There ia toe little care often exercised at night in arranging coal fires, and very serious results are qnite frequent. Within a few daytt a Montreal girl has GRE..lT ASSORTMENT O~' been killed through the escape of coal gas into her room from a defective furnace flue, and an entire fanuly in Hamilton hBB narrowly escaped a similar fate from .JUST OPENED, carelessnsss in covering a stove. As tb'lre Gut\t'Anteod to give satisfaction. My ex- are few m ore deadly poisons than coal · p erleTMl6 in this departi;nent enables me gas, one of the l ust cares of the bead of a tQ give this household on retiring for the night should be to see that nothing is wrong with the Liberal Discount to Schools. stoves or furnaces. ;rl:!Clro .ALDUwJS, in the newest designs, at a very low rate. You will be sur prised Hev. D. J. Macdennell, of Toront o, att what you can get a good Album for. appeared at the C1lurt of R evision and pro test~<l against Roman Catholic priests BmLE.S- Family, Pew and Pocket. A lady said thfl other day, Mr. T. you bemg entirely exempted from taxation on Jiave, by far, the best selectiol). of writing their incomes. The claim of the priests is that they h1tve no income, as everything pe.per in town. they have belongs to the Church. Mr. ·Buying for cash, I always buy the best, Macdonnell says the Protestant and ~e t the best ratrs, and my custom ers get Roman Catholic clergy stand in the same the benefit. position, and that no distinction should My five quires of paper for . 25c. be made between them, and he is corrA ct, too. The matter is likely to come befor e is a great bargain. the county judge. Jl(t TREBILCOCK. HAYDON. Mr. J . Slemon lost a fine hcif,ir week from infl,.mmat ion. No el'ictinns have t aken place awl. peace has been restored in the suburbs. Mr. Thos. Ashton lost a v1tluable hor&e. recently, by inflammation. Mr. T. Maloney has returned from the deer country with a fine cargo of venison. Miss Edith Hill has been spending a few woeks with r elations in Hamilton city. Mr. J . W.McCnnnachie and Miss P ollie McNeil, of Clarke, spent Sunday week with friends here. Mr. W. Broad has purchased a fine brick residence in towu,ou Scugog stree t, from Mr. Oscar Scott. \fr. and Mrs. 'l'. G . Colwell, of Pickering, have been spending a few days with friend1:1 in tbia vicinity. What takes some of our young men to Cartwright s o m uch lately 1 Probably they go for a deo.r hunt. Billy Haycraft is going t o have a big shooti ng compe· ition at his plaoe on Thanksgiving D:ty, for t urkeys and geese. He has 30 fi ne turkeys for the sports. Mr. T. Hooey has purchased the farm at present occupied by himself,containing 100 acres, from his brot her Alex. for $3,500, t he latter having bou~ht a fine farm in the townsh ip of Medonte. A stable owned by Mr. Jas. Goodman, of Oshawa. and occ11p :erl by Mr. D . Graham, was destroyed by fint on the 7th inst. Loss to Mr. Graham, about $50. N o insurance. It ia supposed to have caught fr<>rn the chimney of the house, which is very near. Library & Gift Books ROOM PAPER. Always a specialty with me. New patterns just received. Painted Window Blinds a t lowest. rates. Bea1.1tiful goods for Wedding Presents, etc., ne1v. ,. P. TREBILCOCK. BoWMANVILLE, Nov'R Hi, 1887. Mr.·T. B. li'airbairn, l'. M., ha ving The Scott Act must be bringing i.n the been inentioned for Mayor, an inftuential deputation waited on him on Monday, Milleninum period yery fast m Ontario county for His Honor Judge Dartrtell but ·h& respectfully declined the proffered reports that there werti no cases to be h09or. tried in the division court11 eithe · Uxbridt-1e or Ca.nningtnn fast term. This .. is the first time in 33 years that a total There ia not likely to be any opp011ition blank occurred in the re~ordB of any to Mr. Thos. Burden or the Reeveship, division court in this county. M i t fa generally ackowledged that he has There seems to be incre'l.l!ing liberality been a faithful repress ntative of the elec; in miirniooa ry contributions, and it is tors at the Council, and his lon't municip· expected that the subscriptions this year al service ent{tles him to the preferment. to the l\iissiooary Society of the Method· ist Church will reach a quarter of a million dollars. Toronto district has done Mr. Horsey'a name is freely mentioned its share io helpiug to that tigm·~; in connection with the Deputy-reeveship, the total subscriptions reachioj!'