..~·· .. ......... LtFE IN HONDURAS. PERSONALS. STRANGE ANTIPATHIES. / Strange customs tJutt Pi'Cvnllin t11e l'Hlnges Queen Victoria has presented Mu·~. Alba:ii The lntokl'llnce of Some l'ersons Toward:; ot me Ca rt.bs. with the jubilee commemoration ·l edal, lil Animnh~ WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16. 1887. The approaches from t he interior of Hon- diamonds and sapphires. It seems absolutely incredible that Peter duras to Truxillo are mere tru.il3 thxough Gladstone is a firm believer in t)·a good of the Great, the father of the Russian navy, the mountains. The only means of trans- athletics, and his son, .Herbert GJa,11.llcone, is shonld shudder at the ~ight of water, whether portation is by pack mules. Most of the t he 1>resideut of a N>ttional Physic11l Recre. running or still, yet so it was, espedally houses in Truxillo are long, low-roofed, one ation Society that has recently been organ- when alone. His palace giudens, beautiful story dwellings, built of stone and mortar, ized in Liverpool. as they were, he nfver entered, because the cool and well adapted to the climate. Very 'l.'he cloak and helmet of r ed feathers river M.oaera flowed through them. His substantial, I am told they iire; indeed, given by Capt. Cook to the Kiug of the coa~hman had orders to a:oid all roa.ds some of them mmt have been standing huu- Sandwich .islands and v.-orn by the King, whrch led pasi; strea~s, and if c :mpelled to dreds of years.· They are anything but pie- was recently found iu a closet at Yorkshire, cross a ~roo!~ or b!'ldge ~he great. emperor ~ · turesque looking, being totally unormimcnt- EngJi.nd, w1.J. r c they h~d been lost for many woul~ s~t with closed wmdows, rn a cold _ ___ ed on the out:iirle. It seemed to me that years. , ~.er~~lrat!on. Another mon~rcb, James I., I all the houses looked alike ; i::i foct,an air of The School Committ ee of 2.mbridge, t ne Eng1ish Solomon, as he hked to be callJ)IRECT WIRE COMMUN CATION. J sameness pervades the place. Mass., has jnst had a second w:iman chosen ed, had many antipathies, chiefly tobacc:>, ·1 he surrounding scenery, on the other to membership. She is Miss Alice M. Long- ling and pork. He nevel' overcame his in'. "Cll.!ltorfa r~ so we.11 a.da.:!>ted rochildren that Castorfa eures Colic, Constipation, r recommend it as superior to any prescrintion Sour Stomach, Diarrham, Eructation. Active fluctations in the Market, hand, compensates for the dulness and m:i.kes fellow, a daughter of the poe~, and well ability to look wi th composure at a drawn a be:i.utiful frame for a very plain picture. known for h er interest in educ;1 tional m u.t- sword ; and it is said thr.t on one occasion, l::siown ro me." :a· A~~- "D · Kills estiOll, Worms, gives sleep, and promote!il dt:· ,a,. ...._... .1...,,~, .LIJ... ·t offe1· opportunities to speculaBehind the town is a high range of moun- ters. She i.~ one of the trustees of the Har- when gi.ving the accolade, the king turned :0.r. Bo, Oxford S$.. llrooklYD, N. Y. WitSoat injurious medication. tuiris thickly wooded, with little streamlets vard Annex. his face r1side, nearly wounding the new. tors to make money in trickling down to the sea. In the valleys Sir J·olm Lubbock 's bank holiday act is made knight. Henry 111. of Frnnce hn.d so Grain, Provisions, on either side are Carib villages-one, the not conducive to unmixed good, tl.ccording great a dislike to cats that he fainted at the Stocks, Bonds & village on the Rio Crystallis, the other on to a London clergyman, who says tlmt since sight of one. We suppose that in this case the lUo Negro. We visited t he Carib town it became a Ja,w hasty m 0.rrfages have large- the oat had to W<>ive its prnverbial prerogaPetroleum. 1on the H.io Crystallis and found it a much ly increased, and who tells with honor of a t iv-e and could not l ook at a king. 