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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Nov 1887, p. 5

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COD LIVER OIL I Great bargains in fancy goods, at ~rs, l\forrison's. ,Mrtl. l\ of Winnipeg, is visiting f d .:IcBride, t rien M m 011111. 1 . One old and ODU new subscriber for 888 f·or o ly $1 · 60 · 11 1 :BRAND OF PURE Merchants can insure Plate GlMs with Mr. Geo. McGill, at the 0ntario Bank. Dr. Potter, dlice and residence, Prow· er's Block, Kiag·st., Rowma.nville. 1-t f. I Order your suit and overcoat at tie · t a1 ·1or is · the b est . Tup t Store. Th eir B an k FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT RoBT VIRTUE, A!.(ent, Bo~ manville. tf. ··rhe General Standard Remedy for all All wool flannels from 18c. per . yard 'Weakne~s .md dieeaeca of the lungs, and up at Couch Johnston & Cryder· :impa.ired nutrition, etc. l man's.' ' . oiI IS · p ure, f res h , nearIv t"" ~teless 0 is · , John McMurtry's blankets and t ieTh 't a bl e for an d th ere f ore most sm , del1"cate downs are at the lowes t prices. Can't be digestion. b·,,·t. I v None genuine without tie ~Ir. and Mrs. ,fas. B oreland left for I name z.DAHL stamped on each capsuld. th eir home at Kilarney, Manitoba, last -WHOLESALE BYweek. Shirts and drawers, t weeds, o vercoat s and suits very cheap nt the Bank rupt Store. " IzDA HLJ J l to:E OIWI Y 'J,BE n1 ~ U '::! ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~~~~~~~~ OUR HONOR ROLL. I Stylish fall millinery at Mrs. Morrison's. Peterboro' want.l t o b e incorporat" d as ery Mrs. Morrison's is the cheapeat millin- 1 .~ntrance Examinat ion. house in t own. J a city. 1 Farmers should sdveri:_fae stray aul ma s i n the STATESMA~. J ··hn McMurtry's gloves ar..d h u11iery _ a re at p epular prices. Mr. Archie Hingham, of Trenton,e.,..,:nt l' T hanksgivivg Day with friends here. The first ticket for t.hA first Jenny Lind concert in Boston in ·1850 was sold by auction for $625. Mr. .Tohn Piper, of Cobourg SentinelStar, with his wife and family, have been spending a few days in town. Bmgea Cough Syrup cures coughs,colds, hoarsness, whooping conqh. !'re· p ared and sold b y J . Higgingbotham & Ron. 1f you want. to buy anyt hit1!? ~ in watch eR, clocks, J· ewelry or silverware y ou can M a ·on's t · at Jo]1 n J ·· B a ve lo to 25 Per ' Goods ' cen " General Dry and J e welry House. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Haddy, of Tvr on t o \ Tl f JI · are on a. visit to oid friends h ere. , . 1e o owm~ pe1·sons h a ve ren~ed q E ENT RANCE EXAMI NATION Get . f ll 't . t t J I thell' o wn su bscription for 18'l8 a nd oh· . f?r the. Bowm·rnville High Schoril w ill . . yo1;1r a sut or overcoa a om . . be h!l'1h on Wednesday, '.l'hursday and li'rida J. l\i ason·s dry goods and je·ivelry house. tame d one or mor.e ne w subscn bers for Dec- 21, 1t, 220.d and 23rd, in ·he school rooJs Do vou nt t b t h G t T HE STATEB~IAN : ofth'6 ©, ·ur1h·et. M~thodis t church, beglnnl~ 11 9 · . M" wa , 0 uy a wa c · "o 0 B · .A.8 ht "" 1 e"cl'l> ds;7 . a._ m. Intending caudidateR .Tolm J ~o11sGeneralDry Gvods and enJ, on,.,ewcaste, · ' shouid~~1.mthe1rname · totheunder;iigned. l ewelry Store W· H. " Williams, Bowmanville, l. · W . W. 1'AMBLYN", 0 ).'.ersons wh~ want money and can CYive Richard Mallory, :i. · :Bowru-anvi1'1!e, Nov. 23rd; 1887. Head ~~;~: r eal esi..' \te .security caa get any am;unt J'otm Ituddock, 1. - - ---;- ··. --~~on applica~ton t o :\'.l. A. JAMER . Richard Davey, · ryrone. l. 1 ~ ., I R L. Ralls, Leakard, 1 """' · T he D . 0 . P. Co. a1·e d rawing water Mr s. Joo, Vinson, Orono, J, 1. · from the crt:ek, ;,;101r wate.r supply for Jamee Malcolm. Caesarea. . N Taxes 1· e rue-i."ning unpaid Dec. 1st., · steam pur!Joses h.<wmg· an sI10rt. Thos H. Ifancock, Tyrone, l. 1887. costs wiil1 be altaclied. Ronrcn· .!' VrR'l'1'TE, Collector' 26- 1 w. I mperial Stovepipe V ar 11i.ah profl uces a ·w. H . llicks. " - -- --- - - - beautiful gloss and makes n o offensive W . H . Gorrill. 