. the sum of $23,403, a11 compared with $18,456. 9' as no better representative could be sent for the previous year, showing an increase from. the town to the C<>uuties Council. ot $4,947.0IJ. · Many say, too, tha.t he would be even Sensible advise is always timely, there· more useful in the Town Council iu that fore we ask you not to enter a sick: room -capacity Ulan as Mayor. Mr. D. T . Mor· in a state of prespiration, as the mome10i Tis is also spoken of for the former posi· you become cold your pores absorb. D o tion, should Mr. Horsey not be a candi- not approach conta~ious diseus~s with au empty stomach, nor a1t between the sick data. and the' fire, because the hee.t attracts the thin vapor. There is a ~ery strong feel_ i ng in favor ~~~~~~~~~ _'.l:OWN COUNCIL. of Mr. John Wesley for Mayor, and abrge number of citfaensare urging him t-0 CouNCTL CuAHEER, Nov. 7th. be a candidate for tha.t position but· so Hegular ·meeting. Members all present far he declines; giving as an excuse the but Mr. Piggutt,Mayor presiding. Minutes pre8sure of duties in connection with his . of last l\Ieetmg read and confirmed. .p osition as Manager of the Dominion Or· Communication presented ,from J ohn gim. & Piano Factory. There is little Fletcher asking for a rebate tn taxes 011 doobt of Mr. Wesley's election by accla· account of the burning of house, and from Mrs. Brimacombe, and Robert Downa er , roati-0n if he will oonsent to accept the asking remission of taxes. Heferred to honol:'. Court of Revision. From Sec. · of Board of Education, en· The latest revolution of the School closing a ~opy of resolut ion in reference to Board kaleidoscope shows a magnificent funds required for school buildings. On motion ot Mr. Burden, received and fyled . high school building on the site of the A number of accounts were preseuted old buildings and an equally handsome and referred t.o Finance Committee . From J. B. Burns, Manager of Portable public school building on the commandi ng site on the Raynea property opposite Gas Co., asking a return of papers. the Qneen-st. church, and which absorbs Granted. From F. M . Murchie, offering a fire the. South Ward University. This new engine for sale. Referred to l'ire Com· ti.r rangement baa very muoh to recom- mittee . M:r . Wesley presented a report from m end it . It is high time the Board settlOO on something definite, for the elec t- Finance Committee, recommending pay· ment of sundry accounts. Rtlceived and orsnre getting disgusted with their nambyadopted. pambying. An account from J,, Q. Quick was re· terred to Public Property Committee, to examine and report. .Just before goiug to press a requisition Mr. Cornish presented a report from i1as been handed us signed by upwllrds of Poor Rele1f Committee, giving expendi· s ev1mty-five electors, asking His Worship ture for the month. Received and adoptthe Mayor "to call public meeting for ed. Mr. Andrew presented a majority report the pnrpose of obtaining public opinion on the petition in reference to the sale of as to the most eligible and convenient meats in to'i"n and the Mayor submitted a site for the e rection of High and Public minority report on the same matter. On Scliool Building11 and other matters in motion the report presented by Mr. An· connection with the Educational int-erests drew was adopted. Mr. Andrew asked and was allowed ano [ our town." Aooordinglv Mayor Horsey other