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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1887, p. 3

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========-:=.:================== Qtauntliau Jfadtsuutu. !l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_!.!_!~!_1111!!!~~-!!..!.~-~~!!!~~~·~.flil.~~~,a.~ .~ . ~11m1~ .!.~~~ .~~:~ . 1JS&~~~~·~nm!_~.. !!!!!!!!!~~!: -?£12~~~·~11~1211~!!_·~·-~~~~ ~~~~1~~~~ ~..!.!.!L2L!!~!~~-!!!!!!!!!~!!!!EF7!!!_~ ...~.-~.!.!..!_!!_.!,.!..~...!!..!_~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"1!1 THE STO.RY OF A WR.EC.]{. Annie and .WUlie's Prayer. SCIENTU:IO~SC.ELLMlY. ·' One of Che Host Remarkable llcseues Ever ·· ' ·' " ,. · D U A th M tr' S t · · 'T\\'O.S tho'cve oelore Christmas; "Good night" ha·· ECIMAL NITS.- s e e io ys em ~ Known on the lllatne Coast. been said, . f "'{ · ht dM i ·v rsal ~ t And Annie and Willie,'100 crept into bed; o ' eig s a.n ea.sure~ grows u }till e . The sch ooner D . W · H a.mmond , Ca.p . There were tears on their P.illcwa and tears in their favor, the need of u. umform decimal cur· WED~SDA.Y, DEC. 28, lSSf, · · ' -. -- - ·- - - - -- -· ..-- :-· - ·- - -.- 7 Flanders, of Rockland, a small coaster of eyes, . ' · .' · rency aud of a. decimal systQin of time , sixty tons, left Portsmouth Wednesday And each little bosom was heaving- with sighs; measurement is becominl( generally felt. morning, manned, besides the captain, by For to-night their stel'll father'· c·oQlmand had been Most countries already possess some form n 1 given, · d his sou, Albert Flanders, an ,. arren That they should retire precisely at seven, of decimal mouey, aud even England is wakMcF>J.dden of Rockland. The uargo consist- Instead of &t eight: !or they troubled him more ing up to the advantages o'f decimal units. ed of tweuty barrels of flour, twenty barrels With questions unheard of than ever before. A rec·e nt scheme for decimalizing the pound Ile had told them he tboucht this delusion a sin, bemg . 1 Of Olay, 500 fire bl'ioka, several packages No such heing as ' 'Sant& Claus" e,·er bad been, ster1. rng was well suppor t e d , tllC p.a.n the Largest and best Assortment on band of sugar, and other articles. And he hoped, ofter this, he shoulcl never more hear to adopt the mill a.a the unit and divide the Just before Cape Elizabeth wa.s How he scrambled down chimneys witlt presents each sovereign into 1000 mills, thus making the . , All the N ew Styles. the wind was so vehement th>1.t it was like And tG~"~as the reason that two little heads half-so~creign equal 500 mills, the crown a. tornado. The Captaiu knew that he could so restlessly tossed on their soft downy beds, 250, the double florin 200, the half-c1·own a very la1ge variety. but th uever weather the fearful blow, an' he de· Eight, nine, and the clock in the stcerle tolled 125, the florin 100, the s hilling 50, and the South Sea Seal a:r;.d Persian termined to put into Portland harbor. Not,. ~-~jd bad been auoken till then, sixpence 25. In Vviesb>1.don a step in deciLaml take the lead. rrhe exertions that were made to round When Willie's sad lace"from the blan~et did peep, ma! time-keeping has been taken. A new the Cape light and to pass the famous And whispered: v Dear Annie, is you 11!.st asleep'/" clock divides the day iuto 10 hours, the all the latest improvements-a very Trundy's reef where the ill-fated Bohemian "Why, uo, brother Willie," a sweet voice replies, hour into 10 'decades, the decade into 1()'Choice and varied stock to choose weut ashore weFe superhuman. It was the "I've tried in vain, but 1 can't shut my eyes; rays. Similar units take the pface of . the For somehow it me EO so;-ry because from. merest chance the hardy sailors ha d b ef ore Dear papa has said thero is uo ·Santa. Claus.' usui:.l degrees, minutes and secouds in the them, But the flight was and the Now we know there is, and it can't be denied, diYision of the ci~-ole. . vessel wn.s put a little ful'ther out to sea. For he cam" every yea\" beloremamm~ oied; PNEUM.ONIA EXPLAINED.-It is geuern.lly · · d f d t t" But then l've been thinkinP,' that she need to prnr, Then came the t ea.rmgwm 0 es rue mn. And God would hear ove'rything momma would supposed that pneumonia is clue to the acciIn a.n instant the sails were torn to shreds sav · dental penetration of specific microbes into A magnificent selection good and cheap. Call early for first choice. and to navig>1.te the little craft on the And perhaps she a.sked , Him to send Santa Claus the system, but the observa.tious of M. Jacrampant sea 'Yaa a mal:ter beyond the skill With i~~··aack full of presents he br;u~ht every coucl, a French student of the ·s ubject, show of the best sailor tha.t ever pulled a rope. yenr." · that the diseaso really reBults from the de. What could be doue to save her '/ The "Well. why tan't we pay deet as mamrna did then, velopment uuder favorable couditio!18 of on hand. Prices very reasonable. Captain saw that a bit of his jib was left, ~n? ask Dod t~ se~d him witl~.presents ·den 'I" rd 1n1·crobic germs permanently present m the aud with this ray of hope he set about l ve mbe . erne th1okmg so too; !lrJd without a wo 0 system. A chiet condition of such develop- GENTS' FURNISHINGS AND UNDERWEAR, A COMPLETE PUREST, S1'ROii'\1CEST, iBIEST, turning it to the best advantage. If t h a.t Four little bare feet bounded out on the floor, ment is a sudden chill, which explains the Display. · Shirts, Socks, Gloves, Ties, Braces, Studs, CONTAINS NO would ouly the vessel might be guided And lour li~tle knees the soft carpet pressed, frequent coincidence of lung affections with ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, into the harbor in safety' and the lives of And tb~~..~~Y hand~ were clasped close to abrupt changes of temperature. Buttons, Mits, Rubber Co'lts, Umbrellas, etc. ~,., . . or any injurious materials. the crew would be spared. "Now Willie you kno1v \ve must firmly believe p b bl l" " '· TORONTO, ONT. Crash I Then most everthiug seemed to That the pres~nte we ask for we're sure to receive; A DEVELOPING ART. ro a Y no app i~Furs E. GILLETT, CHlCAGO,ILL. go off the schooner on the winds. The You must wait just as still till I ·ay the 'Amen.' cation of science is advancing more rapidly Kan'rr of the CELEBllAT:Ell llOYAL !EAS'r Cil:EIJ. "traveller" ha.d yielded to the mighty straiu And bfh~~~t you will know that your turn ha.'! come than photography. Among recent applia.n- I and hope was lost. ces are ,a. detective ca.mera in the form of a. I Nea(l::.' Block, Bowmanvil1e. M.:MAYER. Just i;hen, to add to the perils of the "Dea.r Jesus, look down on my and me, watch, with a charm to holcl a supply of She Tried in vain to Get moment, the Captain struggling to do his And grant us the !avor we are asking of Thell. miuia.ture ·dry-plates, and a. telescopic caI want a wax dolly, a tea set and ring, mera. iu which ·distant objects are brought ReHeC and had quite best, was struck to the decks almost d ea.d 11.nd "n ebony work-box that ahuts with 11 spring h h d by the swinging of a boom. His son, too, Bless papa, dear Jesus, and cause him to""" uear by telescopic aid and P otograp e · Gi Yell up all Hope. was hit and fairly hurled over the rails, That Santa. Claus loves us far hetter thn_n he; Moderu dry-plates have made the camera which, with singular fortune, he ha.ppeued j ~~~;~~\~~~:r·~~W:~i~d~~:~~~~~:.. quite available a.t night, and exquisite pie(' Campbellford, June 9, 188'7'· .to gr11osp. This saved him, but his father "Please, Desue, et Santa Taus tum, tures now t akeu by moonlight a.nd even was insensible and there he lay on the icy And bing some pesent.s before it is ight; by starlight. · MR. E. MORRIS, Toronto, I want he ehould dive me a nice little sed, DwEJ,U}RS IN DARKNESS.-The cave anik ' DEAlt Sm :- I feel it my duty to giY11 d ec s. , With bright ehinin' 'unners and all painted 'ed; p f What thosethreemeu wenttnrough before A box lull of tandy a hook and a. toyma.le of North America., according to ro · you my testimony for the good I had they reached Portlaud light it would require Am?n; and den, i?