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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Nov 1887, p. 6

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the old Genera.I Egremont, and dreaded I Egremont, stopped short at sight of a " 0 mother- I d idn't mean that I But I The Last of Earth. losing his inheritance." stranger; th_ e mother would, have retreated can't get to believe it. You, little mother Death-is it Death? . . . 1 to D' but for Miss Headworth s nervous call m ine, you that are so timid and bashful and IB P U BLISHED The shadow following st1ll.upon the sun, "So heto~d t hem m h is one. via·: .' i· "Alice my Jear here is Lady Kirkaldy." quiet. That you-you should have done T he one same end of ull things yet begun eppe H e said he must k eep h1~ mo,1nage seV · such a thing," ' ' L d I' · k ld · · EVERY W EDNESDAY lU OR NING Alter the glory of h ie the sudden irloom, · · d ll ance .,n condi· . cry 1ovc1y W!LB 'l. Y .' -If a y .s unpres· After the st rife the tnexorallle doom, c~et, bhut pro.miae i~ ow . tl · 1 Dieppe s1on as she saw a slender figure m a dark "Nut tie, my dear, can't you understand -BYThe frozen breath 'I t10n t at A1·ce w_ ou l~e qme Y l'·' f h ' gray linen dress and a face of refined that cue} a thing would make me q uiet ? I and not commun1Cate w ith any 0" " 0 er · 1 '1 I b d t' I f eemg 1· h I see peope, ] or No,y rather see f · h' H 1 d 1 ft JJ IOO with t hough not m t e ectua, ea.uty~n swee · am aways wen 'Where the new grave bes sodden in th~ rain, own amt1Y or Ill. e HI e l h l d , ness, under a large st raw hat with a good they bring their daughters here, " If they AT THE OFEIOE How the ba10 ea1th quickens to. irrowth again I her, b ut t ha.t was n~arly gone, am s. e d ia deal of white gauziness about it and the only knew-- " ' Post. Offic e Blodr, Klu g S tred, Bo n lllllll· Wnitin~ the wonder ·enson's lavish dower never heard from him. lt had preye on f ll f t 1 ' "No no no 1 They mo l d st'll s e yo ·'llle, Ont:u·lo. Young~ rootlets creep, awcnlthofgrn'.s and flo"er her mind and she was so ill that I never ex· curtsyey wdas u Ok na ura wac~d · L d I' ' ' · . " u l e 1l Ere Ion" to be. t d . tl Mrs H ought on to " ou o not now me, sat a y '-tr· were the sweetest dea.r. But tell me all TE:R. :r-a:S: pee e ' any more t h r~ w' th her . ~he lmldy, taking her hand, "but I am aunt of about it. How very much in love you mus t When Death has passed see her recover. I st aye ,e ) ' some former pupils of yours one of whom have beeu !" said N uttie, a magnificen t $ 1.GO p e1· Annt1m, 01· $ 1 if paid in nd · nnc Into the land of silence.and of.clo~d, could not ·be moved, even 1f she would have , . . '.· ' · · f ·1 ' th l h · d ·'·Y1Dent strictly In a dvance requ!l·ed rrum T~ie leafless Jand ~vherem no l·ml ~" loud , consented wh en she was continually expect- Mark Egr~~nont, is 'ery anxtous to C3m e vrn1on o a young sat or W I cur y air an '1Ub10r1bera 011t side o r t he cou nty. Orders t o Lile hngere yet with song and hlo·som _rife. . . . ' I -four da 8 after her to see you. open t hroat rising before her. iaoontinue the paper mu~t be accompanied b v Lo l step lor at· p go over Death and fofe17'S h ui;' but at ast Y f tl " Mark I My dear lit tle Mark," and her " I think I was more frightened than in I~ he amount due,orth paperwil no& be st opped, Bllt Lile 1s !net ! ht~le girl :vas bori~-came t~e news 0 ie face lighted up. " How ver y k ind of h im. love," faintly said .Mrs. Egremont. "At ubJOrlbera are responsibleuntl f ull payment is .Ninonhavmg been burnt, with all on bo:.i.rd B th · t l'ttl "· 1 k " I t I d 'd ' k ·t l I t h h three mont hs before. Do you know, str ange ~ . e 1 e ir ar n.ow. . eas I n t · now 1 was ove, ong t n a do. t osay, t hough ifear edsomuch to tell her, He is no,t~ very big Mark either. he wasonlykindtome." RA.TES OJ! ADYIERTl!!ING: - .. 1 she be<>an t o revive from thll.t time, '.i'hc Mo~t of the Eg.eimonts are sr~all. . I see "But you liked it?" saic l Urrnla. ma.gist · , ll'ht>le Columnoneyear .... .. . .... .. $60 ~:::;:;; ~ " d t h' were over She . your daughter takes after them, satd J,ady erially. u ' · Ualf 7e11.r ~ ·· ···'-·· · · · 36 0 · ~ Q 1 " I liked it, oh, I iiked i t! It gave me a . One quarter ........ , 20 oo ~ 8~!Jef::t ~~ ha~~~t d~serted h er, ~nd be- K irkaldy, sh11;k ing h~~da with Ursula, who feeling !lalt Column one year ... , ·· ·.·..··· , 36 00 - :BY CHARLOTTE M. YO!\GE. lieved t hat he had loved her till the last. look~d at her m unmtt1ga~o~ amazement. such as nothing else evu d id , but I .. Hll.l! yea>·,:..... . .. ... . . 