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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1887, p. 2

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·. Dlscov11 ry of a Skeldon Sn1·1>0secl to be 1s PUBLISHED to that of a Canadian. EYER V FR fDAT lUORNIN"G -Margaret. You have never f l·homed Eng" I only became aware of t~m yesterSYNOPSIS OF PREVIOUS CHAPTERS. lish vulgarity. " day," said Lady Kir · aldy. "I was in The village of Island P ond. V t. , is stil _ -BY[At the time the stor y opens the 'Choir of "It would serve you right tto send you to 1T.urkey at the t ime, und no i1articulars were much eJ<;ercised over the disco'\-ery near Mi A . JAMES, the church of St. AmL!·ose, in the town of carry the invitation to go roulll1 the gardens given to me; . bu~ my neph~w, Mark Egre- there of .a skelet on of a man. The deceased Micklethewayte, Eng. , t he minister and and houses." mont, your i:iece_s old .pupil, came to co~· t ad on a pair of heavy laced boots, Eewed, AT THE pFEICm II some of . t he members were discussir.g ·the " Do you mean it, aunt." . . sult us, havmg JUSt discovered among hrs tapped. with copper nails, a pair of worsted Post Olliee Block, KiRK S t1·et1t., .Bowmnu. most suitable locality for the scehe of a pro, "Mean it? Don't you see your uncle ?-d- un~le's papers evidence of t~e marrillge, of pants, two vests aud two coats, and about l'illc, O.n.tni·to. · · jected garden party. .Among the gro\i.p were vancing down the road -thcrc-accostrng which ·of course he had been ignorant." them were found the remnants of a purse T E R M: s : a very pretty but somewhat faded the clergyman-what's his oame-either "Then," exclaimed Mias H ead-..Yorth, which contained t wo sovereigns, half sover$ 1.50 per Amu1m, 01· $1 I f l)llitl in ndvnuc 1little lady in black, Mrs. Egremont, Towers or Spires-so_mething cccle~iastical holding her lmn?s tie;htly clasped, " Snall eign, a Canadian half d ollar and a lOc, ,,, t tl d I her daughter Urzulii, usually called Nuttie, I know. We onlywa1t~d to reconnoit r e and I really see JUstwe done at last to my poor piece,-the latest date on the coins being 111.:rment a r 1c Y 1n o. va.nce required erom b . . . . . ~ I h h h b h 'ld ·1" euo~ribers outsille of t he cou nty. Orders t o· a righ~, high sp:nted young girl, Mr3. Eg· 1 see";, et er t e num ers were unmanage- c 1880 ---a piaia ova.! gold rmg stamped 18k ie0Jntlm1e t hevaper must be a.coompanled b y! remont s aunt, Miss Headworth, a governess, 1 a.ble. . It 1s young :Marks earnest wish and and a C . T. R. way check number 5141. ;he ~mount dne,orth paperwi! not bcstopped, sh her home with them and took stud· "And yet he does not want to sit for his father--" ~ady K irlrnldy hesitated There was also found a p air of heavy w oolnb ·oribers areresponsibleunt1 full payment is ents as boarders. At the time in question Mickleth t i" for a word, and Miss H eadworth put in, len gloves, a T. D. pipe, some t obacco, a Made, j b emg · rr~1dsummer, · · ' way e · no one can be neirhbourly "Irrs f a th er;' '~' the ~cho_ols were closed. " So you think (· liv.w?uld h e never e_ven box of Canadian matches, table knife, fo1·k BA.TES OF A.DVERTISING: <::..~ l Mrs. 1 Egremont was considered bv her- except for electioneering! 0 Mark I must acknowledge either .Ahce s letters or mme? and spoon, but no t ruce of either hat or cap. Wh'}.e Co};umn one year ...... . .. ... . 3~0 oO ~ ~~ J self, her aunt, and friends to be a widow, take you iu hand.' ' · \Ve wrote. ~everal t imes bot~ t o h im and T he clothing waa ao completely rotted away .. .. ~alf yeart............ 06 og ,,~ , but about the fote ,of her huabancl ther e was "Meantime the host is collecting I ab- Lady Adelaide, and never received any reply that a minute description of it cannot be H alf Column on.:';e~~~-~-~~ :::::: ::; ~o _::_ considerable myst~ry, in fact, no one in the scond. Which is the least show pa;t of the except one shoi·t one, desiring_he might not given, not even the color. Appearances " ,Half.year ·... ···.···· .. 20 oo town knew anything about the past life of establishment ?" be troubled on such a subJect. It was indicated that the man had lain down on " One quarter .. ...···.·· 12 50 the little family. They appeared to be la"I recommenEl. the coal cellar- - " and cruel ! Alice said it was not in his writ ing. his right side, right leg drawn up, left leg u~:ter Co~~rr.n one yee.r . ....