsteak," said a tra.veller at a the great majority of the m. T olstoi is now and Boys, and :Boots that R :Boot11 for "Selfishness " declar es some one "is t he lunch counter on the E rie R ailroad, "must employ"d in supplying this want. I t is his rr every rnem her of the household. motive power ~f all ac tion, be that action ; be th~~e weeks old. " " I couldn't say, ex· fon?ness for a~ricultural pursuits, h~ bcli.ev.es, Manufactured only at THOM.AS HoLLOW.AY's Est ablishme nt, good or bad. It m&y not be apparent on the · actly , replied the waitress; "I've only which gii:ve bfe t o t he story of h!s havmg 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 633, OXFORD STREET), L'>NDON J surface, nor suspected by the actor, but it is · been here two week3." engagerl m some branch of m'l.nual m~ustry. 'J'HllNKS, V .1LI8ES, 4 SA'l'CDEE8, IN STO(,'K. there." J ust how much truth. there may be l Sarah I'arks of W est Bromwick, Eng., has H e spends two or three hours a da;r ~n field And are sold at ls. l!d., 2a. 9d., 4s. 6d., lls., 22s., and 33s. each Box of l-'o~ , a11i1 in imch a pessimistic view of human nat ure, b~en committed for trial on the cha rge of mur-.; Iabor of one sort or ~noth~r. Gmdmg the may be had from all Medlcine Vendors throughout tlie World, p--Ordered Work and Repairing a each one must judge for himself. ~ut t here dering her husband by t hrowing paraffin l plough ls the form ?f it which he l?ves best, WParehaser· honld look at the :Label on the rots and Boxe1. It tlae r ddre . SI>ecialty, as usual. is a certain kind of unselfishness manifested over some furniture and the bed on which lief and he prononn_?es it the most dehgh t ful of II a 133, Oiterd !ltred, I.ondon, the7 are sparlon1 0 D, DAVIS, in this world which gives a gr ea.t deal of ay and setting it on fire, 1·earthly occupations. ~auadiau J tattsmau~ HOUSEHOLD. I I j COX & CO., TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE. Infants 1 · ., I Children .. THB.ESHERS AND IILLIEI - LTSEMACHINE OIL. THE BEST TN THE · T. :=L A R D I N E::; lc . F AMILY sAFETY & S UN LIGHT C OAJ?Q IL · I I The Prices tell, the Quality sells. JOH"N SPENCER, .,,. BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS -- I I a l I Im NE S' M. TREL.EVEN. TITQR KS, GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTJERS, WAGONS, &O ., I I j . , Democrat Wagon................................................................ 65 .. Light W agon...................................................................... 4.0 ' All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired 'l'. MILBURN CO., it Paus HEALTH FOR THE PI LLB Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe EMPORIUM! THE OINTMENT l