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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Nov 1887, p. 8

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# ~~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,A!:!!::~~!!!~~~ --r~c!· .,.... ~7~,.~~~~~~~~~!·~....,.~~s~f'iiW~ --~,~ ~e~?~S~~! ~~~· ~ ~-~ ·, ·~~ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · · dehilitating effect it does East "DOUBLES." My son and myself have worked b f 1 11 1 All uop8 cam be raised by Irrigation except. good ; our appetite is gr ·" "' ee Smrn lNSTANCER l~ REAT, LffE LIKE J11dl1111eorn-J;ind1u011<·i·oly- lmrvcsllug freer from rheumat1 M B ,, · 81n t · ..-0d. and 1 am · h ·· t l 1 I 1 b ~n "DR. JEKYLL AND :it. YDE. on :r1·:u11 rune cs- umrae garc en 11g " for years. We ai·e n · ,nan iav.e e., speclnlfy- grcnt v111·1,.uo11" ot· ell· h t 111ntc 1111d co11clltlou tu ~o hu·gc a St11te- grapes. 'Ve have t' ,nv. arves m:~ ?Ur , d" t f old·t.imerH- utlJJzlng miners· dttctrns- 'l'okav Rnee Pen· .i.e Muscat·, Fhinmg Mr. Stephenson s astn11n mg s ory o c1>st of irrlgnt1011-t11c foot.- hlll tor bt.nlth fow· f'sabellas. ., lleedless Sultana 3., nd "Dr J .-ykll and i\'lr. Hyde" has strnck a - ·rnl11fall··vineyards ttnd orcll11rd~- '\vl11te ~ < '"' l h d I the t 1ry the doctor lnbor fllrUtlcss amt u11ccrt11lu- C::hlncsc yard that wi' we havll a n~w vrne- popu a.r c or · n s Jn'~!!!' ;i uecessnry cvll- tbcll&nd boom. year but ir. .t commence bea.rmg next becomes, as he sees fit, the tall, fine-lookmor~ to ~~1 take two.or three years ing. truly good J · ykll, or the small, ill· This · 11 , dt tt in full bearmg. . favored, rtiabolical Hyde. In hie fine . S "\Ve have resumed business at our Old Stand in MR. :ElfHTOR..-I ii:i.fiie to t h JS tate shall LS 8 ~re!lt ?nuntrs for nl~ves. We ma.nsi<>n he was, JAykll, a gentleman. early li>st spring to pu,rchase a fruit farm. Wr sto.rt an olive orchard this season. In the mean barrdcks he W811 Hyde, 8 o-w-~ Ir A~ Before finally settli1~g d·own I wandered ,'· 4 ellall set out prunes, Bartlett pears, villain. ...L.."-1..L. "II ovl\r the State consiclerably,_ and found At'Ves and grapes; these will constitute This imaginary gift or power of self---Under the Management of--most people were _ph·ased tu live h~re, but , th'6 mllin varieties of our new orchard. transtormation, is utalized vice· versa, the univers;,.l testunony was ~hat it t_ alr .es Out' old is prunes, pears, apples, nectar· aud other s·ories. a year or two to learn to be m, lov~. i.nes, peaches, quinces and apricots. .A The peculfar, and hence. th_e fasci?atthH l:i' ate. ~f ?ourse, I don t If ,(er t'O , great many are. starting orange groves or ing, fea.ture of such tales, he~ m the idea : those excnrs10msts who co:xie and, igo at a . 1,rchards here. I dont think we shall. I of a. physical t ansformation. The discertain s~ason but to those wJ-~o ..OOme in ' did not mention one of th~ fruits of covery that men have been leading double a.nd in this connection would say we are determi1rnd to stand moderate circumsbnces and try 'to mak-e the country, and that is cherries. Tlwy lives has bticome an alwost every day oconce more at the head of the a living. yYe ~·n i:a1 ~e al .&ostt·;verythin-g ~row to perfection and are profitable. currence as is so strongly illustrated in i~ Califorma with 1rr1r;~.t\un. except iJ.n The future ot the.fruit busines~ i_ s hard "Jim th~ penman." dmn corn. That ca A be gr-ow11 in the to te1 L Cahforma has compar~tively a There are thonsands of men in our rich river bottn~f,,, a.'nd is ig·rown toa Jim- small population to feed; our outlet is communities who are fo11di11g double lives. E very day a rush at ite(I l'xtent ; bv,4 the g:ra'lle is low. 