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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1888, p. 3

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m ·r ' 'What's go· OLD SLAVERY DAY&. Why PeopieBecomeBaia. ··'Don't know,' I 'Santa. Claus On a nea.t brick house in D.,troH is a. ~t the. opening meeting of the British ~ ----· ~· · perhaps! hard sledding in this country!' ' framed legend which announces 1,0 the pub· Tnchologwal Association the ina.ugural ad· WEDNESD~Y; JAN .. 18, 181!8 " T he scraping, grinding sound moved lie that "funeral wre11.ths and r :rosses are dress w~ ?elivered by Mr. C. H . Wheeler, ~----··-:_c::-==-..;;:.- forwa.rd. . preserved here." who said it was the object of the British "'It's Indianos, I believe,' muttered But this flora.I undcrtaki:r::g (laes not ac- Trichological Association to trace the 1088 of Luth, 'trying to · get :i. big line on uA, and count for the frequent visits of cultivated ha~r to its true ca.uses, to investigate the haul us ashore !' men and women from all parts of the coun- secrets of natnre, and learn the physiological "Improbable as this idea wa.s, there was try? who .make pilg,rimages b;ire as to a actions of remedies that would benefit a11d ·...:,;, ·- , . yeb something in the strange, grating noise shnne of interest. '.[he house is the home assist nature to repair disordered functions. Between the pe.qo.,T~\it '. of t wenty a nd that strongly suggested it. I heard Sackett, of Lewis G. Clark, whose name is 00 the Ont of 17,000 men upon the "Medical Regis. and. twenty·s~vel! tl·-~es sou t h_ latitude, or some of the others who had their .bunks s!lve~ door-pl~e, who bears the historic dis- tcr" he belie.ved that scarcely twenty had terri~ory nommally ,.i;ll:\br:w ed within t he farther forward, rouse up, as if to listen. tm.ction of bCmg the first slave who, dis- made a. special study of the h~ir. guised as a white man, succeeded in making fallr'n g m1g boundaries of t he Argentine Hepublic an 1.l3o- Tlten tile soun d moved a.f t ag · am · . · ht b e ri; · d ucedby one cause only, livia. lies the Gran<"!Jaco (Great Wilderness) "Luth reached for his gl'n and then his escape from slavery to freedom, and who or by several a.ctmg together or in succeswhich is probably, at p r eseut , the least t he window, ~ut instanbly st.arted is the, original George H arris of Uncle '£om's sion, as .debilitating influences, nerve trou· for and known region of i t; size on the earth's snr - back witl1 an exclamatwn of astonishment Cabin. bles, excitement, care, worry, blood disea.s· 1Spos1tion, oJcupation, Nor is it a 1 -Jsert tract, as the read er 0 r a1a.rm, and I saw w Jiat · I t ook f or an I ndi- . H e is aw.ell-preserve.d relic of a str·nge es! h eredita.ry pred' · face. ' . "Cl&atorla 1980 · well a.da c I rm~t e, mech amca. · pted to children tha.\ Cutorla C1l1'0S Colic Consti tlon might a.t first cm. > cture, but, on t he con · ans ' h ead a.nd neek a.pp.ear 1n · t h e moonlit and romantic wluch can never w · l obstruotion, ment11.l ~commend~; a.a superior to any prescription S<?ur Stomaeh, pia.rrtirea, Er~tation. ira.ry, wa.r~ .. r· .J,...-.. , ma.rkably fertile, and ~pertu r e, as 1 'f t iymg · t 0 Jook m · · 1 h ~ve a pa.rallel in the world's history, and emot10~· ba. d vent'l · 1 h. rich inwell natural~:-.ur7es. 1 atron rgh tempera.t,ure, WD to me.· R. A. A:acmint, M. D,, Kills W ?rrns, gives sleep, and promofill& di·, m hei.rd Luth's gun- cocks click, a.nd his. 70 silver years must be read by the light vegeto1d plamts, a.nd ammal parasites. The Ill So. Oxfords~. :Brook11D, N. Y. wufo~i1ajurious inedication. . . so broad u · . extent of country, com· wlnsper . ed , . ' D on. .oo t· ; ' f or I t h ought, of other days to give them that equal bal· c·u ~ se of ba Idneaa was not m .i.ha.t 't sh · the hair sh a.ft ~ a b qu t a.nee of sun a..nd sha.dow, which is theirs by bu t In ty f unction ·h ..· ·~.