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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jan 1888, p. 8

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KIRBY. Mr. G. K. McDowell, the popular and succes~ful t eacher .,f th ti Puhlio :Soho..} h ..., c, wa· made t he recip ·mt of a a·· al skin cap and g :oves and a hanrl~ome fam· i ly btble prior 10 l ~ a· in g the s-crion. Mr . FJ.,tcher Chapm'n re·d au addr.,ss a nd .Mi. ses Ethd H1ckaby, Minnie Cleme nce and L o ui" Brown made ·ho prese11 · tation. Hev. T . Dunl o p ·poke fav uri.bly of Mr. MoDow..Jl. The children o f this ocction partook of a Cu:ris· ma· tre·t s~rverl by the sup orters of the M eth· dist S unday School on th~ 20th ulr . The sprtJau '~as an excel· lent o ne and was fuil_v .-nj ..yeri. FARMER'i.~ INSTITUTE. Arrangemen ·s h ..v ~ ne en ma.rle with P1ofs. Brown and Groensid· · of Guulph Agricult.u· ral Cul lei:e to uieet ,..ith th ~ We.;t Du r-ham I!'a.rmer's Insticute &·, Oro110 . 1111 Tb1Hsday. Jim. 12th, to bole] t ll· e~ ~e ·ai· U<. he1duni · g at 10 u. m . when l'1 "f l:lr.. wn will Intro· d11oe fu1· di"c ~ssiou the ·n' j ectlhiry Ouw. " -after which Pl'11f, Chc~usi·ie. V. d , wi ll intrt:d11ce the subjwt~ ' Hurse Br<;e<J· in>{ in Uuta1fo " I be i>fternoon seseiou session beginni n; at 2 1'· m., " ill b6 s p1-ut in di·cuesin~- · Improved 1'as·ur.:s ... Pr11f. Hro ""n. aod-" M'*'nagtlm.~u t of H-<)rftctt · 1 0 -W-AR! VVAR!J IThis Battle will conti~ue without interrupc t1°on dur1·ng the next 30 Days. ·--- - - 01---- 1 · 1 ic·itu \I,, ;. , L ,· ·11 a II Ro~· ~ .i11 i War has heen declared again~ t High Prices and tho bai He is now raging at v 1 GREAT STOCK TYlWNl!l. Mr. John D· mes, Mar aposa, w as here o u T hursday la t. Mr. It. Polhrd, Galt, w· a h ere calling on trie·.d s last we· k. A hi!{ musical timA a t th" B arr·.· ks on Frid ·Y 1,igh · by J .. natnau anrl Da·iil. Mr. Moy·e and wife, P~rr.vt··wn, were here 011 Sunday, ttie gtJt-·sts o f Mr. Jot111 E\f, t1i u~ t-e:0Rlt.n1, 7 p tn . Uel:'cn:i 0 -·- PH}f, <,;ret.:ntiide. it.ud ·' Ava1 ·iu.{t1 fa.rtn c1f U11La1 ·i.,," l-' 1of_ l3n1wn . Pt?.µtr11 will .ui.~11 , he rt1a.<l un thtj ' "l ~witig imµon ..nt uu j~"te - · ;);i v.h·at u.ud u,·.. in n~.' ., !' f'1lla.,;tt ul (}lo\· ~r a.1id , ur· n iv!.4." aud "'1 h~ lJtiNt. rutoi.L1t1u uf cr11lJS. u~ 'l'hc 1:3veuiug otH:Hsiou Wlll bt d.1.l1veavd v.. itb P1·01. Greeuhide - ' o~at.~a.80 Tho treatment of many thousands of .cases I of those chroolc weaknesses nod distreasin!_{ ailment$ peculiar to females, at tho 111 vallds has a:trorded a vast ex perlcnco in nicety adapting nnd thoroughly tesclng romedies for tho cure of woman's peculiar m o.ladles. Dr. Piorco·s Favorite Proscription ls the outgrowth, or 1·esul·t, of t his aml valuable ei.:perlonce. 