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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Nov 1887, p. 1

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t T lC R. MS :-SI. 50 Pu Atnt'UM. NEW SERIES, N UMBEB OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M.A. JAMES, E DITOR AND P ROl'RIETOR, VOLUME 1<86. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1887. ONEY ·ro LOAN lN AMOUNTS M suit borrowerq, on good farm Recurlty Apply to A. J AMES, S1'ATES)1AN Office. ! G> M. XXXIII. N UMBEB ·i7. OPE N ED OUT LAST WEEK --AT-- COUCH, JOHNSTON B & CRYDERMAN'S, I --OF-- ' _ THREE BALES I R e v, J . Whit.Jock, occupied the pulpit 43tf at Ebenezer on S unday last. Mr. Sam uel Courtice h as b een engaged FRANK I H . FIELD, B. A. in S. S. N o. 4, to succeed Mr. -w. :JS. (LATE HOSSACK & Ji'IELD, 'l'illi>y who purposes a ttending tb e N orr,oal ARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, &c . School, COBOURG. A successful social was h eld at the parOfHoe,- Armonr Block, Iring Street . 22, FRANIC M . FIELD· eona~e on Friday e ven ing the 18th inst. An interPsting program was r ender ed and Sl·c T1·ied in vai11 to Get an enj oyable t ime spent. Proceeds Relict· aud h~ul quite Given up all Do. 1·e. Ci~mpbellfor<l,June 9,18871 8 RUSSE~ (AND_J APES]E M R. E . M ORRIS, 'l'oronto, D EAR Srn ;-I feel it my du ty to givo you my t estnnony for the good I h ad from your D andelion Liver and K idney Bitters. My liver was in a bad state and I wad a great sufferer . I had tried in vain t o get relief and had quite given up 11ll hnpe, till a friend told me of your Bitters. I got a bottle at on ce and I am happy to s11oy the Bitters made a new wo man of m e. I ca n h eartily recommend them to any one troubled with liver complaint. Yours truly · CAR lUE S TEPIIENH. ISSS. CARPETS~ HAR P ER'S Y OUNG PEOPLE AN ILLU STRATED WEEKLY. HARPER'S y QUNG P E OPLE interests a.II YOUU!? readers by it~ oarorully ePlectod variety of themes a11d 1helr well-conside1·ed treatment. It contains the beet s11rial and ehort stories, valuable articleR on scien ·ific subjects and tra. vel, historical and biogrn.pbical sketches. papers on athletic spor ts and games, stirrmg poems, etc., contributed by the brightest a.nd most fo.mou~ writers. Its illnetra.tions numerous 11ond ex,,ellent. Occasional 8upplem enta of especial Interest to Pal'enta e.nd Teachers will be 11. fee.tare of the fortbcominll volume,which \Till comprise fifty-three weekly nnn·bers. Every line in the po.per is subjected ·d ltorlal scrutiny in order to the moat rigid · that nothing be.rmful may enter its columns. An epitome or everything that· is attracti ve and desirable in j uv enile literaturo,-1Joston A w~ekly feast ot good things to the boys and llirla in every family which it visite.- Direct from John Crossley & Sons, Halifax, Englaad. For Elegant Designs, Permanent Colors and Durability, Crossley's Carpets are unequalled. Housekeepers requiring Carpets are requested to examine our Stock before buying. No better value a nywhere. Cotir fe r. Brooklyn Union. N . Y. It is wonderful in Ite wealth or pleturee, In· formation e.nd intereat. - Ohr i8tian A dvocate. TERUS: l'ostn11e Pre11nld, $2.00 l'e r "l'enr Vol . I X: beuins No'/}ernber 1, 1887.I Cotich, Johnston &Crydorman One Door West of Post Office. Bowmanville. Specimen Copy sent on receipt of n. twocent stamp, SJNQLE: N UMHEilS, F ive Cents each. Remittances shonld be made by Post-Office Money Ord, r or Dra.rt, to avoid chanc· or loss. Neu·.