·..·.· 2~ 00 -dies, and had been recommend by the vicar as he went off-" p 001 boy he is a dea; She had done very wrong, and the family straight, and head rest ing against the t runk '/J-:.~tJ~:~t"0r'.".".::: 18 gg good fellow, but how little 'ti'@ knows who to 1~ight wel_l be o.ffended, b1~t a poor child of a tree. It is almost impossible to surmise ?toR£ST, ST!i.'ONl!:EST,. B!EST, 5 of St. .Ambrose's. Ten lines o.ndnnder. first ineertion. $0 50 Monks Harbor .vasat last chosen as a suit- be laughed at I" hke her,_Jnst e1gh!een, might have been his age, how he came there, or how long he CONTAINS NO Each subsequent insartion ·.. ··· o 25 - · able place for the garden party. This was· 9. treated with some pity." had lain tl).ere, as the loc:ition is a low, ALUM, AM MONIA, LI ME, PHOSPH A T ES, ll'rom six t o ten lines, _flretil_lsertlon 0 7~ fine old place recently purchased byltheKirk· CHAPT"'R IV. " My sister was in declining health. H e damp place, where the Mun does not peneor any injurious malcri:i ls. Each aubsequent msertlOn ...·.· 0 So ·Id f ·1 Wh'l h · · · "' wus very m l h d H l ft th Over ten lines,first insertion,perline 0 10 --10 a y arm y. . I e t e_ picmc was m pro. l c en~;os~e . e .e e trate, and the flesh had all dropped from E. W. GI I.LETT, '.ron~~1~~(;~~fir.. U:ach subaequentinaertion," o 03gress, Lady 1\u·~aldyan.djhet nephew, .Ma:k, A N.B~E. ~atter. to-to others,. said Lady K1r~alky. th e bones. The Selectmen are employing llan'f'r of the c;nt:CLl?.ATED ROYAL ~AO:!: CAltES. 'rhe number of lines to be r eckoned by :::were engaged m, an inumated conv ersat10n .. Sio-h n.o more lady, fady sigh uo more, . He is very sorry now that fie i.cquiesc~d all means to discover who t he unfortunate th~ llPR.ce occupied,,meaaur,e d by a see.le of about the latter s future prospects which )leu were deceivers ei·cr, m what was then thought right. He did man was, and t he local authorities of the ool d Nonpareil. have been exceedingly bright but for the One foot on sea and one on Jandnot then kuow that !·here had been a mar- railroad are endeavoring to trace t he check, Good News at Hom~. t::::__ - - - ·- __ - -- - -- - -·"' fa~t that his uncle, Mr. Eg_r emont, whose To one thing constant never."-Old Ballad rj~?e. " . in both cases t h us far wi thout success. In DRS. ltlel.,UlGUILIN di KEITH. heir he hoped to be, had privately married "So you have ventured out again," said I should h<tve t hought m that case a the hope that the affair may not be forever E. M ORRIS, E i;Q.,-DEAR Srn,-I hav~ long befoi·e a pretty governess named Edda Lady Kirkaldy, as her nephew strolled up clergyman would have been bound to show shroucled in mystery, State and ern " OFFICE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE· Township papers would confer a great favor reason to sp~ak well of your D andelion. Head worth. About this marriage there had to her afternoon tea-table under a great the more compassion." Liver and Kid n°y ~itters.. I have. been Lady Kirkald;i;: knew that the cr uel sil- by giving publicity to the above. p r.J .:W.MoLAUGHUN, Dr· .A. BEHR. Gra.du always been a. shroud of mystery but Mark cedar tree: ·1cent1a te of the Royal t f th , All communications 011 the subject ad- troubled_for 8 CJWt). time .with my Kidn ey College of Physicians a e o o 'Ioronto had lately satisfied hiimelf that it ac- . "The coast being clear, and only distant enc~ had ~e!'m clue-fly the work of t he stern Purnan pitilessness of her mother, so she dressed to Mr. J . C. Rawson, .first Select- and a friend of rn m e recom mended t hem ~nd m ember of the U nivera1ty, .l:'hysicia n. tually had occurred and was determin- shouts being heard in the ravine-e~ to g ive up his claim to the ·· Like an army deleate pas~ed this over, saying, "vV_ e are.all very man of Brighton, will be gladly received on to me ancl I tri.,d them in my case, and :Royal College of Sur- Surgeon &;c goons, Edinburgh. ' · wife or heirs,. should there be any. A Mr. The choir retreated; <;1nx1ous to atene, as far as possible, _for what behalf of the town, and the authorit ies in found them t o work like a ch arm · there~ and Mrs. H oughton had been helpful in An~ nowdothfare well is past, but we know little or nuthmg, only tur~ will be on~y too pleased tor~nder every fore I bave much plea aure in reco~1mend ---~~----~------~ DB. J , CJ. MITCHELJ., bringing about this clandestine marriage, ln the valley's soft swell,'" what my nephew Mark has been able to ass1Stauce possible t o get at t he facts of the ing thern t o all persons who are troubled MEMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS and it is to them the conversation has turn- said the aunt. gather." case. . . in a ny way wit h their Ki d ney. and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner eto " L'ttl I Ali I t has smce been ascertamed t hat check y , 01 , Otllce and Reoidence, Ennisk!llen: · · ed at the opening of the present number. ] " At least you have survived; or is this· 1 e ,.,,. ,_,,_a,r k . ce always ta11rnd o f 7 4 _ __ _ · the reaction," said the nephew, putt ing on him wit h great affection. How pleased she 5141 Wt\s a t tached to an ordinary rail· ourll J D B1J£ a languid air.· will be to hetir of his remembering her," road rug with two stra1s, checked to PortN t .1· M " · · ONES. 1887 · .KE SIJll!PSO.N, CHAPTER III.-(CONTLNUED.) "'l'h ere were some very nice people 'Would you object ~o telling m e what land, and t hat it arrived at I sland Pond ew on vi o, ~Y "' · r'rt> :S.'RRISTE'ft, SOLICITOR, &o. MOPRIS "She must have been a kind friend to among them, on whom the pictures were yon k now of t h'is h is"tory?" sai ·d . :Ji.'l BLOC~: up stairs, King Street. Bo~vmanL ady Kirk- J1inuary 17, 1884, subsequently sent on t o ' le, Sohc1torfor the Ontario Bank the poor girl," said Mark. "On some re· by no means thrown away. What would aldy, "I am afraid it is very painful to Portlan.d, and last August was sold a3 unil'l'lvate llonevs loaned e.t the lowest rates, port that Lady de Lyon1iais was comin" you say, Mark, if I told you that I strongly you, but I think we should understand it claimed baggage, realizing 15cts. It is nuw down on her, wrathful and terrible, th~ suspect that I have seen your lost aunt?" cleady. Please speak to me as o. friend, as generally believed that t he unfortunate man .John Keith G11lbratth;---·- -··- poor foolish girl let herself be persuaded to "Nonsense I" cried ~fork, as emphatically woman to woman." was intending to go by steamer from P ort· ARR IS TE R, SOLICITOR., NO'l.'ARY lie carried off in the yacht, but there Mrs. as disrespectfolly. "Your ladyship is very kind," said the litnd to the old, country, that he left the ,. PUBLIC, &c. Oil!ce-Bounsall's Bloc.k Houghton watched over her like a dragon. " I am not joking in the least," said Lady poor old lady. "I have only mentioned the train on its arrival at Island' Eond and J:!C~ Streat, Bowman-.ille. Money to lend, She m!l,de them put in at some little place in Kirkalcy, looking up at ·him. "I heard subject once since we came t o settle here wandered away to the woods, and becoming ~--~J erSey, put in the ba.uns, all unknown to the name of E. rzremont, and out that seventeen years a~o, but such things one exbaus~d laid down to rest, with the 1:esult ROBERT A.Jlt!WO!JR, ·11 excuse me, I as above stated. It is possible t hat his iden. my uncle, and got them married. Each was it belonged to "a very lady- like pretty-look- cannot f orget · · If · you w1 JCGIS'i'RAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER trying to outwit the other, while Miss ng woman in gray and white,· 8he seemed have some dates that wil.l assist my accur- tity may yet be a.~certainecl t h rough the of Marriage Lioensea, Barrister and Attor - H " agency of the steamboa.t companies, for ii m.oT at r,aw and Solicitor in Cha.ncery, Momi.v eadworth herself was quite innocent (l,nd to bo trying t o check and t,,,me a bright girl acy. tJnapproached for 011ned on Real lllstate. Ofl\oe on R!11 g street, uncomcious, and, I don't know whether to of eighteen or so who was in a perfect st ate She hurried away and came back in a few th.e man purchased a ticket his name wonlcl Bowmanville. call it a.n excuse for Uncle Al wyn or not, of rapture ove1· the Vandykes. I managed moments, having evidently drie:l some tears, be entered on t he t icket and name· and ad· Tone and Quality. - - - - - - but to this hour he is not sure whether it to ask the clergyrrian who the lady was, and perhaps of thankfulness, but she pa.used a.s dress on the company's