'Tllousauda or testln;,.onials, received from patie nt s nnd from physicians who have tested it in tho more nggravnted o.nd obstloato CM<lS w h!cb bad bilfiled their skill, prove It to be the roost wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and cure of H otel and Surgical Institute, Du:tro.lo, N. Y.. m u~ic. W. J Roy l>rn -...lcut. l\'Inysf'. Mr. Ed. Dav"y and M ' s . .Tohn Dav~y, Wh11by, were tlrn guests of Mr . T. T. J a rdiu e, Rr., on Saturd~y. Mr C. otter left on We~neiday for hi s new tietd of ·abor on t he shores of lake Erie, us H ad A-h. t ei· 1u a !:u!;;h 'lOWN COU.NCI.L. CouNCJL CHAMB£it,D··c. 30d1, Coun'c il mot punu .. u1 t" "" j .1t1ruu1..,1H P i-· lk HL : the Mayur,(prtkitl u,F). M,,s ra Andre II', ilurc.1 ., 11, J,o·com tic, (hie, TAKING SALE Fron1 now to Feb. 1. ---o:XVe ~1rn schonl. Mr. Mi CeP a nri family l nft. l1et e hat, week fur P,,, typ ol, accouil'anied by Allin a··d M r~al'et .Jaue. May th ir slrndowd nerer grow less. We mmt offer congr:ttulatic,ns t o Miss Florene· K·n11n and l\'l1 ssM· g,ie Hodi.:son on the ir Hl~OA·S " t r"ce1 1t <'Xamin a tion htild at Howmanville. Officers of Tyrone Division for the tll· sui g quarter : W. P. - --Hro. S. P ..l'ard. W. A.- " .l. Ma nin fl . " S. Wa hi g on. R S A R.S.-" T. Cree1.H'r. fi', Ma,.ou, Mont::;, Cu1·111btl , W rttl. '1'11" M~y .. r :sta.t--t.l tb" ·Jbj ct of ·ht1 111.,e1.111i.-: io b" th1:1 cous1dtiru1tu10 ··fa l>; · I.o.w LO rats " tll"' 1rn111 o f $20 .00U tur l I school buil ' wg purposes. Ac ·r,iy uf r« t10lu111m (·l"'<l by ·hi B'o are1 ul E d uca.t ion 011 tht> :lls· Dre . m st . n· gard111~ the suhmt8Sio1t· o Hy. l~w to ram· $20,000 for 8Chuul bu1<C1wg purp ..~e$ ·utuuu ted. Mr. L usoo1111b.,, t11tr ..duoed a By·h\w v;,.~ for 111 .. µU·p·H t1 "'"""ct. Rti<i<.I ti · st 111 .d secuml 111trn8,lllld ord crt:io tu bi: µUb liijlitld a6 the law d111·c ·a, .\it. L .,o.. 111b., mo ·ed for lt·a >e to introd1.c -. a. Hy l . w µr1ov111111g ror theMub· . 111i~t1w1: S.-- " determined to clear '1'1' a8,-" J out the balance of our fALL) Ch ·p.- " Con." 'V. H1a11to.n. A. C -Ri,.· c ·· J<; , R e H ' B I. 8 - Rrn J 1s. Bin 411am. 0 . S.- ·· W E . P llar l. P. W P .-:-- Hro . ·1. P.0.tell, 1.>.G. W. P. ·-" '1'. t:re·~pcr. Mr. F . M "nnin g left ·with his , hrn1h1>r E\lhert .. n s ,tu idayt» att-.·vl ·d1 0 J at Humilton. Gu: . 'l'HEJt E. ·r. Welch. 'I'. ·r..Ja1· 11t1e. S. H.-ur v. u1 1hech ..1ct111f 11ch..,01 s llo8 10 tllt1 td .. c·ur·. 'rh" M .. yur ruled 111,, q ue:ithu <i nt of ord .. r. Mr. L ·~co:r1be sutrerlng w omen. 1t is not recommended ns a "cure-all," but 118 a most }Jc1·rcot Speclllo for woman's peculin..1· 11ilmen t.s. As a lHHvc rfuJ, invigorating tonic, it Imparts st1·cngN1 to whole system, and to th0 womb 11.n<l its uppendflgGs in particular. For ovorwoi-kcd, "worn-out," "1·un-dowu," debilitated t-cncbers, milliners, dr()l;Smaker s, aeamst.rcsscs, "shop-1nrls," housekeepers, nursing mot, and f eeble WOlll(ID genernlly, Dr. Pierce's l.