'l'his will Prompt attention given to orders. , larger settlement than it appeared to be. scene in the east end re;!ently where the seem as absurd as extraoi·dinary to lady FOR SALE BY .J. HIGGINBOl'HAM & SON, BO'WMANYILJ_,F., 'l'hese so-called Caribs are, properly speak- marriage service was read over forty persons lovers of that much-petted animal, but wlrnt Office over Murdoch's Store. ing, not Cai·!bs, but. are the descendants at QJlce, at a charge of sevnpence halfpenny are we to sa.y of the Countess of Lamb:i.lle, E t b T I h ct . of au Afncan tribe. Yet they most each. of unhappy h istory, to whom a violet was it n ranee y e ep one "' aircase. decidedly object to being classed as negroes, Mont B lanc, the giaut of the Alps, has thing of horror? Even this is not without 11-tf. and boast that they have never been slaves, been climbed hy sbrty-one women. The it precedent; for it is on record that Vincent - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - They are quite like the ordinary negro, first two were l!'rench women, one of ai·isto- the painter was seized with vertigo and ·~a VY',. 1i'li'll'lp'li~f'\W/' · with this exception, that they are scrupu- cratic, and the other of plebfo.n birth, aud swtotoncdh att thef si:iell 0£ . roses. Scaliger 'W Q t'f v ~.ir!h ~~~ ~ ~ lously clean about their persons, these WP.re followed by az Euglish, 15 s a es t a one o 1 .u s re1a.hons was made ill As is common among most of people of French, 4 H.u,,ssian, 3 American, 2 Hwie;,, 1 1.1t the sight of a lily ; and he hiimelf would 1 VETERINARY SURGEON. rude civi!iz'1tion, the women are the drudges. Prussian, 1 Danish, 1 Hungai·ian, l Italian, turn pale at the sight of wate1·-cresses, and they are the hewers of wood and the draw- and 1 Austrian woman. A faithful recnrd could never drink milk. @"'" ers of water, and it is not uncommon to see is made of the ascents, and a cross is m::t Ch:i.rles Kingsley, uaturalist as he was to W a mother paddling a dory load of bananas, against the name of every one who fails to the col'C, had a great horror of spiders; and wi~h her infant squa.tting in the bottom of reach their journey's end. There have been in " Glaucm," after saying that every one the boat. thirty-two excur $ions to the summit this seems to h<tve his antipa.thic animal, con'Vhen a man among the Ca.ribs wishes year. tinues : "I know oue (himself) bred from to takeunto himself a wife he hews himself A Philadelphia. lady says that the Boston hisd cbhiId J;oud to r:oologydbhy hind and sea, ~I out a dory, and, with the assistance of his folkd have dropped Browning and Shelley an o1l1 m assertrng an onest in feeling friends and a jug of rum, gathers together and the like, uncl have taken up Russian that all without exception is beautHul, w o When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, where-withal to build his hut, which con- literature. " You are expected to know," yet can not, after ha.ndliug and petting and sists of a few poles, a pile of clay to she says, "all a.bout 'l'olstoi, Gogol, Step- e~:amining all clay long, every uncouth and form the floor aod to fill in the wickerwork niak, and other political and literary venomous beast, avo'id a paroxysm of horror sides of the house, and some leaves of th< scholars. your table must be strewn with at the sip.ht of the common house spider." cohune palm to thatch the roof with. He photographic vie vs of every place of uote in The writer shares in this dislike to a painTry it once, and you will use no other. then clears off a patch of ground and p'.ants Moscow and St. Petersburg. Myfriendi 8 sick fo l extent; in this case it is inherited from a few ears of corn, and some yams and trying to keep abreast wi"th <>ll this. She his grandfa1°h<'r. The genial author of the .lllctJOLL BROS. & CO'Y, 'l'qronto. cassava rod. '! 