CLARKE .NOTES. SOUTHERN CALIFO'INIA. lfOW IT STARTS-HOW. IT BOOMS- C LDIATE A~D SUN1" I,OWERS. , , "No, thie is Highland aven1· 0 1 Palm avenue is nex t below. This cross street Having thoroughly refitted and added a lot of new Machin" >iiy to tho is Centre. The horse railway runs up here, aad yonder is the aite of the new above Mills, I am prepared to furnish ,) church." "Oh, yes, I see." Well, it requires the eye of faith. The conversation of which this is a scrap takes place on a ·vaat sunbaked plain sloping gently uri to the foot hills. On parts of it there is a Jburishmg growth of wild sunflowers, some in showy bloom, and others in that delechble state of ' ripeness which comforts a pigmy stove in the edge of a California 1>veni11g. On the balance of the field, including "Highland avenue " and all the o'tl1er avenues of Ultl Every day a rush at AUCTION SALES. city, is a palt. yellow toning of barley stubble. This contrasts pleasan·ly with SATURDAY, Nov. 12- A big sale of Bank-I the verdure and the yellow of the sunrupt Stock ·will take place in :F'o wke'e l · flowers, and the evnlasting brown of the Auction R ooms. Oshawa. Sale at 7 o'- l . . burned ground There has been htt:e t & rain on this incipieut metropolis since · clo uk . S. C. H uNKINu, Auctioneer. a ways on hand. last April, and now in consequence the MONDAY Nov. 14th-Me~srs. J. and~· ground is riddled with gophA r holes, Quinn, Jr.. L ot 5 Con. 3, Reac~, will sell all their valuat>le farm etock, lmple-1 · squirrels holes, mouse ·md rat and lizard meutH, etc. S11le at 1 p. m. S. C. ho ea, owl and snake hole:!!- not to JEWELRY HUNKING, Auctioneer. mention the dens af grasshoppers, spiders Orders filled and delivered to all parts of the t own. Prices; Miss Kate Vinson iB carrying on dress and a host of oth11r inferior prowlers. To WEDNESDAY Nov. 16th-A farge quantity and mantle m »king at her mother's resid- compensate for the inchoatenesa of the reasonable. Te1ep!~ one communication. of hous, hold furmture will be sold in Wliilc others complain uf dull ence on Park street. site, there is a magnificent proPpect of the Auction Rooms, Oshawa. S. c; 43. business, we can scarcely serve all Messrs. W. Lit:Ie, J . Wellington, of far-reacl1iog va lley, lofty mountains cap- HUNKIN<;, Auctioneer. MacKAY~ Kendall, and W. Molntosh, of Newcastle, ped with snow, and verduroua patches of AliCTION 8ALE$.- S.C. Hunking, c, i:irtour customers, and almost every are. out north, deer hunting. orange groves here and there at a little tice, Ontario, Licensed Auctioneer, for afternoon people have to go out A Shootiug Match for barnyard fowl distance. The eye is ravished even Darlington and Whitby, B o wmauvillti not waited on. We.urge our friends will be held at Mr. Ad~m Henry's, 6th thougtl the foot may be wrenchPd by a and Oshawa, Appl'aiser, &c. All business line, on \Vednesday, Nov . 9. sudden decent into a badger burrow. attended to promptly. Orders may be to come as early the day as The front of Mr. L. A. Gamsby's drug And there is the glorious sunshine and left at the STATESMAN office, Bowman ville, - AT THEpossible, as it is impossible for us store has received a fresh coat of paint the i11a1)iriug- air. Ah, 'tis clinrnte, 'tis has improved lts apvearance, clim,.te, 'tis Climate that makes California or Reformer office. Oshawa. 'f oESDAY N ov . 15th-Mr. Thos. Mart in, . ' · ' to give you the attention in the which Mrs. Baker has mov"'d from the brick world go round. Lor. 31, Con. 10, Darlmgton, will sell CH A "You say ibese lots, 60xl80, are $200?" afternoon we wish to ; but, if ) ou cottage on King-st., Newcastle, to the his farm stock, im plements, etc. Sa!e EA P FOR C S:E-I. ~ .. "Y,.s, and the climata thrown in, think of it.,, can't come .in the forenoon, come white house own·~ d by Mr. Walbridge. a t 1 p. m, 8ee bills . R H mcmsoN, :My stock of COOKINH RA.NGES consists of t he Auctioneer. Miss Nettie Powers haa reti~ed from This is the way it begins. There are