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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Feb 1888, p. 2

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found herseH not expected a.t Rlanche's delights, viewed intelligently, and e~icitingl "Ob, go away, go ~:V~Y· ru~tie," ~nt hstlittle afternoon dance ,at Lady Kirk&ldy's l comments and questions that L!ldy Kirkaldy treated her mother, l: .m on no w a J.-' : · ' . ~ ~ ~ ~~ (TO JlE CONTINUED.) and even her husband enjoyed in their £re.ah you aayiap" .. . .. interest but whfoh were unendural:.le " I do not know, said Nu Ltie, exasperated wearine~s to Blanche unless she ha.d some perhaps by the contrast in the mirror opI!Y CHARWTTE M. ·YONGE. AN ADVENTURE IN PATAGONIA. one to chatter witb. ' Lectures and lessons, posite between her own swelled, disfigured which the a.unt hoped to render palatable fo.~e, and ~he.soft tend~~ one of mother by their being shared by the two with the hqmd eyes. . I know how much ThrllJlng Experienced n Stnman Washed CHAl'TER X IX. cousins only served to 8how the differ- you for the dear friends who took care 011to the Suvnge Coast. THI! VORTEX· ence between a trained and e[l.ger and of us ~h~n we ':'Vere forsaken l" · an untrained and idle, nature. With And with th .is shaft Ehe marched out (Jf Tommy Riordan, seaman of the steamer ··with one lJIMk shadow at her feet.'-TENNYSON. th h I h f th 1 h d d San Pedro, just a.rrived at s~n Francisco, is ".Che rebuffB that society had bestowed on the foreign society to be met at L()rd K irk- . :' r?,om, w 1 e er a ~r · aug e ' an one of ten men lost by the Rhip Balaklava Ms w . ife and dau,,ahter at Nice bad rendered aldy's, Blanche was l~ss at a loss than hor said! Have they beeu. tram~n~ her for. the d . t "bl t ff th t f P ta brother, and could ge t on by the . help of t~ag1c at~ge? . Never mmd, hddo., t~e httle urmg a erri e 8 orm 0 · · e coas o a · .Mr, Egremont the more determined on pro- nods and becks and wreathed smiles . but vixen will come to her senaee upstairs, and gonia 'last sumnier. He tells the following <:iucing them in. London a.nd establishing Nutti ' e, tre·h from her winter abroad, ~ould be,l,>egging· ,to go_." . " . . atory of his experimce: "The Ba.laklavaen· their position. He secured a. furnished d countered very stor111y '"C"ther before my for and ·lk and """" often in request as a l don t thmk she will, sa1 .Alice u really t house in \.VeHtburnia before leaving Nice, w · .. ~ comp·u1 'ons a"d myselr· " were washe<l ove1· · n entertaining. She sa.db> , · " she is not that sort of stuff, and ~ ~ · help i Useful to Person ·and, travelling leisurely home without ' O bo·rd The ae· hnd been runn1·ag h1'gb. for some of the choicest society in she wa.s very fond of Mrs. Nugent. h, ·a\rer·l w · ~ w · '."Oastorl1iisAOwelladapt.edtoclilldrentbi.t Ca!torla cure!l Colie, Coe!\t.! patlon, v isiting Bridgefield, he took possession the thus. s"w w ct "a.ys but the day of the d1 ·s"ster· x·t r recommend it as superior to any prescription Soul' Stomach, Diarrhcea, Eructation, London and in addition had as much of Al <>Vyn I if you could let ua off. " ~ w · w \$econd week in May. · · · " N 0 t ft th t · t · 1 ,. h was running in long , heavy and p owerful known tome." :tr. .A A=irn M D Kills W~nns, gives &leep, and prnmotea ~ 1 08 T here ha.d no ~ been much correspondence the youthful gaiety M Lady K irka.ldy . ,, a ~r a exp !on, cer ai!l Y· e 11 h" ·- h d b h" h Id ... . ' · ., gest10n thought whclesome tor the two girh. Also said. Besides, I promised Jermagham, ewe 8 · w ICu, a. they een ig e:c, won :ill So. Oxtom 5t.. llrook!;yn. N. 1:'. Wit.bout injurious medication. . with the Rectory, a.nd on the first forenoon, there were those ecclesiastical delights ri.nd and such an exmse would never hold water. l:iave washed the vessel into kindling wood. as Mrs. Eoetrcmont and Nuttie were tryinD I t W"S thought advisable to take in sail THE CENTAUR C Ollll'A NY, ~7 M u rrny Street,~. l'.', " pri'v1"leges whi'ch h u d been heard of a.t Mick- She is not even a reh.tion." d ~ · to enliven · the drawing·room with . the ,, Just as we wern about t o execute t he command a heavy ~ea washed over our vessel. lllowers sent up to meet them, they were lethwayte, and were within reach, greatly · "No,, but she was very goo to me. aurprised by the entrance of Blanche, full enjoyed by Mrs. Egremont whenever she "The more reason why you should not I saw it coming, but it wr.s too late to get out -of kisses and welcomes. could share them, though her daughter stay at home and be hipped. Never mind of danger, and I went down in t he trough of "Ohl didn't you know? I'm with the clllilfed at her treating all except the chief that silly girl she will be all right by and the sea and must have beenslightly~ tunned, F OR SALE DY J . HIGGINBOTILAM &, SON, BOW1\'1ANVILLE· Kirkaldys j ust round the corner. Aunt service on Sunday as more indulgence than by." for I don't know how it happened. When llhrgan;t ha.s undertaken to do the part of duty. On the contrar y, she did not come down I to I was holding on to a portion of a noble aunt by me." Nuttie was strong, with tha.t spring of to luncheon, and when, about an hour l ater, the maat with all the strength there was in "Then you here for the sea.son? And energy which unbroken ,health and a quiet Alice, after writing a few tender loving me. It is impossible for me to relate what May?" . life lays up, and, in her own phrase, she words .to the mourners, went up to her I suffered in that cold water; «May wouldn't come, except just for went in for everything, from early services daughter's room, it was to find a limp · and "I floated on the piece of wreck for two -1\ week to see the pictures, and lay in to late balls, thinking all right because it deplorable figure lying across the hEd, and days a-nd then I lust all consciousness. It is ;a stock ot talk. She's growl more parochial was seldom that her day did not begin with to be greeted with a fresh outburst of sobs queer how I was washed ashore, but I was than ever, and we believe fo is all Hugh matins or Celebration, a nd because she was and inarticulate exclamations. finng up by the surf on the only decent porConda.mine. Oh I I forgot you were gone taken to more than two balls a. week, and "Oh Nuttie dear this will not do I It tion of coast line there i s in Patagonia.. .before we came home last au tumn. He is conversed at times ~ith superior people, or is not ;ight, Dear g~d Mrs. Nugent her- When I regained conscioumess a band of the 1 ·: immma's nephew, you know, and was or- 1ook~d at thos~ with world.famed. n.a.mes. self would tell you that it is not the way most hideous-looking b.3ings I ever saw were .. damed last year to the curacy of the next Possibly the -iyh1rl was greater than if it had any one so good and so suffering should be da 1cing around me. The men were giants .r:pa.rish t:> his father's place. If the Ed- been more gaiety, for then the brain would grieved for. Think---" in size and I could not tell whether they '\\"IU'dses only would take themselves off, we not have participattd in it. Churth. func"Oh 1 know all that'" cried Nuttie were cannibals or not. As I opened . my "Would have him at 11ome, and then we tions, with the scurry to go at all, or to ob· impa.ti~ntly · "but she-eh~ was the dearest eyes I tried to think where I was and what ..:should have flowers on the altar, and all tain a seat, fine mu3i.c, grand sermons, re· - and noborly cares for her but me. Not had happened. Shouts of joy were uttered ; isorts of j olly things. would stand ligious ~eatings, entertain?J~n,ts for. the even you---" · ly all, and t wo big bucks raised rue up and .c,eveir so much more trom hi.m than from the P0 ?r, lectm:es, lessons, exlnb1t10n~, rides, · Again Alice tried to debate the point, and carried me with ease a long distance into tho -old E dwardses." drives, kettle.drums, garden-p a.rhea, .con- urge