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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1888, p. 8

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]}1t1PLE GROVE. The S!1owden Brothers are making the I LESH ARD. Mr. Fred Rundle of Darlington, near clove· dust By. liere sold re~en1.Jy a veatlin!l filly and a John and Willie had better hold the foal ~ix munths old hy "Uliver TwM," lin· s neid; t.ime. to a west...rn buyer h· a Vldry han ds ·me Mr. C . Gibson has gone to tlle Statea figure. , Tho~e two ~,.i lts we1·... nut of Mr. t r1 learn dentistry . Rundle s registered 111arE>. . He h·a only a 5 year old mare left, of th,. proge1;y of Mr. Chas. Foley, eldest son of Mr. _l~. this la.rge mare, and her equal wottld b e · D. Foley, of Mam·ou, ., 1~ on a ~is1t hard to !ind to his uncle and many ft tends rn. Darhug· ton. HAT A~~ u11 HALF PRICE 'rJill I l - - - - o- -- - 6 Bought at I · CHEAT STOCK TAK/NB SALE Fron1 now to Feb. 1. - - - o- -- Last week as Mr. S. Jefferv a nd son wer,. ··ll their way to Bowmanv11le with a land roller be bind their sleigh, 1he to· gue cau!!hh in a limb of a. tree and came' n ear t1reaking Mr. J effery's leg,. Am<·n g t he rec~nt visito rs atf>: Mrs. Ellie t, of R cheatt1r; Mr und Miss O·umper, of Picker ng; Mr aud th e Mhses Power, and Miss Bar · l~tt, of C.:.rtwright; an.-i Mr. Charle~ Foley, of M · nitoha. Charl ie lt1 oka as if the cold climate a~rees "it,h him . Thll S . of T held 1,heir nnnual enpper on thtl !)th, which was a lwge l'UC" t-sll. 0 sttirs were served by th,· yon ng peo11le iu· <lane". after which a good progr-·m "as r end e red by me mbers 8ome a<,ted as thou~h they h»d mor e than oyster soup Th,, proceeds amounted t o $54-.60 . A n ew h~ll is to he built next summer for b , t~ er accommudation. . D EXTEH, '!O WN COUNCIL. Cot"NOIL CnAllllER, ,ran. l G. On Muud y mm11wg ~he memb11r11 el.,cted fur 1888, lOlJk the oath ot q uali · tic'ltton ntad made thti us ual d<clatatiun, Police Magis mue Ha nf;s a<l mi111s tJring the oarh to M11.yur You11ill aud 11.lter· wa rds Mayor Younie to tntl 01 her mem· hers. Mr. Jeffery has t11k'n Mr. Wesley's chair. Mr. QllitJk Mr. Cornisll'11, Mr. P ..tiinson Mr. B ·'s, Mr. H .. l"IH:l :Mr. Galo's1 Mr, G ..Je, Mr. L11,our11bt1's, and Mr. M11ckay Mr P1g!lott's. Mayor Younie addrt seed the Couucil reft1rring to the large au1>1unt of llud Im· purtant work that lay before 1 nem aurl 11op~d to receive the co· operation of the members. They would have to move ca utiously and safely. Mr. Mackay tendered his resignation as member for the s ,iuth \\ ard on account of his own bueineas req ,.iring all of hia time and attention. Rtsignathn accepte:l. .A committee was appointed com po~e.d of Messrs. T Burdtm, C hairman, R. R. Andrew, D. r. Morua, F. Mason, R. Worih and H. Gale, to strike tile stand· Jng C11mmittees for the year, after which the Council adjGurn1:d to 8 p. m. E