@tauadiau Jtatt.\1mau. WEDNESDAY. NOV. 23, 1&37. i::===""·~-==·r·.11_ _, ..,.. . __ ..__ ,o;.;:=:;;2""""'"'"' ··-=> ""' "aiaw ... .,. ... ,. · ... K issing is out of style. Nobody does it now but sweethearts, young children, and teachers. The first blow was struck by the medical profession about the time of the decease of Princeis Alice. Ever since the practice has been denounced, and in families Value the Boys. where proper respect is paid to hygiene, Too many men make their boys feel t hat children ara cautioned against promiscuous the LaTgest and best Assortment on hand they are of little or no account while t hey kissing. are boys. Lay a responsibility on a boy ~n society a woman is not kissed twice in J.. , All the New Sty{es. and he will meet it in a manly spirit. On a season. vYhen an old friend is greeted no account ignor e their disposition to inves· and s he advances with her lips the victim a very large variety, but the tiga.te. Help them to understand things. turns her face and the kiss falls askance.' South Sea Seal and Persian Encourage t hem to k now· what they a.re Possibly the very woman who is opposed to Laml take the lead. about. Yve are too a.pt to treat a boy's the practice takes the initia.tive, but her seeking after knowledge as mere idle curi· lips never meet lips. She may kfas within all the la.test improvements- a very oaity. "Don't ask questions" is poor advice a fraction of your mout h--kiss your chin, choice and varied stock to choose to boys. If you don't explain puzzling your cheek, or your forehead; kiss your from. things to them, you oblige them to make "eyelid into repose," or kiss your hairmany experiments before they find out ; and but if she has had any training, socially, thtugh experimental kn_ow~edge is best in she w ill never kiss your mouth. The reoue sense, in another it ia not, for that pugnance to kifsing is due Jiugcly to acawhich can be explained clearly does not demic training. ln nearly all the famous A magnificent selection good and cheap. Call early for first choice. need experimenting with. If ~he principle colleges for women there is a special teacher, involved ia understood there ls no further or doctress, in physiology; and in the sotrouble, and the boy can go ahead rightly. called oral recitations the prenicious · effects Do not wait for the boy to grow up,before of osculation are considered atgreat length. on hand. Prices very reasonable you begin to treat him as an equal. A pro· Tile Dexter ity of Uac I.ondoJl Bani( Teller By way of tolerating what seems to be a per ~mount of confidei;ice, and .w.ords .of In lla>ulllng tile ()otn or &he Ucttlm. necessary evil, various theories are advanced GENTS' FURN ISHINGS AND UNDERWEAR, A COMPLETE encouragemen t and a<lnce, and g1vmg him The London teller is probably the quick- and various provisions advocated. The girl Display. Shirts, Socks, Gloves, Ties, Braces, Studs, to uuderst and that you trust him in many est manipulator of coin lll the world. Thi? who comes from College, kisses on the ways, helps to make a. ml!.!lll of him long be· is la.rg:ely owing to the fact that the smallest oblique line t hat falls from the left corner Buttons, Mits, R ubber Co'1ts, Umbrellas, etc. A Literary Servant. fore he is a man in either etature or yea.rs. 1~ot? ~ssued in London is of the. value of £5, of your mouth, but when k issed, is so at· Give him tools, says the writer, and let or $2;,i. ·when. asked for gold m a greater roit in the way she jerks her head that tle Housewife-" 'W ell, Bridget, you have ~Furs him find out for h imself whether he has got amount than his eye c~ co!"nt a~ a. glai;ice point of salutation may be found on a. rav- answered all my questions satisfactarily, any mechanical taste or not. Do not dis- the ~eller, after ~ountrng it qu1ck~y wit~ ius from t he r ight of her demurn little mouth. and I guess you can begio Monday." courage him, as parents are apt to do by a piano-torte. actrn.n, ~brows it with lus Nothing is more d11inty than the kiss