··m ··· HOUSEHOLD. ., ·at:auadiau Jtattsnulu. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18. 1888. :l re · prepared to pay the h igh eat p r ioe · uv that child are in the ha.bet uv nockin it all kinds of Grain delivered ot the C.&.TARBH.--A. new ~ment hiis been dia· over the. bed, and uv b oi>in it ovf;r its ears, :iovered whereby a permanent cure of tbb fur a child bas the facelty uv telling a grate Wharf or their Store House in town. ttberto incurable dlseaBe. is absolutely alfoct· many things without ~ayin anything by th e 11 i!d ln tromone .to three applications, no matt~r wurd uv mouth. If you want a child tu whether standing on.e yea.ror ~orty yea!re. dTh>b grow up smart yu shood begin er ely tu nock is only a.pphed once m, twe ve a fB, · . ' · remedy md does not Interfere with busmesa, Dcscrip· i t ove1 the hed, and box It over the ear s, as iive pamphlet sent free on r eceipt of stamp by ll.ny wun can see how much smarter a child IL R · .Dlxon & Son, :l0.5 King et.reet, Weat. will naterly grow, if it has its soft and ten· Toron to, Can~~AT IS CA'l'ARJ.m'l der brane j arre~ up in . that way. It d:mt 'ca.tarrhieada.ngerousdisca.a~ which tho.ua make ll.ny p;1.rtwn~ard1fference .wha.t part a-nde a.re conaciouslyorunconsi:1ouslysuft'erml! uv the bed yu begm 011, nor which ea.r yu fl'Om. It is a muco·purulent d1scha.r~e causod box: first, as the bra.ne is as soft and tender A nother lin k in the chain which binds t he 'b:Y the presence of a vegetable para.site in tile · l th d ·h d n at ions together has been formed by the Unin membraneoftho nose. The predispoij- ~nwun paceas anu er,ai;- t e.c!\r rum · f h It_llJ d!usee are a, morbid state of the blood, tbe is as ea,ay busted on the nght side as the construction o t e great bridge at S!\ult St. ·llllKhted corpuscle of tubcrole, the germ poison lefr, '.l'he man0 thing. is tu nock it hard Marie. Trains are running over it now re · <;1/ sn:hilis, mercury, toxomce, f~om the reted enuff tu make it see stars a fiash ing befour g ularly, g iving the people of Minneapolis tlon ot the effete matter of the skll1, suppresse 1 'ts · and t he North \Vest generally t he nea.rest P81'1lpirations, badly ventilated eleepin~ apart· ize. . . . · seaboard. It is t o be - THEments a.nd the germination of other poisons In Tne pract18 u v nockm the children on the road to t'oe A . t Iantic the blood. Irritated by these, the lining .mem· hed is anshent, 11lmost any wun can remem · h_oped that every such enterprise is a.n a.ddibra.neofthenoseiaeve!'.'ready .t?r the r ecep· ber how tha ejnoycd bein nocked on tho tlo . 11a.l gui\rant eeforthepeacea.ndprosperityl tJ.on ot the parasite which rap1d1Y spreads.up l d h th dh h d Intelligence of Dogs. of the two nations. . .t he nostl'ils a nd do'.wn the fauces, or back o f rn W en a. wus 1 1tte1, an ow t a 1onge tile throat cauHin~ ulceration of the throa1 ; up fur the da tu cnm when tha cood du It has alw1tys been a subject of difference Th . 7J> cor· s or licccli have been Saw e<I 1, y one .lhe eustachian t.ubes, causln(.l deafness: llu;'..· j likewi2e tu s cm other childs bed. " opinion whether dogs next to human e tu.-n of the politica.l kaleidorne>pe bas man 111 Nine bon rs. Hundre<.l s have >:1.we11 r. " " d ~ mi·ds rowing in the vocal cords, causing ~hobarsenh e ~s , J udgdn from the number . uv parents a beings =ere the mo·t i ' ntelli'ga~t of nil ·ni' _ once and again intimated now peacg, now :E-3(C>"'V"T cl:::::fl ~ d n.lly. E.w.c.fl· 1 1 " wh:tt ever.v Il:u·mm· and Wood Chop. h t t e of the ronc U\ l· · ~ w WM war and nobod k h t ·11 b t·11 ....., i:::::ll .JJ:::..m l>Cl' ,wnnts. "Pi'r1-:t 01·d.r:r fron1 your v id11 i t y !'CClll'Cfl t. he m urpmg t e proper · ' " ' praofain it! it mus t b ea Pl ea.sa.nt a.moo~- mals. The horse is "nknowledge "d to have it act~a.lly ' Y It nows w a WI a -fright~ e i Ao,,,c,, No Duty to P~Y we 1 112 f t · c 1 l 8 rue ur ·t nbea ending in pulmonary consumption anu occurs. is, however, ·write f o1 · IJl 11st.1'0:ted COt1tio;, ,;~~ :-.t~~~t ni'ir~}~·E 't:: l~}1: tle&tb: · ment, and 1t ought tu be encuraged, as 1t been most uaefnl, but the following from fol quiz upon the boa.stcd modern civiliza.