.. ·· "'~ DISTRICT NOTES. CLARKE NOTES. A SENSATION. Bush, Bush, Rusli. Every day a rush at Jno.J.Mason's DRY GOODS AND JEWELRY HOUSE, . While others complain 0{ dull business, we can scarcely serve all our customers, and almost every afternoon people have to go out not waited. on. We urge our friends tlf come as early in the day as P,98Sible, as it is impossible for us t'o give you the attention in the afternoon we wish to ; but, if Jou eim't come in th e forenoon, come when it suits you and we the best we can. will do Come ! Come ! Come I Tlie only way we can account for tliis state of things is that the pj.lblic are becoming convinced that pays to buy good goods. We gh-a the quality our first consider- i'lf: ertion. "A poor article ia dear at .any price." If you wam to buy h'asl1, shoddy, &c., there are places itl'. town where you can buy ::mch stuff, but you can't get it at our store. And then as to our prices, we want you to distinctly underatand that we sell CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, and can afford to do so: through reducing expenses by litvirrg the combined Dry Goods and Jewelry business. A few of our specialties are : H eavy Dress Goods 10 cts., worth 1~~.; Heavy Fine all-wool Flannel, 2Vc., worth 25c.; Heavy Table Lin.en, pure flax, 20c., worth 25c.; Heavy Quilted Underskirt, $1.00, WOl'th $1.25 ; All-wool White Blac.kets, best value in town ; 8 Good White Pocket H'dk'fS for 2fi d:s.; a Good Heavy Tie-down for 85e.; Kid Gloves from lOc. upwards. Knitted Wool Goods of every deacd'Ption. ·. Another lot of that extra special "Value in Sealette and Mantle Cloths to hand. We make a specialty of Mourning Goods. Tlie finest choice of :first-class Dress Uoods to be procured in. the mar.l!et. Carpets in Wool, Union, Tapestry, and Hemp _ M cheap as t11e cheap,est. TAILOHI NC &· CLOTH INC DEPARTMENT. In Ordered Clothing we take the ca:ke. The best tailors in town do ou1· work. :No misfits, every garm ent guaranteed. Overcoats « for $3, <l others !'!"ell for $5 " (j 4, fi, " " " " "' 7 and up to 12, " 15 Large stock of Readymade Suits at very Low Prices. J.J. MASON General Dry Goods & Jewelry House. Mr. George Scott, of Toronto, recently OPL'ilOOs 01" A FASHIONABLE WOMAN OF visited his Orono friends. THE WORLD . It is danlleroua fnn carrying 11vercoat1 away from Orono store doora. "Do you expect to win in your dress teFor the preservation of health than having your feet kept form movement, " was asked of Mrs. An· Mrs. T . C. Bell, and daughter of Chat· nie Jeness-Miller, 19 E . 14t h St. , New dry and warm. ham, are visiting Clarke friendB. York, editor of Dre$s. ' ; , Rev. Dr . Pot.ts, of Toronto, will 1peak "I hope tol" m the Methodist chnrch, Orono, NoT. "Why do you object to the pre11ent 24th. style?" :t: Miss Louiea Ann 'Vinter, a nice young "It is ungraceful, deforming llnu injurMr. John McCausland, of Port Hopo woman of Orono, died last week in her. 1 ioua. " being aware of the fact, bas laid in a. first-class stock of own11 a fifteen month old heife1· which 20th year. "Do ladie1 generally aupp:>rt the re· weighs 750 pounds. Mrs. R.Richards anddauRhter,Courtice, form?" . James H. Gilmour. of T.Gilmour & Co., wer~ on a visit to Orono last week at Mr. "Yee, very generally. My corresponWholesale Grocers, Drockville, says-I R. Hockin's dence is very heavy. Next to Mrs Cleve· have used Tamarac Elixir for a severe cold Thanksgiv.ing Services will be held in lan~'s mine ie so.id ~o. be the largest daily and cough, which it immediately relieved the Meth d" t Ch h 0 Th mail of any woman am the Umted States, In large q uantities and g reater va1-iety than over before-All wall and cured. t day at ~ ~8a. m.urc ' rono, on ure- !'nd from not only every state in the Un- bought on best cash terms, saving large discounts to benefit prompt 10 3 ion but from almoet every country of EurDuring October last there were 285 paying customers. 