'rhe li:a.t. '1.'he la or question is a ereat one vi en who vret~nd to be saints, bnt are same ia the c:dSt\ -.:i i'th ·broom corn. No in the future developement in this S tate. sinners; Sundoy·school snpei·mtendents, . timothy 'na.y is i·ail!ed, except ia the The old-timers have tu be left out e:ccept who turn out dt·faulters; temperance lee.mounta:,ns, wliere it doeen't dry ont. for mining purposes, and 11 good deal of turers wh·> prove to be addicted to stroni;( THJS TOWN, Wbeo'61 oats and barley can ·b e grown that is being ·d one higher lilp than we drink; reformer, for " what there is in I 1 wirh<>ut inigation, and ·hey are the main are. The common laborers through the it:" ' he world is full of this double livand will be pleased to see all our old friends and customel's. cro,ps in t.he great Sacrament.o Valley. country are conte nt to earn a few dolla1·s ing, wh·.ch indica·es posi·ivti lack of char· DRY G 0 0 D S AND They are grown for j?rain and h~y. Mo:ot aud then blow it out and earn some more. acter. THI8 I8 NO ORDINARY SALE, of the best lands of the valleys are held Of course 1here are ·ex-0eptions to .this but Ju the learned professions how they hy tli.e ric:h, and they came in pornession the unsteadiness of white labor is such thrive! Hear the lawyer <lElmanding, in While others com'?lain uf dull of them by grants from tfie MexicJ n that people o.pposecl t-o Chinese luwe to the name of justice, the acquittal of the ~vernment, before we had control. hire th1;m to insure · work being done. clie11t he kuows is guilty. the preacher busi11ess, we can scn.rcely serve all Ooo grant of 40,000 acres of.choice land, The fruit cr011 comes on with a rus h at arlvocating in puollc a creed he privately -t,t11· customers, and almost every j~i.nin&. Sacra.i_ner;to to the east, is ?wne.d th same time as hop pick~ng. There has decries. Note the physician prufession~A-~ 1 h t . t ·ey Colon"1 Biggms, .·now Eallt hrs been a sc,.rcity ot help this fall. The _ d e- ally tied down to a school ho does not but a Genuine Sale of New aud Seasonable Goods, and bat~ -'"""rnoon peop e ave 0 go. 0 a 1 ihorses. There are no improvements ·n mand ·for work is not 11tea.dy here, eo fc,r follow in his practice. There comes to us gains will be given that will shake this town from centre to '".JJ'l6t wai.ted on. We urge our fnen<ls . lit except his own d'Welling and a few many months few hands are used. One a peculiar inst11nce of this duplicity. This is a progressive age and we are bound · ··he da . · 6 " I cahins scattered her .o and there. A big man advertised in Sacramento for Some years ago thertl was put upon the circumference. ilt'.J come as ear1Y in " Y ...., : great many farms of the best lands, from . white help t·o .pick hops; no Chinese need market a proprietary remedy,-Wamer's to keep pace with the times. 'rhe Old Long and p ossible, as it is impossible for U8 5,000 to 40,000 acres, !Ill.'~ a curse to the apply. Be l'{ot a few hands and p~id safe cnre, - a specilic for all kidney disor· long cr0.dit system has played out, and we are determined by 1 ·t· . · the attention in the country. The owners hrre a few men and them on Sa uvday ; un Mo11day mornmg dera. Prior to its discovery thne had r e Dealing, Promptu~ss, . ·Q. give you . · . raise grain. One man will drive eight to he waa ·out of h lp; they had not got been no sure remedy for these disorders, Live Business Movements, Squa, ~fternoon we WISh to ; but, if ) OU ten horses and ruan~e a gang of four sobered oil:'. Ho went to town an d · got which lead quickly t:> bright'a disease, Courteous Attention, Adhering to One Price, Keeping the. .,il .,. .,__ . an 't come in the forenoon, . COlfile plows, sleep in his b1'·nket at night m the · Chinese becaus11they _w··rk steadily. ·But and other kidney, liver and bl.,od ailGoodg req~1ired and giving our Customers the Best Possible } ~ . . . barn, shed or s1raw .pile, aad worlt early · the effeot of the Chmeae hbor on the ments so much dreaded. The etlic ·cy of < when it suits you .i.nd we will do and late. The laborem oa ranches work country Ii! that of the darkey in the tho remedy wa.s soon shown, yet becau·e Value for their Money, to gain the reputation of being the the best we ea.n. harder.and fare mnch worse than EHst. South, so mauy thi~k labor ia dishonor· it was a propriet"rv remedy the medical When it comes to the harvesting, they able beca.use the Ohmese are the worker s profession, as such, refus"'d to recommend now have a c<mbined and 1f the Oeles·fals live in town, it is in cheap its use. Nevertheless Dr. Gunn, of New ~come thresher. One man drives from 18 <to 00 bearding houses, all in a huddle. They York, a practilioner of so f,!reat repute as horses abreast ; . one guides the ·machine ; never improve a place, and it hurts any to be independtint uf echools, declares 011d tills the sacks .; ·one sews them, and uart. of a town they get a hold in. What " The ingredients' of th" remedy are The only way we can ar.count for they are then duacrqwcl. Thus four · men they earn is not used in 'improving or among the most valuable medicines of - this state of things is that the cut au cl thresh 30 ·to 40 acres per day and build1n.g up the country. If immigi·,ints materia mecli~a," and says he knows the leavo the grain in sacks, so yon see the from ·Olhor natio"s get work, all they earn medicine is used by leading P ysiciaus, public are becoming ·oonvinced that possibility of farming on a large scale, goes to the fgeneral good. Chiuese are but they will not let their patients know is now open, in which will be found a stock not to be surpassed it pays to buy g{l)od goods. We with few hands. '.l'hey raise crops in al- difforent; they hav·e dlunese stores ; the how they employ it. ternate years, because they have to sum- rice, tea, tobacco and whiskt1y they use Dr. Dia L.,wis, who represented D>an· in this :vicinity. g~ the quality ou.·r first consider- mer-fallow. Most valley formers ,buy are all from China. They send their ful rn,depeudence in his profession, and om German made MANTLES, for Ladies and Children, See ation. "A poor article is dear at nearly everything ·they eat. In ·speaking money back and so far ns the general who was prone to decry all kinds of medof harvesting, a · g reat many have ngular proeperity of the place is concerned, they icine, yet spoke in the high<ist terms of A'r LE8S THAN COST. :any price." If y@!l warn, to buy headers· This new ·combined ma1:hiue are no good. But as laborers, they Warner's safe cure, and said, were he I\ trash, shoddy, &c., tbere are places has not been long·introduced but is grow- necessary here at present. But if they victim of any k·dney dise ·se-and moat in town where you can :buy t;UCh mg in favor. I am now speaking of the are the only help it will result in buildiug diseases orig.inate in ~uch d!so?ders-he In READY-MADE CLOTHING for Men and Boys o.. full stock. big grain ranclJ..,s.. Atter harvest they np an arist. ,cratic, non-working class of should certamly_ ~se it. Tnous>J.nde. of stuff, but you can't get it at our lurrow the stubble.and when it rains lots those that hire the poor but proud white . lesB candid phystcmns secrotely prescribe See our 'Tweed Suits at $7. See our Fur Caps a t 50 cts. See our Men's of volunteer grain comes up, and ·i>hey trash ; aod the earmngs of the country it in circles of their own. . . st©re, Soft and Hard Felt Hats for 25 and 50 cts. the winter. When will leave it .in-.tead of building it up. A ls it the f ..,ct, that this double hvmg, graze that duriD"' 0 And then as to our prices, we want spring comes soru e take their cattle up · good deal can be said on the labor qucs- thit1 moral dupiicity am?ng men ie a growln GENTS' FURNISHINGS our Stock is very large anil complete. · . you to distinctly m1dersta.nd that iuto the mountains, where grass is plenty tion. 1'he ·Chinese are a. necessary evil J ing evil, that makes this class of books This departme nt will receive special attention. af1er the snow goes off. By the way, a at .present. l.f they never had come here, so popular? TO CONCLUDE, we invite inspection aml comparison, which w e we sell CHEAPER THAN THE jlreat share of California. is piled up badly, I think the Sta.ti. would have been richer, know will be to your interest as well a:; ours. · CHEAPEST, and ·c&in afford to do but it ia much better for grazing than the As it is, they have been a drain. As large as the S rate is, the people do Colorado mountains. . so through redudng expenses by Gurdening in .the valleys is a spec·alty not raise what meat they c<msume, neithe1· liaving the combined Dry Goods as much as gram raising. Next to tlltl pork nor beef; butter, cheese nor eggs. river where it 1s low and water is near For Br·ock purposes an acre of Oanadi11r. l and Jewelry b usin ess. the surface, tn e vogetahles are raised land is worth.sever al acres here. They Most of all kinds ..£work i· done by ·he talk here as they did South : "We don' t A few of our specialties are : Chin1:se, because they can live in these have to feed wir>ters ; " but it is hard to Heavy Dress Goods cts., worth m:tiarious localities. Some boa~ China- raise the stuff to f ..ed. I have seen fields man hires the land, sometimes JJaying.$ 15 whi>re the grain was out for hay, and 12ic.; Heavy Fine .all-wool Flannel, per acre reut ; and in one ,place I know catt.e wei·e turned in on the stubble, and For the preservation of health than having your feet kept 20c., worth 25c.; Heavy Table that as much as $30 per acre is paid as they ate everything up, so that the field dry and warm. rent for an e.xtra rich piere of bottom looked like a summer-fallow. The avei·Linen, pure flax, 20c., worth 2i'ic.; land. They will grow crops the year age butter is good, for we have cool Heavy Quilted Underskirt, $1.00, round on snch warm bottom la11d, take nights. A great many places are having their loads a.nd gn back 15 and 20 ·nnles a boom, aud all o·r e ti-ying to get one up. worth $1.25 ; All-wool Whitt- into t.1e coun·ry, where people have no A pamphlet about our co:mtry hu been being aware of the fact, has laid in a first-class stock of · Blackets, best vah1e ,jn town; 8 chance of irrigation, and sell them. gotten up by the railroad and real estate ·1 hoRe back plates can iaise so1ne fow specnlators. The facts they tell are so Good White P ocket H'dk'fo for 25 thin!(s in winter. I am speaking of the represented that it looks more i nviting to cts.; a Good Heavy Tie-down for section where irrigation does Dot. exist. a tenderfoot thau it does tu an old settler. Califorma is such a lurge State the varia- A nun ha& to work hard and 85c.; Kid Gloves from lOc. upwards. tion from north to south, and the changes economy here, as "lsowhere. The aver· Knitted Wool Goods .of every des- frow sea coast to vallaya, and then to the age ranch man hero does not have as great In large quantities and greater variety than ever before-All well foot-hills and mountains, are very great. a varietytt·l1veon here as oue in t he North. cription. Another lot of that extra bought on best cash terms, saving large discounts to benefit prompt So when 011. e i11 writing 11bout one Sf'ct.ion Rut their climate is their boast, and most special value in Sealette and Mantle he is stating wbat is not true in another. ,people enjoy it. In conclus1on, l would paying customers. We are Jiving in the foot-hills, about 30 not advise any one to leave Canada for Cloths to band. Good assortment of all kinds of Seas onable Leather Good.&. miles east of Sacramento. It used to be ·this State, unless he wanted olimate, or a great miniug .sect10n All tho 'ravines is .a real estate speculator, or a mechauic Grand display of have been dug and washed out. A few t-hai; would strike a booming t ? wn where miles from h,.,re was the Sutter saw-mill, he ·could get lots of work. A. D. Thie powder never var1eB. A marvel ol where they first discovered the yellow Auburn, Phicer Do., Cal. purity, strength e.nd wholesomeness. More The finest choice of first-class Dress stuff. I have passed over ,the aites of coonomioal the.n the ordinary ll:inde, e.nd can not be sold in competition with the multitude or low test, short weight, e.lnm or phosphate Call and examine stock. We are going to sell on small profit.'! fearing Goods to be procured j.n the mar- several ex-mining lowna that once :flonrCLARKE NOTES. i.hed : but a few .old stone fire-places are powders. Sold only in cans. ROY AL B.AK · no honest competition. ".fet. Carpets in Wool, Union, all that is left. ·Old-timers will tell of the ING POWDER C0 ·· 106 Wall St., N. Y. Mrs. Henry Middleton of Orono is ·Tapestry, and Hemp as ·Cheap a.a fabulous sums tak..n out of the gulc and All goods warreotecl as reprernnted. We are fully prepared carry that ri.vine, etc.. etc., but most .of th11se 11ery ill. the cheapest. who used to handle thousat.1ds are poor Mies Emma O'dell has returned home tlv1~r C::omplalnt, out ALL we advertise. DyspepMln, now, and there .am many of them work- to {)rono from Raglan, looking well. Biiiousness . in~ over some ohl dirt to get a little t.-0 Mr. James M~Comb ai;d family of Sick lle11dnche. Kidney 1·ro11blcs, keep them alive. O.rono have removed to Peterboro. Jtheumathru. Skin Dtscases 44 Old-timers hate ·to till the soil. The .A. collie dog owned by Wm, CTilbank, KING ST., BOWl\UNVlLU:I·. and all .. · 11 many ditcl:ies ihst 1Were dug, to sell water jumped through a large plate glass pane ~:;!~.~W:!~l ~:.:?:.~ ~ to millers for washing out ~old at one in the front door of D. A. Garuabv's & dollar an inch for the water, now that Bros., storoi, Orono, on Monday last. minmg is done-eitcept that of quartz.Female Weak· evercausear1s111g are bein~ utilized for farming- a.nd frnit Mr. 'Vm. Barrett, of Perrytown, who ·eases and General in 'Ordered Clothing we take the purposes. That circumat..nce has brought fell ·lebility. into the cellarway in Front of Mr. Purely l 'egefoble. _,cake. The best tailors in town do this portion of the foot· hills imo cultiva- Henry's block, Orono,has entered action tion, whereas if it had not been for the against the Corporation for $4000 for al- Hlgltl)" co11ce111:ratecl. p1e11sn11f., elle~tual, oar work. ~ o misfits, every gar- big ditches cut in the mining times, this leged damages sustained. ijt1fe. ASI~ FOR ment guaranteed. ri;gion would now be only grazing land . . Mrs. Dr. .Carman's Leeture in the Having thoroughly refitted and added a lot of new Machinery to the· We pay 25 cents per inch for water for Methodist Church, Orono, last night was DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. · · t' At 1 · th S te f l h d Sh th Tuke 110 olhi>r. !i!11lcl m·crywltere. P.rice, above Mills, I am prepared · to furnish .OveJtc oats for $3, others sell fo!' $5 trn.~a ton, some paces m e ta o a. very ng or er. e gave a . _or· cents i·cr bottles· FARMING IN CALIFORNIA. rd Bush, McCLUNG BROS' ANN 0UNCEMENT. · v I .L L E 6 a.. l B Bus Ii. ID RY l I J ohn McClung, JN Jno.J.lason's JEWELRY FIOUSE ' GOODS TRADE P1·ice No Old Bankrupt Stock Sale! ! Come! Come I Bargain House of Bow1nanville. ~INERillDWBDDMP Dur Tailoring De~artment cannot be ceaten outside of Toronto1 l l I McCL'C'NG :anos. rn NOTHING BETTER DEL.LY.AR I I FELT BOOTS,SHOES&OVERSHOES Trunks, Bags and Valises. to We make a specialty of Mourning Goods. Absolutely Pure. ·1AILORI Nc& CLOTHlllC DEPARTMENT. ~. BURDOCK l'cj DR.HODDER'S 61 CURES ~Nia~ J~·tOMPOUND~ JOHN HELLYAR~ 1---..,...,...,...,...,... . . . . . . --..............--------------- cALED0NIAN. MILLS. 1 .u " ", " ,.. ·" " !'I, and up to 12, " " ,, " is vheaper; in some dearer. The great ough explanation of the present pout1011 6 it bottom valley where Fresno is, was once and working of the Woman's Foreign I almost an arid waste, but the system of irrigation was resorted to on a large scale. 15 and1it being a level country, the subsoil is futl of we.tor, and they no dry cellars in a town where it was difficult to ·,. fo~ wa.te~. . Tlie wi'nter ro1 .ofall there di ,.. · · a is only about eight to 10 inches; here it is abont 25 to 35 ; up to Reddin(! and Red Blufl it is from 7ti to 80. They can grow immense crops in the great valleys below Sacramento where they irrigate; but the country is very malarious. North of Sacramento the system of irrigation has not been established as yet. We in the foot-hills , feel we are in the healthiest portion of the St ate. We two miles in the country from Auburn, !"lacer County, and this town of Auburn is a gt eat health resort, <tnd only for its climate, for there is nothing else-no spriugs or scenery or any thing else to attract people but the air. Fo~ks from the · aea coaet, that are asthmatic CJr w'laklunged, come t o Auburn. I have lost 20 pounds, but I feP.l the stronger for it. J W c> rk ing out in th e s un does not have the 7 ·Large stock of Readymade Suits at very Low Prices. J.J. MASON General Dry Goods & Jewelry Hotlse Missionary Society. She is a very fine speaker, and has the facultya 0~ "c.lear'I~1h1be' up her points as she goes ·"' audienctJ was well pleased. Sold everywher~, Price, Z5cents and50cents ' The Orono Sons of Temoerance will per bottle. Proprietors and manuracturers. l'he1JNIOS' nll'DIUl~E uc· ··· ·'l'oronh>. 4Jnn. this Wednesday evrning, give a ·novel interesting and unique ceremony-preaeutation of Honorary Cards to those mem hers who have belonged for t wenty-one years and over. It will be performed by the Grand Scribe, Bro . W. H . Bewell, of Whitby. A very good program consist. ing of readim(a, recitations, etc., will also be rendered by the beet local talent. 10 1 R 0 11 er an d s t 0 n e Fl 0 u r COUCH AND LUNC OU RE Q a t ffi ea } R Q } }e d Q a ts p ea r 1 and Pot 15 R HQ ODER'S D . -' · Split Peas, &c. Farmers' Gristing a specialty. Barley,. Not. A Olyclone. If l were Queen of }?ranee, Or what's better, P ope of R ome. l would buy Imperial Cream Tart ar Baking ·~ o w der, For my Cook, and t<>ke it home. Bran, Shorts, Barley Feed, Corn, &c., always o-; .:1iand. . Highest price paid for Grain of all kinds. Orders filled and delivered to all parts of the town. r eason abl e. T elep!:one communica:tio n .- Prices·- ant \'form Syrup, yd sure to expel worlll8, .<lS SWEET A8 HONEll l s Dr. Low·~ 1'1N18· 2111d ·ll.>tro1· 43. JOHN MaoKAY.- Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria~

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