- The following reasons a re advanced Addl'c·· l!'OJ",lUN G s~ W ING :Sf" C HJNE Many lngenions spei.fics. for fort.~: ere or helps amazinly tu keep the insain asylums the Hartford 'l'imes, shows tha~ dog; can tion to think th· t two or three men should l l Id d l . co.· aos t o :Jl l s, Cuna! St. , Ohlc..l::o. Ill. Datarrh ha.ve bee11 invented, but wdi. 0 'd' · sue· full o.nd aives stedy emp!O" ment tu the la b t ht t 0 b f 1 W 1Y y ou S 10U la wi th US: - - ... ..... _ _ _ _ __ _____ _ _ __ oess, until a phys1cla.n.of long atan mg 10oov· d ' ~ J · · · a ~o e aug e use u : play fast and loose with the lives und' . ) l'MI ·p eredtaee;x:a.ctna.tureot th diseaEe and the ~c.ters. lfyorechildnhoodcnmtbewte ".Avery common thing on a.ll the Con - f f HI · O ll'l'ANT TO Ar _,f., 1 - ·y appliance whloll will per manently dest roy with the ear a.ke, MJoordin tu the homa· necticut ro.ilroad lines is tor a.ccommodating ort u_nes 0 mil ions and that the gaping Our Ordered Clothing is cut by WI10 B Id ' :'.'.."~ tt h w o"gra.vated the th 1 l'k l'k . ld b ff mulh t udes should apparently love to have a.rs a · nr he.ve .L'hin or Grey Hair o r ;:l'ar~~~~:r~ ~'!',_ldr sen°d s~mp at once pa di\ .rdu.e utv '· e ~urea 1 e, ibt wou e a trainmen t o throw newspapers o tho trains it so. In t he meant ime, it is evident t hat a , the only first-class c utter in . town . who ure troubled with dauclrulf, ' ..,__ descriptt ' va pa.. mphlet on catarrh, to tho_ goo 1 ee u g1v.e 1t annt1 ier o.x over t 1 1e at or near the · ·houses of subscribers liv· d th' d b , 1 'I" .._. ~ A d th f 1 tt l f 11 . h l' f h d d ' goo many wgs nee to e overturned tl ' h' buelneas ma.naaera, A, n, Dixon & Son, aon e~r. n . en 1 wun uv yore i e e ers mg on t e me o t ~ roa a.t a. istance and the thunderstorm ma.y help to clear the our l t;S are ie most las 10nable ,, 1 ·' ·' XinR street, west, Toronto, Canada.. . di uv brane fever, it wood be such a. conso· from the Htations. . n many mstances . · ' · What the.Bev. E. B . Stevenson, B.A., a CM lc~~Y lashun tu visit its gra.ve every Sunda, a.nd do . ga h iwc been t rained to watch for the atmt.ospbhle re .and brmg round m!\ny com pen · In town ; our Collars, Scarffs, Hats man Church <Jf the London Conference of tlte e o ·1e a J:U tt. 't th' .diet of Canada, has to say in regard w l11 m floura.ont o i, 1n k · over oars and ~et· t. h ese paperE, a.nd coun t ry P.I\ mg easmg~. and U n d erwear are t he most du\·To A.H. Dixon&; :Son's New T1·eatnient for ho.w m!\ny. h undred times yu bad nocked dogs, it is noticed, take quite an active The la.te favourable news of the Crown ..(Jatarrk, t he deer httel departed on the heel, there interest in the affair. Over on the Nau- Prince of Germany fills every r ight-think· able that can be procured ' our <( .Oaklans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1888 is eumtbfo very consoliu in such thots. gatuck road some one has had the curi- ing person with the greate.si satisfaction. R eady -made Clothin · ' · 1 111::· M~~~· ~i.fi;.!'y~'(;; ~Th:~$th Inst. to haud, --osity to inquire into this matter .of H~ cM.e bespeaks ,the general sympathy, · .g ll:l nice } c::; )> . It eeemed al most too good to be true that I a ro Helps in the Kitchen. dog messenger s. Mr. McLean, proprie- while hu: record a.no. oharaoter ar e such as to made a nd cu t as well as other di·y our.ed of Catarrh, but I know that I CLm. 1 tor of the Gate House on Thomaston lead people to au~ur well for his future if d8 l th