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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1887, p. 1

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TBRMS :-tl.50 Pu .AJnnn,r, OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. NEW SERIES, NUllBEB 185. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1887. VOLUME XXXIII. NmrnER 46. OPENED OUT LAST WEEK --AT-~ .ALLAN LINE, ROY.AL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. OSHAWA. Six deaths in Oshawa last week. Smith & Adams, general merchants, have assigned, The Ek'<ltric Light Co. have been unfortunate with their lights lately. Oshawa. Curling Club has been appointed tho convening club for tho Ontario tankard competition. Mr11. G. W.W. Billings a.nd ,daughter, of Oshawa, lef~ a few days ago for a lengthy trip to California. Mr. W. H. Staintoo, of Oshawa, has started a milk business. Oshawa is now bleHed with four milk vendors. Rev. J. 0. Jolmston, of Hamilton, preached two very acceptable sermons in Simcoe-st. church on Sabbath, Nov. 6th, to large congregations. A.bout forty Oraugemen of Oshawa eel· ebrated the Gunpowder Plot with a supper. Mr. H. C. Grant has sold his residence and grounds, comprising lG acres, to Mr. W. Adams, of Port Hop<:l. The Y. P. A. of the Simcoe-et. church will givtl a concert in the Music Hall, on Friday, 25th inst. The Rev. T. Manning preached a memorial sermon in memory of the ·late Mrs. Wm. Lander, in t.heSimcoe-st Methodist church on Sabbath morning last. The Oshawa Choral class is ll9W successfully or~anized with a. membership of 140 persons. Holders of season tickets in connection with the Y. P.A. of Metcalf-st. Methodist church, will please note that the sec· ond "At Home," will takA place on the evening of Thanksgiving Day. The following letter ex9reeses itself:Toronto, Nov. 8th, 1887.-This is to certify that the late Mrs. Dunlop died from a complication of diseases, ancl not from an overdose of morphine, as has b R en stated in the public prints. Dr McCullough , IGO Spadina Avenne. Mr, Chas. White, of East Whitby, held a sale of horses and timber a few days ago which proved a decided success, tho prop· arty realizinl{ good prices. He desires through the Prees to express his pleasuee at th\l manner in whish the auctioneer, Mt'. S . 0. Hunking, conducted the sale. Mr. Hunking is making a great success of the auction business, and we have heard many. for whom he has conducted sales, express themselves as highly satisfied with his mode of conducting sales and also the prices obbined. OOURTIOE. Mrs.RF. Richards and daughter have returned from a visit to Orono. Mr. J. H. Allin has been re·engaged for Mt. Carswell school for 1888. The regular Quarterly services· for South Darlington circuit were held at Ebenezer on Sunday morning. Rev. R. Sanderson will exchan2e pulpits with Rev.·T. Whitlock, of Newton· ville, on Sunday next. There will be a social at the parsonage here on Friday evening next. The remains of the late J !.mes Goyne were laid to reat In Osho.wa cemetery on Sunday last. The berellved family have the sympathy of friends and neighbors. WHITBY. Mr. J oaeph Luke hae manufactured 2,500 barrels this seal!On. Mr. Jos~ph White purposes spendinrr the winter at Lo'J Angeles. Oalifornia. A dog distemper is raging in Pickering. A large number of doge han died from it. Diphtheria is raging here. Several new cas1>s. Last week four deaths were reported. The South Ontario Sabbath School Association will meet in the village of {Jlare· mont, Dec. 12th and 13th. There is not much good fellowship between the Chronicle and Gazette Editors. N a.ughty boys, you should not say cutting thin~s about each other. ' Mr. J.B. Dow and Mr. J.E. Farewell attended the annual meetinit of the Provincial Aseoc1atio11 of School Trus.tee!t held in Toronto last week. Mr. Farewell was re-elected president and Mr. Dow, originator of the a.11sociatioo, secre· tary 'rhe harvest home, he. I d by the Ladies' Aid Society of St. Andrews church, Nov. !)th was a Vbrf successful affair. Piano solos wero rendered by Misses Lord, Wil· son a~1d McClellan, and solo!! were sung by Misses Hatch and French. A rec ita. tion was given by Miss E . Murray, and a reading by 'l'ho. McGillivrsy. LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL. SAILINGS. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN'SJ W THREE BAL.ES --OF-- POLYNESIAN from Quebec. November 4 PARISIAN, 10 SA.RMITlAN, " 17 RATES Ol" OcEA.:S P.A.SSAOE :-Cabin, $50, $65 and $75 ; return, $100, $125 and $150. Intermediate, $30; return, $60. Steeraize, $20, The train con· nectlng with the mail 11teamer at Portland leaves Toronto on Wednesday morn· ing. 'l'be last train connecting with the mail steamer at llalifax leaves Toronto on Thursday morning. For ticket· and every information, apply to W. A. NEADS, Bowmanville, .A.~ent .Allan line. 11-tf Turn. OOBOUIW. Prof. Bell, elocutionist, will visit Cobourg shortly. The Editor of the Sentinal Star, thinks he could not very "ell stand an income of $20,000 a year. Rev. Hugh Pedley lectures here on Nov. 23rd on "The .New West, P rairie and Pacific. " :Mr. H. F. Rolland took Judge Benson's place at the Division Court in Colborne and Brighton last week. On 'l'uesday evenin~ of last wetik the members of Cobourg Lodge No. 121., A. 0. U. W ., gave an entertainment in their Lod~e. Room, Bro .. G. H. Rattenbury, pres1dmg. A splendid programme was provided consisting of readings and addresses, interspersed with music by the Victoria. Band, and singing by the Y . .M. 0. A. Choir. The address of Bro. Dr. Williams wns of a very practical character, setting forth the bemdits of the order. Bro. A. Barber, also gave · an address on the "Guity" of the order. ·-------·-- ------ 8RUSSELLS,J (AND TAPESTRY) CARPETSJ Direct from John Crossley & Sons, Halifax, England. For Elegant Designs, Perma· 11 · t y, c rossnen t C 0 1ors an d D Ura b 1 ley's ca.r pets a re unequalled. H O USek ee pe rS requiring Car. ets are requested to examine our P . ng. No better Stock before buyl va1ue anyw h . ere. l ; CO -' i TO desi~na. TA.IT&; MORRISON'S and lnepect their Wall Papers- latest greatest variety, and pricea to suit everyone. Stock now ready. Do yon want a new and pretty Window Shade or Blinds1 We have something new in thle branch. Call sud see them before you in vest. or you'll be sorry. Still leads in Photographs and · our Srnuio is often crowded. ComEI early in the day when you oan. Just now you may want some extra Engravings or Chtomoe to adorn your rooma. We h&ve a great variety, good and cheap. too, Jr you want a baby carriage we can suit you ; we have some nice ones. Doll's too. and Boy's Wagons, Carte and Whoelbo.rrowe, Lawn Parlor Croquet, Carpet Ba.Ile, Games for tamlllee and social parties; Our Mirrors are clear and true; our picture trameeare1 of the la.test and most attractive TAIT 1· & SOLINA. MORtR!ISON'S ~r~!~0;~ofa~~~~~~~e~~~~ge. Another new branch ju11t in- Couch,Johnston&Crydorman ~v~'STO"RE. One Door West of Post Office. Bowmanville. IeaJewelryDepartmentwhere you will find the very latest in Ladlee' andGentlemen'ejewelry. WA invite special attention to our new stock jnet in. Base Ball goods, School and Hymn Booke,Stationery, Toya, and in· deed everything to be found in a ;j! 0 -..A.. T- THE INDEPENDENT. THE Lj.RGEsr, '.CUE ABLEST, THE BE81' L .A.. I N G ' S the popular Dry Goods House Religious <f Literary Weekly in the World. Pall Mall Gautte, London, England. ' weekhee in exietance. ""One of the ablest Will be found some of the best bargains of the season. In Flannels and Blankets, In Hosiery and Gloves, In Jerseys and Clouds, In Hats and Caps, In Sox and Mitts, and. Tweeds and Clothing with all the ordinary articles necessary to the conducting of a first class business. We have been very fortunate in obtain· ing a large shipment of Dry Goods which we can afford to sell at the original cost and intend to make things lively for some time to come. Without boasting I think we have been doing our share of the business of the Town and feel pleased to think our customers are gener·ally well suited. In regard to prices we are prepared to give the best value consistant with the quality of the goods and