\hliee hnndr ed thous imd pos s1bl Y t h18 I n d1an 18 on Iy peepmg · · the fau1 · of nutrition and ' pr1smg not J~·· Tm? CENTAUR COMJ?ANY , ':'7 Mu rra y Street , N~ Y.right. In himself Mr. Clark unites some a Ith ough th ere were Ill square miles, sn-. 1.<1 !h . ave remained unv1'·1't· .rom mere curios1 · ·ty . · this country ' some ed and u11.k~ow11; lo_ng l1. time _in this "'Don't shoot I' sneered Luth. 'Then of the best qualities of both races, mentally 50,000so-called!hairclre5sers, their treatment century of tta,1 i!t'J:",, ~e ID pr.:t to its geo· shoo~, your self, a.nd be quick ! \Vhy Marin a.nd physically. Seeing his color would not ha.d proved practically impotent Ito prevent gmphical poSition; ~;t chiefi; t<> ·the hostil- don't you see tha.t 'tis a tremendous s~rpent?\ d , ,e~ermine to which ra.ce he belonged, but arrest, or :no.dify the progress of baldness: ity ot .th~ In?ian ;..:'~es th~t inhabit it. "Before his words were articulated the lus speech betrayeth him"-he has the col- The a.ssocmtion was endeavouring to esta.b l<"OR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTH.AM & SON, BOWMA.NVILLE : As 1nd1oat,ive ~~ ··.ine clunate and general creature's hea.d was thrust in at the iittle loquial dialect of his people whenever he li?h a. hos_Pita.l for the treatment of hai>: """" re, w fn d ow, ·d a.r k enmg n It h t h at we both 1 a pses into· stories of the past, but hi'a dise.ase.s with . a s t a ff o f trichologists and character oftthe · n, it is worthy of note, · · i 't. ·n· a.ud fi red , an d then by mus~rewdness and .veri.a.tility would become a period ioa11ectures a.nd d emonstrations · a.nd tha.t the luaian··.W the C are of fine r i\1se · d our pieces · physique, w.i.rlike, and remark:i.ble for t heir tua.l impulse ran around the engine to the y a.nkee uom. behooved them to impress upon na orwar en o e oa · ac et was try. 0 n thead Visa 1 i Yof g1vmg long ·evity. Thu11 far these savages f d d f th b t S k t A s k ed to tell something of hi& c11.rly life, ti · b'l't · · the a.saocfoeuccessfully resisted the approaches of white ing to light his lantern ; while the two gatt· the old man a. simple recita.l of such t10.n a charter, and compelling every tricholexplorers and t ravellers, choa crying out, 'Ouleb,:.a / culebra f grande !' points as occurred to him a.t the momem;. ogist to pass a.n examination \:>~fore being !rhe Chaco is belie ved to be a. paradise of (snake I big snake I) threw down one of the " ~ wa.s given to a Mr. Sam Campbell in allowed to practice. and of wild honey, for no less than shutters, and jumping into the water, waded Madison County, K.entucky, the fust time The habit of keeping the dry and seven varieties of wild bees have been found a.shore, followed by Lugar, the cook. when I was 5 yeahs old. " free from some kind of grease to assist the Jn its fiowery1glades. Deer, tapirs, capy· "Indeed, we were not a little inclined to Then he diverged to give an account of depressed powers of the was to his ba.ras, nnd peoca.riea 1 1bound, a.lso the a.rma.· do the thing, for from the rackets aft his "goin' ter meetin'," an event which next mind a. source of a great deal of· baldness. dillo, wild cattle, wild horses, and the it was evident that the reptile was a.board to his " e scape" seems to have dwelt in his Out of 380 subjects between the age of 25 jaguar. The reptile. family is also well re- us, and tumbling about a mong our bunks memory, · a_nd 5_0 who ha.d passed under his observa, as is shown by the following ad· and whether our shots had dis&bled it, w~ "I was 7 yeahs old en' I never ha.d been t1on nmety-two were either bald or getting veDtnre related by ·Mr. Wilhelm B. Marin, could only surmise. It was thrashing to meetin'. Master's folks was a.way and s.o. and the. cmious fact was brought to a YQ Ung geutlemim who spent several around, a.nd its tail banj?ed the Aunt Sukey fixed me. . She put on master's hght that uxty-one out of the ninety-two m ont:hs season exploring the. course of engine: repea.tedly. white shirt a.n' th.:; colla.h came up to my were wine drinkers. the I~i,rnr Pilcoma'f O, . 11 At length. Sackett got his lantern t)llrn· the shirt wa.a of old-fashioned . I? fifty habitua.l spirit-drinkers, men of Mr . Marin jg an enthusiastic believer in mg, a.nd puttmg that on the end of a pike- loom cotton. A strip was tcrµ off the lower srmrlar ages, he found seven pa.rtia.lly be.Id the future of the Chaco which, he confident- pole, we thrust the light toward the half to a neck tie. I wore mittens eleven quite b11.ld. Among tcta.l ab· Wh · y predicts, is destined not long hence to be engine, to discern, if possible. where the fixed outen an old slave woman's stocking- stamers, on the other ha.nd, he found nine en buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, come the Garden State of Sonth America.. snake lay, a.nd get another shot at it, legs. My la.s' yeah's shoes had been soaked ~a.rtly ba.ld a.nd s_even totally ba.ld out of SUNLIGHT~COAL0IL Hie exploration was 'effe~ted by means of a ·:For_ some m~ments we peered ~bout, ven- into shape and laced with green cotton fifty. After obtaming these statistics he Bmall steam launch which he shipped to t!1rmg a. httle wa.Y:, but faded to get strings. l wore old Mas'hrs white bell- took note of fifty ·"beer·brinking drunk· it once, and you will use no other. South America. in sections, and set up at As· s~ght of rt, though we still hea.~d it moving. crowned beaver hat, and my socks were a a~ds," the investigation resulting in the nncion, on tne Paragua.y River, nea.rits conSackett yelled it wa.s. crawl· pa'ai· of Aunt Sukey's stcckin'-legs. An' I tha.t fi ve were partia.lly ba.ld and tiuencc with the Pilconmyo. Both the ing_ under the mess t able, .right hesrde us I carried a. cane made of a. cher ry saplin' four quite ha.Id. It was, however, Jttcl:iO:LL BROS. & UO'Y, Toronto ... P ilcomayo and the Vermejo are l.u-ge Before we could back off, its head rose, a.11 Afore I went Aunt Chloe tole me wat I wa.~ to a.dd t hat the spirit-drinkers were well-to ' do, while the beer -drinking drunkards ber ivers, not less than eight hundred or a blo~dy from the shot. w? had fired at it, to do. " tbouea.nd miles in length, which flow down behmd tho ta.hie, a.nd its iaws snapped close " 'Fust yo' s weep up de yard, den fill da.t ' longed to the very poorest claeses. out of the C and unite with the P ara.. to our faces I bar'! from de spring, and drive de gooses On another occ~sion he made notes of 140 ~a.y a.nd the Pa.rana. to form the Rio de la. . "Luth and Sack ett who s t ood a. step be- a.n' goahlins to de "OOse pastur' an' bald pers?ns of mixed classes a.nd of various Plata.. h!nd me, promptly leaped backwards, and yo'eelf in de crik, af~' yo' go to d~ meetin'." ages. This showei tha.t 47 wo~e full bea.rds, The Stanley, a.a Mr. Marin his little disappeared through the aperture which "Aunt C.:hloe also give me some lessons 43 shaved nearly the whole face, 41 shaved only t he chi!1, and 9 sha ved only the mous11tcamer, in honor of the gr eat African ex- the gauchos ha.d made by removing the side a.bout how I was to behave. " 'Yon must keep your mouth to y oacff, 1titche? showmg that the beard h:id little t<i Rlorer whose d eeds he wou d emulate in t·he shutter ; and I, obeying my first implusc of South American continent, was a wdl-ap- ho;;or, sprang aft, aronnd t~e engine, a.n' ca.-arry yoh manners wid yoh,' was wha.t do w~th bal? ness as a. cause. ln his own pointed little era.ft, but only abont t hirty Sa.cke~t ha.d dropped lus lantern, and alte told me. So I done took my ho.t off, experience s~n?e 1870, when thi~ ma tter he· feet in length by eight feet bua.m. To serve the bght now on. board wa.s the dim but kept on my mittens. gan to engage attention, he wa.s as a defence .if attacked, a: o d to furnish a moonlight tha.t II~ at the shutter hole "'lt was a blind preacher I remcml>er ; not ab;e . to <l_emon8tra~ conclusively the dormitory by night, .an awning covered with forward and the httle ~mdow