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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Nov 1887, p. 2

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,] 22!31. m to find her servant pouring slol' int o t he J esus1 our Master. well but she does almost as bal! w hen she RY L. A. l\IOR.RISON, TORONTO, pours them on the ground or ·" to a drain . 1,;;· , ., ~ ~ ~ ~ our Master I Thy Name we adore ; leading to a cess·pool only a few feet from Jesus, ContM;ious Diseases in Children. -All glo~y and honor to Th ee doth belongpraises we b l'it?g Thee, in concert ouce UIOr e, WEDNESDAY, NOV·. 23, 1887. The most common and important of such the well since the porous soil all ,;;s them to Onr Our sweetest hosannas, in music and .ong. diseases are whooping-cough, measles, mar· filter through into the well. C H OU.US. let fever and dir.htheria. 'T hey are all t o be avoided if possible, and in relation to them Hallelujah to Jesus I Hero Worship. We praise and adore Him; the paren~ should guard the children from T here is surely something ver 'Y funny in to Jesus ~ Hallelujah exposure. Maintain in them that degree of the i·e~ent displays of hero W orship, of worship before Him. vigorous health which both lessens t he lia- which Mr. Gladstone is the grmtt subject. ' Ye blend In ou r glad voices, we mentioJl H is favors, bility t o take the disease, and mor e r eadily It will soon ap parently come to pass t hat We sing of His mercy, His praises prolong ; H allelujah! Ha!lelujah I triumphs over it, if taken ; ancl k eep t he people will wa~ch for t he parings of the Q. His the power and the glory, house, from cellar to garret, and all its sur- 0 . M's. toe nails, and ·will t ree.sure as · We chant the gind story roundings, as free as possible from all nox - iuval uaule the necessary refuse lett after the I n inusio m1d song. ious miasms--mainly by absolute cleanli- morning reaping ·of . the great man 's chin. for and Jesus our l!:ister ! All glory is Thine ; ness, by free mrculation of air, by unobApplica.tions all but innumerable come in 'I hy life was our raasom-paid freely for sinDIRECT WffiE COMMUN CATION. structed sunshine, and by a copious u se of for chips from the tree which· the great Thy love is a pure love--unselfish, divinegood disinfectants. '. ··~AGto:rbls so w ell adapted to children tho.t Cnstorla cures Colic, Const!patlon, Commoner has felled. Indeed so Ii.nmer ons Our hearts open to Thee, and bid Thee come in. whooping-cough is seldom fata.1, have these applicatioo.s been, tha t it h as [ recomuamd It a.a sunerior toa.ny prescriptio:i Sour Stomach, D!arrhooa, Eructation, Active fluctations in the Market, it Though Jesus, our M ~ster I '.[ h y Word brought the light, lco-;vn to me." fi_ .A A:acmcn llI D Kills W ~rms, give$ sleep, a nd promotes ell~ is best to call in a physician, for he can b een found u t<cessary to print the following An<l scattered tllc nigbt that hath brooded eo long ; :.t · ., gcst1on. offer oppo1tunities to speculalessen the severity of the paroxysms, short.· circular in order to :play the courteous to It taught us tu love and be true to the right, lll So. OXCQni si., Dnxiklyn, N. Y. Witllout injurious medication. · To hate and be free from the bond2ge o! wrong. en the term of the disease and prevent its all comers : tors to make money in THll: C JJ:NT.AU!t COMPANY , 77 :i!1.m1·e.y Gtre~t, N'. Y. running off into a pr otracted and exh austing Grain, Provisions, "In r eply to your letter ' to Mr . Glad cough, as it too Often does. stone, I have to say that, in consequence of Stocks, Bonds & ,;c:·\· .1. : · ,-·1,_ .~· ... · ;.~ · ·,_ .:':"i ,·: i .·. '~ 1' :.<::.";- , _ .· ··· · · ., ;. · ... · ~ , . ~. To Canada.. Measles are apt to be t r eated as a t rifling the number of similar request~, it h as l.