20 00 . d td b t -t was in a peaceAlice faltered so'llethrn 0 about L ady never t hough t of its being love, he was so SIie crie One quarter .. ... ...... 12 50 a. gr ea ca1 u 1 Ad 1 ·d much older." uarte r Colurr.n one ye.,,r .. ... ... .. . 20 oo ful natural way. wrote t hen as and I had ai e. · · "Old el' . '" exc1 ' much t a k en P U REST, S TR ON C EST, BEST · ·· " Half year .. . , ... .... 12 50 alreii.dy written , t o I Lady Adela.ide t o . ,;My .dear sister fell 1~to a deel' me, a~ d a· tme d N u t tie, CH b.PTER IV. - (CONTINUED, ) " ·· Ouequarter ·.·.···· 8 00 - 5 M E t b t a 5 ot answered " died while the three children were still aback. "Oh ! as old as Mr. Dutton?" CONTA I N S NO Ten llne<1 a nd under, first insert ion · 80 50 " Indeed I wish t o hear all t he details," r. gremon · u w n ,, . · -· babies. P oor t hings, I believe they had a "Mr, Dutton is thirty-six, I think . Yes [ ALUM,_AMMONIA, LI ME, PHOSPHATES, Bach subsequent insertion ...... I> 25 was the sincere and bent le a nswer. "I can account for t hat, said Lady Kir· sad time till their father married a .Miss he was older than th at. " or any injurious materials. ll'rom six to ten lines, first insertion 0 75 ~ "I had her with me generally in the holi· kaldy: :· M y sistei· had been order ed to Conda.mine, who had been an e.~cellent' step· ".Mother, howl.kould you ?" F or to E W I LLETT TOllONTo, ONT. Ka ch subsequent insertion ... ... O 35 ·I have 1.>een to see them be older than Mr. D t1tto11 seemed to the · ·G · CntCAGO, 1u :,. 0ver ten lines,firat insertion,perline 0 1 0 -10 days, and I confess I was a bsolutely alarm- Madeu a m the autwn n, a.nd t here they re- mother t o them. Kach subsequent insertion . " 0 03 ed to see how prett y the child was growing, mained till her deat h in May . All t he le.t- b ut Mar k was not t hen at home, so he ha~ youth nl fancy to be near decrepitude; but I Uan'f'r of\he CELEll:ti.TEDllOYALYEASTCAKE:t knowing bow g reat a disadvan tage it often ters were sent to my mother, and she did come to me at Monks Horton. \Vhen will she added, " I suppose he was very noble, The n umber ot llnes to be r eckoned by :th,. epaee occnpied,.mea.sured by a. sea.le ot is. She was alway s a ~ood girl, not natural- ~tot think fit to forwar d, or open, a!1y bear- he find you at home? Or may I br ing h im and had done great things. " Good .News at Home. sol d Nouvarell. ly so studious as could be wished, but docile, mg on the subject. ln the meantn;ne ~r. in at once~ He was to meet me at Mick"He was the grandest gentleman I ever · c:::::=: ---~ ~ ------------9 - merry, gentle, a favorite with every one, _Egremont was :presented to t he family. h v- lethwayte. saw, and had s1tch a manner, " said t he E . Momtrs, E s q .,-DEAR Srn,- I have and peculia rly innocent and childish . I mg, a.nd on hlB return moved to Bridge" I should like ver y much to see him " mot her, p assing over the latter suggestion. D U !!, JtlcL U TGHr.IN & B EITll, w ished her to rema in a few years longer 11.s field Egr emont. And vou came her~?" waa t he answer. And Miss Headworth w~s "Any way, I never thought what it all r eason t o spea k: well of y o ur Dandelion 0.FFlCE :- MOR RIS' B LOCK , BOWMANVILLE. I ha '"o been teacher, but it so h appened that Lady .Ade· "Of .course. I could not part w;th my obliged to say something about her la.dy· me~nt-all alone with t he ?hildren as I w as L iver and Kidney Bit ters. Dr. J. w .Mc T,AUGHUN, , Dr. A . B E IT H. Gradtl - till ,I found people lookmg a t me, and t roubled for some t ime with my Kidney !aide E gremont, coming t o consult the heo.d poor Alice agam. M r. and Mrs. :U ordyce, ship taking a cup of t ea. J.aky :f\.i,rkaldy, _ Heentia le of the ~<_Jyal a t e of the Toront o of the establishment a bout a nursery-gover - whose daughter I ha.d educ!lted, _ had al- k nowing t hat Mark was on t he watch, set laughmg at me, and then I heard Lady d e and a friend of mine r eG om m e n ded the m College ot Phys1c1ans tUld m ember of the Umver e1ty, l:'hysLCian. ness, saw Alice, and w as so much struck wa.ys kept u p a. cor respondence wt th me, off in search of him and found him as she Lyonuais ll-nd l\Ir. Egt emont ·were coming t o me and I tri ed them in my case, a nd R oyal College or Sur. Surgeon, &c. with her sweet face, which was all sunshine and knowing all the story, p roposed t o me expected , pacing the pavement in front of down, very angry, t o send me '1way. I found them t o work like a charm ; ther e. geons, Edinburgh. then, as to insist on engaging her . " to come h er e. He was. then rector of the the chur