~apers at·e not to cop11 this ndvertise11icn t withu1lt the expre8i; on!el' of liAin·1u~ & B1WTTIJ£H S. Address H A RPEH & BHO'f HEHS, New York. - ..A. T - L A the popular Dry Goods House ING- SI , I THE INDEPEl'}DENT. THE LARGE!isi', 'rr{E ABLEST, 'l'HE llEST R eligious d': L i terary W eekly in the Wo rld. " One of t he ablest weekhe&in existance. "Pall M all Gazette, Lo11don, England. " The most influential religious Ori?an in thti States."--1'he Spectator. London. England. " Clearly st ands in the fore front llBa weekly reli)(ious ma.)(azine,- S1mpa11 School Ti1ncs, Philadelphia, P a. Prominent features of the IND E PENDENT during tho coming year will be oromised RELIGIOUS AND THEOLOGICAL ARTICLES, IlY Btehop Huntington. Bishop Coxe, Dr. The· odore L. Cuyler, Dr Howard Oi!good, Dr. Hownrd Crosby, Dr. W . R." Huntington, Dr James Freeman Ularkll, Dr. Geo . F. Pentt"Coet, and others ; SOCIAL & POLITICAL ARTICLRS, BY l'rof. W. G . Sumuer, Prof. R ichard T. l~ly, P res . John Bascom, Prof. ArthurT. Hadley, and others ; MONTHLY LITERARY Al~TICLES, UY Will be found some of the best bargains of the season. In Flannels and Blankets, In Hosiery and Gloves, In Jerseys and Clouds, In Hats and Caps, In Sox and Mitts, and Tweeds and Clothing with al,l the ordinary articles necessary to 'the conducting of a first class business. We have been very fortunate in obtain· iµg a large shipment of Dry Goods which we can afford to sell at the original cost and intend to .make things lively for some time to come. Without boasting I think we have been doing our share of the business of the Town and feel pleased to think our customers are generally well suited. In r egard to prices we are prepared to give the best value consistant with the quality of the goods and compete honestly with a legitimat e business. spools we scorn with cont empt and pity with commissiration t hose who are blindly duped for we ail k now t hey pa y full value, gen erally b efore they leave t he said stores for the seeming go9d value they r eceived. 111:ost anglers through a 1 small fish cat ch a larger one. Don't be foolish any more. Go t o stores and do your trading confidently with those you can r eally trust and at the end of the yea1· you will be richer wiser and happier. Respectfully yours, Thomas Wentworth Hig~enson and other critical and literary articles by Maurice 'l'horupRon, Charles Dudley Warner, James Pa.yn, Andrew Lani;r, Edmund Goeae, R. H. St oddard, Mrs. S chuyler, V11n Reuae~laer, Loui·e Imogen Guiney, 1 -I. H. Boyesen, and others. POE MS AND STORIES. BY li. C. Stedm9n, Elizabeth Stuart P helps, Edward E verett Hale. H11rritot P rescott Spopford. Jul~a Schayer, Rose Terry Cooke, Edith M. 'l'h.-,mru<, Andrew Lang, .Yoh11 Eoyle O'Reilly ancl others; ancl A S HOR1' SERIAL STOR Y , BYE. P. ROE. T E RMS · ro :SU BSCR IBERS: T hree months . . .. S0.75 1 One year .... $3.00 Four months . . . . . 1.00 Two years ...· 5.00 Six months ...... . 1.50 F ive years .. .. 10:00 Can any one mak e a better investment of $2 to $a than one which will pay · 5 2 Dividends During the Year'.? Ever f In ~elli;-:ent family n eeds a go0"1 Newspaper. It is a necessity for parents and children. A good way to make t he acq_u&intancc of 'l' HE I NDEl'llN lJl!NT is to send 50 cents for a " Tria.l Trip " of a mont h. S PEC tMEN COP IES Flt E E. T he lndependen.:t A ND Catch-pennies on such small articles as pins and American Agriculturist GEO. LAING. ·wm both be sent oue ycur each, t '> any peraon not a sub·criber to Tit~ Independent, for $ 3.75. The regular price of both is :St .50. Make remittance t o 'l'he Indepuudcnt, P.O. Eox 2787· .New York , The STA'rESMAN is clubbed with the Independent for $ 3. 