'l'auuton, 1· IHI. E. C. Md '0WEJ,J,. smell. Sold by J . H iggingbotha.m & 'r hos. Ormiijton EnniBkillen, 2. ICENT IATEOFR(..' YALCOLI,E(U!; Son. - - - - -- --of Pb.yRicians. Lonuim, l!:ng ; Mt1mbe1' tit: " T t t o an nou nce · t i1c c1 · MARRIED · Colloite of Physicians St>rgeons. Ontario." n e r egre osmg of tlte C t>n t.ra. J B an k , a od th t ·t CooP" R U"~R1\·oon On the l"th t b SURGJJ:HY A:S-D R gsmxm::m :- llear of l~I.. 88i:s · a . amon~ i s t he ltev, '~ -S. Salton, " '" · in · the - Methodist " ns ., Y Higginbotl> h h ld · c'n1rcb. am'e Drug Swre, B.:>wmarn ·llle, · s are o ers we not1 co the names of Mr. E · k 'IJ M s 1 6-:.J yr,* D F"h d M F B l kl ~ r,ms en. r. amuel G Coopet·. to Md.itgie. - . l >< er an r. · ea ey. ~7ur1t:r~:.ugbter of 'Fhoe. Und_ erwood. Esq., all O RENT-The Stand one doo; west;~~ SuocESSl't:L 0 NEWS Of!icA. Hnita;'l>!e fol" ~mall store, "tlr · ANNIVERSARY.- The anni- .A.DD!SON - " IIAW -:-BY the Rev. J .E. Sanderversary SH Vtces of Ch urch -st. Methodist son. M . A... l\ ov. H.ith. at th· residence of the for an Office. Apply to GALE BROS. 1 church, B owma n ville, were h eld 0 11 S u _ briclA'B father. 1\fr Wm. ThompRon Ad ai·on. d d M d , t cl ~ d of Toronto, t.o Jl.'[lss Hattie Shaw. eldeijt ay an on ay i as _an were atten'-' d ughter of Geo. S. Shaw. 1~·sri.. of BowmanwiLt every success . O u S und > ty the R ev ville. D r . S ut hedand gave two power ful and ;"'l'"iii~::;;;;::----D l_ E_ D -.------l oquenO t l "' DA et -. ., c isM eou rdses t 0 fi crotwclle d congreg)"'RLINOTO N.-ln Chicago. I ll., on the 15th, ions. n on ay a lr" -c ass tea W, s il\st.; of t phoid fever, Arthur, eldest son of o f ELIZABET H ELLEN W ILKS,,. served by the lad ies in tho vestr y o f tho ~ :he late Th o~. D1trlington· . Dec eased. · church, of which between three a nd foul' MHE:NRY.- In Bowmanvil!e, on the 18th inst.. T· I NOR'WEGIAN - - ·-· -- .e e F n ·--1 --N ot ---- 0 · O L , . STOTT &· J URY, BuWMANVIUK J ohn M cMurtry s fiu gel'ing yarn--a large MBOrtment- Scotch and Canadian, at lowest prices. LYMAN, SONS & CO. Sb>'it & Jury's A call at Stot t & Jury's will con vince you that they have t !1e cheapest soaps ever sold in town. Thanksgiving Day was cold, r aw and cloudy. A bleak wind rendered out -door exercise unplca·ant. Our town wore its winter ma nt le last Sabbath, the g round being:· covured with And all variAties of BULBS at lowest fully two inches of snow. The best place in town to buy dry c;:;talogue pr ices at goods and clothing is at .T ohn J. Mason's Dry Goods a nd Jewei1 ·y Store. A scheme is on foot to erect a monu· ment to lhe late U r. Nelles, as a. token of the high esteem in which he was held. N. B. -Use our-Cough Syrup. It has ·On equal. · Mr. Thos. Bingham has taken posses--- -··--·- -- - -- -- - - - - sionI of the· residence db M on 'rh Church M Cl street y r. os. c ung. 1ate y occupte Although Thompson & Co. has changed to Mason and Dale they give tlrn.t $ 25 h arn·,ss away all the same at the end of the year. Mrs. A. Knight, of .Roche, Cornwall, Eng., is visitmg her daughter, M rs. Malco'm C. G;i,lbraith, at the homestead, on · FLOWERS I ~~\t~~~sfrpi~~~!~w. John McMurtry's tweeds ar e w;.ll asSuita rnade t o order HYACINTHS, CORCUS, TULIPS Medical Hall. Sight vs. Blindness. Mr. Sandford Fleming hashour b»en informed that his twenty-fnur time system will be ofllcially ad opted through nut the Japanese e mpire on the 1st of J anuar y. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are now showinoo " a fine stock of ladi<'s' dolmans, ulsters and short jackets- -- imported from Germ·my. These g"ods are elegantly cut a nd beautifully m ade. Mr . Thos. Yellowlees received many a hearty hand shake OD the occasion of his visit to Bo wman ville week, to atten d Mrs McClellan's funeral He looked as cheP.rful and was as genial and pleasan t as of old. _ MiEsionary sermons next Sabbath in the Qneen St. Church, at 10:30 a. m. b y R ev. T. M anning, M . A., of Oshawa. and a t. 6A :30 P· n er, M Mm., - · by R eY. W. · H. Warr M · -· issrnnary anmversary on onday eve ning. Mr. Jas. McFeeter s, of Toronto, spent a couple of days