ch. There was no great distance in ought, I know it now, to have waited, for fo re I ha ve m uch pleasure in r ecommend · " Ah ! my dear s ister , I i·emember her old chu~ch, a~d by · their _help and recom- which to utt er her explanations and cau· they would have written to my aunt , But ing t hem t o all person s who are tr oubled Dlt, .J. C. MIT<:JIE:LL, enthusiastic letter about her p r etty gover· mendation, w ith s_uch c~p1tal as I h tt.d, we t ions, warning l:im of her p r omise that t he I was horribly frightened, and I couldn't EMBER OF COLLE GE OF PHYSICIANS ness, and her boy's affection for her, an af· were able to begm a h tt!e school; and in t elligence of t he husband's being alive was bear to think of never seeinq him again, and in any way wi t h their K idnev. 11.nd Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner , oto. Y ou rs t r uly , ,· th_ough that has had t~ give way to tbe to be withheld for a fitter time, but he p rom- he and comfor ted me, and said he Office and R esidence, Enntskillcm. 7i. fection that has lasted - --" J. J . JON E S. "It seemed so safe. A cler gyman's family H igh 8chool, what with boar~ers, and · ised dutifully and his aunt then took him would take me t o Mrs. Houghton, the k ind Newtonville, May 3, 1887. in the coun try, and so k ind a lady at t he wit h Alice's employment as daily gover -1 in with her . ' la.dy who was staying in the N inon, and D. BITRKE SIMl'SflN, The. recognition of ~er claims w as a less they would make it a ll square for me-and 'O ARRISTER, SOLICITOR , &c. MOPRIS h ead, that , ~hough Alice h11;d been educated ness, we have, I am thankful to say, gone on · Ji., BLOCK. up stairs, King Street. Bowman- for a su_per.ior governess it appear ed t he ve: y well and comfortably, and my dear stuunmg shock to Alice Egremont t han to theu-Oh ! it was very sweet-but I never Ile. Solioitor tor the Onta rio Bank best begmmng sh e could l.1ave. And _ she child has recovered h~r cheerfulness,_ t hough I her a.unt. Shielded by her illness, as well knew that we were sailinrr away to J ersey Private Mon eTS loaned at the lowest rates, was very happy and met with great k m d· she can never be qmte wha.t- 1 t hmk she a s by her simplicity anrl ignorance she has t o b e manied ! I knew it was very dreadfu l ness, <;Jnly, unfortunately , Lady Ade~aide was me~nt t?, be, " said the old lad~ , with a never been aware of her aunt's at tempted without :m y one's leave, but it was so noble .rohn K eith Gal b l'aith, was clehcate, and for many weeks entirely sad smile, though perhaps she is some· 1cor respondenc\l with the Egi emouts nor of of him to t ake the poor lit tle governess and ARR I S T E R, SOJ,ICI'r OR, NOTARY confined to t h e sofa. Mr. Egremont's elder t hing better. " . their deafness to ap peals made on 'her be- defend her, and it wasn't as if my m other PUBLI C, &c. Offlce-Bounse.ll'a Bloc,k brot her was much there. He seemed to my " l>o you thm k she was absolutely con- half. Far less had ·it ever occurred to her had been alive, I didn't know Aunt Ursel .K ing Street , Bowman vii:e_· :-1°.i.i_e _ v_t_ o_I _ end, poor, inexperienced child q uite elderly, and vinced of h is death?" . . , that the validity of her marria<>e could be t hen aa I did a fterwards. And Mrs. Ho,ugh· h is attentions like those of-of~~ old uncle '.' Do yo~1 mea11 that l;e 1 _s ahve ex; I denied, and t he heinous error 0f her elope- t on sai d ther e w as nothing e! He t o be d one." cla~med l\~rns Headworth m dismay. Oh· ment seemed to her r1uite suffic ient t o ac{To 1rn CON'l'lNUJ W.) ··1t'.\'lEGI8TRAR , W EST DU RHAM I SSUER -ahe told me aft erwards- - -. "He must really have been over forty he is a wickeder man than I even snppOoi!ed count for her having been so entirely cast ll\, Licenses, Barrist er and Attor· · Illa~ a t Law and Solicitor in Chancer:v. Moner - - -" . to have _ fors.ake? her all ,these years. ls .my off by t he family. The idea t hat as wife or Unapproached for 01.ued on R eal Esta te. Ofilce on Kin g s&reet, "No doubt my poor Alice was ungua:d~d. poor child m his.pow~r ! M.u st her ?p,ecae, widow she had any claims on them, oi· that How Joseph Drained t he Lake. Tone and Quality. B)Wmo.nvllle. W e know w hat a merry, happy, ch1ld1sh now she h~~ a ttained it, be d1sturb?d · Ursula might have rights above those of J oseph, t o whom may Alla.h nhow mercy girl may be, but I never heard that her con· "There 1s a great dea.l to t ake mto con- Mark had not come into her mind which and grant peace, when he was P rime Minis· CAT ALOGU ES FREE, WILLIA.JI WIGHT. duct was ever censured