50· No papers are sent to subsuribers ~fter the time paid for has expired. Th e Indepeudeut's Clubbing Liet will be sent free t c. any pemon asking for it . Any one wishing t o subscribe for one or mo1 ·e papers or magazines iu conoectiJn with '~he I udependent, can save money by orclermg from our Club Address, 'fEIE INDEPl~NDEN'.l', p . O. Box2787. New York. OS'ElA WA. C£ R T WRIGH T. A Mechanic's Institute has been formed D avid Crozier ia also very ill. here with 300 member~ . 'fh e m asons are busy plast t'ring th e Edmonson B ros., have pla~ed a 10 horse-power engine in their planing mill. n ew church. Mr. J oh n Marlnw is still very ill b ut Tl1c Cedar Dale Works ar e very busy i s i mpr oving slightly. ' now got·ing ou t their implem en ts for the The M et hodists 1 1ave b Pen b usy removnex~ seaeon's t rade . Mr. A. Win torbourne has purchased i ng and rebuild rng the "hurch shads. the r esidence in which he h as b een l iving T he pa.inters are at work in M r . W · .T. fro m Mr. John D ickey . B ea.cock 's n ew brick re ~idence, near Mr . Ed. Baker, clerk a t the Ced ar Cresarea . $17.35. TRIM. D ale \ Yorks, who has been h ome sick fo r Mr. J'. l:leacock h3a pur chased anoth e r over three m on t hs, has returned, farm back of Or illia and S am iB back .ENFIELD. The Masson Agr icnltural W or ks star t doing fall plowing. Our t rustees have engaged Mr. Benson operat ions on Friday next, manufact.nrFrank W r ight who 11as been teaching Reynolds t o teach the sch ool for the ening seed drilJ~, etc. , for next season'H No. 4 the pa·t year, iutends l!;oing t o suing year as Mr. Lme is leaving at achoul again next y ear . trade, Christmas. There are $2000 of 1111paid d ebent Jres Master Harry T. :Fe1·guson who is A t t he auoiion sale of cedar, east of of this to wn d De the Masson Wor ks, and att··ndin g V ictoria College . Cobourg, was h ere, last week, no timber was eold as n o Mr. J . E . ] ' are well for t,he Work s d eh om., for Thank3givin1< a nd went back. bid wa1.1 consider ed hi~h enough for fair mande the paymen t , on M onday t o his studbs. value. Mr Geo. A. Masson , of t hia town J ohn T albot an old r esid ent of tl1eMiss Emma Dyer is visiting friends in l eaves i n a f ew days for San Diego, Cali- t ow neh i o p assed away on Sat urday last . Toront o. forn i~ , wher e ho will spend a few m on t hs after a shor t il!neae, and was buried Our hnnt club has start ed to bring in for the benefit of his h eah.h . M onday i n llrn English church cemetery, the gam e &.gain. Th e managers of the Cedar Dale Ba ·e A few things we wo uld like to knuw: We had a good view of a miniature for- Ball Club are anxious to know w hat; h as est fire one night r ece11 tly . booome of t h e gate r eceipt R received W h v tho Cart wr ig ht cor . h as n ot wr·itten TE:SMAN? Where m ore regularly to the STA A weddmg wil_ l likely be celebr ated in during the summer a t t he l eague ball is l i<1uor to be obt1uned if the Scoct Ac~ this neighborhood before t h is appears rn match es. is str ictly ced ? print. . R ev . Dr. Clarlrn, of T rin i ty College, The trustees of S .H.N o. 2, ( Blackstock) M r. T hoe T horne has been having his Toronto, deli vered two able an d elnqu en t ho use improved, ser mons in s ~. Geor ge's Ch u~ch O il Sun- h ave r e ·eugaglld the ~er·iceB of Mr l'tich' d y weeli. Large co ngr egat1011s gr eeted '.1rds~n for the coming ye ;i.r, Mias Dauu 1s gom g- to teac h (Egypt) N (>. 