when it suits you and we will do R Hutchison, Licensed Auctioneer for J with the new Duplex Grate ; the dry goods busiuess in Orono, and scatteriug houses in the ·valleys, with thin · the best we can. iutends leaving for Vastiy in a few days. orange orchards and vm.,yards, aud peach the TowaahijJS of Darlingt on, Whitby, Miss Lizzie Wats· m stauds at the l:ead plant>1tions, of couree ; and mauy 0 1 them Clark e, Manvers and Cart wright. Sales .T T. T. of Orono schools in her studies. Peter are snug New Eng1and l10mes except tha.t attended to promptly and at rea~onabl e F or PARLOR STOVES, I have a large stock, with and withou t ovens, comiisting of Jarnieaon and John Moment stand at the the grass, the trees, the wells and the rates. Where it is not co nveni ~nt to seo head of their classes. roomy h omesteads arc n ot there. Who me, arrangements cau be m ade with the d t ·only way we can account for One after another in rapid succession ever has been here five years is "an 0 1d EditoroftheSTATESMAN.- R.HurcIU SON, t his state of things is ·that the our old residents are dying off. On Sat· inhabitant." But there is a r es rlesa Eoniskillen. Also a full line of Cooking Stoves of the latest pat terns, and for size,. urday week Rebecca Higlow· died in boom in some of the older towns, and WEDNESDAY, N ov. 9.-Mr. J.Bombridge , weight and finish, a re unequalled. I also take or ders for t he NO VELTY pu:blic are becoming convinced that her 84th year, deepl.l:' regretted. lot 21, con.1, C1 1rtwr ight, will sell t he wandering tourists begin t o p µer couriouswhole of his h ouseh .,Jd furnit ure, a S TEEI, l ">r,ATE HoT Arn F u n NACE, it is a powerful heater and very . 1 · ly into this wonderful-spot - as yet it. pays to buy go"od goods. We Ballowe en passed off very qmet y m comparatively ll<'glected because ont of weaver's loom, washing machine, 35 reasonable in pr ice. Granit e u.nd Iron Wares constan tly on hand. .g_ive the quality our £rst consider- our villa~e with the exception of a few raill\ay reach- in the g:-and San Berna.acres of land on which are 15 acres of Eave '!'roughing, Roofing and Job 'Work done on short est notice, and being lifted from their hinges by dino valley . There are rumors of r.ailroacl abmding pine. Sale at l p. m. W. S. ation. "A poor article is dear at g"tes the small boys . No damage was done. exiensibn ; . and there are inquiries aft;;r prices, considering material, as low as the lowest. VVIGlfT, Auctionee1. any price." If you wa.m to buy The front of Hallet's Block, Orono, ten·acre Iota and residence " We N. B.-Our advertising rate for auction % .tt Newcastle.. trash, shoddy, &c., there are places has greatly improved. The old n:rnst start a city," is t he determination sales, when we do not print the salt> sash has beon takon out of the s· ore of the lucky p ioneers who owr . thi,i land. bills, is 25 cents a line, each insertion . in t own where yoi1 can buy :mch fronts and replaced .by new, larger lights And thus Palm avenu1:1, Highland avenue A:1ro:~rn THE lNDIANS.- "\Vhile my lmsstuff, but you can't get it at our being substituted i11 place of the smaller and Ce1itre s treet, and ttie h·mrn railway ones and a fresh coat of paint also add~ - not to·)t, ton, lots nonated for the band was trading in furs he came across store. to the general appe1trrm ca. hotel, the school-h .. use and the churchan Indian who was tak en t o his lo<lge to Mr. H. Moulton·,:collector of taxes for are staked out upon the b arren. Wagon die. He had i1 1ward p ~ins and puins in And then as to our prices, we want the to,wnship of Cl11rke, will be at Pope's loads of visitors, s9eculators or bronchos, all his limbs. 8e l{ave some Yellow Oi l you to distinctly understand that Hotel, Newtonvilie, on Tuesday N o v. and sharp·llyed ped.i~tri~ns begin to look J and applied i t externally and . gµrf?<;l, h;rn, It a.l~o cured _my hnsha nd of we sell CHEAPER THAN THE 15th and 22nd; at Blue's Hotel, Kendall, the city over . on Wednesday Nov . 