1\faster _ Willie M_cPherson, Orono, has ope." · dis11stere on our lakes, ci\usiog the loss of been con.fine~ ~o hie bed for a couple of " II! the magazine, DreM, eucceedingi" 132 lives and $1,086,207 of property. Good assortment of all kinds of Seas onable Leather Gooda. weeks with biltou11 fever. ,, Very hanaomely, indeed. Dress, ha· I 1. N. Marshall, Barrister, Brockville, Grand d isplay of The meeting of the Court of Revision been published less than a year, and 1 am l Ont., states:-! was so troubled with cold in the hend that I could not speak plainly. which wa~ to have been held in New- gratified with reports from all over the One applicatson of :Naeal Balrn gave im· castle on the 17th, i11 adjournod to t he world of the acceptance by ladies in the very highest rank, of the ieform which J mediate relief, and thoroughly cleaned 23rd inst. Mr. Geo. K. McDowell is going to Dress advocate~." out my head. ::: leave Kirby school at the end of the year, Mr11. Miller is a. comely woman in ap- Call and examine stock. We are going to sell on small profits fearing Mr. Matthew Wainman, of Thorah, and every body is very sorry, Especially pearance, and is very enthusiastic in htir no honest competition. 11old in Orillia a load of onions, the· pro· the young people. dree11reform11gitation. .As the New York duct of less than a quarter of an acra, for Mr. Thomas Dancaster and wife, of Graphi.c says : "She herself ie young and All g oods warrented a s reprernnted. We are fully prepared to can-v $55. Port Pury, and M:r. Charles Dancll!ter, attractive, with a figure 11armoniously de.r A SrnNIFICANT ]'At:'l'.- The worn out, of Bowman ville, spent Sunday Nov. th, veloped es t o suggest strength, power and out ALL we advertise. 6 waste and poisonous matter in the system beauty." should escape through th e eecret10ns of at their fath er'e, Orono. The reform which 11ho is orging with so Quite a large company of young people much eloquence and gcaoe 1Seem11 to be the 1he bowels, kidneys and skin, or serious disease.results. B. B. B. opens these na· aBBembled by mvitation, at the home of coming one. Mrs. J eness-Miller has the KING ST., Il0Wl\1ANVILLE. Mr. Frank 'l'hornton, Kirby, on Friday advanta11;e of high social position, being tural outlets to remove disease. Nov. 4th and spent a vary pleasant time. of the same family with the late Wendell In the county of N orthu111berland there Clarke council met Nov. I. All mem- Phillips, and the i:ioet, Oliver Wendell is a school population of 9,073, and the average attendance during the year was hers present. $100 was granted for re. Holmes. pairs on drill shed. A large number -0f "It is in the fashionable world,of courae, 40 per cent. VALUABLE To KNow.-Conaumption accounts were passed which was the only where all the styles 11re determined, and --AND THE- where the change m ·u st begin..," she says . may be more easily prevented than cured, business of importance done. Among the lost on the propeller Ver"How do you endure so much work The irritating and harssaiog cough will be greatly relieved by the use of Hagyard's non, which foundered on L3ke Michigan and keep so well1 " "I dress myself according to my own Pectoral Ba!aam that cures coughs, colds, on Saturday, was Mr. Edward B. Borland, of Milwaukee, but formerly of ideas, and furt hermor e, I give myself the bronchitis and all pulmonary troubles. Burglars entered Mr. John Woodruff'e Orono, and a gentleman well-known in best of care and treatment. Six years ago, house on th e third con. , Pickering, one t.110 Port Hope and Peterboro districts. l was nearly exhausted from my work of He leaves a wife and the children who lecturing, writing, etc. " ni~ht la&t week and stole $30 out uf his are at present in Milwaukee. "Indeed, you do not look like it now '." pants pockets. ' "No~ I am not now. I am now a On Saturday lest, 5th of November, a PREVAILING S1cKNKss·- The most pre- grand Orang;e Soiree was liekl under the perfectly well woman and intend to remain the vailiug complaints at this season are auspices of L. O.L. No. 915, in the Orange so. You see I understand the laws of life rheumatism,neuralgia,eore