·'avorlto Prescript.Joa Js tho grC'ntcst curthly boon, helng uneqnalcd ns nu appctlzlng cordltll and restorative tonic. . As a 1woi11111g· and s trongtbenlng 1un·l·h1 0, "f<'uvorlto Preooriptlon" Is un&qunlcd nnd la !nvnJu11ble lo n.llny!ng and subduing nervous exciotability, 11-rltabllity, e;1:. baustlou, prostrntlon, hystcri11, spusm.s and other dlstrcesing, nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon funct.l.onul uud organic disease of tbo womb. I t induces rofr&6h.Jng SllltiP nod i·elleves mental anxiety IWd de. sponden cy. D1-. i·ieree's Favorite Preilcril'tiOn ls a leg lthnato u1odlci11e, carGfully compounded by an flxperlenced and ikHlful physlchrn, and adapted t o wom1m'a d"llcate organlznt1ou. It is purely vegetable In its composition and J'erfoctly hnrmless Jn its effects iu any cou itiou of tho system. For m orning sickness, or nausea, from whatever cause arising, wealc stomach, Indigestion, dysdoses, will prove very benc-ficlul. 'W"e hold at present over $25,000· worth of seasonable Dry Goods bought at a tremendous sacrifice· which must· now be cleared out,. as we want the room for our Spring Goods, and we want the rnoney to pay for them. It may pay our rich competitors who have lots uf money to hold tl1eir goods o·ver for higher prices, but there is no money_in th is for: us. \!Ve need the money, we mustrsell. we are firm believers in the nimble six pence ap p1:1,fod fr,Hu 1h,, de· ci·iou o f 11,., c 11a1i-, u"d 111 t1Vt1d ' h ttt. t.h., I Mayur O·· 1.,,,v., 1 It" chat.- aud ~Ir A111 Jrt:w t ak t1 li1t1 Ralnt>. CHITtt·d . .M r. AmJiew rn 1 .h l' ch;·ir, th11 ruliug of 1h,., m .. y.,1 · w,.s r "ei-scd unar.imoualy with 11 ... "xc»pr.iwn oi the mayor. M.r L ·oco mb" th~n in roduced the By ll\w w e 11 ·i"11HI which was read three (llt· Pa .... d pepsia· and kindred ~ymptoms. j,ts us~, insmall Ti.·i.Hsa.·e is no humbug, w.e nre aware ihat now,.paper pufliuz . and ·. "l"avorito Prcscriptlou" ls a post. arlvertt 111g b 11 ·t worr,h 01rn ' ,~11 :; 1u1l,.,. -;:; b·-i.·~ka l u ,1 by Genuine Bare tivo cnrc fm· the most complicated and ob· n· l f L I' l 1 stinate cases of lcucorrhen, cxc~ssivo tlowlng, g"· l1!". n e a1e IU< Y a wnre" L1.e Aact 1 111.1. thu put.lie a re not to be painful m ensl.runtiou, nnnnturnl suppreS<;ions, «au_ht by chafi: ( lur old cu~c.0 1uers 1.t.r·~ ti 1 1di11;.t p,rolapsus, or foiling of the womb, weak back, . . U>! out, and new CllS· female weakness," nntevcrsion retroverslon, tumers ar11 htlllt~ . 111aue, a ·-d we 11ut 011l y dete1 rn 1 ued t o 11mn them. bearlng-dow11 sensations, chro~ 1 c congostJon, t-> · intlammnttou and ulce rntion of tbo '"omb, tn- but to ret.ain t he'll by giving t.h., best value in tlie tra.le, and keepin.:r 0 flnmmatlon, t c mlcrucss '-' tock biith la· ge anc i .. ~ttr·act·i.v~. acliom pmiicd prtin willli flnd "inte1·11n.l b(,at."in ovaries, a " ~ As a regulator rmd proroote1· of functional act ion, ac ttmt crlt!l!et1l~e11odot chango Otlr s·.ock of I ·RY oOOD-l u:re bov· e a1SO a good ·8 cnr·niJlet". 