in town recently. City life evidently a~rees with him, for he 1001< 11 almost t en years younger than when he le ft us. Our citizens do seem to t hrive, go where they may. " An evening in " will be given by the Y . P. S ,, of Bt. I'aul's ch . u:ch? in the school-ro~m nex t :iwor~ d ay, begmnrng _ a t 8 p.1n. r 'Ihe meetmg ~s an o~en meetmg of the l'. . p ,_ S. and fr1.ends will b e welcome. The society will be assisted by some of our best local t alent. MoRRIS0A.RRIM; E WoRKS - Having re11 1 T 0 Executors' Notice · to Creditors humlreu 9ar tvok. A [Ler supper a pl>~tform me,, G ing wa s hd d in the ch urch, the past or Rev. FI. S. Matthews pr esidin!!. Shor L bµt in terest ing ·addresses wer e given b y the R evs. 'r hos. Dunlop, (·f Orono, a nd R. D. Fraser , M . A., and J. E . Sanderson, M . A.· of town . T he speeches were interspersed with s 0 me fine selections from t he chui r . All t ove· lier a most enj oyable timo was spent. " The · procee d s f ror.:~ ten. an<1 s . _ un d ay collection s amounted to ahout $ 115. H!g¥~~·a~~J1~~ i!a~~~ghter or G : and Illustr a ted Concert, The D. 0 . ~ P. Co., B and h ave secured Mr .Findley McGregor, Scotland's grand· est Yersatile vocalist , instrumentalist , mimic and a r tist to give h is n ew en t ertainmen t t hat h~s given such uDpreced· ente d sa tisfaction in Cob:·urO' Pcticr boro · "" recently, ' !Lindsay and otber t owns entit ed " Mus~cal Spar ks," i n t he Town H all, B owman ville. on Weclnesday, N ov. 23. See pos lers and pr ograms. ----...---- ··---- I the late W m. URSUANT 'r O 'l' HE P ROVISIONS ~~--------------or thEl Hev1 ·ed Statutes of Ontario Chap·. ter ,107. and 46 Vi_ ctoria. (Ontario) Ch~pt.e1;Jl, M r . Wesley N o t a Candidate. notice is hereby given that all creditors, and other pcrSOioEl, having any debts, claims. or To the E lecto rs ojthe Town ofBowinanv-ill·: i emands al;l"tilU~L the e~L>Lttl or Er.1z1Hlli:TH As my name hos been mentioned in connec- EJ--LEN WILI>.S, late of ~he ·town of Howman. thecountyofDurham, rna,rried wom,.a tion with t.he Mayoralty for lSSS, l mi'ist re· vill&,m deceased. who died on or Rbont the twenty.: specltully, but decidedly decline the nomina.· fonrthday Oc:;ober, .A..D.. 1887. are horeby tion. Tlrn poor healt.h of one at my partners, reqmred toor send by post. pre · ·a id or deliver Mr. Geo. Piggot t. which has necessi tated bis bte, claims;9r r emoval (ror a t.iinP a t least) to Californie.. is particulars in writing, of their dH demands, a n d the naturA of the security tl'f known t.o most of you. '!'his fact, t.o~ether any) held by them, to ,John 1{. Galbraith 9t with a cons·antly increasing business, will the town of Howmanville, in the county o f necessal'ily engage all my ti me and attentiou. Under these circumst.ances I have decided to Durha.m, Barrister, one of the execute s of tlu;. last w ill aud testament of the said tleccased,on retire from 1<11 municipal work for the en·uing yei<r. 'l'o those kind fdends, wl:o have cheer· or before Lhe fo~irt~ day of .i:annary next, (1888) at the exp1rat1on of winch t ime the fully o,nd voluntarily, t endered me their suir ex!'cu t.ors of t he la st will and t.e~tament of th& port, I beg to return my oincere thanks. said deceased will proceed to distribute. tht> Respectfully yours, assets or t,he said deceased among the persona .1 QHN WESLEY. tl..Le~·e1,o, 11.. viug: ~'eK<1.rd t,o tJJe. om1tled Bowmanville. Nov, 22nd, 1887. 7·l w debts and ol!<1ms only of which notice al.tall have been given as 'tbove required 11nd the W. S, OllltllSTON , L , L, U, said executors will not be liabla for the assets Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money su ?-istributed to 11.ny person of whoso debt or to loan. Office, in ·Be ..ver BlMk upstairs in claim they shall not have had notice ut tbe roo "Yl S formerly occupied by Dr. Harnden, time of such distribt1tion, B_() Wlll an _!~l~e. 39 Bowmanville. Nov. ltith . 18n7· .JOHN K . GALBl-lA I T'll. ANTED. -A good genera l ser vant. li'or the Executors. Apply t o M;ns. P. Mu Rnecu , "Bescons· fl'eld," Bowmanvillc. J7. 