"Can't they get ns throu~h the window?" sighed a mu.filed voice. "Not unless we could be elongated, like 18 PUBLIBIIEID the Hope of the Katzekopfs." . t\£VERY WEDNESDAY MORNING "We shall manage now," cried Mark; CHAPTER XIII. " we have found some iron bars to the -BYDET&l MENTALS. hatoh down there. But you must prepare Nine miles was a severe distance through for a shock or two before you can be set AT TH& OFEIC& country Janes ih November to go to a ball; free," but the Redcastle Hunt B a.11 was the ball of The owo gentlemen and three servants ·!Post Oftlce IUoek, King Street, Row11111n· vll tc, Ontnrtu. the year, uniting all the county magnates; strove and struggled, hoisted and pushed, to a.nd young ladies were hardly ·reckoned the tune of suppressed sounds, half of TER:?lll:S : as "come out" till they had nppea.nd sobs, half of laughter, till at last the carriage the Largest and best Assortment on hand )i1: 110·11u An1111m, ol' $1 u paid In atlHrnt' .there. Mrs. Egremont's position would was heaved up sufficiently to be dragged , All the New Styies. payment strictly ln advance required from hardly be .established till she had been back war ds beyond the hole ; but even t hen 1 bqorfbers outside of the county. Orders to presented to the not abilities who lived beit would not stl.nd, for the wheels on the a very large variety. bu~ th -ooimtlnue tbe paper mu~t be accompanied by yond ca.lling intercourse ; a.nd her husband undermost side were crushed, neit her could amount due or th paper wil not be stopped. · _ , Som h Sea Seal ax;.d Persian prepared himself to be victimised with either door be r eadily opened, one being ib'.IOrlbers are responsibleunti. run payment is Laml take the lead. an a.mount of grumbling that was intended to smashed in, and the other jammed fa.st. An.11.de, impressherwith the mag nitudeof the saorifice, naple, however, still tried to keep up her BATES OF ADVEBTISIN4": ,i;i!i all the latest i mprovements-a very but which only m11.de her offer to forego che own spirits anci her sister's, observing that ·· '!!hole Column one{ear ....... ...... $60 oOl ' l: r:'i t;; gaiety, and b e told that she would never choice and varied stock to choose she now knew how to sympa.thise with ·· " Hal year ... . . · · .. .. . 36 oo · ?;; c Johnnie's tin soldiers in t heir box turned ·· " One quarter ........ . 20 00 ~..,. have any commen sense. from. ;f1lt Column one yea.r ............... 36 gl: - So their car tia.ge led the way, and was upside down. . " llalfyear .. __ ., ...... _.20 followed by the Rectory wa.ggonette con· , Two sturdy_ labourers here n:iade their ap.. One quarter _ ......... 12 50 taining the la.dies and M ark, who_ had been pea.ranee, h avmg been roused m the cottage ' 'l!larter Coluu:.n one yes.r . .......... 20 OOsummoned home, since his stepmother disand brought back by Mr. Egremont! and at " " Ralf year ........... 12 50 A magnificent selection good and cheap. Call early for first choice. " " One quarter...... .. 8 0 0 - 5 liked public balls without a· gentleman in last one doo~· was forced open by m am for_ce, "fen lines a.ndunder,first insertion. $0 50attendance, and his father was not to be deand t~e ladies. e~erged, Anna ple, helpmg Baeh subsequent insertion ...... 0 25 tached from his fireside. her ~1s ter, beg!nntn~ some droll thanks, b~t '\from six to t en lines, first Insertion 0 75 ~ And in a gr<rnp near the door, got up as pausmg as she;perce~ved that L ady Delmar s Ba.oh $ubsequent insertion...... 0 35- 10 on hand. Prices very reasonable. elaborately llB h is powers could ac ~omplish, O ver ten llnes,first insertion,perllne 0 1 0 dress was oovered with b~oo~. . Bach subsequent insertion, " 0 03 stood Gerard Godfrey. He knew nobody " My d ear Janet. This is wo1·se than I GENTS' FURNISHINGS AND UNDERW.EAR, A COMPLETE there except a. family in his sister's parish, " London Bridge is broken down, guessed. ·why did you not speak ?" The number ofUnes to be reckoned by_ ' t h'I space occupied, measured b:y a. scale ot who had good -naturedly given him a seat in Dance o'er my lady Lee !" ' "It i8 not much," sa.id the poor lady, Display. Shirts; Socks, Gloves, Ties, tfraces, Studs, wltd Nonpareil. their fly, and having fulfilled his duty by " Well, I - am quite certain those rather faintly. "My neck--" Buttons, Mits, Rubber Co<J.ts, Umbrelhis, etc. The elder ladies ca.me a bout her, aed seatc:::____ _ -------·------ .. ·- -- - 9 asking the d:.m ghter to dance, he had no- traction-engines will break it &ome time thing to disturb him in wat.ching for the or other,' said Lady Delmar "I a.m ed her on cushions, where, by the light of DRS. ltleLAllGllLlN d: BEITR. cynosure whose a.ttrnction had led him into always trying to get John to bring it May's lamp, · Alice, who bad been to an ~Furs OFF I CE :-MORRIS' BLOCK , BOWMANVILL E. these unknown regions, and, as he remem- before the magistrates, but he only laughs ambulance ()lass at Mioklethwayte, detected ·Br.J.-r;y.McLAUGHr.IN, Dr· .A.. BEITH, Grad11 bered with a qualm, one might sorely grant at me, and nothing will induce Robinson to the extent of the cut, extracted a.· fragment Ucent1a.te of the Royal ate of the Toronto oneself a dispensation from the vigil of a go the other way, because they have just of glass, a nd staunched the bleeding with !'I eadt ' Block, Bowmanville. M.MAYER. of Physicians ' College gnd member of the Univers1ty, l'hys1c1an _ bla.ck lett11r saint. been mending the road on Lescombe Rill I haµdkerchiefs 11.nd strips of the girl's tulle ' Royal' College of Sur- Surgeon, &:c. There at length he beheld the entrance. Anna.pie, my dear, I'.can't a.llow you another skirts, but she advised her patient to be ~========~===========~~ .~.!'.!~-~~ -~ -~ -= - ====~ ==~~-!! "«oonsr Edlttbl1l'gh. There was the ogre himself, high bred, al· waltz; Mark must excuseyou-Iam going. It ' driven a.t once to a surgeon t o secure that most handsome, as long as ne was not too is ha1f-past two, n.nd the carriage was orderno morsel of glass remained. Mr. Bgre·· DB. J, -(J, MIT(JJIELL, EMBER OF CODLEGE OF PHYSICIANS closely scrutinised, and on his arm a. well- ed at two I Robinson will be in a a. worse mont, grat ifie d to see his wife come to the known figure, me tamorphosed by delicately- temper than ever if we keep him waiting." front, undertook t o drive h Ar back to Redand Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. 1 tinted satin sheen and pearls, and still more She bore her sister off to the cloak-room, · castle. Indeed, they must return thither to 0ftlcel!.nd Residence. Enniskillen. 7'. by the gentle blushing gladness on the fair and there, nearly n.~ hour. '.ater· the E gre. cross by the higher brid ge. "You will go cheeks and the soft eyes that used to droop. monts ~ound them still. waitmg the plea.sure with me," entreated J.ady Delmar, holding D. BIJRKE SIMPSON, \0 ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &,o . .MOPRIS Then followed a stately form in mulberry of the. impla.c~ble 0 b1Dson ; .but what was Alice's hand; and the one hastily consigning .i""I BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Do-.,-m&n· moire and point lace, leaning on Gerard's more t~at · ID consideration. of havmg kept her N uttie to her aunt's cilre, the other giving 'fie, S,olicitor for the Ontario Dank especial abhorrence,- " that puppy," who sister from such a detrimental a.spoor Mark , injunctionsnottoa.larmhermothertoAnnaple Private Jlonevs Ioaned a.t the lowest ra~~ had been the author of all the mischief ; and ~ad beco~e? ~o mu-i;ter~d M~. Egrem~nt who had declared her intentions of walking behind them three girls, one in black, the other Ill the satisfaction_of ~av~ng himself,_ with home, the two ladies went off under Mr. .John Keltb GalbraUb, two in white, and, what was provoking, he , gentleman!)'. severity, rnti~a.ted the rnsup- , Egremont's eaoort. . ARR Is TE R, SOLICITOR, NOT.A.RV really could not decide which was Ursula, The , era:ble gulf between Miss Egremont of Just Lhen it was:discovered that the DelPUBLIC, &:c. Office- Bounsall'a- Bloc,k ca.refully-dressed hair and stylish evening Bndgefield an~ t~e M~n of U mbrella.s. mar coachman, Robinson, had all this time 'King Street, Bowma!_v_!I!~ Money ~-o lend, dress and equipments had altogether transMoreover, his sister-m-la.w took care that been lying insensible, not dead, for he moanROBERT AR:MOUB, formed the little homely schoolgirl, so that, 't he should hear tha..t th~ Duchess of Redcastle ed, but apparently with a broken leg, if BGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER though he was sure she was not the the fa.ir- 1had. p~onounced his wife ~w~e~ly pretty and no-i;hing worse. Indeed, the men had known Of Marriage Licenses, Barrister and AttOll- haired damsel with pa.le blue flowers, he did not : 19:d_Y·like, and t~lked of mvitmg them for a it all . along, but until the la.dies had been ·-.ue,. at Law and Solioitorln Chancery.Mone¥ know how to decide between the white and l v1~1,t of a f~:-V mghta. " , . rescued, nothing had been possible but oaned on Real Estate. Office on King street, d11.ieice and the black and grasses. Indeed, A bore, o~served h~,ungratef~lly, tis ' to put his cushion under nie head and ' 6!1Wmanvllle. he thought the two whites must he sisters, -as dull as ditc~wa.te:. But! ID · truth,! his rug over him. The ladies were much 'WILLIAM WIGHT. and a.II t;he more when the b!ack lace halted . though~h<: Canon sf~mdy, when 1D reside1!ce, shocked, and Mrs. Wi;liam Egremont decid· ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the to exchange , greetings with some one her were mtimate with · the ducal family, ! ed that he must be laid at the bottom of the Egremont had n~ver b~en at the · waggonette, and that they would take him County ot Durham. Orders Jett at tll6 face put on au expression so familiar to him, Alwyn. 11 'tlTA.T B:SlllAN ofilce or forwarded to Tyrone P .0, that he started forward and:tried to catch ' castle mce the da)'.s of his ea.rhest yout~, stra.ight to the hospital. · ---:·1111 ·receive prompt attention. 2S:Gm They were only 11. mile and a ha.If from ,her eye; but in vain, and he suffered agonies and he. was not l!U11;e p~e~ared to owe his of doubt whether she bad been perverted by ' toleratio~ there to his wife 6 charms, or the ' J~escombe, and _ it was pronounced safe to S. (;. Hl!NIU:NG, 6 greatness. Canone!'8 pa.trona~e of her. cross on the remains of the bridge, so that ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR It was some comfort tha.t when present. And mnocent Ahce ~nly knew that ~very-1 Annaple, who had a pair of fur boots, had the County of Durham. Sales attended ly a rush of waltzers floated by, she was , body ha~ been very kmd to her,_ and it '!as already decided on going home on foot. The iO on shortest notice and lowest rates. AddrE)sS ilovR!J:Ui ll P . 0, 36:tt not with her cousin ; but to provoke him only a pit;r that her husba?d did not hke other girls,wanted to.11.ccompany her, and, a.a still more, as the daisies neared him, he be· her to notice poor Gerard Godfrey. t MayandNuttie both had overshoes, they were Pianos Toned and Repaired. held for a. moment in the whirl the queer permitted to do so, and desired to go to bed, smile, half.frightened, half-exultant, which C:EIAPTER XlV. and wait to be picked up by the waggonette, which mustjreturn to :Bridgefield by the LesARTIES WISHING THErnPIANOS he had seen on Nuttie's face when swingGOING AGEE. combero11.d. Bla.nche,h11.ving,adelica.tethroat, Tllned or re:pa1rea can nave them attend.._ ing sky-high! When the pause came a.nd people walked "Gin ye were a brig as auld as me."