1 fro1n g!rllwod to womanhood, " 11nvor!te Pr<>..." n .. scriptlon"isn perfectly rnfc r emedial agent, and c1m produco only ll")tx:l 1·esulta. lt is equally efilcncious nml vnl1mble tn ita effects when tukcn tor t1iose disorders IUld derange- ENNTNKJLL/IJN. Weddin g bells are ring ing tt11s w~el{ (J»8"t!d, in onr ears Mr- H. G Bro<vn t~h!'S charg" nf Clai · m o n· Pu h;ic Scf\··ol l()r this y .. ,,r, GooOs.) In ~m1e:r Auctrnn , ae· will he c"r. · in u -·d :.t :-ny st oi e on Sit' urday e eni11g, J au. 13th H. H U'.l'CHIW ·N , proµde 10 1'. A'""' g rh· v·sitors "'e welc;'m" l\'frs. T,ll'Clfla", rr nto : ~' P' S s. E 0. Vi·IUO a··d,J. Hu ~ hm, .,f 'I\w.. 110; W .J . M" ls Pn.r1 s; John Rt ·<·art, Wiunipei<, 1.'10 Hu ~ h M .. v.,d hy Mr. Lnscombo, s econrltid by Mr. Gale. that Mcle~rs Burdon, Gille, dud Wort h be a cnmminee to Bt'e that thti 11 00.,~e ·.r :i: 11teµ· arA 1ak1·11, that th" Hy . Jaw pass<;.d f .. r tht· ~.,1 .. ctinr· o f scho ,1 si1es thall bu fully aud riroµe· 1y t.nrn11ht I snhm·a~1 .. u ·o f ·fhe H i>-. llnt p,.p.. rs f, .r v11 ·in!! · 11 ,.,..rl Rv.h.w bti procun· d . H .l·O a il · ch ··titer s r .. ps had as m av trn P l'O· ar '"r th e P'"" P"r he for t:1 ·he .J.,cHira, 111u1 that, 11n1pt-" r ecrofulous humors from the system. ·~ fl_ivorlto Proscription" ia t be only WOJiKMAN:-.HIP OUA.RANTE~:o, t ·ge1her. with :t well :ul111:ted stock of , ments incident to t hnf; latei· and most crltfoal Gt-.1tt1> .FUt·· i:-hinl!·~. Ht11 br1tc1n~ novel Lie ... in TieH, Collars, Bra.ce;:i and period, known ns "Tllo Cl10,ngo of Lifa." '11 Tb t· .l<I c I · Q · ·O· I8 lllU Sr, h e CIf:l >-t .re d 011t l"l;}l{ll.rdl OtiS 0 f C "Favol'ito llh·oscdptiou~"wbcn taken '-" OVr S . ' OWtug ,oat iu conueotlou w it h t ho USO or Dr. PJerce's L 0 "8. .1..1·· l J R Ies, 1r Golden Mcdlcn.l Discovery, and small lllXotive Jr 1et1 , H · a t H a.llfi ·m 11 , t-; 'I'r1mm ,,J 11.111.1 rtt.r11nme d, u 11ULUt doses of Dr. Piorcc's J>nr:n1nve Pellets (Little Ylau t ie C!otht-1, Dr.·:;1:1 Goodt1, U verc..a.· s, H·a.nketil aucl Fur:;. Bar"ains Livci- Pills), cures Li ver · .11o..ldney and Bladder , . o disonses. '!'heir combined use also rnmoves u nhtH r d ol will be gtve11 10 the: u.b ive g ·ods. blood tnlnts. and abolisllca cnuccroua and stock of M.- 1r't-1 and K 'Yli' Rr>a.·1y-ma-te ()J.,tliinO', i::i LATE T t-lT YI.E 8 AND u ·la " t o the 11ko1ors Sh,wa.rt, Ba.l t ·111or1>, to do so we are of- Mr. 1'. A. Brm.n !t» ves rhi ~ week for ·at " "'a to att.-nd the N ..rmal ·cho- l · tiero fl,.. i~ .. r· j ylll a goo.I ·1tut1 befrn A h ·g d ep r ure. 'f',.111 is a f ,,·or·t·· with t he lad ies as well as w th his ow !! se x. of 1 h" "'""'· Ca· 1 d. C ..111 ci t 1tt1 j n 11r11· d . S!'ECIAL MEE1'INQ HELD JA.:!<. 4 · h 1888. p re.,e u1, .)Ja,or µ··111u1" " ·D put.)··e v" Burden auu ~... u1.c 1llurt1 Comi ll. M - rdn, Audr.. w, Ma·U ll, Wo 1th, u ..1., Trea1'1ll0 on Dlseri!!e.; of Women (IGO png·.,s, p11.per-covorcd), SQild ten cents in stamps. Ai".'rcss, .,1l-~~fi;.~t~lll~~t'~tgd mcdicmc for wornou, sold by drngjl;lsts, U iHler n J>Ositivc gnar<\ntcc·, from tbe Ul!lnU· :foct.ure rs, that it wll! g·h'e satisfaction in every I C,'ilBClormou~ywlllberefumlud. 