'his he calls his plantation. hasn't much mind, and I'm afraid she'll Jo~c "Turkish Spy" s01ys that he would far p:· e. He is then considered an eligibleswain, and t;hc little she has." fer Hwonl in hand to face a lion in his clesert Graduate of the Ontario ·veterlna~Y College, is in a positt-on to choose a partner from lv.ir than have a spider crawl over hi·· , n 1"n fteg'istered member of the Ontario Veterimtry The largest gymnasium in the we rld is the dark. '.l'he cat, as we have prev1·ot1·ly among the dusky 1na1·dens Medical Association. · · said to be that of the Young- Men's Christian ~ '.£his plantation is entirely looked after by Association at Liverpool. Harvard is said mentioned, bas repeatedly been an object of WOfllce and Residence, Newtonville, Ont. h h aversion. 'J;he Duke of 8cbomberg, though W ill visit Orono every Tuesday and!Saturday the woman. She gathers the corn to make 11 Office hom·s from 10 a. m., to 4 p. m., e.t tortillas, and digs the cassava root t o make to ave t e next largest. Ladies as we as a redoubtable soldier, would not sit in the are admitted to the Liverpool gymnas- sa,ne room with ·a cat. A courtier of the Coulters' Hotel, Calls by 'l'elegraph receive her bread. I visited a Carib house and men immediate attention. watched the operation of Cassava breadmak ium, and so enthusiastic are the members E :;mperor Ferdinand carried this dislike so - that they will go out into the slums and in, .. CHARGJ£8 MODERATE. ing. '.!.:hey fit st wash the ~oot, then grate duce the street arabs to come in and be far as to bleed at the nose on hearing a cat it on a board studded with small, s harp taught the use of their muscles. Over 400 mew. A well-known officer of Her particles. o~ ~int to form a rough surface; r agamuffins have been taught in this way in Majesty's army who ha:; proved his strength !'h~n stra:n i~ m ord_ er to ext~act the surpl~s I lJne week Until less than two years auo and cov.ra.ge iu more tlia.n one campaign, Jl!JCe, winch IS_c?nsi~ered poisonous.. '!'!_leir the associ~tion refused to allow boxiug ln turns pale at the sigh<: of a c!lt. On one n~ode o.f strarnmg is e_xtre1:11ely p rimitive. its gymnasium but now it is as freely in- occasion when asked out to d inner, his host, <J;he article us3d as stramer lS a long s;nake- dulged in as a;e other sports. who was ra.ther skepticai. as to the reality of this feeling, concealed a cat in an ottoman , h ke an-augement, made from a species of ! palmet to . grass plaited together, aod look . _. , in the diniIJg-room. Dinner" as announced 1 1 exactly like a huge serpent. It is abouts 'An Amazon Warnor V1s1ts Oonstantrnolh!'.- and commenced, but his guest was e\·idently ! e~ght fo~t long and about three inches _in People j~ist now in Constantinople are ill a.t ease ; and at length cl.eclared his indiai:ieter, and open at one end_. The strain- rnterested ln the presence among them of ability to go on eating, as he was sm·e there . JI er is suspended ou u }1ook fron ~he mfters, , Kara l~atma, the redoubtable fenui.le warrior· was a ca·; in the ro0m. An h par ently the grate~ ca~sava is poured m, then a : of Kurdistan, who ha.s come on a brief thorough, but unavailing , se£ L<ch was l\t hea:vy we1ght1s attac~edtothelower end,,visittothe Turkish capitu.l. Hcrdecdsof made; but his visitor wa~ so · 11 . winch causes the_s~ramer to c~ntract, and pr?wess date back to the beiginoing of the completely upset that the host, with 7 so expresses the .JUIC~·· After it. has beeo Crimean war, when she led a large body of many apolo~ies for his experiment, "let the VETERINARY SURGEON, thoroughly str~med it is bairn~ mto large, Kurdish volunteers, who fought with siugu- cat out of the bag," and out of the ottoman fiat caJi;es, which form the da.ily bread of lar daring for Turkey. at the a:i.me time. Lord Lauderdale, on the the Carib. The Otroman Government remembers her other hand, declared the mewing of a cat These appliance~ for making the cassava services, and requites these by a monthly was to him sweeter than any music, while bread, toge.th~r w~th a couple of stools,_ a p ension of 5,000 piastres, a sum that in her he had the greatest dislike to the lute and We I:ave no:v completed arrangements for a big sale of popular goods table, an?- t~e m evtta ble hammock, comprise own frugal home allows her to live withease. the bagpipe. In this latter aversion,he was the furmshmgs of the house. Shi.: is tall thin with a brown hawklike by no meann'singular. Dogs too have come &t prices wlnch must take the eye of every economical buyer. -:We keep While ~alking through th,t; town we Iface ; her 'cheek~ are the color of parchment in for their share of dislike. De Musset the best qualities, styles, and assortment in j_ happened 111 OU; the school. '.J:here were and seamed with scars. Wearing the cordially detested t'1em. When a candidate about fifty Canb boys, all orderly and 1natioual dress of the sterner sex she looks for the Academy he cal.led upon a prominent clean-looking, taught by a young Spaniard. , like a man of 4o not like a wom~n who will member. At the gate of the chateau a dirty for ladies', gents' and childrens' wear ; also in Trunks and Valises. The text books are all Spanish, th~ history never a.gain see 75. Slungacross her shoulder ugly dog receivE'd him most affectionately, ao? geograph;v of. Honduras _ bcmg ~he i in Cossack fashion is her long sabre, with and insisted · on preceding him into the Come and see our elegant stock-Cash bought it, Jow prices will sell it. prmc1~al studies. \Ve had a d~l1ghtful ride 1 its jewelled hilt ; decorat~ons shine . a nd drawing-room, De Mussetcul'lling his friend's o~ horsebac~ along the beach_and up the . sparkle <.n her breast ; while the stripes predilection for the brute. The Aoadem" ician Our specialty is to please our customers, our aim to save money for onr Rw1 C~ystalhs, where we surprise? a number ·across her sleeve show her to be a Ca.ptain enterecl and they adjourned t o the dining- patrons, our intention to do better for you than anyone else. Goods ' ?f Carib women- who were .wash ing clothes in the Ottoman army. .room, the dog at their heels. Seizing his . !o t~t: stream. _Th.ere they stood knee deep j Watching this interesting fi gure pass opportunity the dog placed his muddy paws cannot be bought cheaper- none are allowed to undersell us. Holl()rary Graduate · of the Ontario eterinai 1 m tile water, rmsmg the clothes and put- along the streets of Stamboul one is remind- upo the spotless cloth and ca;:ried {)ff a Coll~. Toro!lto. Registered membei: or the ting them to dry on the stones. While 1eti of an episode in the cam'paign of Gen bonne-bouclie. "The wretch wants s hoot28. On 1tht:artiho VVeterm.a.J.'Y- Association, in aooordanoe riding up bill and fording the river we gave . Lespina· se in the DobrudJ·a some short ing !"was De '. Mua.et's muttered thou'tht, 'IN e etermury- of the Dom· the h orses _ tiie rems . "d : le prepared to treatAct. all diseases and a IIowed them t 0 ·I1while b efore the allied armies landed in the but hep 0 rt i e1Y s a.i 11111tlc .A.nimals, according·to the la.test theories. choose th<:ir own path, ?'nd to the utter Crimea. While smoking and chatting ooe " Yot1 are fond of dogs, I see ?" .All calls personally, by Telegraph or 'fele consternation of the Carib washerwomen, Ida.yin his t ent with sevt,iral of his brother "Fond of dogs," retorted the Academi1 P h one will r eceive prompt attention walked ri ·r oht 0 ' ·er th e spo tiess · offieel'!! the General heard at far distance · a-OFll'TCEMain St., Orono, one door north'ot the horses · a cian, " I hate them l" w. Henry's 8tore. · · · clothes. . · j strange music, a melody of drums and clari. :'But this animal here," queried De :Mus. _ CHARGES MODERATE, The beautiful. crystal stre~m finds its nets, tomtoms, and piercing human cries. set; " I have only tolerated it becti.nse I . s?urce aw~y up m the mountams, and ~e- j Whence came this weird minst relsy? All thought it was yours, sir.'· - -.MANUFACTURER OF- ;ides lendmg a charm to the surrounding the men in camp turned out to listen to it " Mine !" exclaimed the poet : " the sc~nery,_ fu_rnishes t he to~n of Tru~illo 1 and discern its origin, when from over the thought that it was yours alone kept me with drmkmg water. It is brought mto hills they saw a band of some '.