-Bu11.Ns. was sentenced to go with her stepmother. '<!) lay leaving word .at the DOMINION OBQ.4.JI "ii 01rir1011:, Dowma.nvllle A first-clae man about, the bla.ck lady stood talking so near "Wha.t's the matter'" excla.imed Mrs Mark undertook to ride the horse through l>eing in their employ him that he ventured at la.st on a step. Egremont wiling from ' a doze __ " that the river, and escort the three girls, and and an eager "Mias E gremont," , bridge?" ' ' Gerard Godfrey also joined them. The 'i oDo! Gentlemen otFash~ forward but, as she turned, he found himself obliged j " Bridge I Don't be such a fool I We place where he was 9taying lay a couple of Bowmanville, August 17th, 1887. ton, not so fast. to sa.y, "l beg your pardon." . aren't near it yet." miles beyond Lescombe, and when Mrs. ~ --:'.': =-=--='."':::~'::' -- ~ - -:::__:::__ :::-.:_ :_ ::_= ~ --==-~ ~ =---= ~ :-::-: _~ _ -~ --~ - -:-==--~."Did you mean my coi;,sin ·· Weoft~n.get The servant, his face looking blurred Elmore's fly had been met and turned back ------ ---- --- - - - - · 'lll.ve·written there few linae, mistaken. for each (Jt~er, sl!.ld May cnilly;; through the · window, came to explain that ' by Mr. J!!gremont, he had 3umped oa: to I H e. br,1ghtened. I be~ your pardon, : the delay was caused by an agricultural en- render a.ss1stan?e, and ~a.d do:°e so effective, . , And oil 1 have to sav,,,a.t 3.ou can find rue still at home, he said, · I ~new her ~t M1cklethwa.~te. I · gine, which had chosen this unlucky night, ly enough to w~n ~arks gratitude. I am not gone awe.y. a.m here- l}Ulte by a?01dent.,, Mrs. Elmore or morning, to travel from one farm to anIt was by th1~ time about b~lf-pa.st five, ~o a!l .mv kind old friends may come, was so good as to brrng m_e. " , Iother. There was a long delay, while the a.s ~11.e ascertained by. the light of ~he A·n d all the young ones, too, May '!as,, rather _ent~,rtamed. . · Theres . monster oould be heard coughing frightfw.1- wa.nmg moon, the carriage la.mp hai;n g .And get t heir garments l'.l ioely made In tasbione that are new; my co_ usm, .she said, . Lord,,Phihp Moly· ly before it could be backed with its spiky burnt out. It was .11.fine frosty mormng, ·w11e1eold and youn17, dear friends. may meet n~u:x: 1a a.skill'( her ~o ~ance and. she left compa.aion into a field 8 0 as to let the ca.r - and the moon wa.s still powerful _enough to 1 A welcome g reeting, by R. PEATE. h1n:i ~ostunnecessardy mfunated with Lord riages pass by ; and meantime Mr. Egre- reveal the droll fi_ g ures of the ~1rls. May Having thoroughly refitted and added a lot of new Machine1y to the Ph1hp Molyn~ux. . mont was betrayed into uttering eja.cnla- had a fur cloak~ with the hood tied over her above Mi11s, I am prepared to furnish · A ~teward mtroduced him to'!' dull-loo~- 1 tions which ma.de poor Nuttie round her hea.d by M rs. Egre_mont's lace sha.wl; Nut1~g gnl, ~ut fortune favoured ~1i;n, for this eyes in the dark as she sat by his feet on tie had .a huge white clcud over her head, time he did catch the real Nutt1e s eye, and 1 the back seat, and Alice try to bury her . ~;1d a bght blue. opera. ?I?~~;, Annaple had all herself, as soon a.s the dance was over, ears in her hood in the corner. rowed herself ma. plaidie like the Scotch she came up with outstretched hands, " Oh I On they want at la.st for about a mile girl she was, and her eyes flashed out merriUerard I to think of your being here I Come and then ca.me another si{dden stop- anothe; ly from its da.rk folds,· They all disda.ined to mother !" _ . fierce growl from Mr. Egremont, another the gentlemen's self-d«:nying offers of their And, bea.ut~ul aJ?d radiant, Mrs, Egre- a:pparition of the servant at the window, , ulsters, a.!1d only Nutt1e consented to ~ave mont was gre~t1.ng him, and there were ten saying, in his alert deferential manner, 1 the ,carn~ge rug. added to her tr.appm~s, ~mutes of delicious exc_hange ~~news.. But "Sir, the biidge have broke under a car- · and 1ngemou~ly tied on cloa.k-fasb1on_ with pleasures are as poppies fled, Nuttle had riage in front. L~dy