'l'hisgunrant-Oe ias been pl'lnted on the bottle-wrapper, Wld. fnltbfully carr ied out for many YOIU1!. Largo bottle s g oo doses) $1.00, or »ix Th k Ing · our 0 Id customers and new ones th · an · · · · for 0lr Jlht-ral patronage SlnCe reSUffilng' bustness~ · h· h · and WIS 1ng t em a Happy and Prosparous New W · Year1 e remctlO' yourd etc·' Mee Lu NG BROS · ,1-~- ti M ·llU tu& of h·lll 111t1tt11.g rtati a1 ,d Cull , World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 IUaill St., BUFFALO, N. lt. c hu ·ch, Ne w Ytiar's Day W·B as 11~11al a. >uceess, g" t·d sl- ivhin.I( lln·· acapi ·a l u rn:ndouc reductions as we be- great att.end ·nce. A sump·no11s r Fpfl> t ,, a· ·'y th A La·i i AR · R ev . J . Carmich· 1ien; it us to turn servAtl ad, O· lnmbus, g , v.,anadm ra b lead·lr-e-s. A ~ood vr g1·am of mnsic, s u gi"u an'1 e· t.hcrn ~nto money, even at a ci a1i ·118 W ··· 1>r...sent··rl " Y M·. and l\;f r,.,. H arri· !!Ion, J\llrs l r"'i", M ··· Li I o l us:::3 rat her t hen keep them p , ,, ter. the Miea<"B R g!!· M ·s~r Wm M c L "nghlin C. N. C ·!laud r, 1'. A., R G, ,.nil F. Bi· "ll ProQ..··rla , ,f t~ · $85 00. fol' season. w. . l'<'utet to chron icle the rl e~th pf on·1 of ou r e41 ,0metl n··id1b rs. Mr. Fra· k Ro' -hi s sr. He d it>d 01-1 Tn.-·d av rii ~ ht . 3rd iust . · af er a fe w rlay'~ i ln0~s and his r cmai 11s wPr<.> inte· r11il in the H · mptnn cemH·~ry, Fririay 6 h inst. A v - ry la·go num~· er <>f friends an d ° C(fl!l.t ·1tanee· ·l·· sis red in rhe fnn~ ral solemnities. T he W uu1 Shawls at Cost . d ece11std waa verv highly r .. ~ ec e:I hy all wh o knew him es nn upright, htrn"·· ChilJren's Wool Hoo<ls, able. oonscient.ious m~·t. n .. d ed ·ru t iog Christ as his atouemt'11t and ·n re hop., ToquctJ,'fam o' Shanters,Coats fol' futur" happiness. 'fho "b"eq ·· ·e~ e conducted· by tho Rev. S. 8a 1ton a nd Clunds at 10 per cent. wor who pr·ached on Sunday night l·st a · very impressive s ermon t o a. lar ge c ou-'below ~ g r egat ion. fi:;r i ur_; an such goods at tre The an' u·l sniree a>. the Pr.. s·· l'Lnl. ,vm pay li1m · .-d . v .. mm11nicati<it18 were pre~.. .. t ..d fr, m J)r M acNab, a k1ug fr,r U·" ,,f b ...11ch.,e ful" Su nd ay Schou! tinterl!'itimt:ut 1 g ran·ed Fr"m .Itta. Altin , f ..r remisait1 n of T a xt:s ~I' ,,,,.,J. Fr nr H umprtl') & May .. r a.~king fur C(1r r ... cti411J pf Ull t- t.ttkr IU 8 1fC1'L W a l· ri··~ rn· t1 the past, r wo yt:ur·, gr-<11 t-d, $3 713 be" ·I.! r· mi·1.-d. Fr·.m l-t~v . Mr. Guun . uk·nl! fur te · nti.