while she remn;,ined A ideration, ·' said Lady ~i!ka~dy.. "I had indee;l, at the moment.was chiefly 'occupietl t er of E gypt and high in favor with Raiyan, ICENSE D A U CTIONE ER for the at Ra:xley, though I find that Captain Egre· better tell you h?w this v1s1t of mme came by the doubt whether the milk was come his sovereign, after that he was more than County of Durham. Orders left at the mo~it used to join them in t heir walks, Un · a bout, and explam some matters about the iu and by orderincr in th e best teacups a hund red years old, became an obj ect of 8HTESMAN office or for warded to 1'yrone P.O. 1 pr~sented by t he bo" arders. ' envy to the favor it es of the Ring and the der pretext of playing wit h the children. Egremont fam ilv. " q,IJll ieceive prompt a tctmtion. 28:6m T hen she was. sent t o F; eshwat er wi th. the 8he then t old how Captain E gremont, af. Thus she was in the passaqe when Mark puissant seigneurs of the Court of M emphis, S . (;, lllTXKl .N G, t wo eldest children durmg Lady .Ad~laide's ter- a brief service in the Life Guar~s, had entered, and his exclamation instant ly was on account of t he grEat power which he ICENSED AUCTION E ER FOR confinement, and there, most unJnst1fiably, been made t o retire, t hat t he old C.eneral, "Oh Edda dear old Edda I You a ren 't a wieldecl and the affection ent ertained for · the County of Dnrham. Sales attended Cap tai n Egremont continually visited them whose heir he was, might keep l1im in at· bit aiter ed !~' and he put his head under her him by his monarch. They accor dingly VETE R I N ARY SUR GEON , io on shortest notice and lowest rates. Address from his yacht, and offered to take them out tendance on him. A lready self indulgent hat and k issed her a ddin<>, as she seemed t hus addressed 't he King : " Great K ing, 1 UO UR'flCll P . 0 . 36:tf in it. Ali~e knew she ought not to go wit h- and extravagant, the idleness of t he life he .rather sta rtled, " Y ou a~e my aunt , you Jo~eph is now very old: bis knowledge h as out a m arried lady en board, and he brough t led with the worn-out old route had deaden· know; and where's my cousin? Y ou are diminished ; his beau ty has faded; his judg. G O OD WIFE GUARANTEE D TO ment is unsound; hia sagacity baa failed. " H on orary G radu at e of Ont ar io V e t erinary _ every man who buya hiB License tram a Mr. a:nd M rs. Hough!X>n to call, who were ed his better feelings, a.nd habit~ated him_to Ursula ?" He adva nced upon Nut t ie, took h er by The K ing said: " Set him a task which ve:y k md and caressmg to her and. the dissipation, while m s debts, his expensive C olle~e, M ember of Ontar io Vet e1 EltllNRY SYLV ES'r ER, Enniskillen. children, so th,·t she thought all was right. habits, and h is dread of losing the inherit- the hand and k issed her foreh ead before she shall ser ve as a test." At t hat t ime elin ary A ssociat ion, will a tt e nd Oh ! Lady Kirkaldy, I don't mean to d efend ance had bound him over to the General. was aware but she flashed a t him w it h her F ayoum was called el -Hun, or the M arsh. Pia.nos T uned a nd Repaired. 1 t o all d iseases of d omestic her, I daresay she was very giddy an d, Both had been saved from the fire ii.' t he black eye~, and looked st iff and defiant. It served as a wast ebasin for the waters of anim als. she reproaches herself, poor clear, but I do Ninon whence they were picked up by a She ha.d no notion of kisses t o herself, still U pper Egypt , wh ich flowed in and ou t unre· ARTIE S WISHING THErnPI ANOS say ~hat a wicked ~dvantage was taken of Chilia~ vessel, and they had been long in less t o her prett y mot her whom she pro· strained. .£he courtiers ha.ving taken coun· Tuned or repa1 reu can nav e t hem attended ll by leaving word a t the DOMINION O RGA:N her m nocence a nd ignorance, She says she communica.ting with home. The General tected with a half proud, half jeal ous fond · s el together what t o propose t o t he K ing, ~·s 0IrirIOE, Bowmanville A tlrst-clas m a.n h ad begun to grow a. little u:ieasy at the hated England, and was in b,okon healt h. ness. How could t he man presu me to call g ave t his r eply lo P haraoh: "Lay the r oyal A SP E C I ALTY. 1w being iu th eir emvlo: _ __ _ _ _ __ way peopl e l ooked when Captain E gremont He Md spent the r emaining years of his life her by that foolish name ? However, th~ t commands upon J oseph t hat he shall divert j oined them on the beach; and the nur se, a at various continen tal resor ts, where he single effusion had Exhausted Mark's powers t he wat e;_· of t he Nile from el-Hun and drain Calla and Or ders by mail or telegraph 'io Do? Gentlem e n o .t Fasll- German, said something that she could not could enjoy a warm climate, combined with of cor diality, or else Nuttie's stiffness froze it, so as to g ive you a Rew p rovince and an will receive prom pt at tention.