through which his name was Ba.rtlett a.nd he was mounted tranem1s> 1on of any special fungus or paraeheet-iron a.ncl whitewa.shed was carried over 1the ?e~-pe,nt h ad crept m. I could hear the high up on a rouuh box. Aunt Chloe told me sit.e. from lower a.nimals to man or woman in the entire l ength of the deck the smoke ?ph1d1a.n s l?ng body moving slowly, and to tell 'llow'dy? to them all, so I went a.nd thrs. excessive hair fal~ing or ~a!dness. . He .had never been ~n a. p()s.itron to do thlll st ack alo:c'e _rie~ng ·through' it. . Wide JU~'ged that its hea~ was coming towa.!d me. sh ook hand s with everybody. When I kim shutters of white iron closed in the sides .I wo~ld given almost any price for t o the preacher I fell down a.nd hurt myself experimentally, yet his conviction was that 80 a. light J~st then I A horrid odor filled the so I cried, and I could hear the other bey~ the dog and the c~~t were often the cause of t hat the entire deck could be converted into a single, long room, at will. !"ir I Outside, Sackett a.nd Luth were shout- a.s they crowded up : some hair loss ; and trichologrsts should By night this sufficed admirabl to kee mg to me to come !Lahore ; but for the life " 1 Look at da.t shirt J' study and test the question when t hey ha.d out both wild beasts-when tho fttle crah of me I durst not stir uow, .nor answer them, " ' Know be done stole dat shh t from a.n opportunity of witnessing the commence1 was moored to the ba.nk-and hostile n a - lest the s~rpent rrlght strike at the sound Mash Campbell?" ment of extensive hair-falling, when no tives. Nothing could get a.board, save per - of my vo!ce. I wondered whether snakes :: 'Is da.t a.r.a white boy; wot sort is he?' other cause.could wit~ a.certainty be proved haps at the small, hinged windews, one or co~,ld see m the dark .I · The f!1st time I was sold was on a. mort- or ?ven aes1gne~ for it. It was becoming two of which were generally left open fo:r Sudd~nly !heard rt~JaWB, on gage at fanooln Connty Court House, Ken an mcreased behef that dogs were subject ventilation. . the port side of the eng11!e-th? very place tucky, by the Sheriff, .Ben Duncan. I was to some unknown disease which ca.used baldThie odd deck ilouse worked so w ell, that whe~e I ha~ s~ppo~ed its tail was I a.nd a ~?1mg boy at. tha.t time. ness to human beings. Cases of this kind the voyagers did not often feel it' necessary ma.kmg a tnenz1.ed Jump, dashed out forTh.e n e;z:t time was at Tom Kennedy's had been brought within his view and had to do guard duty by night, being Msured wbo~?'rddand landed in the mud and water, over- p!snta.t10n m Garrett County, Ky., after induced him to give a good deal of attention that the noise of a.n attack outside their ;'; · A . ' . his death. to the subject. iron shield would rouse them in time to re· and s 'a. \ crietdhoubt. kHe "The third timo was at Lancaster, Garpel the B.11sailants. "The ' t'ln mte. up d et o an · ret Co., at the county i e asts~lsl s I e con muc craw d seat. 1 . I was 'th part f er dog whose coa.t had suddenly beoome e r ep t of 1 the est~te a nd 1 0 0 · The engine was constl'Ucted to burn wood a.round inside our deck house ; a.nd after lis· h ,' was rove ~ wi a grey, in fact almost white, and it was being instead of coa.I. The party and crew con- , t euing to its movements for a while we de· .orses, ca~tle and other t h mgs. But the shed in such large quantities that he could 11i11ted of Mr. Marin and a fellow-explorer , i' termined tc kindle a fire a.nd secure' a little titles wb~.m slch j fi x the.y couldn't no~ be had in th~ hous? without everything llr, C. P. Luth, an American engineer, hired light on this dark and scaly sub· ect The any pu I C s a. e. twas right after tha.t I bemg covered with hairs. This gentleman in Buenos Ayres, whose name was Sackett, , gaucl10~ were afraid to go out farJ to 'collect ~~n a~aa. I sta.r:~d off on a. horse a.nd wa.s had a beautiful hea.d of h air when be first lnspe('tion· !Solidted. a cook called Lugar, and two gmtchos of t he I tire-wood Jest ae they said the mate of the h isg~ise as aw Ite man. I never could spoke a.bout the dog, but when he JttlJRDOCH BROSa cow~oy,na.tives of Rosario in the Ar· serpent X:..ight' be in the "vi~init · Enou h · ave.escapecl but fo~ that. I wa.