on her the duties of moderation self· interiot ever 11 mi6erable couniry to their " But he is engaged to May, then ?" certs,. thea~res, .operas, . balls, chattering, control, and obedience, but the poor genti· camping ground. "'Well, no, not exactly. I believe he ~aughmg! di~cussrng, re.admg UJ? current sub- mother was at a great disadvantage. "I waB well guarded, and a council was does not think it right' till he has done pre- JEC~s, enioymg attention, e:x:citei;nent as to In the first ple.ce, she respected and al· held to see what should be done with me. I pi.rin~ for pdest's orders. He's ever so how and w?at to do, - one ~hmg drove most envied her daughter's resistance, and imagined all the most horrible deaths and .t1tric~ t k now w h 't was t" 'd't 0 "' you. know, and he hasn't got much out another · th' h m perpetual d'd success10n, ld d 0 and the to rea11y d'd 1 no · e ther 1 1m1 1 y determined to escape, and I did that ni,,.ht either ; but he means it. Lucy, his sister, o~e . mg 8 e ~ever i or cou. was or principle that it her ins·tinct to act . I still retained a little cla.ap knife that a.11 ·you know, told me all about it, and that sit st!ll and thmk I Rest was simply dream- otherwise; in the next, Ursula could a lways sailors wear, but it was impossible for me to ':altogether the elders had settled it was bet· leas sleep, the power · and , m · the th' d h "'et at it until my hands were liberated. ·11 generally t0 k under t ti · t d hof a t a lk her d own , ll' , s e was, ,.. :ter for both that he should attend to his 8t rong Wl wa e a . ie appom e ~ur and greatly she reproached herself for that On guard wer e two big men who watched 0 '{lreparation, and May should not bind her· for The short mter vals .f bemg same, in great dread of setting herself off me closely, while others slept by the fire. I :self, though they really underatand one an· ~lone wit? he~ ~other we~e spent .m pour- intC> tears tha.t might become hysterical if kept working my hands until they were ()ther, and so she won't come to London." mg out · d}ustones · h of her domgs, th · hwhich t d were bl d ah e onoe ii;ave way t o them. A n d w h a t fre ~. One guard sat down and began to nod, We have now completed arrangements for a big sale of popular goods "Oh, that's very good of her!" cried Nut· rec~ive wit a sympa; Y t a ou e. would be her husband's feelings if she too and the other walked back and forth. 'W hen tie; "but why won't they let them settle their ple~sure, excep_ t rng when Nutt1 e collapsed and became unpresentable. his back was turned I severed the cords e,t prices which must take the eye of every economj~al buyer. We keep thek minds and be engaged?" thought proper to grumble and scold at her . . which bound my feet and then I was free the best qualities, styles, and assortu.u:mt in "People are always tiresome," said motper's not coming to some Church So'. havmg once convmeed he~self that for action. The snoring of the sleeping lSla.nche ; "and I do believe the living is at festival at an hour when she thought Mr. even if Nutty had been a consentmg party, sentinel,became louder and louder and at the bottom of it, at Lucy thought so. Egremont might want her. no amoun.t of cold wat~r and eau-de-cologne i last I felt satisfied that he was 'fast asleep. for ladies', gents' and.childrens' wear ; also in Trunks and Valises. I mean everybody 'wants to wait-all the Of him Nuttie saw very little-. He d id '!ould brmtt those bloodshot eyes, swollen The next instant I was on my feet and o0l!d ones, I mean - not H ugh or May, of not want her, and cared little what she did, l~s,fl.a~d m£°ttled chee~~l tof be 6 !