d . ....Jw;;-c.im.nno retumof thediaea.si;i. and n~ver The hcndofthefa.mily has all kinds of road , baa a. dog who goes a mile a.nd he ia spared. He is a vigorous, stro:ig· goo iouses at a vert1seordered 6 'fe1t better in my life. I have tried hso ,11Y labor-sa"iog machinery in his field of action, ~ half every morning to meet the t r a in. minded man with liberal peaceful ideas, and work--they peddle your cloths all 'l'I ,t.hings for Catar[:·t l!r~c~~~dsot:~~ali:.:1 th~f bn~ too of ten it is the case that t.he woman of The paper was formerly thrown off by the the world needs such persons very badly, · . V 1 · l°a~a;1!afi;ab~'tte:" i the house has to get along, wit hout t he as· brakeman of t he last car, a.nd there the especially when they occupy positions of over town to a number of tailors )> I consider that mine was a very bad caee;ht sistance of such labor-s!\Ving devices as are dog watched for it. Lately it bas been i such commanding infiuence as .. Our Fritz" t o be made up cheap, so call upon 'Wal! aggravated and chronic,J . invclvlng \ ~ appropr iate to her sphere, and the work thl'Own from the bagga.ge-car. Tlie dog ap- does. If he were restored to good health C) :,roa~~\well \~s th~ !1f:!\h~::~~f::tr:en~ts she bas t-0 do. Thia is not as it should be. pearcd angry at the change, barked iuri- the jubilations over the event would not b~ IYES and get your Cloths c( ·b ui°frcel r~Y; 0ui'.:~u~; the two se11t me, and j 'r he man who seek s t-0 save labox in the ously, ant). Wll>ited sulleuly for some time confined to the 1' , a.therland, or to those hi l·m thankful that 1 was ever induced to sond field by the use of machinery, oughb to have b . efor e going on his errnnd. He has not who~e Dll.~iv. e t<>ngue is G . erman . · .... .&o ycu. . . · thl letter stating in mind t he fact that his wife lias to work yet become r econciled to the new way of Th. 1 lU · W. ._ . You are at hberty toduse st t t and quite as ha.rd in the kitchen as he has been deliveriog his paper Below D erby a " og "co our cC>ntest goes ofi l:ilost encourth&t I have been onrc at two rea. men s. ·' "" agi gly I Oxf d Oh' h y · l l aha.II gladly recommend your remedy to somE I in the ha.bit of doing out of doors and that has acted for severa.l years as newsboy tor hn h n ~r ' io, wd ere a new ours sincere· y, 1 it is his duty to procure for her such helps la number of fam ilies. .Df.. m:r friends who.are sufferers. The p apei·s are sc 001 ouse was ate1Y erecte · aud :w·here 'Will be fotmd in valuable for the hair and ECalp Yours, with many thanks, _ as will lighten her toil and do a.way, as 1 tluo'rn out of t he cars under full speed. t~e coloured peopl~ hav~ dem~.nded it as a. It cleanses tbo scalp of o.11. Dandruff, in vigor: And hundreds of ! th.!;;.::· B . STEVKJSSON much as posJible, with the drudgery d I \.V hether one or a large bundle of them the right 1to T~nd t heuh cbibldron to k t. h r. new · · · ates the growth of the hair, and in cases o ( 10 ba.ldncss, whi>,re there are the slightest sigos ot house-work. In buying m11.chinery for him-1 dog is able to lug them off, makiog good scb.oo · case as ee:1 · ta en to the roots left it w ill produce good crops of ha.ir. - ·-·--· eelf and not for her he ia guilty of that form time back. Another dog, who bas become cou~ts, a nd the _ first d.eclSlon has been It i·e~tores grey hair ~o Its original color, a.net . . , of ~i:lfishneas which ie almost, if not quit e, a veteran a.