2w 0 P RETURNED FROM EUROPE. w i u B ill .AT TH E n uEllOT'.l.'OM :FJt IDA Y AN J) SATUR DAY, 'N OV. -- -. ~Elf· ,y · ~:~:r~:~e a~t~~ "C0f;~t:eFta::. e~t~o~a~! &~D t k a nousE W OAR DERS WANTED.--R oomswith B board for three or four r<'spectable boR!ld· ere can be obtained ut Mrs. Wilson's, .north of O_E~E_.11:~~-ory. also condemned. Spectncles in the market equal them any young lady is perfect in p ress!EYE P RNSEHYIN G QUALr~·1Es they posses1" s,....,....__.,,.1 11 h eaves a t e the omia'.l' nA.SE an d 0011rno"'l' they aonfer on mg autumn f leaves l who I f d the wearer. pressing o her c ot iea or 1 ler age THEY N EVER TiltE TJJE EYE .A.ND LAST mo·her to perform · ·· · d MANY YEA.RS WITHOUT CH.A.NOE. Scarlet flannel, all wool, lOc. per yar . 'The sight tested by our New Tet!t Card. Persian lamb caps $2.50 each. 8 fancy as used l:!y the leading Oculists throughbordered handkerchiefs for 25 cents at out the world. the Bankrupt Store. ,Tolm l\fcMurtry has a large stock of · t dd f d bo T . alnr s an rawers or meo an vs . ..1..·A:Oruggists and Opticians, BoWMANVILLE. ~ _ ______ __ __ dies' undt~rwear-a good as.~ortment~ +... cannot be bea.ten in town. 0 ~ a"JIUUU~. Cold weather is coming and the best place in Bowman ville to get warm cloth ,_j:" ~' - ~r~. -~-,-~. ~ 'bo wMANvu.J,E Nov'R 23, 1887. ing for littfo money is at John J. M ason':i D ry Goods and J ewelry Honse. There has b<>en a tremendous rush for PECTAO .S. ~~:i:n~~n c~·::~:,~~ed ~huen~~~i~~n~~a~~v:~ 1;;:cif:~£bff~~l~~!. ~~~~fi:,uj~:p~~~:~~-~ S ENGLISH No a 0 N. S'r ANLEY'S CELEBRATED The West Durham Miaisterial Associa.- e~ ~evhra l 0 ~ ers or ugp·ea_ au cu - d f b d t Prof. : : :I.k nown H air J ,,ant Si "lver ' Servi "ce, sa i "d to be " u' oo d s ma nufacturer of t he Pan·s B air T lla.t eleo ""'\" k T t h · · d th · · I the best to be f .und in t o1 vu, presen.ted ' ' "r s, oron o, as visit e e p nncipa · ·t· f E ur··pe, as L on d on, p aris, · to Mi·s. James Morcis on Thanks., _iving 01 ies o " ~ B ]' t 'r l t h' fl d0 111 Day, was selected from B uckler 's Fine er · e c. ie ·our was c ie Y m o A·sortinent of Silvur Ware ackno wledged for th e benefit or his busines~. H e has HOUSE T O L E T -A comfor table v cl wit . ll some n ew l'd eas a n d 1 . k ll . bl e for sma.11 family, After spending much time and money, I 8J)1 '-e t·lie largest and -...est between Tor1> turne 111.~ - n t·ic - onse, smta tu " " · dd't" h' ·1 t d 8 t k n<lar Out...rlo Street. :\ pply to S. WASliING'J.'oN now prepared to fill all order· promptly. ;1 roat o and Belleville. P ersons wanting now 111 a 1 1011 to is wei · a ssor e oc Clmrch-st., Bowma.nville. 4.Stf have 9. ftna assortment or WAVE:>, BA.NOS. Silverware should inspect his new arnl of L adies' H Good s t,he n ewest and - --·---·-- - - --·· SWlTCJ:U£S, COMBS and PIN "l vory cheap. magnifieent stock . must becoming styl··s t hat ever were "l{IARM WANT E D, T O BU Y-of about BAN"GS FRO~ $ 2 UP. shown on tlrn American con tinen t . H e t: 50 to i5 acres, within a convenient dis· Old Switches colored and made to look like 11 't l t ·tl · l Id t tanc e of Bowmanv1Hc. Apply to M. .A..JA 11n:s, ~ Ill ea P easan ga ienng was ie a has seen t he Wiggs and Toupees made by 8'l'A'.l'n:s:11A N Office. Bownrn.nville, J5-3w, new. Highest price paid for long cut the residence of Mr. Geo. M tlynard's, the leading manufacturers of E urope and - - -- HA.IR TON" IC Ont.ario St on the afternoon of Thanks- has made improvemen ts on them . Every pEAS WANTED. -3000 b ushels of to prevent the hair from ftilli.l;lg giving Day. The occasion hei;1g Lhe lady iilld gentleman slw uld mak e a note small pe as wanten at the Caledonlan \Ve.rranted out and will make it grow. of the house, ~£ th1 ' s and call at h i " s sl· 1 owrooms i'n t h e Mills, Bowman ville, for which tho v"rv hi'!'h· christenin,,,"' of the danzhter .. v est price will be paid. J OHN M.AcK ...tY. Pru· W I have also a fine lot of new Rtamping Mi~s Lett,. R uth ella Victoria. The rite ·: R uebot tom Ilouse, Nov. 25~h and 26th . prietor. o\2·tf. Pa tterns. All orders promptly attended. to. was administered by R ev.H. S . M atthews, ' ·- -- - - -- - B U LL FOR S ALE. - I will sell very Mrs . A. D i \ .. VIS, after which a sumpt uous repast was parcheap mv thoro"bred Short Horn Bull, Neads' Block, Bowmanvlll& J7 t<tken of by the friends present . T he . "I vanhoe." 