Delma.r's, sir. The her ~ash by qera.rd. He and ilfark piloted no dance to spare, her card we.a full, and horse is plunging terrible " , the three ladies oven the narrow border of she had not learn~ faahi_onable effrontery The door was tom open, and all three, the hole, which looked a very black open HARNDEN, L. D. !. enough to play tricks with engagements, regardless of ball costumes precipitated gulf. Anna.pie had thanked the men, and ' bidden them come to Lescombe the next day and juat then Mr. Egremol\t descended on themselves out. Graduate orthe Royal College of Dental them-"} wish; to in:rod.uce you to the I The moon was up, and they eaw the to be paid for their a.ssistai:ice. Then they Surgeons, Ontario. Duchess, he said to his wife ; and on the Rectory carriage safe on the road before a.11 s tood to watch ~lark ride through the -OF'Fl:CE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OF}'CE. way he demanded" 'Who is that young them, but on the bridge beyond was a. river, at the shallowest place, indicated both GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY cub!" I struggling mass, dimly illuminated by a by her and the labourers. It was perfec~ly A RTlFICIAL TEETH lNSF!R.TED WITHOUT "Gerard Godfrey-an old neighbour." \ sinule carriage :1amp. Mr. Egremont and fordable, so Annaple's were mock heroics PLATES. "I thought I had seen him ra.qketing the groom hurried forward where Mark and when she quoted&c., always on hand. Great ·Reduotions in -price on all Dental a.bout there with U rsula. I'll not have the Rectory coachman were already render" Never heavier mM1 and hol'lle Work. Vitalize<. Air, constantly in use pro- those umbrella. fellows ()Oming about I" I ing what help they could, May standing at Stema;cd "midni..ht ~rrentte force." d.ucing Painless Operations. Particular atten '·Does he really make umbrellas, Nuttie?" the horses' heads, and her mother trying to And Nutt1e responded m a few seconds-tion paid to the regulation of Children's Teeh wrap everybody up, eince stay in their " Yet throngh go=d hea>t aud our Ladye'a grace _,_..ALL WORK W .ARRANTJW. ...._ asked Blanche, catching her hand. "No such thing!" said Nuttie hotly, "he carriages they could_ not. Tra.usfe.rring t'ull soon he l{Blned ~be l~ndlng ~l~ce." - . Orders filled and delivered to all parts of the town. Prices Branch office. Dr. Rutherford' s Orono. is in the office His fa.ther .was a surgeon. · the horses . to Nutt1e, the two sisters They were both m high spirits, adm1rmg his sisters ma~ried clergymen!" ' i hurried towarc!u the scene of action, but 1 each other's droll appearance, and speculat· reasonable. Telephone communication. "And he came here to meet you " said Blanche's white satin boots did not carry 1ing on the ghosts they might appear to any Annaple Ruthven. "Poor fellow, ~hat a her far, and she tu~ned on ?looting her one who chanced to look o1?t cf wind~w. 43. shame it is! Can't you give him'"one turn I" 1 uncle: He spoke -~nth a briskness a.l'.!d A_nn.,,ple walked at _the horse a head, Cl!>ll!ng "Oh dear I I'm engaged all through ! To , 11.la.cr1ty that made him like another ma.~ ID h~m poo! old Rohm Hood,_ and caressmg Ma.rk this time." Itbi~ emergency_, as he assured the a.nx10us him, while Gerard and Nutbe kept togethe.r (To u~; CONTINUED. ) " Give l:.J.m one of the extraa ! Throw la.dies that then· fr.ends 1\'ere safe, but that Mark over to me ! No " as she looked at tbey could not be ex:tricated till the carriage the faces of the two giris, " I suppose that was lifte~ fro_m the hole into which it ~ad A Modern Plea.sure Trip. wouldn't do but I'm free this time-I'm not sunk a.mid bricks, stones, and broken tim. A brief pleasure trip to lndfa mt1de by a the fashion'. Introduce me; I'll do my bers. _ He sent his own coa.chma.n to ase~at, ~ nglishmen last fall shows how best as consolation_" as bemg the stronger man, an,d ! mountmg pa rty of J< much muy nowa ~ ays be seen in a