8 ecllool, HAMPTON jhim at both services. b ·. lla'l's marsl1 caugh t fire l ast week and n e:xt year an d Miss C. SceneB ia !!ncraaed . h h. M rs. J 0 h E ll _ n . ~ott w ? as een ~wk t h e sou th east gale blo wing at t he t ime t o t tmch (Cad mus) sch ..ol at:Jd Mi~s Ji~. g ed t o teach No. 9 for some t ime 18 im pr ovrng slowly · for ced the fhmes into a seething sea of P rout h as b een enga. Mrs. R. Taylor has been q uite ill for fire. 'l 'htl rain a few h onra aft erwards (Cedar Dal e) scho·ll. so~e time_ At time of writing there is put a damper on t h e flam es. S omo of the Oar twr ight farmers rio improvement. 'l' he R ev. Mr. Manning p reached i n th e qu ite alive t o t heir i nteres t in the im Next S unday evening at 6.30 p. m ., R ev. Mr. Longley 's C hurch , Toro nt o, on provment of Ptock as Ee veral of M r. r e hrou11ht to Ca rtRev. E. Barrass :M:. A. will hold a " song Thanksgiving morning, a nd Mr. fr·nglcy Coa tes fi ne catt l e w H 11e1vice" in the church 110re . preach ed in Mr _ Manuin!l's Church , wr ight af ter t he ~ale, amongM others Mr. T. A. Wright and Mr. Waltet Du nn oach Mr. Fred Martin who ha9 bPen enet, Oshaw11o. on Thank-giving ev~n~ng. engaged in the m anufact ure of cheese, is Mr. 'l'hom psoo of t he D ommw n Bank, hought t horo bred a and J nh n Wrigl1t 1ght a fine t h nro brecl calf home a;:ain l ook ing smiling and happy ha~ been r emoved t o the Brampton bra.uch r ecently b o1 . . . · of the flank . B efor e l1iavi!lg, h is frienrls from Mr. R . Colb cott, Tyrone. Among the VISltors ~e uottc~ Mrs. J oh_n t Pndered him a far Pwell supper. Mr . The j ingle uf the sleigh bell w a.R heard Ruse, St. P auls, .l\1m. ; Mias Maggie Marsd en t akes M r. T hompson's place in un Sund ay . I ' Low B OY.· Rogers, Bo~m.anv 1lle ; Misses L ee & the bank here. Brown, Enmsk1 llrn, N.EWOA 8TLE. E.Nlf'IELD. Last week Mr. Wm. Cryderman, one Quite lnrnmber from here ntt.ended the S A Mre. Mary H obbs has been visiting !riend3 bauquet, of our m nst highly esteemed citizens, r eat Orono, on Tuosdey. ' ' moved from this n eighbor hood t o Bow- at Columbn e. Mi~s M!'-FY Power-., or Kirby, fa vlaitin;c a.t Mr . · Tolin Wln nacott h~.s left us also a.nd manville. Mr. Cryderman has al ways taken up his abode in t he Hubbard Settlement, her sister a, Mrs, .John Hicha.rd . been a liberal supporter of the Methodist nortl1west of hare. Mr. F J . O~born e, ofCr·nsecon, was a g ues t church h ere and a staunch advocate of Mr. Martin had b is auction ea.le last Tues· or Mr. R.. Fos ter's on t he 18tli \oat, I;Iand· Rlelgbtna: has once more bec<1mc tho 15th. 'l'he price realized to the et.ock was the temperance ca use. H is removal from day, very good, bnt the unplemeuts wvnt very low. chief amusement cf our youJJg people. among us is much to be reg ret·ell . l\lr, M<\rtiu bas r emoved to t he neighb.,rbood meetin are being held in tJto Newoa.stle. S om e of the ratepayers in this locality orAt. Bowmanville. on the H lh i nRt., l\li~s ~:;~~d1~t church each eveuir.g during the woulo !ike t o kno w who t he en~in eer wi· ~ Katie O'J,eary, of this place, aPd Mr. Peter :1Y.