16th and 23rd, and Last wint1>r Wail a rather tough one for rheumatism, and I find it valuable for CREAPE$T1 !).:Qd. Ql.H! ~ffqrd to do at tho Post Office, Leftkard, on Thursday S ou ,liern Califnrnia. We h;·VO hoid cougi·1s and colds, sore thrflat, e tc." ~Rs. ~so i hrouo-h redud:rio' expenses b~ Nov. 17th ttnti 24th, Hours/ from 10 " not-\;hera," which hid Colton and San A. Bmv..w, Cook's Milla, Serpent River, 1 "' "' m to 2 p m Ber·nardino from ou r vie w in clouds of Ont. fon·ing co.m bined Dry: Goods left Orono mt l\fonday dust, a rare t hing in this corner, A POf;ULAR WEEKLY. · · aad we had whit e frost which y ou and J ewt1 ry busmess, week to atiend the funi,ita l " f h er ne1ce ( could h Miss Gooderm!l.n, who died in Kansas scrape up with your finge·s. . )1 1: ~ e The D "troit Commercial Advert iser is · d a t dismaloessoft h·,se cloudy and r am-sp1llmg A few of our specialties are : City. Ber rem<iios were rnterre k one of tlw few old established w<-eklies Cleveland, Ohio. Many o,f 0 , 1r r,,aders day., ! .And yet the the ·.momet···r e pt at that is con stantly add ing to th e value of Heavy Dress Goods 1@ cts, worth who formed the acquaintance of Miss 50° or above in t h e d ··Y time, although it ·ts columns. Taken in connection with G,Joderman during- "er visit to Orono a was now and then 32° at nigh ~. and all our own paper, our readers wollH find 12:kc,; Heavy Fine all-wool Flannel, few years 1<go, will learn with regret of Riv"rside shivered for its oranges. 'l'he about every pussible requirement in the Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run orange groves here st·iod it v<1ry well, way of ci1rr.-nt reading. 20c., worth 25c ; Heavy Table her ear;y · however and the old settlers wore comA brief su:nmarv of t he con tent s of a Linen, pure flax, 20c., worth 2tic.; Kendall S. S. Anniversavy services in placent ~miles. But the rain in March over one month. Detroit. C .mmerci;,1 Auver tiser shows the Heavy Quilted Underskirt, $1.00, the Methodist church on th~ 23rd ult. was coi,sol<ttion for ·a.II. It was pleasant following attractions : were conducted by Rev. Mr, Co·m in th e to fool the houses rock in tile uigh t, and The first page h as a col'lmn or so of worth $1.25 ; All-wool White morning, and in the evening by Mr. I L shiver before thi,i blasts of wind and well-seleuted mat ter, mostly of a h umor · Moment, ot Orono. Aftar tel' was servQd buffeis of rain. It was nor. un like a L ong Blar:k ets, best value in town ; 8 on Monday, an excellent pr?gramme was Island sou· heaster. 'J'he thirsty g round ous character. Page two is the story page, and in the Good White P0cket H'dk'fa for 25 rendered, consistmg of dialogues and ea,,edy drank up the welcome deluge. of November 4 a cont,inued story cts.; a Good Heavy Tie-down for recitations bv the children. Sptleches In"a day or ·wo the land .vas alive with issuo were given "by R~v. M ssrs, Salton plows. Away tramped t~e farn~ers far opaned, t hat in point of re..l int{>rest is 850.; Kid Gloves from lOc. upwards. Whitlock and Leslie. The choir aang and wide over the uooccup1cd plarna and said to out·i va.] any previous serial. Its foot hills, , catt oring the barley, which announced title is One \Voman 's M>1]lce. Knitted W 0-01 Goods of every des- aome very fine selections.· Page three is a mo -t int i;:rt>sting depart . A.nother of the old land·ma<ks of the following plow buried deep from the cription. Another lot of that extra Clarke has passed away to his re11t,namely arrleut 8011 · But the best of it was to see ment of the paper. T he Sitting--R "om, where at' he round ta.hie ar0 foit.nd let ters special value in Sealette and Mantle Mr. John Carscadden, of Kendall, who Hi:;;:hland avenue and San Mat tao street, aU<i. C ODtributed ar t icles from aTJ Whv dewas born in tho county of Yarnaiugh, and all the gorgeous uome.:clature of Cloths to hand. Ireland. He was uniti;d in mitrriage to a¥enues suddenly reveal