3 years old. Pedigre" i n "'Brit· boots and shoes at Trel<"aven 's the past eveu ing wa._ s spent in pleasant intercourse, ish American Henl Boak." H. c. HOAR, Dar· - AT 'rHEweek. He has a tremendous assorment lington, Bowmanville, P . o. · H ·t! '"fr· . · }1t on 1 1°s lost seven ·heep. Read an d 18 · SC11' · m u sic, games &c. - ·- - · ··· - -- "'~ mg 1i t t remeu d ous l y Iow prices. rrAILORING M H d advt. A concert,under t he auspices of Trinity MR. A N D M RS, J A M ES MOi tR I S THE r . Ec1r1 .r, i n son, Tailor , The tailor shop of Mr . .r ohn Richards, $75 OO at McUlung Bros.. le now prepared to Pure m ixed paints at Higginbotham's o pposite th e post otllce, P vrt Hope, was Literary and Musical S ociety took place ENTS O F A · · SI"LVER SERVICE. make a limited number of suits for count,ry ·dru::: ni~ht, and':""was an unbuyers th orofrom .outside J~ n. :::. store. entered a t an e11rly I1our l ast F n"d av on 'f hanksg:iving ,· ~ 0 Th k · tra h Q "ck & establishments. C ' t 1· tf John l\:IcMmtry's mantle and ulster morning and g oocls to the amount of $30 qualified success, the ha.ll being filled and ' n an ~gIVing D ay short!)" after 4 nee r ug .m · a s s ore. - - -_, . _ the program well sustained. '£he p lat· 0 oc'k: in the e veniug a large P<trt.y STEER AST 0 AY.-Stray·ea 1 · 11t o t.h e Stolen·cloths are very low-a large st ock. · d f rom a11 parts of t h e compass at ·~ undereigned, lot 3!, con . 3, form was very beautifully decor.i.·ed with ,gat iiere pr emises of the ;fohn Mc Murtry has a fine assortment Tbne were severa:i geese and turkey plants, flower& a.nd shrubs. Mi~s H owdel} t he spacious residence of the Morris', Cla rke, a two·vear·old steer. 'rhe owner ia The follo wing r easons are advanced of dry goods. Selling very ch'.lap. matches on 'fhanksgiving "" well r ecei Sh" requested prove property, pay e>;penses why y ou s h ould drnl with us : f ' t' Day, in t the d "' " ~~ · · ved. · "' Ila" ~ a vcii·ce of Church str eet, Bowmanville, to u nit\} in and take itto 11 way. Itoin . T OMS, :Newcastle, ' · What papers do you intend to sub- count ry. S ome 0 our c1 izens wen an splendid compass and tone. Her songs celebrating the thirty-fifth anniversary of P. 0. __ ___} G ·3w* Our Ordered Clothing is cut by ·scribe for next year, besides the STATES- brought ho me birds, others brought home were nicely rendered, but perhaps her t he i;narriage of. Mr. and Mrs.·James DRIV ING HORSE F OR SALE.~rAN 1 experience grandest effort was "L'Eetasi," by Aediti. Morris, old and high_ ly reapecte~ r esidents Good driver, very quite and sound, snit· t he only :first.class clltte r in t o wn; Merchant s · must hand in changes for Mr. S. Washi ngton and fa.mi~y have Mr. }' , Warrington proved ~host in hilll\ of the town. R elatives _ a.nd fri ends ~ere able for lady or children to drive. 8 years old. their advertis!)ments not later than Sat- ILoved from Church-st. to that tine new s olf. fl., set t he whole audiimce in a roar present frum T oronto, PIC6er wg, W hu by, Apply to W . G. HUNDLE. lot 7, con. 5, Darling our Ties are the most fashionable ,u rday. ' brick villa on Centre-st., erected this with " The man that could'nt ctet warm. " C':.tTtwright, Darlington, Clarke, King~ton, ~~~~;~;Ui~· o., or to R, B, ANDiiE:W, ~J'iJ.7°' in town; our ColJars, Scarffs, Hats M1· W. Y. Brittai1l and daughter, of ~eason by Mr. R.H. ~urner. The house Miss Hazard delivered her parl well and and many. prominent reaident& of the ·- :· , d is a model of convemence, comfort and her recitations wer.e r"nder~. witho.ut 1 t ow.n 1 makmg_ alto~ethf,ll' Ii very large and S H EEP S'l'RAY l!.:D. - From L ot 24, and Underwear are the most dm· 'Toronto, were visiting fr1en s in town neatness = t bl Th 8 ff Con. 5, Darliogton, a.bout the middle of ·-this week. ·. , . I. ult , w:fiile Messrs W .·J. McMurtry and ~·es pee a e company. . , e air ':~s Oct., seven sheep, LeicAster Breed, five of them bl th t · b d Large amount of money to h>an on Dr. Belth s house is almost completed 1Murdoff clone equally well. Windsor's mtettded to be a surprise tO the M o.rr1s , shearlin11:s. a AP\lt of yellow paint (much fad<\d) a. e a can e procure ; OU!' · · an . d_ looks well.with i_ts commodious a.d· 1>rcheatro. of eight pbyers gave two pieces but a generous hearte_d lady in o. ~tawa on left side. S~itable reward for infor mation Ready-mad~ QlQthin,.., ;,. . a" nicelv form security at from 6 to 7 per cent.~ t l l~~·ng to their reoover;v-. Wr.r. .A.s1 rroN, · ··-n "" · ,.., """ . 1 'F H M d1t1011s! and mce pomted walls. The of music in good time, but not such good sen . 1er . congratulat10ns by .mail, n ot Soliua. r \) :1.7 3w · . ASON. house IS greatly improved and looks new. tune. A pleasing feature of the pro< rra.m knowrni:, it was to be a Slltprts~ party, , ·~ - . - . ~-;-" -~ . · mad0 and cnt af.l WCll· aa o tbei' d 1 Th_e are giving the inside the were duets by Miss Howden ana"M:r. and _this letter on g ood5 hou!'les that. advertise ordered fimshmg touches. 'liVarrmgton. Miss Climie discharged tha mornmg, thereby g1 ving the whole thmg couta1mag seven rooms and large hall excel· k t h · ·a·dl 1 h ~n .next January. Gentlemen with bald heads shonld call duties of accompanist faithtt1Ily and welJ. away. " . . lent Cbllar, hard and ~ft w11ter, good g>li'den wor ey pe e your C o t 8 ~ Mr· and Mra · Th os. S ym ons a I 1d Mies on Prof. Doren wend, at the Ru~bottom S c1;100L M EETINo.-The sc1 1 A bl th l d h h d and necessary convenience. 'J'errna easy. p gg. t t be f 'Iors ioo . meet ing .. s soon ns possi . e e a ies w o a session immediately . .A.pply to WM. RRO CK, over o wn O a num r o t a 1 Philp, of T oronto, spent 'rhanksgiving Bouse and s ee his fine Wigs and Toupees. ~eld m the T own Hall last Friday even- Hr~mght a groat var10 ty and abuI_Jdance ?f owner. or to .J, B, MaR'l'YN, or R WoRTU t b d h ll ' Day in "this town with friends. He will be here on Nov. 25th and 26th. mg was almost as l!reat a flu.le as its pte· . edible~ go_t.three larg e tables laid out 1n Bowmanville. .i±-Lf,p<l3. · o e ma e up c e a p, so ca upon Oi<i-e'B- Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket,, The cold weather is coming on and every di.>cessors, no decisive steps taken either n~oat mvitrng s tyle, wi th hot chicken HOUSE A ND LO T JWR SA LE.IVES and get you r Cloths etc., at Monie' Planing Factory, Liberty one should be protected. for plan, site or location. The·'e was a pies, roast turkey,,duck and chicken, beef That very comfortable and commodious -stfeet, R. IL Osborne, leasee. Dress goods 7 cents er ard worth good attenda nce. :Mayor H orsey presided tong ue, r oaat bedf, spiced ham, cocoanut, nowbt lek d welling house. at 1>resent occup1ed .Persons having furniture to sell in town 12!;c. HeaYy grf'y fl ~nn~l, l~.\- c~nts per aud m<uch a~usement was ·afforded at. the orange, walnut and spoD_ge cakes, span~~h ~:'ei:iv~~ ~~:~~-~~d~~~~:t!1?,11g~i~a b~~~r~ · can make very satiafactury arrangt1ments yard. Very heavy all wool <>;ey Jiannel, outset by his calling on the names of the bun, lemon ta.rt, lusc10us Devons~1re nace. and in e""--cellent stateof repair 8plendid Yours sincerely, th d t cream and heaps of other d th garden. H l\rd S:nd soft wa~r. and a ll neceab g tI at the S· r ATRSMAN Office. Terms easy. l7J cents per yard. Quiltecl shirts 75 en. e_men ae ey appeare . on he re' , goo mgs sary conveniences. Will be sold on very e11.ay Some of the landlords are sQ.~rking their cents. 19 .vhite pocket handkerchiefs for q;iistti?n to .address th~ meetm g. On Mr. t~o numerous to iuen,tion. B y about B terms. 'l'. H. S 1·uy, Bowman ville, 4Mf 11 duty in the present of water and nts the BankrnpG Store. Mrce-e{if to D U RB:AM F 000 .we know of one having never but one well r There is a great dearth of wat er in all lntion th f · toe ' .1 tg a h e gramme <> P Du h S~ITUT~- 1 Ai meeting of Weet 0 the 1 T HE for his five tenants and that one well i parts of the town and many of the wells M~. se ~ ~~eW~!