£isn J 11li8. Clemence. of K lrby, pttid <i recent that planned t he dram and b uilt t he Campbell, of Arthur. were un ite· in the holy v1·1t t~ her 1 bonds of wedlock, by RPv, Father O'Connell. Clemence. nrnnts uerc, Mi:. a.nd Mrs John at tbe !JUblic exp· n se in t his v1l iage a 'l'he same t1v cning a. lari;i:e party of friend i asHe'" Mr. \Valker·s ·Armon,dAlivered on Sa.b· short t.ima ago. It h9.s b een a.llo wed sembled at t he residence of Mr. John O'Leary. the fat.her of the bride, t ·· do honor to the oc·, was both Scr,ptnr ,1 and oowo· r111. Snb· that tho drai n in En niskillen was a use- caalon. Ject, " The POWl'r of the Hl)ly Ghost," Aft er repairini:: to t he table, where all · less expenditure of pt1blic m on ey, if it seomed to clo .iu·tlce to the ample supply of The Miss<?~ L?llie!lt and Edi th Mo!len, or: n -1h!!tial and <;; t C'llt Bowmstw lllc, spent!vl n g n ..y witl~ was, the one in this village ce1tainly is t no. e~ 11)! c;, J t he CVoning Wl\R 5pent in d_;>D()(Dg Until the their parents hero, J\Ir. and Mrs. 'I'. Mollen. We wor e told by the gentleman who Of "we sma' hours.~ 'l'hc bride r eceived many M r . .Jos. Haye took hi~ departure last week built the Eouiskillen drain , 0 11 one ooca.- voluable presents and everybody Joins In wl~h· for Ba.y City, whel'e ho intends Jivlrcg wi th liis sion that it would du you good to see t he ing tho happy couple a. long and nappy iife. brother. Be stable J oo, for a ro!lln~ stone. 'l'ha.n1tegiving services were held in tho gathers no moss. water go in one eLtd and o ut tht:i other, church here on 'l'hanksgi ving Da y. J _ \CK , Two more candidates took the 1<ru.nd humpbu t no on., w 11 be allo wed t hat privilege ing degree at ·h e S. of E . o"n 'l'nosd1ty mor ning · with ihe Hampton drain, IRst a.nd were ba.lloted for. We have a thriving E NNJ.<Ut!LLEN . Jodl?e here,notwithsta.ndlnK Its short existence Who will bo the mu nicipal council for Messrs..T. w_ Virtue. j r-, Eddie V irtue and in Newcastle. 1888 ? Can 't we ge ~ a good man In t his Robt. S1:ott star ted for Michigan on Mond"y 'f he young man who rerusod to take the morning, to work at lumbering for the summons village or n eig hborhood who will take t he winter. ror dls1.11rbin1t the .Army meeting~ but ran a.way, <lidn't stay Jong after all. '.rha t's field 1 SLow Bov. A 'fh ank~giving service was held iu the right Sam., 1!'0 and settle i t, t.he girl is worth Presbyl,et·lo.n church, on tho forenoon of t.hat more than a f j bill. day, wh.e n t he pastor. Rev, A. l\lacJ,aren Miss Lizzie Simmons, daughter or Mr. If._. an excellent a.ddreaa to a moder ate·sizod con· TYRON E . Simmons. oft place. having received urog N(a.lfo11. Mr.Vermilyen,nn evangelist f rom Belleville, tessional training in mueio ha.s issued a very Homo circle m eet ing next Friday evenheKan a. series of sp oia.I eer vicea in t he fancy card soliciting pupils for ine~motlon. Sb& in g . Methodist church . here, on Ra He hae received from Pr or. Carter, organist o r. an ea.rnest, plain, practical speaker and puts St. Peter's church, tJob<>nrg, a Tory tlulo..,1etie The Misses Down11, Bowmanville, wer e iR KA'l'llINl!l. the 11.ll importa.