~ newsboy, and cannot now, from against th~ e~clusive . whi tes: . Seventy-five is an excellent dre8amg DO N01' DEL.AY , if your hair is in a w eak . Yrri ~ 1:0 M ff~ !fj.J crime. a.gc and rheumat ism, get down to t he cars, of the prmcipal white farruhes have now condition g et a bottle at once. , 111 lHJ ~ ~·~(] &@ ~ Husband and wife are pal'tners in the has in some way mana11ed to tr11.in a. younger agreed to refuse employ~ent to a.11 colourecl For so.lo by ;r, H IGGI NBOTHAJ\1 & SON VJ , k f j'f h h · ·h f · l d t d h. k ]] ·d d 0 b ' persons ex:cept on condlt1on that they aban· and a ll dr ugglsis. A sk tor it, ·· Hasrecoived hor new stock of 'l'I or o 1 e, eac 1.wrng c arge o a spec1a og o o is wor . war s orne, re· 1d th 1 · '.l'h. · f 1. h . department, and what each does in that de- aidiog below Naugatuck, has a dog who re- on e c aim. is is a ~o Is and 1oem g A. DORENWEND, Sol e Manfr. pM·tment contributes to the general welfare gularly meets the early morning t rain. This 1511.me o~ the part of the ;whites. The fight 'l 'ORONTO, CANADA.. and benefit of the "firm." Neither has house is a mile from the railroad, and the is now m the courts and the col.ou red people A. Doren wend iBth e leading manufact urer t he moral ri~ht to consult his or her inter- dog never leaves on h is errand until he have mon~y e?ough to fight it out there. -and invites the Ladies of Bow ests of Bair Goods in Canada. alone. The interests of both should be hears the t rain whistle at Beacon Falls N o doubt i t will be fought out ancl the re· ma.nville and vicinity to call regarded, and the kind and thoughtful hns· Station. Then he starts on a run, and waita 81 '.lt will be .th11;t colou red like white,cit izeua band will not ca.re to monopolize all the at t he same spot always, with h is nose pok· will get their rights. Why ahouldn t t hey ? and see her Pattern benefits resulting from the labor of both. ed between the palings of a fence, and his The Russian students are and hne always F or every machine th'at he buys Jor himself keen eye watching for the flying paper." been a somewhat t urbulent lot. No wonder. . VETERINARY S UR GE ON , WILL CURE OR RELIEVE to save labor, or make work easier and mor e Despotism does not afford a. very pure . and . BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, and a.ssortmen t ot effective, he will buy one for his wife. Ile To Constantinople by Ra.ii. bracing atmosphere in which youthful DROPSY will furnish her a good washing.machine, aotivity and independenc.-e can comfort. DYSPEPSIA Honorary Gr a dua te of Outario Veti1c11> y FLUTTERING and a wringer. There will be a good churn, Since our .Atlantic and Pacific coasts ably breathe. R egulate universities as ty· INDIGESTION1 College, M em ber of Onhrio Vet.ex · and the stove will be one with all the were unit ed by iron t racks, no r ailroa d en· r anny may, there is scarcely the possibility inary A ssocia t ion., will att end HEART, "modern improvements. " There will be a t erpriats have eurpassed in interest and im- of making t hem nurseries of slaves. F ree t o all diseases of d o mestic .!'!:i~~~c!~eond Doer West or William· cistern, snd i;he cist ern. will h ave ~ pump, portance those which are now nearing com- though t s will come in, and free speech will SALT R HEUM, THE STOMACH, animals. · nnd, of couree, there will be a sewmg ma- pletion in the Balkan States. The railroads be cr aved for . Nicholas had difficult work HEARTBURN, . DRYNESS . · - -- - chine, Bl~d, p~r~apa, a knitti_ ng machi!le· which, under the stip~la:tion~ of ~he .Berlin with his students and .Alexander III. Eeems HEADACHE. OF THE SKIN, Why not? knitting by hand I& somethmg t reaty, have been bu1ldmg m Serv111 and equally bothered In fa.ct despotism should .And e v er y speci es of disease a:rising like going through a ~orn·field with the old Bulg~ria,. are abo1.1t . to be joined to ~he i not have any schools of learning at all. It .tl'Om d isor dered L IVER K IDN E YS. A Sl'ECIA L T Y. hoe. If he has a cultivator to do that work Turkish hnca, and it IS expected t hat with lives in the daJ·kness and hates the light STOMAC ii,BOWELSORBLOOD. ' with, why should she not have a machine in ten week s .l:'a.ris and Berlin will be con· The best plan is to r egubt e such places out Oall11 ~nd Or~ers by mail or telegraph & r. ,ir',, l'roprietors, N !rORON!rO. to do the family knitting with? Sha ca.n nected by rai111 running across the B a.lkan of existence. Still \that on the other band will rece i ve prompt atten tion. knit ~venings, do yon .say? \Vhat will you ~enin~ula.r with Constantinople . and with is not easily managed. When will the bond~ C HARGES M ODER.A.TE . be do1!3g then? Rea.dmg the newspaper, or g,,Jomca on the lF.gea.n Sea, Servia has co~- of ignorance, despot ism, euperstition and 1 OFFIC E HO U RS, 8 TO 10 A. M. ~agazme, eh ? \Vell, perh11.ps she . would · pleted her ~M"t 0 the work! and t he gap_e ID humbug be universally t hrown off? It may ' A ftrst·claas 'stock of Medlcluea always like to r e<>d somE", rather than be obliged to the Bulgarian hne a.re rapidly shortewng. be sooner t han one expects It cert i l on hand. '-!'he pulse of modern life ~as ~eat.eD feeb· will be sometime. Even in liuasfa t he ;r~fo j , spe.nd the_hours until bed-tim~ in knitting. N. B.- Will visit Williamabnrg e very 'lhmk of 1~. "l)ut yourself m her place," ly m.t~eae Balkan Sta.t~s. Their backward blind Sa.mpson is snol'ing in his troubled, .i Saturday of e&eh week. 16-l y and- do aa yon would be done by. oond1t10n has been due m no sm·ll mea~ure d ist urbed sleep. Suppose he were to get , . To buy Foot Gear for M eo, Women, - - - ·- - - -- -- -- · - - - - - ___ to the fac~ that th_ ough t~cy are the s ubJect - fully a.wake, wouldn'li there be a fine reckon B oys and Maidens, at Tested Receipts of g i·ave mternational d ispu tes the¥ have ing tinie for somebody? PUREST, STRONCEST, BEST. ' been lar gely cut off from commercia.l and R eady for use in any quanti1:y, F'or CAKE FRITTERS.- Cut ~ome stale cakes social r elations with t he north. Eastern ,It is very creditabJ.e to the Duke of fl making Soa p, Softenin g Wi:ite>r, J)isin- into round~ or fquarel!, ~I!d ligh t!y fry in Roumelia a nd a pa.rt of Bulgaria. hi;,ve dealt 1 Su therland that he ill the only laud lord in .. i ,T VETERIB ARY SURO-EON. .ftlotin g ,and a hundre d othe.t· u ses, A la~d t.o a.m~~ brow.n ; dip .each shce w~en with norther n Europ~ only by way. of i' the Nor~h of. s .ootland whose rents t he ,.,..... can equals 20 pound a Sal Sorla., fried m b->1hng milk, dram, spread with Turkey and the Mediterranean, and in . Crofter Commission has not reduced. Not Solcl b y oU Grocers and Drum;ists, E . W, GILLE'l"I', TOR.ON'l'O. preserve, and pile on a hot di~h, serve with point of time as been as for from London as 'a case on tha.t estate of a.n unfair rent cream sauce. Ca.lout.ta is. I t will be a notewor thy event! was found. Indeed the commieHioners p u t BEEF A LA Mom:.-Take about four or five in the histor y of Europe when t hese rew II up the rents on an aver age of 9 per cent. all pounds of the round of beef or rolled ribs, lines prad ically complete grco.t iron high.- round. This speaks well for the Duke. J;f put it into a saucepan with a sliced onion a ways through the entire length of the conti- such were the plan of all la.nd lcrds, t here ' little whole a.llspice, three ot· four bay leav~a, nen~, that :Will br!ng. some of the :n~st in e.· would ..be l~ss agitation and d is conten i;. A t ·Your att ention is dire ct e d to the immense pep-per, salt , a t es.cup full of r aspings, and cess1ble l"egions w1th1~ a few da.y s Journey'! r~s~lut1on. m the 1yh~le land system ~f t he suffi cient vinega.r di!lu ted with water to of every nort hern capital. f ,.,n1ted Kmgdom 1s Ill progr ess and 1f the stock of cover it ; stew gent ly for from t hree to four Both Ssrvia. aud Bulgaria. are looking for - landlords are wise t hoy will l e..d t he v; a.y hours, according to the weight of tho mea.t. ward to the end of this great work as the by . moderat e, considerate dealinirs with This dish is excellent cold. Rump-steak dawn of a new and hopeful er a. Wide and j their tenants. In a good many cas es t hey may be stewed in the ea.me way. fresh fields for the tourist will be opened in 1are preferring to keep t heir land in their O ur New Ste ck has arrived, and com TRI'F~E.