short time Nuttie had just performed the feat, with the box, turned and d_ :i:ove off Ill ,quest of ' WITa TEE ra. with the 11.id of fa.st stea.mers and fine ra.ilgreat shyness, when Mtrk appeared, havmg further help, a.t a. w ays1d«: cottage, or trom roa.d aervice. The. party was a.wa y from been sent in quest of his cousin, when her the attendants on the engu~e, 'Y"hoae we_ 1gbt England just sixty days, of which thirty. father perceived that she had hung back . had probably done the m1scl11ef, and pre- nine were spent in the round trip from PRA<JTJ()A.L DENTIST. Poor Gerard led off :Miss Ruthven the pared the trap for the next comer. h Engla nd to Bombay, leavinp- three weeks for '2VSR TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE, more gloomily, and could not help sighing Af'J May name i:ea.r, her brot~er made er sightseeing iq India. Two da.ys were given a!'all.able by puttm~ the lamp mt~ her hand, to Calcutta, two to Da.rjeeling on the northtnu·OxldeGH Admtnl&tered l'or Patn!e· .o ut, " I suppose that is an enga~ement I" " Oh I you believe that impertment gossip b1ddmg her hold 1t ~o as to light: those eastern edge of Indio., where there a.re superb Operations. in the pa.per," returned Anna.pie. "1 won- who wer~ . endea~our1ng to re~ea!l'e ~~e views of the Himalayas ; two days to the lll(J(JLIJNG'S BLOC&. OnICll: der they don't con~tadict it ; but perhaps ho_rse, which had cleared the portion of e umples 1md pa.laces of Bena.res, one day to they ·trea.t it with magnificent scorn." bridge before the break-down under t_he the -beautiful city of Lucknow, two days to " No doubt they know · that it is only brougham, and now lay on the ~oad, its the rem11.rkable palaces and ancient tombs: at re at " struggles quelled by a servant at its head. P m ure. . Nearly the whole of the hind wheels and Agra., two days to the sce»ea of the mutiny " If t~ey · means the el~er~, I daresay most of the door had dis11ppeared on one at Delhi, and two days to J eypore, the most they ;~nsh 1t, but we aren t 1n France or side, and, though more was visible on th11 unique a.nd one of the moat interesting cities It~!Y· , . . . other, it w11.s impossible to open the <loor, of northern India. Then the party returned ~hen. you don t ,~hmk, M1s3 Ruthven, , as 11. mass of rubbish lay on it. Annaple was to Bombay to catch the sua.mer. They had that it will come oft . ·on this side and her voice was heard call- :levoted fourteen days to sightseeing in 1he " I ,?on'.t see the slightest presen:t pro- ing to May 'in fits of the laugl1ter which is towns and seven days and nig hte to railroad travel, ce.tching glimpses of a good dea.l of spect, said Anna.pie, unable t-0 resist the perhaps near a.kin to screa.msthe country, and travelling by land audsea kindly impulse of giving immediate plea.sure, , " . . though she knew the prospect might be : London bridge ,. broken down, in the sixty da.vs a total distance of 18,000 ._ . <I even slighter for her partner, I Dance o'er my laoy Leo I" miles. Of course, in so hurried a journey Howevar, he "footed it" all the more "Janet will go in for second·slghtever after. there is no time for careful investigatfon, lightly and joyously for the a.ssura.nce, and Yes, she's all right, except a scra.tch from but many valuable impreSBiom1 m&y be obAfter spending much time and money, I a.ni the good-natured maiden aftarwards ma.de the glass, and that I'm sitting on her more tained even in a flying trip of this sort. now prepared to fill all order· promptly. I have e. fine assortment of WAYES, BANGS, him conduct her to the tea-room, whither or less. How are you getting on?" "The There is no doubt that the members of this SWITCHES, COMBS and PINS very cheap. Mark and Nuttie were also tending, and horse is all but out. Not hurt, .lley think. excursion to India will hereafter be able to there all four contrived to get mixed up Here's another man come to hel_p-a gentle- read