books, and the fact CA'1"ALOGUIES FREE. WILJ,U.ltl WIGHT. was a legal marriage, and my father believes he told me she was a Mrs. Egremont, who if reluctant to b~gin. that the tickPt had npt been p resented for ICENSE D AUCTIONEER for the it was not, looking on it a~ a youthful indis- lives with her auut , a Miss Headworuh, who "I think your :neice had no nearer rela- passage might g ive the necessf!.ry clul. vVe County of Durham. Ordere left u.t the oretion. H e put lier in lodgings at Dieppe, boards girls fot' the High School; very tion than yourseH," said Lady Kirkaldy, hope so. '.l'he steamboat companies whose . STATESMAN ofilce or forwarded to 'l'yrone P .O. under Mrs. Houghtou's protection, while he worthy people, he added." anxious to set her off and at ease. ship sailto and from P ortland are mo.kin~ au ' ·J J · wllll receive promvt atten~ton. 28:6m returned home on a peremptory summons "Headworth ?" · "Oh no, or she never would have been so investigation, and the result is anxiously - - - - - - -- -- -- -- - - - - from the General. He found the old man "Yes." treated. She wa.a an orphan. My poor awaited. S. c. HUNKING, in such a state of body and min1 as he tries. "But if it. were, she would have known brother was e. curate. S:e married-as LATER.·-The aut horities of Island Pond ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR to persuade me was an excuse for denying ! your name." young men will-on iusufficient means, his have discovered through the agency of t he the County or Durham. Sales at.tended "Hardly. The t itle had not come in strength gave way , and he died of diphtheria railroad company that the bage;age of the lo on shortest notice and lowest rates. Address the whole thing, and from that time he reVETERINARY SURGEON, presents himself as bound hand aud foot by . those days; and if she heard of us at all it when this poor child was only two years unfortunate man, whose :,keleton was found 00l1RT!CB P. 0. 36:tf the General's tyranny. He meant to have would be as Kerrs. I ventured further to old. Inde!ld, two little ones died at the in the woods as ment ioned week was GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO kept the secret, given her an allowance, and put a feeler by asking whether he knew same time, and the mother married again checked at Toron~o on the 16th day of every man who buys hie License from run over from time to time to see her, but what her h usband had been, and he said he and went to Shanghai, She did not live January, 1884. No other information that H onorary G ni.duate of Ontario Veterinary RENRY S'lfLV'ESTRR, Enniskillen. College, M embe r of On tario Vetc1 , b.e only could get there once .before the voy- believed he had been lost at sea, but he, long t here, poor thing, and little · Alice was might give the slightest clue to his identit y inary Associati on , will attend age to the West Indies. The whole affair Mr. Spyers I mean, had only been at Mick- sent home to me. I thought I did my best has thus for been obtained. Pianos Toned a'lld Repaired. was, as he said, complicated by· his debts, lethwayte three or four years, and had for her by . keeping her a t a good school. to all diseases of d oznesbic those debts that the estate has never paid merely known her as a widow." I have often W!Shed that I had given up my animals. "I su.p pose it is worth following up,,, situation, a.nd become an assistant there, so .A.RTIES WISHING l 'HErn. PI ANOS off. The qenera~ probably distrusted him, Queer Pacts and Happenings Tuned or repa1rea can nave thorn o.ttendetl for h_e curta1led. his allowance, and sca~cely eaid Mark, rather r eluctantly. "I wish I as to have her more under my own eyes; A well-known citizen of Reading, Pa., to !>r leaving word at the D OJIUNION ORGAN let !nm out of sight; and he-he submitted had seen her· . I think I should know Miss but I fancied it important to receive a salf O's OFFICE, Bowmanville A first-clae man for the sake of his prospects, and thinking Headworth again and she would hardly ary out of which I could save. I am weary. lost his life by tumbling into a kettle o. .A SPECIALTY. Dw oelnR in their emplo; . the old man much nearer his end than he know me." ' ing your ladyship, but I cm't but dwell on boiling catsup. His name was 'William Hartung. Calls and Orders by mail or telegraph 10Ho! Gentlemen o:tFas!lt· proved to be. I _decla~·e as I listened, it "You see what comes of absconding." the excuses for my poor child." will receive prompt attention. Montana paid during t he present year in came near to heanng huu say he had sold "After all it was best " said Mark. (To :nE CONTINUED. ) ion, not so tast. _ Cu.