~ dreadful again the next year he was 1uite ba.ld. He Victoria Buildin~!!l. genbne country. These le.tter were '\'lood- w ..s gathered up, however, to kfndle a co'ii- ~gno~ant hand chuldn t read the srgn-pos~s. also said the female servant that attended entters, firemi:n, a.nd men of a.ll work to siderable bontire, by the light of which we ~h\\aSI t eN t a.t I waB George He:rris. the dog had nearly lost the whole of her 1he pa.rty. i<pproached our little steamer a ,ain and en got orth to Boston an~ Ca,mbr1dge- hair. The launch left Asuncion Ln the 2d day finally boarded her un in han d fn search port I st-0~ped at Mrs. Sta.fiords. She waa For himself he was convinced that the of December, which, in the southern hemi- of the ' g · ' :hg reat friend to me, a.nd ta.ught me more continuous electric current wa.a the most 1 sphere, to June with us. On "A portion of its mottled body was then an'itt0 There Mrs. St-0wo active and efficient hair stimulant of the 1 8 the da.y before ()hr1stma.e, after various ex:. espied lying dia.gona.lly across the deck d G er all m:r 11 1 ry. You know she de.y. It wa.s a remedy of great therapeutic periences, the party reached the foot of , just in front of the engine boiler By wa.y ma ~- eorge d ar~i~ e to ha.n_ d le fla.x imd value when used as an accessory to otner 1 wha.t _Mr. Marin te~ms the Third lhpids of ' of stirring up t' :. creature, L~th fired a I :l~~t :(:rsan,, qmc at such tlungs. '.lhat·s remedies. - L ondon Stando1 ra,, - -MANUF.A.CTURER OF-th~ Pilcomayo, w;hich, however, the water load of heavy shoo into it, a.t which its uirm-1 · bemg slack, .the hUle_ era.ft was a?le to ~ur- ed slightly and .crawled slow! for qa. few Here ~r. Clai;k ~!verged aga~n, and_prom?nnt, by of a. lme and an nnpovised feet, bu t s oon came to a standltm a<Tain. ~;~:d a/ittle 6'fi.!1fi11{:g-;~~el, with a ~is ta~ An English Officer's Marriage to an African. Wl"', for a. few h undred feet of the most "' H e's a.bout done for ' said Sack ett : a.nd t x, ro.m w rc e e y spun at rea rapid current. . taking one of t he pike p~les which ha.d' also or..wo_ while he talked. · Mr. ~u_s~ice Stirling, sitting in the Chan· KING STREET, B OWMANVILL The day before Chrrstme;s waa thus em- a hook with the pike, he went forward a.nd ~1d_ Mrs. Stowe ever pa.y you anytlung cery D1~s1on, London, the other day, had Has now on hand a number of ve~!cle~ (and is manufacturing a groa.t many more) ot the ne ployed; and late that evenmg they tied up struck it the reptile's hard, shining car· ! for ~itt~,ng for the character of George befor~ him an ex '.r~ordinary and romantic patterns and best. llniah, whwh I am offering for sale a.t the !owest.prices consistent m the shadow of some lofty m an aum a nut- Aga.m it writhed a. little. then all Ha.rrrn? marriage, ansmg out of the death t>f with due regard to v.:or~manship e.nd quality. The f»llowing i8 a list of . the pr1nc1pal vehicles manufactured by me treE!a. to the .bank above the rapids, all b e· . three of us took hold of the pole ' and thus " "Never," answered ~r. Clark, solemn~y. Comm~nder B~thell, who wa.s sh?t by the ing muoh fatigued from the ha.rd labor. A good ma.ry folks writ to her a.bout rt, Boers Ill 1884 m an enga gement m which ~ouble ~overed Carriages.. .. ......... .. .. .. ... . .............. .. ... ..... .. ... $150 Upwarcb 1were a ble to haul it out The nigbt W t\S warm, and there was a. "It appeared tha t ot{r first shots ha.d but she never any attention to them, 8ir Charles W a.rren also took pa.rt. Com· Single I hretons . ............ .. .................................... .. . . .......... J.00 11 bright moon, the silvery radiance from ly riddled its neck and head- otherwise we , b_ut_ shc used to send to come into the ma.Bder Bethell a few months before h is Open Buggy............... ......... ...... 1........... ...... . .. .. ........ ....... 70 " which fell through the foliage of the branches might had much more trouble in dis- I sir,tmg-room and t with me for honrs, a.n'I had. become enamored of a native Top Buggy.................... . .. . ......... . .. . ... .. ......... ... .. . .... ........ ... 90 1t of t he giant tree which projected out over poaing of the brute ;j for it wa.s truly 11.n I told her all tha.t I had, ever seen or done in girl ~elongmg to th~ 139.ra.long t~ibe, and he Democra~ Wagon.......... .......... .. ......... .............. .. . .. .. ............ 65 11 the water. No Indians had shown them- ugly reptile to encounter. '.l'he thickest slavery over and over. married her a.cco1·dmg to the rites of that L!lmbe~ agone............... . ... ..... ······· ...... .· . .... ··.·. ·. .... .... . .· . · · 56 11 selvP.s during the day ; and after a heartv portio? ot his body was almost as la.rge as I "1;.~ve you often been ta.ken for a. white tribe, the ceremony consistin_g of the slangh· 11 Light agon... ··· ··· . .. .. . .. . . . . ....... ... .· ......... .. .· ·· ... . . .· ··. ·. .. .. . . ... 40 meal, the tired e~plorers turned in, their the t~1gh of a.n adult man ; and I ma.y com- m~~ · . ,, , ter of a.n ox, the head_of whic.h wa.s sent to 11 a.nns, 1\8 usual, bemjl set ready for instant pare its flattened head to a good·sizecl water All my life. Iha.ts the wa.y I found the mother of the bride, while the father Express Wagon.... ............... . ....... ....... .... .. . ..... . ... .... .. ....... ... 75 nee both fore and a.ft. pitcher of three quarts It wa.a I out I could run a.wa.y.. I remember when I waa provided with a plough to plough the Skeleton............... .................................... . .. ... .. .. .. ·.. ... .. . . .. 50 u "We soon fell sound asleep, " Mr. Mar in nearly twenty-four feet loug.. · was a. little fellow my miasis had a boy same land. · Sulky............ . ........................._....... . ............................ . .... 40 " relates, "into that overppwering elnmber "It was what the gaucho8 ca.lied a SUl-" llffi· age-looked like me-e.n' in summer he The name of the bride was Teepoo, and Poe&e11slng superior tacillttee tor manufacturing oe.l'rlagee 1 lntcnd to JI h 0 whioh comes from heavy toil, and will hold, or w11.ter boa., and is to be noctur- wore one garment like me. One day a t,en days after th~ death of Commander or approved credit, and by BO doing I hope to greatly inc' mJ nu:i~iervg? 1 eap for o,. a person. iu its embrace for ten hours with- !1°'1 in its ha.bits. I suppose tha.t it had swung 1 ?eighbor fro_m where they used to live kim Bethell she gave birth_ to a daughter, who sell the wood parts only, or $be gea rings or buggies Ironed. Ba es. WoulCI ont wakmg. But not long after midnight itself down upon the launch from the large They give him gin--eo glad to see him· was subsequently baptized under t·he name I wa.s roused by an indefinite kind of noia;, nut trees on the ba.nk. they give him rum-so glad to see him~ of "M,~betele," meaning "Mother of w~ich I at ~rat thought was· by the "Ou_r d~ck ha.d bePn 'l'OBt shockingly de- tht;n he asked, 'Why, Betsy, am them boys Bethel.I. In support of..these s~tements, wind, causing e. branch to the top filed with its blood ; but the blood wa.s mnch twms ? I never knowed you had twins !" Montsioa., an African Kmg, chief of the At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. of our iron eover ~ore ee:sily remove~ than was the peculie.r, Then oh, wasn't missia mad! She when Borala:ede Ba.ralong, made an affida".it t o Ai .t ho Faotor:r 1 also do Planing, Maiohing, Turning an<l Sawing with Oirol~,Band · 8 "I was about dozing oft', when a d1agustmg odor which seemed to emanate he waa gone: ·The old fool to drink himself the effect that Teepoo was duly marned to Saws, e.nd prepare all kinds ot lumber tor carpenters nd others tor building purpotMIB"' Ornamental and Plain Pickets ror reno~I! in every st:vlt:i reQuired, made to order. ' considerable bump, as of something falling from i~, and for a long time r esisted blil!'d, so. he couldn't tell a. nigger from a Commander :8etbell, and that s· h e was not -on the shield overhead, set me broad awake. the action of our _chlorides. white child !' Then she took off that ga.r- b?for~ married. ~mmander Beth~ll, by "My companions did not waken, how· "After t~at mght'e adventure, we took ment a~d 1!1e work in de sugar bush his will, left a .certam num~er of h.elfers t o ever. I thought that it might he some the precaution to affix a. net of tllirrt1d line to a.ll day m a blazm' hot sun. It most kill Teep~o, and dire<;ted that _if a chdd wer e small, wild a.nima.l tha.t had either fallen or the outside of our open window lights." me au' all my skin peel off after a. while an' it shou~d be educated England after I d t f h b h h then I waa whiter than ever, he-he I" rt reached eight of age, and if a. boy It is like the p · ge of n rom·nce to he·r that he should enter the English army, but ou o t e es w ich overhung the boat, a.nd thinking, so l ...y still, for some moments, too, listeilinu, what a n odd him tell how he~ wcrt back ~ to steal his ~h at Teepoo should forfeit her property if Christmas eve it was, and how different Able to Hold His Own. brothers and bring them North. He sue- she behaved _improperly. Co'!1mander from anything I had ever previously d :peri· ~rs. Homer {bhe landlady)-" Mr. De oeeded, too, e.nd they in his prosper- Bethell left coneidera.ble property m YorkSmith has just ha,d his breakfast Mr. ity. He has a grateful word to sa.y for wo- shire, and the quBl!tion before the Vourt wa.s enoed, . "Shortly after, I heard a curious inter- Simpson, and he no complaints' about me.n everywhere, but pa.rticula.rly for the whether the marriage wa.s a legal one, a.nd mittent rustle and stir of the trees, which I the butter." women of Ohio. the daughter consequently legitimate a.nd knew could not be du1> to the wind; yet i t '11_Ir. Simpson-"~o, ·I s'pose not. De :· 'l'~e men were afraid of polittcs," he entitled to the prope~ty. sounded ae though one or more large Smith, you know, is something of a.n said, 'but the women afraid of nothing. Mr. Gra.ha.m Haetmgs, <..\. C., contended Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the branches w1;;re swaying heo.vily. ThRt a. lete. '· They g ot me clothes till I had so ma.ny I tha.t this wa.s not a polygamous, could send chests of them to the colored a.nd was consequently va lid. T here ma.y puma. wa.s in the treetops over us, was my LIVER, STUM.AUD, KIDNEY~ A ND DOWELS. fir · d · · · 1 I folks in Canada." ha ve been in the Bara.long tribe, at surmise ; an rrsrng quiet y rom my A Scramble Among th11 L~,die·. At times this r enresentative of a f·1nous but Comma nder Bethell lived wit h Teen.v. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions ancl bunk~ I took up my l.(UD and then peeped " ,, ,.. ~ h' J · ....-~ are ~11 Oomplalnta lnoldental to Female& of all Agee·. F~1 · · out a.t the window-light which Mother (to daughter who has been out)in fiotion speaks in the softly as is. o!-1 y wife, a nd had no intention of Children and the aged they art1 priceless. was swung half back, to admit air. But I "W_hy, Clara, what's the matter 1 Your slipped sylla.bles ot his people. This is es· committmg polygamy. could distinguish nothing, · a nd supposing hat is all askew, you~ wrap torn, .aud your P ecia.1 Idy dnoticeable when he tells stories of 1 01 i tha.t it was probably a sloth, or a. wild cat, general appearance dishevelled and disrepu- t r hay~. But as soon as he becomes Of Not .Much Interest. table." . e oquent e uses the of a.n educa.tI la.y down a.gain. . Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wound~, Sorei L!iody (to husba.nd)-" £ ou don' t tell me, " I ha.d sca,rcely taken a r eclining p-0sture, Daughter- " Yes,; I've been to ed man, with a touch of pulpit oratory. and Ulcers. It Is famous for Gont a.nd Rheumatism, For disorders of the Jchn, that eleven cities were overflown, and however, when there was a heavy splash the matinee. I got a. aea.t, but you ought to "Do you sing a.~y of the songs of slavery I" -Ohest it has no the water, on the opposite side of the see some of the other la. d ies." was asked, with a. romantic echo of Long· millions of people left homeless a.nd starv ing ?" . . boat ; and a few moments later, the little fellow in memory: l"or Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Uoughs, Uolds, Husband- " Y es, in :Jhina." craft tipped perceptibly to that side, as if a "Loud he sang the songs of D1>vid. L a.dy (disappointed)-" Oh, in China. InGl4ndular Swellings, and &ll Skin Diseases it has no rival· and very heavy man ha.d st.epped suddenly The modern y oung ma.n is criticised a. H e a ne;rro ·nd enslaved." tercstiug matters of thitt kind a.lwitys hapcontracted · and atiJf joints It a.eta like a charm. ' aboard. good deal in the newspapers, bnt after a.ll " Lord bless yob, no. I never sing a.ny pen such a provokingly long distance away." "I~med~ately, .too, I heii.rd a grating, the modern sleighing party couldn't get songs in my life. I wasn't a plantation lla.n', I was raised in de· house an' never worked ecrapm~ norse, which began on the side of along without him. Manufactured onlr at THOMAS HoLLow.u 's Establishment, · In Italy turkeys are always fattened with the boat ~ear the W1mis, and pissed up "Did she have a r awhide when she tS· in de field. " '18, lfEW OXFORD STREE'r, (late 633, OXFORD STREET), LONDON l walnuts. Thirty d a.ys before a turkey is over tbe iron sheetu·,; of the cover, as if sa.ultcd you ?'.' asked his honor of a meek to be killed, one walnut is ;stuffed down hie And are 1old at ls. ljd., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lls., 22s., and 33a. each Box or Pot asul a big hawser was being h a.nled at hwart us. gentleman who accused his wife of assault Son- " Papa., how do they oa.tch lun&- throat. da.y he is given an additional T he. sound waked Mr. Luth, who started w~th intent to kill. "No, your honor," may be had from all Medicine Vendors throughout tbe World. ~ ' suddenly from sleep into a sitting position. the poor man, feeling of himself tender- tics ?" Cynical Father- " With diamond wa.lnnt, and on the twenty-ninth da.y he ha.a ·l"1lrelaa1en bov.ld looII: at the Label on tbe l"o&a and Boxu. I f t11e r illdH -; ·· " Owing to the moonlight, it wa.s not ly, "I'm the one that ha.d the ra.w hide ; in nccklnc9a, decollete dresses and fourteen- twenty-nine walnuts. He is then imJJlim.Se· 11 a 138, Osford Street. J.oadoll, tlle;r an ···rlo11.t. ly fat. b11tto11 gloves, my boy." very dark. He pa.need a moment, then saw fact, your honor, I it still" · ~- . \ t~man . -· :;:!t~~tsia~?~dwhispered, ~auadiau ~ . " .. - A STRANGE VISITOR. Infants 0 ':I I Children. ._. 1f,;..;i) e " ~ i~ th~ THB,ESHERS AND IILLIEN -U-SEMACHINE OIL. T H E ::L A R D I N E::: BE 8 T TN THE MARKE T . _ an~ FAMILY SAFETY& Try I~ndde:(lly · th~t I drscove~y I I I I Murdoch .Brothers' where are to be seen 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns; 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets. , SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. 20 W"hite Bed Room Sets. r:elt~t~:itten. ~uth tle~a~n'ea~n:!~~~c.,h~d·,rea.trgi'eenv: Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c. correspond~ a.Wy~ne eire· t me~ HA I N E S ' CARRIAGE WORK$ GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, ' I I I CARRI AC ES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAC.OHS, &O:.~, I I I I I ! Im. All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired ?<>rn m HEALTH FOR A .LL! ' A A [HOLLOWAY'S PllLS&OINTMENT THE PILI-AS ~utiously c~ara.cter THE OINTMENT

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