a.bout the aff11oirs of that great country BAN,G S FROJM: $2 Ul?JEFFERY always at the Door. Old Switches co'ored al'.ld made to look like together; and Nuttie had time to hear of man- my dear, it is your partn~r, Nuttie'a with more ietelligence and interest than new, Highest price paid for long cut hair. Monsieur's new accomplishment of going umbrella man. " "Oli, making it complete ever before. home for Mr. Dutton's luncheon and -hopes, Janet- I'm sorry, but I ca;i'.t help HAIR TONIC bringing it in. a blW!ket to the office, before squashing you I I can' t help subs1d1ng on A Strange Thing. Warranted to prevent the hair from falling fate a.gain descended; Mr Egremont, ' you I What is it.now 1 ' as the lamp-light Jones-" Strange thing, Mira.ndy ; every out and will make it grow, who had been a.t the far end of the vanished. UI have also a ·fine lot ot new Stamping room among some congeners, who pre- j "They are looking for something to make time you draw a breath somebody dies." Patterns. AU orders promptly attended to. Mrs. Jones-" Well, I ain't going t-0 stop £erred stronger refreshment, suddenly heard levers of," returned May; " these w. o oden her la.ugh, stepped up, and, with a. look of ' raiis a.re too rotten. brP.a.thing on that account." R O W M A N V I L L E, -·~7 Neads' Block, Bowmanville. thunder tow11.rdsher, observedin a. low voice, I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN M1 A.JAMES, NUTTIE'S FATHER. = " Mark, you will oblige me by taking your cousin back t >t:er mothur. " "The gray tyrant fathn·' .' mrrmured Annaple in eympa.thy. " Th!'t being the case, I t d' r l ,, may as we11 go b ack in t lall. ll'eo ion a 80' This r esultod in lindinp. Lady Delmar and the two Mrs. Egremont!! t oget her, comparing notes about the two different roads to R edcastlo from their sev·ital homes. Lady D elmar was <lcclaring that her coachman was t hem oMt obstinate man in·e xist ence, and t hat her husband believed in him to any ex:tent. " Which way did you come ?" she asked. .. By n .,nkside Lt1.ne," said the Ca.none as. "Over Illuepost Bridge ! '1.'here, J anet," ea.id Anne.pie. " So much the worse. I know we shall come to grief over Bluepost Bridge, and now there will be treble weight to break it down. I dreamt it, I tell you, and there's second sight in the family. " "'Yes, but you should tell wlia.t you did dream, J anet," said her sister. "She thought Robinson, the coachman, was waltzing with her over it, and they went into a bole and stuck fast, while the red-flag traction enginema.n prodded her wi~h a n umbrella. till sh e was all over blood. N ow, if it had been a nything rational, I should have thought something of her second sight I I tell her 'twas suggest ed by- THIRTY· YEARS · IN · BUSINESS ~. dl__jj YEH, The practical Furrier calls attention to the following Branches of his new Fall Stock. Fall Hats · Caps Gents, Fur Ladies' Caps, Ladies' & Gents' Fur Coats, Cutter & Carriage Ro bes, A~~~:~ altered and repaired. Highest Price paid for Raw Furs. I I . .. B0 u · N s AL L's M 1: .-n.arble WorkS, E OVTJY-I:...A.N""-VILLE. We have a _large and well selected stock of I 'J B R I j I I j SCOTClt &INCLtLlt caANtTI MONUMENTS L- I L I ! of latest designs, and to parties intending to erect Monuments this fall, who will call at the shop, we will sell at such low prices as were .never heard of before in Canada. <Tall and get prices before purchasing elsewhere, and see if we do not mean what we say. I P · w E. R. BOUNSALL, Manager. .....----------- I I cALED0N IA N M -, LL s Roller and Stone Flour Oatmeal, Rolled Oats, Split Peas, &c. Farmers' Gristing a specialty. DENTl&TRY. I ' I I Pearl and Pot Barley, I Bran, Shorts, BarleyFeed, Corn, Highest price paid for Grain of all kinds. DENTISTRY. JOHN MacKAY. JOSEPH JEFFERY, J.11. BRIMACOllBE, ..LADIES, Patronize Home TRADE. I M ereh antT al "lQr & G ent'SF UrillS · h er Mrs. A. DAVIS, "H\lldren Cry for Pltche~s.-~ -~@!~rl~;