~ und erstand. On t he lst of July- yes- but facilities for high play. him. They were all embarrassed , and had a dditional source of r evenue." T he K ing ion, not s o tas t . CHARGES M ODERATE. ,.--. 1 When at l ength he died Captain Eg1·e- reason to be grateful t o Lady Kirkal dy's assent ed, and aummoning J oseph t o his OFFI C E HOURS, 8 TO 10 A. M . I have the date here- came a telegram to th~ hotel to have rooms fo, Ln~y de Lyon· mont h ad continued t he life' to which he had practised powers as a diplomate's wife, She presence, said : " ¥ ou know how dearly . I A tlrat·class stock of Medicines always l ave written thflfe few lines, ;iais and Mr. Egremont ready .by the even· become accustomed and had of late mani· made the most of Mrs. E gremont 's shy spas. love m y daughter, and you see that the on hand. llnd all l to say>.<tat :wou can tlnd me still a t home, ing. ~he whole place knew 1 .t· an? some fested an expectati~n t hat h is nephew Mark m?iic inquiries, and Mark 's jerks o~ i?form- time has arr ived in which I ought t o carve N. B.- Will visit Williamsbur g every i am not gane awn.y. meddlmg person bur st on ~hoe with the should play the same part by him as he had at10n, such as that they were all h vmg at an estat e for her out of t he crown lands and Sa.t u r day o f each wee k. 16-ly So au m y kind old friends m11y come, news, rou~hly all(l coarsely given, that they d one by t he General but the youth bred Bridgefidd E gr emont, now, that his sist er give her a seperate establishment, of which And all the young ones, t oa, were commg t o call her to account for her in a very diflierent t~ne would on ~o ac- May was very like his new cousin; tha.t she would b e the m istress. I have, however And get t heir garm ents nicely made tn fashions tna t new ; goi1;1gs ·on. Captain Egremont found her count th us surrender hin;_self to an evil bond · B_lanche was come out a nd was very l ike I no t er ritory available for this purpose e~cel?t 1 ill PO RT1 l.NT TO A [ J ~J Where old and young, dear frieuds, ma.y m eet crymg m t he utmost te~ror, and- she age, Indeed he felt all the severity of youth. his mother, etc. etc. Ji!very one w~s mo. e the submerged land of ~l-Hun, It i~ m VY ho ar e Buld, or have Thin or Grey llaL r,'Or A w elcome greeting, by R. P EA 'l'E. hardly knew what he sa1cl to her- she th~nks ful virtue and had little toleration for his at ease when Lad y Kirkaldy carrted t he ma11y respects favor ably situated. It 1 s a i who are troubled with dandruff. he offered to shelter he! on board the Nm~m uncle's w~ys of thinking . though when t he conversation off to y esterday's entertain- convenient distance from my capital. I t is . s' firs~ wrath wlule ol d man had come home 'm dej~ted and ment , hoping no one had been over tir ed and & urrounded by d esert. M y d aughter will from Lady de Lyonna1 · he an d Mrs. Houghton matters; half blind he had allowed h imself 'to be it the like. Mrs. Eg remont ligh ted up a little t hus be independent and p rotected. " "· l. ' bu t sh : cannot tel l, for she lost her semes made uslul on busine~s matters. And thus and be.,.an telling some of t he expressions of " Quite trua, Gr eat King, " responded Jo· -="~--------wit h fright, only k new that he was k ind and he had discovered the marriage and had delight°she had heard, and in t he midst, seph," w hen woukl you wfah it done; for sweet to her in her distre~s, and t h?ught ta.ken up the ca use with the ardour stim· I' Nut tie wak ing from her trnnce of stiff dis- accomplished it shall be by the aid of Allah, only of esc:i-ping. \ Veil, I don'.t excuse her. ulated by a chivalrous feelin a for the beauti- pleasure, came plump in \\'ith " Oh ! an d t he All Powerful:" "The soonet· t he bet. <( Of course 1t was the mos t terrible and fatal ful vision of his ch ildhood "' whose sudden there's a water -soldier, a r eal & ratiote.s t er ," said t he K ing. Then Allah inspired g:: thing she could have ~one, and- - -·" The disa.ppeitrance had endetl his brightest acideatus in your lake. May we get it ? Mr. Joseph wit h 11. plan, He dir ected h im to m::; )> good old lady was r1m te overcome, and Lady d , 8 Dut ton d idn't tJ1ink we oug ht but it would make t hree canals ; one from U p per E <>ypt, """' 0 Kirkaldy had ?iars in her eyes as she said, a?, su pose