v!i:NU4G SEl!SION. Member~ all prea· ent. Tile repvrt of tllti 0 -·1I1mittet1 on Stauding Curumitteee Wall pre een.t e·I. Cooucil went into Committee of the whole' n the re"ort. F vlluwing are the Cormnit tt>eB: On Fi;iauce--Andrew, Mason , MCtrri~, Yu111116. loa8, nnd looeaoribably miserable, bo th physically Md mentally ; expcrltince a scoso of fullness or b loating aft~r eating, or of "gona- Do you fee1 dull. lnnguld, low-spirited. lifC'· mouth\ 1rrcg11l11.r appetite, dizziness, froqucnt hcadncnes, blurrod cy('sight, "floating specks " before the er.cs. nervouB prostration or ex· hnnstlnn. lrr1tnbility o r temper. bot liuslws, altcrmltlng wJtb chilly sensations, slmrp bit ing, trnn~it·ut pains here nml ther e, cold feet, drowsiness nttor moals, wnlcefulncss. or dlsturbed nnd um·cfreahing sl'1()J), constant, lndescribablu feeliug of droad, 01· of l mpuucling calamit.y? l f yo u have au, or any considerable number or t hese symptoms, you are sutterlng from that most common of American rnnlad1es!Jilio us Oysµcpsiu, or 'l'orpid Li vcr, l\Ssocint~d w ith Dys pepsin, or Jmllgest lon. '.l'lie moro 00111 plicnte<l your discMe !ms become, the great er tho number and cli\'e t-aity of symptoms. No matter wltu.t stn(!·e it hns roached, Dt'. Piet·ec's Golden llllcu!cul Discovery will subdue !t" it' tak~n nccor<linir to d ircc· tions !'or n r onso1m.tile length or time. lt' not cure d, compliontions multlpl.v nnd Consump. t ion of L ile;- Lun9·s, Ski n Disc;isero, H c1u-t D!liCt1se, rt 1ieumr·t is111, 1~rnn1 'r Discn..~e. 01· other 1 rrnve naltl<lios nrc q uito hnhlc t o set in and, soon e r f~·'~c?t~g?;gP~~~i~~.ofb~~~~na6~ £~dth:asrrgrf~ ITJfllWill I I LPJJill ~ill!il~illID determined to clear out the balance of our S()LlNA . Colds are y, ry prevalent in this neighborhood. The popullltion in 1]rn village is 01i the i ncrease. Soon be a city, e h ·1 Rev. Dr. Shaw prrnch ed a missionary sermon at Mt. Vernnn ou Sunday morning la>t, · Mr. a nd M rs. W. W erry and family, of Crys · al t!ity, l\huitoba, h ave beev .; visiting around here. Messrs. J L angma d, J. Awd~ and J. R ..s· liaYll go111< 10 1311lleville Business College for a te1m Success b ..ys. H orse h n~ ers h ave been plentiful aro.,nd ot lat... M ... T. \\ ard r ecHutly ·o ld a fi· e animal to Mr. Boyd . d Toron'<'~ for a handsome I r ice. It i~ said to b " t e beet Ji .. rse ddi vered in Bow111anville thi1 wiwer. l desir~ to return my sine' ro tha nk s to, iny nu·n'-'rous · u-tc~mers for t'· cir libera l' pa' f.,r the µa,t ten 'ears, ancl I shail dn 1~y ur.moat to gi· e t lrnm t he benefit of my ripening expcrie r·ce in t he f ·t ure . Spt cial and p rompt atte -t·o 1 1 will be given to all orders for bl<1,c~smitl111-g and o· rp cutry and all wo.. k t urn· d o·P will be fully warranted. Wishing you ,,11 th e c"momplimcnts of the seao0n. W. A. 