-H·t1 "' Tax... a, 1<rn11 ~d M· ~. WU1 a u1· »IO <ing fo1· sam,.,which wne 1· efo rrt~d lo Puur ,l{,.,hd Cum. to d··MI Wllh ·~~.lp , i;r. ""v.t ~ ~) ~YJrl ~ df! v ~~~~~~~~~ ~Q BARGAINS I - -o-I have p· s1t1vely decid,,d to GREAT J. HIGGiftBOTH~M & SON, Chemists an d Druggists. At this :::;easou of tl1e year ever~ hod.v i:-1 prt>paring for the_ presenting ot Gifts. In view of this we h<tve vurcLased ex~ 1ew·ive JinPS in 11e w 1rn d attractive s tvles of Plu:-.h Uoods and Fancy A rt iclP-s suitable for 11 ul1da y Presents, which we are utleriug at Luw Price~, inc ludiug nu.other --o-- Give up Business lu H.. w1.1 1anvi1J.,, wh .11.. t h1·lt·fure I ,,ffer my -We are Selling:-- at ·' F rr .111 E B11 t 1erllll, Acc. fur $2, for ' clt-ani11!! sch· ol lifter t'lect iun,_J!l(),uted. ! 11th·· Cuti of Mr Reu1s..11,now11J the Tiiwn>111gs at. O<-st H, ·s ph·I, 11m1ther week s pa y 1o1 as II· ~·lin \fl ool, all 1du1de8, gra Mr A.ndrew preaented rep-·irt of F t· . II Ct"' Jtr1· ··z. riauct:t OtJ1ll. t't:'C··1u1ne ndin t.f , ,,., m~ ut of Anflul · ion \\lool. l!?cts.pcr a cc .. u111s amoun1i11g to $233 91. l<.tt· uz. C<' l" tld and l!do pt!ld. pb.-r ,,.ool, 11!I. 1·er M.. v.,d hy Mr. Murri·, BHCOIJ(J,. d bv Mr M~ s .. n, th ut d1e num of $50 be ,.. 2 yd · . ith·. $ 1.10 pc;· " ranted to 1 .h e Ohairman .,f the lt··ad11 ~nd Str1wt.· Com , 11s a olig ht 1·1oco~ni · . ~· ·I. .. . L iun o f S··rvic" s r u11 d·Jffid bv h i m to th,, Enabr··i~··r Y ~alk, 1'i & 2 a t:iwn durllt~ lh!l p·et v... CarrtPd. pei .... z. Some J_,ines of Dress Goods TIIE PRESS. M,,v..d by Mr Andrew, secourle l hy And ail othtlr Goods at equally lo w Mr. Morri~. 'l'h"t t.he Mayor be aud iJl r»tt.s. C u::it. Grip Publiahiog Co., To~onto, have here v llll ! hnriz1>d to pro par 0 a bill t .. he A CA.LL l S KINDLY SOLICITED. sent n s copies of " 'fhe Eµiatles of p· .,spnt · cl to the n e x t. ~e ~s 1 o n of t he -oFur Uu1Js, Overcoats, RobPs, A ·rliA," a c11lleotion, in book for 111 , of the Q .. t L ·g hlature, i n :tcci.rdanoe wirl1 " Airli e " lett .. rR wl1ioh hav appe -i·erl in publi~ I ed _ wt'ice a uthc1ri11ed by t h rs U lauket::i; 'I'iedowns, Flannf'ls, Grip. lf. is q, ho<·k o f Scott i · h bun.or. O·u .. cil, maki"g apolicaduu fnr pow . r Price 25 c~ · t~ . " Wtiy I j ined th" N e w t.o in<'r1>as<>ttie' ind ... b tp<l11ess of ·he town KlNG STREET. · wuul U uuerwear at g reatl.f 0ru a.d e "a P lea for the Plari1J!l' ··f Tax~s $50 000 beyond the ·ID·>unt th .. C nrpor o u La n d Va ues only. E ery Ohris ian R educed a l ion at present }i;\B power to iss ue dir and Moral .~fo mer w ill he interested in bentur· s for. and to forward same .i.fter ~ j thi· pam phlet, Price 10 cents . prepa rations t o the proper party with l\tlantk::; and Ulsters Uloths . Gdo enter ed upon its 31st vnlume on requ ired notice as to the mamber ~ho 1 Saturday . a t Cost. The gay old b ird ia as j olly "'ill present the bill with rl><}·1irf'd foe Ste ->dfa.qtly fot f ·rt.y two y un.m ·he W eakanrl spr·ghtly as ever. of $100. Carried. Council adjourned. ly Witll38 ba· held t ;· prlnc.µles w hich have The Pick<>rina Newe is n ow own ed hy a~·t-Od th.. t.<191;" tot tim~, rid ·cuh 11.nd nf up· ··- ·O -posi.tion f·ir a,nd t1uf· ir . aud th~ W·itnr.,~ Mr. W, V . R ichardson. O n Friday ., to-da.y SJ?