themselves from. sire to express their ideas in prin t. It is MiAs Ann Pater·son, iu 1829. In the year what would have been the burned up turt really the subscrtbera' o wn page. Pages four and fiv e are th e editorial 1837 he emigrated to this couutry and if there were such thing as turf in thi11 - - AN D THE- news pages and give every thing of and settled in the township of Clarke, near count ry. And thtt foads of tif!lbcr ilropinte rest in the world's doings for tho Kendall. He applied himself diligent'y ping h er e a 1,d there, a~d th e l! ttle fr<Lme T he. finest choice of first-class Dress to the cultivation of the soil and b y h ouses sprin<>in" u p like musliroorns on week, while the edito, fal columns show a 0 careful induat~y and God's blesl!ing on the corner lots, and buye··s a od builders '.air and ind epe odant treatment of aub-1 Goods to be procured in the mar- bis efforts he ac<:umnlated a c"naiderable rushing-hither and thither with an intense JeCh. Page six treats of Matters of Interest , 1ret. Carpets in Wool, Union, amount of property and lus children are air of busin<"SB. This was refreshi11g. more especially of tho new thought of the reaprng the advantages in the comfortable "In fi ve years this will be Pas~ Tapestry, and Hemp as cheap as homes t,hey occupy. When 12 year · old dena is to-d .·y, Pasadena was like tlus day on mattere reli~ious social and politi· the cheapest. be was led to Christ by the teachings, five years ago." Of coU?:ae I , Of course! cal. 'fhis is a new depi.rt ment re cent ly prayers and example of his pious mother, That's the way things j ump out here. o.>ened and has proven very popnlar with and nnHed with tho \'lothodist Church, The stream of settltors cominue Many readers . and continued a member until hia deatl1. are from Canada others from New . EngPage seven gives the. weeks' ma1 k et His seat in t h e H ouse of· G od was bad, wearied out wit Ii its sev~re win t.ere c1uotations and must be invaluable to the scarcely ever empty. He was a class and dismal springs A bustlmg 0 ,,lony farmer, producer, merchant and business leader for 36 years and was a liberal from Chica.go has its rival city s 1.: lked 01~1. man generally. · supporter of God's cause. He was a good two miles away. Old England is contriPage eight is the Farmer8te~d page ~nd and obliging nei~hbor, an affectionate butino some of its b 1 me and sinew. gives <1. vast deal of pract ical mformat100 hued and and kind parent, a useful citizen, Eagli:h ca.rpenters drop along in t1.1e on agriculture, poultry, etc. Our new Fall Stock looks like a Daisy in the Spring~ Well-selected or original poe try a ppears fo Ordered Clothing we take the a Joyal subject, a warm supporter to the ei..-ening, only thirteen days from home m Conservative' party and a member of the these rapid days, and are busy the next on the second, third, sixth and eighth cake. The best tailors in town do Orange order. His last illness was sh"rt forenoon at $3 50 or more par day. How pages, as well as the fir~t, an~ lo_vers of Our Prices are tame and are warranted not to srare or jar· our work. r.o misfits, every gar- but when death· he was ready for their faces expand at the hearty welcome verse will find all they desire m each the most delicat e nerves. And our whole establishinent has the change. He died on the eveniog of they receive and the stimulating pny. weeks issue of the Detroit Commercial fl ment guaranteed. Oct. 18th, 1887, in the 80th year of his Some of the b st spring settlers could Advertiser, which by the way, wae estab· entered int o a conspiracy to make the People h appy and age. His remains were followed to the. not wait even fcir house building ; . th~y lished in 1861. The publisheru offer a special induce- comfortable, without impoverisning the pocket book. Overcoats for $3, o~hem llell for $5 grave by about '70 carriages. His death · rattled up a barn and lodged therein till was improved in the Ohurch by the Rev. their land was plowed, and the orange meni; for 1mbscribers, i n their Twenty-. H " 4, H (i :J. Whitfock on Sunday, Oct. 30th, to a trees started. In such a clinate, m?et fifth Annual Premi ums, January 25 ;h, Whe11 you are up street drop in and see us,. while we " " fl, " " 7 large and attentive congregation, from 2 any shelter will answer for a mak?slnft. consisting of $25,000 among 100,000 subCo.r 5th chapter 12. He leave11 behind All is energy and bustle t o-day ; m. the scriber&, and also offer other privilef.