~sus, l'll be" dood ~oy." . A. S. P.i.ckard, comprise . a · total of 172 from your Dandelion Liver and Kidney a long time to tell. First high on a mount· Their prayers bemg ended, they raised up their species of blind creatures, nearly all of which Bitters. My liver was in a bad state and ainous, then deep dow'n iu valleys , of And, ~~:gshearts light and cheerful, ag"ln BOU!fht are mostly white in color. I wad a great sufferer. [ had tried ia billow, on-shoreward they dashed-with their bede. TRACING THE CIRCULATION.-Sta.rting vain to get relief aud had quite giveu u.p ropes flying, timbers cracking, and a.ll They were soon lost in slumber both peaceful and with the idea. that the hand varies seusibly all hope, till a. 'friend . told me of your t h mgs . · · deep fairies in Dreamland were roaming in in size with .the amount of blood presen ' t lil ' sea.t termg m a 11 d' irect" i?ns. . And with· Bitters. I got a bottle at once and I a111. It was 7 o'clock when Assistant Light sleep: it a.t any moment, Prof. Mosso, "the Italian ha.ppy to say the Bitters made a new WO· Keepers Joseph aud Gilman Strout, soils of . . . · ·, physi"ologi"at ha.a made some most interest · f or help oft Eight,tan mne, and the little French clock bat! struck ing investigations. · . · man of me. I can heartily recomineni J o h n F · S·t rout , h eu.rd cries In his first experiments the rocks. They rushed out, and beheld the Ere the !~ther had thought of his children again. the. h:and was placed in a closed vessel of them to any one troubled with livlilr comHammond coming· straight in toward the I He now to het\r Annie's half-suppressed water., when the change in the circulation plaint. Yours truly "ff ~n the M am · e co sighs, . a st· Down to And to see the big tears stand in Willie's blue eyes. prod uced b Y the s l" igh test a.c t" ton of b 0 d Y or C.11.RRilll S1·BPliUH11:. worst cl 1 tne very seas edge they hurried, " l was harsh with ray darlings," he mentally said, brain, thd smallest thought or movement, For a moment it seemed as though there "And I should not have sent tber~ so early to bed ; was shown by a rise or foll in the liquid.iu wa.s n~tthe slightestch>1.nce to save the men. But then I waa <roubled; my feelings found vent, the narrow neck of the vessel. With a 0 Good News at Home. " Throw us a line," shouted they· The I~~~ boin~o~~e~k il:~~~lehfur~~~~~ th1et~nt;oe~bl=~tere large balance on which the · horizontal hulittle schooner was not one hundred feet this, man·body ma.y be poised, he has found that owa.y And that I denied them the thrice asked for kiss ; · th gh·s ma.y be literally weighed E. MORRIS, EsQ.,-D.lllAlt Srn,-1 han u ' l" th d th ame the But, just to make anre, I'll steal up to their door, on. es ou · ' ' Mason to speak well of your Dandelien T!1e me was rown, an ea e J For I never spoke harsh to my darlings before." aud that even dreams, or the effect of a. terrible emergency. So saying, he aoltly ascended the sto.irs, slight sound during slumber, tum t he blood river and Kidney Bitters. I have been 'I.he breakers ran many feet 11igh, and And arrived at the door to hear both , of their to the brain sufficiently to smk the balance troubled for some time with my Kidney and a friend of mine recommended them for ' men to attempt to com~ it seem- Ilis A~~f~;:r~; bless papa,, drawa forth the big tears, st the head. \-Vb en the brain of the ha.lane· utterly out of the question. Should they And Willie's grave promise falls od his; ed persou· is relaxing from thought the flow to me 11.nd I tried them in my case, and ed ever the 11 md alive? "Strange, stra.nge I'd !or((otten," said he, with a is toward the feet, with a correspouding O!l· f·und them to work like a charm ; thereTime settled a.11 this. They did land. sigh, . . . cilla.tion. The investip:ator has continued fore I have much pleasure in recommend- They m~na.ged, with the aid of the line and "Howd~a~~~;g'. wheu a child, to have Ohmtmas his s tudies of the circulation until it seems ing them to a~l pers?ns ~110 are troubled urged on by the words of cheer from the . o.tone tor my hnrshnese," he inwardly said, that he may almost read one's thoughts a.nd in any way with their K1dnev. brave keepers, to get to the r?cks. . "ny answering their prayers ere IJ;leep in my bed." sensations. A tracing from a. single pulse· Yours truly, When v~ry near the shore it at one time · Then he turned to the elt\ira o.nd soltly wenb down, beat shows him whether a person is fasting wh~t J. J. Jo:na. seemed as if they were to he da.shed to Threw off velvet slippers and silk dreseing gown, or not ; two beats serve to determJne eternity, but they were most ga.ll~~ly Donned hat, coat and boots and went out on the whether tb.e subject is a. thinking or a heedN eV<;~onville, May 3, 1887. · rescued, almost frozen by the chilling . ~reet, . . less one, whether asleep or awake, cold or with exhaustion. A m1ll1onnrure focrn_g the oold, driving sleet,_ warm, ·g1"tated or calm, The changing Waters a.nd half· dea.d . . · h Nor stopped he until he had bought everything, u ·They were fairly lifted from fate, lll t c To the box tull of candy, to the tiny gold ring, pulse even told him when a professional _ t<> 11!8 a day. Samples and duty FREE Lines not nnder the horee'efeet. Write a.rilll! of the keepe1·s, It was one of the most lndeedhe kept adding ao wuch to his store, friend was ·reading Italia.u a.nd wheu Bowmanville, ..A.uguet 17th, 1887. BREWSTER'S SAFETY RBIN liOLDJm rem_arka.ble rescues ever heard of 011 the :}:~:~ t~~~:~~:J K!et~~;:do~t~~~·{~M:;~~~J. Greek, the greMer effort fodhe latter duly , --~ ---.--_ -_ - ----=-===-.-.----___ -~ --. - ---. --_ -_ -_ ... _ ;....;._ ..=::..-_ -__ ___ --. Co .. Holl, Mich. Ma me coast. And with Aunt Mary's help in the nursery 'tw<is a.ffec'"ing th'i1 blood flow. · ·· ; · iB\-.; MRS. sorHIA P. SNOW. I THI RTY · YEARS · IN · BUSINESS . I di YE B The practical . F urrier calls attention to the follow· ing Branches of his new Fall Stock. p R j I Fal 1 Hats ·r Caps, Gents , Fu Ladies' Caps, Ladies' & Gents' Fur Coats, Cutter&{:, Carriage Robes,A~:::: altered and repaired. Highest Price paid for Raw Furs. w. ·- -- BO.UNSALL'S Marble Works, BOVVl\LI_A_N'"-VILLE_ We have a large and well selected stock of I I acotca &!NCLtLU CtlANtTI MONUMENTS of latest designs, and to . parties intending to erect Monuments this fall, who will call at the shop, we will sell at such low prices as were never heard of before in Canada. Call and get prices before purchasing elsewhere, a:rid see if we do not mean we say. E. R. BOUNSALL, Manager. ===· "· '= - -_ -:. -·· '"=== =-- $5 .. A work· box, well filled, in the centre was laid, 1882 au elec~nc qyuamo for 1200 .lights And on it the tiog !or which Anuie had prayed. weighed 44,820 pounds, the · Engfand has in India. some 50,000,000 of A soldier in uniform atood by a eled, d th d Mussulman subjects, including in their mass "With bright shining runners and all painted red;" weighed 9800 pouu s, e space occupie the most warlike of the native races, the There were balls, dogs and horses. ·books plea~ing to wa.s.320 cubic feet, the horse power requirfl 1 see, , · · . ed waa 155 aud the commeroiB.l efficiency races upon whom Englancl mn9 t chie y re y Au<! birds of all coloiswere perched in the tree, WM 67 per cent. The 1887 m11.ohine, with Havinir to roll back the tide of Russian aggression ; While Santa Olau9, laughing, ewod up in the top, an ar.mature of 1558 pounds, weighs 11760 ~ and England is not likely to forget that it As ii getting rend)' more preeenta to drop. was these very races who in 1857, at the : And as the !ond hther the picture surveyed, pounds, occupieo about 180 cubic feet, reHe thought for his trouble ha had amply been paid, quires a.bout 112 horse power, and ha.a a bidding of their Caliph, the Sultan Abdu l And he said to himsell, as he.hrmhed off a tear, ffi f 90 t A Medjid, gave their united support to the · "l'm ha.ppicr to-vight than I've b·,,en for a year; commeroia.l e ~iency 0 over · per oei:. · . Unapproached for at that supreme moment . I've ·njoyed more true pleasure than ever be!orfl, given current costs one-fourt h as much as Tone and Quality. British connection 'r 1.defecti'on might cost the Wh...t care Ii! bank stock !all ten per cent.moral in 1882. When thei f Hereafter I'll make it n rule, I believe, life of every white ma.n and woman in India. To have S·nta Claus visit each Christmas Eve." A CURIOUS D.ijlCOV.ERY.-In the tarta.r O CATALOGUES FREE. My late father frequently assured me tha.t So thinking, he gently extinguished the light, teeth from skeletons of the stone age, Mr. the whole influence of the Caliphate wa.s And tripped down the stairs to retire !or the night. Charters White, of the Odontologica.l Soused most unremittingly from Constantino- As soon aa the beams o! th· bright rising sun ciety of Grea.t, has found specimens ple to check the spread of the mutiny, to Pot the darkness in flight and the stars, one by one, of the food eaten by our prehistoric a.noesrally to the ~nglish standards the Mussul- Four little blue eyes out of sleep opened wide, tors 3000 years or more a.Q'o, The fragments And a.t the the presents espied, "denti "fie d me · 1u d e port" ma.n races of India, and that in this wo.y t h e Then out ofsame their mQment beds they sprang with a boun<I. i lOllS of corn h usks· debt which Turkey owed to Great l3ritain And the very gilts prayed tor were all of them found. spiral vessels from vegetables, sta.roh husks, for British support in the Crimea was They laughed and they their innocent glee, fruit cells, the poiut of a fish's tooth, a.nd bits of woo}, feathers a.nd cartil> ·1'n full. And the time may aga.iu come when And shouted !or "papa" to come quick and see A f th 1 d What presnts Old Sautr Claug hrought in the night the devotion of the Mussulmans to their (Just the things_what they wanted), and left before SURGICAL PROGRJISS. - t two o e ea. · Caliph a.nd the shrine ot St. Sofia ma) be ligbt. · ing hospitals of Paris the from "' not less necessary to Great Britiau than in "And now," added Annie in voice soft a.nd low, ampnta.tion of a.11 kinds has fallen from 50 -11 1880 to about 15 .per cent. a.t "You'llbelieve thcrc'sn 'Santa.;Clnus,'papa, I know; per cent, 1 . th W t 1 857· I am tha t lil e es ern While dear little Willie climbed up on his knee, World the religious sentiment of nations is Detenn!ned between them no secret should be, presen~. no longer considered an important factor in And told, in soft whispers, how Annie ha4 aaid · t d That their dear, blessed mamm·, BO long ago dead, politics, but it would not b ew1se oregar usedtokneeldcwnandpraybythesideolherchalr, A11' t 0 f the Deen . a.ny such maxim as applicable to the East. And that God, up in Heaven, h"d answered her .w.Oll~ er r' , The myriads who to-day in the hottest reprayer. Those who have seen a diving-suit are . gions in the world keep for an entire month "Then we dot up and pra.yed deet as well as we aware of the frightful appearance of 11o ma.n 1 -:BYeach year the of Ramadan- entire ab- And ~~~ !·nswered our prayers; now, wasn't He arra.yed in it. 'fhe front of the headpiece . stineuce from all food and water between dood ?" is a large circular of glass, giving the sunrise and sunset while continuing their " I should sa.y that He was, ii He sent you " 11 theso, wearer the a.ppearu.nce of a hideous Cyclops. . · l th h And knew just what preaenta· my children would al h 1 I am fuliyprepared to attendFuner l<>tl full daily toil-t e re 1g10us zea at as pleaoe From the top of the head runs a rubber tube th~bortest notice, at the lowest possible ra:e' endured this trial steadfastly for more than (Well, well, let him think so, the dear littla el!, for supplying air to the diver, and there is 43. !:Jasketa and BurialCe.sesready onshori not oe 11 000 at the bidding of the Prophet is 'Twould be oruel to tell him I didit my-self)" a.lso a rope for ha.wling him up. In the First-class hear!e ocnon!~:nytlmyoondehraa.tned ·e~· 1n~t likely to look on unmoved when his Blind father I who caused your Eteril heart to relent T early da.ys of the "'Old excitement in, Shro ds a.nd co...ns si u M d' And the hasty words ·poken BO soon to repent 1 . ' . · "' · al n d 11upplied at once. Furniture Shop II shrine at Mecca aucl his tomb a.t e ma. 'Twas tlie Beiag who bade you steal softly up stairs, Califorma, a Mr. Pot~s a.nd his partner, ~~0:.a~o~ms-Bonnsall'1New Block. have become the objective points of foreign And made you Hi· agent to answer their prayers. both miners, decided that there was gold at - - - -- - - - - - -- · - - - - aggression. The enlightened classesiuludia. the h!ladwaters, of the San Joaquin. They recovnize that the rule of England has seourdiscove1;ed a deep .hole in the bed .of one of ed us against incess11.nt interual strife, inNew Gold fields in Sou;h Africa.. the forks, a.nd cuncluded tha.t, if there was volving a perpetual exha.ustion of the re, gold anywhere in the bed of the stream, it sources of our community, and also that i,y Pastor Brincker, a misaio.o.a.ry, writes from wll.s in that~hole. They tried diving to the a just administration ot equal laws a. very Obyimbingue, under date Sept. 13, tha.t five bottom ; but the warerwasjto·o deep, and they sufficient measure of iudividual liberty is gold diggers had a1·rived ther~ from Aus- fouud themselves in a. dilemma.. Mr. Pott's now our.birthright. Vl'e have lost, as some tra.lia iu the precedin~ month m sea.rch of partner bethought himself of ·a. diving-suit think, our national liberties, which after all gold. Tivo were sons of an Englishman, Ill San Fi:aucisco which he co;uld procure, w ere mu~ly the liberties enjoyed by despots who, thirty-three years ago fouud gold a.t and the decisiou was reaohed that he should to compel their subjects to make war on one the old copper mines at Otyimbingue. _Th~y go a.nd bring it. This he· did, arriving another; this so-ca.lied " liberty" is denied had been saving mouey for a. long time lil with it after bOllle time. Mr. Potts's partus; but more than 240,000,000 of us have order to prosecute t he search futher, and ner arrayed himself in the suit. Lying now the right to live our own lives on what they soon found the scene of tho former dis- a.cross the hole was a fallen tree, and Mr. I lines we please, and to be subject only to the covery. The mis.~ionary sa.ys the diggers Potts and his pa.rtner walked out upon the control of a kuown, a written law; aud this are astonished at the richness of the vein. log, and the partner slipped down into beiug so, the one further inducement needed "The lumps of gold," he sa.ys, "may be water a.nd was instautly out of sight. Mr. 'ontlnnes to do a. Genern.1 BanklniitBUelnes11 to keep th? Moham!fi.edau milli.o!ls f?rever seen with the naked eye. Dr. Goriug, the Potts held the rope by which . to pull him 13 wmanvillb Branch, steadfast m the British connection is the Imperial Commissioner, bel~eves thu.~ mil· up. The sigua.1 agreed upon wa.s a. jerk of 8 0 D.El"'OSl'l'S bond of a. religious h and a cherished lions of marks' worth lymg at this one the rope. While Mr. Potts wa.s ,thus sit" conviction that, beinglthejloyal!aubjectslofthe place, The opot is below Ahna.wood, eight tinv O'l the lqg and holding the rope, he teoelved in Savings Bank Department and , Great ·white Empress, we are therefore the hours hence, iu a sort of island in the bed appeared to be fishing with a. stout .all and interes~ allowed at ourren t rates. N strongest link in the natural alliance between of the Tsoakoub. There is more water than line for big fish. He wa.s thus enga.ged 1otioe of withdrawa.I necessary· All deposit· our Queen and our Caliph between the tern- is desired, for the diggers scent alluvial when Chief Keweah a.nd his Equaws came payable on dEemXan~D ~ TWG E poral po:wer in India a.nd the spiritual power gold in the bed of the stream. According down from the mountains, where they had that radiates from the Bosuhorm1. w the evidence of these experieuced .men beeu gatheriug nuts. He stopped, and thus the place is ' richer than any in Australia, addressed Mr.· Potts: "You ketobum fish?" 3onghtai'ld oold and Dra.ffsiseued upon Europe And now the gold huut is going to begin." . "No, not " yet," was the reply ; " but I ex]nlted pr '>tee and Canada., also Gold,Siiver a.nd Julteo " ,..,0e11 Gi·een l>acks bouii:ht a.nd sold, Thc following ancedote is told of Jenny In th~bvliew of thkis ghentle?Ja.nbit will onl~ pect a bite pretty soon." The old chief was Liud's experieuce in Vienna. She ha.d been bo poesi e to wor t e vems Y means 0 evidently much interested andawa.ited devel(JOLLEUTIOI'VS singing in Sonnanibula, a.nd, after the curtain dynami~e e.n_d bsta.mpin_I{ dahhi~es, si thall opments, his following bis example. Promptly m, !Lt current rates upon all pu fell on the last a.ct, the a.ugience persis tent- compames wi11 e require a.vmg a. com- Prettysoon there;caine a jerk of the r ope that af Great Brittain, tho United States and Do ly encored the fine.l'rondo; which Jenny Lind mond considerable capita.I. The 1~lberfeld rippled the surface of the wa.ter. Keweah minion of Canada. hesitated to sing again. The house was get- Mission reports that gold has also beau found became greatly excited when he sa.w Mr. Telegrapll T1·a111srers ting uproarious, wheu she came forwa.rd a.nd in four places thirty a.nd forty English miles Potts pulling heavily on the line; and the old Made tor large or small sums on all parts of ., " Five minutes for lemonade." Ao- below Otyimbingue. , chief raised himself to his feet and watched Ca.nada. This Is especially advantageous to jl cordingly, after a five minutes' rest :and a the procedure with the deepest interest. persons living In Manitoba. or the North·wesi glass of lemonade, she repeated the· song. Ei,ery member of the Queen's household Prnsently the monster of the deep came to ·~ lt m!kea t~:!~nds availa.ble ~t once at 'he The Archduke l!' Karl, who iwa.s pre- -past and present-who subscribed to the the surfa.<!e, with its h ideous Cyclopean eye paceo pa.y ., , sen~,sentforthe.manager,au?sai~tohim, jubilee gift which wa.s_presen~d to the turne~ in Keweah's direction. "Ugh!" F.orfurther particulars call at the Bankln "Give my compliments to Miss Lmd, and . Queen last June ha.a received a. silver medal shouted the old warrior; a.ud he and his GEO. McGiLL, tell her I am very sorry ; but the people to be worn in commemoration o.f her Ma· equaws turned suddenly 'and fled panic. . .Accountant Manager have no consideration. Tell her also that I jesty's jubilee." stricken over the plains, 1 ' . ·lY waited till she had sung her song ii,gain," . . 1 .England and· Her :M.ussulman Subjects. " BELL" ffys:le;~li'e~f s~:~l~~~n~~~~o~h~~et!~e;e, in:~~\~~Jj~~~:::f~ia:l~~~~sl\~~e~~ CALE D0NIAN' M · I LL S · a thoroughly refitted and added a lot of new Machinery ta the above Mills, I am prepared to furnish rnttaORG.ANS Roller and Stone Flour, p e a r 1 and Pot Barley, Split Peas, &c. Farmers' Gris:ting a specialty. · OU BELL &co.) Guelph, Ont. Oatmeal, Rolled Oats, E RTA KIN C N U ·o · B. ran, Short S, B arIeyF eed ' Corn, & C,, a1ways · H1'ghest pr1'c · e pa1'd J. ~or Gra1·n 0 f a 11 k' 1 Ill d S. · hand · ·· L Ev I M 0 RR IS· Orders filled and delivered to all parts of the town reasonable. Telephone ·commun1·cat1'on. · Prices. 0- . JOHN MacKAY... DUNN~S JOSE_ P H 'JEFFERY, .. ; BAKINC POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND THE 0NTARIO BANK I ° '-' t··u:· :~~;:" ' JEFFERY always at the Door. ~~j u;ua:oorn: I · I Merchant Ta1·1or & Gent's Furnisher B 0 W M A NV I L L E, 1" Chlldren Cryfor_ Pitche~'~--~~s~~r!~~

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