-Boll in three gills of milk ha.If a gre~t territ.ory whose unique institut ions o"'.n hands ~at)ier th!'n let t hem at pr esent prieee some thing nea t and pretty for of every description at foe rind of an . orange and. half the· rin .cr of a !"nd pict nres1 1ue landsc!\pes have heeTn .stud- . prrnes.. This _is foolish and short:a1 ght?d, L d G lemon two m ches of cnmamon stick a 1 ed only-by adventurous travellers. · be not, and w1ll lead m many cases to their losiqg a ies, ood and S erv iceable for M en laurel \ eaf and t hree cloves Afterw~rds a little remarkable t hat the wonderful scen· j their p roperty alt.ogether. The landowners and Boys, and Bonte that R Boo111 for She haa just o~ried out one of the largest take out these ingredient,s,' and mix into ?ry of Her?.egovina is lees fomi!iar to most 1 h.a.vo h!\d the ball a t t heir fee t for genera- e\'ery member of t he h ousehold. Graduate of the o11t arlo Veterinary College, and most stylish 11tock11 ever broug ht the milk s ufficient sugar to sweeten, ai'x m telllgent Europeans. than India and parte j t1ons andI th!1ve. made wha.t 1 laws they Registered member the Ontar io Veter inary .T - 1 l d t th t th d tu Medical of .A ssociation. t o to.WU, COll.llisting Of :] tablespoonfuls of w ell-bolled aago~it sh ould 0 f t h e H 1m...aya.s, , ., , 'f ease '. , IB imc a ey 18 a rn . ... j I I j D · . S"J'I· _ be jellied- t he yelks of thrt>e egga and Who k11ows what pos_BJbthtJee of progreBB I T~e privilege~ classes ha_ v e generally been TRIJNK.S, TAJ.ISES, & SA1'CBEl.S. I N STOCK. .tarOfftce and Residence, Newtonvillc, Ont. n.a D ery, I e 8 S I .-!!I twice the weight of cream. B oil up' a ain for the unf~rtuna.te pen~nsula may be cre&t· · ~b.~d to the signs of the t imes, when thes.e WillvlsitOronoever;v Tneeda.y anit!Sat urday Vel vets, &c., just oace, . a.ud stir well the whole i;fme by theee railroads crossmu vhe Ba.lkana? md1ca.te.d t hat they ought to set their .-.Ordered W ork a n d R e pairing a g:~~:.~uii~t!f.o~a~l~ ~Y mT~l~pf·;:cel:! with a ve fine stock of F eathers and When it hii.ii.cooled, pla~e in the centre of - - - - -- - -- - -houses m o: der, and ? ea.r themselves mod· Specia.Ity , as usual. Immediate attention. ry Fl t he dfoh you mtend servmg in some st ewed Th H ' h t Wt "-11 · h W id cs tly and with becomrng r eason. W ell for D . DAVI S. CHARGES MODE R.A1'R. . . pears or da msons, or any fruit prefcrr~d. e Jg !.Ill a ·0Ii iWS Ill t e or . those of the :Present day if they a.re fo und . ' o~e~. Call and inspect thia fine d18play, lfh1ch Pour over t hem the trifle then surmount Accor ding to Dr. Wer tech, the highest . to be excep t ions. t he whole with well frothe'd cream, and or- waterfalls nre the three Kribs Falls, in the can11ot fail to give satisfaction. nament with similar fruit to t hat inside. urper P rinzgau, which ha.ve a tota.l height o 1,148 feet . The threo falls next in height F ROZEN P unnnm.-Steop six bitter al· are found in Sca.r dinavia·-·the Vere Foae, in monds bruised, and the peel of a lemon Romedal (984 feet) ; t he Vet tis Foss, on (pa.red very thin) in a pint of milk on the Sog nE> Fjord (853 feet) ; t he Rj uk.11.n When n e.b y was sick, we gave her Caatona. th e stove, at almost boiling point, uutil FoBB, in Thelemarken (804 feet). With a When ebc Wl\S a Child, ahe cried for Cast.aria the flavor is well drawn out ; add one ounce d · b · h f 3 f h h ' of gelatine and a pinch of salt , · stir till ecreaee m eig t 0 21 eev. t e t rce When she became Yise ehe clang to C1111tori V elino Falls (591 feet), near Zerni, the Wh h h· ·' Chil ' "'. gelatine isdiBSol ved; strain and return to bir t hplace of t he hietori1Jon Tacitus, follow eue e ..,. dron, ahegavethem Caaton., 1 the sa.ucep an ; a.dd half a. pint of thick cream next, and a.re succeeded by the t hree Toss11. and tive ounces of sugar ; let it all j ust boil; Fa.ils; in the Val Forma? ..Z!