~00 horsemen from killing him!" I the_ town by the Carib women _in jugs, for 1 approaching them at full galdp. At their KING S'fREET, BOWM ANVILL which they charge a half real a JUg, I head rode a brown-faced woman with flu.shHas now on hand a number ol vehicle· (and is manu!acturin ~ a groat many more) o! the n a it is a st~aogesight to witn~ss these Carib iug eyes and lissom limbs ; the ~ery picture . The British Whea.t Crop. patterns and best finish, which I am offering t or sale at the lcw"m prict18 oonsisti;11-t women, with a aha"'.l, sometunes of wool, · of an Amazou. Vaulting from her sgddle, , · . . . . with due regard to workmanship and quality. The f ·llowing fa a list ot but genernlly o_f silk, thro,~u mantilla she gmvely saluted Gen. L espinasse, aud The w!1eat crop ot Great Bnta1n xs this t he principal vehicles manatactured by me , fasluon, over thei~ heads and their shoulders, '.through an interpreter told him that she year a fu.1r average. one, The dry weather D ouble Covered Ca.rriages ... . . ....... . .. . ... . ................ ... .......... ... $150 Upvrnr<l, ; arms, and feet, without any c;>vering save · had come to fight the H.ussians, both she throughout _the sprmg was unfovorabl~\ but Singl e Phretons .................................. . , ·· .. ... . ·· . · ·· ··· .. . .... . . . ·· 100 " >. what Dame N ature provided. · and her l> raH Kurds being complet ely at the cr~p ripen~~ under good cond1!1ons. · h is service. Accor~rng to Sir J_ohn Law, who 1s _an Open Buggy......... , .............................. . ...... . .... ....... . . , . ··· . · 70 11 'l'hat night her men were quartered in author ty on the sub,iect, the average yield Top Buggy... ... . ............... ... . ............. . .............. ..... . ....... .... . 90 " In the Himala.yaii Uount . c11<mp . with the French troops ; but they ha.s. be.en about 28,, b~shels to t?e acr~, Democrat Wagon................................................................ 65 " WI LL CURE OR RELIEV E . . ry were ill pleased to be 00 billeted. The w_Juch is rather lower than last years. This Lumber Wagons .... . .. .... .... ... . ..... ........................ _................ J ~ BILIO The cl~mate would be cor;rsidered good wanted their inde endence and not eve~ gives a ho~e gro~n ~rop of m'ar~y 64,000,000 f;ight Wagon ..... . ...... . ...... .............. ...... . .. .... ....... ....... . . .. _.... 4 11 USNESS, DIZZINESS, and bra.cmg for a~y country If!- the worl?; their mistt-ess andpleader ~bould barter it bushels. h ut this is po~ a t_h ird of. what Express W agon ... ... ... . .. .. . ....... . ... ..... . .... . .. . .... . ...... ... ............ 75 u DYSPEPSIA1, DROPSY, a~d the forest officers aB qmte. app;ecia- awa. for them. B da break the were the people of Great ~ritam will requi_re for Skeleton ...·.··.·.......·... .·.... , ... .... ... .......... , ...... , ..... ....... ....... , 60 11 INDIGESTION1 FLUITERING tive of the gr~at advantage t~at m this. re- 1in t?eir saddles r idiJ ok across the ~ills t o be year. Calculating the consumption at Sulky...... ....... .. ... .... .. . . ... ............................ . . . .. .............. ... 40 " .JAUN D ICE, OF THE HEART spect they enJoy ; and the_y chng t o the btlls, J meet the dawn to th~ ~ounds of that weird 5.?5 per head, 21~, 359,520 bushels of _when:t ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF ' although, as compared_ with son:e o~her ~e- I strident music 'which ha<l proclaimed thei~ will be needed ~his ye:i-r to feed the mhabi- Possel!IBlng auperlor facilities tor ~anuracturing ce.rr!&·l!'llB, I intend to sell very cheap for o.o. SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH1 partments, the forester 1s not wel paid, while ! approach tants of the Umted K mgdom. 'l'her e must, or approved credit, and by so domg I hop·e to greatly increase my number ot sales. Wonltl sell the wood pe.:rts only, or the gearings or buggies il'oned. HEARTBURN , DRYNESS the life is often one of complete isolation. t herefore, be an importation of 147,359,520 HEADACH E, O F THE SKIN, The forest officials have rather a difficult bushels. The proportion of home grown A.rid eTre-y s e f .. d" . . course to steer in t heir dealings in t he way A St " . E . h ·Ch h wheat to the whole consumption has been di'so:rd'frecdesL°fvE1JeaJ/jn8Ji1:~J of duty with the native comumnities of the range ..,cene lll an ng1JS urc · rapidly decreasing of late years. From 1852 At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired, STOMA CB, BOWE£S OR BLOOD. ' hillside and the glen. Th e villages are leIn All Saints' Church, 'Voodford Wells, Ea- to 1860, Sir J ohn Law says, three-fourths of j Proprietors. gion; they are scatt ered about everywhere, I sex, on a recent Sunday morning, an extra- the amount of wheat consumed in the couu - lJ.t the li"actory I also do Planing, Matching, Tnrnlng a nd Sawing with Clrele,B&nd " So~ sa.wB, and prepare all kinds of lumber for carpenters nd others for building purposes, · '· !rOBON!rO. and they have , the writer infers, many ordinary scene occmrred. It was the occa- try was home grown. From 1878 to 1886 Ornamente.land Plain Pickets !or tenoos in every style required, made to order. · claims, coming down probably from unknown I sion of the u sual harvest festival, and the the home crop has been little more than antiquity, which are apt to clash with the building was crowded. one-third of the home consu111ption. Fort/ii great .1laim of imperial lordship. But the As soon as the service commenced an cld- eign competition has made wheat r aising ' t'Y depactment appear s to be very wisely guid. erly man of gentlemanly appearance jumped I unprofit:i.ble in Great Britain ; tut still, in ed, a nd the officials are trained men, not Iup from his seat excitedly, and, pointing to spite of all disadvantage~, a great dea.l of j '.arely of ~igh scientific attainment; learned 1 a la.dy who was entering, exclaimed, "Oh, 1 wheat is raised in the country. The E ng in al! n ative languages and in social position what a bonnet!" H e continued muttering to 1 liah farmer has come to look for his profit, To buy Foot Gee.r for Men, Women, equal, of course, t o any. J olly lit tle cribs himself, and occasionally starting to bis feet not from t he wheat, but from the straw. Boys and ~aidens, at some of the forest huts are, and in much during the prayers, as well as beating time The wheat, even in favorable years, barely very un-Indianlike; but covered with t rellis wit~ his hands to the music. The church- r epays the cost of raising it, but the farmer work and creepers, half hut, half buncalow, wardens and others endeavored to pacify has the str:;.w to the good. This being a 'TH ::B~ they carry one away from things Indian, es- him; but when they approached him he b11lky commodity in proportion to its value pecially when the sun is sinking low behind placed himself in a threatening attitude, the it does not p11.y to import it; so foreign comPurify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the t~e gre~t mountain walls, and the air is get- consequence being that no one was able to petition does not affect straw as it does trng chilly, chilly. Very pleasant, then, to lay hold of the disturber and eject him. Mean- wheat. The area of land under wheat, I ..IVER, S'l'OllIACD, Ii:.I DNEVS A.ND BOWELS. tu_rn insid e, where the little room is ruddy while many of the wo shippers left the however, goes on decreasing and the British with the light of t he roaring fire. On the church in a state of alarm. farmer has not yet foun d anything to coir- They invigorate and restor e to health Debilitated Constitutions, and sward near the house you may see, too, Eng' VI)en the firs t hymn was given out by the pensate him for the greatly lessened value a re invalua ble in all C omplatnts incidental to Females of all Ages, Fo1 fond daisies ;buttiheydonotcomenaturally; vicar the man again jumped up suddenly, of hfo wheat crop. A great deal of advice Children and the nged they are priceless. for if they C!lxist they are due to the horticul- left his pew, and n.dvanced toward the vicar, has been offered him and he has tried man.y t1_1ral tastes of the officer of t he circle. The every one expecting somethin~ serious to experiments, but nothing has yet been disv1llages are low in the interlying valleys, happen. The man, however, w ent up to a 1 cover ed as a paying substitute for wheat. but sometimes on the slopes of the hill. lady, put his arms round her and embraced I Some have suggested a return to agricultur- Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Soru Some look like a collection of Swiss cot- h er, to her great const ernation. H e then I al protection, but that the British taxand Ulcers. It ls fa.man& for Gont and Rheumatism. For diaorders of thetages, t wo-storied a.nd roofed with slate, turned and walked out of the church,and no payer will not listen to for a mvment. The - Chest it has n o equal.~nd Swiss or not, certainly unlike anything one followed him. He is a stranger to the idea of a bread tax is most repugnant to For Sore Tln·oats, Dronchiti!!I, Coughs, Col ds, Our N e w Stock has arrived, and oom - m the lower regions, "the plains." from locality, and the supposition is that he is an him ; and t his is not s ur19rising, as he must -pri11~s something neat ~nd pretty for which we have just ascended. escaped lunatic, of necessity d ep end so largely on colonists Glll.ndula.r Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no r' ·~; and fo1 Ladies, Good and Serviceable for Men - · - 1!1111 and foreigners for his supply of the staff of contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm · life. .and Boys, and Boots that R Boots for every m ember of the hou11ehold. An Unea.rned Reputation Heartless Biddy. Manufaotured only at '.l'HOMA.S HOLLOW.A.Y's Establishment, First Toronto Drirmmer- "Do you know · Biddy Mcl<'Jynn to the doctor did go, An Bnglish lock maker claims to have To get fo1· her ailments a. cur., Breezy who travels for Loudmouth & Co ?" The perfected a ?oor, to be used in public ~uild78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 633, OXFORD STREET), LONDON ~ doctor said, " Why Biddy my dear "'.l'B~YS, YA:USES, .t SA'l'<Jlll{f,S, IN STOCK. Second Toronto Drnmmer- "Yes." You've the heart disease l'm sure." ~ng~, t hat will ~essen the chances ot accident And are sold at la. 1l.d. 2e. 9d. 4s. 6d. lls. 22s. and 338 h B Pot .. .. " I've heard it said that he is the biggest m times of pamc or real danger. It can be ~ ' ' ' ' ' ox 01' 1 a .. ... · eac j/t&rOrdered Work !Wd Repairing a "How kin I? How kh1 I?" cried Biddy McFlynn liar on the road." opened from t he outside only by a key, but may be had from. all M edicine Vendors throughout the World, ~pecialty, as usual. " Sure I've no heart at all, "That's all nonsense. He ain't as big a a slight pressure from within causes it to ·J?ureii.asen hould look at the Label on the Pots and Box e11. I f the r dtlro I · guv' i t away a fortnight ag o, D. DAVIS; liar as I 11111, if I do ~ay it myself." swing open outward. h n 633. Oxford Street, J.ondon, t.he:y a r e nmrlona. To Paddy at i<'fannigan's b~ll.'" COX& CO., TORONTO STOCK EXCHANG·E 0 I c I -I I I a THR,ESHERS .AND LA 0 T I-1 E B E S 'T T N T ILI~ -U-S E - - I I J: N M .A C H I N E 0 I l. :BJ M A B K E T. F AM ILY S AF ETY & S UN LIGHT C OA:L Q IL The Prices tell, . ! the Quality sells. I· JOH SPENCER I BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS l M . T R ELEVE N. HAI N ES' CARRIAGE -WORKS GEORGE C. HAIN ES, Proprietor, OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGONS, &O.J I I I l " .A.o.m MILBURN &CO I I · Al 1 Kinds of Vel1icles Repaired · · it .Pa 11 I 1 1 HEALTH FOR ALLT · »Aris' EMPORIUM! P I LLS Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe THE OINTMEN·T ; l I