compete honestly with a. legitimate business. , spools we scorn with contempt and pity with commissiration those who are blindly duped for we all know they pay full value, generally before they leave the said stores for the seeming good value they received. l\'.fost anglers through a ~ small fish catch a larger one. Don't be foolish any more. Go to stores and do your trading confidently with those you can really tr ust and at the end of the year yon will be richer wiser and happier. R espectfully yours, " The most intl.uential religious oi-Kan in the Statee,"--Tltt Spt:ctator, London, Englnd. " C !early stands in the fore front as a week· Ir religious ma:razine.- Sm1pa11 School Times, Philadelphia, Pa. Prominent features of the INDltl'ENDEll°T during the coming year will be Promised RELIGIOUS AND THEOLOGlCAf, .ARTICLES, 11r Billhop Huntington, lli11hop Core, Dr. 'l'heodore L. Cuyler, .Dr. Howard Osgood, Dr . 'Howard Crosby, Dr, W. R. Huntington, Dr Jamee Freeman ClarktJ, Dr. Geo. F. Pe11tecoet, and othel'll; SOCIA.L & POLITICAL ARTICLF.S.11T Prof. W. G . Snmuer, Prof. Richard '.l.'. Ely, Pres. John Bascom, Prof. ArthurT. .Had· ley, and others ; MONTHLY J,IT:iRARY ARTICLES, JJY Thomae Wentworth Higgeneon and other critical a.nd literary articles by Maurice Thowp·on, Charles Dudley Warner, Jamea Payn, Andrew Lan~, Edmund Gol!l!e, R. H, Stoddard, Mrs. Schuyler, Van R ensaflaer, Loufoe Imogen G\liney, J.I. H. Boyesen, and othere. :£'.OEMS AND STORIES~ BY E. C. Stedm9n, Elizabeth Stuart Phelp8, Edward Everett Hale, Harrl~t Prescott Spopfo1d. Jnl~a Schayer. Rase Terry Cooke, Edith M. Thomas, Andrew Lang, John Boyle O'Reilly and others; and A SH<->R'.l.' SERIAL S'.l.'ORY, DYE. P. ROE . TERMS TO :SUBSCRIBERS: Three montbe .... Olle year ···. $3.00 ]'our months ..·.· 1.00 'l'wo yeal'!I... . IHJO Six months .. ..... 1.50 Five year11.... lO.OO Can any one make a better inveatment of $2 to $3 than one which ,.ill pay '°.751 52 Dividends During the Year'? Every lntellii;:ent family 11eeds a g00<l Newspaper, It i1 a neccBSity for parents and children. A good way to make the acquaintance of THE INDEPl!NlJlll'IT is to send uO cents for a '· Trial Trip " of a month. SPECLMEN COPIES FREE. The Indepe.;nden't AND Will both be sent one year eaob, t<> a:ay person not. a subocriber to The Independent, for j!3. 75. The regular price of both is $ 4.50. Make remittance to The Independent, P.O. Box 2787. N '.lw York . '.l.' HE NEWS ie clubbed with tht Indo· pendent for ~3. 50N o pap~rs ar e sea t to subscribers after t he time paid for has expired. ThE> Independent's Clubbing List will be sent free tc. any person asking for it. Any one wil!hing to subscribo for one or more papers or magal.ines iu conuectivn with The I '1dependeut , can save money by ordering ·ess, from our Club Li·t. Add1 THE INDEPirnDENT, p , o. Box 2787. N cw York. Catch-pennies on such small articles as pins and American Agriculturist GEO. LAING. NEWOAS1'LE. Mr. R . Colwill was a juror at the Cob1:m rg A1sizss. Fothergill's block looie better with a freeh coat of paint. We are all pleased that Miss Annie Brown ia convalescent. The S. A. barracks il!J being repairedabingled, papered, t tc. Glad to aee Mr. A. Colwill out again after his severe illness. Mr. Edwarcl, of Toronto, was with u11 on Sabbath ! ~st. Miss F. Taylor i11 visiting her parent!! in Toronto. She's missed here. Mr. R . l<'oster has seTera) men clearin{:' his cedar swamp and wants more. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cobt.lediek:. of Kirby, spent Sunday at his brother John's. More STATES.lllANs pass through our post office every week than any other. Mr. and Mrs. John Tape, of Tyrone, paid a recent visit to Mr. W. T.Bonothan. Rev. A. E. Sanderson, of 'fyrone, pre~ched here acceptibly Sunday night, 6th inst. Fred, our photo ar tist, is doing a $!Ood trade. He leads the procession of Canadian artists. We were pleased to 11ee l'tUss Annie Brown take her seat in the choir again after a painful illneH. Services will be held in the various churches on Thursday morning, Thanks· giving Day, at the usual hour. Summooaea