throat, inllam- Hall, Kendall, oelebreting t]l() 282nd An- t oo well to be, or re m dn ill, but strange mations and congestions. For all these niveisary of the frustrlltion of Guy aa it may ~eem for one to say who is opposand other painful troubles Hagyard's Fawkes' nefarious plot to blow up the ed to medicine~ on general principles, if Yellow Oil is the beat internal and exter- Jkitish House of Commons. The cele· I find myself tired or feeling ill I fiy to nal remedy. the one single remedy which I do endorse, bration was a complete succeBB. and that is Warner's safe cure, which gives The Markham papers s~ate that that Our new Fan Stock looks like a Daisy in the Spring:.. The Salvation Army intend having a new energy and vitality to all my powers . village it likely to lose the $5,000 bonus it gave to the Clarry Woolen Mills, which rousing time m Orono on Tuesday the It is indeed what I sometimes call my Our Prices are tame and are warranted not to sr.are ?r jar a short time ego moved there from Col- 221111 inst.; an oyster supper and banquet 'stand by.' I have many opportunities to will be gi,·en, there will also be present recommend it., and embrace . them gladly, umbus. And our whole establishment i .s Morris accomprmied by his because I know that it is thoroughly re. the most de~icate nerves. Staff-Capt. FoR FROST B1rns. - Tliere is n0 better little boy trumpeters also the " Scotch liable, and for women especially effective. remtdy for frost bi·es, chilblains and simentered into a conspiracy to make the People happy and ilar troubles, than Hagyard's Yellow Oil. Warrior," " Converted Actor," " Saved Indeed [ often find myself recommending Bar· tender" and a host of others. it to my friends 88 warmly as I do my It also cures rheumatism, lumbago, sore comfortable, without impoverishing the pocket book. The two experts from Oil Spring did maizrrniue, or indeed my improved gar· throat, deafness, and lameness and pain generally. Yellow Oil is rnied internally not give the most favorable report as to ments, 11.nd this I would not do did l not 'When you are up street drop in and see us, while the surface symptoma for oil, but they penonally know of its virtues!" arui externally. Mrs, Miller insists that all women can show you our handsome stock. The two incendiaries who caused the believe there is oil and from the present burning down of the Salvation Army outlook a test well will be put down in and must be beautiful, and will be so if Barracks in Kingston, lately, have been the near future for the satisfaction of they follow her atyle of dress self treatThe West End House is in the same old place. sentenced one to pene.l 11ervitude for life, knowing for a certainty what the bowels ment. " Will you not state, briefly, in just and the other to twenty-five yrnrs' im· of earth in Orono vicinity contains. what your reform coneistar' prisonment. CARTWRIGHT. "Oh, with pleasure! I propose a 1er· TEN YEARs' O:i;· '.l'oRTUltE.- Mrs. Thos. ] 'armers have nearly finished plowing. sey fitt.ing garment to be worn next to the Acres, of Huntly, Ont , was for ten y ears Mr . Swain's fi111:1 new house is n early body, making of woman a vision of lovea snfl'erer frnm liver complaint wllicll docliness! tor's medicme did not relieve. Af·er completed. II. "Over this I put a cotton or linen Mr. John Madow has returned from using four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters she was entirely cured, and stn.tea Dakota, bringing his sister, Mrs. Hooey garment, of one piece, without bands or and family, with bim. John came home binding covering the en tire body also. thiit ehe is like a new woman again. H avjng thoroughly refitted and added a lot of n ew Machinery to the very ill and has been confined to his bed I ii. "In place of the pett1coa.te, I proBucknell the Cobourg youni;! man e.c· since. above Mills, I am prepared to fuinish pose one complete body covering garment cused of incendiarism in connoction with Mr. .Alfred Wood has sold his house, called ' leglettes. ' the burning of Spence & Xulhmann's planing milt last month, was discharged lot i.nd blacksmith shop, with the stock IV. "We abandon the corset entirely a.t the county assizes, there being not suf- And t ools, to Mr. Geo. Suggitt, late of as totally unfit for use, in iLs common Little Britain, and as George comes ficient evidence for a conviction. form, and we substitute therefor a supple highly recommended we bespeak for him UNIVEUS.!L Al'PROllATION .