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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1887, p. 5

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:.' 'IZDAHL" NORWEGIAN Stylish fall millinery at Mrs.Morrison's. \ Entrance Examinations, Dec. 21; 22 Great bargains in fancy goods, at Mrs. and 23. USE ONLY TUE Morrison's. · Farmers should advel'ti~e stray animala B lankets below mill price at the Bank- m the STATESMAN. rupt Store. John McMurtry's gloves Mel hosiery Poreiau lamb cBp8 at the Bankrupt ara at pepular prices. Store for $2.50. Buy your boots and shoes at the BankBRAND OF PURE ,. Papore sent to the E ditor for notice rupt Store and save 20 per cent. should be marked. Those of our citizens who can should One old an d one new subscriber for drive out to the Tea at Enniskillen on 1888 for only $1.GO. Thanksgiving Day. Mr. Fred D. Cherry, of Albany, N. Y. Ice cream signs have disappeared, and spent Sunday with relatives in town. the young 1nan m~n fearlessly walk the Merchants can insure Plate Gla·s with streefa1 with his best girl. Mr. Geo. McGill, at the Ontario Bank. Bm15es Cough Syrup cures coughs, colds, The General Standard Remedy for · all Eight Port Hope hotel keepers recently hoarsness, whooping cou~h. Pre'Veakneas and dieeases of the lungs, contributed $500 to the Scott Act fond. : pared and sold by J. Higgingbotham & Son . .impaired nutrition, etc. Dr. Potter, dlice and residence, ProwThis oil is pure, freeh, nearly tMteless, er's Block, King-st., Bowmanville. l-tf. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are now showing a fine stock of ladies' dolmane, ~nd therefore most suitable for delicate John McMurtry's blankets und tie- ulsters and short jackets-imported from i;ligestion. · downs are at the lowest prices. Can't be Germany. These goods are elegantly cut None genuine without tho name lzD.A.HL be11t. and beautifully made. ataroped on each <:apaul.-i. Several parties want Mr. T. H . Spry's Men's top shirts, all wool, 50 cents ; - WHOLESALE BYnew residence, but a sale has not been ef- cardigan jacketa,all wool, 75 cents; boys' fected yet., 10 cents each ; ladies' fancy slipJ ohn McMurtry's :fingering yarn- a pers, ·10 cents ; men's fancy slipper's, STOTT & JURY, BowMANVILLE. large a~eortment--Scotch and Canadian, at the Bankrupt Store. at lowest priceB, .Beautiful white wool blanket s for $2 A call at Stott & Jury's will convince per pair. Best grey all wool Chambley you that they have t!:ie cheapM1t soapa flannel for 19c., and the cheapest tweeds ever sold in town. in Canada at the Big Bankrupt Store, Mrs. Giddy and childre n, of Port Hope next door to Murdoch Bros'. have been visiting at her father's Mr. J.M. Our School Board are h aving a hard Johnston, Queen St. time to agree on matters connected with Although Thompson & Co. h as changed our new school buildings, but every one to Mason .and Dale they give that $25 agrees that John J. Mason's is the best harness away all tlie same at the end of place in town to buy dry goods, clothing, the year. watches, clocks and jewelry. A shooting match for Turkeys, Geese, .Mr. J. H. M orris of this town i11 a etc., will take place at W. Haycraft'e, .member of the Wimbledon Team for near Haydon, on the afternoon of 'rhanks- · 1888. li'rom the good record Mr. Morrie has made the p1111t season at local, proAnd all varieties of BULBS at lowest giving Day. John M cMurtry has a _large 11tock of vmcial and Dominion matches we shall catalogue prices at 11hirts and drawers for men and boys. IA- expect to hear of hi11 winning high honors dies' underwear-a good assortmentWim~n. . . . cannot be beaten in town. ~L~ hngenng and pamful illness There has been a tremendous ruah for ' orne with grea.t resignation aud patience Mr11. Ellen McMurtry, beloved wife of boots shoes at Treleaven's the pas Mr. Jas McClellao, of this town, died on N . B.-Use our Cough Syrup. J t has week. and He has 11 tremendous assormep.t Tuesday las' Her funeral was very large<>-n .equal · . Bnd is selling at tremendously low pric!! . ly attended, showing the great r espect in ~~~---------~ Canton flannels, all colors, 81,- cent~ which the family are held by our citizens. P er Y.ard ; unbleached cant on flannel MORRIS CARRIAGE \Vomcs.-Ho.ving reheavy · 7 cents per yard i ladies' and 0 "v,ed the Diploma. for best selection of children's cashmere hose,12~- cents a pair. osrriag~s 11.t the County Fair, we have Gentlemen with bald heads 11hould call tAken eeveral otdars for buggies and cuton Prof. Dorenwend, at the Ruebottom teri!I for the coming season. Parties want· House and see his fine Wills and Toupees. ing cutters call and examine our stock belie will be here on Nov. 2vth and 26th. fore buying. J .u. MoRRI!l, Proprietor. The cold weather is coming on and every Rev. Dr. Dewart will preach anniverN. STANLEY'S CELEBRATED one should be protected. sary sermons in the Church-st. Methodist THA:NKSGIVING.-A Union Thanksgiving church next Sunday, at. 10:30 a. m., and Service will, D. V., be held in the Qneeu G,30 p. m. On Mondey, beginning at 5 St. ~ethodist church, on Thursday Nov. p. m., a splendid supper will be given in No Speetacles in the market eq110.l them In the the school-room· Tickets, 25c. A public Jn'& PR&BERVINO QU"ALl'l'l&B they pos·eee, or 17th, commenceing at 11 o'clock, a. m. the GRIUT E.ASR and COMFORT t:hey confer on Addres3es may be expected fro111 Rev. meeting will be given in the church, at 8 the wearer. Messrs. Gunn P.nd Matthews. Collection o'clock, to be addrsaed by Rev. T. Dun'£HEY NEVER TIKE THE EYE AND LAST in aid of the poor fund. lop, or Orono, and resident ministers. MANY YEARS WITHOU1' CHANGE. Information comes from California from The excellent choir -will render some " T he Bight tested by our Ncw Teat Co.rd, Messra, Sailsbury ~Jld Martin, two Lon- choice anthems. WI used by the leading Ocuhets throughout the world. don bricklayers, wlio left for Los A ngeles The Third page of the Toronto Daily some time ego, and are still there but is noted for "Want" advertisements. contemplating a return home. They say If you want to buy or sell anything. If ·-'though work 1s · p lent"f I d Druggists and Optlci&ns, BOWMANVILLlll. I,h a.,.... . 1 u an wages you want a situation, a mechanic, a busi)Oor ness, machinery, lodgings, if you have good , yet t h e accommo d a t tons are so } .fe t 11 h ardiY worth l" · that l i 1vrng. lost or. found anything, or if you want to OUR HONOR ROLL. 'l'he following persons have r enewed their own subscription for 1888 and obtained one or more new subscribers for THE S·.r.A.l'ESJl[AN: Benj. Ashton, Newcastle, . W; R. Williama, Bowma.nville. !. Richard Mallory, 3, .Jolln Ruddock, l. Riobard Davey, 'l'yrone, 1. IL I ·. Ralls. Leskarll, 1. Mrs. Jno, Vinson, Orono, l, Mrs. Morrison's is the chaapeat millinery house in town. Show your neighbors the STATESMAN and ask them to subscribe. Get your fall suit or overcoat at .Tohn J . Mason's dry goods and jewelry house. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Inst1rance. Ro1n. VIRTUE, Al(ent, Bowmanville. tf. All wool flannels from 18c. per yard and up, at Couch, J olmston & Cryder· man's. The Bazaar Patterns for ladies' and children's wear, fall and wi nter styles, at Mrs. Morrison's. John McMurtry's tweeds are well assorted ; prices low. Suits made to order at lowest prices. Persons who want money and can give real estate security can get any amount on application to M. A. J AJl!ES. I mperial Stovepipe Varnish pro<luces a beautiful gloss and makes no offensive smell. Sold by J. Higgingbotham & Son. Few men of his age are as active and hearty as l\fr John Bombridge, of Cartwright, near Burton. He is 93 years old and was in town a few days ago moving about as sprightly as many younger men. The new officers of Bowmanville Division are : -P . W. P. ,-W. A. Bunner; W. P.,-G. D. Fletcher; W. A.,- W. J.Joness; T.,-R.Windatt; F. S.,- T.Adams, R. S.,-R. Philp ; Asst. R. S., -Mrs. W. W. Allin ; Chap.,-Mi~s Bunner ; Conductor,-C. Burnham; Aast.Conductor,-J. Irvin ; Inside S.,- A. ·rounie ; Outside S.,-W. W. Allin. At the last Quarterly Official Board meeting of the Methodist Church, Hampton, it was moved by Dr. Mitchell and seconded by Mr. H. Elliott, "That, whereas, Bro. " William Cryderman is about to remove fro m this circuit to Bowmanville, therefore be it resolve(l that we the membars of this Board, desire to ple.ce on record of our high appreciation of his consistent Christian character and business talents. which have always been ch eerfully employed in the Master's cause, durinl{ h is long residence on the circuit. We also pray that the Great Head of the Church may accompany him to · his new home, and that Heaven's choicest bless· ings may r est upon his family." Mr. and Mrs. Cryderman will make good citizens, and we welcome them to town. I. $31,400! McCLUNB BRO'S have purchased Mr. T. Bingham's stock COD LIVER OIL I AMOUNTING ·TO $17,400, at 64 cts. on the dollar, and will continue the business in the LYMAN, SONS & CO. WiTEii fLOWERS. OLD s ·TAND! ANOTHER STOCK OF HYACINTHS, .CORCUS, TULIPS 9614,0C>O.OO lS Stott & Jury's Medical Hall. . being added, making over $30,000 worth of Choice Goods. ~. S.ight vs. Blindness. The whole now offered to the public at LESS THAN WHOLESALE COST. · , £NCLISH SPECTACLES. M~ MoNEY WITH v~ M~ S.TOTT & JU RY, Grand Concert. by securing Bargains at ~auadintt StattJiman. -~~~~i:°uNovil6.1ss7 fA;he Local and Otherwise. M e n'11 overcoats for$3.75 at the Bank· :tupt Store. Pure mixed paints nt Hif!ginbotham's drug store. . John McMurtry's mantle and ulster cloths are very low-- a large stock. John McMurtry has a fine assortment of dry goods. Selling very ch-;iap. What pBpers do you intend to sub· ·s cribe for next year, besides the STATES· c 'l[AN1 Merchante muet hand in chan~es for ith.eir advertisement& not later than Sat'l.lrday. The dearest object to a man should be :hia wife, but it i11 not unfrequently her .clothes. Large amount of money to loan on facm security at from 6 to 7 per cent.ili'·. H. MASON. Order Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket", -etc._. at Morris' P laning Factory, Liberty '.l!tt'oot, R. H. Osborne, lea.see. We were pleased to recelve a friendly ·Call from Squire Sylvester on Monday after. his long and severe illness. Persons · wing furniture to sell in town can. make ery satisfactory arrangements .at. the STATESMAN Office. 1'erms easy. l\'lrs. Morrison is selling out, giving up lmeiness, intending to leave town, and ·ol.l'et·a lier stock of new winter millinery, fancy g<>ods and wools at cost. \Vest E nd Millinery House. An Hensall, Ont., subscriber writes : "\Ve r eceive your welcome paper every week. S everal citizens of our thriving village get the r eading of it. Some of our !Englishmen read it with great interest ·since you began writing about your t r ayels in Old F~ogland. They think the shoea y ou saw m ust have b een very large. Now is the time that everybody sho ul~ ,protect their health by providing war111 and comfortable foot-wear. Few peo!Jile think how many colds 11ore cont.racted y unsuitable boots and shoes. Keep y r ·old ones for the warm and dry weathe r f summer and buy new warm boots f t he wint er, and one of the comp etest: a:nd best assortment will be found at rhe .P arlor Shoe Store, Vv · ·JENNING!;, Pro·prietor. TR& LE:A JHNG F E AT IJR ES of the YotJ>rn's COl\l.l'ANJON aunouncement for 1888 j ust i[.H.lblish ed are its six illuetrated stories, by Trowbridge, Stephens, and others, its t wo hundred short stories and ta.lea of adYenture, 1ta articles by eminent writers, i ndu<ling the Right Hon.W. H.Gladijtone, Prof. Tyndall, Lord Wolseley, Louisa M. Alcott, Gen. lieorge Crook, and one hun· -dred other 1 ~· mlar writers. The companion has t vo million r eaders e. week. E very family should tak e it. By sending your subscription now, with $1. 75, you will receive it faee t o January l, 1888, a.nd a full year's subscr iption from that ·<late. n : (JAN DO NO JU..RiU to tl·y l'recman' .,Vor m Powder~ whe n yonr cllll1l ha.Hin >ienwhl!t ur frctt"11J, That popular insti tution, t.he Ontario B1mk, has just beon declaring another three and a ·half per cent diVldend for its shareholders, and in keeping with the action of other leading banks has advanced the rate of interest on depoaits from t hree to four per cent. This will be especilllly good ne WR to farmers. In anothercolumnthebank announces advantageoua terms to depositoia. A Nnw ENTERPRISE.-A farmer who lives a short distance west of our town has planned in addition to the usual fall crop a fine specimen of a silrer watch. The ground was carefnlly prepared a.nd i£ it produces a good crop the man will go into the b:isiness more extensively. To give the scheme no chance of failure he bought the watch from that cheap and J h J M son's dry goods . bl d al re1ia o e er, o n · a , a.nd jewelry house. If you want to buy or sell a farm, ad. . th T t W kl M il Th t vertlBe m he orloOnO eef Y a ·h a es 000 armel'I! omee Pllper renn ~ ' every week, and your advertisement should meet the eye of some one who . f wants to purchase. Advertisements o this class are inserted in th e Toronto Weekly Mail for five cents a werd each insertion, or twenty five cents a word for five imertions. Address, 'l.'he Mail, Toronto, Canada, · " The W r ea th o f I rumort eIle· " · the · I f ll h d ~ is l tit e 0 an unusua Y an some stee engraving (size 21 by 27 inches) issued by P t ' M . . f e ersons s agazme, as 8 premmm or getting up clo bs for 1888. It represents two sisters carrying a wreath of immortclles and other flowers to the cemetery, r:rrnvn·. You to be Placed On In9.ther ,f 8 ,.. can earn t h e magaz·ne rec or one or · · ' b · bot1l of th e o t,h er pre muuns, y get tmg lubs for 1888 Terms <>2 year up c · ' "' "' ' with great reductions to clubs. Specimens, with fu ll club-rateJ, otc , sent · s to those wishing to get up clubs if gratl ·t·t · d f · h · Add p t ' ' Wfl en 111 goo · ress, e erson B Mo.gazine, 30G Cnestnut Street, PhiladelPhia ' p 11· _... \Villiam Bruce and family have · ht t B . nove d f rom Car t wrig o owman 9111e aud taken possession of that pleasant brick residence on the corner of Centre and Concession stre·its. Their numerous friends in Cartwright surprised tham on the eve of their departure and presented ta.ngible tokens of their respec\ and est eem. M r. B ruce was one o f tho mos t indnstrious,successfulandinfluentia.lfu.r· ~th t h" d h · r e.t. S. or t.· e owns ip,an avm~ accumulatedS'trll'ici~t wealth, has vary pru<lently retired from farming and settled comforthis r eml!l.t"nimz days. ably in t own to apend ~ We welcome the m 1 ;o BowmanTille and h ope they ' ~ill soon feel 1 : q uite a t Jome among us. On King-st. , north side, in this town There keeps a butcher of r en own. Our citizens all round should k now it , And gastronomically show it, By daily going to MARK AYRE's sta nd To ge t £he tenderest in t he land Of surloin r oasts- cuts to invite The most capricious a ppetite, And cause th e downcast t o forget Their misery care and even debt. W hene'er you di ne at our h otels Ask alwoys t he waiteress b elles If this house pr ocures its meat F rom M. AYRE- north side of King Str eet ° find out \\'here anyone is, advertise in the Toronto Daily Mail and read the &dvertistiments on the thh·d page of t hat paper. 'rhe charge is two cent3 a word each insertion. Addres11, The Mail., Toronto Call!lda. 42-tf The illustrations of The Illustrated London N owfl- (American edition) for Kovember 5th, present as usual instruction M well aa entertainment, and cover the customary broad re.nge of this lonit estab hahed and widely known publication. Reading m~tter in abundance is also provided, while now it is becoming quite generally k nown that news dealers everywh ere ae11 t h e paper f or te n cen t a. S ub scriptions C!iU be sent direct to the New York ofli.ce, which is in the J>otter Building. The board of directore of the Dominion Counct"l of the Royal T·'mplars met i·n . " . Hamilton last week for then regular four· months' meeting. The auditors' report shows the largest margin of receipts over expenditures made since the institututi"on of the Domi"ni"on Council both in . ' the beneficiary and q;eneral departments, Only two deaths occurred in Canada during the past four months, calling for t he payment of $4 000 i"n benefits while b fi . . ' f th ' t' ene ciary rncome or e same ime exceeded $10,000. The :proposition for a. union of the temperance orders, made by the Dominion councilor, which has at· tracted so muc1J. attention, was heartily endorsed by the board. The application for the institution of a gmnd council in Quebec was received, and the petition granted. "Aint she just sweet, as she passed on the street, . Her mantle was made of the lovehest cloth And the trimmings all matched so n eat, On her chic little head she wore a cloud As white as the riven snow, f l dl And l~~i:d:utest 0 g oves protecte ier When out where chill winds blo w. On her dress rrrew the sheen ~ Of the shimmering sun, . Which laughed back at its phototype's glow, H er costumes were t he envy of all on the s treet, I n fact wherever sh e'd go, ·ro end this poem I needs-must t ell \Vhere she got all those goods so grand, Why at McMurtry's, the W est End House, You k now t h e place wher e th ey always keep their sta.nd. ., I · The D . 0. & P. Co. Band have secured Mr. Findley McGregor, Scotland 's grand. · · est versati1e vocalist, mstrumentalist, Bowmanville, Nov. 8, 1887 . 45. mimic and artist, to give his new entertainment that has l(iven such unprectident\.d satisfaction in Cobourg, Peterboro, BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. FRANK 1'fl. Fl~D, B. ,il.. Lindsay and other to\Vns recently, (LATE Hoss.A.oil & F IELD. entitled "Musical Sparks," in the Town Corrected by .1. lllc!llmrtry, eYer7 T11eaday. ARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, &c... Hali, Bowmenville, on Wednesday, N ov. COBOURG. FLOUR, ~ 100 l bs .·····. ·· 82 10 to $2 40 23· bee pos·ers and programs. Armour Block, King Street. ' WHEAT, Fall, -~bush ··.·· 0 75 " 0 80 Olfloe,22. FRANK M. FIELD· " Spring, 11 · · · · · 0 80 11 0 00 -------~-~--~--_.._......... O RENT- The StaDJi one door weet of t;h~ BIRTHS. BARLEY,~ bush, No. 1 .. . . 0 72 11 0 00 N.1w11 Ofllce. Suitable for small store, llr lJ09LlPGB:.- Near Taunton, on the 10th lnst., 11 " 11 2 .... 0 67 11 0 00 3 O 55 O 00 for an Office. Apply to GALE BROS. the wife ot Mr. John Coolidge, or a son. 11 11 _____ ,, · · ·· 11 MARRIED. RYE, "' ········.· 0 50 11 0 52 OAUDERS WANTED. - Rooms with suonT-.McT..t.oo.rnT.- On the 2nd inst., by OATS, " · · ·' · · · ' ··· O 3 o 11 O OO B boa.rd tor three or four reeP.ectable boutl· 11 the Rev. E . .A., Fear, at the residence or the PEAS, Blackeye, ¥'bush ... 0 60 0 65 ere can bo obtained o.t Mrs. \Vllaon's,_nortll"bf H- tf,_ brlde'1 tather, Osborne, Oa.t., Mr. Edmund u Small, u 0 52 u 0 55 ~_rgan actory. Blue, O 50 11 O 55 John Short, of Tuckeremitb, to Mies Mart' 11 ARM TO RENT.-200 acres, beiqg Etta. McTo.gga.rt, or Usborne, Lota 16 and 17, 11on ~. Darlington. Pl1· ------- ·· - - - - -- BurrER, best table, ti" lb... 0 20 11 ' O 22 ing JJOB Beseion lmmecllately,'. Apply to W, ~. DIED. L.A.1tn 1 ~lb ···.······...· 0 10 u 0 12 ALL KN, Bowmanvllle, 12-t WIGHT.- At Pioneer Farm, Clarke, on the Ecos, ~doz.············ 0 17 11 0 00 OUSE TO LET. -A comfortable Hth inRt,. Annie Eliza. Wight, beloved POTATOES, 111' bush .······· 0 55 " 0 60 Brick House, suitable for ema11- taDlil;f, wife or Mr. Geo. Wii>:ht aged 2"2 years. 1"unero.i H 10 00 11 12 00 near Ontario Street. Apply to 8. W .\SIIIN~ on Wednesday at 2.30 p. m., for Bowmanvllle AY · · · · · · · · · · · ·' · · · · · · · Churoh·st., Bowmo.nvllle. 13tt cemetery. DRESSED Hoas ...·......· 6 50 11 6 00 .. . .. . . CLOVER SEED , ..····..·.. 4 90 1.1 5 00 FARM WANTED TO BUY-of about 1 DRIVING HORSE FOR SALE.ALSIKE · · · . , . . .. . .... .. . 4 00 11 6 00 · ? · 00 to 715 acres, witllm a convenient disGood driver ·.very quite.and sound, suit· . to.noe of Bowmanvllle. Apply to M.A.J~. able for lady or children to d~ive. s years old, STATEBMA.'f Ofllce, Bowmainille, 45-Jw-, Apply to W. 0 . IluNnr.E. lot 7, con. 5, Darllngl DH. E. c. HcUOWEJ,L. ton. Tyrone P. o.. or to R, B. ANDREW, Big 20, LIOENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE Bowmo.nvil!e, 46-tf. . . HORSES FOR BALE. - IHAVE FQR. or Phy eicio.~s. Loml.on, l!:ng.: Member or sale a small bay borse,young, sound 11.lN. College of Physicians ana Surgeons. Ontario. 1 qniet. Also a nice Pride or Scotland filly If~ SURGERY AND R ESIDll:NOE:-Rear of Messrs. monthaotd A J . REYNOLDS Solin" Ont' liigginbotho.m's Drug Sture, Buwma6-nv1Ylller.·.. ·-·· · ' . _.'._ ... 4L-Zpr _ McCLUNG BROS'. B T F H A - M -t." co A QAR LOAD - -OF-- station and known o.s the Totterdale House. roo'lls formerly occupied by Dr. Hiunden, The und··rsighed has received instructions Bowmanville. 39 from the Executors of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Ellen Wilks to sell by auction on the prewisee M ONEY TO LOAN IN AMOUNTS On Saturday, Dec~ mber 3rd, '87 te suit borrowers, on good to.rm 8eourlty Apply to M. A.. JAMES B l' AT &BMAN Office. the above property, with the land thereto ' · 4.3tt a tta.ch1 ed- about one a.ere. Tbe proper.ty cone1 ate o o. two storey Brick Rote1 contmning M ONEY T 0 L 0 AN ON REAL rooms, with o. storey and a half addition con· eet·te Pr· 1v·te tu-nds · ~ly to T ~1, talning 6 rooms and pantry with cellar full .a. u '"""' size of house. '!'her e is also a. a-ood sto.ble 27x42 Box 25. Bowm1mville P. o .. or to . A. JAMF.'3, feet containing IO eto.lls, o. driving house 17x25 STATESMAN Office 43tr feet and sheds I23x19 fee"· Ths garden con· to.Ins 29 o.pple,10 plum 5 cbsrry,5 pear trees and STEER MlT RAY.- Strayed into the i -ELY -;--S other smo.11 fruits, At the sau:e t.i meand plo.ce premises of the undersigned, lot 31, oon . S, l there will a _lso_ be sold the whole o . f the fnrni· Clarke, o. two·vear-old steer, 'fhe owner is I ture cons1stm£ of bar fnr11lshmgs, po.rlor, ·requested to prove proverty, pay expenses ..,. 'S dining, kitchen and bedroom furnish! ngs, &nd take it a way. RouT. 'l'o;us, Newcastle, ~1~ LV ~l' 1 carpets, cho.mber sets, dishes of o.11 kinds, p. o. J6·3w* i;JM Bf\\.rt· C LE.A NSE>' Hlil cntlery and in ract everytl.ilng! pertaining to a ~ C ~ C coltl ~ell furnished hotel. Sale to begin at 12 HOU SE TO SELL OR RENT .- A Ros~pUR[S 111 H UD. .A LUYS o clock sharp. comfortable d wellhig and one ~H Q[An 'l'ERMS,- lor furnishings o.~d furniture,; acre of land on which are several good tr"ttit ~" 'DLo~'lJ. 'W . , - .. . tor real ea r.a te one tenth on de.y or sale, trees. good welL Situated on Scugog street . 111.VfEVER w ~ hi I! L A llO l AT I ON ..· terms for balance made known on day or so.le. For further particulars apply to W.ARR AN 111\1· ~~ ~~ The purchaser to SE}o.roh t!tle at hie own ox- DINGMAN, owner, or to Mr, w. Ca.nn. Bow'S H EALS THE SoRIIS. penee. Executors will furnish deed, 'fo be sold manvllle 15-2w _g -subject to reserve bid. Title indisputable. For ' ':6 R E s To RES 'l'JIE further particulars apply to Jo}{N K, GAI,· T EACHER WANT'"' D .,.,~ / HRAl'rl!, Bowmo.nville, or to Levi A. Tole, , -': J ·- A MALE ~ .:.i, <)'">· ;::iENSES OF l .A.STii:, Auctioneer Bowma.nv!lle Ont 46·3w 'Ico.cher for SchoolScotionNo. 21, lll\ydon , ~r:; ~~ 0 ., HBowma.n~ille, Nov. rn,11'sx7. · · Village, Darlington. Duties to begin Jan, let, I · ~\.-.{ ~,,,.f# ... ~ ;::,MELL, E.A.RINO, 1888. Applicants must eta~ QU&l!fica.t!on. ex- 1 O u.u. A "UI CK REL~"" penencc and eale.ry r equired, Apply up to J '< ._...,_., Nov. 4th, toJOH.N llUNDLE, Secy.·'l'reo.surer , HAY·.FE..VER A1 ·0SITI'iECt1l\'.t Haydon, Ont, 43- {w ~ i · ~ HOU SE . AND LO'r FOR S ' LE ·-A · I. A particle is a-pJ'!lled into each nosti:U a,nd ·"'.is o.greee.ble. P rice 50 cents at DruggIBte; PY 1 two-storey new t>rick house on Queon·et, mall registered, 60oents.- Circulo.r free. ELY containing seven rooms and largo ho.LI, excel- BROS., Druggists. Oswego, N. Y. lent cello.r, hard and sort ~ater. good g-i.rden --------.~ and neoeitlsary convenience. Terms Pos· I am now showing a complete Stock session immedtatelr. Apply to BROCK, owner. or to J. B, MARTYN, orWM. R. WORTU, of New Bowma.nvillo. H-tf,pd3. Q · Q · w. s, ORMISTON L, L, n. . . . ' THAT Properly located in the town of Barrister, 8ohmtor, Conveyancer, &o. Bowmanvll e, adjacent to the G. 1'. R. t 0 1oo.n, omco, i n B eayer Block upst airs in HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE. I I I I P EAS WA.NTED.:--3000 bushels Ci( . small peas wo.nmd &t the Caledonta.n Mi"-. Bowmo.nvillo, for whi "ch the ··ery h·i~h" est""' price will be paid. Joa."'i M..i.cKAYiP~· prietor. 42. tr; .- - -- - -- - -- - - -- - - BULL FOR SALE.- ! will sell very .. che~ mv thoro'~bred. Short Horn,.Dn~. I . Ivanhoe, 3 old, Pe,~hgree ,i n le.ta Bnt. l!Jh American Her4 Beok. H. C. HoAn, Dar! lmgtou, Bowm11.nv1lle, P.O. H ·tt TAILOillNG M H" . . .r. m dson, Taifo.r, at McUlung Bros.. ~ now prepared ·k u It d be f lt f '""' me. 0 9 a m e nu'!' r 0 en. 8 or counvy I bnye< or from ou_taide establishments. ~ll· trance through Quick&, Co's store. 45,IJ' ·· ~ CATA"RR HCREAM BALM ..t·c, l I I , - " NewGoods F a ncy Goods, COAL 01 L AT PRICES N EVE R BEFOH,E HEARD OF , AT W. QUICK & Co's. OU SE AND LOT FOR SALE.- A ge O<l dwelling house, part brick and po.rt frame, with good woodshed, driying house and stable, ha.rd a.nd soft water, a bout t --.A.NT>acre of garden. Situate in the centre of the ville.11;e ofH,.mpton. Yery suitable for retiring farmer. W ill be sold cheap and ·ob. easy terms. Apply t o JAM.E li MO LEAN, Hempton. H-:~ w - -- - - - - - - -··· ·------···-Which for S tyle and D esign cannot b e OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE .sul'paased i n t own, and to which I in1'ha.t very comfort& ble and commodious vite the special attention of the l adies of new brick dwelling hou11e, e.t present occupied by me on Queen-st. neal: the Church. Tbere t his district. y fnr· are seven rooms and large liall, heated l> nace. and in cxccllont state of repo.Ir. 8plendid garden. H ard and soft water, and all neces· sary con veniences. Will be sold on very easy 40 King St., Bowma nville. termJl. 'l'. II, Sl'll>, !Wwmanville, H· tf FAll AND WINTfR MllllNf RY H H MRS. ANDERSON. I J ames H. Gilmour. of 'I.', Gilmour & Oo~. Wholesale Grocers, llrockville, says : I have used " 'l'amarac Elixir" tor a severe Cold a°'l Coug h, which it imn:rn<li11tely relieved aud cured. Hiram Buker, Lumber and Cheese, North Augusta, Ont.. saye : '"Tamarac Elixli" is a wonderful medicine for Congha and Col.d11, 1'broot and Lung Complain ta. l t i>; withru doubt the best medicine I ever used, and ne-ror fails to give immediate reuer, ·w e consii;J.e. i: H a hou~ehold necessity. Tamarac

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