'foM, )!', intlucc a fnt ul tcrn1i nniion. )!h. Pi crco·s ~olden nJ!etlic a l Dis. c ovo ry acts powerfully upon the Live r, and · hrnugh tlmt great blood-purifying oqpm, ,1irnns1,.o; the system o f nil bloocl-tni nts nncl i m011 r it ies, from w hntcvcr cnuse a rising. It Is '<Jually cf!icacious Jn act ing upon t h" Kid· ieys. irn cl other excretory organs, cle1tosing, I 10 CASES Prints, Ginghams and Shirtings at about Half Price. ----01---- :t t·c11 g·th1·ning·, n.nd henling !ig·e~t.ion nncJ n utrit ion. t her eby b ullili ng up ~ntl1tlcsh tcllll St.l'(!l11,1"t-h. ricts, chis won1le r ful lrl('dlclncI11malal'i:1lclist hnM gl'.liue<l grout celchrit v in curing l·'e,·er nnd Ague, Chills lllld l~cvcr, fJ mnb Ague, 1 rnd m iippe t lzlnJ.r, r cstorntiYe tome, 1t promotes the~r <l1 aeaaeoa .As c~:~r~iot·co·s kindred d isc1ts·...s. Golclcn lU e dlcnl DIS· CURES ALL HUMORS, Ru1tda & Street3-Burden, W ortl1, Jtff'.·ry. 2 · 2w. GOODS.) 111 o!·d er to clo so we are offor11.1c all such goods at tre me.uu ous reductions as we be- lim t; it will pay us to turn even at a los;), 1 'ttther then keep them llimn i!lto ~oney, !'or another season. - - o-- .. We are Selling · _ Hoods, 'N ool Shawls at Cost. Children's Wool Toqucs,Ta1i1 o' Shanters,Coat1' HA MJ'TUN. Mr. and Mrs, B . Dickinson , ,,f Hope, W··r e .-isitiu1r fria.nd s here t nis we~k. As we predicted some time "go t.hat t h ee young m"n whoso 1111.111 ..s b e,,an "i1h W, w- uld sh .r ·lv b a m1trr ied . S .uce· t 1 IWO nf thorn have, t h.i OliJer 1s ex. i ~cted pre ty s " n A Sa.hb-. h Sch·wl c1111vention i· to h" hdrl itr this vill~>! E', b egining on W edn esd av ~l) t.h inst. SpHa k ·-'rs lr om T ..1011to and otlrnr pl ceMwill address tho me<iting. Partl· ulars ne:x·. week. A ci t izen liv·ng i n the S ·nth W ·rd , wh o haR b ee n for weeks C"" t·nuoualy in d ubinr, too fr, ely in '"Tangle }. g." a · d raisi ng tiob in geu· ral, w .. s """ n g ht la ·t wee k un ce rim · n10usly trent d t·>" slrnw... r ba rh , sai<l to b ., a for~t~ste of what is in sto·e. The 8 TATESMAN is 11·iil h » p ·1 1ufa r pa· r er 1n tl>1s lt-cHlit y. uo ·with~L· "' 111g t e stn:n ons dforr ~ t.h .t the rival ed 11o ur a d some · f h1~ ze· l us friend· am p11tt<r g forth tn injure t "'"' repu r ,,.ti n a nrl 'vi1 ify the Edi or .. f this p ·1:" -r w.. h . ve lldV · r y et· eud 011e p"rs"u jus ify Mr. C hmii; i .. hi s com se. The mi·s·onarv me ting on Tu :S" a y <'f last Wt'eli w >l-1 w1ill a ·t,·nd ·d . The 1.rin· dp I .. ttr·ctio · biding th" presen ce of R -v . Y Fl iraiwa, a n J.iive .f- .·e missionary in foll costnme was "ery intere~tin g a "d encour ·ging to thoHe eriga ,ed in t he uork, showim! the raf.J icl ·trill es that t he Chds ia n r «<hgi.. n 1s m~ l<iug in that d enstly populatt d c" uutry. 0 Ther e was a '2,reat hop i n the neig '1 horhood 0n Friday evenin ~ list . J A CK . - - - - · ------ Cemtitery-1\'IorriA, Marnn, Horn. Pub. Prop11rty- Wor1.h, Ma.0011 1 Andr.,w. · & Water-Burden.Quick, Hurne. e. P ,.or .R..lief-Jetfery, P .. ·ti11au 11,Ga 1 Court Re vi~1 00 --Masoo, Burct.,n , Worth, Q,.Je, Qniok. Pulic <i-- Gal.,, Pattinson, B urden. Mr. W. R1Jwe »JJplied fr.r the position of Roads ·lid Str u.Jt Cum111tl!oiouer. 011 t a.hie. Sumll ace· unts were pr"s"nted and re ferrerl to 1 hti F rna nce CJ.,mmit' "e. Mr. W. S. R ····e ll w"s 'appuiut,, d trus ·e, iu plac" uf Mr. ,J. B F n11 t.iairo, who·e ·enu · x1>ir.-d M.,~ers. T. H. V itnn nnd Chas. K ..ith Wf",rn 1·e-a1>µoiutcd au<litvre l\t a s,,( ,1y fro111 common 0 1· E ruption, to the won't aSc rof uJu. Dlot 8nlt ch, -rhcu1n, u }?e\·er~sores,u Sca ly or Hou,q-h Skin, In short, nil dise111ce ca11su1l by bad blood 1tre conquered by t bli powerful, purifying nnd invig·o rnting medlcinr". Great. Bitting bicers rnpidly heul under . its l.Je nigcn intluent'O. Espec!ully hns It ma11i f;oat1 Jd its potency In curing 'l'cttl'r, Eczemu, [Cl'J"Hipel:1s,l3oi la, Cnr bnnclcs, SorcEycs. Scrof. uloua ~ores 1tnd Swellings, Hip-joint Disease. "White Swellinga," Goitre, or 'l'hick Neck, 1 a nt! E nlurg ed Glands. Send t en cents In st.amps fol' ll large T r eatise, with colorel pltttt'St-. n n S_ k in Diseases, or the snme amount for a :.i'reatise on Scrof ulous AO'eotloua. 0 "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thoroughl y c!Pnnse it by uslng Dr. Pierootil Golden lVJ.odicnl Du1 coverr, and good digestion, a fnir ekln, buoyant splritsl vital strength nnd bodily healt h will be estab isbcd. We i·ntend g1 ·v1·ng-our c11s. . tomers the benefi.t of the above purchase so that they · b y the f ore may t a k e t ime · spring · k d t th e 1r 100 an ge sewing OUt 0 f th e way b e ~ore the rus'h of the spr1·ng. .l work. ., · . ., l CONSUMPTION, which ls SCl'OfDlll Lungii, fa arrested and cured by this Ortbe remedy, U taltcu In the enrllcr stages of tho disease. From tts mnr· volous power over tbls terribly fntal disease, when first oft'erlng thle now world- tamed rem· e<ly t otbopubllc, Dr.Plercethoughtserlousty of ca1ling It his " CONSUMl'TI ON QcrRE," but abandoned that nnm11 as too restrictive for a medlclne whlclt, f rom Its w onderful eomblnatlon of tonic, or stren11thonlng. altemtlvo. or blood~leansinll', 11.ntl-b1li0Ull, pectoral, and nutritive Jrorc;rties. is unequaled. not only :Jh~~~iTc ~lse°~s~o~rfilgtlon, but for au I of $ 15 1-"llCh. ~Ir . Bcarden f Pndereo h is re!ignntio n as Chai r1u11n of Fire Cum mit tetfl All· cepted ~ . -· Ma1 or Younie, Mesf! rs, And rmw, P.nd .\1a~o~1 " er., d eptlted to drttft r\ Bi ll t o b., e ubrn1t1 ed 10 1 hll Outarw Leg islature, fo r p e rm is·1011 t o iu crea~e thll Town debt by $50,000 A ~rn ut o f $2,f.0 per we.:k for two we· k s, was allowed to p~y Mr. Rtinal· sou's ex pe nses i u the Um p ta!. · A motion was "ass ~d iu~truotin~ the C l1 · tk t o obt.. iu from the late Mayor, all correopond ence in his oosse·sion re sp· ctin11 ap pli ~a1 i.,11s f,.r bonUsPA. Mr Morris l!1tV ~ notice .,f a ·uy-Law for appoi ntme nt. of T ow n r filc.,.rs. M ... er·. Burden, M11rri~ , Andre w and Miiaon wer .. appointed 11 Com to 1>nq11i ·e into ·he ma tter of»ppnintm ent of a Stre Ht Commissioner and r eport at u ~x t SoJcl h_ v Druwsts, nt ii;1.oo, or 81x DottJes for $&.oo. ..