- The medi- a liberal she.re of patronage. Mr. Wood supportin~ waist, and then we make ·the Oatmeal~ o»tside gown as beautiful as artistic skill cal profession, the cler2y, the press and remains for a short time in tbe village. and common sense can dea·gn. " the public alike acknowledge the virtues Dr. ] 'ish has leased part of the house Mrs. Miller s word8 of counsel, which of Burdoch Blood Bitters, as an unequal- vacated by Mr. J effrey, for an office, and every woman should l1eed, will undoubtled remedy for chronic dieeases of the Dr. McAllister, V. S., has the old shoe edly give to the women of America some stomach. liver, bowels, kidneys and blood. in the same house, for an office. new ideas upon a subject so very near to Its popularity increases with its years of shop Mrs. Wood is living in tho rest of the each of them. trial. honse. Miss Ellen Pow era was found dead i n On Friday evening, Nov. 4th, a large her room at the Little Windsor Ho re] one company gathered at the Town Hall to AUCTION SALES. · morning last week. She had undressed tender Mr. W. Bruce a complimentary preparatory to going to bed, and had gone supper. Rev. Mr. HaBBe.rd, in behalf of to her trunk. It is supposed t hat while the Methodist congregation, presented FRIDAY, Nov. 25th.- Mr. Thoe. Wilbur, &c., always hand, bend'ng over jn search for something ahe Mr. Brnce with a well-worded address of lot 34, con. 7, Darlington, will sell was seized by a fainting fit. Her throat and a handsome Family Bible. Miss by auctiE>n 10 or more acres of first-class striking against the edge of the trunk, Effie Bruce, who has been a member of hard wood timber, all of the very best prevented respiration and strangled her. the ohuroh choir for a number of years, quality. Sale at 2 o'clock. S. C. No inquest was held. B uNKlNG, auctioneer, was also presented with a beautiful toilet Orders filled and delivered to all parts of the- town. Pr~ces set. A feeling reply was made by Mr. AuanoN SALB3.S.O. Hunking, C"urt· · Rev. H. H . Fairall. D. D., editor of Bruce, who was taken very much by surreasonable. Telep!:one communicatiO'" n. the Iowa Methodist, says editorially, in prise, on behalf of himself and daughter. tice, Ontario, Licensed Auctioneer, for the N ovemt«er {1883) n11mber of hiB paper; Speeches were made by Revs Sanderson, Darlington and Whitby, Bowmanville 43. "We have tested the merits of Ely's Cream of Tyrone, Has.'\ard and several local and Oshawa, Appraiser, &c. .All business attended to promptly. Orders may be Balm, and believe that by a thorou gh gentlemen, Much regret is expressed cour11e of treatment, it will cure almost .over the departure of Mr. Bruce and left at the STATBSMA....,. office, Bowmanville, or Reformer office, Oeh11owa. every dose of catarrh. Ministers, as a family from the township. class, are afflicted wir.11 head and throat It. Hutchison, Licensed Auctioneer fur PLOW BoY . troubles and Catarrh seems more prevathe Townships of Darlington, Whitby, lent than ever. We cannot recommend Bowmanville Silver Plating W orks, Clarke, Manvers and Cartwright. Sales Ely's Cream Balm too highly. H King-st. east . Plating in gold, silver attended to promptly and at reasonable The Rev. J, W. R. Beck, rect-Or of and nickel on all kinda of metals. Car- rates, Where it ia not convenient to eee Peterboro, F. H . Wallace, pll.!!tor of the riage and harne11s plating at reasonable me, arrangements ca.n be me.de with the George-atreet Methodist Church, and the rates. Knives, forks, epoon.s, cruets, tea Editorof theSu.TES)£A:.'f.