\ (541 feet). T he 1 stir in quickly the yelks of six eggs well G!\stein Fal,s, in the Ga.stein Valley (469 beaten; set the saucepan in boiling wat er feet), a.re midway between the Skj ·ggedal - -- -- -- --· :FREEMAN is aud stir t ill thick, but be car eful not to let Foss, in the Harda.n~er Fjord (524 f.cet), and ; the eggs cu rdle : pour it out l\nd stir till the .Boring Foss, ,in the ea.me fj ord. The POWDERS~ net1orly cold; then mix two and a half ounces great Anio C· \SJade, near Tivoli (315 feet), 'j "' of candied cherries, a.nd t wo ounces of cit- appear s sm all by ,the side of the foregoing, Are :plen.imnt to t 11k a. Contain their oWll ron cut small, er throe ounces of preserved but iB still larger than t he Falls of tho E lbe I lnr:inttrn. ls r. BUfe, 1 mre, 11.n<J. clfcctuai gin ger, and one ounce of pistnche nuts 1n · the R. 1 esenge b'u ge, w h' 1c h a.re only 1' '"8 ' doatro.Rlr o'Z worm11 in Children or Adllltllt b 1ancI1ed ; pour the pud ding into an oiled feet high. If the width of the fa.Us is t a.ken mould and pack in ice. If ginger is used, · to 'd t· th t · serve t he g inger syrup as a sauce, if cherrie~ m cons1 era ion, e mos imposmg are those of t)le Victoria Falls of t he Zambesi, · AND OFFERS HER STOCK OW use cherry syrup or currant jelly mixed with b' b 394 f h' h b · 1 h 0f syrup for sauce,· boil together half a cup of 8,200 w ic feet. are A ,long cct way ig ' behmd )'. a. wu t the. DIRE C'f W IRE COMl't"UN CAT ION · com(\ i. water and a cup of sugar to make t he sy rup. Niag~ra Falla, 177 feet high and 1,968 feet OF CA N ADA. B oxLED F LOUR. - The bJi!ed bowl of flour wide. The t hird largest fall is that of the · Active fluctations in the Market, ~apUal paid up, s1,o!°,eoo. llest. IUGo.oo 11hould be in eyery housewife's store closet the Rhine at Scha~bauBEten, 14~ feet wide, offer opportunities to specula.- ·-~----·---·· ----- --==-=~=====--:: wer; whenever yu make a effort tu smuthe CATARRH ita hare, yu m<J.y be ecrtin tha.t the pa.rent~ U nkle Josh's Advice to Parents. It a child commences a dogein and a. dukein its hed, and thro1vin its littel he.na and ~nns up c> ver its face, in s6lf protexun as it 1 rice is not always well do ·rn, a.nd yet it is the simplest of m&tt.ers ; that it should be dry ill doubly important when the intention is to serve it oa an a.dditio!' t o another vegeAf · table . d ishh with Y ea.nee. · a ea.voi · th fi ter · wash mg t e rice, put . H over lt d e rem te PIenty of actuaJIy l >01Uug, ua. e wa r. and boil it fast for tlfelvo minutc.s; t.hen dra.in off all the water; ·place the aauaepan containing the rice either in t he oven wit.h the door open, or on a brick upon the back of the stove, and let it 11team for ten minu tes longer, or until it ia as tender as desirable; every grain will be distio ct ard the rice qui[;e free from moisture. Rice boilP.d t oo I ong is · wat·ery imd soggy. When "t is · tender, it may be seasoned with salt, pepper and butter, or served plain. GINGK R CooKIEB.