~e rf~~1;a~~ 0 ~t~pae~ . Mr. Samuel M ason was chose n chair- co!ng;f'ch~~no.°:r~ ~J~~;n';me~ 1~: ~~fa~~~ now dry: . , . fare completely . dry. Unle~s we have idea fa.;oring t he erection of separ~~High man who aft~r a few remar ks appropria te , ~r°c:':~~~~;~grf;h~f'f!~~~ J \,:Ili ~~ tg: t~~1!: Dr. J;blhe1: s new J:ou~e ts probabl,v ?' , sorr;e heavy ramfall~ to stimulate the and Pub!ic Schools on the d rill shed t o t11e occas10n, called on . Mr-. \Villinm pal ~opic for rliae·~ssion, !tnd o!her matt~r~ ·10 01" of th.., fine . st m the district. The bmldrn ~gs, there ts gomg to b e a water orounds Col Cubitt Mr R B An- Werry of Solina l\ir a nd Mrs Morr is t A hle l mterest or agr1 cultur1ste will h e considered. ·d · d u ranm th. } t th · · " · · ' · · · · ' . '· · '· ' m,embere are reC[uested to attend and all 0~1t war Jy 111 now comp~ete . i>OW~a.n- a nne roug 10u e commg wmter. drew and Dr· .McLaughlin also favored the boommg bride and gr!)om, were Farmers are invit,ed · O come and u;,ite with THE REV. v:1ll~ has some grand residences w1thm its At a meeting of the Provincial B oard this scheme, A nocher scheme advocated brought to t he fore supported by Mr. and the Institu~~:- JouN PENFOO"ND, President. hm1ta. M ore 1 mon. . . of He:1lth, he.I d th~ oth?r day in_Toronto was to _ erect a Public School on the pre- Mrs. R. Oaborne, of Clark~, wl1en M r. l£ you have had trou~le m gettrn:;:( t~e diphtheria ep1demic at Whitby was sent site, and a High School on the W erry on bel1alf of the friends present your watch or clock repaired properly, try discussed.. It was found to result from · Raynes prvperty on Queen s treet and and many who could n ot con veniently be now anthoriled to appear in .j}ohn J. Mason , l'erfect satisfaction the polution of a tannery fro.wing into a yet another wast~ erect Ward Soho'ols in present, in a neat an d wit ty address ' guarantt'ed or n o charge. creek, and the authorities were ad vised the N ort h and West wards. E x pression presen ted Mrs. l\'forrie with a n elegantly Mrs. Morrison is selling out, giving up to deal wi~h th~ case peremt orily. was gi>en t o _the Jax ity t he ~chool c~as~d and massive S~l" '~'ea S er vice of (Successor to the Parkdale News.) business, intending to leave tow.n, and One thmg we learner! anyway at. the Board and their apparent m capac1ty to e1x pieces, valued at $7o. ~hon speeches offers h er stock of new winter millinery, sc~ool meet.m g on ]'riday evening. Mr. d eal with th e_subject. M essrs.Fairbairn, of a con gratulatory character were made by Jt is a new re!ip;i one, literary and hom~ journal, with features of exceptional intereat, fancy g(lods and wools at cost. West . mdatt., Town Clerk, s upplied the in· D . T. Morris, S. Burden and W. r. Messrs. Aar on Buckler, H. C. H o ar ,.John End Mi llinery House. . ' formation that the centre of the t own, Prower alBo addressed the meeting. ln Hellyar, R. Osborue, J vhn Osborne, Thos. 'l'ke undersigned will receive tenders up to PRIVE, $ 1 J ·EJt AJiNUJtJ . noon or . _ ·w eographically, is at the jnnction of On- poetic parlance there was, " a good var· Je~ell, J . C. ,Vanst one, J . H . Jury, R.T. Send ti ve oen h for a sample copy to 'l'UESDA Y, DEO'R 6th, 1887 , Rev. _Robt . Ayl~ard_, B.A., from West -t· rio and Queen streets, educationally, it iety of tongues, much said,nothing done. " Phil~, P. Wright, I'. Werry, T . Sym ons, YElIGH · CO., Publishers, ·Bromwich,_ near B1rmmgham, Eng., has is t..t~j\mction of Church and George R. Gilbert , a nd Mesdame_s. N ott, l\fason for the snp_ply of Butcher's Mea.t,Butter. l<' lour, 10} AdelaLde St. East, Toronto, o ~ tmeal, Potatoes. C01·dwood to the following been u nammousl}'. called to the pastorate streets. and o~b<"Jrn e. M r. Morn a responded in instnutions dm ir.g the .Year 1888, viz.;-'r he of the Congregational ohurch, Cobourg . Tl f f th l . very fittincr terms t hankin"' t heir fri.,nda -4:!JY luma f~~ ·h!" Insane m Toronto, Lc mdon, r:tniiir'iiP'ii~OiiPiiiiiiiiiil SOllTHINO, ,, 1o =- is · a grt<d uat & of L un . d on TT · ·ty, t 1e Th unera ° thev had done ., «'Le ._, mvers1 d te ate A rthur D arlmgfor t 1 1e honor t he m ' for Iungston, Ifomtlton and Orill1a · the Central 1 1 1 CLEANSIN G, Prison and· He!ormatory for females. Toronto; .and is an accomplished preacher. 