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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1887, p. 6

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tt lP~ ---- getting on pretty well together, but thnre "We would not inundate you all at might elicit remarks; and, a.a Alice's voice TIRED OF HER LONELY LITE. was much more stiffness and less cordiv,llty once," she said, "but the children are a.11 betrayed less and less constraint, !!he ven between the two cousinq, although A'! ..rk very eager to see their cousin. I wish you tured on speakmg of their daughters, so as A. Rnmaaee C:onnected With 8 ~cent Sul· IS PUBLISHED got the wmdow open into the conservatp1y, would come down to the Rectory with me. to draw forth some account of how Ursula EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING and showed Nuttie the way into the v,a.r- My ponies at the door. I would drive might have been educated. cMe at Niagara. llY CHARLOTTE M. YONGE. -BYden, advising hei to ask Ronaldson, the you, and Ursula might walk wfth Blanche." And of this, Alice was rea.dy and eager to The dead body of a. woma.n, WM found a gardener, to fill the consuva.tory with flow- And, as Alice hesitated for a moment, talk, telling how clever and how industrious fortnight ago at the edge of a. precipice near CHAPTER X.-(CONTINUED.) era. The pavilion, as this little room was consid..,ring how this might agree with the Nuttic had always been, and how great an the Falls on the Canada side. The manner AT THE OJ'E!CK There was a very late dmner, attar which called, always seemed to have more cap.i.m· complicated mstruct10ns that she had re- advantage Miss Nugent's kindness was, and other deat h was shown by a ghastly wound Mr. Egremont, on the first day, made his ties for being Jived in than any other 10om ceived, she added, "Never mind Alwyn. how she was hopmg to go up for the Cam in her head. Frnm the fa.ct that a revolver l"ost Omee Block, Kin.g Street, Bhwman· l'ille, Ontu· lu. wile play bezique w1thhim. She en3oyed.1t, in the house. It hi~d been fitted up when Isa.whim going off JUSt beiore I came up, bndge examination; then, detectmg some was clutched convulsively m her right hand l!.S a tender reminiscence of the yachtmg such thmgs were the fashion for thcshortl1ved and he told William he was iroing to look doubt in her compamon's manner, she said, it was supposed that it was a. case of smmde. "I.'E:H.]Y.(S; d!!.ys , but !II uttie found herself de t?Op, bride of " our great uncle." at some horses at Hale's, so he is disposed "It would be a great disappointment to her Little investiglltwn was made beyond an 11cr A1u11.m, or $1 tr 11nid l:n ntlun·c .,nd was reduced to the book she had con "The colour must have been awful then," of for a good many hours." not to do so now. Do you think she had attempt at ·den·ification, which until now l?aJDlent strictly ln advance required rrom mved to puti·hase on her travels. The se said Mark, looking up at it, "enough to set Alice decided that her husband would better not?" has proved una~ailing, and tneeuicide theory 1b~bera outside o! the county. Orders t" cond ntglit Mr. Egremont had picked up one's tcetn on edge; but i t has faded into probably wish her to comply, and she 1e"I don't think she will find time to go on was generally accepted. News comes from ee :mtlnue the pa.per mu~t be accomp&u10'd bv two frrnnds, not yet gone out of town, wh~se something quite orthodox-much better than ioiced to turn her daughter m among the with the preparation I And, to tell the trnth, Cattarnugus county that t he vict im wi,s amount due, or th pa.perwil not beatopp11d.. conams, so hata, gloves, and parasols were I don't think we 1ue quite ripe for such uudoubteclly Mrns Caroline Leavenwor th, )Jno1ibers are responsibieunt1 full payment ls talk was of ho 1 ses and of yachts, quite m could be manufactured for you." :M.a1 k had evidently some ideas of art, and fetched, and the two mothers drove away thmgs in this count1y. We are rather an eccentric minden lady, late of Hinsdale, comprehensible to the ladies. They were ,ado, very attentive to Mrs. Egremont, whom was besides inclmcd to do the honours to with the two sleek little toy ponies By backward, and Ursula, coming in fresh up in that county, where she had Jived alone fer JU.TES OF A.Dlt'EBTUllNG: ';,~ IVhole Column one year ....... . ..... $60 oO ~ ::! /;; they evidently admired, one so visibly as to the stranger; but Nuttie was not going to which it may be perceived that Mt ~ on us, might find it a di sadvantage to be the past fifteen or more. up a b:ush; but they disregarded tile encourage him or anybody elss to make up Egremont's first impreas10nswe1e fovorabl c thought much cleverer than othe1 people." Miss Leavenworth was the daughter of call " " Half yeat· .. . .· · . . . . 36 oo ~ .. One quarter....... 20 00 .- .,. daughter as a schoolgirl. Happily they ap - to her, while she ha.d that look of Gerard f "It is the shortest way thrcugh tho gu.r "Ah I I wa-s not quite sure wheta er her Dr. L eavenwoi th, who was well known in ohl! Column one yea~ ..........·.. 36 00 - - no more after the dmner; but Nuttie's Godfrey's in her mind's eye. So she made I dens," s11.1d 13lanche. "Have ~ou been fat her would like it. " Stea.mburgb and vicimty rnauy years ago. " Half year .............. 20 QO fir 3t exclamation of astonished disgust WM small answer, and he felt rebuffed, but sup through them yet ?" "I do not think he would. I am sure In her younger days she was engaged to be " One quarter _ ·....· 12 oO silenced at once by her mother with unusual posed her shy, and wondered when he could "Mark walked about with us a little " that if my little Rose were to take it into her married to a gentleman who is now a prom uarter Colun.n one yeD.r ......... 20 00 determmat10n, "You must not speak so of go back to her mother, who was so much "You'll improve them ever so much. head, I should have hard work to get her inent and weaLhy citizen of Dunkirk. Ob. " " HaH year ........... 12 110 " " One quarter... .. . . 8 00 5 your father's friends." more attractive. There ;.re great capabilttics. Look, you father's wnscnt, though no doubt the world s tacles to t he m!!.niag;e arose, however, and Ten lines and under.first Insertion. $0 50 "Not when---" Presently his father went off to storm the could have four tennis courts on this one will have progressed by the time she is old thencefort h life had few charms for the un· Each subsequent insertion...... 0 25 "Not at all," mterrupted Mrs. Egremont. den of the master of the house, and lawn 'Ve wanted to have a garden party enough." · fortunate woman, whose existence ..t her l!'rom six to ten lines, first Insertion 0 75 ~ The only sense of promot10n to greatness there was a pleasant quarter of an hour, up here last year, and father said we might, "That settles it ," said Alice. "Thank Scott's Corners home was as solitary as can Ea.oh subsequent Insertion.... · 0 35 - 10 Over ten hnes,first msertion,pe1 Jin e O 10 that Ursula had yet enjoyed was in these durinv which the th1ee went out but mother thought Uncle Alwyn nught you, Mis. Egremon t . I own," she added be 1magmed. She posEessed considerable Eaoh snbeequen tinsertion, " O 03 fine clothes, and the w.aid whom L a.dy through the conservato1y, and Mark showed t hink it a liberty; but now you'll have some pres<intly, "that I do somewhat regret that wealth, and the assessors b orn year to year The number ot lines to be reckoned by _ Kirkaldy had recommended, a grave and the ins and outs of the garden, found out delic10us ones? Of course you play lawn it cannot be, for I thou~ht that a motive for assessed her personn.l property. She did not th~ ~pace occnp\ed, measured by a eoaleofj severe looking person, of whom both stood lfonaldson, 11.nd congratulated him on havmg tennis ?" keepmg up her studies would be helpful to obJ cct to payrng her tax, alth.:>ugh it was 801 d Nonvarell, somewhat in awe The arnval at Bridge· some one i.t last to apprec111.te his flowers, "I haTe seen it a very few times," said my child ;-I do not mean for the sake of annually rncrea~ed. Many people b elieved \!;!2_ _ __ _ --- ----- ---- ====field had been too late for anything to be begging him to make the conserv;i.tory Nuttie. the studies, but of the-the balance in all that the long putse of her old time lover DR!!, Mcf.,UIGllLIN' .t BEITH, taken 10 but a general impression of space beautiful. And Mrs. Egremont's anule was "Oh, we must teach you! F11.ncy living this change a.nd novelty." was the hidden ~ource of her afUuence. She a.nd dreariness, and the inevitable dinner of so effective tirnt the Scot forthwith took out without lawn tennis!" ea1d Blanche. "I "You quite right, I have felt it my- seldom permitted even her nearest neighbor OFFICE :- MORRIS' BLOOR:, BOWllUNVILLJil. many courses, after which Nuttio was so his knife and presented her with the most always wonder what people did without it. self," said her siater-m-law, "Perhaps to enter her lonely abode, and t here was Dr.J.W.MoLAUGHUN, Dr. A. BEil'II, Gu.du tired out that her mother sent her to bed. precious of the roses within his reach. Only ' ' - -with an effort at ant iquarianism something could be done by essay societies. one small, iron bound room mto which prylicentiate of the Royal ate of th0 Toronto Since the waking ahe had made some Moreover Mark told the names and ages - - " I believe they had croquet." May belongs to one, and if Ursula ·s an in· ing eyes were neve1 allowed to peep. This College of Phys1c1ans iw.d member ot the UnITersity, Phyeiei&n Mquaintance with the house. There of all his sisters, whole and half. He was "Aunt Ursula says there weren't garden· tellectual girl, perhaps you qould keep her she used as 11. sleeping apartment, an<l she Boys.I College or 811r- Surgeon, &c. was no show of domestics, no courtseying the only son, except a little fellow in tho parties before croquet came in." up to some regular employment in the morn- always locked and b ..rred herself in at night. geon8, Edinburgh. housek ·eper to parade the new mistress nurnery. And he exhorted his 11.unt not to be " How dreadful, Ursula l Your name's ing. I succeeded in domg so when May She car ried a ama.ll ha.nd satchel f't her sule DR. J, c. MITC:BELJ;, over the house; Mr. Egremont had told afraid of his step mother, who was a most Ursula, isn't 1t 1 Haven't you some Jolly came out, but I ce.n accomplish nothmg re· day and night, and never a.Howe~ herself to ll:llil.BER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIAN ii his wife that she must fill up the establish- excellent person, he declared, but who never little name to go by?" gula.r but music with Blanche; and an hour's be separated fiom it. Besidt1pthis, she and Surgeons. Ontario, Coroner. etc. ment as she pleased, but that there wa.s an liked to see any one afrnid of her. "Nuttie." steady practice a day is better th11.n no· habit ually carried a loaded revolver in her Oftloo and Residence. Enniskillen. 'TL cook downstairs, and he would There we.s something a little alarming in "Nuttie l l 'hat's scrumptious ! I'll call thing." p ocket. There we.s no livmg being, as far - - - - not have her interfered with- she su1t.ed his this, but on the whole the visit was ve1y yon Nuttie, and you may call me Pussycat." The drive was on the whole n success, and as known, that enjoyed her confidence or to D. BlJRKE SIMPSON, ta.stes 11.s no one else did, and she must be pleasant an:l encouraging to Mrs Egre"That's not so nice as J:llanche." so was the tea drinking in the verandah, whom she t alked a.bout her affairs. '{) ARRISTEE, SOLICITORS &c. MOP'R.I8 left to deal witll the provisions aud her own mont ; and she began reJoicing over the "Mother won't have me called so when where Aunt Alice and little five years old This stro.ngc hermit's life was appaiently All BLOCK! up stain, King treat, Bowmirn· underlings. There was a stable est11.bhsh- kiudnes3 as soon as the Canon had ~ummon· stranl!ers are there, but you aren't a B&sil became fast friends and mutual ad· uneventful enough unt il last spring , when Ile. Bolio tor for the Ontario Bank ment e.nd a footman had been hired in cd his son, and t hey had gone ll.Wl\Y t o stranger, you know. You must tell me all mirers ; the Canon st rolled out and was in- s he, accordmg to report, went away and Private lllonevs loaned at the lowest rates~ town' but lhere w11.s besides only one un I gether. [I.bout yourself, and how you came never to stalled in the big, cushioned basket chair w e.a absent for a fortnight. I t is believed .John Keith Galbraith, tidy iooking, who be_ g_a.n by giv- 1 " I am sure you must be delighted with learn tennis !" that crackled under his weight; lUanche re by her neighbors that she came to Canada. ARR 18 TE R, SOLICITOR, NO TAR y ing warning ; and Alice and Nuttie had your u~cle and cousm, my ~e11.r," she ~aid ,, . " I had s_om;ithing el~e to do," said Nut counted Nutt ie's successes, and her own A fter her r eturn she surprised everybody PUBLIC, &o. Oflloe- Bounsall's Bloc,k roamed about without meetinll anyone from "Hes not a bit my not10n of a pnest, tie, with d1gmty. tennis engagements for the week; Mark 111.y by selling her house and lot for a ridiculous King Street, Bowma~ille~_ Mo~ey t~]end, the big wainscotted dining room with faded returned Nuttie. "And I don't believe he " Oh, you were in the schoolroom ! I on a rug and teased her, and her dachshund; ly small sum. She gave away much of her crimson curtains and family portraits, the ha.a a.ny daily prayers I" forgot. Poor little Nuts !" Nuttie listened t o t he family chatter as if it furniture, books, and personal effects, and ROB~RT ARMf>lJB, older gtimy the younger chalky, to the two " He is old fashioned, my dear." " At rchool," said Ursula. were a play, and May dispensed t he cups, went away. There was reason for old EGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUillR drawing-ro:ms whose gilding and pale blue " One of the steady old clergymen m " Ah, I remember I But you're out now, and looked grave and severe. friends of the family to believe that she of Marriage Licenses, Barrister and A tto»" 1.Vell ?" s&1d the Ce.non anx iously, supported 11. drunken and worthless brot her nor at Law and Solicltorln Chanoery.Monef' damask he.d be'en preserved by pinafores of books," observed Nutt1e. "I didn't thmk aren't you' l've been out since this spring. Mother won't let us come out till ~hen Mark, Blanche, and lit tle Basil had who lived m Chtca.go. She must have had oaned on Real Estate. Ofilce on King oireet, brown holland· t he ltbrary, which looked and there were e.ny of that eort left." smelt a· 1( Mr: Egremont was m t he habit " Oh, my dear, pray don't take fancies we eighteen, isn't it horrid ? And we ms1sted on esco1ting the guests home, e.nd considerable money when sue left and as Bl>Wmanvllle. of sittlug t hn e, and a big billiard room, .all into your head! He is a very, very good we;e so worked th~re ! I can .tell. yo_u a he and his wife were for a few mmutes tete- none was found on the body, peopl~ in HlnsWU.LUM WIGHT. openi.l'g mto a llhivery-feelmcr hall, with man, and has been most kmd to me, far fi01shmg governess 1s an awful institution 1 a·tete. dale t h ink there may h iwe been foul 11111.y, ICENSED1 AUCTIONEER for the Scagliola columns and a few d irty statues 111ore than I deserve, and he is your uncle, Poor little Roste and Adey will be in for "It m1gh,t, have _been much. worse," said 1but at Niagara it is believed th 11t she tired Count)' of Durham. Orders left at tle between them · tl1en upstairs to a possible Nuttie. I do so hope you will get on well one by and by. At present they've only tbe lady. She IS a good little mnoc ·ent of her lonely ltfe and came there to end it, f!TAa'ESMAN office or forwarded to Tyrone P .O, mormng 1 ooi.n 'iookmg out over a garden with your cousins." got a Jolly little Fr11.ulein that they can do thing, and has more good sense than I ex· ·llll recene prompt attent10n. 2S:5m lawn where n~owing was going on in haste, H ere a gong, 11. perfectly unknown anything they plea~e with." p et'ted Governessv, that's all, but she will S. (). HIJNKJNG, and 'auite· of dretJoiy shut.up fusty bed· sound to Nuttie made itself heard "Ob, l wonder if she would tell me of shake out of th11.t." A WHIMPERING KING. " Of course she will. It's th<i best thing ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR rooms Nuttie who had n >t1ons of ohoos and rather astomshed her 1:-y the con some Geiman books I" "You don't mean that you want to r ead imaginable for Alwyn I" f4}e County of Durham. Sales attended in<> h~r own bo;er could not make up her cludmg roar. The two ladies out It into the hall as Mr. E gremont was German I " and Blanche stood still, and His wife kept back t he words, " A huu How His MnJcgty or Sputn Opened tile lo on !lhortest notice and lowest rates. A.ddr'lBll mfnd which looked the least mv1ting did not seem e.s if girls could ever have crossing it. He made an inclmation of t he looked a.t her couRm in astonishment. dred t imes too good for Alwyn !" ,, . ()oi·tes: . 300Rl'l01< l'. o. 36 ~ laughed tojlethBi·, or children clattered up head and uttered a. sort of good morning to . " " Why, what e se 1s the use of learning (TO DE CONTINUED.) '.I:ne baby Kmg of Spam, havrng reached Pia.nos Tuned and Repaired. and down the stl\ira. Mrs. Egremon t beg· his daughter, but she was perfectly content it?" the m11.ture age of ~even teen months, was o!1 ged her to keep poesessrnn for the present to have no closer salutation. Having a "Oh, I don't know. Every one does. hand at th~ openmg of the Cortes. ~IS DARTIES WISHING TBErnPIA.NOS at least of the chamber where the grim healthy noondsy appetite, her chief wish If one went a.broad or to court, you know,·' A Quaok's Demonstration. roval legs bemgyct too ~eak to support him ~ Tuned or repairea. oan have them attende4 housemaid had chosen to put her, and which was at the moment that those beautiful lit· Blanche vaguely; but Ursula had now Th d k . .bl d. with t he _digmty becommg a ~onarch, he 1 0 ~ leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAJll had the advantage of being aired. tic cutlets, arranged in a crown form, were a fresh subject of interest; for, on emPrging . e mo flr!l quac is as P a.uai e a.n . m· sat on his mot her 's knee dur mg t he drive t"8 0F1J"IOE, Bowmanville A. ftrst-clas man \rhe two windows looked out over the not so very tiny; or that, wit h two men from tbe shrubbery,,they came in sight of a ~e~tZ~! ~ predec~ssor. A .s hort t m!-e from the palace, and on entering the ·Or tr.s Jw l>einR in their em:plo..park, and thence it wa.s that while servants looking on, it were possible to at. picturesque but not very architectur11.l L~mbeth f En frat~f::"ty :?er~~ented m wa~ handed over to a buxom a.n~ gorg~uusly Morris, the maicl, was unpackmg and tain to a second he!p, but she had alreadJ church, which had the smallest proportion u on th · kg.t w; con.i :r.a k e succe~s attired Astur1en nurse. ~1s Ma1e~ty_1es.,n~· jo Ho? Gentlemen otFaflh· rmttmg away t he new purchases, and learnt that Gregorio would not hear her of wall and the largest of roof, and a pretty lft e po~ ': 8 0 an awe-s rte en crow ed. the change by grabbmg at his nurses ion, not so ta st. Nutt ie was standing scarcely realising that and that any attempt to obtain more food oriel windowed schoolhouse covered with r tttrt relun~~y ?aranguh.ah~a thrae hair and her gold and .silver bangles. They 0 0 such pretty hats and bonnets could be hl·r frightened her mother. clem,tis. Nuttie;rushed into inquiries about 1 ~ a: ure ~ e.viscera., w IC e ar managed .to pacify him, however, a nd he very own when her mot her beheld the "So his reverence has been to see you," services and schools, and was aghast at hear· ~l ~betchded in ~~tt c~~or~d crayo~s pon allowed ~1mself to be taken into tl;ie J.ave written thece few 1lnee, 0 8 ~a ac d 1?- w i~.t e utat~ ~ ton House w1thon~ a protea.t Here there was a Ca.non a.ndMark advancing up the drive It observed Mr. E gremont. "W111iam, if you ing:of mere Sundays and saints' days. And all l have to aay 0 ,,,.at 'ou can 6nd me still at home, was with a great start that she called like it better " "Oh n o ' father isn't a bit Ritualis tic. I s ou hne. m W,, 1 e pa.m. · e1 ow mighty ~athermg prmces, grandees, am 1 I am not gone a.way. Ursula to come down directly with her, as "Oh J es, and ho wa.s kindncps itself !" wish h e was, it would be so much prettier ; ~~~~e t~o u~m,~sa. d h I b gorn1 totl~emon· bassadors, and legislators, many ~uperbly So all my kind old friends may come, no on" would k uow wheie to find them; "An how did l'ibster Maxk look at find and t hen he always advortisee for curates e "me Y u, Sii.i e, Y as ar m~ ex- ~pparelled ~nd bl~zmg ":1th decorat10ns and An4 a.11 'he young onee, too, hastily washing the hands that had picked mg I could dispense with his assistance 1 " of moderate views, and they are so stupid. P n . nt upon one ~ you bystander~, oha.t Jewels. H is . Ma.1esty did not seem to l.1ke And get their garments nicely Cn fashions tb.a.t are new ; up a sense of dustmess during the explora· " 1 think h e is very glad." You never saw such a stick as we have got I~fY ~tr~culous r eme Y can cure all diseas~s the look of thmgs, and i:ommenced. to whi~ Wbereold and yonnll, dear fr!eode. may meet tion and takmg a comprehensive glance in Mr. Egremont laughed. "You are 11. now, Mr. Ed wa.rds; and his wife isn't a lady, t t e uhgs and N oh, w~oeh.r 8 per. The Quuen looking regal mdeod m A welcome greeting, by R. ,,,.._,,.l'EATE the ~heval glass, which showed her some one simple woman, Edda I The pose of v1rtu I'm sure," go a coug or,, co, on e c est, et Im black .velvet ro~es and d~mond coronet, Then as to schools, it was an <&bsolute ~:a:.d forwdrd. ~erj ~as. 80 littlDhe~ had him placed 10 the n u1se s arms along· she felt en tirely unfam1har to her in a ;lai11ty ous hero was to h:ive been full compensation summer ' costume of pa.le gray silk picked for a.II that it might cost bun I And no amazement to Nutt1e to find that t he same a i~n, an a goo. ea ~. g igg on t s1d~ of h:r on the throne da is. He st_?pp~d out with a mysterious shade of pink. Ursula doubt he looks for the reward of virtue like· plans were in force as had prevailed when ..0 :, rai~£ my fr~~nd; l s:~d t e Lquack. wh1mpermg for."' while, and kept his big 1 too thought Mies Egremont's outer woman wise." her uncle had come to t he living and built fil s ree, gra is, or no mg , et any eyes fixed on his royal mothers coronet, more like a Chelsea shepherdess than Nut· Wherewith he looked full a.t Ursula, who, tha.t pret ty house-nay , were kept up at his a . rcte peraon come .fo~ard, and Ill sh?w bvt wh:n t h? Q11een commenced to read her tie's true self, as she tupped along in her to her extreme vexation, felt herself blush sole expense, because he liked old fashioned ~~m the nkture of his disorder, and give speech m a d1gmfie~ and measured tone to t h_e buck led shoes and the sea. green stockings ing up to the ears. She fidgeted on her s1mphc1ty, and did not choose to be worried . im,,a pac of my lung. healer!' for noth· grand ~sse.mbly, Kmg ~lfonso XIII., poss1 that he.d been sent home .vith her skirt., and began a most untrue "I'm sure with Government inspection. mg. At ast a m11.n with a violent cold bly thmkmg he was bemy scolded, protest · With crimson cheeks and a throbbmg - - ' for, indeed, the poor girl was sure of " And," said B lanche, " every one says and coug h came forward. _The quaGk doc- ed audibly. The gorgeous nurse strove to heart Alice was only JUBt at the foot of the nothing, but that her father's manner wa.s our g irls work ever so much better, and t~t t.Fretendet so~nd his ?h~st with a. pacify him and succeeded for a moment . 0 stairs' when the newcomers had made their most unoomforta.ble t o her. His laugh make nicer servants than those that s. e oscopc 0 "·mos pantomimi.c propor - \'Vh?D;· ho'l'l'.ever, r?ference was to way in, and the kmd Canon, ignoring an I choked whatever she might said, which crammed with all sorts of nonsense not fit :~()ns, ~nd th~n mformc:d the staru~g cro" d Spam s. cordial r elations with ot her powers, th11.t was past, held out hie hands saying, perhaps was well, and her mother's cheeks for them." at 0· e pa.,~ient w~s 1 ~, a galloprng con· h is Ma3esty; sobbf d loudly,. a.nd t he sobbing g "Well, my d ear, I am glad to see you glowed as much as hers did. As to t he Sundry school. Mttl1er and BUmption. Myfrie?d? s~!d the develope~ rntoa.h?wlashis mother spoke · here," krnsmg l\trs. Egremont on each cheek. "Did the Canoness- Jane, I me11.n- the curate c11ore of that. I'm sure it to .thd. unfortunate victim, so terrible i,~ of her friendly feelings toward th~ Sultan "And so this is your daughter. How do come up?" Mr. Egremont went on. you like it, you can have my class, for I this isease that you can actuall;r see It. of Mor~cco. Hap:pily at this critical mo Snrireon§, Onte.ria. you do, piy dear- Ursula? Isn't that your Mrs. Egr emont? Nor she sent word always have a headache there, and very H e handed a glaf!B tube to the patten~, and m~nt ~mg Alfons~ s eye we.s caught by the name~,, And Ursula. had again to submit that s he is coming after luncheon." often I can't go. Only May pegs a.way at then poured a pmt of clear wat~r mto a. ghttermg deoorat1ons on the breast of old , OFFICE OPPOSLTE E ; P.MSS OFFCE. a kiss, much more savoury and kindly "Hm I '.l.'hen I shall ride out and leave it, and she won't let me have the boys, whJ large tumble:. ",,J ust Y.0 u blow m co tha.t ?.farshal Concha, ?Pon which he gazed in llOIAD FILLING .A.-SP.EOI.A.J.;TY to than her father's though very stubby. A nd you to her majesty. Now look you, Alice, are the only jolly ones, because she says I dater,dmh friend, he said. The man obey silent ecstasy until the ceremony had con A&rlFICUL T E'Ei'R INSERTED WITHOUT oh ! her uncle's dress was like that of no you are to be very careful with William's spoil them. But you must be my friend- I e au t e watei: grew. d;scolored, tm .i:nd, clud:d. Then when the Queen got into her PL~TES ., one she had ever seen except the rector of wife. S he is a Conda.mine, you know, and mind, Nuttie, not May's, for we arc nearer a~ a.t 1 .ast as white .as if i~ had been mixed and clear of all the . grand IW?Ple, Gr eat Reductiods rn vr!Oe on all Dental the old church the ob1ect of unlimited con· t hinks no end of herself; and your pos1t10n the same age. · When is your birthday? wifh mil\ Th~.PT~~ent hhmself as ~he hugged the baby and said he ha oeen Work. Vitalized Air, conetantly m uee pro· tempt to the ~dherents of St. Ambrose's. 18 un appy man, my a good boy, iust as any other mother'i-, JUld among the women folk of the country de· You JUSt put it down in my book 1" 1 f~ e ~s ~s ~d h lluotng Palnles» Q'~rations. Pe.rt!cular a.tten As to Mark he only k issed his a.unt and pends more on how she t akes you up t han Nuttie, who had tolerable experience of lien s, h.sah ,~ .~ ~uhckd, ,aslhe d held the have d one. ' tion patd to the rciiilat10n of Children's Teetl1 1 e a n t. ia the good .....ALL WORK WARRANTJIJJJ . .._ shook hand s ~ith her 1 while his fa.the~ ra.n anything else. But t hat doesn't mean that making acquaintance with new girls, was g0 ius on tg ' on with an unusual that was a you are to let h e1 give herself airs and do divided between a sense of Blanche's empti- { rtunbet o c1me across 1h~ tO·Dl1~t, w i ouldn't No man t ruly succeeds in any calling who .Branch office. Dr. Rutherford's Orono. proof of nervouemsa in bun. mmeer over you. Remember you are t he ness, and the warmth excited by her friend- ave . en °1!-g or t is wor : shoul~ has a poor opinion of it. No man ha.a a 0 "Mrs. E gr emont- J ane, I mean- will be elder brother's wife- Mrs. Egremont of liness, as well as of astonishment at all she h~ve friven htm k c.bott a { rcn1ght--tha~ B good opmion of his business who uses it only here 11.fterluncheon. S he thought y ou wonld Bridgefield Egremont-and she lS nothmg heard 11.nd saw. la · .ow a pac et 0 my ung-healers will t o make money out of it. No man can have like to get settled in first. How is Alwyn 'Is but a parson's wife, and I won't have her Crossmg the stra~gling, meandering vil- cur: him. h. W~a.t yduh see Ill ~e glass of t he best conception of his business who does he down yet? · meddling in my house. Only don't you be lai::e st reet, t he cousrns entered the gr ounds er are . is vi~te umols, t e product s not esteem it for its usefulness. And the "!will see "in a. tremblin v ice absurd and offend her, for she can do more of the Rectory, an irregular but well kept o corruption. Y i:n11.g1c unfhealers d e- higher we go- if "higher" a nd "lower " 0 h t t 0 b for or ag11.m st you in society than any one building of the soft stone of the counti y, all :~ro~ tfcse J1;mors Ill t~e. bo y or o'!t of are proper terms to use in considering the " Oh no n~ ·er mind A l g disturbed till he has m~de h~~n 1 a es. e else- more's the pity !" the g11.rden front of it a d eep verandah t hat e oc Y· se~,ve, my nends, t here is no different honourable and useful walks of · M . se f up m the "Oh I won't you stay and help me r eceive was kept open in summer, but closed with d~ception here. T he q uack dropped a 11 18 ~rmng. Y i:a. . on you, you know. her '" exclaimed the poor lady utterly con glass fro.mes in t ho winter- flower beds l y- pmch from one of " packet of powders mto hfe- the more clearly will it appear that h e ~ele 11.r~ you sittmg? . fused by these contrary d1rect:ons. mg before i t, and beyond a lawn where the t~e glass, and directed the patient t o stir it who esteems his bLrniness only for the living money t hat ts in 1t, must if Judged by any room ~~~ t ~~~~.know. In the drawmg· "Not I I I c11.n't abide the woman! nor young folk were playing at the m ev1ta.ble with tho tube., The water beca.~e immedi· or high sta.ntiard, be a failure. ' PP ' she me I" He added, after a moment, " You lawn tennis. a.tely clear. 'I he1!' he reaped hie harvest. WS!f GLl!Mif The Ca11on, know m g the house . much will d o bett er without me." Marg11.ret was not so pretty as Blanche The explanation. is of course very simple. WlTil TEE ru. be~ter tha.~ she did, opened a door mto a So h e went out for his ride, and Ursula but had a more sensible face, and her "el~ T~e '!ater was b '}le·water, and the carbomc '11111" thuddrawmg-roomshe hadnot yetseen,a asked "Oh mother ! what wdlyou do ?" cometoUr sulawascivilbutreserved Rosa.· acid m the mans breath naturallythrew · .Ill.· BJ. ' pretty little i oom, fitted up with fluted silk , " Tb e be~t I can, my dear. They are ltnr and Adela' w ere bright lit tle thi~gs, in down the carbonate of. lime at once, . aud PRACTICAL DENTIST, like a tent, somewhat faded but _!lot much good people, ancl are sure to be kinder than quite a different style from their he.If sist ers rendered t he water turbid. And the m~ra.c - Who11 naby wa.a sick, we gave her Ca.atom, OVBB TWEIN'l'Y YEARS E XPKR IE.. "i'Olll, the worse for ~hat, and opemnq mt.o a con I deser ve. " mu ch Jightei in complexion and promising to ulous lung healer '!'as ~unply a nttla c1tr1·· Whet1 sho " "' " a Child, s he cried for Ca.itona, troa10J1:tdel:a11Admlnlstered tor Pallllet servatory, which seemed to ha ve lit tle .m Nuttie was le11.rning that her mot her be h11.ndsomerwomt'n. 'l'hey looked fullofe11og - acid and sugar, which instant ly redissolved When she M1sa, she clung to Caatona it but some vet: ru.n orange trees. Nutt1e, would never so much a.a he11.r, far less an- erness and curiosity a.t the new cousin, whom it. W1ie11elic1la.d Children, she gave them Castona, Operations. h?wever, exclaimed with plea.sure at t he swer, a. remark on her husband. I t was be- Blanche set down on a bank, and proceeded Ol'llVll lllCCLIJNG'l!I BL6CJL nicest roo;m she bad seen, and Mark. beg~n gmning to make a. sore in t he young heart to mstruct in t he mysteries of th e all im- 1 John Wesley's Pulpit for Sale 1 unfastenmg the glass door t_ha.t led mto it, t hut v. bairie1 was thus rising, whei e t here portant game by comments and criticisms The Freehold Ep·sco"(lal chapel m We~t ¥ea_nt1me Ahce, with buri;img uheeks and once 1 111.d been as perfect oneness and confi- on the players. street, close to Shafetsbury 11.venue, which l~qmd eyes, nerved her voice to ~ay, "Oh, dance as could exist between two natures so As soon as Mark and Adela. hed come ou t connects Oxford s treet w ith Channg Cross, sir- Mr. Egremont -please 1~org1ve me I I d1ssunilar, though hitherto the unhkeness con quer ors, Ursula. was ca lled on to take is to be sold by auction on the 15th of De· know now: how wrong I we.a. h11.d never made itself felt. her first lesson. May r esigned her racke t cember. " Nonsense, my dear. Bygones are by Mrs. Egremont turned the conYersationto saying she h11.d something to clo, and walk'T here is a r ecord that about the year Ar gones. You were far more smned !'"gainst the establishing themselves in the p11.vihon, ed off the field, and carrying off with her D. 1700 it was bmlt on th e site of a forme r than smnmg, and have. much t o forgive me. whither she proceeded to import some Adela, who, as B lanche said, 'had a. spine,' Episcopa l chapel, whtch bad been used for '.l'here, m:r dear, .we will say no more about fancy -work that she had bought m London, and was ordered to lie down for an hour the pei formance of divme worl3htp in !Fish. , 't it, nor thmk of it either. I am only too a.nd sent Nuttie to Ronaldson, who was j every aft ernoon. The cheerfulness with John Wesley's diary contains many refer thankful tj:ia.t poor A lwyn sh ould have arranging ca.Iceolarias, begonias, and ger · which she went spoke w ell for the traimng ences to his ministry m W est S ti eet Chapel some. one to look after him. " _ a.mums in t he conservato1y, to beg tor some of t he family. from Oct . 29, l 743, when b.e preached his Alice, wh o .had ?readed nothmg morr. out flowers for a grettt du5ty l ooking vase Nuttie was light footed and dex terous first s er mon there, to F e bruary, 1790 when -.'!. t han the .meetmg wi th her former maste:, in t he centre of the table handed, and accustomed to active amuse he made his last reoord about pr~aching DIR!-fi;JT WIRE COMMUN CA'l'.'.i. J'Tw_ as mfimt ely relieved and grateful for this The >e were being arranged when Mrs. / ment s, so that, under t he tmtion of her there ' had eJ11.culated, "Oh ! you William Egremont 1ind Mia8 Bhnche Egre- cousins, she became a promising pupil and Whit6eld, Romaine, and Fletcher (of M ad- Activ.e fluctations in the Market, After spending much time a nd money, I am kmdness. She 1 eley] otl er equally gifted and favorites offor opportunities to speculanow prepared to fi ll all orders piomptly. I a.res~ good " m the midst, 11.n d now 11.~ the mont were ushered in, and t here were the j thawed rapidly, even towards Mark ' have a fine assortment ot WAVES, BANGS, ment10n of her husband, she exclaimed, re~ular kindred embraces, after which / She wa.a in the midst of her when divmes of the last century w bo, on various SWITCHES, COMBS and PINS very cheap. "Oh ! do you t~ink he is ill ! I can't help Alice and N uttie were aware of a very hand- the two mothers out, for the drive had occaswµs, pi ea.died in west Street Cha el tors to make money in 1 BANGS FRO ~ $2 UPbe~g afraid h_e is, but h e will not tell m e, some, d1gn:fied -lockmg l&dy, well t hough I beeu extended a ll round t he park, under Besides the church pulpit and fittiggs. Grain, Provisions, Old Switches colored a11d made to look like an.. does not h ketobe aakecl." . simply dreos<'d in w hat was C\irlen t ly h er pretextofsho"Ying it to its new mistress, there remains in the ve~try the orti.bla ,u1' Stocks, Bonds & 1 new. Highest price paid for long cut hair. PJ~ fj llow, he has damaged his health home costume, with a large shady h at a.nd but ceally t o give t he Canoness an opportun. pit which Wesley was accust~med to use a goo ea ·".was the ~nswer. "He had a feather, her whole air eurioualv fitting ity of judging of her in a tete a. tete. Yet when preaching in the open air Petroleum. HAIR TONIC s liarp attack i~ the sprmg , but he has pretty the imposing nickname of the Canon . t hat sensible woman had asked no alarming Warranted to prevent the hair tr-om falling well got over it, .kes told m.e t here ness. Blanche was a slight, delicate-look- qu est10ns on t he past, still less had o""ered - -·- · Prompt; attention e:iven to orders. out and will make it grow. f and R a1 L« = UI have also a fine lot ot new Stamping was n\reason oc uneasm ess,. provided he ing, r ather pretty girl in o. lawn-tennis any advice that could seem like mterfer. An artist who has received medals in the Offi M d h S 0 Patterns. All orders promptly attended to wo1;1ld careful; and that will be " much dreas. :Che visitor took t he part of treat- ence. She had only named localities, men· Paris Salon is "retained" by a leading ce over ur oc 's tore. easier ma.t ter 0 .?W I should not wonder if ing the newcomers as well established tioned neighbours, and made little commun- 1 F rench h!!ott er to design ladies' millinery for Ent r ance by T elep hone S taircase. , · · , ' weSsawhhnCn quite a r enewed youth. " relations. ications about t he way3 of the place such as his establishment. How is th11.t for highll·tf. "'7 Neads Dlock, Bowme.nville. , o t e anon and Mrs, Egremont were 11.r t? · THE CANADIAN STATESMAN FT mlMft>SA 411 IPL l"lllPGMlll'lf MIW · a JU NUTTIE'S FATHER. - r I I = I I M B R L L I t1::: k f r a:! o! I DEN~~l8TRY!" b f 1 f-1° m t" d I I tt z c. tl d D ENT I S T RY· wt r BRIMACO'M'BE 00 H~ Gooos. LADIES, GOX & CO., TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE. I Patronize Home TRADE. I , \ I I · Mrs A DAVIS Children Cry for Pitcher's CastorlaJ --I:.. - ----

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