-'£wo teo.cupfols molasoea, a teacupful each of but ter and sugar, t wo tea.spoonfuls each of ginger and oinnamon, three te~.spoonfuls soda, half cup boiling w ater, a nd alum t he s:ze of half a hazelnut. Dissolve the alum and soda in the hot wate.r , t hen add the other ingredients and sufficient flour t o roll out without sticking They should be somewhat thicker thau · ginger snaps. Bake in a hot oven. - - - - ------ - - - --. ---------- ---·- - ---·--- --·---·------~-----.MISOELLANEOUS ITEMS. .. The Q11een,· it seems, has scolded tr. e Prince of Wales fot hob-nobbing wit h s u 11' 1van. Gcod for her, thougli pity that the heir apparent needed such a scolding. dist urbed at night and broken of your r est by a sick child suffering and cryioa with pain of Cuttin g Teeth i If so s~nd at once and g(·t a. b ottle of "Mrs. Winslow's S oothin g Syrup. " For children teet hing, its value is incalculable . . It will r elieve the poor lit tle sufferer immediately . D epend u pon i t, m ot hers ; t here i~ n o m istake ab ou t it . I t cures Dyse ntery and Diarrhooa, regnlat es t he S tomach and B Jwela, cnr es W i nd C olic, so ftena the Gums, r educes I nflamcnat iou, and giv e i tone and energy t o the whole sy~tem. " Mrg, vVin~l ow 'e S oot h ing Syru p' ' ~'or cliild~en teet h ing i s pl easant to the t~ste and is tho prescl:'iption of one of the oldest a nd best. fem a le physicians and nursee in tho U~ite d S ta tes, and is for sale by all druggists through the world. Price 25 cents a bot tle. Be sure and ask for "Mus. W rNsr.ow 's Soo:I'JUNG SYRUP. " an d talre n o other kind. Ai>VISE TO MOTHERS.Are y ou _ .__~- ~ G R )AIN ! Jno. McMurtry'& Co. A good number of people who farioy that they are wise, affect to ~peak desparagingly of life insurance, and <)ncourage both them· selves and other persona in tryillg some other and bet ter plan for the good of their ta.milies. They are foolish, all t he same. " The moat thoughtful a.nd p11.tri.otic of Ji reachmen am greatly ple· sed ·t the. ell!' · ~ Ca.mot. ~ ~ ·ion as P resident of Sadi They hold that be is by no means t h e weak man he is often r epr esent ed to be. He is said of b e a firm, moderate republican, who hates war and lovea his country. . I E CLIP 1 V<U 1 .:'1IV h G 8 I D DQRE .. N·wE -.ND'S Z I 8 l I I I I as ::c .. 1d £'i: II.I :0 I i I 10 s: I I I p RQp E RLY VA.DE = 0 -.. W H IVE s C T "ay 'a. I I G-Q Q D S ., SONNETS, HATS F . A . JONES as;,.: EN NI SK ILLE :t·... .' TRIMM INGS --- I !~~~1~',ftAs, ACl~ti~f Operations & Dentistry GILLETT~ POWDERED T. MILBURN LV ! 99 PERCENT I I I I DA r-i S' EMPORIUM! L A DIE S Popular No. 1, Boot and .Shoe . M I L L I N E Ry I MRS. DONNELy-~s LJ I ah .. ..., & I MRS. MO RRISON - -I 8 - - WORM c ox co . SELLING OUT, Giving up· Bt1siness, intending to leave town, rrORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE STAN DAR D BA NK ~hla Ba~k ~a I --- prepared to do Legitimate Banking l n all its branohea. bag tie up a 11\rge coffee cupful of flour, l eav . J!'armera note a dlaoo_ unted; Depoalts ing a. little room for it to swell. Drop into noelved and Interest paid on a mounts of' a pot of oolcl water, place on the fire and let 16 upwards in Savings Bank Depart ment; (it boil steadily four hours. Turn out the D RA F'l' flower ball D.nd let it dry all day in the bot sun. Grate a tablespoonfulof this wet wi th , I asuec1 and Collectlons made in Europe a. little cold water, and mlx in a cu P of United S t a te boiling milk and wa·-r snAaoned ~1 'th -- ·t · a a nd Canad a. "" · ~ " 1>tu · lf;;. J. ,TONFJS,' I t.is very nice food. A&·n GEOllGIA B-0ILED Rr<lll. - The boiling of :!c~~ !i~h~!{ !>:dii~;;.~1 cI~e~~;~\d:~~~~ f~1~ni!fen~!::rca.~!!t c~!~a~~g~~~~ili!: gigantic falls as r egards·cubic contents. Not Sick a Day. s Physician- " Patrick, don't you know better tha.n to have your pig pen 80 close to Prompt. atten tion given to 01·ders. h h 1 t e ouse ? " Jui' phy ehud oi not , sir?" PatrickOffice over Murdoch's Store. "It's unhealthy." · "Be ...way wid yer noD8nse. Sure the Entrance b y T elephone Staircue. pig hai niver bwu Mick a. day in hb loif, " I 11-U . I tors to make money in Grain , Provisions, S t ock s, Bonds & P etroleum. Fai:cy G·oods and ""V\1 ools A.T COST. WEST END MILLINERY HOUSE.