{es to a.nd up to 12, " " l 5 hiin four eons and three daughter11 ; future we will our eaee and cultivate subscribeTS, al!J of which can be learned by show you our handsome stock. twtmty·three grandchildren and fourteen the dolce far niente. . . sending for a free sample copy. Address great-grandchildren to mourn his 10&11. All this sort of thmg ls novel and Commercial Adwrtiser, Detroit, Mich. The West End- House is in the same old plaC'e. Death iii gathering the veterns home. entertaining to the ..tenderfoot" ob~orved - - -- - - -----·-·-·"He was a faithful man and feaced God from Canada. I liked to sit at my wmdow GrvE THEM A CHANG E.- That is to say a above many."-Times. and watch the settlement grow. Each your .lung11. Aleo all your brea.~hing DR. E. C. Mc DOWELL. · I took one dtiliahtful look down >naclnnery. Very 1 10 . mornrng t> · . · · 1 h wondi.rful l · machmery ICENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE ~ . . the far-stretching valley, eager1y but 1t is. Not on y t e ~rger air-passages, . . . . . . . ·Plate Ring · or Phyeiclana. London. Eng.;Member .or · JiACIS WORTU KrWWING. -In all d111eas. , t . · er my eyes for a vision of ' but the thousands of httle tubes a nd cav- College Physicians an<t 8urgeons. Ontario. (warranted 5 year· ) 11 20-pB{to B ook or Choice New es of the nasal mucous membrane the rem- vpamidy s ra.untnli"en ·nether to the snowy · it.ies leading from them. . When these are SUR GERYofAND Car d Samples, Large Cauv"-'<Sing Outfit of Nov~lt1es llEBIDENCE:-Rear of M.-ssra. . "t a t" asa ' h barricade ~ . Ii mat te r w h" and Our :Bi~ Terms to Agents !'ree. Hand size of' edy use d must b e non-1rn rng. Th . e k enah. us from the clogged and chok e d wit 1cl1 Higginbotham'a Drug Store, Bowmanvllle, finger nn d>imps for m ail. 90 r..ovelySeza p6-lyr.· medical profel!.'i!ion has been slow t-0 learn pNea ts! w btc l ts nd then I ran my eyes oucrht Ih>t to be t her e, your lungs cannot book P ict ures a ud25 Bea u tiful Cbr omos, y our nnme . N o!h" · f actorv ca.n b e accom- over or the iern as to ' ~ · ·the plows half " do their · work . And . "!' h at t h ey d o on, only1oc. 1'kg.( 15) Lar ge R ich X mns nud N e l'f t h is. mg satis track see how far ' '" S, ORMISTON. J,, J,, n. Yenr Cards (worth $1.00) only 30 ch. ph~hed with .douches, snu~, .powd er~, had 0 ened the ·avenues, or what new they cannot do ~ell. Call it cold, cough, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c, Money A ddre1s EUREKA CARD CCi' ,,llolton,,. '1 ayrmges, astrmgenta, or any s11n.1·ar apph- t P t h d apron" out of the soil croup, IJWmmoma, catarrh, consumpt10n to loan. Office, in Boavcr Block upstairs in ·· ·~> . h 11 . . t. d ene1nen s a "' ·1 t t h d ct10n, because t eyharhe a ,..1rrt11~ mgf o since the morning before. A mount~ineer or any of the fam1 y ob ro~t an l ose roo 'CIB !or.merly occupied by Dr. Ho.rnd~ n , "l:""lT AN TED. -LADI E S for our fall an d 3 not thorough1y reac t e auec e sur acee ld , rn tu"ginu up the foothill with and head and Jung o struct10ns, al are Bowmanv1lle. ' f f Christmas trade. t o tako llgkt , pleasant 0 work at their own homes. $1 t o $3 per d~y can and should be abandoned us worse than ~. 