- R . Hu-.rcHJSON, Rev. A. Bell, of St. Andrew's, waited on sets, etc., re-plated in silver, and made Enniekillen. the Peterboro Board of Education . as a better than new. Special rates t-0 hotels N.B.-Our ad vertieing rate for auction deputation from the Minieterilll associa- and boarding hOuaes. Opposite the Sal· tion of the town, to ask the Board to in- vation Army .Barracks. R. H. HENRY. sales, when we do not print the salti hills, is 25 cents a line, ea.ch insertion. ltrod uce the Bible and the international F. N . HA:'d:, Manager. 'aeries of Sunday lessons into the Collegi· ate Institute and Public Schools. They did not objed the present Scripture lesaons, but demanded that the Bible be -AT THE-placed in the schools. Their request was complied with. IN BRIEF, AND 1'0 THE PornT.- DysTwenty-five cents extra will · be charged when accounts run pepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver is CHEAP FOR CASH. misery. Indigestion is a foe to good My stock of COOKING RANGES consists of the over one month. JJature. The human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated and wonwith the new Duplex Grate ; derfal things in exiRtence. It is easily put out of order. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bad cookery, ment~l For PARLOR STOVES, I have a large stock, with a nd without ovens, worry, late worry, irregular habits, and consisting of many other things which ought n ot to be, have made the American people a nation of dyspeptics. But Green's August Flower bas done a · wonderful work in Also a full line of Cooking Stoves of the latest p a tterns, and for size, reforming this sad business and making weight and finish , are unequalled. I a l so take orders for the NOVELT Y the American people so liealthy that they STEEL PLATE HoT Arn F URNACE, it is a powerful heater and very ,.. · ..-------------~==~===.,,.,,,,,.==--=......,--can enj0y their meals and b e happy. reasonable in price. Granite u.nd Iron Wares constantly on hand. N'l 'ENDING ADl'llUTISEltL should ad· W ANTED. -LAD1ES for_ our fall aml R emember :--No happiness without Christ mas trade, to take light, pleasant health. But Green's August Flower Eave Troughing, Roofin g and Job W o rk done on shortest notice, and da·css GllO. P . UO\VJ1I.L & CO., work .at their own homes. $1 to $3 p er day oaa IO Spruce Street, New Yori' Clly, be QUietly made. W ork sent b y mail any d ia. bringa health and happiness to the dysp rices, con sidering m aterial , a s low as the lowest. l'or SV':LECT J.IST 01" J ouo .NEWSP\PERS t n Eco. No canvassing, Address a t once peptic. Ask your druggist for a bottle. 0aR . ,. ' ' ' '. ' ' ' ·· 1Ma SCEN'l' AR'r co., H7 Milk St, Boston. BONATl-n~AN·, Newcastle. \l 1U I.le sen t num on 11p11lfcaUo u. es, 'J3ox.51TO Seventy-five cents . 27 3·6 .tf The steamer Norseman mt1de her last trip for the season on Thursday lasL. The new Salvation Armv barracks at Montreal cost $25,000, $10;ooo of which has already been raised. Wheezing, gasping11uJferers from Asth· ma receive quick and permanent relief by usin~ Sou\hern Asthma Cure. Sold by druggi~ts or by mail on receipt of price. NOTHING BETTER HELLYAR. FELT BOOTS,SHOES&OVERSHOES Bags and ~I ITrUllkS Valises~ JOHN HELLYAR, The VOLU:NTEER Leads the THISTLE, WEST END HOUSE Leads the Country In all that is New, Beautiful and Clean in Dry Goods Line. CALEDONIAN MllLS. Rolled Oats, Roller and st·o ne Flour, Split Peas, &c. Farmers' Gristing a specialty. Pearl and Pot Barley, Bran, Shorts, Barley Feed, Corn, o~~ Highest price paid for Grain of all kinds. JOHN MacKAY. M~DOUGALL & METCALF, B 0 V\T:M..A..N""'TI LL E , are ottering Coal as follows : to Grate and Egg, .............................. 6.00 . STOVE AND TIN DEPOT, NEWCASTLE, STOVES, STOVES J Stove and Chestnut, .................. $6.25 Jewel Range, also Grand Duchess, Grand Universal and Diamond Range. Art Garlands, Universals and Art Sultanas. LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. McDOUGALL &. METCALF I · I W, T- Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria~