tsman. TERMS :-11.00 Pu .Alnml. N1:w SKIU:ss, NuMBKB 50 1 OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M.A. JAMES VoLUMK EDITOR .um~' BOWMANVlLLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, Ffl:BRUARY 29, 1888. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. C:orrcetcd by .J. UeM11rt17, cv«ir;r Ta111day. FLOUR, XXXIV. NmrnER 9. DURING THE REPLY TO RATE PAYER. 40 82 82 00 Emro1t 8TJ.TESMAN. - D E.rn Sm.-With reference t o the question D aked by "Rat epayer", in :tour laet is sue, as to the secur· it.y of the Tre11surer of Dnrlme:ton, and y our note "Will t he Clerk p leat e a n s· wer 'I " · I do n ot feel at liberty to publish the iuformation asked for wi thout the conse nt of the parties concerned. .Any person entitled to the information can get it by Cl\l!ing on me or any member ef the T ownship Council . With regard to the lasf q ucs ·ion :- - "Would not it be eafer to ge_ t eeourity from a Guarantee Company?" I may remark that t h e.t would necessi tate a much larger salary. as i t would l suppose t ake the most of t he Treasurer '.& present salary t o pay th e fee for suc'h guarantee. R. WJNDA1T, To wnship Cle k. Bowmanville, Feb. 27, 1888. ENFIELD. STOCK IAKING SALE ! WHICH IS NOW GOING ON AT WnEA'r, Fall, ~bush ·· , . · 0 80 " ti' 100 lbs.· ..·.. .. e2 Spring, 11 0 BARLEY, V bush, No. 1. ..· 0 " II II II II II II RYE, OATS, 2 ,. · , 0 3, · . · 0 · · · · · · · · ·· 0 II II · · · · .. · · · COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN'S will be given in all Departments. 0 Pus, Blaokeye, ~bush ·· · 0 11 Small, 11 0 11 Blue , 0 BurrER, best table, W lb. . . 0 WltD, V lb · , ., · · , . , · ,. ,. Q lQ Eoas, ~doz . ... . .. .. . . . . 0 18 POTATOES, ~ bush ..·· , · · · 0 55 10 to e2 0 80 11 0 70 11 0 65 11 Q 155 II 0 55 II 0 40 II 0 60 11 0 60 11 0 60 11 0 20 11 0 11 11 11 00 QQ 60 45 67 65 65 22 Q 12 0 20 0 60 HAY . ... . . . .. .. ....... .. 10 00 II 12 00 Great Bargains B P ' , ' ' ~ DRESSED Hoos. . .. . · . . · . · 5 50 11 CLOVER SEED.. · · . . · · . . . · 4 90 " ALSIKE · · . · · · .. · . . · . . · · · 4 00 II 7 00 5 00 5 00 FllA NK -191. FIELD, B. A. (LATE HOSSACK & FU:Ll>. ARRISTER, Solicitor, N otary, &c. COBOURG . Office,-Armonr Block, King Street. 22. FRANK M . FJEJ,D. Specially in Fur Caps_, 0 Vercoat S Ulsters ~nd Mantle Cloths, Dress A ~?i~~1~0A~~ ~e~!!!1!~ar:!:~i~ Goods Tle Downs Blankets Flannels and all kinds of Winter Goods, F:;~m;OR sm!\l~~t:m . h h . t e1r as they r. equ1re t e room .cor · .l w. Spring Importations, these goods ·11 be sold .I must and Wl They have also opened out B ULLS Bales of Grey Cottons and Cases of Shirtings and white Cottons which ARM having been bought for Prompt !F Cash will be sold at the very Lowest prices. CLYDESDALE Darlington or Whitby. Wa.izee mod erate. Address PLOWMAN, care STATESMAN office, SALK-A j ust outaide of Bowmanville will be sold on very reasonable term·, on wh ich are fr.,.me house. barn and eta.hies. For partlculara apply to MR. M. HOUSEY, Bowmanville. 61 EAS WANTED.-3000 b ushels of small pea.A wanted nt tbe Ci!.ledonlan Mllls. Bowmanville. for which tho VP.ry htgh· eat price will bEJ paid. JOHN MACKAY, Pru· prietor. 42.tf. · -t.r rnAILORING.-Mr. Hindson, 'failor, at MeUlunK Broe.· is now prnpared to make a limited number of 5U its for 001 mtry buyers or from out~lde establishment 8 . Zn· trance through Quick &t Co's atore 45·t1' FOR SALE.-One 2 years old and two yearling Short lio.r n Hull· bred from CrookshMk blood.imported atoclc. Also a ~od general p11rpose mare-a One atn,.,le driver. Prices to enlt the times. R. H. COLL· ACOT'.I', box 101, Bowmanv!lle. G-2m FOR SALE.-50 1Wree, being south Dart of Lot 21, Con. 8, Darllni:cton. mile we·t of Ennlekillon. Frame house. ·6 r ooms. clstern, new barn. good orchard, good creek running through farm. Terms easy. .Apply to Wm. Gilbert, Sen.. Lot 25, Con. 7, Enn i~kill en P.O. 49·Sru ------o Couch, Johnston &Crydorman H One Door West of Post Office. Bowmanville. FOR SAL14). -An entire colt, rlaing 3 yea.rB, got bv Pride of Perth and rea:ister 'd hi St11d Book as Slr Cha.rl c~. No. 1Hl. H e ls a darkbe.y with atar ln rorehead and white hind feet. Mnst be sold -on lot 20. non. 4., Darlington. WM. J.Aw, owner, Hampton. !J.3w BowMANVILLE~ s~~!NG! 1888. OUS E A N D LOT FOR SALE .A valuable house and lot near tho Cabinet F actory. Ii storey frame h ouse., ne ..u·ly 11ew. 6 rom.n· and summer kitchtln Fruit tree11. etc. Good lot extending fram Elgin St. through to Lamb St. Thie is a ~ood lnv11et· ment as the rent of the house ~ ill pay over per cent interest on the purchase money and leave a good lot to be sold- or build on, if deemed desirnble. For further particulars apply to }l'RANCIS MABON, K ing Street }Gast, Bo\vma.uville. IHf NOTICE Of DISSOLUTION O F PARTNERSHIP. MOR RIS O ~. as Station.,re, Photegraph~rs an,l llarbers, in t he Town of .3owrnanville. has this day been dilltlolved by mutual C)n seat. 1 b e undersirmed HENRY C. 'l'AlT will pay ull liabilities o f ·aid firm, and to whom all claims due to said firm are to be pnid, and wh'l will carry on for hi· own benefit the :3tationery and Phof.<»:raph Busine88 and the undersignerl DAVID MoBBlSOl'I' wil{ carry on fm· hiK own benefit the Barbor's Bugineoa. Tlaterl at Bowmanville, this twenty-second day of F ebruary, A.D., 1888. OTI CE is hereby given thl\t the partnership h eretofore existing between the N u ndereianed, under the na.me of T aIT & -1'T" E: V V - ARRIVING AT L ~ING 'S. ---):o:(--· RY. C. TAT'!'. DA.VID MORRISON. _ ________H_._"tc. . pm e nt of N E w ___ large Sh 1 . table .por our lo- N0 t ice t 0 CredI ors. Sul GOODS t d t " .1 ·th· · cal 1 y, an a prices WI lll ma.tter ·1 v. the reach 0 f al1 W e d al Y Durham, Darlington, the cou nty Esqui re, deceased. expect more' as the g Ood S Come from Europe' We ex. P eet our. s h are · 11 We 0 Ur St 0 Ck ls DOw Very · 11 be a S S 0 r t e d and W e Wl P1ease d t 0 h ave any Person intending to pureh ase, ca1l t11!~~1dfi.~~ ~e~~ia~~1J~~~e,>c;h~nBll~aa~d~t~: . ne them se · Ives. I and examl TAIT. ~ .ust rec e1·ve d ~::,a!na~~~l~gs~a~~t~~!tb!~int~~~r~JIR;~d I have J and p ass e d int 0 st 0 ck a, Mr. Morrison's interest at a favorable figure, he will be enabled to di1poss ot the whole stock at very low prices. Hoping for a con· tinwmce of the 2:\WC ra;:~rs !t: : main Witness, JoHlll K. GALBB.H'l'H. In connection with the cbaoi.rc of BuK iDeBI', the undersigned taken this opportunity of re1urning bis sincere thanks t o the fri ·.nds and patrons cf the late firm, for the very ! I In the of the estate of in Adam of Scott, lat e of the ToW'O, · · ship of · , · Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the pro· vi..qion11 or. the Revi!!0d Statutes or Ontario, Chapter 107 and ia. ..-1ct,orls, OnLll.rio S t11tut.es. Chapter 9, that all creditors and others ha.v!Qg clalms aualnst the estate of Adam V. Scott, late of the 'fownship of D11.rllni;:ton, in tlle County or Durham, Eaqnlrl'l, deceased who died on or about the 30th day or Oct· A. :O., l BSO at the s11old Tow11ehlp or Darlington a re on or before the la!; day or April A D., 1888, to «A· llve" or s·md by post. pce·pl\ld " t o .fohn W. :::icott. of tho Town or Ll~towel, In tho Connty of Porth, Banner, the duly appointed admlnle· trator ot tho rel\! and personal estate a nd ef· reels of the said decea11ed, a statement ot their n ames and addresses, an d full . ps.rtlculara of theirclairoetogelh.rwithastM<:ment of c.<i· counts and nature of securltiea (if any) held by them. 1 ~or- ,. Respectfully yours, CEO ... LAIN lstrAtor will procoed to dla·ribute the a~tg or the eaicl deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to t,h · claims · of w hich not .ice lrns boon givun a.a above require d, nnd the said adruiniatrato1· will not be hab_ le fo1· the Bald assets or any p art ther~of so /!l9· trlbuted, to any person o~ wbOile clmm ~ot1ce shall not have _bee~1 rece1yed . as aroresa1 d at the tlme the 001d cliatrlbution is ao lll.a.de, DARLING&: MAl)li:E, Solici&-0r" toi· Admiuistr11tor. 1{%J.i Da.te<l 11.t Listowol thi8 lJ' . h day or .l!'ebruai: .s. 8- f\V, ~ ,i . , A.. D., 1838. I A wedding will oocur here In t h«i neu future -so gossi p says. The magi~ lantern show In the aohoolhouae was a surprise to all that a ttended. Mr . .Tames Tapp h ad a la"ge wood -bee last we..,k, about 10 cords of wood bemg cut. One or m1r enterprising men le talk ing of Speaks, Ftarting a ch eese t a.otory near this vill&ll"e. His reasons are bcc&use or tho gre11.t demand rorcbeese. CoLU11lllO'll, 0., Jan. 25, 1888. One or our fair maiden~ sent oft' for a l{old T o THE P u . DLIC ;watch nnd ohaln, adver tised m some p aoer My a tt,ention h iis b een ca.lied fri>qnen ta.nd in return received a brass toy watch ly <>f late to tho R oyal l:h king P owder wh h out hands. Compariv's per\Ttir sion o f th\\ officia.1 an'NEWTON VILLE. aly se~ made by the Ohio Dai· y ·.md Food O' ~ .Friday last, Mr. WilliBm Dixon, a farmer Comm is~ion of L h i rt} brands of Baking Jiving on a farm belonging to Mr. B. Heaslip, Powder. I ha d provio ual y seen their of P ort Hope, about two m lJee 0B11t of Newton· ville, with live ot.h era drew six loads or wood garb !eil~ falsP, a ud misle,iding 11t atemonts, to hie landlord. Mr. Heaslio. They left Port howe·,er, a.n d ha.d pnblish <'cl in the Ohio Hope about aix "'clock f or home, when some· whers between Port. Hope and Port Brita in , State j ournal an ard c ' e den ouncing their Dixon's horses began t.o run away, and Ile was statements and ded uctions as being moat thrown out and oaught ln some way in the sleh.:h. However he :lid not seem bad ly hurt perverse ly fa.18e. I was a t th"t tiuie a'l and eat u p for some ti mo after reaching h ome. ofli,Jer of the state, however a "d could go A physician wl\s c alled and ad!Minietered mor· no further than simp' y to expo~a t 1e falOOURTIOE. pblne, 'l'he injured man euccnmbed to the lntluence ot the narootio a nd relapsed into a sity of their statements, a nd denounce· Mrs. v;m. Caurtice, j r., ls Ill. upart ie.l ofticia.L paper. Mrs. J·ohn W ' nlter nnd several or her child· comotose state from which he never rallied . their a buse o f an i 1 · e-·d.ietj._g~_J)a.turday morn in~. He was in nm are down with measles. poor circum·tanoes and leaves a wife and Soon \ h ereafter, h owever, I resi~ned the Mr. and Mre. Bott and M~. and Mrs.Rund.le, four or Jlve children. ooromi·si on ership t o accept other respon· o1 Pinedale are guests of Mr. J as. Rundle, er. . s1ble w ork. Mr. W !lllam Everson occupied the pulpit at ORONO. I now observe that the Itoyal OomEbenezer on Sunday morning last and .Mr. Geo. Power in the evening. Mr. John McConnacbie is vlsih na hie sister pany is ca.usi ng ths false aud u n fair . 1ta teSeveral ownere of supposed fast colts ba.ve a t Kingetan' ment t o be publis he d <. t ill m ore widely made a t.rack on the ice ~t i he marsh and " re Mr. J. E . Scott, of Toronto, i3 homo tor n than ever in the loc3l uewsua per press, using it to speed their "'KotorM'" on. couple or months. Mr. w. L. B road is eteadlly improving a.ud a.a a paid a d v«l"tiee rueni-it being 80 Mr. .John H. Clarke ls unable to meet hie engagement here on the 9th prox l on account will soon be around again. worded &11 to appear a~ a sort o f semi· of illnesa but IDILY be expected uter in t he Mr. Har ry Armstro ng, of 'l'oronto, ha a been official d ocum011t . Agains t such a false month, home for a ahortvleit again. showiag--againat s uoh i mpude oce and l\'Ir. A. J. and MiFs E . A, Courtice ha.Ye Thoe. Slason, of Toronto. the was guee~ of cupidity in perver ting an official p :.per l returned from attending the wedding ot Mi·. A. J. J, ockhart on Su,nday 1 .heir brother, Mr. W. L. e ourtice, of Newton· rew protest: and IIOW, a.a a oitiz ·n, free from Mi . .J. D. Hall, of Norwo ' d, spent brook. Y or.le oounty. t he r estr ai ots of officia l impar tiali ty, I Mre. Htev.) Sanderson viait~d Toron to last days recently v isiting h is many friends. Miss .Jennings and Mlse Sa llsburv, o! Co- fee l free to give t he t.ru e in terpretation w eek. TRIM. bour.11:, a re vis1tinK at Mr. Wm. 'l'llompaon's. of t h l:l result.'! ot i hes9 a 11nlyses, aa it reMr. Peter "MoConnaohie, o r Moosomin, N. W. I fleet s upon the rehtive m or ita of t h e aevBAMPTUJV. is h ome After an a bseuce or 2.bout th ree T., years. e r a l b ran d s o f jlOWd er ana Iyze d · by the ?rfr. John K erslake fo Improving slowly. Commis sion . 'l'be Misses Sanderson. of Cavan, are visiting KIRBY. &t Mr. 'fhos · .McLean's, T he R oyal B akin f{ P o wd er Company, Mrs. .John Elliott and Mrs. E. Hastings comis1{ otr ahort'y . ts that 80 , in comparing the ana lyeis of their powW edding r eturn e.d from 'l'orauto on Th11rsday. 1im ? d er with othcirs !IB t o t he am ount of gas MH. J . Y. Cole is spending a few daya wlth Social, Tllured1&7 evening At Mr. Henry p roduced, dro p!l tile Cle1Heland 'a ou~ of with friends at Lorne VlHa, Bowmanville. Thor nton's. U e list (do ubtle~e because that po wder Mias Ada Clarke who bas been spending a : M.r. John H. Coo~ey, student ot Belleville we"k in Whitby and Osha.wa reLurned on College.1s was proven to be r icher iu gM pl·ocluct, home siolt. . Saturday. or in leavening p ow <ir, than i.he.i rs), and after visiting nearly every Miss Measles Mr. E . Tronouth h a s been experimenting . compares their go·. da with the cheaper wtth plaster · f Paris mould. In ease o! w<u. .h ome here is steadily moving otf. R ev, R. Walker delivered au able and and mfer ior gr ades of bakin g powder. Edward would be useful. effective sermon to a large and a tten tive con· But in co m paring a.~ to re1< 1 d uum laft in .A petition in favor of a rail road from Port lon here on Sithbath laet. Subject : Hove 10 connect with the C. P . R .. north of gregat t h o bread they inclu de t he Cle11.veland 'l'oronto, bv wuy ot Hanrnton, hau receivod a '"The power of the Holv Ghost." A number of our young frien ds after tbe brand . .And hero i:oi their falsification lnrge number of signatures in this village. school on Friday evening might be m os t glaring. The roor of Mr. E. Hastings' wheel housB singing eeen for the house of Mr. J . Clemens co!l1Lpsod on Friday night, 'l 'he aervices of an with ruakln1e 1'he sligh t ly i ncre1aed percen tage of t bn intention of ~urprleing the i nmates ol experlenoed 1Lrchiteot were secured and it was that res1dence,but were j ust as much eu ··prleed r es id uum in Cleave!a11d'~ bak in g po wdtr Jl.nally a dj uated In the most appropriate atylfil. on their arrival to 11nrt that t he 1>.onse was Mr.and Mra,John Uuso whn have been visit- &lreAdY occnpied by friends from Orono, is du e t.o th e largo a wo uu t uf pure cream ing m liowruanville far some time r eturned Newo111tle and elsewhere. A fter ga.mea a nd of tartar a Dd bie&r bo nat <i < 'f soda it con home la~t .i'l"lday. Th.,y purpose vlaiting their muelo a.ll were Invited to partake of a,n Invit- tains, and, con11idered in connec t iun with daUKhtor, Mra. Wm. Mu.son, a c Itaglan, lll!e ing repast served by the ladies. its richness of carbonic acid gaa, the We..lk. leav eni" g f<ge nt (it contain9 th e hiah e11t Wb«in busy last week, an old SU.LlNA.. Friend true i>nd klnd, percen ta:~e of carbon ic acid g as of l\U the Deter mined the ST..t.TJJ:BM AN Mr. Chs.H. Reynohte and Misa J. Jamee, of croa.m uf tar tar baki!ig powders), is anShould not come belliu d : Oshawa. spent SundlL;r bore. So Silt> sent the news In. Mt·, We-rry has heen in Cartwril(ht inspect o lher an d very ~ trong proo f of its superWhich gave us much joy, iority t ·) the R oyal. lt i" t he p ercentage lug IL 111.rge farm that is in the market. Kind friend, pleaoo a ccept The best thanks or SLOW BOY. Ma.tthow Elllott, & Son , of Kingston, havA of oarbnnio acid ga evolved by t.he bakbought q ulte a number or rat cattle i n this ing powder in the ~)ftJcess of bi:ead makloc11.lity. in g tba~ determin es t he amou 11t of baking ENNISKILLEJV. ·v;,1· 01·s to Roaelan dvnle Stock Far m have T ho Mr. R. Hutcllieon is still at P ontypool where been ~ umt'roua this winter to see Jdr. Werry's powder r esiduum i u t he br e ad. larger the percentage of c &rb on io acid g-e.s he is having good success dispo~ing of h ia thoro breds. surplus stock. We are oleaged to see our old friend Mr. i n t he bakmg p owd er, th e Iese t he resiAmong the visitors tho past few we~ka two Jno. 8awdou, w,h o hl\s been v isiting friend~ in d u um in t h.:. b read. C Jea.veland'11 baking of our old citizens Mr. J . P reston, of Ottawa, We~tern 011tar10, her!l 11.galu. and Mr. Rel. l:!~ l ve3ter. of Lindsay. Editor J amee and bett·~r h alf. of Bowman· p owder oonti1in a m ore carhonic acid gas Our tea cher visited the city on Friday oight · vllle. and Mr. ·w. Everson , of Eni;cland, were tha·i the H oyal : eouseq ucntly , b read ma· and retnr11ed Sat.uroay. He complains or r~el· gueete·of Mr. and Mrs, John VanNest last teria l leavened hy Oteavdand's baking Ing much better, al th ough lookrng very weary. ·weduesday· powder C(> ntai u a Iese r esiduum than does '!'here 18 some ~vood ates.ling as well as beer We hear that. Capt. Luther. Wep-Y is pres· drinking golng on at r.h- eastern sid e ot our trated by typhoid fever at St. J o\\n s, Q11e., b11t b read material Jeavemid by the R oyal villnp;e. 'l'hose uart1rs JJave been watch ed and r ecent letters say 110 ie progressing favorably baking p owder . if they Wllllt to k eep their liberty they had tow ard· recovei Y· T he S t a te ChemisL's analyses f,h ow the better keep away !rorn their neighbol"'s wood Mro. Wm. Baker fell and broke her leg on \kin g powder pile. Tuesday evening outelde the residence or Mr. suµe r iority of Cleavelnnd's b1 'l'he Enniskillen mill dam is not 80 badly .II.lex. Hooey, Dr:. M1~cbell set the i'raotm·ed in the four high o~t qualities of excellence : broken as was supposed. 'l'ho mill is runnrng member and she 1s d.,mg well. lat. -It is richer in cream of tartar. again on chop anll will be able 1.0 grind wheat Wbat we would like to know : Where the in a r.. w days. Farmers tak" ILIOIJg YOtlr gri8ts BU~ corre·pondeut is? H we 11.re to have a 2nd .- lt is richer in g a:i product , or lMvening power. as usnal and J ohn Martin w i!J give you satia· Hunt Clnh 1 If the proposed r 11 ilway will run tuctiou. through Solina 1 Why they k l!led the dog 1 3rd. -lt'rom its use there ia leea residuum An amusing scene o ccurred here one night W11y le not the snow by.law enrorcedl in the bread ma.terinl. laat week. One of the you11g men of onr Quite a number of the villagers and ot hers neighborhood had a d111pute with another 'V'" ··rs eeen wending their way j,> Mr.A.Hooey's 4th.-lt d oes not c;ontsin a ny u nhealthful or offensive inj(r e11ieut-such as party, and a short time afterward& a relative on Tueed1.y evenlni? last, with well fi lled or the young mun "aB looking /or him to ta.ke baskete, to ebow their a ppreciation and esa l um,ammouia, lime,&c. '.l'he H.oyal him home ar<d the youn~ mun thought it W8'1 teem tor Mr. and J\lrs. Hooey by presenting ooutaine ammonia. tho party with whom he had 1.ad words so he them with a h · ndsome dinner cruet Arter took to ~ie heels and ra.n across the netds t o a 1 refreshments were served at wbich all seemed The aru~iyses and comparison of the neighbor s an d be11ged hm1 t~ bid~ lu.ll,1· as the to do justice, plays and gamos were rndulged hos t eigh t b rand, of crtia.Ul of tartar bakother m~n hi' said would kdl him 1r ho 11:ot in toge.her with trip11ing ·· tbellgbt fantastic." ho1 d of hi m. The neighbor Ind the poor fellow All seemed to enj oy theweelves lmmcnsely, ing powde r show tha GC le<1.veland's super· In the wood·shod anll I.here be remained on and returned home aftor haTing, a6 one lady tor baking powder ls the r ichest in c ream h i& kn~es w .. t.ehmg through a kn~t h'!le tor was he a.rd to remark," a h igh old time." of tartar, and riche~t m gas pr oduct, or 1rome nme until h e found out bJB m1s> ake. · 'fruly ·· tho wlcked tleeth when no man pur- -·~--- ---leaven in g power, and, having nounhealtheuet.h." fol or impure element in it , it ia abaolute USHA WA . ly tha best 111J d m oat deair11.ble baking Mr . E. B. Mor~an, arrived home on powa er manufactured, TYRONE. m bnt 18 T uesday evenin g from his trip t o EngS . H . BURST, :Mr, .Toe. Kelly hna b een Tery land. Late Ohio Dairy & Food Conuninioner. recovering. ~~~~fi.~:d;-;~_ht, Mariposa. ls th e iinest or ¥r. . Geho. Bb elford, thed English E loMr· R. L<ndsay has taken voseesslon of h is cutioniet, as een en.~nge by the l\lo· house on K ing St. chnnio'a Institute, to ~ive a u enter tain· Connty Orange Lodge. Mr. Ed. Moses and wife, Bowmanville, were ment, h ere on March Gth. ba.eli: on Sabbath. ~The L . 0 . County Lodge of Weat DurOur sohool has been deminiehed 1ome on Tho Oshawa Curlers pfayed a match account or 2lckneas. here, with the Whitby Club on Monday 'ha m , n1ei iu the Orange H all, Q,·ono, on '1.'uesd ~y Feb. 7th. Q uite a. b rga r epreMr. J ohn Webber and wlte, of Lotn,, vil!itod e vening, and B <'Wm,1 uville on Tuesda sentation Willi p r esen t from the varwus fi·::i;o~:~f:::d::e:·wife,ofPrinoe Albert . feveniug, but were de~eated primary lodges of the Oounty . T h e fol are vlBlting Mr. s. Mooper· On Sabbath evemng, Mrs. Juatav I! lowing are tha r.amea of tho officers elect 0..det Harper o t this plrce conducted the I Jacobi, whilst coming from t he Met hodillt sorv1cea at Leskard on Sabbath · church, slipped on t he i cy walk, and f~ll for t he c urren t year: S . H. D evitt, Mr. Geo. Lane last onA at hill match team of Ir ecdvin.1;: a severe blow inJ' uring her sku 1 County Ma~ter; J ·ohn L aw, Dep . County blncks on Tuurcd<LY 11 lght from colic. Sh 1 · · I f ' · Master; R ev. n. A . R ,1oney, Chap. ; Mr. Samuel a nd Gilbert Bingham arrived e ay m~ens1b e or h ours. Maj. H ughes, Sec., R. J . Graham, 'l'rea; home 1row ihenortb ou daturli1L7 uight. Rev . Prof. Olarke, of Trinity College, Ro\iert C owan, D. of C.; .Juhn McK ee, Mrs. W . Kenner pruiched a profitable 1er- T 0tonto, IS · t o preach tn · S t George ' ti J.ecturor ; John S pencer, V. S. and J . mon 0 ~unday morulng, and " good !eeling Chur ch on Su:ndny March 18th, morning Freeborn, Dep . Lecturers. was in the meeting. l · d · h" f I t Rev. W . Renner h<Ls been sulfering from an nn < evenmg, an give 19 ameoue ec ur e A t ~adjournment of the meeting~he att.w k of lumbsgo and was uua.ble to ftU hh "Tho Water Babies," on March 10th. br e thren, tog:.:tli..~r wit h thefr friends parappointments on Sabbath. The ladies' .A.id h oldatboir JMrly mootin~ a t Some pers on recently stole the large took of a grand supper at li.en den oJI's .Mrs. S. Bingha m to·tnorro..-, when officer~ brass th ermometer which has been h ang- hotel, after w hich S O!lgs we re s ung in wil! be appoillted ·rar the prescn' ) ear. . ing in fronr. of Mr. BiggiubothMn 's d r ug ~ood style by Messrs. 0. A . G amsby, C . ,Mr. T. T. J ardine has purchased from Mr. 1tore for the p 'l·t fou r years-for the G. Arm~trong 11ond W. W, Andrus, t-O&Sh Ed, Dlrch, Kirby, a 1ln111 young te<Lm of so~ls. fi h . . 'l'ommy is pu~hiug a big buoiueea and has to ; b en e t of t e pu bhc. A liberal reward were prqwsed and re~po n d ed to in the run two teama tor th e next month, Stove · ia offer tid for the apprehension of the foUowi ng ordor : "The Q neen" by the ~Unflthe lle~a team. s inging of the rn. tirroal a.uthem, all tha 1 f e · . On 'fhuraday night t:ll.e house of Mr. F'. A.. Wee.ks wa· dustroyt:d by tire. The household A very so mi.ble gatherini? a ssembl ed bre thren r ising; "The Governnr G eneral n d H ouse of Cou1mor.s" responded to ~~~~~re,~~u~:t':nt~u~:utst!1:: b~~~oda~~s a t the r1T ~11idRence of _1Vlr. M Brooks, n~ar a aome cbaim, n printiuK pr.ea, several carpenter t he G. . · l:fth1·n, on Wedneaday by Mr. Geo. M o Le··n; "Our Noble O r ange order " respon a ed t o b y Mr. R. I tools, an elect 11.l app>l.l"ll.LU~...u or tlieir · U .JI· E>veoin11 htet, to witness the m arria"e of mer clo hrng, a ·UVet' w...i;cb, and "' h usL ot M 8 hu B k ·M D .~d F· Moment A DU R . A. R > Oney; " O ur V iait.oL her arLiclto~. 'rh6 tire wao cau·ud lJy up~e·~ .·sa a ra i> · roo s, to r. a.vi · ing .Br.,thren" nispond ~ d to b y r.'.Ir. J . ing of & l&lllp when tha oil fir<1 .. ud a Pickell, of E~st Whitby. The bride was oonsiderab,., bolo w.i~ b u1·11t; d ,,.,r~·o a-eht the recipient of maay handsome a nd R. Reid, Newtonville lod ge, M.r. J oh n / a.uce came. ·rota! loss 011 conten L &i.S $.100.00, Ln.w, C owans L ·>dge, Mr, J. W. G iff,ird, 'l'ho bou.so WM insured fur $200 Au,d Ll4<1 1N11· co·tly llreeeuts. Or ·no Lodge; Mr. 'I.'. P attenon, K encfall teuta fo,· ljltOU. Mr. Weel1.a au4 lamil,Laro n ow living i u M t·, R.lindgao11'w huU&G oa KmK s,, - ! 10\i.go. the b1.H1;;e c;t refu1ie In tno tlma ot Ure. Tae · IT (JAN DO !10 Q,ABlll le try li'ne mau· T he County ~fasf;ai-. J. H, Da:vitt, p01.:aorH~1~t.occ:upl"d LI!"' /fflllltl houije la~t wa~ Wo:rJll VowdeH whcn;J'o 11r child ta alUn thro:e 1*M£r tke f!tlme cu·cu1U11ut1.t1ce11. ta~··d..... u n eUlll.J.. e ee· J pied ~he el:u1k.-~ow11. Facts for the Guida.nee o! the Pnblie i the Selection of a. Food :Preparation. ··The True Interpretation of the Re· suits of tho Analyses made by the Ohio State Officials of the Baking Powders.-·E:x:--Oommi!sioner Hurst .. I ° \tli 8 ""o"L'