it is right and generous of t he be such a prize !" ' a can al on the cast, and a canal on the ;,,est . ll.l.e ".It w,~s frightful folly- but she wa~ young ufan, " said Mias Headworth. "But " Ur~ula means a. r ar e wa~er-plant," said Jo~eph collec~ed workmen . a nd dug t ho B.IJ guar~ed. since the- the man is alive I wish my poor M rs. E gremon t gently, seemg t hat Lady canal of Menh i from Ashmunm toel -Lahun. ' " ,... H A RN [)E N 1 l · 0 · S. " Yes, her innocence was guarded, th ar.k Alice could have been lef t ~t peace 1" Kirkaldy haclno not ion of the treas ure she T hen be excav11,t ed the canal of el-l!'ayoum, ""' w- · Uod," said Miss Headworth fervently. "You forget her d aucrh ter h;s ri crhts possessed. " She and some of her fri en ds and t he eastern canal, with another canal Gr a duat e orthe Royal College of Dent lll "You see she did know t hat Mr. and Mrs. which must be taken into ~onsideration.'i\ ar e very eager botanist s. " near i t called Ben-Hamed, beyond the in· L Surgeons, OntarL O. Houghton were 0!1 board, a.nd Mrs. Hough "Little Nuttie ! Dear child! I should "I am sm·e you may ," said t he lad , amus - habited parts of Alphiom, f rom the . desert I ·OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. ton was a truly k m d prot ector who deserved so far like her to be provided for, so far W! eel. of Beu -Hamed to t he west . In tins way <( (}OLD F ILLING A SPECIALTY ~~r confidence, though, poor lady, she ad - that she need not go out in t he worlcl to "Thank you! Then,Omother !. M.i~s Mary t he water was dr.iined from el H un, Then UJ ARTU'ICIAL T.EBTR INSERTED W ITHOUT m1tted that her own conduct had not earn her own livelihood. But no ! bettel' aud I will go. And we'll wa it till after he set an army of laborera a t work. They ""' been-strictly correc~." be as w e are than to accept anything from office hours, and t hen Gerard (iodfrey can cut down the t amarisks and bushes which .,._ ... P LATES. " How long was it before you heard of that man !" come and fish it out for us ! Oh, t hank yon, gr ew ther e and carried th em away. A t 'll'C Great Reductions , in price on 1 . all Dental ,her,?' · "I q uite u nderst and and respect your H e wants t he pat t ern of t he A b bot 's crossfor th, seai.on when the Nile begins t o rise the ...,, 'Wo:k. PV~ta lized .oir,tc:onstanp tly 110 nul'!s re·pttreon "There was a dreadful letter from Mr. feelings Miss Headworth" returned the an illumination, and he can get som e ferns m arsh had been converted into goorl cultiv· ducmg am1ess 0 pera ions. ar ~ ~ E remont enclosing wha t WW! due of her ' ' . f tl h 1 " bl 1 d T h N'l T l1 te \ V iii be found inva luable for the hair a nd scalp, · . t lon paid to the regulation of Children's Teeto. g lady ; "but may 1 return to my quest 10n or ie 0 urc 1 · · ,. a 0 an · e 1 e rose. ~ ~a i· en- I t cleanses t he scalp of all Dandruff, in vigor· A L L WO RK WARRANT/AD~ salary, and then I heard no more for seven whether you think your ni<>ce has any Soon aft er this eb ulht.10n, Lady h .1rka ldy tered t he mouth of t he M enh1 Canal and ates the growth of the hair. and-in c ases of ..11111"" ~ · mont hs. . I w~~t to the I sle of Wight a~d doubt of her husband bein~ dead?" carried off her nephew, and his first utter - !lowed d.own the Nile Valley to el -Lah nn. ba ldness, wh<'r o there are tho shghtost signs ot .Branch office, D r. Rutherfor~~-Orono. md ade hall d mqumes, bu~ th e nd;irt s e a11d cdhilI · lliiss H eadwe>rt h considered. "Since ance o;itside the door ~·as, "A woman lik e T hence d it t urned ~award el-l!'ayoum, an_ d I~~~~;;;~t~~~~1hnL?f~1ft~ ~~r~in~fo~~~-~!~<i - -- -- --- ren a gone away Imme ta e1y, an k I h'nl h h k t th enter e t 1 1at canal m such volu me that i t is an excerl~nt d t<>·sing 08 that will he t he salva tion of m y u ncle," 1 tbs could obtain no trace of them." Y.b~-~s feth f e a~ . ep \ V c if ~ " Firstly , if you ctt.n bri ng them t ogether," filled it and convertetl t he land in .o a r egion · DO NO'l' DELA Y, if your hair is in a weak 81 1 Y 0 . e 1 e e ~~e t iei. cl II "Then she- your niece uever wrote. " ~ V:';l said his aunt ; "and 3econdly , if t here is irr ig11,ted by the Nile. K ing R itiyan there· condition get a boWe at once. "She was afraid, poor d ear. She ha d never n eve br i;nefnho h~cdd t htehsu d Jec l · a~ 'tas sai ' stufi enou<>h in th at pret t y cr e:iture. " upon came to see his new province with the ll'ol' aale by J . HIGGL. "<BOTHAM &. SON, been at her e ase with me. Her mo ther had t 1te e ie m IS ea . en ec a gtea suspense " court iers who had advised him t o set J oseph and all dr uggis1s. Ask for i t. t aught her to think me str ict and harsh, and and w_ounded affection. She b~gan soon CH AF 'I'ER V . t his task. \ Vh en t hey saw t he r esul t t hey A . DORENWEND, Sole Manfr. · those , d ay. s. and vigorously to turn her a ttent10n ~ m . · TORONTO, CANA DA. sh e h a d never opene d t o me m f h h'ld d 1 f cl to fthe . SUSPENS I" grea t ly m a.rve1 e d au ti10 s k'l 1 l anu 0 Besides, he had forbidden her . At l ast, suppor t er c ~ ' an rn,s oun a air " "' ventive genius of J oaeph , and exclaimed : A. Doren wend iR the lea ding manufacturer however , in January, came a letter from ri;eaaure of happme~s; but a t , t h_e same " "here sh~l! ~h-~.~ra~tor ~est, "We do not kn ow wh kh most t o adm ire, of Hair Goods in Cana da. this Mrs. Hought on, t elling me tt at my tnn_e she has shrunk from all no~ice . and ":"·the decen 1 - .s can. . the dr aining of t:1 e marsh aud t he d es true· · - -- - - - Alice was very unwell a t Dieppe, that society, more t_ h an would be nah~rnl m so Poor Miss H eadwort h s peace. of mmd , tion of the noxious plants or the conver{~ nothing had been heard of her hueband very s oung a widow and so attractive, m.?r.e was utterly destroyed. T l: a t the m ece ':Vhom 1 t ion of its surface int o fertile and well ~a' \ . ~"' ' Wil ll:>JT T.BSTR w rr a Tn:ir.rn, 1 011.ptain E gremont, to wl: qm sh e lrnd bee~ than J. would have expect ed from her on& 1- she had n ursed cl ack t o hfe and happm ess, I t er ed fields." Then t he KiD rr s aid to J o_. ,,.__ 'M' n 1-ra~'!r l"4 '!Mr "'D 'l:i married on t he 20th of July at St. P hilippe, nal character. .And once, . ~ h~11 she ~id itnd brought to love her as tt mother , should I seph: ., How long did it tak e you t o br ing · .ll!L e .D ..Jli.11, \I ,l!£1.Jtll,,(J.;,jt in Jersey, and that she herself was obliged appt ehend symptoms of adm~ratwn, sh: Ill· be at t he mer cy of a ';llan whom she looked I this dis ti ic t into t he excellent s ta te in which Ha9 com m ence d a t t he P J!U.CTWAL DENnST, to leave t he pla~e almost immediately ; but s1sted th~t I s hould t~ll th~ lustorJ:, cnotc,gh, on as a heartless p rofligate, was. dr~adful to i I find it?" "Seven ty cl ays. " responded ~VlCR TWE~TY YE~RS EXPlCRIENCE. she would, if possible, wa it t ill my arr ivr.l as s~ e said,, ~o mak e it plam ~hg.t it was_ im~ her b~yond m~asur~, .A~ d L~ m vo.lved J oseph. Then P haraoh t urned t o his court ~rousO.xldeGH A dmintstered rorPal nle w as Mrs. Egremont was n ot in a condi tion t o possible. I her:e was one mght _ t oo, :-yhe1 Urs nla. s young life h~ew1se . Coul d it be I iers and said : " Apparently one conld not be left alone. My d ear friends, with whom sh 3 h,tcl searl~ti~a, :1nd was a little light- a duty, ':ft~t· t hese etghtee~ years, t o re- f h ave done it iu a thousand d ays." '.!.'bus t he OperaUom;. I was t hen living , were as kind as possible, lleacled , ~nly.fom yeti:s ago, ~vhen sh~ t alked t m;:n to h11n 1 Wha~ l egal rights.~ad he t o: n ame was ehangeil from el -H un, or t he _ ·--~MC<CL1ING'S ~i.OC:K. and set me free t o go. I wv .s t here in three a goo<~ c,c,'.11 about hiM commg b.w.~ ; but enior ce t he ,~esun:iptwu of th,e Wt. e he ha~ ' Miwsl1, to el .Fa.y ou m, t he land of a, thousan d -·:'l, -;o g days, and t ruly the deo.r, beautiful, merry t!ia,t migh o hav~ be~n t he old n~p ;~s- i de_ Eerted.. I will consult ~:l'. D utton, I daps.-Tramlationj1oni an A rabic l lfaniiv girl I h:td pa:ted wi~h only a year before si?n on hel'. bra1~: o. zha~}o:'g watch .Li,, at\ ?aid t he old lac~! t o J,1erself; ,.I11r. Vut~o:i SCltpt. · was a sad, piteous sigh t. Mrs. Houghton Dieppe. l:le-C:,tpt_a .~,E 0 remont, does not rn the only p~r..oi; v. ho know., t he _pa1,~1-' _ __ _ . . . , , . . . _ _ _ seemed broken-hearted at lea v'ng her yet lmow where she is . cular s. H e will g1ve me t he best <Ld vwe. A Town Without Taxes. I thinkin cr t here w as little ch i.nee her !iv '. " No, certiiidy not. Bttt I feu.r he An tl while Miss H ead wort h, over her in g ' bu t Mr H ou"h ton wno I am afraid must ," cveniug toilette, was coming to this rcSO· T he small town of P ut zi<> near D ant zic was' a profess~d ga~bler: h~d got into ·iom~ " I sup~ose h~ ought," sighec~ Miss ¥ eacl · lut ion, m ".ne bedr oom, N ut tre, in ~not~er, I conta,i;ing, a,ccor ding to the'"last ceusu s, l, 85G scrape, and was gone to Par is, where she worth ; ' bu~ m the mev ,nttmc, ti.I we '".'as standmg. a~hast at her ;nothei: s a~tta- inhabitan ts, is t he hitp py possessor cf ll.n i n· A re 11o w in an d are w ell a rnor}ed. W e are prepa red to pay the h ighest price had to follow him. S he t old me all about know what hue he takes~ surely she nee_d tioh, a;nd rt:cei".'mg a confession which filled , dependent fort une estimated at up1Vards of hM·e t hem from i he Cheapest t o I it and how Captiiin E crremont fancying th&.t not be unsettlt tl by the J,no~ledge of his her with astomshment. \ 600 000 marks 01·igi113.lly the < rift of an exiJ. t he very F inest G r:id e. all krnds of G rain d el iver ed at the a ' marriaae in the Cha~nel I slands was one existence." · "I can't t h ink why t hat gentlem an ed K ing of S~ eden t wo or t hi ee cent uries 0 . . I ' he could p lay fast and 1003 0 with, she had "By .no means. Y ou h <t<l bet t er act ~s should ,1:10 and be, so . affe;,t!'?na.to_ all on a 1 ago. Ther e ar e rot only no communal taxes Wharf or the ir Store Houae m town. taken caro t ha t the forma lit ies should be you th.m ~ oest abcu t that. Bu t you w~ll s~1dden, quoth N~the ; if he 1s my, con- ( levied, bu t t he handsome surplus from t he all secure. J!'oolish an d not obJeC .·.to my nephew· he:, old pup_ il, srn, and so fond ot you , why cou ldn t he / investment is anr.ually added t o the princi· A f orty· d a,y h usb an d , on wlium t he mem such as t o make Ar h d h h h d l\ia·k 1 comrng to see her ? I w1li make him have come t o see us befor e ?" 1 or y of the honey moon already Eeems t o he wron kg as l P1 ° °rt l ib c e t a.d eefu,ths te a ' pro~ i ·e n(1t t o enter upo~ the sub ject." " Oh N u t t ie d ear you don't understand p a ' 1 1 ie es st e 0 owerle·s wants t o k1,cw why his wife is a wa en ec a a p oor " · '· ' d ' 1 · ' I d · .N v k P ' ·11 · D · . . , woman 's nature and no mother could b<> Miss Head wort h ha d only time to make a why it 1s so goo of um ! n y ear, now T he fir st s team terry hetween ew .i. or · l 1k e. f oY ,?tt gu e it! up ? " B~ - i more careful and t ender She ga ve me t h; sign of reluct ant acquiescence when the th is has come, I mus t tell you- you must l ai1d Jersey City was established in August , e a ~ma pil cause . .t ie. and ' · me tha t door opened and mother anc1 d aug I1ter ca me h ear.- the sa d t h'mg you r mo tllEI· c l'd 181" ' · - Or we will mak e y ou a Suit o~ \ ) ver coat r 1· ~a"S lwre 1 a ssured 1· " i es, _, an d a b ou t t h e same t nnc one went m ' ,, t 1e un ec,mg wretc 1· " she 1s " cert1ficatea itt e t art, it -wculci h old good. I have shown it to a in. Nuttic first , eager as uau al »nd open- my_ dear, l was t heir governess-~nd-~;:td 1 to operat ion between l:'hifadelphia and Camt hat will excel any ot h or H ouse Fash ionable Young Lady- " Justine, look , law yer, and he said th e eame ; but when I mouthed, unaware t hat any one was. ther e, I ~~d notI n short, m y d ear, I e.or,ed, . den . . . . in To wn, S o call u pon sen t a copy t o Mr. Egr emont, my letter was for Lady Kirk aldy , wishing t o av01d t alk ~on_, mother! Oh w? at fun ! cried T here . rn a good cl~al of mter es.t m~mfest a t the weather forecast for to-day." Kaid" Yes, Miss Arabella. '.!' hey say we a, e to returned unopened." and observation, had l Jft her carriage at the t he girl 1i; tl;,e u tter. extremity ~f wonder .. ed now m t he ~t;biec t of whalmg m the have strong east erly wincls. ·' F. Y. L. - j "Captain E gremont had denied the mar- livery stables, and walked t o St. Ambrose " Nut tie ! excla1me<;l ~rs. ~gremont, m polar seas. T~1e callerence between ~hat a:id " '.!.' hen get ont my shortest walking dress, riage, and they believed him," said Lady Road. T he g~rl, whom in a mo1~ent she a t one of ;h or r or and m d1 gnation- nay, of the ?ld-fas~rnned back- sh_ed. variet y 1 s, t hao ~n one mst 11,nce t he v10tm1 gets cold my best st ockings and my diamond buck led K irkaldy. "It is hard to believe he could classed as small, dark, and oddly hke May apprehens10n. FOR YOUR CLOTHING. garters. " : be s o heartless, b ut he wus in bondage to · __ and m the other he t'ot warmed. .. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN M 1 A.JAMES, --·- · Q M .... 7FF9 ··· t' I 0 io.d c. og AT'HER NUTTIE'S F I i PO W ER I I. , M I I " BELL" B ?,'. ~ORGA NS Guelph, O nt. JONE S~ , L BELL &CO. L F. A. A EN NISK I LLENJ P Operations & Dentistry DE NT I ST R Y D DQRENWE-;,ND"S Z I .. J: z i ... D ENT I S T RY \.£ 1 °' FAI L B 'U S INE Our F a l1 Clot hs, F . h' s 1 R A 0 1 G I A I.'. . N Eolipso 01188 ,;f Jno. McMurtry & Co. urn1s ings, Hats and Caps I I ReaUJ MaaeS u iis from $1.50 up Overcoat s fro1n $ 2 up, I I I W. H . IVES Children Cry for Pitc her's Cast orla;

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