· · Mr. I. M. Field, teacher of \Vbitevale FRIDAY, N ov. 25th .-Mr. Thos. Wilbur , An Inte restiug Family Epi9ode. of l ot 3~, con 7, D1<rlington, will sell School is danger ously ill with diphth eria. GRE.6.T ASSORTMENT Ob' E · t h set ou · t by n11ct1ou 10 01· more acres of first-class 'l he Markl DEAR EDITOR,-! am going to confide ~ iam cnnomis aH hat·u .' WllO · tl t.1m · b 11 f 1 b ·t th' t tl · d · ti " best of er, a o t ie very eRt a secret to yon. You c,1n lceep it, can't upon 1 -ty. S aI e a t 2 o ' cIock · s . c . s 1r y· ur year 10 w 11 · ·t q ua you 1 I am told you can kee p things- spiri 8 · H UNKI NG, auctioneer, JUST OPENED, you have kept your lJC<l for a wuek past. TAMARAC is no+. an ordinary mixt,ure. Aucno~ SAtEs. - 8.C. Hunk ing, urtGuaranteed to give satisfaction. My ex- Wdl, I am going to give you my name, In fact its propert.ies are ent irely differen t 1ot for publication but as au evidence from any llreparat·oo us«d for coughs, tice, Ontario, Licensed Auctioneer , for ·perience in this department ena.bles me " 1 D arlington and Whitby, Bowma11 vilfo of good faith," but this let ter is for publi· cold-., t hroat aud lu ng troubles. · t-0 give thia guarantee. t and Oshawa, Appraiser, &c. All business cati .. n, because I am going t o take great Messrs. ' V !ilker & Corbin, the new proLiberal Discount to Schools. care in coinpo3ing it and the s11bject is of prietors of the Oriental Hotel, I'ort at tended lo promptly. Orders may be :l'JIOTO ALllUMB, in the newest desigus, at very great moment to ladies in particuleft at the 8TATES1r1A.N office, Bowmanville, Perry, h ave taken possession. · a vt·r y low rate. You will be surprised lar . or R eformer oflice, Osh11.wa. A number of small boys in Peterboro at what you can get a good Album for . Well, to begin, a very pleasant little H,. Hutchison, Licensed Auctioneer fol." convAt'sa·ion took place bet\veen my wife were pulled the other d ay for breaking the Townships of D i BIBLES-Family, Pew and Pocket. .·rlington, Whit by, and me this moruing b1o1fore we arose, windown· and fined 50 cents each. Clarke, Ma,nvers and Cartwright. Sales A lady ea.id thA other day, Mr. T. you Missus woke before I die\. an d succe·ded W nER.E IT ENDS.- Nine·t enths of the attended to promptly and at rca9011ab le have, by for, the best select.ion of writing by two or t hree n uclges in ;ny ribs ~o disease denominated Catar rh is th e r esult rates. Where it is not conveni ·nt to 11ee paper in town . awaken me. She seemed uncommonly of protracted or oft-re · eated cold i i n t.he me, a rrangements can be ma<le with the Buying for cash , I always buy the best, re·tless and I 'k new there wa3 some:hing head. NaAal Balm will give iu1111ediate Editor of t he S 1'A1'EB:ll.AN.-R. H UTCIIISON, .get the boat m t· s, and my customers get on her mind. So aftt·r l lud turned over relief and permanently cures. :t 'Eoniskillen. the benefit. aml given ht0r t he usuBl morni r·g kiss, sh e Mr. Wm. Clarke, who resirles eouth of N .R-Our advertising r ate for ·auction My five quires of p ap er for 25c. sairl, "J oho I see by the STATESMAN this the villa~e of Pickering had nine sheep is likt>ly to be a very cold winter, and sales, when we do not print t he salt' is a g reat bargain. whew ! dent you hear the wind whistling worried by dogs one 1iight recently . bills, is 25 cent11 a line, each insertion. A P ERSON unable to slebp in bed , unamong th"' trees on the lawn ? I assented. Then she said: Did von n< ·tice that love- able to work, unahle to take ordinary Always a specialty with me. New patt er ns ly new fm· coat Mrs, Brown wore to f'X r cise from the effec!s of Asthma until using ::>onthem A·thma Cure. A sample j ust received. P ainted Window Blinds chmch yestE>rday 'I Viao'nt it a re8l beauty I began now to "smell a r at," so l ejac. package relieved, three packages permanat lowest rates. HAT Proper ty lncated in the town · f ulated, Yes. Ho w do you think I would enily cured. t Beautiful go0ds for '\¥Ad ding Presents, look in one like it ? said she. My dear, Bowmanvi: I~. adjacent to the G. 1'. R. " There has been mor e money paid out s. t .ation and known as the Tottl'lrdale House. etc., new. I said, yo1i would look well in anyth·i11g. for grain in Port p .. pe this sei aon," says Tho 11nd rsighcd hns reoeiveti instrnctiona Executors of the late Mrs. Eliz"b,.th from the "Well, I'll t ell you what l' ve been think- the Guide, " than a··y previous one." .~lien Wilks to sell by auction on thP- premises ing You and I are g"tting up 10 years, B.ABIES AND UHILDREN.-They are al.John . We've worked ind ustriously for ways cat.ching cold in t he 11ead. Place a On Satur day, D ec mber 3rd, '87 25 years, and !!One with out many fine small par ticle of Na al Balm in each nos- the above property. with tl1e land thereto attached-about one a.ere. The property conthings that oth er people less able to afford t,ril at night, nlso rub well over t he bridge sists of a two storey Brick Hotel containing , rooms, wit.h a storey i>nd a h.,,lf ad dition ctmhave go t. Our family is now able to of the nose, and let us kuow how they · ta.lning Grooms and pantry with cellar tull earn their living and we should take life are iu the morning. size cf house. 'l'liere is also a U"Ood stable 27x4! t a littie ea~ier a:id try to enj ny a little feet containing J fO st»lls, a driving house I7x~ A young lad n><med Wm. ' Howland, BOWMANVII.LE, N ov'R 23, 1887. feet and sheds 1'23'.><19· fee,., Thl'l garden con· more. They say as people get older their tains 29 e.nple,10'plum.5·cli:erry,5 pear trees snd wh o committed for1rnrv in Peterboro in blood gels thiuner, then it takes more small fruits, At the same time and plaoe Angust last, has j us t b een found by the other there will also be sold the whole of th ~ furniMr. M . A .Ta.mes, Proprietor of this clothing to keep th,-m warm I really do police. ture conslsr.ing of bar "fiJ.Tnhihings. pllrlor. fed ·his to be true. l was so clnlly yesilinlng, kitchen and bedroom furnishings, journal, has been confined to his bed since t e1·day that l shook and did'nt get but VALUABLE To· K.Now.-C0nsumption oarr.ets, chamber eets, dishes of all kinda, iast Wednesday, suffering from u.n attack little good from the sermon. cut ery aod In ract everythlng pertaining to " I no t.iced may be more easily prevented than cnred , well furnished lrnt· et. Sale to begin at U! of bilious fever; but he is recoving nice- M rs. Brown siit up as straigh t and com· The irritat.ing and harBssiug eungh will be o'dock sharp. 'rE.aMs~-tor fu111isbin gs a n d farnil"ure, caab; ly now and expects to resume his official forta h!e as possible. I do bdieve there gr eatly r elieved by th e use of 1-lagyard's real es ate one tenth· ca~ h oa t1;1.y or ~ale, is r eal comfort in t hose fur CPat s Pectoral Ba'sam that cures coughs, coldd, for duties n ext week. terms for balance mivle k11·>wn· on ,1,., of sale. I see by the STA.TESM:AN that M Mayer bronchitis and all pulmonary troubles. The purchaser to search title a.t hie own o:irw ill ful'nish d eed To bs sold has a magnificent selection of fadies' nnd There was shipped from P ickering- last pense. Executors t.o reeerve bi<L'l'it'l e indi9pntable. For DYNAMITERS. ge1 ,ts fu1· coats, ~oc,d and cl10ap·. What week seventy-one very fi ne &hrnpshire- subject further particulara ar;p l y to ,l 'O'll N K. G.\ I .r r,o r..e1·i .A.. Tole, uo you ~ay to going to tmvu t h is : 111orning down rams, for use on Mr.G.H. Mallory's R AI'l'U, Bo wnianvilJ .. , ·> J6-3w. Auctioneer. Bowmanvi ll<>. Ont.. The following, ou the tate of the A nar- and lookiug at t hese cnats ? You know ranche at Montana. Bowme.nville, Nov. 15,tlSSl·. you mado the best price for your barleychists, from the N cw York Tribune of 75 cents-5 cent s more than our neighOn Wednesday night, 16th inst., Messrs. recen t date is not only germane to the bors made because-you saw by the S TA'l 'ES- Touchburne & Prest,on's storehouse at tmbject treated of, but timely on this side MAI!I that the p ice was up to 72 cents, Omemee coutaining 1200 bus!iels of bai·ley was d estroyed by fire. CJf the lines in view uf the murderous and when you got into to.wn t here was a row among the buye!'s and you got '75c. PREVAII.ING SrcKNEss·-The mGGt preattempts of dynamiters in Orangeville Don't you thi11k you can nfi1.lrd me a new vailing complaints at this sea.s©-n are 1md elauwhere. The spirit is the same, fur coat 7 If you can it will be j;nst ns well rh eumatism,ne uralgia,sore thr oat,, inflamI am now showing a complete St ock and it is t o be hoped that the large r eward to get it at once, then I shall have the mations and con11estions. For all ~ h ese of New offered for· the apprehension and convict- ben efit of it all winter. There don't you and other painful troubles H!ag:far d's Yellow Oil is the best iuternal andi exterhear the terrible win.d ' ? " ion of the Oraogeville miscreants will 1 listencd attentivdy to t his course of nal remedy. IJring them to lii~ht. They ha~e well womanly r easoning a~1d considering Mr. H.J. Meacham, the,octog.enerian -:--.ANDearned exemplary punishment. the points 1vell made a nd the hy- postmaster of .Bt·lleville, celebrated his " 'l'be Supreme Coart of the United p .. thesis well clearly stated, I decided at eightieth bi1t hday on M·wd~y. Hie has States has fouad no ground in law for once to "demonstrat e the proposition," b~en behind the wicket forty yeaN. intervening b,;tween the Chic11go Amir- as we used to say in our old Euclid class, Young .Hamly,of Port Perry, the j~1ven Which for Style and Design. cannot be cltlato aurl the duom to which the estab- by saywg, "I am m1endiug to ~o to to wn ile hous···br eaker , was sente nced on Mon- sur passed in t own, and to· which I inlished fi.cta r ighteously cundemned them. on some busness, and you may as well go day by H is Honor ~fudge Burn '> ani t o one vite the special attention of the ladies of Every j uclicit1 l process bas been exh.a ust- along wi t.h me. Without a word more, month, with solitary confinement twwe a this disrrict. Ed, and nothini: but Governor Oglesby's but implanting an im pressive kiss, Missus week. sprung .. ut of bed with a bound as ac;prerogative can now avail to save them ANDE'RSON. Fon FROflT BITES. -There is no, bet ter Thero fa 110 re>tson to suppose that the t ivel v as she did 25 years ago, und we breakf .· sted, had fa1mly devlltions. and r eme.dy for frost bhes, chilblains and s!mKing St. , B owmanville. 40 <Governorwill listen toanyclamor for their JJardon . They well destirvo their fate. s tarted tor town, she humming a cheerful ilar troubles, thau Hagya.rd's Yellow Oil. Tl eir <lcvilish work wn.s t raced home to tune or chatting merdly as we trott ed It also cures rbtiumatism, lumbago, wre · throat, deafness, and lamen ess and pain them step hy st~p, uutil no man in the along the frozen r oad. R eaching town we put up as usual at generally. Yello w Oil is used internally p osseBaion of his faculties could doubt Wl~T CHES their guilt . Their crime was perpetrated the J'.tueb t com House and went straight and ex·ernally. EXACTfNG up t'> Mayer's Fur Store. ' Vhen we ~ot The members of St. Andrew' a S0eiety under circumstances of peculiar a.troci·y SERVICE there we found there old Mr. and Mrs. of Whitby and P ickering have made artmd ii) a spirit of deadly hostility to civili.r.ation and all public order. In the na- Wilson of out nonh who had made an rangemeuts for the cel.ibration of; St. Anture .,f things i; producefl a profound im- earli"r st-art than we, and had purchased drew'a Day with a grand c.:mcert on the pression all over tht1 world, but not even two big bundles of fur goods, and were 30th inst . TEN YEA.Rs' 01" ToRTUltE.-Mra-. Thos. in Chicago, where it kindled the hotte"t having a chat before leaviug over the wrath, was ther " e ver ..t any moment a difference b etween sons a.nd daughters, Acres, of Huntly, Ont , was for ten years icb docdisposition on the part of those most deep- and sons-in-law and daughters,in-law. a suffer er from liver complail' t wt1 Af- el" ly o utraged to t ake the law into their own Mr. and M rs. Wilson departed and Mt·. tor's wedicme did not relieve. hands. The solemn proced ure of j11stice Mayer remarked as he shook hands. with using four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitwas not usurp<.d <·r 1iiverted. The pris1·n ua : Dot con bersation makes me <link off t<' rs she was ent.irely cured, and states e·ra enjuyed every advantage which skilful a biece of boetry dot 1 reads onet. 1t · th11ot she is like a n e w woman agBin.. counsel ancl humaue cour~ could supply, we nt somedink like dis : The Redch, Sougog, and Po1·t Perry n.n<;l a wise latitude,suggested less by law "A son vase. son till he gets him a wiv~, Plowing match was a success ili every reBnt a daughtet'B a daughter, shust all her tbau by hum. uity, was given and employlite." spect. A highly creditn.ble and inviting ed 'for their be<>efit. In the face of I n all my oxperience und observation, list of prizes we re offered, representing threats and slander, jud~e and jury d id their duty, and a verdict was found and a I hafe found dot shust as t rue· as c<m pe. $400 in value. THE JEWE.hLER, A SroNIFICANT ]'ACT.-The wo1.tn out, 13entence imp.,sed which no devices, Dere is not.ing dot shows der difference however ingenious, have bean able to petwcen der vay a man und a womans waste and poisonous matte, in t.he·system Has been appointed sol e agent for upset. I n thi~ case, as in every otber, lookE1 at somctiugs d an dot. A womans should escape through the secret ions of the beneficial law of compensation will things moro of her huspand dan hll does ·he bowtJls, kidneys and skin, or serious the celebrated RocKJ<~ORD WATCHES, operate to effoct a.n accomplished evil. off her and yet she things shnijt as much diseaae results. B . B. B. opens these na- they are the best American Watch Tho everits of the last eighteen mo uths of det old folks as effer. A man does not tural outlets to remove disease. u have t aught Anarchist.ii, from one e ud of mean to run away rnit der feelings lie haa nev. J · w . T o t t en, o f ,.,. m.ar k"u am, 1 1as ,, manufactured and are· guaranteed country to the other, a useful lesson. about dar olt folks, but he simply is not officiated at the foneral of si111 Gf Mal"k- ' fro m the facto ry as be:.ng fint-class, They have learned that the fri ends of gapable off putting hia lofe in more dan ham's oldest inhab!tants. Fi\te 'of _the Call and ex.a.mine them. llOCial order are iu a vast maj0rity and one blace at a dime. Of womens vas shust death~ occurred qmte recen·ly a,nd with· like men in dis respect families would soon thab they are able to vindicate the !awe in a shor t time of each other. The aggre- We have also the finest s t ock of be broken all up, nod fader and moder which they h ave made." all kinds of W atehes, Gol d and would not b ti such bleasant words as dey gate ages of the six was 505 years. now are. Dot man dot haf peen blessed Perhaps uo local disease ha.s puzzled S ilver, in the town ofBowmanville. TO OUR READERS. mit one or :l.ree goot daughters may veil ·and baftled the medical proliession more than nasal catarrh. Whtie not hnmediate- In J ewellry, we have an endl ess be thankful. D ere is no ··Ofer Der Hill We cannot too strongly ul'ge upon Mit Der Poor-hoose" for him, undyet he ly fatal it is among t ile m oat distreeeing, variety-Clocks of all kinds very otor r eaders the necessity of subscribing vill suffer enough ven he sees dem d ..u;;:ht- nauseous and disgusting ills th e £esh is cheap.. for a family weekly tkWttpaper of the ers go away for life, to make up for all der heir to, and the recol."ds show very few S'l h tir8t class-such, for instance, es THE n eglect he gafe his own barents. Women or no cases of radical c nres of chronic I l v erware we ave the e-:::lNDEl'B:Sl>EN:r. lt is a newspaper. Maga.- is quite schmall und Wt!ak snmediooes, t:a.ta.rrh by anv of t he multitnde of models · n zi nE>, and review , all in one. It is a but d er strongest men could neff.it bolt of trea~ment until the introduction of! clnsive right t<;,, sell for the largest der \1 orld in blace half so veil as de wom- Ely's Cream .n~lm a fe~ years ago. The I fi rm in t h e U S 1·elii1ioua, a literary, an agricultural, a '£he quality and · · mens do. Dere vas a great many men dot success of this preparation has been most · tinancial, and a political paper combin· ii prices are th~ best aud lowest in h<lve the some obinion dot 1 haf mit dot grtaifying and &urprising. ed. I t !ms 32 folio pages and 21 depart· subject, but dey do not like to speak out mnete. No matter what a person's reThe wealthiest ma.n in the t ownshi p of this part of i" he eoun t r y, We ask pecause dey was afrait dem womens would ligion , politics o r profession may be, no Pickering commenced not many yea.rs ago you to call a n d exami!te our ~oods get so buffed up mit bride dot dey would peddliu:;( wheat in a basket, a nd from matter what tb e age, sex , employment ~ or c:mdition may be, The I NDEPENDENT get too big for der house. Dot is vere that to saw-milling, and now he ow .a befoi·e buy ing. dos·d men make a great mistake. Der 1,800 acres of land, n 1d is estimated to be will prove a help, an instructor, an edumore a man bleases his wife mit pleasant worth $ 125,000, works every day of his Specs a nd Eye Glasses , Cases, &c., cator. Our readers can do no less than to send a postal for a free spedruen words und gomplemenh and grantin~ her life except Sundays, wh··n he attends t he C'.opy , or for thirty cents the paper will wishes d er more bleasure he will haf in Baptist Church, to which he is a liberal we carry the leading stock, a nd be sent a month , enablin~ one to judge dis world. contributer, is a strong Liberal in poli- guara ntee e very pair for 6 m on t hs, I was now convinced by a consensus of tics, a good neighbor,kindhusband,and doof its merits more critically. Its yearly arguwentation t hat that ne w fur jacket ti!lg father. 'l'hat man is J ohn .Barry, of if well used. If they q.reak we subscription is $3. 00, or two years for will r epair t hem free of char ge. was a foregon e conclusion, and it only re- Claremont $5.00. quired a few minu tes aruong Mr. Mayer's Those who desire to subscribe for Call and get fit ted propedy. GIVE THEM A CH.ANCE.- That is t o say Amei· can Agricult1imt aa well as Tnn handsci111e assortment to make a choice that made my misus look to me even /Jetter your lungs. Also all your breathing fNDEPE::SDENT cannot make a better t han Mrs. Brown. She was so well suited machinery . Very wonderful machiuery OUR REPAIRING Dm'.A.HTMENT.-- We bargain than by accepti n~ THE I NDE· with price and q uality that a nice cap to it is. Not only the larger air-passages, can only go over the same old sayl'F..NJmN1's offer to send both paper s for oneyeat· for the .s um of $3. 75. Each ma·ch was selected and then to "have but t he t housands of little tubes and cav- ing·, that we repair Watches, Clocks things to corr espond" Missus suggested ities le ~d in g fro m t hem. 'Vhen these are subscriber will thus save seventy-five that I get a coon coat and acting on the clogged and choked with matter which and J e wellry in the most s kilful cen~s 011 the two papers. .Address, T PE lNnEPENDEN~', 2ol suggestion wc soon found a way to relieve ought n11t to be there, your lungs cannot manner. We aie hoked u pon as ourselves of anoth er $40, when .,fter get· half do their work. And what they do Br oadway, .New York City. ting fur C.lps and some small things for they cannot do well. Call it cold, cough, the only reliab le Watchmake r in tho boys, wo left for home. croup, pne.uwonia, catarrh, consumption So pleased were we with our visit to or :my of the family ot throat and uose this po.rt of t he count ry. iVI ere UNIV EIIBAL AJ·PROBATION .- 'l'he medi- .!\'I.ayer the Practical Furrier, that through and heu,d and lung obstructions, a ll are talking can't do the work, but tools, cal profession, the clerg:y, the press and the STATESM.AN we want to say to our bad. All ought to be got rid of. There ability and experience combined the public alike ncknowledge the virtues· friends a n<l neighbors, ii you want to be is just one s1u·e way to get rid of them. can , of which w e have p l enty. .of Burd.. ch Blood Bitters, as an unequal - comfor1.abie and have peace at home make That is to t ake Boschee' a German Syrup, led remedy for chronic dieeasea of the an early visit to Mayer's store where is to which any druggist will sell you at 75 Rtomach, liver, hovrnls, kidneys and blood. be found a grand lot of all kinds of Furl cents a bottle, J~ven if everything elqe Yours truly, has failed yon, you may depend upon 1 Its poiiularity increases with its years of Goods. The Jeweller . 44. A HAl'l'Y FARMI!Il. t his for certain . 26 t rial. P. TR£B: IL!COCK.j FOR LADIES ONLY. DISTRICT NOTE ~'! AUCTION SALES. I Library & Gift Books v -· - IN- BIBLES, SU NDAY STA'l"ION E RY, PLATED WARE, M USICAL lNS'rRU - TNUOCS ID LLANO %0:~ NEVH ~ YADNU N L OOHC ::> .SKOOB c. 0 ROOM PAPER. HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE. AND WALL PAPER. COME IN AND .SETAR TSEW OL TA. NE'KAT T SREPA.P3WEN ROF BNOI'rPIR.OS BU.S H At Ruebottom House, on Friday and Saturday,, Nov. 25th and 2Bth. PROF. DOREN WEND AT LAST. I am coming this time with renewed vigor and an entirely trestu stock. My extended tour t hrough Europe this summer was made ror the benefit of my cuat0mera aa w ell aa for my own hoal, h, . l visited New York ; also London, Parie, Berlin. Vienna, Hamburg · and other importi>nt cilie~ on the continent in order to add all .the latest foreign Ideas to those I already p os~esa. I will on this visit have aome of the Greatest Novelties and Specialities In Ladies' and Uen~·s Heir Good'l ever exhibited: on the A.mtJrioan cootlnent. Styles of the LateKt, Newest and Most Becoming designs. I have no t had time to have cuts made of them for pl'ioting, but it you c tdl e.t my ahow rooms e.nd he.Ve some pieces tried on, you will be delighted. IN BANGS I have so many stylee that it; is impossible to mention them all. 'f here are the NewG'o= ods PORTLAND, FRANKIE, MflllN~RY fAll AND WINTfR BETHES. SHINGLE, AMANDA, LUCY, POINT & OTHERS. My former styles of Waves and other l<~ront· pieces have also been Improved upon. In Gent's Wigs and 'l'oupeea I have likewise new methods of manufacture. Now is the time to secure something 1·eal· fine. d"Itemember forTWO DAYS 0:-.ILY. ' I shall also have with me some fine Ladles' ' Hair Ornaments, Pin", etc. 'l'.heoo are articles· that evorr lady shonld ha.ve. Fancy Goo ds, MRS. Ruebottom House, November 25th and 26th. FORD THE DOCTORS,: ALL SAY: Keep your feet Dry and Warm. for Fine Boots, Shoes and Slippers. F A.LL STOCK N OW OPE~. We a r e just openin g our new a nd elegan t stock , consisti n g of Boots, Shoe s, Rubbers and O vershoes in great variety. O u r g oods are all of the newest n 1 ake, in w hich we can give h alf sizes and several w id ths i n mos t all lines. We can give y ou something stylish , substantial a nd a t the right price. We 1nake to Order GENTS' F'INE SEWED OOO'l'S in the -.·ery latest fashions. REPA.IRl.l"IG PROIJJPTLY ATTENDED TO. TERMS GAS H. W. JENNINGS. S TAND : -Neads." B l ock, n ext d oor east of S.S. Edsall's Hardwaue Store. 46: I STO·V ES, STOVES! A'F THE- STOVE AND TIN DEPOT, NEWCASTLE, My OHEAP FOR CASH. s t ock of COOKING RANGES consists of th e Jewel Range, with the new Duplex Grate ; also Grand Du chess, Grand Universal and Diamond Range. For ! PARLOR STOVES, I h a ve a. large stock, w i th and witho ut ove ns, c onsisting of Art Garlands, Universals and Art Sultanas. l: Also a full line of Cooking S toves o f the latest patt erns, and for size, wei ght and finish, are unequalled. I also take ord ers for t he N OVELTY STEEL P I.ATE H oT Am FDRNACE, it is a powerful heater and veey reasonable in p r i ce. Granite und Iron Wares constantl y on han d . Eave T1·oughing, R oofing and Job Work done on shortest notice, and p rices, conside rin g m a t erial, as l o w as the lowest. 1. 6 .t1 W~ T· :ul· BONAT H AN ;~ewcastle. ANTED.-LADIES for our fall a nd Christmas trade, take light, pleaaimt W work ut own l1omes. to per day to ~heir -~=----_,,,,,,,.......,__,,,,-----·~-re-.,,. _ ==~-==,,,....,..-.,...-.,.---...,,=""' MAYNARD, IN'flllll .'DllN4; AD,-1-: &TISERL ~h<>·tlcl <lrcss Gil@. I'. ltO\ VJ;LJ, .fl: CO., 1\0 Sprnce 8ti·eet, New Toi·k ()ify, be qniotly maclo. Work sent by mail any cli6· tance. No canvassing, Address a t onee. For SELJ>CT LlS'l ' OF J,ooo NE WSPA.PEllS, CRJ<~SCENT ART CO., 147 Milk St., Boston. ·wu1 b e sent l' ltEE cm um·lkailou. Maes, Box,5170 $1 $3 CM>