month to bring in By-law in refer. has called a meeting the Town Hall ence to Telephone and Telegraph poles. for Friday night this week at 8 o'clock. A complaint from Michael ~orris , in Let there b e ::t large attendance of rute· reference to flooding his cellar in conse· quence of stopr,age of water course. l \.e. ptiyer11. fe r red to Roads and Streets Committee. The Mayor submitted a co:nmunication THOUGHTS FOR THE TIMES. from F. B. Allin, in reference to his claim on the town for street lighting with Elec·What a large number of new journals tric Light. On motion of Mr. Loscombe, have appeared in this country the Inst seconded by Mr. Andrew, it was ordered ten years. One of the latest is the that Mr. Al1in be tendered $50 in foll disCanadian Advance, published by Messrs. chargo of his account. Yeigh & Co., at JO.It Adelaitie St. E., Moved by Mr. Andrew, seconded by ~['oronto. It has absorbed the Parkdale Mr. Burden, rhat, whereas this Council News and the Brantford Congr egationalist has learned with eincere regret 1lf the con· !illd will m ake a specialty of publishing tinued illness of our esteemed Reove. Mr. verbatim reports of Rev. Dr. Wild'1:1 Geowe Piggott, and whereas he has been sermons. The price is only $1.00 a yeal'. compelled t o make a tempora ry removal Beside& being a r eligious journal in a from our midst for the benfit of bis health. Lroad and unsectarian sense it represents there.fore, be it resolved that this Council the Canadian Congregationalists, and hereby extends its sincere sympathy to j 11dging from the ability displayed in the our colleague, and wishes him bon oovage nu.mber before ui1, edito rially and and a safe and early return with health typographically, it is an organ which fully restored. Carried unanim·rnsly. .reflects credit on such an influentilll 'l'he Clerk was instructed to procure a. denomination. Di!i for Letter H eads for the Mayor. On motion Council adjourned. R . W rnDATT, Town Olerk. The people of Manitoba and the North WMt have much to boasb of this year, and the latest rejoicing is by the ranchThose of o ur readers requiring anything m on who are jubilant on the receipt of in carpets should r ead Coµch, J ohnston t.ha news that the cattle shioped from & Cryderman's advertisement in t his there had r eache d Montrc.31 in such paper. They carr y th e largest stock of splendid condition. Preparations ' are carpets held by any h ouse in the county Dow being m<ide for large shipments East. and as thev import them direct from the The Oxley r anch will ship GOO steers to manufacturers n o one can undersell MOlltreal, and it is expected that ,fully them. 5QQO head will be shipped from Calgary t,hi~ P,.Utumn a nd as many more from NA.TION'A.L P&UI will Jtot gripe or sick· M a:ple Creek. en, yet .1u·c a thorough eathartle, At a recent meeting' of the W est Durham Ministerial Association in Bowman· ville, the following resolutions were unanimously passed :- (1) That this Allsociation strongly deprecates tbe hiring uf livel'y teams on the Sabhath day for purposes of pleasure, and consider it altogether inconsistant with r eligi< m and dange~ous to morality ; (2) That we place on record our disappro val of Sabbilth funerals, and shall object to attend them unless in cases of extreme necessity ; (3) That we express our disapproval of the unreasonable publicity, di·play and ex· penditure in c·mnection with funeral·. Very sensible resolutions nnd we hope to see practical r esults from their action . OADMUB. Mr. Wm. Ginn and wife, of Ma nitoba, are still around here. Mr. Rich. Egert on, who has been ill is able to be aruund 11.gain. Mr. H oward Benders had one of his horses badly kicked last week. Mr. S. H. Renders has Rettled on the Ayer's estate for another year. Evangelistic meetinl?I! have started in the Cadmus Presbyterian church. Mr. · r . W. Rober tson is going in h eavily on sheep r aising. H e has 30. T he Rev. R. J . Fallis bond wife paid a visit to frieads in this place lately. The farm ers of this vicinity h ave fi uished t heir t urni ps, which were ve.y poor. Mist> Gartley, teacher, N or t h 8 chool is m gaged in a school near Dunsford. Mr. H arry Hooey and M r. ,Jno. Marlow have arrived home from D akota. Mra. Watson, mother of Wm. Watson, Cadmus store, paid h im a visit last week. Miss Dunn, teacher i n the Cadmus school, h going tc. teach near P ort P erry the coming year. The trustees have enf.(aged M iss Scenes, of Port Perry, t o teach in her stead. -Times Oor . FORD WATCHES EXACTING ' SERVICE l ,OST I A great many have los t money by buying MAYNARD, THE .JEWEJ,LE .R, He.s been appointed sole agent for the celebrat ed R o c KFOHDWATCHES, they are the best Amer ican Wat ch manufactured and are guaran t eed from t he factory as be:ng fint -class, Call and ex amine t h em. We have also t h e finest stock of all kinds of Watches, Gold and Silver, in t he t own of Bowmanvillc. In J ewellry, we have an endless variety-Clocks of a.II kinds very cheap. In Silverware we have the e~ clnsive right to sell for the largest firm in the U. S. The quality and prices are t he best aud lowest in this part of ihe country, We ask you to call and examine ou r goods before buying. Specs o.nd E ye Glasses, CaHes, &e., we ca.rry the lea ding stock , and guarantee every pair for 6 months, if well used. If t hey l}reak we will repair them free of charge. Call and get :fitted pr operly. O UR R EPAIRING D EPARTMENT.-- We FAMILY BIBLES ~AND- Sise 'l.'1·ied in vain to Get Re lief· a.ud llnd quite Given UJl all Rope, ENNISKILLEN, -~-. ......----· Miss English, of Michigan is visiting at Mr. Jas. St ainton. ,..-M , Hutchison's gat e that wandered off on Hallowe'en has returned to its old poHit iou. We are pleased to see Mrs. Elford who "hl18 been away on a lerighthy ·visit, and Mrs. Kennedy again in our villago. Mrs. Maynard of Bowmanville, ha.a been visiting at Mr. A. McLaughlin's and Mr. Jas. Ha~erman, of Cobourg, at Dr. Mitchell's. Mr. A. Elliott, Bowmanville, was out as usual on Sunday evening. The village boys complain of losing their girls occl\sionallyJ5v.nday nights. "" Ti1e infant child of Mr. Thos. Craig dierl here on Wednesday last after a few d;<yl! illness. '£he parent s have t he s ym- 1 pathy of all in their bereavement. . 'Fhere is to be a wedding in the Meth· odist church here \Vednesday next 16 ~h inst at 10 a. m. The happy couple are coming"from Ularke to be united by an ,expert in th~ t line, Rev. 8. Salton. The outbuildini{ and barn with all the contenta on the Ewart estate north of this village were totally consumed by fire on Mouday afternoon 7th inlit. The oc· cupant of the farm, Mr. Jae. Dart has su~tained quite a heavy loss-over $ 3000 as there was no insura ·ce. A little girl living in the house with Mr. Dart set the straw'etack on fire' ' to see a good blaze." The Anniversarv services of the Methodist Sabbath School began on S unday last : an exo.,llent address in the morning by Mr. W. J. Roy, of Bethesda, or.. the This powdor never varies. A marvel ot ' 'Kingship of Christ " and a telling ser- purity, strength and wholesomene11&. Mani mon at night by Rev. Mr. Sanderson, M. cconorolc&l than the ordinary .1dnds, and can not be 11old in competition with the mllltltnde A., Queen-st., Bo wmanville on "Ji,eed ot low teist, short weight, alum or phosphate my lambs". The singing by the school powden; Sold only In cane. ROYAL BAKING POWDER 00.. 106 Wall St.. N. Y. at both services wa.11 highly praised. Thursday next, Thanksgiving Day, a supper such as the ladies are famed for i~ to be served in the basement at 4 p. m, Lh'er ()ompl11tnt, Dyspe()!lla, In the chi1rch addrerne11 are expected BU10111111eH . from Rev. Messrs Sanderson, Courtice, Slek lleadndae, MacLaxen, Enniskillen; Mr. W. J. Roy, Iii.':=~~.!!~:!!!~· Circuit ministers and ot hers. The child!!kin D lseattes ren oftheSchoolhavepreparedanexcellent lmpu~~:!.1~r the program of recitations music and singing. 1noot1 rrom wbal· A good and eujoyable time · may be exevrreauaearli!ln&:: ted Fe male Weak· pee · ·eaHes llnd General IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMBNr.- The genJebility. tleman who purchased my etock last win?nrcly 1'egetnbl"" ter, failed to come forward with the 1:1e- Highly coaeeJ1trated. plensant, ciDeetuaJ. curity agreed on, which compelled me to AAf'e. remain in busines· until the present. But ASK FOR having other business commanding my DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. attention, I have fully decided to give up Take no other. Sold nery,.·1te1·e. Fric.e, 'the Store business for the present and 15 cent11 per betUeii. · will offer by public auction at my store in Enniskillen, on Thursday, Nov. 24, and , · continue afternoons and evenings during \ the week in lot.s to suit the purchasers. Dry good~, groceries, crockery, station· Sold everywhere. Price, 2/ioente anct 50 oents ary, h osiery, kloves, gent11' and ladies' per bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers, 'l'ht' . l1!HOY M~DIC-'INE <JO.,· ·Toronto, <Jan, hats and caps, boots and shoes, and all kinds of goods generally kept in a . coun1888, try store ; also a h eating stove, l set 11iugle h<1.rness, 1 skeleton and a quantity of shingles. and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale to begin at 1 and 7 ILLUSTRATE D. p. m. Terms.-All sums of $10 a nd under cash, ove r that amount 10 months' H ARP1m's M Aa AZ TN'R: is a n organ or progres· · d t sive thought and movement in every depart· 't 'IL b ered i ~i e given on 8pprove no es. ment of life. Besides other attractions. i t will WM. HEZZLEWOOD, Auctioneer.. contain, during the coming year, iuwortant In the meantime I will sell at coat for , articles, superply illustrated, on the Great ·11 · . 11 \.Vest ; articles on American and foreign in· cash , 611 d Wl contmue t_o se ~t cos!, I dustrv; b~antifully illustrated papers on and under, after the sale i s over till all 18 Scotland, 1 Norway, Gwitzerland, Algiers; and run off. I will either sell or rent th e the West Indies ; new noYels by WIL LU.M . , . B LAC K and ,V, I>. HOWEU,s; novelettes, each premises te any person w1sbmg to start co111plete in a single number, by H ENRY .TAMES business here. It i s a pleasant place and L AF.CADIO H~AR~,. and A MEr,uc R1v1cR ; short · l ·t t _, R H ,. . p stories h y Miss W OOL S ON and other popular Dl?e Y SI Uti eu. · UTCHISON, ro- writers; and illustrated papers or special pr1etor. artistic and lit&ary interest. The c!iitorial departments are conducted by G JWRliK · Campbellford, J m 10 9, 1887. MR. E. Motuus, Toronto, D EAR Sm :- I foel it my duty to give you my testimony for t he good I had from your Dandelion Liver and Kidney Bitters. My liver was in a bad state and I waa e. great sufferer. I had tried in vain to get relief and had quite given up all hope, till a friend told me of your Bitters. I got a. bott le at once and I am happy to say the Bitters made a new wo· man of me. I can heart ily recommend them to any one troubled with liver complaint. Yours tr_ u ly C ARRIE STEPHENS.. Albums from Agents instead of local dealers. We have received a large supply of ALBUMS and BIBLES. which we are offering very cheap, and we think it will pay you to inspect our stock before purchasing el~e;. where. can only go over the same old saying, that we repair Watches, Clocks and J ewellry in t he moat skilful manner. We are bak ed u pon as the only r eliable Watchmaker in tbi8 part of the country. Mere ta.lki;ng ca.n't do the work , but tools, ability and experience combined ean, of which we have plenty. KHNNBR&CD VARIETY HALL. MAYNARD, The J eweiler. Absolutely Pure. PROF. DORENWEND AT LA~T.. At Ruebottom House, on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 25th and 26th. I am coming this time with renewed vigor a nd an entlre(7 freelt stock. My extended tour through Europe this summer was made tor the benefit or my customers as well as tor my own health, 'ii BANG. 1 visited New York ; also London, Paris, Ber lin, Vienna. HambU T R , and other impor tant cities en the oontinent In order to odll all the latellt foreign Ideas to those I already possess. . I will on this visit have some of the Greatest Novelties and Speela.litlee In Ladies' and Gent'e Hair G«>d· ever exhibited on the American continent. Styles of tho Latest, Newest and Moet Beoomlng desi1tns. I have not h ad time to have cuts made of them for printing, but If you call at my show rooms and have some pieces tried ou, you will be delighted, I N BANGS I have so many stylea that it is Impossible to mention them all. There are t he ._vj'tf/(\ "(tf.J,1.'-' THE DR H 0 DD ER'$ COUCH AND LUNG CURE Harper's Magazine. PORTLANDt FRANKIE, BETHES. SHINGLE, AMANDA, LUCY, POINT & OTHERS. Ruebottom House, November 25th and 26th. THE DOCTORS ALL SAY: Keep your feet Dry and Warm. for Fine Boots, Shoes and Slippers. - -- · - - - - · RETURNED FROM EUROPE. AN D w n, L llE AT THE l~UEJI OT1'0M HOUSE )!"HIDAY AND SATUJWAY, NOV. ~OTH AND 2 6 TH. and CHAH l ,EB DnDLJr.Y W ILL~A)I C URTIS, W! LLI AJ\I D EAN HOWKLLB, ·WARNE R. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. l'er'l'ear t HARPER'S MAGAZINE ........... . .. .... $4 00 lIAHPE lt ;S WE EKLY .... .. . .. ... .. , ..... 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR ... . ... .. .. ... ..... . _., ,1 00 Prof. D orenwend, the well-known Hair Goods manufacturnr of the Paris Hair W nrks, Toronto, has visited the principal cities of Europe, as London, Paris, Berlin, etc. The tour was chiefly made for the benefit of his business. He has rPturned with some new ideiis and has now in addition t o his well assorted st ock of L a.dies' Hair Goods t he newest and m ost becoming st yles that ever were shown on the American continent. He has seen t he Wiggs and Toupees made by the leading m anufacturers of E urope and has made improvemen ts on th em. Every lady and gentleman should make a note of this and call a t his showrooms in the R uebottorn Ilouse, Nov. 25th and 26th . HAHPEJ:t'S YOUNG P.F;OPLE... . .. .... .. 2 00 Postar;e F ree to all subscribers in t lu Uni:tecl S lat t.·, Canada . or ~Mexico. beRin with tho Number oarront at time ot receipt of order. Bound Volumes of H A.HPEH'S M AGAZI NE , for three years back, in ne& t cloth binding, will be eent by mail, post·p<>id, on receipt of $ 3.00 per volume. Cloth Cases fo l' binding, !iO oents eacll - bY mall, post.paid. I ndex to fIARl' Jl:R' S !Yf&GAlr. 111&, Al phabetical, Analytical, and Cla8aified, for Vol ume~ 1 to 7U, inclm;ive, from .June, 1850, to June, 1885, one . vol., Svo, Cloth, S LOO Remittances should bo mad() by Post·Oflice Money Ord~r or Draft, to avoid chance of loss . N e.wspaper s are n ot /.o e<>p y t his a dverti se nw n t ·witliout the exp r ess 01'<ler of H AlWJJ:n & FALL STOCK N OW OPE N. We are j m1 t opening our new and elegant stock, consisting of Boot s, Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes in gre at variety. Our goods are all of the newest make, in which we can 'l'he volumes or the MAGAZINE begin with the give half sizes and several widths in most all lines . We can give y ou Numbers tor Sune and December of each yuar. something s t y l ish , substant ial and at t he righ t price. vVhen no time l a apecifi~cl. subscriptions will \Ve rnalrn to Order GENTS' Fl?fE SEWED B OOTS in fhe '\'cry latest fashions. REPAIRING PROlUPTLY ATTENDED TER MS CASH. W. JENNINGS. :~Neads ' aUYe for skin dlt;euse. PROF , : u tw·i. Sl!LPBUR SO AP Is a tl B R 0 1'H J<R8. llghthtl t oilet ln'.\:u ry IUI well ng u good c1tr , A ddr ess HARPE R & BHOTHERS, · STAND Store, Ne w. York, Block, next door east of S. S. E dsall's Hardwaro 46