>e&n affair, and, indeed, many parents purposely found necessary to make, in all oases, a Petroleum. BY .a.LnIONw expose their children to the disease ; but, uniform ch11rge for the wood r eferred toHo.ii C1>.110.da I · ro t hee belong Prompt attention given to order.s. owing to carelessness in treating it , more namely, Tt~ Ileroe's heart, t h e Poet 's Song . FOR SALE BY J . IIIGGINBOTII.AM & SON, BOWMANVILLE1 l s, 6 i. for a small log, or 33. per La.n<.l fre e f rom tyranny a nd wr ong ; die of it than die of diphtheria. or scarlet cubic foot, exclusive of railway carriage. 0.ffice over Murdoch 's Store. There is no sorrow in t hy son g. fever. Besides, it often leave$ permanent Applications should be made to t he bailiff, But ail is buoyaut, bright ana lree harm behind. Though the disease 1s generFair Canad a t hat's found in thee. Entrance by Telephone Staircase~ ally lighter in childhood, yet the suscepti- , E stat e Ofllce, Hawarden, .near Chester, who will at t en d to any orders as far as he m ay \\' here t h e Atla ntic surges sweep 11-tf. bilitv s much diminished in adult life, have the requisit e mat erial at hand. " Aroun<I Acadia's rock-bound shore M easles begin as a cold, with a running " ' 1 This is surely the very ne plus ttltra of fun· I hear th' echoing breakers roar ; at the eyes and nose, and t he rash is in nineas and ab surdity. Of course on such a One con sta.nt song- t he surges keep : " r o Canada the th eme h etongs dark reel spots, first seen on the face and s1 bject some one could not h elp b reaking Of !Icroc,s' heart s and Poets' tiongs." forehead. out in verse, a nd here is how one discourse th, VETERINARY SURGEON. Scarlet fever commences with a sore not uncleverly , on the situation : 0 s-.vrel; land of Evangeline throat, and the rash appears as a general By nlim» Basin and Grand Pre., m~ hit lBr, come h1 thor ) ye t eachers Oft 0.9 th e tides rise in thy B ity-redness of the 'skin, and shows itself first CoOf the Gladsto-H bernian cre1 d, \Vhere e r these. wa.t1d riru~· feet inclineabout the neck and chest. Y c R ~d ical spouters and preachers, '£he tides within my heart shall be Come hither, cou:~e hither wit h sileed. D iphtheria begins wit h marked w'eakResponsive to the tides i 11 thee. Pi.irnellite whips, conductors of ' t rips," ness, and the inflammation 1n the b ack p art Leaders of every grade, By St. John's winding river widcof th e mouth soon ha s a peculiar smell, as Come, press your lips t o the sacred chips B v grand old woods nnd lnndscapes fnir' Which fall f 1·om our William's blade. of putrid meat. The Y01CC of song- is in t be n.i r Trunk s immense ; no false pretence ; ln no case should either of these diseases Ttesponsivc to the fiowing t ide. Genuine branch or r oot, T l:.:IE T he heart's n e' er sad 'mong scenes so dear 1 be trusted to h ome treatment. While the A nice smnll log for your cightccnp cncc Where ev'ry bird has song t o cheer. physician looks af';er the cure of the pa.Or three shillings the cubic foot. When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for t he Ne w Oils, tient, the friends should actively co-operate An rl thou, St. L,wrence, roll along Alas ! for unfortunate dealers Th rough e:cenes so dear to valor, D.rts. in preventing the spread of the disease, not In furniture and, And rich with <:onsecrated hearts. only in the whole matter of disinfeet ion, I n miracle worker s and h ea.lers, ~ wl:!et as ::; ome old mem.oria.J song I n relics of martyr and saint , I but in completely isolating the child until Jn life's young morning, ·soft and low, Boues will be cheap, nails they may keep, the possibility of communicating t he infecMay thy sweet mellow waters flow. Try once, and. you will use n o other. Teeth will be simple drms ; tion is over. With a Gladstone chair, what shrine would care r see the white church through the trees, Some forms of ophthalmia (inflammation ~·or a piece of the Holy Oros· 1 I hea.r t he 8oft, sweet ,·e~per chime.ll lcUOLL BROS. & tJO'Y, Toronto .. N o fraud or t ricks, no commou 'sticks; of the eyes) are very contagious, and may In the sear l t'.cllan Summer timeGraduate of the Ontario Vet~rlnary Collei<e. All tastes we hope t o snit, F loating upon tb.e r u!ltling br eeze. · be communicated from child to child a t Registered member of the Ontario Veterinary \Vi th a nice small log- for one~and-six, Where m any a cross points to the sky Medical Association. school. Teachers should be on the lookout Or three shilliugs the cubic loot. " The g raves of those· who cannot die." iu this matter. It is mostly p revalent W01fice and R esidence, Newtonville, Ont. Ifark ! 