'Tohn on urs ay as · was alr dge Y a t.tended. their words of c~ngratulations a nd for the Ref9rm!lt<ry for boye, Penetanguishene ; e young man was t 1 1e e est aon of the OF ' HEALIN G. Y.nstlt,ut10n for. the Dear and Dc1mb, BelleNow i1.1 the time that everybody should late Thos. Darlingt on and until abou t - -1 the hand~~1ne anu valuable present t o tl).e v1lle, and·the fost1tution for the Blind, BrantI t Cm·ee protect their health by providing warm six months ago had sn~nt his whole life Mrs. Morna. He was not ~- man of words ford . Two sufficient sureties will be reqllired for .and comfortable foot -wear. }'ew people in Bowmanvllle. died at his mother 's but h e wa~ as tl~ankful as if he could say t)le due fulfilment or each :3pecifica· thin~ ho~v m~,ny colds are contracted by I residence in Chicago, lll. , a fter a few what their k md uass ~nd .geueros_ity t1ons and forms at tender can only he had on unsmtaP . boots and shoes. K eep your , day's illness of typhoid fever . demanded . . A m nst e11J oyable evenm g making appli.cation to the Bursars of the resCold in Haad, pective institutions. ,old ones for the w.n-m an d d ry wea.tlier uf Tl f ,d . . .· h. was spen t ~111 abont 11 p . m., when the t re<[uired for the supN·, B.- Tcnders are no· summer and buy new warm boots for . - w set 0 ~ ur rca ers r e~1uumg anyt mg company d1spersecl. ply of butcher's meat t.o the Asylums in T-0r· the winte1-, anrl one of t he comp etest c~r~ed 8 .s ,0 u,l~ . 1~e~d·t~ouch, J?lmsto;1 AT PRICES .NEVER BE:FORE Mr. and M r&. M or ris d esires through onto. I:.ondol\~ Kmgston <ind Hamilton, nor to STOPS and best assortmen t will be fo1md at he · ry s a ' e , ts~ment m ~hi~ the STA~~ESMAN to thank tilose who could the Ce~tral .t·-rison and Reform.. tory for l!'e· Dropping!> from m 'foronto· ·males 1 0 :Parlor Shoe Store, V v. J ENNINGS, P ro- pape\ ·ld e[ ca.·Ty htrn ai:gos_~ st~c · HEARD OF, AT n ot be p_reaen t , but wh o sent their conNasal p nssag.e s i n... The lowest or any tcncl'or not necessarily acp rietor. carpe s 1 ie , . y any ouse . m t 10. county gw,~ul<itwns, for the k ind expressions- of .cepted, to the throat arnl ' E ASY TO l\JSE . w. 'l'.O'REILLY IT CAN !J& N@HA.n u to tt·y l>'rl"ma:m' and as tI;e1. '.mport them c h rect from tl\e l! CO'S their esteem a nd good wi:ll, ii.nd only cxccsi:ive e:rpcctorntia n ci:m scd by Catarrh.. Se 1\t 0 , . R. ClHW:l'l'Ll!:, ' · · '\l'~P1 l.'o';'~~r.s, wl'tcn yo11.r cltl'lll is ailin manufac,urern no one c an u ndei·se,l [ reg~et ~hat. they yrero not able to joiu . 1'nspectors o·f PM sons and P ublic Charities. pr1'·pnirl on rccsipL of price, ?;(le, nnd $1. Address i cn emh ui 11 dhtl , . them. ·.. their frrnrtcla on tl:n s occasron3. P a.rliR.meut·Buitding,llSth Nov., 1887. flJlF ORD &. co .· Brockville, Ont~ Doren:e:;~:he 25 26 H-tf, ONEY TO L OAN ON R E AL . estate. Private funds. A.poly to Lomz Box 25. Bowm·mville P. 0 ., or to M.A. J A,MEB, STATESMAN Olll.ce. i:ltf ARM T O R ENT .-200 acres, being Lots 1il and 17, Con 4. Darlington. PlO.W· ing possession immediately. .A.pply to W . F. Al~LES, Bowm1mville, 42-tf f1NE Hiiii Gooos. LADIES, M F ~atroni z e Home TRADE. · S .TQTT & JU RY, 9'¥Jtt w ro1.a.ttmt ,, · Q;t - "" " '·>' Local and Otherwise. .!} 0 Happy Thanksgiving Gathering. I " p ECLIPSE I ! ' °"· 10 3 ~n ~~~;..~ c:1~~l~dt:~; ~~: bp~~~~~~~! f~{ ~radesmeu ~he ~r1:h:ed Thurs~ay H~~~~a!~!.!w\~'~k{?u! ~iAQ,~~~~t f p R Q p ER LY MADE 0 ~arcity ~9-~ ~t ~~~~~~r!a~~f w 1 tb~n modes~~ !n~t~~~}~~:re:i~rr "r~l~t!~~' 0~h~~e ca:~ WES~ ~RMERS' ~N· W. H. IVES.: Celebrated Sermons o! Tenders for Supplies, THE CANADIAN ADVANCE 1887. ~·- DR. WILD I I A CAR LQAD Be c0Al 0I L C A1'ARRH!:o HAY F EVER. % eTh,m W QUICK & ·

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