<'aks to ~i.x ty wh er!l ia 1846 it, vok t> n 11 f }t'. l h b d eve ning week a complim e ntary supper "HEu u:ssTOl\ULLIONS, thE! n e wapsper to coe lw i:rowtb. ha· bven buth rnpid and 'v C Wit U II t 0 a . OVe ~ -. was t.end .-red to L. S Acke··mao, Esq., s ta t ... d, and h · w_many v;omen, proba.b~y, eteru.Jy. [ts p nbl!ah.,rs. d esiroug ,,f sti.ll httt editor of the Newn, b y the prom inen t 1 r eati t11e same, .ind e~1Vltl<l h e r. But h_ i. er inoree.aiog itR Cl.l'culat.ion. hn.vo tb13 vertb· ement in every particu- r >S d· nt.s. f the v illaoe and to wnship of I tlo was aho to be on.-ied, however; form farth year gooe to la.rg" expense to secure a r epro P ·ckeri· !;'. on t h ·· o~sion of h is l··a.ving ! spite of h e r great wPali~ she wmi miaet'- duction oi the I,a~-it Ma.orerpi1,c~ of D avid· K110..,1~ (who was ! d ected b y Qneeu lar, and customers calling at for Sout.h·rn California 'l'h" affair was able. It was h r lot tU common with oon V l,ctorio. to pni.ut t he RCPUO 11.t P1·iucess one of the most enjoyable and 8uccessful m yriads nf wom en, to suffer fr<im tboe() weddiagl , eutit.led ::lufi~r the our store will alwa;rs find eveuta of the kind that h as bi.ken plaoe " chr-·nio w··akne,.aes.-" which nro pocul111r Beatrice's Utt.le Child~ to Corne Uuto :M:e. It dethe re for soine time. to t he £..male SPX . M1s~ r11bl e, n er vous, J?ictll the m<:morable aceno witb sta rtling A D f t h and discoura,,en, she would gladly i ave rca liJlm, reprod~blg in oils all the richne&a t hings e:x.aetly as r epresented M r .·. J as. ""' a wsou , manal!or_ ,0 . 0 iv en e very dolla r of her io1·b un':l for o n e of flr.ientn.I Oo!oric.I.". Tho picture, exe.cnted advertis m g- ?~partment o f th(1 Empir e, triefiu stallme ot o f heal ·h . H ow o<>Ry, b y the great ·st art n rm ill l·:n~land. wonld in our ad vcrtisement. bring $l.60 if sold. but iii renH rv" l EJLcluslfav <'rt1d us w1t·h a call last we" k and how inez pensive, would b a tl.10 jour· yeJy for Snhllcriliers to the Witne·a . Mr. A : F . Cl»rke, Mayol' of. T oron to, r· ey t o hAalih, if Dt·. Pio·ce's Favorite .Tbc price of t he w e~k ly witneij· and pie i s the e<lltor .,f tho Orange S en ' tne l. Preecription wa!! selected a s a remt1dy , t uro if< ilii.25, th e pape r a.Jom·, S l 00 'l'he W eekly G 'obe· ia n ow a much <1-nd t he nae of 1ht1 saml} p er6iakd iu ; In 1860 t.b e D aily witnflls '"a~ hnnch~-d, b"· t ... r i)apor than h was a year ago. that is, the esperlenca of t housa nds of and, liko the Weekly, t " advoo..t9 the same p r incipl eR r<l!l'llrdlll!.<R of cos>., Th" picturo T hor... h a~ " een a d1ango o f ,..<litors wo men a ffl. ictect in tho a bo· e manner, ·Ruff~r Little Chll<lre n t · Cnm e Unto 1\fo " r .cl· ntly wit h gn< d r esults It h ·s no t<oaches us t o vredict .