'Tis Ontario's stronger tone : Wlll visit Orono every Tuesday and~SatUI'day among the poor. A Chinese Idiot Leads a Tiger Captive.: Niag a.ra's swelling distant hum: It would be well if, at our public schools, Office hours from 10 a. m.. to 4 p. m., . at The bugle note- the beat of drum : There is a p serving t he T aoist priest Coulters' Hotel, Calls by Telegraph receive dn ring a. p eriod of infectious disease, the Ec!Joing o'er her !orests lone. immediate attention. The hearts within her Jove her so, girls were cautioned against the habit of in a certain t emple which is situated on a mountpin of considerable height in Canton. 0 , b.eautiml Ontario! . CHARGES MODERATE. putt ing on each other's hoods and h ats,. and of frequent hugging and kissing. Infect i. "When he first came to the priests he w cis in Her fertile fi·lds nnd flow'ry dells destit ute circumstances, and the pr iests, see)Jlending with mount ain, la ke and river ous diseases are often thus propaga.ted, ing his need, took h im into their temple to Suuh sce n e~ will le:1,ve my mem' r y never)'e fotu!ol<l Jak e.s, b.rigbt sentinelslight candles and incense which were bro_ ught O:HI~ The stors are mirrored in th)' breast by t he worshipper s t o b e offered to the gods. To light the trav'ler fa1·ther west, He was faithful t o h is post, and was never Considering the fact that at least one-third known t o be absen t for a single day since Ye thonsnnd n1iles of mu~m'ring pines-Ye t.hous:rnd mile!3 of smiling pfo.insof life is spent in bed, it is very essential his admission. ·wh atever be the weather \ Vhere t he Orent Spirit e\cer reig ns, tha.t all our sleeping arrangements should be h e never wears cotton clot hes, but a sort And F reedorn's ~ ta r forever shi nes. such as are most conducive t o h ealth. The of grass cloth made from a home-gr own ~I1nitoha, silent and strong, Await.~ the coming countless throng greatest of should be 1 ;aken to arrange plan t . He is commonly called an idiot, for an abundant supply of fresh air at all b ecause he fa al ways mumbling something O'er rocks and ·11oods. O'er mountains high' Mong cloud!'l n.nd snow and c.'lver ns h oi\r..,. t imes and seasons, since the a ir of au occu - only intelligible t o h imself, H e sleep s on And wate r's rush a nd whi tlwind.'s ro~r- · pied, unventilated apartment very soon b e- noth ing but a mat both wint er and summer. Commingling with the enrth and sky. comes exceedingly foul from organic p oison, One day t he priests said in jest to him that Th e Hock.v :Mountains r ise sublime : < incl disease germs are alway s abundant. It a certain farmer had lost two oxen, which, " The everlasting hills" of Time. is also of the gre0,test importance that ued - while grazing on the moun tain, were eaten VETERiliARY SURGEO~'i, The shadow's creep. And now the sun clothes and bedding be t horoughly subject- up by a large tiger. Would he h ave st rength Kisses the lofty mountain's bro,v·, ed each day to· the disinfection of the air and courage to capture that fierce animal? Decked with its hood of glitt'ring snow. And as I pass th em, one Uy one, and sunlight, since the hu man b ody throws The "idiot" replied in the affirmat ive, and Fancy looks out-around-to see off, every night, throu? h the pores of the at once began t o gat her gra ss, with wh ich The dear old lighthouse by the sea. skin, and by the breath, several ounces of lie twisted a r ope, and set out on his t igerwast e animal m"tter, much o: which is ab- hunt ing expedition. .After a clay's absence, Th e mou ntains passed- tho glm;ious sea Again looks up ll'ith kindly face sorbed by the bed-clothes. If no precaution to the great surprise of t he p riests, h e reUpoa its eh ila. Mioc cyet: r etra.ce ; is t aken to rid them of this effete matter· tnr ned, le ac ling a tiger by the rope hitched Evangeline, l turn to thee ! it is re-absorbed by the n ext occupant of the aronn d the creature's n eck, H e p atted, Fair (]o,nada. ! To thee he long bed ; or, if long ' d , and f ona 'lecl t h e d reac1e d Th~ro's henrt, the Poet's song. h 1 the waste t f tdecomd en fl"e<l , w h rppe · n eglected, p~ses, ancl 1?1ves t ~ nnp ea~an ' us Y 0 or animal w hich w<ts afterward let loose. · o!ten experienced m sleepmg-rooms. The u se of feather-b eds is for this reason esp~ciSh W p FOR SUNDAY CONTEMPLATION. ally detrimental to healt.h, since t lle feathers e as a eeper, J n !!lpe!'H on ~oH cHe d . j not only undergo a slow decomposition Mrs. Gadder t o :Mrs. P eep er-" I sec lf you would men d the bad world creat e Vict o r ia B uildings. lll U ltD OCD t hemselves, but o . n a'ccount of t h eir remark- yon have a stained glass w in dow in the d ead the new world. able hygroscopic properties, iibsor b t he fetid I wall side of your house, at the stair landing , If we must answer for our idle words, hvw . e]i:halations thr own off from the body dur- j ust like ours." much more for our .idle silence. Honorary of tho Ontario eterinm y · ing sleep, thus becoming in t ime a serious " Yes ; t he next-door neighbor wouldn't Providence chooses for us more wisely College, Toronto. Registered member of th" source of poisoning. let us have a window there if we d idn't have it st ained so we couldn't see into his than we can choose for omselves. Ontario Veterinary Association, in accordance with the V eterinary Act, Good company and good discourse are the Is prepared to treat all diseaees of the Dom· Wa.rd off Disease. house, for y ou k now our house is built on eetic .Animn.Js, according to the l«test theori.ea. the line, and you're n ot allowed to h ave a very sinews of virtu e. . .All cal!s pere'?nally, by ·rclegra,ph or 'l'ele 'Ihe fruit and foliage of thousands of window on t hat side unless the 11o:joiuing The innocence of t he intention abates ]lhone will receive prompt attention, plant s, having r eached maturity dur ing . . S . . g -OFFICl>-Maln SL., Orono, one door north'_or d I t t owner perm its it . o we p ut in a stained nothin.? of the mischief of the example. w. Henry's l:itore. . summer an ear y au umn, n ow en er upon w indow. " If we love a viciou s p erson our friendship - - -MANUFACTURER OF- - . CHARGES MODERATE, the process of . decomposition, developing " So did we, but I've got a little p eep will b e vicious too ; it will be like those to various foul and noxious gases, and thus hole in it all t h e same. " whom it is g iven, I adding to the causes of d isease already in " And so h ave I. She can 't p revent me \ ;vhen the religious fear ot God possesses operation. Fortunat e it is when an early from peeping. I'm a Peeper, I am. It KIN G STHEET, BOWMANVILL frost in some degree purifies the miasma.tic would almost kill me to live in a h ouse with- th e h eart it ex pels t he ignoble fear vf man, and becomes the principle of cour~ge and Has n ow on ha n d a number of vehicle~ (and ia mnnutaoturing n great many,morc) of th e ne a tm osphere by destroying the septic gems out I could see out from all sides." with which t.he air is filled. If frosts are patterns a n d best finish , which I am offering for sale a.t the 1Qwo~1. p rico s oonsiatellt magnanimity. w ith due regard to workma.nahip and quality. Tllo f~llllwi:ig id a lis t ot severe and frequent, autumnal f!Jvers mp.y T he &landerer commits t hree murders the principa l vehicles ma nufactu red b y me be somewhat diminished in virulence; but Missed the Girl and Kissed the Cow. with his idle ton gue : H e destroys h is own so long as the causes.of disease exist, the Double Cover e d Carriages ..... . . .. ... .. . ........ .. ......... ....... ... .. .. ....$150 Cpw1.1rd1 soul and that of h im who hearkens, as well "Well, J u d, what is it yer are so anxious effect will be seen. The only safe, sensible, Single Phreton a .... ......... .. .. .. ....... . . . .. ......... .... .. ..... .. .. .... ....... 100 11 as causing civil death t o the object of his and prudent course to pursue, is t o car efully to tell the boys?" asked Deacon Skinberry slander. Open 70 " avoid, so far as possible, the causes of dis- of the village .Ananias. T op B uggy. ........... . ....... .. .. .. . . ...... ................... ..... .. ....... .. .... 90 11 "Waal, I donno's y ou'll b'lieve it, " ease, and keep the system in such a condiA work done in our sight by another di11 . 65 " N ever mind; t ell it anyhow," tion of healthful activity, by the use af prorects us better in the practice of it ; it is L umber W a go11s . ·. ···· ··...····· . .·.··········· ·· ·····. . ··. ·.·· .· ...· . ·····.·· , , 65 u " Er-you fellers was telling 'bout fast more acceptable and of more p owerful effi. per food, pure wat er, and frequent bathing, L ight Wagon .............................. .......... .. . .. .. . .... ................. 40 u that the poisons which give rise to malarious train t ime, sixty miles er nour, · 'n so on ; cacy to reform u s than admonition by wor d. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE disease may be eliminated from the body as but I calk late I k in t ell yer 'bout a. litenin' E x pres s W a gon .... ...... .. ........ ............. .. ... .. .. ., .. ...... .... .. ....... . 75 11 The plans of divine wigdom too lar ge train ez beats ·em all. I went down ter soon as taken in, and without any general Skeleton.......... . ................... . .. .. . .... ...... ....... .. ....... ......... .. ... 50 11 :BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, disturbance. 'l'he causes of disease cannot ther d epot one day w'en I lived at Scooper- and compreh en sive t o be discovered by us Sulley........... ;........................... .. ................. ............ . ... .... . 40 " in all their e)(t ent : and wher e we see only ville, o~ t he Tearing Tlpmder Road, an' ez always be avoided; but their worst effects enperior facilities tor mannfaotn ring carriage11, I intend t o seU very cb:eap !or ""' can be warded off by proper attention to I stepped on ther cars I turned ter kiss my by parts we must fretpent ly be at a l oss in Possessing or a.pproved credit, a nd by so doing I hope t o greatly inore!loee m~ number of sales. "Voulll ,JAUNOTCE1 OF THE HEART, wife good bye, the train p ulled out 'n I khs- judging of the whole. hygiene. sell the w ood parts only , or the gear ings of bu ggies ironed. ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF ed a cow six miles out in t her kentry." Yon may pick ont such t imes and such SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, companies that you may mak e yourselves Clothing of Children. :HEARTBURN, DRYNESS He Got the Place. merrier for a little than n. great deal of .HEADACHE. OF THE SKIN, The season of the ye:oi.r will soon be at A t t he S h ortest N o tice , P aint e d a nd T rimmed if D e11ired , .A lawyer friend tells me he advertised for money, for it is t he company and not the ..And eve:ry ~ecies of disease a:risinghand when every mother experiences a.great an office bey a few d ays ago,and as usual got c har~e that makes the feast . At t he Fa.otory I also d o P la.n!ng, Mat ching, Tur ning and So.wing with Clrole, Ba nd 'T Sot ;t&om. disol'dered LIVER, KWNEYS, addition in the trouble of caring for her a big bundle of answers. He got fairly well s aws, a nd prepare a ll kinds of lumber tor car penter s nd others for building pur poses. An exc essive rese::-ve and stiffness, w hich STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD. Ornamen ta l and P lain Plokets ror !enoes in eve ry style required . made t o order. children, in consequence of the colds which tired r eading the various creditable things stands aloof from familiar friendly conver1.1'. & :Propri~i,~C;N~o. are "caught," or acquired in some other the young aspirants for the place had to say sation is u nt rusting, and implies ·a cert ain way ; and all sorts of cough syrups, balsams, for themselves, but fina lly he struck a letter sort of contemptuous pride, w hile an incessetc., are brought inte requisition. Most of which really rested him. It was written on ant babble and . ch at t er is frivolous and these colds can be prevented by proper at- a very much soiled and crumpled piece of troublesome. t ention to clothing. The clothing at night p aper that had never been very white, a nd H~j ALT :EI Marriages wh ich meet the appr oval of should be sufficient, but not enough to cause ran about a s follows : body do not turn out so invariably desweating, and shonld be carefully adapted "I'm 12 years old. I hain't got no far th er every light tul that we can afford to assume a cenTo buy Foot Gear for Men Women , 1 to the varying temperature of this season of nor muther. I'm an orfan and I've got to sorship of the parties who marry with no the year. The day clothing should cousist· hustel. It betes all how hard times is. " Boye and Jlr:la1dens, at of warm woolen undergarment s and thick My legal friend rea d no more of the lett ers, loftier idea than that of uniting t hemselves , woolen outer-clothing, re-inforced by an but immediately sent for the writer of this alone. overcoat on going out- of-doors. Children one and gav e him the job. The urchin has After all th e toils and l abors of life, and · . should not be allowed to run out-of-doors settled down to "hustling" in ear. n est a nd all the main struggles which we maintain . . bare-headed, or without proper protection. doesn't. complain a.ny more about t he h ard for pre-eminence an d distinction, · we shall Purify t he Blood, correct all Disorders of t he '.rhey should be taught to keep their feet times.-Chi cago Mail. find, at the conclusion of the w h ole scene, warm and dry, and if t heir feet become wet that t o fear God, and k eep his command LIV.ER, STOMA.CD, HIDN.E YS A N D D OWEI"S. by a ccident, to dry them and exchange wet P e_ o ple have been known to talk against ments, is the whole duty of m an, They inviaorate a nd restore to h ealth Debilitated Constitutions, and shoes an d stockings for dry ones. A little gambling all t heir lives on every pu~sibl e It is a com mon and j ust obser vation that attention to these matters will save much occasion, arid ·then after all to go and get t hey who lived always,in ailluence an d ease, i.t.r e invi'lu e.ble in all Complaints incid ental t o Females of all A g ee, F or ser ious illn ess, and the contraction of many Oh ildre n and the aged they ar e pricelees. strangers to t he miseries of life, are liable chronic ailments of the throat, nose, and married. One of the glaciers of the Kinch injunga in t o contract hardness of h eart, w ith. respect lungs. ~J:I -I E OINTM 13~ NT ~ India, a peak wh ose summit is 28,00$) feet to all the concerns of other s. W rapped up above sea. level, has a vertical height of in th eir own pleasur es t hey behold with in- Is an i nfallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Soret Waste-B.mels. 14,000 feet. difference th e most affecting scen es of disand Ulcer s. It fo fam o us for G out a n d H.heu matism. .F or disordere of th e A foul-sm ellin~ waste-barrel ought never When a shepherd boy ha d been killed by tres.s. - Chest it has n o equa l. to be permitt ed ; in fact, it is far better to a bear in the mountains of Savoy, recent ly , Impressions of religion often check vice in Our New Stock has arrived, and com- burn all l~avings and table r_ e fuse a s fast as his mother insist ed on taking a gun and go- its car eer. They prevent it from proceed- , For S o t·e T lu·oab , B ronclti1:is , U o ugbs, Cold s , J prises something neat and pretty for made, which m:i-y be done wit hout smell or ing wit h t h e party t hat p ursued the animal. ing t o its u t most length; and though they Ladies Good and Serviceable f M . s~oke by openmg all t h e back drafts of the When they r eturned unsuccessful it was do not · entirely reform t he offender, they . Gl.q.ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no ri val; a nd fo d or en ! kitch en range, and placm g on the hot coals found that the wome,n was not with them. se.r ve t.o maintain order in society . Person s 1 contractad and stiff jolnta it acta like a c har m . and oys, an 13 oots that R Boots for · to dry and burn as they will in a few min- Alt h ough it was night a party set off in who are now bad, migh t probably have been ..;...,; every m em ber of the household, ·1u:tes. If the t~ble refuse must b e saved, sear ch of h er, and aHer tra.velling all nig ht w~rse w ithcut them, and the world would Manufact ured on ly a t '.!.'HOM.AS Hor.LOW.A.Y's Est ablishment, --t he receptacle should be ent ir ely emptied, found her at] daylight lying in a secluded have suffered more from unrestrained licen. , . .. . .. .. , , .. and very thoroughly scrubbed every d ay spot, her d ress in rags, her ar ms crushed, t iousness. They often sow latent seeds of 78, NEW OXFORD STREE'.i', (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON" -~nrn.NK S , "t AJ,JSES, at SATCH ELS, JN STOC,K . I w ith hot suds and an old broom. Never and h er face covere~ wit h blood. pesi;ie goodness in the head which proper circum· ! !.n d are lilold at b. 1!d. 2s. 9d, 4e. 6d. llil. 22a. and 33s. oach B ox OI.' Pot nndl 1 V . . .Or d er ed W o rk a.n d R epairin, pour t he chamber slops in with t h e kitchen h er lay t he b ody of a h uge bear wit h its stances or occasions afterward rJpen, though ' ' ' 1 moy be had from all Medicine endors t llr oughout t h e '1-Vor ld. · g waste ; and above all, never allow them t o head torn t o pieces by a. charge from t he the r eformation of t h e oilender may not be Specialty; as u s ual. , be emptied on the ground in close proximity woman's gun. She was tak en bacir to the so conspicuous as his former enormities have W l'urchase1.·s honld look at the Labd on the P ots and Boxeli, I f t le.e r dd:rtt D . DAVIS , to the well. Any lady would be h orrified village and m ay livt>. ' I been, 11 l l 1133, 4>. : dor d Street. Lon don, they are SJ,IUri ous · ~atuulhtn ~tattsmau. HEALTH. k · · ! ' I ' ' .,_ · ' ·.' ' ..., ' ' ' :..'-. ' ' "' ' : ', COX& CO., TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE. 1 Infants I ChHdren. 1 THB.ESHERS AND I ILLIEI --U-SE- 1 1 :=L A TrI E J~) I N E~ M A CHINE OIL. TN . MARKE T .. FAMILY SAFETY& SUNLIGHT COAL O I L it ~ . Murdoch Brothers' N"EVT .A.. ::E-I..A..LL., where are to be seen I JOI1N SPENCER; 21 Dinner Sets, lovely pat terns, 30 China T ea Sets, v ery pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Su perior P r in t ed B ed Room Sets, SEVERAL CASES S UPERIOR GLASS W AREJU ST ARR IVED. 20 White Bed Room Set s. · . ! I I I· Large variety H anging and Table Lam ps, Fgmcy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups a nd·Saucers, &c. nnos. HAI NES' CA R RIAGE GEORGE C. HAINES, P roprietor, I I O A R RiAC ES, SlEIGH8, GUTTER S ,·WAGON S , Bl1ggy...... ........................ .................. .............. ....... Democrat W agon............................................... .................. fNYJib~~fl~N, r~~tflRING A.11 Kinds of Vehicl es Repaired MILBURN CO., JI Pays. · . ' ::B.,O R ALLI ' I DA r~ S' EMPORIUM! PIL LS Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe n' a! I l ' ' ·

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