~Send ten cents ln stamps f or Dr. Pierce's .,.,olc on C~nsumption. Addre98, Liver, B lood, and lungs. Asthmn, Scvore Cougbs, uud Ji:JndtiJd n~rof'ii~~alt~115\~ro~~~t'j,~~n?r c.~ff~~. SJi.?o~: it cWtlsl llftect ons, is an eff!clcpt remedy. c 0 ITl.e ea rl y an.d get b a rg a 1 · n s as v vTe . h ave .t on I y a l I. rn I. t e d q U a n t 1 t 0 c h 0 0 s e fr 0 rn ~'X y · _ · I] c[ ;l D' I " I I ' Rl \I s · /· & <' · ~ · , , · j n ~ i · I . '. 1 ' . ' ,, · · · · ·i - -------------- The Prices 6631'1ala 8t.t BUFFALO, N. y, World's Dispensary Medical Association, DIS r RIC·r NOTES. tell, r ..rt Ilop~, dio:d 1n that to ·. n on 'fue~day P. atlim o. cu·efl by tho double t rea tment of Sou htru Aath wa Cure, is a cvmnwn fllll>lllk, , R . l\'T, C 1·11 .. ay, Am· r :c :nn Co· sul at the Quality .sells. t l SLOW BoY. and Clouds at 10 per cent. b elow crn"t. Somo Lines of Dress Goods at C ost . Fur Caps, Overcoats, Uobt>s, Blankets, Tiedowns, F lannf'ls, Wool Underwear at greatly R educed P l'iccs. J . E L. Cole winhea to tha"k bis nu mer,.u· customt-rs for ·h·' ir liberal J atro11ag .. d11rm!! thti I.> ·Ht year, a 11d r pqaests a co· tinuatio11 of 1he 11ame for the fut uM W1 s hh:g yo u all a hap 1·y a nd succc~sfu l N ew y ,.ar. Hi,,hes1 : Ca·h price p·id for Hidt'· , S heep a·-:n Calf Skin ·, 1'allow aud Ta.u Bark. F armer -' b eef clres·ed at s laugh ler h ou ·e f" r 50 <' .ents p e r h ead. J. E. L . C 1JLE, H ampton. ENFIELD. M:nst er Frank Niddery hs.s been ill with diµhth e ria . · R ev. Dr f'h·w, 'l'ornn to, oceu jiied the pulpit M.antles Ulsters Cloths on a htit'd of impo t ··d cat tle ~in o. h er<' · undav ,f1e rnoon . Jv.r.Da niel Dyer ha· gone to Quebec tn bring tho,~ a r e in qua,r- s.t Cost. ENNf,<{K JL L EN. --------· - -o-""" w e will fulfil the'ab ove ad,, vertiscment in every particuSt~l!~=l~~o h ad. the privilege or bel11~ the B of Mr. and Mrs. J\11.onr.p:omery enjoyed lar, and customers calling at 14'UCBI c:s:ceedingly t ho wedding festivities in their our store will always find :Mr. J M. Hu·ohls on left on T t1e·d··Y mllrn· inJ.: for Win "ipel? a g ».in. H e h "~ h~en v iQiting r1·le11ds in Western Ontario lor lhe last week or t.wo. · Am ,.,ng f'he vls1tora thlR past week : Mis1 MncK,1y, K; n·ele , Mr. W a t Blln, Orillia. ; Mr. Jos. M,., ,in, Jfamilton ; Mr. W. 8, Ste war d , things exactly as represented in our advertisement. hospitable llome. on W ednesday, .11th in at.· on tho oc oas1on o f the 1n ar r lage of t.h eir youn~eat daai;:hter. Sarah. to Mr. J . J . Gib5on, or Les· ke,rrL ' l'he knot wa· h a nd·omely and fi rmly t ied by the n e\·, A. ll:faoLaren. Tha. girts were namerou~ h andsome 1t.1111 costly. The ha opy ~?1~~-l e ~·~~;~~u~!~l~~?nd train at Howman·. u ev. Dr. Sba.w. Assista ni-s ecret ary 11t th e M iSR10n Rooms, Toronto. delig hte d a c1 ·nwded 0 .. n llr egatinn iu the M e tllnd l· t, ob nroh, on >-' nndM evening la st, as h H <'l elivered one of · ·h e a.bl1>s\ mi·~ Iona ··v a rid rt'~"e" eviji: ({1ven berA. The Doc or Is e n1 ]J.nslas·lo in · 1s work H U" unft erdt o.nd e wbere"f he ~ulk~. W e will gludly here him agitin. if we aro so privileged. v ..r im1 e r ·worta are nu~ as to w'"H is to be dot"' wi h 1he formPr ··ffice ol Dr. Potter-. now 8P&l t>d> qU"1 "l y < > Il1 h e d i1HllODdinvu r ,, ilf&~6, ae if t -id<llDI? <' tfia.nre to all other Mr. W.R. Hows e, dru\li;t;st., Whitby, h~s heen e le-0t d m1 e of the IJounc .l lors of the 0 ,, Colle¥e of Pbarmacy. R . ~INDATT. Town Cl erk. 'J' AMA RAO. --To effectu .. II.I' cu re a had 1 HAVE HAll catarrh for t.wenty yPar·. Oou~h or Col<l, an<i do i· quick, U S<l T ·!Il· and used all ~ iuds of r ··medics wnh out arnc E l· idr. It s1r\ kes nt the r ·,ot of t he r .-Ji of. M r. Smith, d r uggist, of L'ttle tr ouble ttu d giv~s imru .. diate relief. t _ F alls r ecomm ..n ded E ly's Cream Halm . Mr. Alex. Smi h, of Darli. gt on , l o·t R '.rh" 'effect of tho first R<·p lba,t1ott was magical. it" allayed the inflammation and valuable mare 11. few da1Fl ago hy being the n ext morning my h·acl WH!I as clear aq kicked by an -ther hor·« i -1 t»e e·af>le. a bell. 01·0 hot-le h »s dnrie me en much CAUTioN. - A source of mu ch ill he lllth good tha1. I am ooavinc11d its use wil1 ef· is n ef.(l· cted C· -n~dpatioo. 'rho utmo~t f1>ct, a p ..rmnn ent cu, ,.· It i· so·1thiug, cau tinn sh ··u ld be· bs.-rved to ke ..p ·he We have now co111pleted arr~ngPment1:1 f ..r a btg sale of popular goods pl. asa nt and 0:\>Y ·o apply, and I stron~· howeb r~g ulnr . 1'ho best r eg·1htor of l't prices which mugt t11 kAthe ey e of every econoJJ.,;'1al buyer. We keep ly url!e it· use h,v a 'I suff,, rera.- Georp;e the b ro womote tl1eir n atural acthe best qualitiea, sty les, 11od as!lmt1..ont in tion is Burdock B ood kitt ers , Try it if Tt rry , L· t t le F . l 's, N \, . Apply Balm rnto o· ch nost··tl. II troubled with const ·pa tion. Boo·rs, SHOES AND A Mi~I! ~···ma. R<·es, o. Snlvntinn Army AU C'l' l 0 N SALES. for ladies', gen ts' a.nd childrens' wear; also in Trunks and Valises.' Captain at G I.. nc·w, n ar London, Out., FRIDAY, J A.N, 20. - The> Exe cutors of the has been aw.rded $50 da 1.11a ~e11 fvr false Come a.n<I see our elegant st.ock-Ga;,ih bought it, low pricea will sell it . l ll· e Mttry Anu J a, ks w1.Jl oel l by puh im pri·onm ..nt. Our specialty i~ 10 piea~e ou r cui>tomers, our ai10 to save m oney for our lio a nction on lor. - , c .. n . 4, D -.rlin>1· PRllSENO& OF MINI>.- Pr ·Be nce of mind is t · n . fifteen acres of limb er compos· d good hi case of ·cdd e n t " ·nd emf'rge11o··s, patrons, our intent ion to do ht-tter for you than anyone else. Goods chi flv of ash and ced r. A 1·o" q 11a 11 and wh ~n coupled wi h H11q ar1 l'. Yello · N cannot be buug tit cheaper-none are allow~d to under sell us. t1 ty of ··ed .r , ' "~1.. Terms 10 m1.mth~. 0 11 " ill often ·a\'e h fe. Ye llow Oil cures S ee bille. s. c. HUNKING. Auction ... r. al··ul injuries, huru s, scal·is, b .-ui~es , 28. AucnoN SALGS - 8. U. Huukwg, 0 urt fro~t bi tes, rhcuma ic and neural!lic pains, t ice, Oubrio, L'censeil Aucthn o i;r , for l\nd is in ftt ct a h a ndy and reliable s urgi· Dar1i1· <rton a nd Whit r.y, Bowma. .. vill<' cal aid. and O; h .. wa, A pp··aiser, &c. A ll busine·· A rnnng girl named .Jem ima Gillespie, &~ ,ar~~~~~&~ ~o ·~ttended ' o .,romptly · Orders m..y be of Port H ope, died in T oronto a f ew day s left. at th,.; STAT E!IMAN nflioe, Bo .vmanville, a!.(o1 und"r dis ·ressing circuwstrmces. ~he h , d been bei r .,,y ed hy h· r lover and ol' Reformer office, Ush iwa. R. H ut c hiaon. Lic«n ll()(t A uctione<'r for left her t·ome 10 co1.ceal her disgrace. R "" h 1h~ 'J',,Wnt<hi,, 6 of D .,l'lin!!f;un 1 Whithy , r E MARKABLE RESTORATION . -mat ew c·~rk.-, M anvldrB and Oio1rtwright. Sales S ullivan, of Webs ·e r. On t., WMI ill with at reud ..d to promptly and at r ea~onabie dy. p1-1µsia for fonr y~ars. Finding doc· effilS S 8Il ruggIS S. ra.tee, Where 1t i~ not conveni ·nt to " ee d dl I db · dB rd k Bl l . h fora l 1tt 0 g oo e t rie u oc l90( A th' f th b . preparing . 10r I! tl· ~ me, a.r r an11em0nb ca.u be ffii\dO Wlth t e Bitter.a ; six hottles CUl't cl him, nnd he t 18 S8aS0n 0 e year every Q(IJ lS 141:'. :~~·;~~~i1!~e STATESUA..1".-R.HUTOllJBON, gii,i ed In weight to 178 pounds. B .B . ~· 1 _presen ting of G ifts. . In view of this we have pu rchased excnrtlft t he wvrst k n o wn Cl\Stlll of chron10 t . i· . nd attr a t. t le of Pl h G d and dy,.pepsia after all else fa1la. enstVe lll~8 Ill ll~W a , C ~Ve S Y S US · 00 S 'fHE OltE.A'.r STRJKE.-Rello I H ello, Mr. Bo un'a lumber operations in t l1e Fancy Articles suitable for Holiday Presents, wlnch we are there ! Mr. Digestiun ! Whai.'s t he mat· · Ki11m11unt distr ict "re on (l,ll unp recent&d oftering at Low Prices including ter with you dowu tbere ~ soolo. He has mnv more tbnn six hun· · ' H ello ! Mr . T 11ng n l', is th~t yo u 1 Oh, dr~d m en a t 1vork at his s bo.oties. One everything is w ro ng d own here Th" h ands the Gast ric Work- h'<V6 "struck." dit.y 270 h_ ead of Ci}ttle were d elivered iu Shaving meetin11. Couucii arl jnurned SLIPPER'e M. TRELEVEN" J. ' HIGGINBOTHAM· & SOI, Ch . t d D . t ~~ "'1~ ~ ~ \· ~ ~ '9~ I in Genearl Dry Goods andJewelry House. an d " sou red' I h ave stopped wher<' the lll<>Xi lllLllll number of markn J 1 al together. Can't move without was 639, a nd M iss King obtained the en. "'~- · ' . · S M T o gu·· nan t you tir tiumbor. ·· SSSlStance. ay, r . ., w · t f d r_ h 8tlllrl do..,n a bottlti or t wo of Dr p erct1 11 Last W Pek e.s T homas H nif!, o f Sey- Our perf·, 1 mes ar e rom the lea ing 1nanu1acturers. e ave 0 1 !