· t question before his hearers testimonial. h ere on , Sunday. in such a way that thev can not fail t o think over the u atter. Services will be continued Mr. Jae H odgson h as made exten11ive every night this week at 7 p. m, and will no CALLED HOME. repairs on his house. doubt be crowned with success. Onr School was visited on Fri ay last by Death h as been o f late b usy . i n our Uur popular masons, M:r . ·John. Hoiclp;e Mr. S. G. Brown. Green River, and Mesers. midst. L ast week we recorded the d e- , & son, are n ow at Burketon . Groat and Nidder y, Ha.mpton. Among the . T he bxidge at the 11 ost end has been other visitors to the neighborhood : Mies mi~e of M rs. McCle llan, whose remams Wejer, of Napa.nee; Mrs,L. Henry,Wrox.,ter; wer e fo llowed to tho cemetery by an un undergoing r epairs. None t o ~oon either . Mise and Mr. l r wm,__ Port Hope: M r. R usk, u sually lame procession of m·mruiug :reMr. H. 11. Jarvis, Ha.milton ; Mr. I!.. ~ M r .faa. Com ins and wife, Brooklin, 1'oronto; Pye, Oeh11owa, also another gt ntlaman .. to be ls · i ons sud friendd. Sh e h ad lived " life ?<ere the 12uesta of Mr; G. Emer son on ouTb; &nniversary services In connection wit h tim e in the locality and ' wus very higlil ly Sabbath. the Metb.odist s. S. were re;mmed on Thanks· esteemed throt1Kl10ut \he wide fsmi Y Miss Lizzie W ashington, Hay d on, ha11 giving Day. An exoelleut r epast, givmg eat1 s· cir cle a nd by t he wh ol e comm uni ty. b vi11itini;c at h er brother 's Mr S faction to all, was given in 1 he basement, ee" · ' · · from~ to 7 p. m. ·In tho evening the s, s. Last Sat u rday the unu~na.I and t ouch gave a. pr ogre.m or rare 2xcellence. ing spectacle of a dou bl e fu neral waB seen W a11hingtoo. ?.'.Ir E Hamly sn< l wifeand Mrs. J no· .'l'hesingin'l; wasveryhighly appreciated.while i ' n the streets . , t l1, n t of Mr. Wm, H .inry the recitation s and djalogues were ao rendered " H~ mly, P ort H ope, were h ere week as to evoke well-merited a.pplau·e. Mies and his daughter, Mi s a Ma.,gie Henry. vleltiug friends. Hutchison ·tnd Messrs, (,a.!la.n dcr . .Jno. Stal!.- M r. H enr y died on Wedm-sd11y , hi~ ton and J. W. V irtuo deserve mention for the You want t o get your musk ets and ·ca· refnl manner in wllicll the p11plls bad been daugh ter, who h~s b ~ e n c .. n fined to bed oth er material r eady boys fot you know instructed . Mr. Calln· dor's solo was well re· for the past throe years w i ~ h a wasting die· f h ·ceived. The pleasant and profitably spent F ·d Th h t n ot what a d ay or h our may b rmg ort · 0 ,eningwas brouglu, to ac ose by short.pithy, ease, followed on n a.y. · oug bu . N ews , has reached us t hat ou r Ex- and witty a.ddreases, by Rev. Messrs. Sander a few weoks resident i n B owmanville u I inayor, -~:.-r. J. S. D on ey, has took to h1 ·m- l!On, or Courtice, A-. aud E .Ba.rra. ·s. larg nu mber of town s peop le turned out Ju M. A. 'rho Uev. S . Salton presided over the ~ self a wife. He is now livi ng at E x eter. meeting in hls ae<ta.l ha.ppy and characteristic to sho w t he ir sympa.thy with th e family Congr atulation, John. manner . Prooeede, .ioo. in th eir peculiar bereavem ent, wh ile II:, Mr. 8, P ollard's name ha s be,e n men I xPORTANT Ai..xNOUNCE.ll!BNT.- 'l'he gen- cousider a ble lJUmber of old n eighbo r11 t ioned for councillor for this p art of the tleman who purchased my stock last win- fro m Tyr one and Enn iskillen n eighbor · townehi1 ), if R eeve Hancock s hou ld r e- ter, failed t o come forwa.rd with tho se· hoods were t her e also. The services wer e 'llign. A st.lid m an S amuel would b e for cur:i.ty agr eed on, wh ich oeompelled m e t o conducted at th e fa.mily r eeid ence,on Welt.. t 't ' re main in busi.n ese until t h e present. But lington et r eet, by R ev. A . M cL'\r en, of t;,.a posi ion. · Enn1 ' 0 k1'llen, t he1 ' r pa · stor, ·n.l Rev. A. · t tl b k8 I d ha-vin l{ other b usinees ·c omwa.nding my 'Tb · e meetin~s a le arrac w&l!G e I Fraser, of Or ono, t~ A~d at thegrt\ve, by · s ··· d m·g ht an d attention. lui.vo fully d eci ded to g ive up a .,.,u b Y A . D · 0 · L e wis · f or t h e pr esent and Rev_ R. D. Fr~ · er, of St. Paul's churo-11, · t d b on th a""'r a.yffi f t h e S 1ore i.. .,mnness S und ay assis e y e ne w o cers or ·11 b ·L · Bowmanville this pl ..ce, Capt. and Cadet Harper. w1 offer y pu'uhc s u ction at my store in T hey were introjuced on S un day night Ennisk illen, on T hursday , N ov 24, and A fe \v days b efore M r, Wiu . fl uxfolf.· by A. D. C. L e wis t1fter which ·Cadlets, con.t i n ue afternoons and. evenings d oring a r espected and induatrions resident of Haiiue and L ogan gave thei r farewell t<ho week in lots t<;> suit t·ho purchas~rs . D arlington for many y ears, was very sud ~dd resses. D ry goo~~. gr oceries, cr ock,ery, atati?n-, d enly ~alled from t he car es of ear t h to . . t d t h _, t h f ary, h osiery, i.loves, gents and l adies enter m t o eternal rest . H ia fumiral was W e h ave aga10 o recor e "'eai o h t a n d caps, '- t s an d s b.oes, an d a 11 very n u merous l y atteu d e d bya wide . . f Id 'd t . h ' - l as vvo mr1- k inds of goods gen eral!)'. kept i n a coun- cle of friends aud acquaintaucee. .another o bour 0 hresi en :Im t 18_ ned ig · horbood, . ut w o recen Y mo-ve t o t r y .store ; also a. heatm g stove , l set _ _ _ __,_ _ _ _ Bo.wma~v1l~e. M r. W. H enry who aft er single harness, l skeleton and a quanti ty The Third page of the Tor onto Daily a hngermg 11 ~ness pa.s~ed a way ou W?d - of shing les. ~nd ot her articles t oo n u mer - M ail is noted for "Want" a dvert isements_ 1 n esday las t N o v· 16th . . "H o leaves .a wife, (o ne to m entton. Sale to begin a.t l and 7 If you want to buy or sell anythin g. lf t wo son s an d f°. ur dau,,hte rs ~o mour n p . m. Term a. - All sums of $10 an d you want a situation, a m P.chanic, a b usithe lass o_f a lovm g paren.t. H is daugh-1 und~r ca:sh, ove_r: that am ount 10 months' ness, machiner y, lodgings, if you have t er M 11ggie w~o has beeF i~~ for ~turnber I cr edit will be given on approved n otes. lost or foun d any t h i ng, or if you want to of year s pa.see a~ay on ~1 ay a e.r n@?n . W M. H EZZLEwooD, Auctioneer.. find out where anyone is, advertise in tho T hey both w~re mt erred m Bo.wmanville ' I n the meantime I will sell at cost for i '.1'oronto Daily Ma.ii and read t h e ad vercom et er y ~1\ Saturd llY .;_ i~h.fn~n~s.:ave cash, an<l will con t inue to sell at cost , tis~ments on the third paire of that pais V!Cllll Y m and und er, af ter the sale i~ over t ill all is p er. The char<>e is two cent s a wor d t h e . heart- et sympat Y 0 thet~ sad be~eavement. . . run o_ff. I will either sell or rent the I each insertion . "' Addr t>ss, 'l'he Mail, '.fo. M iss Cowlmg, H~mpton has been v~a1t- i pre1 .m aes to any pe~ sou wishing to st a rt 1 ronto Canada. 42-tf m g f riends here tins week. CLIMAX. ! busrn ess here. It is a pl easant p lace and - - - - - -- ···· NAT JOIU.J, I'll.LS wtll n ot g i·lpc or sl ck· n i?ely si tuateCI. R. H lITGHiso:s-, ProP ltttt', L Wn " i. sm:.r~rnn s 1t A1· ts ,. d J M , :ret ar e :1 thorough cathnrti c, prtetor . ~1t1':~'i~~t~~ti! !i\~~~:ie:ts wcU us u goiul cur COURTIOE. o :U 0 0 p R a , I

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