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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1887, p. 3

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1 ~~~~-~T~ZM~~·-~ · ~~l~l'f!!!!!!W4!!!!W!'!!~~~!_!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!llll~;~~-~!E!lll'~·~ i!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!l!'!'l~ll~IMJ~"""1!11tifMM ~11111~= "nd the liquid becomes impregnated w ith C ..1agncsia and what not. J.\fost F rench bot:;:) Dow they Jh11lt n Sod llttt on the Fr·i»tler '.!'he island of Grand Manan is the hom e 1 .les, he says, are well worth good wines. null Becam e Wealtlly. ot cut and-dried monopoly that would be During examinat ion a.t E dinburgh UniA gentleman who bad j ust returned from a hard t o match. Grand Manan puts up anversity, Scotland, the etuden ts, · owing to Our latest importation has arri\Ted from Fr ance, and we will be WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16, 1887. land inspecting tm:r in the Northwest, in nually more than a million boxs of smoked 1'11e SCl\r city of cloak rooms, in t h eir excite · glad to see our friends anrl acquaintances and those with whom we speaking of his experience a few evening~ herring, and controls t he market. n ent fling t heir h ats, or used to, anywher e, have been in correspondenco, in fact any and all who are in search of :i.uo, related~ story, which will be aivenhere A t Balakh:i.n, near Baku, Russia , a new 11nd oft en on t he exa.miner's desk. The exJ1r8t class P E l:WHERONl:l an d I<'RENCH COACHIGllS, to look t.hem ~ · fi 11 "d h 1 "f h · d h over. We have an exceptionally lot, and our stud is so Jar'(e in bis own words. petroleum spring, which rose lliO y tir ds, ammer na Y s at t at r lla~ all may be pleased. We offc1· the JargesL number and greu.tes~ e foun anot er Said he: "\Ye--there was a p arty of four flooded the country, impi·egnating every- hat oµ his d esk he w ould rip it up. T he variety to select fr om. All our import ed stock is selected by MR. RRH.-A new treatment has been dis- -had reached the limit of the stage line at thing. Nobody vent ures to light a fir e, for next <lay while the examiner was :i.bsen t FAHNUM himself personally in France, and he aooopts nothing bul; CATA f th! f h 11 fi k t ·1 d d t t I th the best Horses of I.he most approved breeding. covered whereby a permanent cure o s a little frontier town named Brok en Bow, ear t e town wi go off lik e rnwor s. ciT!;_:or~n Y :i.n .un erar~ ua e 00 ~ e, ~xOur Home-brerl Stock is all tbe proii:eny of selected sires and dams hitherto incurable disease, ia absolutely al'feet· but our destina t ion was the \Talley of the A t Mestert on E n"land a ferr et en tered amm~r shat and plac_ e d it on t he desk. '.[he of the best form and modt desirable breeding. "Ve guarantee our ~h~i~~~~t~~~i~gt~~-:~:~~~~cf~~~;~·e~~'.'1'~1~~ MiddleLoub IU\Ter, a hundred and fifty miles . the bed in w h ich a fo~r m~uths' child was exa mrner on r eenterm!;{ t he hall saw the stock. Sell on easy terms and a t l ow prices. remedy is only applied onc:o in. twelve dars. further into the unsettled pra.irie where the 1 · '"h a· d th · f t h d hat, and a gleam of t riumph shot o\Ter h is V.' e will bo glad. to anawer all corresp~ndence p ·ompt ly; but we . ' "th b D P s eepmg. ., en iscovere o Ill an a f·ce "Gen 1 ,, h ·a "l t 0 l l would strongly advise persons contemplating the.purchase of a hOI'llQ and does not interfere w1 usm esa. esori · only t 1 nng to attract the eye from the mono- one eye torn ou t and the ftesh of its face be- u · Id t em en, . e _sai . · c 1 ou or mai e, Per~hcrou or French Coach , to get on the .traiu a ud come and see us. i ive pi:unphletse~t free o_n r\l.ceiJJt of stamp by tony of the endless rnccession of bil!n !ltnd 1;,i1,~~ect in " drea dful manner It died in a ~~hat w ou . happen lf t his o c~urred agam, " Catcilo9ite free by Mai l. A .H. Dixon & Son, SQ9 :g:ma- ~t.reet, "es!. " · · of' rai ' ri'e I ; ," " · 1.hen h e clehbera.toly cut to p1'!ces t he hat, : l'Dronto,Cm;W&daH.AT IS CATA~,~~' va..eys was an 6ccasio1 1al fio~k p snort, · "l'll!d the p rolon$ed apnlause of the stud· ""~ ' ch ickens or a deer, which, at a.rt'ed from his I "' " Catarrh is B. dangerot1s disflasc which tho.ns· h · tl f d A VlS1tor a t t he Ameer 's workshops m ents. . . , ' ,, E.nds are consciously orunconHciouslysufl'erm!ll cou~ .