were issued last week for Sam. Pur11e and Walter Warmsley for dis~urbing the Army meetiug1. Our Quarterly Meeting wal! largely attended. Rev. T. Dunlop preached an eloquent and effective aermon. How dazzal!ng to the eye our front atroet appears now it i11 illuminated with atreet lamps. Electric light next. No freezing up this winter. Our coal merchant, Mr. W. Riekard, baa received another cari.;o of Coal and he intends to warm up Newcastle. The epirit of revival eeema to be moving anJ awakening the people of this place. We hope they will " Storm the forts of darkneee" before they go to sleep again. Mrs. Henry Middleton received during the pal!t week a paralytic stroke which seemed to c11st a gloom over this vicinity, but we are !{lad to state that she is getting around nicely again. Mr. Jolm Thompson, who has been residing here and farming n ear Newtonville, has retired and Is about to move to Woodstock shortly where h e m tends to restau rant. 8uccesa J ohn. Death has once more been among us and taken from our midst Mrs. G. Wight, who h11s been undtr that knawing diaease con sumption, for n early two yearll. She passed away on M onday, 14th inst. Funeral on ' Vednesdav t o Bowmanville cemet ery. Wild ducks ar e plentiful at t he marsh. Alfred didn't do so bad to get one duck. Was it shot dead or d id i t d ie from in· j uries r cceiYed ~ KA.TRINE. T he above correspondence did not reach U 3 in time for our last issue. - E n. expel worms. Mr. A. Hooey, with his family, intend moving to Midl.a nd, shortly. Mr. John H . .Allin, of Bowmanville, paid us a flying visit on Sunday. Mrs. M.A. James and Ma~ter No1·man were on a visit to R oselandvale Farm laat week. Mrs . .A. Washington, of Maple Lane F a rm, has been epevding a few days in Bowmanville. Thanksgiving ~ervices will be held at Zion, at 10:30 a . m., and at Mt. Vernon, at 2:30 p. m., on Thursday nex t. We .are sorry to hear that Mrs. John VanNest, Sr., has been suffering from a at1vereattack of inflammatory rheumatism Mr. W. Werrv had a bee week moving some buiidinga. His farm buiidings are uow very extensive and complete. 'rhe Quarterly Meeting on Sunday, !hh inst. , was largely attended. Rev. E. :Barraes preached a good sermon,aa usual. The Salvation Army corps of Hampton and Tyrone opened fire hera on WednesTYRONE. dn.y, It i6 the intention 1 we understand, Weddin~il are talked of. Part icular~ to hold meeti11gs here every Wednonday later. night. May they meet wiih success. Our ministers are condncting epeoial We nre pleased to see that some people services at Bethesda. around have some redpect for the dead, Mr. Peter Werry ha& b een on a deer by erectiog a fence at the burying-ground · west of this village. It haa been a dis- hunt in the north. Miss Stalker, LPskard, wu the i;cue;it J.A cK. grace for some time. at Mis. Hanis' on Sabbath. Mr. C. Harnly, Port Pope, was here· HAMl'TON . calling on friends lllet Sabbath. The population is on the increase in Mrs. Bruce and da.urihter, of lJowm&nthe ~outh Ward. ville, were visiting at Mrs. W.R.Clomens'. Mrs. J. Elliott hlll! been quitG indisposMr. l'}Jadstone McLaughlin is able to ed for some day11. make his usual calls again on or about Mr. Jo11eph H.yley quit this villa.~e a mail time . short time ago leaving some to mourn his Our sportsmen intend having a great hasty departure. day 11hooting for turkeys ut W. Haycraft's. The Cheese Co. 11.ave sold the balance on Thanksgivinii Day. of their cheese at lOk cents to Jackson & Mrs W. Aldworth has retmned to her Hallett,, of Guelph. home in this Qlaoe, afte:u an extensive Why do our tradesmen and merchants visit with her friends. not advertise at this seaaon 1 Advertising Mr. R. Woodley and wife left on Tuesjudiciously done always paya. day for South California. We 11ieh them Farmers in this locality are about ready a pleasant trip and may they both i-efor winter, having had a very fa ·orable torn restored in health. time to finish up the work of the season. A few of our citizen! spent; a day Mr. Samuel Robbins moved into our village recently and has located high up ·' criurtiog " with the