of a N ew Girl-" Shure, mom, it's a noice N ead:,' Block, Bowmanville. M.MAYER. saying : "Oh, it is no use for you to try copper sc~op mto his faithful. scales, and so weil· bred champerone, who, mindful of the !eddy yez are, an' it's p lazed Oi wud be to to do anything with tools. I never have chllcks his count, Tho we1ghtn of these time spent over the powder ' box, gently worruk fer yez ; but Oi wud ax yez wan any taste that way, and of course you have scales are arranged in suitable nu:nbers. presses her lips on your hs ir just north of question." Housewife- " Well, what is it?" not." If a boy finds he can make a few The _teller also . checks the g<?ld whicli. he your ear. '.I. he minister's wife is another articles with his hand, it tends to make him rece~ves by weig~t and here his knowledge sweet soul, who knows 'l'fherc a kiss will New Girl- " Do ' yez belave Baconian re~y ou himself, and the pla.nning that is of his bus1z:ess will be tested. <?ne hundred do the least harm, and her favorite method wrote Shakespeare or did he ! In literairee n<?Ce$sary for the executiou of the work is a new so.v ere1gns are of full weight, ra.ther is an air kiss, with a gentle pressure of his matters Oi must be in hoc wid do family or discipline and an education of great _value to more, m fact1 but the same number taken at cheek to your cheek. '.l'he woman of fashi( n my happiness is non compus go bra.ugh." 11im. The future welfare a.ad happmess <?f hapha~ard will be found to _ be ne.arly .ha!~ a. who patronizrs you, and lets you visit-. her the boy depon .ds on t~e surroundings ~f h_1s sover~ii;:n (o! ~?!. P· c.1) s_ h ort ~~ we1 ?ht,,whlle while she is at her . siesta, kiises . you anyyo"ith. ~-hen he arrives at that period in ~100 m 01dmur.y l!a.f sover~ igns are some- where v bout the triangle between the eye, The oath was first administered in judica.l his life w en he is obliged to ~hoose wha.t ~unes twenty sh1llmgs (or l per. cent.) sh.ort ear, and hair line. She has learned long proceedings in En?land by the Saxons in profession or what line of business to follow, l~ value. ThA teller · can quick!Y. sahsf_Y ago about the i ncompatibility of ha.ste and 600. T he words " So help me God, and all it is highly important that he should take hunself as to whe~her t he d_efictency is 1 · grace, and as she advances you see her lips saints," conclud,:id an oath till 1550. no false step. And if in his youth he has caused by ~h_o,i:tage m th.e wmght ~r ~he tnrn in, and simultaneous with the kiss is a ADVISE TO M.OTRERS.- Are you rlis·vated a taste for any particular branch, count, by . d1v10m.g. the amount and we. ighmg thick viscous noise that sounds lill'e the tear· cultl t urbed at night and broken of your r est ti 1 ey ing of a middle-aged marshmallow drop. the choice of a profession or business will be one moie t Y agamst t h · e. 0 ther.. If · h made more easy. b'.Llance ev~nly the coant is co!reet and the Married women are more addicted to kiss- by a sick child suffering and crying wit difference is due to under weight. If t~e ing than single one 3 , as every lady knowi; pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If so send at Love a.nil Respect of Children. la.~ter exceed the a".erage :;ta;ted, the co~u who goes calling, and they are the very once and get a bottle of" l\frs. Winslow's . . will need to bo specially exammed ; there ts kisses that a young woman least enjoys for S oothing Syrup." F or children teething, If mothers could only r ealize what a. cn t· -nrobably something wrong This question th th · 1· 1 t ir· its value is incalculable. It will relieve · 1 · d th · h "ld j g th ough r . · O I e reason eir ips a.re a ways we . ussica perto e1r c i re_nare_ pass n r of light gold is an important one. ne : ing the face of an irregularly powdered the poor little suffere r immediately. Defrom ~he third to the six~h year, they wo~ld large London joint stock bank pa.id to the soapy-smelling rlame is about as unsavory pond u pon it mothers · ther e is n:i exercise more than ordm~ry care C:.unng Bank of England £:!0,000 ($150,000) fo1· '"a pastime as gatherino a bouquet of dande- ' mistake a.bout it It c~res Dysentery 0 that time, Not only physically, but men- deficient weight in its aold for one year. A ' ions 1 n· . -I I S h d t11lly and morally, they are undergoing a practical teller knows heavy or full weight . anc iarrhrea, reg~1 ates t ~e tomac an chahge tor bett.~r or worse, ~cording to ~l~e of qold by sight. The best test afforded by . B)wels, cures Wrnd Ooh~, sohena _ t he care and a.ttent10n they receive fro_m theu· inspection is found in t he strings of the · They Were Killed. Gums, reduces Inflammat10n, and g1veJ parti~s mothers and fathers. A father is more Irish harp on the reverse of the coin. If A Id Id" b d d d t to::ie and energy to the whole sy«tem. 11 exempt from certain duties toward his off- they are frayed the coin is under weight t kn ° sfol. ter l mf Y de ep;n ehuponfi °t "Mr9. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" f\for 1 . . .' a ecareo umse ,an evenmas am 1g1 · th H h Id h 'ld t t' . . t th t t spnn~ t 1 i'.ln a mo , er, . . e s O?- a1ways but if ~ntouched by wear . and tea!· it IS h e will not expose himself to unnecessary fa. c l _ren ee nm~ is. p1 eassnt o e as e bear m mmd ~hat hi~ assistance m the co~- full weight. , i ue if it be a. hot da This is illustrated by and is the prescript10n of one of t he oldt:ol of ~is children is of mcr_e \'alue to his T~e o.dge ?£the ~nglish bank counter _is a~ incident which fu~k place shortly after est and be.st female physicia:ns and nur se!! t ired w1~e than t~e presen~at1?n t o her 0_f a l?rov1ded. w ith a hp to p:event the co!n ; the grand review following t he return. of in the Umted States, and 1s for sale by costly gift ·. It is :i-t this tune that the from rollmg over 11nd to atd the teller m -the French army from t he Italian campaign all druagists throuoh the world_ Price chilc'.ren begin to notice papa's and ~amma's scooping up the money. The teller usually ' Marsha.I! McMahon had ordered a aha~ 25 cents a bottle .... Be sur e and ask for beanng toward one anot her; let this always counts with the fir&t two finge1 ·s of both fight intendinu to reproduce the field of "Mus W INSIOW's SOOTHING SYRUI'" be one of .,.,rfoct courtesy and respect· h and s, sunu · It aneous1Y; somet· ' " benefit of the new and un· ' ' ' _ · L-- . . 1mes lie uses , Mujeuta for 'the d "" t k r othe kind Nothmg so qmckl}'. des~roys. respect for pa· six fingers, and~ tell~r has b~en known . to tried soldiers· Here is what followed: &Ill a e DJ r ' rcn.ts a.s con_stant b1cken11~s m t~1e prese~ce cou?t 450.sovereigns m one mmute. working His very be~t officE n led the various move of thmr children.. The first tlun~ a child agamst t une. An expert tel\~r w1~l count m ents in erson, The da roved to b should be taught is ;respect for their parei;its one hundred pounds value of silver m seven iexceedingl: warm '!'he clluls which hae · and el~ers; affect1?n . comes natural with minutes. "\Vhen .it is remembered tha.t t_ h.e at first obEcuretl ·the ·sun w ere floated od , Bowmanville, August 17th, 1887. most children, and it is the most valuable coins are always mixed and consist of six- b ff h" h _ t 'th th d th When :Baby wns sick, ""' gavo her Cll!torla, · · · · t 1 f th · t" t . . d y a pu w IC wen wt em, au e aun 1:-i ~ammg con r? o .eir ac 10i;s; nex pences, sh_11lmgs, florms, . half-crowns. an . heat poured down oppressively. When sho " '" a Child, sho cried for Castoria, to this 1s respect; without it v_ery little can crowns, with never a decimal conveLiencA Inoue of the attacking divi8 ions were two When she became Mis·, she clung to Castoria, be accomplished for ~h~ ch~ld's welfar.e. among them, this will probably be considered , grizzled, battle-soarred veterans-a sergeant Wbo11, she ha.d Chil<lr~u, she savo bhem Castcria, Parents hould bear this m mmd, t ha.t chi!- as a remarkable feat. There is no selection of I 1 · h 1 d I 1 dM M I b . h ..., th t anc a cannonier-\v o ia ie pe c a 10n d ren 1~se respec t , very . soon up 0 n h earin<i "' coins possi le m . sue a count. vv ere _ a to win his laurels in the Crimea, and who them di~~g~ee_; 1~sm~ ~itter words to each observed the count would take fully th1rt,. had stood stoutly by him in Italy, brave as other. Ih1s is mfltctmg the first actual minutes, '['ho four fingers of the teller I the bravest and true as steel pain these baby hearts have bee~ called up.on seize all the coins as t hey come, and if their 'j These tw~ heroes took <it into their heads to be~r. In the .Pi:esence o~ this t~e child action is bewilderingly quick what must be , when a char e had been ordered, that the' experiences confltctmg emotmns, whwhends lthat of the eye and brain wh ich cau so I would rest gso the withdrew and thre~ ' in pity for one parent and conte'!lpt for the promptly assess and add np_ those disjointe;t I themselves 'down in ;he shadow of a hedge, ew;1~~~~~i~l~ aB~:~~~~l BanklngBuslneee other. Oh, parent, pause, consider before values so as to k eep pace with the mecham· I h th t hf 1 h 1 · d th you lose this hold on- the little being who cal action of the hunds? And all the time 1 · w .~rHe ,e,~al ct ~ mtha_rs?"a ?sdpieth edmk, DEPOSl'.l'S l h t f ·J d f t . . . a . '" 1a rn is . cne e u e, 1as ere 0 ore cons1r. ere you per ec . an outlook IS kep~for base_ _ com, of which .ridiJ:!g to the spot. "What! my braves lecelved In Savings Bank Department and such an expert will. somet11~es throw out , Malalioff ! do you shirk your duty? See >&11 and interest allowed at current rates. No A Mother's Ca.re. fully ha.If a dozen m countmg a hundred . how grandly your d ivision is charging !" 1 otlco ot withdrawal necessarr. .All depo11lt1 A woman gifted ell rnnni:ng " grab-bag" pound s. "Pardon, marshall," said the q!d Ser- ~ayable on demand, socials called on a. mother, saying, "\Ve . , .· geant. "\Ve were with Castellane's batEXCDA.NG E have many uscl!>·s artiokJ that must be P,is.Russrn.n F1shenes Itery-we w·re killed?" 3onghtand sold n.nd Drafts issued upon Europe posed of somehow. "'d l'l'e concluded to The fishery t rades ate systematically per· 1 · T>ie mars hal smiled and r ode away, and Jolted States and Canada, also Gold, Silver and place them all on tho an!! table, under the sued in ltussia., since so much d the na· , presently sent a vivand.iere to care for his Jolted Sta~es Greenbacks boug:ht and sold. charge of our most fa1Jomating young la- tional life depends on these industries. As · dead children. COLLIECTJONS dies. Gentlemen will chat with them, then a general rule, a company of capitalists be---------cannot go away without buyiug something; gins by forming a, .fishing sta.tion,(uisclmtg,) A Tearful :Empress. Promptly made at current rates upon all par r.nd the la.dies can' put their own prices on and here they make_a dam ; they catch tha T'he real -,,·,rari·e Lolit "se had a -nerfect com- Jt Great Brittain, the United States and Do . les. uvvr e rea11y want your d aughter, tis · h , . they manuf act ure · ·u steady resource ofr shallow na- :ninlon of Canada. t h ear t 1c ne t s, h arpoons, . mand of that ahe has such winning ways." See4Jg indic;- traps, and lures; they con:rert fish re1use- !tures- tears. She wept abundantly on the 'l'elcgra)lll 'l'ransrer8 Produces a beautiful gloss and creates no offensive nation gathering in this noble mother!s face, !'mads, bones, sc~les, entr~t~s, and sounds- Islightrnt provocation. She cried 011 again ~fade for large or small sums on all parts of smell, will not burn ·off, neither will and knowing how carefully she had guarded !nto glue, . gelatme, a.i;id !Blnglass, o~ even I meeting her father, and on reading the let· Gaaaila. '!:his .Is especially a d vanta.geous t o her children from social contamination, she mto manure; they split, elem;, s~l.t, smoke,_\ ters written by the Emperor Joseph the day P0";SO~ne :1vm_g m Mamto~a or the North·wesl the pipes rust. added, " Of course, she will have to play or freeze the fish and they distr ibute them . b f h" d ,., Sh . t f. · ·B it _0<1.kea tne funds available at onoe at t he · . h h ' . , e ore ls eaon, e wep ree1y m 1810, place of payment. theagreeabletoagood manyyo1;1 m1g1 1tnotap· throug t e counti:y to tl1e1r age?ts when the tried to · revent her takin" from · prove; but she need not recogmse them after- for sale, m uch ot this latter work bemg the Tuile~ies a pet ao" that she loved. and F.ortnrther par ticulars call at the Bankln ward." " 'Vhat !" exclaimed the mother, ii one by sledges in "\Vinter to save freight. I she wept still more c;pionsly when h~ was Houae. · "allow my daughter t? become a _ decoy to They also pursue the more luc_rative fis_h in I rostered to her arms. She was especially\ '!'. RODl~countnnt. GEO. McG~~~~ . er lure money out cf mens _pockets _rn return a:istnes, ~u.d1 as manufactu~wg the finest lachrymose 011 tho days when the Emperor .1 ~ for shams _an? fals.e smiles? . N "ve.r I I kmda o~ ism_glass and gelatmc, as wc;ll as i took it into his head t o write to J osepb.ine. .·-- --·----- -- - - - -- · - -- -·- _ _ hol<l ,r;i_y child s moral nature too sacred fol ~!!~t curious ~s~ product k~own as,,cavtar:. She neyer was.known to weep so bitterly as $5t - ·~ ss a.. da . y, Samples an~ duty FRJ!:E that, · ~ '\ Twas caYlare to the General, wrove ' when it was hrnt proposed t hat Napoleon j Lrnes not under tre hor~e sfeet, Write / ' Shak espea.rc, wnen , the_ R ussia_n . company Ishould be sent to Elba, . and she was qmte . 1 BHEWS1'ER'S S.l.F'ETY REI~ HOLDER Co .. Holl, Mich. ALWAYS IN STOCK. of London mtrod:iced it to this coun~ry ; decided to reside there with him, but her ' Contributed Receipt s. and unless i:nc~ tram themselves to eat olives, 1 resolution was short· lived, and she was <.asi- - - - - - . SANDWI~uEi;.-;-Very nice. sandwiches may they are s t1ll hkely enoug_h to ~pl~tter _ when ly persuaded that the island would not agree l~EW~ be made with mmce made m .the usual w~y they $et !), mouth full. of it. Caviare is t he i with her health. During t hose trying days - ~NO BACKJ1CHE for the table-but not too mo1st-allowed .o roe ot. the sturgeon tnbe of fish, but sa.~m~n . of 1814, during the first hours of sepi>ration, · ?at cold~ ~n'.l pi~e roes are usuall,,Y added ~o assist m 1 her eyes were fountains of tears, and the BUNS GREEN ArnE Prn.--I'cel tart apples and mcreasmg the b~1 lk, :rhe roe ts cleaned, . pearly drops fell frequent ly at the thought EASY otcw nicely straiu them and ae11son while then washed wllh vrnega.r, salted, and · of parting from her son · a.lthough s11bse. 7 .o Ol'· " or cedt ha'e be"" ~"" eu by one 1 l1ot with b1~tter or sweet ~ream ; flat~or with drie(~, ,~hen it is rrackcd in cas~s. ~he best q'\1~11tly, at her OWll free ~ill, she n1ade the ~dn;.~n :.E~eu!~u~;!;~~,·)~~l,~~~~~-~::;1~:~~1~e~~t~'.nct\1 ~\}~~~~!} <3~~~): n utmeg, and put on crust that has been quahty 18 prcpmlu more careti:lly from the se paration lasting by electing to rule in ~1':]~.~~~~tNo 1i~t~ '[;;t~,1,;i:"~;.'~ ;,~~::;,~~~i:;:.r, jg"c~~~.;I;~ baked in a. pio plate. ~turgeons alone. The salt;ng is eo~ducted Parma rather than live obscurely iu Vienna. W ri te fo1· 11111.irnro<I c ataloJ(nu '""' vui,;1; to .. 11. But if her tears were t hus rei>dy to flow. A cldre·· FOLD.U NO SAW !NO 11H1.t:H IMl ·: m long, n J.rrow bags of !men, wh.1ch are CoRN STAUCH Prn.-One pint sweet milk, hung along a cor_d ai;d half fillecl 'Ytth roe. they were as readily checked. The suu ~-~~am~~o a_~ !'J, 6:'..a'.~al §t.. CMca,.-o, Ill. l egg, 1 tablespoon corn sttir ch, 2 table· A very ~ti:ong brme is then poured rn~o each would appear before the shower had entirely spoons eug9.l', piece of butter size of an egg; bag until it overflows. \Vhen the brme has ceased, H Marie Louise was e!l.sily thro\\n fla.vor with 1 ·ani!la. Let the milk boil, beat ·~ll passed through ti.le bags arc taken down, into the depths of despair, she was· restored together the egg, corn star ch, and a table- c.ftre~ully Fquee~ed to expel all superfluo.us , to equanimity with equal facility. spoon milk, and stir into the boiling milk, hqu1cl, and after a short exposure to t,he air, then add the sugar, butter and vanilla ; pauked in co.eke. The finest quali ty of cav- . -bake with one cru~y. As nice as cream pie. iarc made is that prepared from sterlet roe ; A Stamboulese Amti.ZOll· .. . , . OATMEAL PoDll!Nn--Ponr a, quart of but this is said not to find its way into comPeople_) ust i1ow m Consatntmople ar~ inmilk, brought firet to the boil, over twelve mcrce, beiuJ.7 ·reeervcd mainly for the Czar's ounces of 8ootch catmeal ; let it stand all table. 1t hv.s been ~tated that three and a ter ~sted m the presenceamongthemof};..~ra night and in the morning stir in an egg, half million pomids of caviare arc annu[tlJy , Fat'.na, ~he r edo_ubt,ab!e, fem1.1le :v~rnor of I Kurd.1stan, :Vho is paymg a brief v1s1t to the a pinch each of salt and g rated uut-meg, packed at Astrakhan alone. Tudush capital. Iler deeds of prowess date a.nd, if liked, a couple of ounces of raisim. . back to the beginning of the Cr imean war, Boil in a well-buttered ha.sin for two hours Wonderful Perceptive .Powers. when she led a large of body Kurdish volunn.t lee.st. Serve with hot treacle or a sweet -.avMr. Lussy had been out late, as usual. teers, w ho fought wfoh singular daring for sam:e. He had, after patien 1invcst.igation, d is- I Turkey. 'The O_ttoman . Gov~rnment re· TO~lATO MusTARD.-Slicc a peck of ripe covered that he couldn't unlock the front Imembers her services, and nquttes t heseby a ar I am fully prepa red to attend Funerals on tom_ a toes, and boil them for an hour with door with his pocket knife ancl sat dmYn on I monthly pension of 5,000 p iastres-a sum the shorteat notice, at the lowest possible rates three chillies; strain through a cohmder, the steps to consider. At lcnglh his wife t hat in her own fru ga'. home al'.ows h_er to ~askets andBm·ialCasesready on s hort notice and boil f~r another hom, with a tablcspoou- put in .,,n a.ppea.rance, and as she opened t he live with ease.. She IS tall, thm, with a Yirat-cla.ss hearse on very moderate terms ful of whole pepper, an ounce ot ginger, door to a very slight extent miid in terror- brown, 'hawk-like face, her cheek~ are t~e Shrouds aud Coffins constantly on hand. F un half an ounce of allspice, half an ounce oi inspiring tones : eolor of parchment and seamed wit h scars. era! oarda supplied at once. Furniture l:lhop &; cloves, a teaspoonful of mace, and two ··Are you drmi k again, Lusey ?" VvEaring the national dresa of t)1e st erner sex, Show Rooms- Bouneall'BNew Block, oun.;es of salt. 'Vhen cold, stir in one ounce " Begsh pardon !" · she looks ltk? a man of. fort y, not like a "I say, are you drunk again?" woman who willnever ngam.seo seventy-five. of mustard, one ounce of <:uny-powder, and a pint of vinegar. "'Sh very 'markable. My dear, you're Slung across her shoul~ers _m Coss~.ck fo~~l1 \\ l:LCmrn f " "' CRUS'r.-Take a. cup of won'ful woman ; allush knowsh whash I j i on is her long sabre, with its Jewelled !ult; JEFFERY always at t he Door. sweet cream ltntl stir in flour enough to want 'fore I can tell it. .i\Jlh very queshun decorations shine and sparkle on her bre1st ; handle well, mix as little as possible, and I came clear home ter ashk you- hio--my while the .stripes across her sleeve show her roll ont. A number of these crusts can be dear." - to be a captain in the Ottoman Army. baked on separate tiu, and when wanted for -·- the table, steam just to soften, and fill with A c:_ompa:iion that is c_h eerful_ and £ri:e It is one chari:n of all virtues that they the following: One pint milk (or water with from swea.rmg and scurrilous discourse is fill the soul with untold sweetness vfter a tablespoonful of butter) let boil, btat the worth ~<?Id. 1 love such mirth as does not being practised ; whereas vice leaves it haryolks of two eggs and one white with two make friends ashamed to look upon one aised and ill at ease. B 0 W M A NV I L L E, tablespoons fl :.nr and t;ro of sugar; add to another next morning. I HOUSEHOLD. the boiling milk and stir until thickened ; let cool slightly. ArL'LE CusTARD.-Three cups sweet milk, three cups apple, grat ed or stewed, three ta.blespoonsful sugar, two eggs, yolks and whites separate, one tablesplonful white flour. Prepar ;i the apple by stewing in as little water as will cook them; then mash fine and smooth ; they must not be very tart. Beat the yolks and sugar together, and whip them into tl;J.e <Lpples; then stirin the flour and add the milk. Stir in <Llso the whites well beaten, and pour the custard into pie pans lined with cream paste. Bake till the custard is set. MocK. A P1'T,E ·Prn.- Make a paste as for apple pie. · Roll two small crackers, or hretik them in orumbs, and soak them in a cup of cold water while making the paste. Great one lemon or p<Lre it very t hin and cut this paring into the smallest pieces possible. Add this and the juice of the lemon t --.. tt:e crackers. Flavor with nutmeg, a_nd stir m one 0 1;1P of ~ugar. Cov:er a plate wi~h paste, fill with ~his and set 1~ t~e ove~ t ill pa~tly done. Then bar the pie with na~r?w strti;>es of paste, return to the oven and fimah bakmg. .,,. COUNTING PIJ.i"BS OP GOLD. THE DECLINE OF KISSING Sonie ot the Reasons lVby It bas Fallen into Desuetude. Re Made Note of Each Observation. "It is a pleasant day, sir," said the loquacious barber to the member of the 1 ;'irm who wanted to devote fifteen mioutes 1>0 silent meditation. "You're right. Jnst hold on a minute. l want to make a note of that so I can tell my partner," and the patron who yearned for quiet got out of the chair, all lathered t<S he was, took down his ove!'coat, fished out a. note book and made an entry t herein. It worked for full five minutes, and ti: en once more the ruling p<tssion asserted it~elf in the tor1Sot·ial artist. " Your face is mther tender, sir." "Is t hat so? I guess I will ca.11 on my physician and get something to toughen it. Just wait until I make a note of it so I won't forget," and again the half shaved customer went tor the note-book, Ten minutes' respite followed, and once again t he silence w~s broken wit h a t imid " You need a shampoo, sir ; your hair is full of dandruff." " I'm glad you told me. I'm in a hurry now, but please remind me of it when you get through, as L can make a note and attend to it next time." For seventeen long months now the member of the Firm has been shaved by the same barber, and during all this time he has remained as silent as a stone angel on a tombstone in a country graveyard at mid.n ight. THIRTY · YEARS · IN · BUSINESS .M. J_l_A YER, The practical Furrier calls attention t o the follow.. ing Branches of his new Fall Stock. Fall F.:ratS Gents ' Ftlr Caps, Ladies' Caps, Ladies' & Gents' Fur Coats, Cutter & Carriage Robes,A~~~;~ altered and repaired. Highest Price paid for Raw F urs. · BOUNSALL'S I · M a ·rble Works, E 0 'J\T"JYI:..A..N'"V-ILLE_ We have a large and well selected stock of I SCOTClt &INCLtLlt CtlANtTI MONUMENTS of latest designs, and to intending to erect Monuments this fall, who will call at the shop, we will sell at such low prices as wera. never · heard of before in Canada. Call and get prices before purchasing elsewhere-, and see if we do not mean what we say. I I E. R. BOUNSALL, Manager. I PRARMJl~Yo ---- o---- THE ONTARIO BANK J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SOii, Chemist s and Druggists. ----o- - of I Our Stock is complete, comprising an assortmentof Drugs, Medicines, Sponges, Chamois, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Soaps, &c. Imperial Stov e-pipe Varnish r I I Thorley's Horse & Cattle Food, Pure Ground Oil Cake, and Prairie Flower Condition Powdet Jt INYENTIQN JOSEPH JEFFERY, I I UNDERTAKING LEVI 1'110RRIS. I DUNN~S · I 1 · BAKINC ·Merchant Tailor & Gent's Furnisher THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND -----~- I POWDER ' Children Cry for Pitcher's ·-Castoria: . ---·