~RGEs Mo:pERA.TE. 1 bounties for the killing of squirrels, wolves, hi~ so~l to Satai; ! From the day he_ had " Supposing her to be th."' real woman, prairie dogs, bears, and coyo tes $96,625. lO. OFFICE HO U RS, 8 - TO 10 A. M. so.lied m the N inon he has no:-i-er _ writt~n, which I don't expect, it might have been The Living Inhabitants of Caverns. have written th~fe few llnee, An Otsego man lost in the woods was A stock of Medicines always never attempted 111~y communrcat10n with awkward if she had heard my name ! How .and all l bu.Vil to say -on han d. The living inhabitants of caverns, those about ly ing down to die from exhaustion the wom~n w?-ose life ~c had wrecked, ex- can we ascertain the history of this person 1'hat JOU can dnd me still at bom<l, N. :B.-Will visit Williamsbur g every which make these regions of continuous when a roost,el"s crow startled him and cept one mqu1r_y at D1eppe, and that was without committing ?" I am not gone away. Saturday of each week. 16-ly So all IDY klnil old friends may oome, through. Gregorio." J,ord Kirkaldy an able mn.n who had darknf;ss their abiding-places, are numerous showed him the way out. And a ll the young ones, too, :est to the natural;; What ! t.he_ valet?" . ~e.en for many years a diplom~tist, here and of the greatest inte1 J udge George Hooter of K ansas Cit y And get their garmente nicely made Yes. I_ bebev~ I seemed surpnsed at JOmed t he party, and the whole story was ist. Of the several hundred species known ordered the minister at his wife's funeral In fashions tuat are new; l lUPOR.TANT TO ALL Wh ere old and younl"., dee.r frie nds. may meet snch a medrnm berng employed, for Uncle laid before him. He was new to Mickleth- to·students, by far the greater part belong to hurry through the services, t hat he A welcome greeting, by R PlllATE. Alwyn ex_pbined that the man had got hold wa.yte, having succeeded ,a somewhat dis- to the articulated animals, insects, and might be in time to attend a sale of city Who ar" P.~J a., or have Thi.n or Grey Hair, Ot' who are troubled with dandrulf. of the secret gomehow-servanta always tant kinsman and did not know enouah of crustaceans, these bein'I the forms which, of lots. know.everything-and being a foreigner he the place to'be able to fix on any o~e to all animals, are the most vivid in structure A St. Clair resident had two tintypes · was likely to be a1le to trace her out. whom to apply for information ; but the re· and beat suited for the odd chances of life taken, and at the foot of each picture, in a I " I daresay he. profi.t.>d by the_ knowledge sult of the consultation was that Lady Kir· which the caverns ailorcl. As t he reader rec lining position, her head resting on her to ~eep A~wy1~, m bondage dunng the old kaldy should go alone to call on Miss Head- well knows, the great p roblem n ow before hand, is a perfect pict ure of the young man's man s hfetune. worth and Xplain that she was come to science is t o determine how far the shapes dead mother. "I have no doubt of ~t, and he expected inquir~ about a young lady of the same name, of living creatures are determined by the On the t ombst one of Martha Anne Moore, to p~ay the same game with me. T~e fellow who had once bclen governess to the children circmnstances of the world about them, and remmcls. me, wheneve.r .I look at lum, of a of her sister, Lady Adelaide Egr.,mont. how far this determination ha.a been brought whose grave is in Old 'Wilner, Ga., is t h is sot·t of mcarnate fa1mh:;.r demon. "rhen I Mark was rather i~ study to his uncle and about t hrough a process of selection, in a curious epitaph : " Boys, don't shopt birds 0 asked my uncle whether he could guess aunt all the evening. He wu s as upright natural way, of t hose varieties which have around Martha's grave." The grave is in what ha.l beco~e of her, he he~d u p his and honourable as the day, and not only some accidental special fitness for the con- wild wood where game is plenty. ~ The town of Saranac is sued by Julian F. hands with a bdoous French gmnace. · I acted on high principle but had a tender ditions in which they live. Cavern-animals C · H A RN 11) EN , L · Q, ~ . could ha,·e taken him by the throat," feeling to the beamifui playfellow gover- a fford us a capital bit of evidence t owar d M\lls for $20,000 for the lost affections of . "Nay, one must pity him. The morals ness, no doubt enhanced by pa,inful expei;i- the solution of this problem. The p r evail· his girl, who di~mi ssed him after he had ortheRcyal CoUegecf De.ntsl of George lV. 's set had been handed on to ences of successors chosen for their utter · ing close affinity of their forms with t hose been arrested for drunkenness. Julian . Surgeo,ns, Ontario. him by the Genernl," said J,ady Kirkaldy, dissimilarity to her. Still it was which live in the upper world of sunshine proved he was not dnmk and was dischargOFFICE OPPOSifE EXPRESS OFFCE. rejoicing in the genuine in<lignation of the r at her flat to find himself probably so near and changillg seasons shows, beyond a ques- ed. C) 1 young face. free from a!l taint of vice, if the tangi'>le goal of his romantic search; tion, that they all d erived from simila r When a little girl M rs. Helen Fralick w:..s GOLD FILLING A SPEClAL'fY 1 forms which once dwelt in the ordinary stolen from her parents in Chicago. That A TE 'TH lNSE Tim W HOUT somewhat rigid. " And what now ?" and the existence of a first cousin had been JlTIFICIAL E -' R IT Re assured me tha.t he could make all s tartline: t o him, though his distaste was conditions of aui111al life. 'What , then, are was thirty. two years ago, and now mother t he effects arising from this compl ete change PLATES. . secure to my father and me, as if that were more to the tiiking her from second-rate and d apghter have been reunited. Certain Great Rcd1 rntions . in price on . all Dental ! the important point · hut finally he peweiv- folk in a country town than to the over- iu the circumstances of these underground scar~ that she carried when a child and still creatures ? · work. Vitalized air, constantly m uso pro· I d h l l · '· h d ·11 · h ti . f h . h · h' At 1 t h retains make the identification complete. dnclng Painless Operations. Particular a.iten i e t at we 1!!:~ no rig _ t to stan st1 wit - uo~ o iij own e1rs ip. . eag so e The facts arc perplexing in their Yarietyilon paid to the reguh\tion of Children's '.l'eeti ; out eodeavourrng' to discover whether there mamfestly aud honestly believed, and W ill be foun d inval uable for the h air and B ClLlp. and by no means well worl.ed out, but t he It cleanses t he ac 1ii p of a ll Dand1ufl' - · 'uvigorlfR/"'.ALL WORK W ARRANT'BJD.--. be a nearer heir, u.~1d my father ma,~e l~'im knowing it to be one of those. faiths th~t following points seem to' be w ell established, ates the growth or 1 lie hair. aud t \lB of No Use for it at His House. consent to my makmg the search, g rmmng make themselves facts. the K1rkaldys did baldness, wh"r" the1 'e are tlio shghtes"--<.:ns ot Branch office, Dr. R utherford's Orono, a t its Quixotism all the time." not disturb him in it, nor commiserate him viz. : There is a manifest tendency of all roots left i t will 1n«iduce good crops or hair. Small Boy t.o Servant" Is the Doctor gayly colored forms to lose their hues in the in. ?" It re~tonia grey lli.;il' t o its original color, and .., -·E ~-·N · "Have you dono any tltin o-?" for "' loR~ which they t hought the best thing caverns, and i;o become of an even color. an excellen t <l r Pt.'l 'K 'ing "Yes. 1 have heeu t o Jersey, seen the possible for him. Ser vant-" No; he's out. Do you want ie DO NO'l' D ELA Y. if your hair is in o. weak: This may be explained by the simple aba register-July 20, l 85ll-and a n old FrenchM.1ss Hoodwort h was accustomed to rehim right away ?" condition get a b oW · · at once. speaking clerk, who perfectly recollectedthe ceive visitors anent boarderti, so when Lady sence of sunshine, and on it no conclusions F or sale by J . HlGGfNBOTHAl\1 & SON. " Yes. He left a 'ittle babv at our house -· party coming from the ya.cht, aud spoke of Kirka.ldy's car cl was brought to her, the can be based. The changes of the structur- last week, and I want him to tum and take and a ll druggists, Ask to1· it, her as tres belle. I have also ascertained that fir;it impression was that some such arra.nge- a l parts are of more importance ; these, as it wite away." A. DORENWEND, S ole Manfr. there is no dot1bt of the validity of the mar- ment W>~s to be She was sitting might be expected, i·elate mainly to the orTORO~ TO, CANADA.. gans of sense. The eyes show an evident r iage. Then, deeply mistrn~ting Master in her pretty little drawing-room alone, A. Doren wend i · ih e leading manufacturer Limit of Enclurance. Gregorio, I went ou to Dieppe, where 1 en- for Nattie and her mother had gone out tendency in all groups to fade aw:i.y. In of Ha.Ir Goods ia Ca1.<ada. · t~e char~cteristic cavern fhhes t hey have en"Never marry a widower," was the ad· tirely failed to fi nd any one who knew Ol' for" walk with Miss Nugent. - - - -- ·--···--- - - - - - - - -- tir~ly d1sappeare~.. the . whole structure vice of a young ma tron to a friend. romember ed anything about t hem-there The room, opening on the garclen, and is such a shifting y;opulation of English cool with blinds, had a certain homely wh1·~h serves for v1s10n being no longer pro-1 " But you married one. Why?" WITCI ~ICJL'l'H. " I t's bad enough to hear about yonr bus· visitors and residents, and it wa9 so lorw grace a.bout the faded furniture. The draw- duced. , In the c:ay-fishes we m~y obsc~ve Jl{ ]l )I }E ago. I elicited from my uucle tha.t she had iugs on the walls were good, the work a certa1!1 gradation. Some. spec1~s which band's mother's cooking, but to have his 1th eyes: j first wife's biscuits thrown in your face ' ' ' . an aunt, he . thought, of the same name .a s quaint anti tasteful. There was a grand abound m caverns are provided w_ Has commenced at the. PJU,C':l'IC:.! 'L ll>El\'TlST, herself ; bm; my father cannot remember vase of foxgloves before t he empty grate, others have them present, but. so imperfect , every morning is simply unbearable." OVS:R TWENTY VICAHS ll!XPERUCNCB, who recommended her or anyt hing that and some Marshal Nial i·oses in a alass on that they cannot serve as visual organs; . tro11110xldcGu A-1tu111~1s~crcd ror Pa!nleY : can lie a clue. Has auy' one looked OYer my the table. The old' lady herself-with alert yet o thers wa11t Htem altogether. One · Unnecessary Amuety. 1 grand mother's letters?" oper!ltion~. black eyes 11nd a. sweet expression-rose species of pseudo-scorpion, as shown by "George," she said, and her manner be. ODIUE · · JUCC:f,UlliG'S iRLOC:ll. ~ thi_!lk n?!· My brother spok~ of from her chair. in the window to receive her Professor Hag'!'n, ~as in the o.uter world four eyes, while m the caves it has been trayed anxiety, "what has come over p apa --·--- - -- - ·--- - -- - - -- ·1 keepmg them till I came to L endon. 'l'hflt guest. 1 might gi1'e a chan ~e , or tho Houghtons Lady Kirkaldy felt reassured as to the re- f?und with two eye~, . and others in an en-) of late ? He treat s you coldly and evidentSome cavern- ly tries to ·avoid you." · t might know about ht r. I think my hus- finement of the surroundings, and liked the tirely eyeless condition. "He borrowed $10 of me a couple of band could got them hunted up. They are gentle but self-possessed tones of the old beetles have the males with eyes, while 'the females are quite without t hem, As a. whole weeks ago," explained George. sure t o be at some continental resort." lady. Sho noticed the foxgloves. "\\That'z Llrnt ?" as a sound of sinaing "Yes," said l\'.I:iss H eadwor t h, "they are the c avern-forms exhibit a singular tendenSome Good Advice. was heard. · ., the fruits of yesterday's expedit10n. My cy of the visual organs, not only to lose their " J ohn," said his wife, "don't you spend " Auld Langsyne. " 'I'he niitives are pie- two children, as I call them, brouglrt them functions, but also t? disappe!'r as body· nicking in the r avine below there. They home in triumph. I cannot tell you what p~rts. At th~ sa1~e time t?ere is an equal, more than you ought for lunches down Are n o w in 1rnd are well a~5orted. We Are prepared to pay the highest price used to be rigidly excluded , but we ca.n"t .pleasure Lord K irkal<ly's kindness gave ot even more general, development of the 1town? I can't understand how it is that have t hem from the Cheapest t o st.a nd that; and this is the first experiment them -1mu many more." · a.nteunre and other. organs of touch ; these ' the money slips away as it does !' all kinds of Grain delivered at t he of a.dmittiag them on conditfon that they the very F inest G rade. "No, m' dear. I eat (hie) free lunch "I am glad," said t he lady, while she parts becom" cons1derab~y. lengtheneCI, and don't make themselves olmoxious."' said to herself, "now fo1· it," and sat for- apl!are:itly of gr~ater se11s1tiveness, a ch~nt:\e nearly e-.."ry ds.y." Wharf or t h eir Store House in town. "Well, I wish you would give up tree " Which they can't help." ward. "It struck me,?' she said, "on hear. w.h1ch i~ of mamfest 1Ldvantage to the md1· The San Fra.ncirco Examiner says that "\Ve have yet to see if this is wori,e than ing your name that you might be rdatecl to v1dual. lunchAs, ,Tohn. They cost you more than the 11teamship City of Sydney, which recent- · an Austrian or Italian festival. See, we cau -to a young lady who lived a good while we can afford." '.l~he latet wrinkles fox- luncheons in Ne-w ly arrived in that pG rt brought $60 000 look down from behin<l this yew tree. It ago in the family of my siAter, Lady :\'ork is to serve the soup in cups instead cf worth of Chinese girls to replenish 'the t re<l.lly is a pretty sight from t his distance. " laide Egremont." More Than It Was Worth. slave quarters of that city. Though such "There's the cleric heading his little boys A strange look came into Mias Head. ·(lia~es, ?nd the china stoNs are selling two Rol)inson-Wbat was the amount of y <Jur Or we will m iike you a Suit or 0 -~rcoat importation is a.gainst the Chinese R estric- and their cricket, and there are the tuneful worth's eyes, her lips trembled, she clutch- n·::dle:l 'mp! ' 0 1 the purpose. I n chemist rv the best way to separate t wo doctor's bill, Dumley ? iion act, against the Cont ract Labor act,! pat·ty in the fern on the opposite side. They ed tight!) the arm of her chair, but then t hat will excel any other House bodies is to , introduce a third. 'l'lle sMne Jlun:~Jey-I µaid him two hundred dollar~, and ag!1in~t the still older law prohibitinu have rather good voices, unleH1 they gain cast a puzzled glance at her visitor. in Towu. So caU upon "Perhaps if you heard of me then," holds true m other depar tment s. To in- , Robm"on-Two hundred dollars ! T hats t he immigration of women brouaht fo~ . by distance." immoral purposes, their owners ~ill find ; " And there's a girl bota.nising by t he said t he latter, "it was as Lady Margaret crease the distance between a pair of lovers i too much. ~il that's required is to le~ little Willie.walk fI Du~lt>y -He saved my life, you know. 110 seriou.i difficulty in landing these costly l river. " Kel'l'." Robmson-Yes, I know he saved your · · chattels. A fow dollars for witnesses, I "Sentimentalising over for-get-me-nots, "\:es," said Miss Headworth, then pll.US· m to the parlof w ith a candle m his t life. llut two hundred dollars, Dumley 1 l more for a la,wyer, and $17 50 m::>re likely." ing, she collected herself and said in an hand. I '.l'hat'a too mu<1h. j FOR YOUR CLO'l'HING. apiece for court feee will settle the matter. I ":My dear Mark, for a spe<iimen :of young THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, - . ---- · " . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!·!!!!!!!'!!!"!~!!·!!!·!·!!!!!WfMilL'llfil!!!!~~-~!!!!!!!!!!!~·!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!"~*!!!'!!!!!!~~-!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!~ .. ~-~'~1!!!!!Dli ~!!-!'!:-~~~·~..... ~~ral-lllllllllD·_· _·_··'!_'llil-~----,,~~~~~_!_!!!!'..~~~~~~~~·· ~.!! NUTITIE'S FATHER , 'I I Englan?, you are greatly beliindhand in inx:ious voi~e,. "Do I n~dez:;tand that I perceDt IDn of progre11s I y~mr lad_ ysh1p .is come to. mqu1re for ,,my "Ah I you are used fore;gners, Aunt Imece, bemg aware of the circumstances. J" IN A VERMONT BUSH. I I I !, . . , . rs .. ·. ·:: =- I I I 'J J· ,B "BELL" R ~;~ORGANS Guelph Onf L BELL &co L E,. A. JONES, EN NISliILLENJ A P Operations & Dentistry DE NT I STRY 9 D. DORENWEND'S I :c > > z s: I" 0 - o· T I s T ·R --Y I I l J· RI A C01JI B FA.LL BUSINESS DUSO I" Eclipse G R A I N ' Jno. McMurtry & Co. Our Fall Clotl;ls, F urnishings, Hats and Caps Rea~~ Ma~e Suits from $1.50 up Overcoats from $2 up, I I W H I VE s ·c hildren Cry for Pitcher's Caetorla~

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