~n ie 1~t~P, adter a mf olment of wil Afghanfatan saw a curious piece of architecE ' . l'ROPJUET OJtS OF !ISLAND JIO!llE STOCli F..t.Rltr, n 1ro1t:nms A ND RUEEDEJtS, t It ·· a muco·pnrulent dischar"e caused cunoB I y, wou oun u ly a.wa.y over ture t hei·e-a ghastly triumpht~l arch made ·verr mot~er s son and daught er is e?-Address all communica.tions to Detroit, Mich.] GROSSll ISLI~. ·l VAl.'NE co .· JUICHIGA._N, 8 ;fhe pr~sence of a vegetable P,araslte i.n the the crest of the nearestl'is ing ground. T h e by the ar tisans of the place from the h eads gaged m makmg so.m e part of a fiddle m ~ -·~ . =~-,,,====================~= Un!ng membrane of the nose. 'Ihe predispo~· d ay we left Broken Bow, after several hours f 200 . t k ... th b . il1arkneukuch en, K mgent hal, Saxony, Ro1 .ng causes are a morbid state cf the blooa" the of travel we passed a neat white school- 0 19r1soners a en Ill e re e11ion. h b h Fl l G rt G blightedcorpuscleoftubercle,1;be germpoison h . ', h · · V\'hile riding t hrough t he h e ca me e ac ' u ssen, , rae .i z, ermany. <){ sy... hilis, m ercury, tOXOJUOO, frorr; the reten· 1 ouse, w nere_ some ..El1 .I <lovon sturdy cluld- c th h d f T . Sh I ted Alt ogether t her e are a ::iout 13,000 p eop le tlon ;fthe effete matter of the sk in, ~uppresrnd ren were gaz rn g out of t h e open door unre- a rols e ea 0 aunur a 1 moun on t her e who make violins. A good instru·. perspirations, badly _ven~ilatecl alecplDJI:. apar.t · buked, for a p assing vehicle wu.s a subject a.1.]_?he. · h" h <l 0 b t h ment consists of sixty-two pieces. T he olcl· . 10 ments and the germ111at1on ot o,thei: J!Ornons in of much comment and conjecture in that U .tedc~r tnt agc Gw wast ma · Y f e er men make the finger board from ebony, 11y or , the blood. Irritated by theBe, tn.~ !ming mem· _ . ' m e .., >t es over nmen espec1a d h · h Id bi·ane of the nose is e\Ter· ready for tho recep- spa.rse ~e~t1ement, ~nd could not go unheed- t he u se of T,ilfaye tte during his visit to this an. t e strmg . o e~ or t he screws'. A tion of the parasite, which ru.pidly Bprea.rlB;np ed. Behrnd t.he clnldren, and scarcely less t . . d . Ch " It. men, w ith st eady lmnds a.nd clea.r ~EVV _A_ 18 st1ong the nostrils and down tbe fauces, Ot' back of intercated tlmn tbcy s tood their teacher a coun ~·y m 1824 18 ow ne Ill · icago. eyes, p u ts the different pieces to t ogether, 1 the throat, causing ulceru,i ion of ;he ,th:·-?~ b: up blooming healthy-l~oking girl of about' 22 :i. 9.uamt old ark, hung .on big spnngs and which is t he more difficult t ask. Th e litt le the eustachian tubes, c"11Kmt: c . eaLness, u,.. I .·_, d . . . wide straps and from his lofty seat the old rowing in the vocal cords, eausing hoarsene~s; years, JUuge , and there was somethmg lU ' · · boys look after t he glue pot, while t he woueurping the proper· struct>nre of tile bronclual h er easy manner and refined face that was in ~re~hmaT! used to f dles.cend t o t he ground man folks do t he polishing. T he polishing 0 tubes ending in pultnOL>il'Y consumption and striking contrast to the rude surroundings Y~ ps wi~h many dmgs. . E r h takes a go·od deal of t ime, some of the violin s 15 de~~b. . . speiflc· ror for t he cure of and unbroken. prairie. The presence of the n cvenrn~ dewjfap~r i~ an , ~g being t went y a.nd t hirty times gone over. 8 inve:t;;erl, hut wi.thout_ 5uc· pupils could be accounte~ ~or by recal!ing town, determme to catitsnvals on t e ~~,::~!n E \Tery family has its own way of poli~hing. 0 cess nntll a physician ol loug s.tandmg discov- two or three sod huUI witlun a few miles, port of the gre8:t foot race bet:wcen Hutchms One has only a. cit ron color another deep ered the exact nature of th discaeetl adnd tthe but we couldn't be sat isfied with consigning and Gent, had i ts accoun t wn t t en up before- wine color while another has n o thin 0 a but only appliance which will perrnar:en "f t!~ ~~~ this fair girl to such an origin. hand and put in type, with blank8 left for 0 r n 0 ' tbe parasite no matter how aggra' a · " A t he of the winner a.nd other essential a g · d . . case. SuJfe~ers sbould eend stamp at once t1 >1st we appea1 e to our driver, who details, to be fillad in later. Instead of the ~--·----------· tor descriptive pamphlet. on . cata1-rh, S to ~~~ had not heeded our conversation, for some race there was a goat r iot on the gro unds, Pope Leo's Inoomehusinesa managers, A, H . lsxon & on, " solution to the mystery, thinking that , a.s a b h 1 Wi!~ts~~~eJie:.~~·.J.0~~~:~~,, ~:~~J.~i.,a Clergy resi~lent of _Broken ~ow, h e might be ac- ut t e pa:per .got the news t oo late, and A foreign diplomatist accredited to R ome man of the London Cmifercnce of t~e IJ{etho quamted Vl;it h the circumstances, ~nd we cam~ ont with its r eport of the r ace, blanks giv es the following account of t h e Pope's dist Chu?·ch of Canada, has to say t?t regard were not muitaken. p,nd all. revenue and of t he way in which it is spent . To A.H. Dixon &- Son's New 'J'i·eatment for "It wa.s learned from him tha.t several In some parts of Germany and Austria It is derived from t h ree sources. The inOatarrn. years ago two plucky girls came to the ·IJow' nat ural pumice stone has been superseded t er est of an enormous sum left by Pio Nono , h Oaklans, Ont,, Canada, Ma1 c 17· 1883 as Broken Bow is usually called which was by an artificial E<tone, to which a suitable t o t he Pont ificial Treasury and invested in Messrs A R Dixon db Son: · · l s. Tl. . t eres t DEAII. S · -_yours of the 13th Inst. to band. atthat tune composed of but 'two or thret> sh ape can b e given and a·cr 1u eren t d egrees o f t h e E ng l' ISh pu bl" IC f unc us m 16 It seeme.\butinost too good to be true that I a.~ houses, and was the extreme limit of habi- fineness of grain obtained, which allows the amount s t o about 3,000,000 lire or ·about oured of Catarrh. but I knC?W thatan1.i a::!"ver tation. They came from Ontario, but w ith stone to be used in all thP. industries where £125,000. L eo XIII, ia a great speculator, have had nio of thhe dviese~srTe' d so many undaunted resolution they expended their natural pumice store was formerly employ· and subscribes to the Italian loans in order 1 a C elt better n my 1i'ered · ?XPl ormg · 'ld - e d · Tlle mgre · d ten " t e a1'0 w h"t · · t the things for Catarrh, so muoh and for sma11 supp1. y o.f cash Ill the WI i e sand ' f eId. t·O se II w h en tile Val ue rises an d lll\TeS many years, that it is hard to reali!6 that erness and m securmg the necessary spar and fire clay, mixed iu. sui table propor- profit.s in the English consolidated fond . 110 I am really better. b . d case· it homestead pa1>ers and erectin£ a sod hut. tions to the desired composition, and The proceeds of Peter 's P ence. This branch lns1·e('tion Solicited. I consider that mine was a _vei::y ~ 'n" the Then they began housel,_eepina" and the ri· the paste is poured into plaster moulds, be- of t h e revenue h as suffered greatly in recent was aggravated and ebromo, mvc vi "' f 1 "" · fi 11 1 <l · fi I t l d b t th 1 t h MURDOCH IJ.llOS ·. hroat as well i as the nasal IJU.S~ages. and I gors o the ong b1tterwmter came on. How mg na y p a.ce ui 1 ·e-c a.y recep ac es an years, u , never e ess, e average Victoria Buildings. thought it would require the J;hree .tieatme~~~ t hey struggled and the privations they en- baked in ovens. amount s to about 2,000,000 lire, or about but I feel fullf cured by the twp tent .f'~o send <lured will never be known, ave! through all A bachelor iu 'Frankfort, Germany, ad- £ 83,000. These t wo s ums , which represent I am thankfu that I was ever lll< nee those brave !!iris kept a cheerful hopefulness vertised fo;: " a helpmate of agreeable cx- £ 208,000 per annum, constitntc the·ordina.ry 0 ' /g;t""are at liberty to use th\s letter statinj that was po~~tively heroic, t erior and good education : moocy a second· income of his H oliness. It is distri ·uted by tllat I have been cured at two treatments-, au The followmg summer a. few other settlers ary consideration." H e r eceived 3,G4:3 t he C hambeilain among the Cardinals r el shall gladly recommend your remedy to some ventured to take claims in the region and offers. Of these 2, }:47 came from Germany siding in R ome-abou t £ 1,050 per annu m ot,my fricyds :Wh~i~bei:~~;~~;~~lcs. with. true Canadian instinct, their fir~t car~ and 237 from l! ' rank fort. '.)'here were 1,8~7 fo r Cardinal among t he p relates of oUis, REv; E, B. S·rEYENBON after building shelter for their families was w h o said nothing about their fortune, :i.nd t he Papal Cour t , t he secretaries, the nuuAnd hundreda of others the erection of a tiny schoolh ~use, with sod 1,816 i:rave t heir wealth at various figures cios, t h e guards of the l1ontiff's b ody , et c. " ·· ·· walls four feet thick. The natural drift of from $250 to $50,000. P hotographs accom- The extraordinary par t of the P apal revenue circumsta.ncea led to one of the pioneer panied 3,112 of the offer·s , and it coat t h e is d erived from the receip ts of t he Apostolic girls being ch osen as t he first t eacher, a nd a dver tiser nev.rly $250 for return on Chancery. The items include the sums r e· thus their almost exhausted purse was reple- t hem. H e p icked out a p oor H anoverian ceived for title of n obi1i ty, Papa.I decora· nis~tid. ~Y. mea.ns of hard l:i.bor they had, maiden a.nd married her. ., ti~n~, benedictions in t he .ar t icles of deat.h , dunng this first summer r.i.isedenou<>b food ., . . p rivileges of the alta.r , pnva.te d1apels, dis · Has received her new at.ock or stuffs .to fast, with close' economy, u~til t he 'I he_ :J.~mosphere rn gettmg m ore and more pensations, ecclesiastical t itles, an<l mauy followii;ig sprin~, a nd then wit h the monciy electric lll Franc~, an.ct no on~ ca n ~v~ll s~y ! ~her t h ings .. The tment y ields abou t ear ned Ill teachrng, a small team of bronchos wha.~ a~a.y may brmg rorth. Tlle reac.t1onarica 2.500, 000 lire, or :? .104,000 per annu m, and invites the· Ladies of Bow and some farming implement s were purchas.- are Jubilant over the squabbles among t~e 1 T he -:vhcle annual income of Leo XTif, and prosperity began to seem a t hing of Republt~ans and .~~p~ that the peopl e w_1~l I therefore. reaches the enormous sum of m.anville and vicinity to call ed, t~e near f?tul'0 and to 110 longer be a. crea- !~oon become so t r. ed :ts _ to, seek rest under · · abou t £300,000. \ tton ofthe1r brave hopes. Years hurried on, I master. It seems a:s if t he Fre~~h can never 1 ----------and the little schoolhouse of sod gave place g et accnstom~d to liberty cond1t1oned byorto a more imposing structure of wood. Ider: Theyosc1llatebetween ana.rchy and des The Discovery of Coffee. "The farm began to have a vah1e, and an . po~1sm. And yet there seei;iis no reas?n why Toward the middle of t he fifteenth cenand assortment ot occasional speculater would survey the 320 tlus ?hould be the case. J<:ven :l'.et.t ae Re- ~ury a poor Arab was tmveling through broad acres, for girl took a claim, and public h~s the ~est chance and 1t is to be Abyssinia, and finding himself very weak and propose to pay a snm for it that would make . hoped will contmue to have. wear y from fatigue, he stopp~d near a grove. thti eyes of the ?Wnei;s sparkle, _but all in· The Rev. H .. E. J<'oss of Ba~h, Me., who Then, being in want of fuel to cook his rice, 8TO,l .tl:t-SeeondDoorWest of Williams 4uoement5werem vam, and thlS summer ·1son a against tobacco, he cut down a tree covered with dead su.t'eifer-Stsll when we passed the schoolhouse and heard lias collected some interestin"' statistics. H e ber.dC1s. The meal being cnoked and eaten, t}ie history of th~ cou.rageous girls from the says that in Bath alone $loo,ooo is apent the tr!l.veler discovered that the half-burned S We lips of the prosaic gmrl e, that farm would year for tobacco; that of 7l boys iu one berries were very fragrant. He collected a sold for enough cash. to have taken the grammar school 40 had used toba~co ; that number of these, and on crushing ·them sisters to E<Lst ~ntar10 and have bought in a smaller school 15 of the 33 boys were with a stone he found their aroma increased them l,>esides a neat little home among their similarly . ~leprn.ved; that among 230 other to a grea t extent. 