15~ ~o f e 0 ;;'d "\ ,Should h ave been bad. All ought to be got r id of. There '"'A MrllI ]Jf :1~ IE LD B. A. be quietly made. W<?rk sent by mail any dis· failures. A mnltit . udc of persons who 1 oba f o· '~he ·s"i · d " only was snowed is J ·ust one sure way to get r id of t hem. F M.'J.'11 .lfA. · ' to.nee. No canvassmg. Address a t once, . . d iere e ore, . " , . . k B h , G s 1iaye f or years b · ormi_a II . tl · ie w~r ry an in. Two feet. on the level at my irlace, 'J'hi;t<t rn t o ta e ~so ee _ s erman yruyd ( CHESCENT .AR 'r CO., HI Milk St., Boato~ . (LATE HossAcK & F IELD. Mass. Box 6110 pam that catar rh can 10fi1ct, testify t o rad 'n feet on the mouni nins " which any druggist will sell you :it 1 .) AR RISTER, Solicit or, Notary, &c . · aovcn eve , cents a bott 1e, .i!Jven ..,, "f every tl. l se . l an d perrnanen t cures wrought b Y an d 1c~ "How far from here r " W ell, I'm 14 i u~g e 1 COB OUR G . AS il'VEET A.I! H ONE V is D r . J,o~., ·s Pleag·. Ely s Cream Balm. . d J nu.1rn and l·t s 20 up to t ho dam where has failed you, you may dep enct npon Office - Armour Blook, Kinii: Street. an l. l Vorm Syr111> , yet sure to 1h stroy u1ut> . . for certam. · 2" 22, ' ' :b "'R ANK M. F I ELD· CX! t Cl W 01'1118. NATl!OlllA.L 1·1.LLS will Itot g1·1pe or sick· tl ' ow is so deep ." T his was cheerrng t his " Rus/i,, Bush, Bus Ii. Jno.J.Mason's DRY GOODS AND HOUSE, Mr. A. Lang has opened a new store in Kirby. Mr. Chas. Wright is tax collector for Newcastle. Mrs. Pay11e is selling bread in Orono at 5 cents" loaf. Mr. Jesse Belknap is aeriously ill, 11light hopes of hill recovery. The Methodist church llteps, Newcastle, has been repaired. High time. Mrs. J . McLean, of the 8th line, is recovering from a serious illne11s. l\<lr, C. Ruse, machine agent, has movod from hiis farm to N ewc!W!ltle. Mr. R. Hodge, black~mith,aud family, of Kendal, have removed to Newcastile, Mr. A. W . Carveth having decided to leave Leakard wants all accounts settled at once. Messrs . A. A , Gamsby, Orono, and B. Werry, Darlington, are out north, deer huntiug. Mr. Wm. Allin thresh d for Mr. G T. Best a few days ago 500 bushels of barley in 21: hours. Orono evening mail is closed at 8 :30 p. m. Regist.erecl letters must be posted 10 minutee earlier. where we were sitting i11 fireless rooms with the windows open aod th.e glass a~ eightv. " How are you boommg here, conti~ued the mountaineer. " l'his '11 be a big place before k·n~. 1 looked all California over before I settkd, an' I tell you there's no spot in the whole Sta~e, take it all in all, th ..t can heat this . Here you have health, and be~uty, and a good doil, and n" malaria . , and n.o frost nor wind to 11peak of. !Sow I hke my place high up, where I ca n raise apples and timber, but for "' valley home Red. lands beats 'cm all, that's certain !" .Well, ·he mountaineer was probably ri~ht Looking out upon the upsprini.cing of this new city, with the eye of faith ona could easily discern, and not lon g lrnnce h either, a vertiable E den in t~is fnrt ermust nook of old Sau Barnardmu va\hly. Redlands, Cal. w. C.H.Il'BELL. CALEDONIAN MILLS. Roller and Stone Flour, Oatmeal, Rolled Oats, Split Peas, &e. Farmers' Gristing a specialty. 1 c., Highest price paid for Grain of all kinds Pearl and Pot Barley, IBran, Shor s, BarIey F eed ' Corn, JOHN in STOVES, STOVES! STOVE AND TIN DE POT NEWCASTLE ewe! Range, a lso Grand Duchess, Grand Universal and Diamond Range. Art G ar1and s, U n1versa · 1s an A r S u Itanas. . me Come Come Co The W. T. BONATHAN, M~DOUGALL & METCALF, are ottering Goal as follows : I th~ Ia.~~~. Ar.nstro~g sh~ltered Stove and Chef?tnut, .................. $6~2f)_ Grate and Egg, ...... .... ., ........... ..... .. 6.00 LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices: McDOUGALL & METCALF We make a specialty of Mourning Goods. The VOLUNTEER Leads the THISTLE, wEsTEND HOUSE Leads the Country .c TAILOR INC & CLOTH IN DEPARTMENT. In all that is New, Beautiful and Clean in the Dry Goods Line. I Large stock of Readymade Suits at very Low Priceil. L ...-.1~J!d ~~ci- ' > J.JI MASON 4 General Dry Goods & J . eweIry HOuse· I B l en, yet ai·e u thorouglt c11tha1·0 c. , l0 an . · .. ·- Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria;