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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jan 1888, p. 2

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· exposure to the cold, as i " ridir:g in an o:een TOLD BY TH.E ENGINE.ER. ADVISE TO M o l'HERS.-Are you discarriage or sleigh. A suil; of ·t1ghtly-fittmg . · _ t urbed at night and broken of y our rest woolen unrler clothing p rotects the body T~e[e were ~wo trams waitmg, for the . by a sick child suff.irin g and crying with How to Take Oold. nearly as much as an ove·coat, and is much apecm. on _the side track !"It Morley s. pain of Cu t tin , 'l'eeth ? If d t The <"ngmeers conductors brakemen and g so sen a A great ma.ny people constantly troubled less expensive, firemen had des~rtecl their charges and were i once ~nd 2et_ a b~ttl e of "_M r s . Winsl?w's 'VEDNESDAY, JAN. 11, 1888. with cold's, complain tha,t they do uot know gat hered in a little group benea th the trees ~oothmg ?Y~Up. ~or ch1ldr en _teeth ~ng, ---======·====--how they b1we ttt.ken cold. For the benefit 'l'he G'tlrman Orown Prmce. beaide the station. 1t;s v alue i s mcalcu 1able. It will r e110ve ----- - - - ····- -·----· - - -·· of such, we suggest a few of the ways in ]for some timfl tee serious illness of the The two engines, so close t ogether that the poor little s uffere r immediately. D e· ·! prepared. to p:i.y Lhe h ighe:11: ' price .vhich colds may bo readily taken and are usually cont racted. It is a damp, drizzly g allant and popular heir to the G~rman Im- their pilots almost t ouch ed , were soft ly pur- p end upon i t, m others ; there is n o all kin d a of Grain delivered at the day. It does not rain ha rd enough to wear perial throne, now in his ti.tty-seven th year, ring to tbemPelves, magnificent illustrations m iJt.1>ke about i t . It cil.rea Dyse ntery OAi'ARRH.-.A. new treatment has been di~· a mackintosh or carry an umbrella. Y cu has cauaed deep anxiety to his family and of d ormant p ower. I and Diarrhcea , r e.,.ulates t he S tomach a nd Wh arf or their S tore H onse in to wn. ~OVAred whereby a permanent cure of t his want to run into the next door neighbors. count ry, and has been watched wit h sym· "Them t wo engines standin' so close to- 1 B 1wel1; c1u·0s Wind Colic softuna t h e .:iltberto incuruble disease, is absolutely affect· ed ill from cine to three applications. no ma~t~r Hardly worth while to p ut on your rubbers pathy by all t h e world. I t now seems cer- ?,e ther/' remarked Jl;ngineer Jim 'f h cmas, Gum s, 're d u cPs Iuflamm::oti~n, a n d · gi ~·e; 11'hether atandingoneyearorfortyyears. 'Iln e for so short a j ourney, so yot1 leave them a.t t ain that the Crown J>dnce is afJliotfld with remmds I?e of ~. li ttle h'"ppe nstan~e w hei;t , to::ie i;n d Gllergy to tlie wh ol e s "t om remedy is only applied once in. twelve da.ys, home. You come back with the Poles of a mortal disorder, and t hat , although he I wa.s runmng on t he - - & - - raih oad. .Bir· W' 03 , l .. ' S tl · S Y i. 11 , · Jnd does not interfere with busmess, Descrip· your !!hoes damp. Yon have chilled the ma y linger for months, his days on earth are "l!'rank Larkin u sed to be my fi reman .. "· ' '! w 8 . 0 0 n n g y rup "'or ' pamphlet sent free ou receipt or stamp by in those days, and to?cther we did keep cln ldren tef:lthm~ rn. pleas.ant t o th e t ast e A., H. Dixon & Son, 305 King st.reet, \<Vest bottom of your feet, one of the most suscep- numbered. The prospect of his death, the grent age t he N o. 262 lookin' pretty bright, and got ari d JS p r eBcriptton o~ ? n e of the d d roronto, Oana.WdaJI ·.AT OATA.mrni tible portions of your body. '.l'hq n ext 15 ~at alld oe_et fe~ale physw1ans a nd n1n s 0s h morning you awake with a stuffed feeling in of his father , the Emperor Willia m, and the som e mighty good t ime out of h er, too. " Catarrh is a dangerous disf'a5 E! which t o:us· the head, and soreness and stiffness in the illness of his moth er , give a very sad and " One se.'l.son we u r Jed to bring up the lll t h e Umted Sta tes, and is for s tllc by ands are consciously or nuoonsmouslysuft'errn!l born. It is a muco-purulent discharlj'e cJ_an s~d throat or a hm k y condition of the voice ; pathet ic aspect to the condition of the Ger - limited every other night, and run b on all d rni:rgist s t h r o ugh t he world . P rice by the presence of a vegetable vama1te m tne and yon wonder how you could have caught man Imperial family. a ccommodations. ".l'wus a sor b of split up 25 c eu ls a bottle . Be su re and ask for lining membrane of the nose. The predispo~· such a coli!. The Emp eror, in hia ninetv.first year, run, but it wa a t he ?est we could clo t hen, " TIIRs. 'NINSLow's SooTHHiCT S YitUP. " Jng causee a morbid state of the blood · . the Here is another W RY : It is a rather chilly, watches s.nxiously, lest bis once hale and a nd we had to be satisfied. aud t a ke no other k ind Jillighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison " T he limited had to do some allfired good · ' ?t syphilis, mercury, toxomoo, f:i;om the reten- damp day, but it does not rain at all. How- sturdy son, in w hom he always r eposed his tion of the efl'ete matter ~f the skm, ~uppressed ever, the pavoml'nt is cold and damp from confidence and pride, should, after a11, pass r un11in' to make her connections, and we - - - = = ="-' '.l-"["" 1 perspirations badly Yentilated sleepmv:. apar_t· the precipitatiou of moisture, though n ot from earth before him, while the German u sed to have to w ork every book and crook ·--,·1. · 'men ts and the germination of other po1aons rn , the blood. Irritated by these, the lining mem· damp or cold enough so that you think it nation, by which t he brave l)rowu Prine,. is to k eep from being delayed any. But of the nosei is eve!-' ready .f ?r the recep· worth while to put on overshoes to go down deeply beloved, sees before it t h e proba bil- Frank was a good one to make st eam, and tion of tlrn parasite, which rap1d·Y spreads_ up town on an erraucl. For half an hour, the ity t hat be will never occupy the throne, we took considerable p ride in k eeping up t o l d I b t the nostrils and down the !auces, or bacl< of f t 1 d "th h" .the throat causin1>; ulceration of the tJlroa1_; up ee ' c a Wl t m -so c s ices or oo a, arc and t hat th e next Emperor will b e his son, sohedule time. W ell, one night as we was goin' round Big Tr.,e curve, between L a.the eustacbun tubes, causini;;: d~atness: un ·~ exposed to the chilling contact with cold th.o young Prince W illiam. The career of the Crown Prince has been mont and Garlaucle, ]'rank was ~hovelling .rowmg in the vocal cords, causmg ; hoarsen,e~s, stone slabs or concrete. A few hours aft er· ·'11.Burping the proper str ucture of the · b':"oncbial wards yon begin to feel or imagine that y ou well fitted to iuspirc his countrymen with coal down from the top oi the big pile in tubes ending in pulmonal'Y consumption and h . consequ~nce of '.l' ch ~nge ad miration and affection. Coming from a the t ender. J ust as we rounded t he curve The following r eason s are advanced death . ave t a k en coId m .'Ma,;y ingenious speifics for for ~he cure of in the weather ; whereas it was m conse- stur dy military s tock, h e h as been one of t he I h eard a terrible shriek. I looked around why y ou should deal with us: catarrh have been invented, but w1.thout sue· quen-::e of want of a chaDge of shoes. most brilliant and victorious g1merals of t he aud P rank was gone. H e had forgotten to eeaa, uDtil a physician offltohngda_tana.~emgu~dscf~~ , · Anot her way: You have occasion to take ni11eteeth century. brace himself for tbe curve, and h ad been ered exact nature o permanently ise ' · th.e ram. · y ou Our Ordered Clothing is cut by In the great wa r betweeu Prus ~io. £1Dd dashed from the tender to t he ground. nl the lianoe which will destroy a l ong walk or r 'id e in Who are Bald, or have Thin or Grey Hair, or I Atop ped, r an back, and found poor .l'h/p~~site, no matter how aggravated the thoroughly protect yourself with rubbers for Au stria, in 1866, h e W9"B one of t he chief who are troubled w l tli dandruJf. th@ only first-class cut ter in t own ; SuJferers should send stamp at once the feet, a nd a mackintosh, which covers actors in the decisive battle of Sadowa ; and ]!'rank ly ing b eside the trnck , apparently tor descriptive pamphlet on catarrh, , to th'! the rest of the body. T he impervious rub . four y ears af ter, whcu he commanded the dea d. \Ve put him in the baggage car and our Ties are the most fashionable 1 business ma.na1>.crs, A.. H. Dbrnn & Son, 300 iKfng street west, ·roronto, Canad& . her cloth k eeps the rain from wetting your South German legions on the fields of France, took him h ome ; I got leave of absence, and in town ; our Collars, S carffs, Ha ts his energy, courage, skill an d persia~ency for two w eeks :Frank's wife and I wt~tohed What the Rev. E. B. Stevenson, B.A., a Clergy clothing, but at the same t ime retains and man of the London Conference of the Met~ condenses in the garments t he watery vapor won for him a military r enown equa.l, if not by t he bedside where t he poor lad lay de- and Under wear are the most d urdist Church of Canada, has to sav in regal' which is constantly escaping from the skin, snperior, to that of any German general in lirious. 0 To A.H. Dixon&; Son'B New 1.'r eatment '" and which amounts to several ounces in the ihe war. The doct ors said from the first he couldn't able that can be p rocured ; our Catarrh, His chiua.cter aside from his grea.t mili- get well ; most he could hope for was t hat R Cl tl . . . I Oaklans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 course of a few hours. You r eturn home ea y-ma e .o nng rn as nice J' Messrs .4 R Dixon & Son: . without having received a. p article of mois- tary talentB is ~uch as to increase the ad- his mind would clear up enough so he could DEAR · s 1 '.as.'- Yours of the 13th inst. to hand. t ure frori1 the outside, but with the clothing mirntion which they have called forth. As recognize u s before he died; but t he boy lay made and cut as well as other dry It seemed almost too good to be truo that 1 am t horoughly d amp by the moisture produced a son hnsbaud and father, "Umer Pti1z," I there a.od raved, and screamed and talked · cured of Catarrh but I know that I am. 1 .have had no i·etu~n of the diseas~. and never beneath the protective covering of the as t he Germans ende11.r ingly call him, has to him~elf, and was all t he t ime flaggiu' goods hou ses that advntise ordered .relt better in my life. I have tried so msny mackintosh. Coneidering your garments been devoted, faithful and true. He has tra.ins and firin' up, and livin' over the work-they peddle y our cloths aJl things for Catarrh, suffered so much. and for perfectly dry, you do not think a change ever t reated the Emperor with filial respect, awful fall ; but though his poor little wife so many, that it is hard to realize that necessa.ry, a ud sit down inclocrs without as well as reverent affection, and has brought most cried h er pretty eyes out , l~rank would over t own t o a numbe r of t ailonj ,I Iam really better. . · specia · 1 precau t" "d a d raught "r up a large family of sons and daughters as only sbre at her with wild, glassy eyes, and to be made up cheai), consider tbat mine was a .ve;_y bad.oase,ht ion to a.vo1 80 call upon L1 -was aggravated and ebromc, .mvclvmg ~ e other ca.uses of rapid evaporation, in con- usdulmembers of society. motion her away when she would speak to r-· 1 hroat as well' as the nasal passages. and sequence of which you soon become chilly Ea.oh of his sons lias been thoroughly ed· him and call him pet names, and try so IVES and get your Cloths <( ~ought it would require the three ;tieatments, by the evaporation of t he moisture from ticatcd and has by his father's wish, been hard to arouse a spark of recognition. but I feel fully cured by the two sent me. and 1 111 1 Jam thankful that I was ever induced to send your clothing. Y on feel slight chills creep- taugh t ' to practise some ~iandicraft: Jn the W~ll, one night I had s~nt the poor worn rlilllll io on ing about tho spine. A h earty sneeze and a same v:ay the young prrnccsses, his do.ugh- out little woman to bed, Frank was r~mbl'/ou 'are at liberty to use this letter stating stuffed feeling in the nose, and pretty soon ters, have' been carefully taught househo~~ in[,[ along in his usual way, but did_not r ave that I have been cured at two treatments. and a frequent necessity for usiug the handker- management, and the homeliest dome15t1c , quite so much as usu al. He lay quiet a long Yours sincerely, l eball gladly recommend your remedy to some or my friends who are sufferers, chief, indicate that you have taken cold ; duties. In this domestic policy the Princo time, and I ha d almost got to nodding in my · Yours, with many thanks, and do you wonder where? baa been cordially supported by his wife,, ~he~ he sud?e~;y says qnite ~at:ir:ol \Vill be fou nd invaluable for tt.e hair ttud scalp. REY. E, B. 8'1.'EVENBON That getting the feet wet, leaving the the Princess-Roya l of .England. l t cleanses tho sou.Ip of all Dandruff, in vigor· hke. Bill, Oh B1ll. I ran to his side. ates tl.tt1 growth of the hair, and in casea of And hundreds of others hair about the neck damp, getting wet in The Crown Prince has always been noted, H e seized my he.nd. "Good-bye, old m an , " baldness, :Wbere are the slightest signs ot the r ain, neglecting to change the clothing moreover, for his cheerfulness, his kindliness 1h e said. "My order is through-don't for . roots left it will produce good ot"Ops of hair. and sundry other indiscretions of like of heart, and hie chivalrous bearing on a.11 1 ge t me-I'll watch over you and the old 262 I t r estores irroy hair to its original color a nd is a n excellent. dressing ' char acter, are causes of taking cold, it is occasions. Durin~ his m ilitary ca'I!paigns, as long a s y ou hang together. Good· bye. DO :KOT DEJ,.A Y , if your hair is Jn a weak· unnecessary to state, as all sensiole p eople not 011ly his courage in the fa ce of dangers Now call Lizzie, my darling"dition get a bott le at on co. con ma.y be supposed to know that suc h ex- but his frauk cordiality to his comrades of I ran from the room, bu t when I got back, F or sale by J. IIIG GINROTH AM &, SON Ha.a received her new stock of nnd all druggists. Ask tor it. ' posures are hazardous. of all r9"nks, his genial smile and gay spirit~ ! there wa'nt nuthing' for t.hat poor li~tle and his constant care for the welfare of heart broken creatur e to look at, but iest , A. DORENWEND, - Sole Manfr. even his humblest followers have won the 1 ;be d ead body of one of the uoblest boys t he '.l'ORONTO, CAN.A.DA. Necessary .Rules of Sleep. hearts of the troops which have.served under Lord ever nipped off before his life was h arda.nd invites the Ladies of Bow There is no tact more clearly established him. A. Dor en wend is the leading manu facturer ly b egun. of JIa ir Goocle in Canada. manville and vicinity to call in t he physi:ology of man than this, that the It is not u sual for the heirs to thrones to W ell, we laid Fra.nk away, and I h ad t h e brain ex pends its energies and itaelf dnring take an act ive part in the political affairs of old 262 draped in b~ack for mont hs. I had and see her Pattern the hours of wakefulness, and that these their countries, and throughout his life the anothei· fireman ass1gnod me, and though h o are recuperated <luring sleep. If the re- German Crown Prince has kept ~t eadily did as well as he could, he never could be V E T ERINARY S U RGE ON, cuperation doas not equal the expenditu re, aloof from public office or activity in t he quite the same to me as poor d ead Frank . WILL CURE OR RELIEVE the brain withbrs; this is insanity. Thus it .Fatherland. One night we was bringin' up t he limited BILIOUSNESS, a.nd a.ssortmen tot · DIZZINESS, is that in ITinglish history, persons who His tastes are almost wholly m ilitary, Uke as usual, and of course bad the right of t h e DYSPEPSIA DROPSY were condemned t e death by being prevent- those of his aged father, and ho has wisely r~ad. Nothin' seemed to work 11ight th at INDIGES H onor ary Gr a d uat e of O ntario V et erinary TION, FLUTTERING ed from sleeping,, always died raving mani- abstained from attaching himself to any mght someVl'.ay ; we started out late, and C ol.lege, Member of Ontar io V ete1 . OF THE HEART; thus, it is n.lso, that t h ose who are political part y and cause. .then t he engme act ed up a~d wouldn't ma_ke JAUMDICE i nary A sBocia.t ion , will a ttend ACIDITY OF . ' tlTORE :-Second Door W eat of WllUam.6 stai:ve~ to death_ become insane, - the The probable death of t h e aged Emperor steam good , and we didn t make up a mm- ERYSIPr:iJ s, to a ll d iseas es of d o mestic THE STOMACH, latcher Stall · bra.m is not no~nsh_e<l, and they can11ot and of the Cr(} wn Prince within a short t ime ute, though we pu o b ed t he old en gine for SALT RHEU M, animals · . H EARTBURN ,DRYNESS sleep. The pmot~oal mferences are thes e : will transfer t he German crown to Prince all she was worth. HEADACHE. OF THE SKIN, ( 1) ~hose who thu~k most, who do most W illiam the Crowu Prince's eld est 80 11 , now All thr ough the r un there h ad b een somo~ra.m"work, ,,reqmre most sleep; (2)_ t~at twenty-~ight y ears of age. Of this J>riT\ce thing on my mil!'d t hat made me fee <blue; a And every species oi a.1"ising :b'Om d i s o:rde:red L IVER, KIDNEYS. tim~ saved f;om nec~ssa.ry sleep rn rn- 1 but little is known outside of Germany. sort of for ebodm g of trouble. W hen we A SPE CIAL T Y. STOMACH, DuWEL S OR BLO OIJ. ' falli~ly de~truct1ve to mmd, b?dy and es- It has been r eported that he, t oo, is id:Hict- le~t Lamont we !lad mad<i up ab out . five P, Pr oprietor·, . Ca lls ~nd Or~ers by m ail or t elegraph tatc, (3) g~ve yourself, your children, your ed by a daDgerous disorder , and should hel mmntes, and I pre:p_ued t o rush tlungs. "' TORONTO. servants, give all t hat are und~r you, t ho also, be shor t -lived, the crown would d e· . Just as we w er e pulung out, the op erator will recei ve pl'Om p t a t t e n tion . fullest ~mount of sleep they will take, by scend t o the fourth generation to his son I handed me an order n ot. t o p ass Garlands j C HARGl!IS MODERATE . cempellmg th~m to go to_be~ at some re~n- now nea.rly six years old. ' ' unti! light en gine No. 393 arrived, and tben \ O F FIC E HO U RS, 8 'l'O 10 .A. M. lar, early hour, and to rise in t~e _mornrng In the light of these facts the prospects we ht out for all we was worth. But some A ftrat-claea stook or Medicines i.lways tl!e moment the)'. awake ; and withm a_ fort- before Germa.ny is a perplex;d a.nd anxious way I felt uneasy every time I wonld pull J on hand. mght,_ 1?"ature, wit~ almost the regularity of . one. The German crown still preserves to th~ lever to l~t her out a peg, ~hough t here ' N. B.-Will visit Williamsburg oven tbe rismg sun, will unloose the bonds of · itself 80 much rel.'ll p ower, tha.t a change of j want no particular r eason for ~t., . 16-ly · Saturday o f ea ch week. T o bny Foot G es r for M en, ' Vom cn, sleep the moment enough repose has bee_n sovereigns may well m ean a chan~e of J nst the s!l'me we was streakm along m gh ~ecured for the wan ts of ~he syste1~. This general P?licy. Mu~h, therefore, dependB1u1;1t o ~fty miles an hou~· when we got to th e , PUREST,STRONCEST,BEST. is the only ~afe and sufficient rnle, and as upon the mroads which death may ere long Big 'Iree curve. I don t know wha t made Boys an d l\h iden s, at ~JI~J[;m)f~ Ready for use jn any quantity. _For to th_ e question of how much sl~ep i:ny one make upon the reigning family. l me look around, but somet hing did, a11d I making Soa z>, Softening '\Yater, D1s1nhope I may nev er make another i·im, if there fecting,and a hundred other uses, A reqmres, each n_iust be a ~ul e for. h1~setf ; VETERINARY SURGEON. great Nature w ill never fad to wn~e it _ou o didn't sta nd l!' rank on the pile of coal in the can equ als 20 pounds Sal Sod a , t? tho observer under the r egulation s JUSt A Prison Cliptender, looking straight a.t me as natural as Sol {l by a ?l Gro. c crs and Druggists, :E, W, GILT, E T'T, TORONTO. gtTeu'. . . Jones met DeSmith, on King 8t., coming life, I '\lmosi jumped off my seat in the cab, o msure lo!lg h!e, recreati~n should be a from the barber ahop the other af ternoon. part of ou r daily hfe. It m aKes the busy " Hello Smith ,, says he " when did you I when in an instant he threw up h is bands, man t.houghtful! and k eeps the thoughtful get that ~lip old boy? D~ccid short you ! and foll off with that same awful shriek h e man busy. It msures h ea.ltb, success, and 1 ,, ' ' gave on the night he wn.s killed. Inv olun; t~e accomplishment of more work in less 'n,~Oh I got ihat down at the Cen t ral, tarily I t hre w the engine over, and t urned time. - mig hty. nice place." (The " Central" ia the on the .brakes ; and not a darn secon d too Your attention is directed to the immense n ew barber shop.) soon erther, tor when w e. i;ot aroun d the stock of In Training for Dyspepsia.. "Yon di d, eh? Why, wh en d id you break curve, t here was t.~c headlight of tha.t 339 ; Do not give your children crack ers or loos11 ?"And DrSmith can't for the life of only a.bout t wo tram lengths away , and by cookies, or even bread an<l butter, between him &ee w hat those idiot s stand ing around I t~e time we could stop the p ilo ts was wi meels. The practice destroys their appe- are laughing at. I mgh together as t hem are out th ere, About Our New Stock has a rrived, and com. of every d escription at ~-----1 as close a call a.s I ever want to have. tite for the/regular meals, interfer es with di-~- '."" ·· The operator h ad made a mistake on the pr ise s som e thing n ea t a n cf p re t ty for M l ·ELY'~ .' gestion, makes them sallow, subject to var A Movmg City. light engine's order , and writt en L amont in - Lad ies, Good and S er viceable fo r M en HA _ ~ ious maladies, a ready prey for serious clid f G l d8 arid B oy s, and Boots that lt B ootlll fox sea.sea, and tells frightfully upon t heir diaA p ortion of the city of Virginia,, N ev., stea 0 ar an . · · · , She has just opened out one of the !argent ositions. is sai d to be an imimate.d mass of rising and ~1y fireman said h e didn t see 01· hear any- e very member of !;he honseh old. Graduate or tlrn Onturio Veterinary Colleg-e, P . h A I · · h · · thmg of the form on t he tender but I know Reiristered member of tbe Ontario Voter inary and m ost stylish stocks ever brought The process of digestion is' a highly-com- f allmg eart · map o a mme mt e vicm · ' Medi<l.9.l Association. to t own, consisting of :J plica.ted one, which g oes on with wonde rful ity , ten years . ago, Ehows that two h e ~ame t o _w~rn me of danger, ~nd I know , · . . . , , a-Office and R esidence. Newtonvllle, Ont. .8 walls were then 354 feet apart. They are he is watclun over m e n.11 t he time ; and I T.RIJlliliS, 'A.USF.S, ~ SATCDEl.S. Di STOCK. moothness 1 ·n h e·lthy s tom·ch, if 1 .t 1 d d'S S MiJJinel'y, D ·1 ·ess Silks w ~ f 1 f h I 11 t h t Will visit Orono every Tues 11y an , aturday not interrupted; but interruptions are firm- now 150 feet. slope which is do~n ou ~e h~a ~ w en l th o,u s atrp al kas y ~Ordered W or k and R ep:iiring a Otllce hours from . 10 a. m., t o J. v. m., at Velvets, &c., ly r esented, and punished by suffering , the map as h avmg 16 sets of square timbers / mg '· ~ca.use ~ ere 8 any ron e, now Ooulter 11' Hotel, Calls by 'l'elegraph re<Jeive sooner or later. A learned Frenchman, 112 feetwas found. The t imbers for the Frank will b e righ t on hand to pi:t me on my S pecialty, as mrnal. immecliate attention. with a very fine stock of Feathers and ta.lkinu of t h e perfect and wonderful action 16 sets are a ll there, butao jammed that t ho gu\rd; bu~ here ?omes , the special , a~d as D . DAVIS. CHA.IlGES MODE RATE. Flo.w ere. of the stomach, once said, "And you put 16ipch t imbers are,only,four)nches wide, an d 3 o~n a s s~e s by, if you ll back ~our tran~ up -_- _- _:::._--_ - _ -_ ----- ---------- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Call and inspect this fine display, which all this machiner y to work for just one poor the entire slope is not more t han 10 feet a httle, l ll draw ov er t hat middle switch oannot fail to g ive satisfaction. cracker." But after all, it is not the setting wide. And ao it is all through t he workings. and get out of the way. it to work that does the harm, it is doing h The ca.use of the disturbaanoe is said to be ---· when it is otherwise occupied. The break- due to the removal of vast quantities of rock fast is, perhaps, half-diaested, and the from the mines. early processes are through with, and t he - - - -- - - - Wben Baby was sick, we gave bor c...torta, " one poor cracker " is sent down to claim A .Pr odigy. When she .,,.... a Child, she cried for Caeroria, attention, and the p rocess is begun over PNud FatherI believe, my dear, tha t again, to t he neglect of the material already baby knows as much its I do. 1Vlien ehe became Miss, oho clnng to Castoria, in the field. For u. ieng th of time constant Mother (gazing at the infont) - Yes, poor Wheu ahohadCbildren, eho gavothom Castoria, <listurbances and, interrupt ions may make no visible change ; but it is t olembly cer- little fellow. tain that sooner or later, evil results will The Lancet doubts t hat p er sons who come ; and t he children persistently feasted between meals are in t ra.m ing for dysp ep sia. p erish in burning buildings suffor so much l'REEMAN'S · " The dyspepsia of Americana is duo to as has been popularly supposed. The vie., POWDERS~ · pie," another foreigner has observed ; but tims are generally made faint and pulseless . j wiser p eople than h e, say that the " bite by tho carbonic a cid or c&rlonic acid g as, 1 Are :plenn:i.nt to fak e. Contain thoir owm and piece " between make more vic- ::~h~:.ome insensible b efore t ho fire reach - I j i'n.rgative. I s a safe, euro, en<l effectual til11s to t he h arr owing disorder t han the dc.etro;yer oi worms in Children or Adult:i, much malig ned pie. The C. A. B er r y, in his fi rst afl;Er h rn r eturn from t he St1~tea to his con gr~gat;on, in the \Volverhv.mpton, E nglancl, -I · . · ..i:!.i. Seasonable Hints. Church, in concluding said it was only right AN D OF FERS HER STOCK OF If you have not a lrendy done so, now i s t o say to his congregat ion th11.t h e st ood in a , DIRECT W I RE COMMU N CATI ON. the time .t o begin to make ar rangements for p oai ti on of some difficul ty , wh ich had been Q f CA NADA a r egular supply of fresh a ir t hrou 11'h o11t t he upon h im ~mexpectedly. His. one \:.ctive fiuct ations in t he Mark et house, and the constant removal of foul t·ir , thr:ist · desire w as th at Christ sb rnl d be mag mfied I ; · . . ' CJapltnlpatd up, $1,000, 000. Res t, $2Go,oo Any ordinary dwelling can be efficien t ly a;id men ~avecl. Loold ug. upon this q~e~- 1 offer opportunities to spec.ulank l «» d t d · L i i ventila.ted wit h an outlay of fif ty dollars. B · I t ors to make money in Tn B 0 0 a_ s pr?pare e g t · 1W h en we consider how many diseases are tion , not m a co~mon, sd f1Bh,, narro w s1'!1r~t I Grain Provisions mate Bank ing ln all ~ts branches. tbe direct resu lt of breathing foul and bu t e.s member a m ccmmon w1ti: v,11 Clmet_s i hurch throughout th e w orld, it was their I ' · ' Farmers notes discou nted ; Deposits st agnan t air, neglect t o secure a pure -air C d uty t o strive t o fi11d t he Master 's will, and j St ocks, Bonds & received a nd Interest paid on amounts of supply appear s to be inex cusable. 1 w h en t hey found it to follow ib. If tha t Petroleu m 15 upwards in Savings B a n k D e partment; 1 At this season of t h e year every p erson meant to t h em the pain of sep ar ation they 1 ' D R A .F'I' S should wear t hick Jfannel under. clothing. mu st bear it . Pain it would be t-0 h im, and j Prompt attention criven t o orders. 0 Issue d and Collections made In Europe Per sons whose circulation is h~bitnally poor r ain he knew it woul d b e to them, but if it i ' United Stat.ea and Canada. m ay n eed to wear t wo suits of woolen under - meant t he joy of a larger reu nion and con- Office over Murdoch 's Store . garments, and most p ersons will find 11 d e . t inned fellowship, let t hem take it with joy 1 W. J. ,TONES, cided advantage in putt ing on an oxtra suit and fear an<l trembling in the M1>.ster 's ser· E ntrance b y T elephone St aircase. Agen , whenever they are t o undergo any unusual vice. 11-tf. HEAL'fH. I I ---GRA_IN · J no. M cMurtry & Co. I ! ' 1 CATARRH. I I" u;e I j LIp .= ======= D". DOREN\VEND S a a .. p RQp £ RLY MADE. Ct': CJ W. H. IVES. . MISS McTAVISH GOODS., I I I I SONNETS, HATS F. A. JONES, ENNISKILI.. EN, TRIMMINGS -- G.ILL rr;s POWDERED Operations & Dentistry T. MILBURN c ·o., LV 99 PERCENT n .A r _, S' EMPORIUM! '\!We '1fe LADIES, I I I Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe M I L L I N E Ry ·MRI. D0·1 . I I 0 Q !'- bl I I . I MRS. MORRISON - -I S - -- WORM c ox ~ev. TORO NTO s~rmon STOCK EXCHANG' -'1 I U S E L L N G 0 T' & · co : Giving up BL1 s iness, inte nding to leave town , l l l STAND AR D BANKI I __._ Fancy G oods ari d \?\To ols I · WEST END MILLINERY HOUSE.

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