~o,_ . It fa th.e onl9 and the Daily Wit.nean, 33.25 a year; the eupetio1· in Canada as a farmer 's weokly medicine f.,r women, aold by drui<gl;ts, paper alou<'. $ I 'IO. n ewR paper. under a p ositive guara·1i,e<·, fr. m the mau· The 11/orthe rn M eaaenRt>r ·tlll cont inues to J.,e tha fav11r1t.. in tb<> home ci.rclo and Par1m ta of RIDall children shoulil sub- ufacture rs, 1 h~t it will give Aati.sf,,.ctinra iu Sabbath school, and oomme11ciug with Jan1lac rir·e for ~o·ne snch jourr·al as Our Lit· le 09e_ ry case, or mon~y will ? e . refunded ary fir.·t with new t yp e finer p aper a nd M,.n aud " ' omen,- Our Little Ones and ; T hts g uara u has bee.n prmted on tho ot her iroproveme n ts, will he more a ttractive 1h e Nurser · Oltl<>r .children will e n joy 1 b ··t.t le-w·ap per, and fo1t_ h full,v c; r l 0 u o ut than ever. l:'r1:i-s DI bookB 1tre 17.iven to friecds who canva,.q for it Annual aubs..r iH ·rper's Y ·1un '.1 P -··ple, St. Nicholas, fo r 1:i:ia?:y y E)ars. Dr Ptl\rce_ s I ell~ts, or ption, 300, wi th J:t>ducti')DA to c!11bs. 'Vid., A wak P Tr,..,·ur '1'r v~ E-t c.· Aut.t-b1hous n:ranules, cure s ick hoa.daohe, s~rople oopies uf t:':.o d iilerent pnbliol\tion!l dyspepsia an U c o n3ti pation. 1 mailtld on applloat lon . Ai;cnta wanted in AstHMA.- P~r· ·· nK who havo aufl:e rod - - - - ··- every t owa and -vill ~ge. wit h Ast.f'ma will liud a q uick r elief and PROI<', LOll"S Slil.l'DIJ1l soA.r 1... a ·ii'· J oBN D ooG .i..tL & SoN, c nre ir.· t he double t reatmtJnt of Souoheru ligh Uul t <1llet Inxnry 11s wclUu a g oo1t en:r I'ubifah8'1'·. ' A et h ma. Oure, :t: I aHve l oF ~k.iu d!stiase. Montre!ll. I S ot'k or \·1ilii1.e y. etc.. at" gTd\·· SH··rific,,, I ·~ill p · epaied ·o s eil uu 1il Jan. 1-t. t11 ·e .·e,,sou's Felt Hats anrl Plush Dreesing Cases, Plm,h Mirrors, Plush Odor Oases, Plush Shaving Oases, Plush Whisk Holders, · Plush Manicure Cases, HAIR BRUSHES I A very nice assortment for tho Christmas trade. z ,. ;:~·, ~· P E R F U M ~ R Y 1 Onr p erfumeH are frum the leadiug manufacturers. We have just anded a long list of N ~w Odors, put up in styles for th.e h ra t d O l ay ra t~. Cut Gla!il!i4 Bottles. Sb:t w1ng Mugs , Toilet G1·a~l'!!i, ~mt'IUng 8@111.-!!I, ~facllot '!tiet~, a... :Vr.ied, e Mrs. A. AND ER SQ N. "'ache· Powder, ~tc. Dais. Compliments of the Season 10 u·l oui· patrons. J. HIGGlNBOTHAM & SONO I '1'ices. l The Prices tell, the Quality s~lls. j I 0 Genearl Dry Goods and Jewelry House. I We have now completed arrangements for a big saJe of popular g~ods st prices which must take the eye of every eoonow~a.l buy er. We keep ( the best qualities, styles, and sssort1.1.&ent in BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPP E --R S for ladies', g ents' and chl.ld.reDB, wear; also in Tronks nnd V aliEea. Come e.nd see our elegant bought it, low. prices will sell it. I ' j Our specialty is to plea1:1e our customers, our aim to sav e money for our patrons, our intention to do better for you than anyone else. Goods cannot be bought cheaper-none are allowed t.o undersell us. 28. M. TR. E LEVEN s Children Cry for Pitcher's Caetorla~

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