I". IK. week. in the centre of the ward. \Veloome to And the victims from the west "paid the bill like ltttle men. " Allin sang " we. our 'burg. have gained the victory, &e. " Onr popular teacher, Mr. R.J.Niddery, N ewe has reached 011 by overbnd route has been taking great pains preparing a class for the entrance examination at of a civil war in a small village a few miles north-west, in which the leadera Christmas. a man and hia wife who live on Mr. Amos Bond is tryina his 88 a opposite aides of the same etreet. The blacksmith with our popular townsman, ca1isv..s bell1im wall on aocolUlt of an inMr. T. J. Olar.i:. Amoa ia the right nocent chicken. The gallent Knight of build to make a aucces11 at the business. the Needle!! douced the brave Charwoman The younl{ man who disturbed the with cold water and chewed her sinewy repose of the Sun reporter by walking on hands. The . cavalry were ealled out, . the side walk going south at a late h"nr when the war was EOotl eaded, recently, has decided to shunt off at the " weigh scales " and take the middle of The Sun correspondent from Enniskill-· street in future . en stated last week thal; Tyrone was;. · becomi11g notorious for Sabbath breaking. Mr.. Ben.sor~ Cryderman who has bee_ n We are very thankful to say that we can devotmg h111 time t_o tho study of mus.1c deny that statement, aa Tyrone boys 1tre for eome years, is about to l?cate m not noted for such cond11eh at home ·o r · Stouffv1lle and enter the prof~sl!1on ~ a abroad. But it inmld be better if he · of the art. He leaves on Friday would keep hid citizens ab home on Sabr hie field of . labor. Mr. ,C.ryderman bat h a nd there would be no ueed of a P . s for a long time been an efficient rnem-1 M in this vi .llacre and f J h } · f th Ch h d · b d h· · ,.., , as or o n ie i a; t eh ~ire ban praymtg an ; 18 1 able to keev things strait on any day of 1 co uc avmg een mos exemp ary, 1 the week at the corners a~d as a Church worker he will be greatly · . missed. W.~ wish him abundant success . _ T he ne w S . A. ,ba~ra~ks. w1llbe opene d Srow BoY with a three day s :iub1lee on 8 1lturda y , --~·----· . · · Sunday and Mooday next. Oom. Coombs, , . . ; Maj. Eailey, Cap ts . M o:r.ris D. O. and . T.LtfAitAC. - W hen so h oarse your vo1.ce : Lewis, T. D., a nd of.Eictirs and soldiers M unnatural. Get thee to your druggut i fr om ot her sta tions and Bowm -·11 fo~ a bottle of Tamarac E lixir . It never Brnss Band will be hero. The bi:n~~n~ fails to cure hoarseness, coughs, colds, l'.tc. quet is on Monday at 4 p. rn. It is cx:i pected to be th e bi~gest affair ever seen in Tyrone. We pray for fine weather . AS s'v1:·:T AS liONUY h Dr. 1"1-W".· ·pJca~- F II nnt worm SyruL). yci su re t o ·dhC:roy nn·l 'n. er particulars ou big po:tei-s . · LOlvG SA ULT. Mr. Tnrner Brisbin brought home two tine deer last week from the North. Tl b t t k · S . le oys wan o now if tanley glnes hui shot. ~·et your Zulu ready Stan . for the match is near at hand. Our gallant youn g farmer, Mr. Robert Virtue, is thinking of taking a oouise . in business training at Chatham College. Mr. and Mrs. John Tape took the train· on Saturday for a trip .to Newc ·stle. where they were guests of Mr. Bonatban. Our cider manufactory, David Byers Esq., Business Mana'<er, is complllled t~ run overtime, so great is the demand for hia. XXX. The bachelor on the hill and the b'lchelor in the hollow havo decided to negotla: CJ a matrimonial alliance for each Each i:i open for propoeals before Dec 1. Mr, W. Farrell's young people Q!ave a monster part.y last Friday mght when the crem· de-la-crem of society were pret!'est. Dancing was indul1Zed in to an early hour. Mr. David Graham i11 doing some big. threshing around the Sault this week, D>1vc's lieutenants, Col. Mann imd Brig'dr Maloney, are the biggest feeders in 1he realm. Yankee Sam isn't afeared of a prnk -of hounds, not he. He ia thinking ()f following the l!;nglish custom of s tar ring a rabbit park. He wants game law11 to protect his enterprise. BnTSY Bo11&1T-r. ~h ; I ()L I):l<l.. 'C.

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