'Yhile wondering at t his . childhood friends. .,r arumar- school boys were 119 who lhad he a.cuident a.lly let fall t he substance in a "But they have no inclination to return fe:mied to chew or smoke or both . and that can which conta.ined a small supply of 860 W0 to East Ontario exept for a~ occa.sioi:al visit, in one primary of twenty-f~ur, eight wat er. Lo, what a miracle ! The almost a.nd propose ~o,broaden their pos~ess101~s un- little fellowa, just out of dresses, w. e re as un- putrid liquid was instantly purified. He t1l wealth brmgs them comfort and l eisure, like little Robert Reed as possible · and used brought it to his lips ; it was agreeable, and the country round about them is filled the fi lthy weed ·' and in a few moments aft er the traveler had with an inteUigent and ii:idustdons popu-1· ' · so fa1· r ecovered his strength and energy as Bowmanville, August 17th , 1887. Ia.tion. · The Queen's jubilee was recently celebrat- to be able to resume his journey. · The lucky ad in J?enby Da.~e Englan~, ' by the b~h;ing Arab gathered as many of the berries as he Table :Etiqnette in Zanzibar. and eat!n~ o~ an unmensc .p ie, the tradition- could carry, and ha.ving arrived at Arden, Keepini; up Appearances. I . · Ial way m whlch Denby D:i.le, celebrates. The in Arabia. he informed the Mufti of his dist PUREST,ST~ONCEST,BEST. . A contributor. to the pverland klont~ly pie was . eight feet diameter a id,. two feet . co\Ter y. ~~he worthy d ivine wa.s an invet erWhen wi!l people _ be per:m?ded to be Ready for use ln any quantity, . _For gives the follow mg surpns1ng and amu~mg deep. It contained 896 pounds of flour; I ate opium-smoker, who had befn suffering '. nat ur al, t o live acoorclmg t o t heir means and 8~J1!-:!~~i~l~ aB~:~~~~l Banking BusillleEIA making Soap, Softening W ater, D1s;n· ac~011nt. of the table manners of the natives 1,850 pounds of beef, 1 ,80 of mutton, 160 of for years from the influence of the poisonous , C:elbe to struggle to k e<l:p up appear~nces? fccting,a.nd a. ltundr ed e the1· uses, A D .i :POSl'l' S can 20 pounds Sal Soda, of Z~nz1ba.r: · I veal, ISO of lamb, 250 of pork, 120 of lard, drug. H e tried an infusion of the berries, If t hey '!ould on~y d~ this and h ve s1m_ple,. Sold by all G»oco1·s anc1 Druggists. Five or six of thel1;1 seat themdelves 50 of butter, 32 couples of rabbits, three and was 80 delighted with t he recovery of 1modest , mexpens1ve hves _ t.he half of all h fe'.s :teo<ilve~ in Savings Bank Depart.mentand a.rou.nd a large bowl· . of rice,_surmo,unte~ by ha.res, 42 fowls, 40 pigeons, 12 grouse, 21 his own vigor that in gratitude to the t r ee , troubles would at once disapp ear. Her e_ is :all and m terest allowed a t c urrent ru.toe No :£0 "!fl. GILL:t.TT, TORON'.1'0. iotlce ot wit hdrawa l necessar;)'". All deiosltJI a. skm_ny fo"'.l, all b_emg curried. '.rwo s1eze duck s, 4 plovers, 1 turkey, 5 geese, and JOO he called it cv.bnah, which in Arabic means how s~ch .a str uggle as t housauds are t ry.m g ~ayablti ou demand, the wmgs "':1th their fingers, _and two the small biras, together with 560 pounds of "force." And this is the way coffee was ~o. ma1uta1:-i, ended lately. A coal merchant legs, and sunultaneeusly tearmg these olf, p otatoes, 40 pounds of beef suet and 40 discovered m H ull, l~ngland, who had got into t rouble E:X.CHANGJE leaving the carcase to the fifth, afterward pounds of drippings. ' from t rifling w ith ot her p eople's money, as !ought a nd sold and Dr afts i ssued upon E·.;rnpe takinl! out the rice by handfuls and dext er- j ,. · t he sh ortest and moot expedit ious way of Jn!t ed Sta~es and Canada, also Gold,Sil~eran&1 ously conveying it to the mouth with a., . l~1gh~eeu h undred m.e n struck 1 .n the colAbsinthe and Its Victims. getting out of his troubles committed suicide Jn1ted Sta .es Greonbacks bouii:ht and eold. Your attention is directed ~o the immense peculiar jerk. Ihenes m ~nrham county , England, bec~use Absinthe is used by nearly an ' moderate bke a poor selfish cowar d aa he wa.s. Th~ C Ol... L t'E U'l ' ION S stock of One m<>rk of hospitality shown to guests · the prop_rietors rec:ivered nommal drinkers in this capital as an appetizer be- I body was found in the r iver, and the followT- ~ when a~ ta?k, consists ~n the chief's 1·ollin_g damagel:! Ill ~ action .agamst 8 '.veral men fore d inner, ~nd its opaline t int in the , ing letter to his wifo told th~ whole story ; - Promptly _m_ad~ at curr en t rates u pon a ll par .1,.,., _ some rice mto a ball m the pa.Im of his who h ad qmt "'.ork wi_thout n otice 0 0: ac- tumblers set before Boulevardiers at the' " De!l.r Sar ah ,-'-By the time you receive JI Grea t Britto.m, the Un ited S ta tes ar:id ·no h~nd, and . aiming it at the guest's widely T0 ~:1t of some 1ispute ..m one of _the f~nes. "absbthe hour " is pleasant to look npon ; t his. I shall be no more. I. have st ruggled minion of Canada,. 1 six 0 ~ iem but i ts immoderate mm is ·p roductive of un- agamst fate, and hoped agamst hope, but it d1stendedpws. vmen woi::1. ?-0 t p ay, anc, of every d escription at 'l'elcg 1·a1·b 'l 'raro.!d'erf!j On one occasion this piece of civility was were sent to Jail m d~fanl~. The strikers told evil as t he chronicles of t he h ospitals is t oo much for me. I hoped t o get on until Matte !or 1,a;r~e ~r small. sums on a ll paYt!J 0 t NI~ ~ ft~~~ ,,~1 ~ .·..· ~ '~ .- ·'· sl}owl:! to myself, ~ut u.ot being ll.U a dept in refo~~d to go back .until their cmmades were can you~b for, and its slaves are beco.ming some of tl';e boys were e.'\rning s~fficient to Cana.da. J, his .rn aspec1ally advantageous to ff:I~ 9 U Ulf.:$'! ~·~ ~..,,..~ ;IJ ~ ~he ar t ·of swallow mg rice b:i-lls when so pro- realeas~d: One rn~ht son~e stranger went more numer ous every day, p articuhrly I keep you m comfort. I have tried to keep poruons l!vmg 11.1 M:amtoba or the North·W\'lst Sh~ has just opened out one of the largest Jected, the effect waa anythrng but what my to the Jail and p aid t he fines of the men, among the poorer classes who fty t o it be- you and the family, but, (tla.s ! at uLhe1· peo- 1B it ma k:eB th e fundsavailabl& at once a t t h " kincl entertainer anticipated, for, i ndepen· 1 who ~ere at once set free-, The me~ held a cause it is cheap and s~on int oxicates. A ple's expense. I should like to have given vla.oe ot p&yment. and most stylish stocks ever brought dent of beinr nearly choked, the grains w ere · meetmg next d ay and decided to go .Jack to man known in the n eighbourh ood of the 1 all a far ewell kiss, b ut <lare not trnst myto town, cons isting of :I ~cattered, or rather ~p.uttered, over the table work. · milt~ry school as Pere l!'rederic, who wa s self. Oh ! for the ?11ys when we lived and H~~~;~rther p11.rticulars call at the Bankln . lll i II in e .~ y, Jh· c s s Silks ma manner that ehc1tecl roars of lau~hter };fr. Spurgeon has withdrawn from the ?nee an ope~a.tic "pri~oteno:e ·· ?f repute p aid our way I , W ~uld that we could go T. R OVI H;., GEO. l\IcGJU,. even from the very grave . Arabs. Thie,_ of Bapt ist Union and by 80 d oing he public! m the provmces, h as iust died from the b ack to t hem I rrymg to k eep up app ea.r- 1 Accountant. Mani; gcr Vdveb, &c., co_urse, was the last experiment of the kmd proclaims that in his est imation all thos~ effects of the noxious decoction, t hu . s adding ance, and t ?o proud t o appear poor, has ·Iv w ith a very fine stock 0f Feathers and tneduponme. lwhoremain' in that Union and continue to onevictimmoreto the long list of p ersons been my rm_n. I hope t hat ~monisst our I -·-----------..·-- -----·---·-·--Flo wars . be in sympathy wit lt" the course it is pursu- c~lled bioveurs d'a~.sinthe. ~reder_ic des_troyed numer ous ~-iencls so~e ~ne will c.ome; ~or: to Cq,ll and inspect this fine diepl&y, which An African Prince Visits Italy. ing are guil t.}' of disloyalt y to Jesus Christ. his larynx by his> rite clrm~, b ut he ward and ,,1v:e a helping h:i.nd ~o the .g.1.l~ · 51,i!~ ~~ta~~d~:~e'~sl)~~e~s1~~l.1{ttr1f~ 'l 'hey are he says associating wit h those managed to eke out a. miserable existence by but I am afn1cl my conduct ~ill be a b ,ot BREWSTER 8 SAFETY REIN H OLDJCR cannot fail to giv e satiafacticm. Some excitement has been created at I who ca.II 'the fall ~f man a fable and the singing in third· cafe.~ concerts. He on y ou. I do hop e Cha rley ~ 111 r.ullt~p and Co., Holl, Mich. Naples by the t1rrival by the Str. Gottardo J Holy Spirit a delusion and a lie. ~ Is he to was engaged lately in one of these pl:i.ces, act as a i<On, I freely forgive !um his cou- ·· -- - -----·----· of .J\ff Wa.rk, nephew o~ the ~egus of Scioa.. I be a.lone in this with drawal? And what do but the proprietor of ~he est~blishment. be- d u:t to me. - ~<"~m your broken-hea.rted He is under the guardrnnslup of the Com- t he Baptists CJf Canada think on t he snb- came bankrupt and p aid off lus tenor with a hu~b~n~, R o bext. mandante d~ Simone, and is going to l'tome, 1 , j ect? Are tley with Mr. Spurgeon or ".bottle of absinthe." T he broken-down "Trymg. to. keep a.ppe.aranees .and too where he will study art. j ~.gainst him ? One or other they m ust be smger, who had no money for fo od, w ent p roud to appear poor, but not proud enough . '.l'he Prince, as he is ~~lled, h as brought i Mr. Spurg~on is too p rominent a m an and hom.e to his garret and p o.ured the contents to k eep fro~n ste:i.ling ?; fro~1 living at nch presents for the :'img a~d Queen of ; too representat i ve a Bapt ist to h; his of quart bottle down hIB t hroat. I~ ~he other peop le s expense! Ihere 1 .s .the wholo Italy, for the. Geograpluoal Soc .1ety of Rome, course of action quietl y ignored. mornmg he was" as cltmd as a door nail. story , not only of this p.oor_ waif, . hu.t of for the Prehistol'ic museum and for t he P aris Despatch to London D aily T elegraph. tens of thousan ds. Whether it were cluefiy Minister of Agriculture and Commerce, all A marble tabletrecen~ly found i': an and· -1-~- .., his o~n ~lame, or, a s it ?ften is! the blame enclosed in seventy-eight la.rge packo.ges. · ~nt sepulchre on t he V ia Portuens1s, R ome, of his w ife or, mere h k.,ly still'. of both, They consist of shields, lances, teeth of is apparently a woi·k of the firn~ cent ury . .It Oourt Discord. t~ere was the encl--a wretched hfe ·~nd a ':FREEMANis elephants worked, skins of lions and leopards, represent 9: naked yout~, wit h long, disThere is o. modern Order, dish onoured grave. cups of the horn of the hippopotamus dee- hevelled hair, de_ fend1T1g himself agam st two To which ma.ny foll!;s belong ; ---- -·--------------·----- - -·WORM: POWDERS~ f h d th 0 th t Its members cannot ha.nnonize, orated with gold and silver, and ot her pre-, 0 !1e iicmg im. an · e er a · For there's always something wrong. Of lfo Use t o Him. He has bwught, also, as tacku~g lnm from behm~d. T he ~omen cious obj ects. Are pieunnt to take. tholr oW!l 'Tis t.he Order of Disputers, Customer (getting measurecl)- How mu ch presents to tho King three Ar a bian horses. brandish thyr sre rese1!1blu~g lances Ill one Purgative. Is .a safe, sure, and eUcctuaJ Like t he Foresters of old, Aff vVark is 20 years of age. He speaks h~nd, and a serpent wmds itself around th.e are these trousers goi ng to cost me ? 'Tis callee! the Court of Discord, ~t:tro¥er.'!.' w-11rm11 iJ2 Qhildreri or Adult· only a few words of Italian, and but for the oiher a.rm_ of each, and they seem as if T ailor-Twenty -two dollars, sir. How ]'or rc:uions manifold. expressiveness of his features would be about to fl~ng t}1em a.t the face of the yout~. many pockets do you want in th,"m ? It !\ members once we1·e friendJ y, unintel legible. In R ome he will be the ~chreolog1sts .are puzz!ed to know what 1t Customer- N one. I won' t . need any llut the}'. could not long agree, pock ets af te1· I've p for t he trousers l guest of Count Antonelli, and probably will 1s t\ll a.bout, but guess it repre~ents. the fate They thought there waa too much coldnese. T he buyer of a large Cincinnati t obacco B be a useful instrumllt hereaft er in estab- ci P entheus, who was torn m pieces by For a friend's society. h ouse, who is paid $10,000 a year to k now lishing close relations between Italy and M~1mads on Mou!1t Cithoo:ou for having r eOne even i n ~ the Chief Ran~er, OF CANA DA. good tobacco when h e sees it, neither Menelek , the Negus of Scioa. That little veiled the B:;i,cch1c m ysteries. (That i· t11e biggest man) smok es nor chews, Thought that he'd been treated coldly, Capital paltl up, 1111,000,000. _.,,_ Re6&, $260,eo provin?e to th~ south of AbysQinia. may b e a M . Peligot, a French chemist , has discover· And so the .quarrel began. thorn Ill the side of the latter. ell that not the wine merchants butthefor.eign Thl· Ba.nk la prepared to d o LegitJ.,. T o make child l·en h pretty teeth, a m anufact ured bottles dishonest. When Aml then the other officers, F rench authority says begin with the second mate !Sa king in all its branches. All had to have their say, Mummies beaten ' up into a p owder and soda. and p otash formed t h e basis of bottle d entition to pr ess back w it h t he finger every So the Order of Disput ers, -.B"'SZ'"F armers n otes discounted; Depo1dta mixed with a little oil made for the artists glass, wines impro\·ecl by k eeping , but n ow Rages hotly t o this day, moming tbe t eeth which have a t endency to reoeived a.nd Interest paid on a mou n ts of in Egypt richer tones of b r own t ha.n u.ny the glass is a.dul teratccl, and t h e best of p rnss forward, an d t o pull forward those S5 upwards in Savings B a nk Department; other substancP. Modern perfumer s used wines are liable to be sroiled. He advises 1:21" I E.m fully prepared to attend Funernla on H otel manager (toleadei· of summer band) which t urn backward. As a wash, boil in a. to p repare the perfumes and spices found in- lovers of good wine who do their own bot · DRAF1..'S th e shortest notice, a t t he lowest possible ··a.tee sicle of mummies in such a w u.y a.s to mak e tling t o p a.y h igh prices for their bottles, - " Do y ou call this a band of picked mu- t um blerful of water a pinch of q uassia a as lrets and Burial Caeesrea.dy OJ/. short not!~ Issued and Collections made in E uropa ladies "dote on it. " Pape1· manufacturers as mate1·ials that la.rgely ferruginous sician s?" Bandmast er- " A ch ! Dot vos so, w oC'd with a. pinch of pulverized cacao. It First-class hearse on very moderate terms United States and Can:i.da, h ave used the wrappings of nmmmhs to are constantly employed in t he manufact ure I p icked 'em mysellf." H otel manager- strengthens t he gum and whitens the teeth. Shrou ds and Coffin s constantly on h and. Fun eral oards supplied a t once . Furn iture f:'lhop &:: make coarse p:i.per, and t h e cloth a.nd ra gs of glass for bot~les, and upon these const itu- " \Veil, t hen, y ou picked t hem before they Wll.Sh the mout h after each meal with S!J.ow W. J. ,TONES, Room3-Bouusall'eNe w Block, lukt warm b oilcld water, have been u sed as clothing. - ents the acids in t he wine act powerfully, were ripe." Ageu <!tatuulhui Jtatt.$unnt. 1J::A.TARRH. BRAVE Ol~TARIO GIRLS. FOREIGN NOT.ES. Ip f!?ll'SHi !~~l'rz""'Pi!!IP"~ !!!§! £ R CH E R Q N H Q R E S. FRENCH COACH HQ RS ES. I SAVAQ E & FARNUM ur 0ch rothers' & C::S:I:t.'1"" :H:..A..LL,, where are t o be seen ;:-:rI; :e- 0 I 21 Dinner ·sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Set s, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. 20 White Bed Room Set s. arge variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy W are,. B 0 h em1an · an d Ch" Ina C ups and S aucers, & c. L BO. U NSALL'S W t1 rks, ~JHSS Met J\VIStt GOODS, and see her P attern We have a large and well selected stock of BONNETS, HATS MONUMENTS TRIMMINGS I. of latest designs, and to parties intending to M erect 0IlUffielltS this fall, WhO Will Call at the h · op, WI'}} Se11 a t SUCh }OW prices as Were never heard of before in Canada. GILLETT~ LYE POWDERED Call and get prices before purchasing .elsewhere, and if' We do IlOt mean What say. E. R ..BOUNSALL, Manager. 99 PERCENT I THE ONTARIO BANK I LADI · MIL J.N E RY i.1 L _ I I I $ n:r, I STANDARD B "N K. I UNDERTAKIN· ·c LEVI iViORRISs

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