~~tp~~r~rl~vri~~~. u~.:1~~~:~~ t..~.~~~et~.e~·;tll ~; Gol <l e o Me ,ic ,J Di~C<>VCrl vf-~ ' e ds. lTb·t m .. u r. attempted t o cl ean some.chaff a way ust a long list of New Odors, pnt up in sty Ies for the i t t ·· become h H r· ar e nd of Mr. S. Mill, ' H ar Buff,i,lo m~u ~ r timeny . )' Otl "· ca n fro m a s tr11w cntt.,r, h is lef c. ha nd was neoe E mporin"' '/. le it t o become th e fu ·rire start UfJ a t once. Wh en t he liver, atom· cn,u , ht by the k nives. Thr. first cnt sev- boliday ,t,~~~~ ~,:1~t;:;,r °ti~~~.~;,~~.: 1~1.~~~~~~n/~fn';br~o~i~ ~~~ a~h, or bow~,l s are ~er~n!!e~, o~,t~., ? igea· er.d t he poin rs of the fi uge ·ii, t ht?. second Uut GlaH;: :B ottles, SbaVUJg Mugs, Toi let ~ ts, D1·ied h is f>l tu ' " brict" 1 I < it to beoo·n· a J e wclcv t1ve "forces nre · un a st·1ke , 1t is t he a bout two t hirds of them, \lie third cut ; --~Mses, ~Dlt' lliH g OGUh~s, Sachot Bngs, " here our clt>Vf' J · w·.·chmake r will rest \ best "·· <'e ut" t o aAt the wh eels of n ature acr·o" ~ t be ce Ltr e of t he hnnd, nnd t hn / !'. · ina,Hcl cont entwith bisbelo ved 1orislt,trne ' ', b D . h it D · ,,~ . u · v ,,r,·.;;,,· Sach et Powdea ·, E !<t C. tha < 1be Scoool B o"·'"' are n ~g-011,.1.inp; ror It s! i n o·ot1011. r nggista ave ·. ~o t fo urth above t ha wrist, cru·hmg t h e i.-u rrha.St' fo crcler t " rt t it up for o ur smiling I hawk , hawk. and blow, b low, d 1sgust1.,g bon.:s of the forearm. It wa s B u bseq ttentCompli _m~mts of the Season to all our patrons. to» cl1 er. tha t h e may make at least one of t h"I , L d but u se Dr Sarre'a Catn· r ll ) f t' th \ I ~ fairti8IDBAle _i upp 18omeoneklnil lyanswer e ve·y,,oy, , " Q - ~ 1' y oand n ~c_essary to n mpu t a"! earm ·,,,.·;,u1 & '"' m,.11y are m rn·p<'11se. R em edy. :t. abou t fou r inches above t-he wnat. UJ. · · , I work ' ' h A· t <'d " The Fond Aasimilati.. n Co·11 pany have the tihan ttea. , 8h d " d th 6 B 1 'l 0 I p· In the reoen t Hi~h 8 ch 'lol entrance ex· own, an u µp Y ipe -m f o .,. Lineat c ~n't h andle their produc-, anri i· amin,1tiun" , Mi·s .l!loasio K in g , o .ut>a· " ged 12 y "1n s,· bciat o.U prl'vious h Aa overflown t he whole region . y es ! ver·vL, · v . · 1 J She wro nt P ort P erry A ·l stock on h and lQ my apartments l &S recorr e. · te · s Plush Dressing Oases, Pluoh Mirrors, Plush Odor Oases, Plush Cases, ,ulush Whisk Holders, Plush Manicure Oases, 4 · . '· ·, ·'\ <' 1' · HA IR B R LJ SH ES f ~ ~ · i.' · A ;V_ erv ,nice assortment .LOr t b e Ub . ristmas tra de. p E R F U M E R Y J w J . addcJ J , .FIJGQINBOTHA1\,f' SON Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria~

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