~0 be seenf creeping up slowly behind the other guard. Come and see our elegant stock-Cash bought it, Jow prices will sell it. -course- to know whether Mark will stick to as long as she was under the wing of I,a.dy 8 e e as as~ as poss_i e rom e gas~s 0 "My left hand was on hie throat;, and ttbe umbrellas, or tum ba.ok and be a clergy· Kirka.ldy, whose patronage, was a triumph- barbed !epro~ches which put ~er own com · with my right I plunged my knife into his Our specialty is to please our customers, our aim ho save money for our nmn, because, then, of course, he would ant refutation ~fall doubts. ~e wePthfa.own fe~~u~f h~ir~~\:::ie~:::: J;~t~t~~s:es~l: breast, and he fell ove~ a dead Indian, with- patrons, our intention to do better for you tha.n anyone else. Goods h aye the living; and if he doesn't, they way,andhad lusownclub,hisownassocia.tes . ·t d tol00k h b t If h h d t outastruggleoruttermgacry. It was a cannot be bought cheaper-none are allowed to undersell us. want to he certain whether Uncle Alwyn, and, with his wife always at his beck and ici u e . er es · s eh a nfd terribl,; experience, but I at last reached a 1 8 1 ~bsol~t~l QI' you, Nuttje, would p romise it to Hugh if ca!!, troubled himself very little ab\>ut a.ny- thoug:t t~~ong, ~· wo~d placi: u.P. th~ coast that ~av~ sor_ne evidence he married May l" thmg else. even ave 0 owe a.r m 6 suggee lOn, ~ · of civ1 l1z!ltlon, and this mspired me to '28. " Me !" excl"imed Nnttie. Alice spent a good deal of time a.lone, put on a soupcon ef rouge; but by !he ti~e fresh efforts. I don't knew how I lived. I " My dear, I . don't like to hear you ta.Jk chiefly in ~aiting his ~lea.sure; but she had she ~as summoned to the c_arr·a~~ :a e oaul.(ht s oi:xie fish, and these kep~ ~ife !n me. -of such things," said Mrs. Egremont gently. her own quie t ocoupat1ons, her books, her fdever~lhness 0 { herdeffhrt ~t sblfdohtid · .~ I at last 111ghted a canoe, and ha.1lmg 1t, the "Oh yes, l know-It's all very dreadful. needlework, her housekeeping, and letter- honethte worl.' ant efr bus a;i tha tpahl Chilian master took me up the, where . m . tiie old wr1 ·t· o o t servrng a a e I wa.s ·pu~ a.board a sma.11 sa1 ·1· .'I wa.s on1y t e11' mg you wh a t 1s mg, and was peace f u l ty h appy as 1ong erk d e oomp tt imen hf mg vesse1 t o iJeople's heads, and what would settle it, as,she d id not displease Nuttie. There were 100 e pre Y enonu 0~ wo. . Chiloe Islt'.lld. The British bark Vo.ldavia no collisions between father and daughter N uttie h?ard the~ d.nve ~ff, with. a bu~st took me up the coast to Chili, and others ; make it all right with them." "And how ia Mark? Is Miss Ruthven and the household arrangements satisfied of fresh m1Sery of md1gnabon agau~st. lier have brought me here. itn Lundon ?" askfd Mrs. Egremont, glad to that fastidious ta.ate. S he was proud of mother -now .as a slave and a v10t1m:turn away the conversation from the con- Ursula's sncceeses, but very thankful not to no:w ~ forgetti~g her old home. It was 'tiEgencies of which 'Blanche .spoke with the be dragged out to share them though she chiefly m mutterrngs; she had pretty well The Champion Fraud. !hardness of youth, as yet not realizing sor- was much l ess shy, and more ~ble on occa - used up her te~rs, for, unooneciously I? ago there were two excellent swimirow, sion to take her place. haps, she had worked them up as a deten- mers in London named Johnson. One day "L daresay you know nearly as much One pain she had. Good o ld Mrs. N agent eive weapon against b eing carried to the one of the brothers boarded a eteamer just .-Of. Mark as we do, now the Kirkaldys are · · . 'party;andnowthatthedangerwa.sover,h1r h "d W All h' 1 was ra.1J10l.Y decayrn~, and s~e with head throbbed, her eyes burnt, and her as t e ti e was running out, hen the I b h :O~, !':,~· Annapl~s ise't~°:f i;o l~nd;!~o~.:~ all her lovmg he~rt m the grief this was to throat ached too much for her to wish to cry boat was within one hundred yard· of Lon· t[)elmars can't atlord 1"t, ·you know, though I Mary and to Miss .Hea.d~orth, ~nd l ong- any more. She had not felt ph,·aically lik"e don bridge and rnnning at a furious rate of ed to help them In their nursmg She J speed the young man purposely fell ovm·· ' ' ;b elieve my lady would have made a stretch . . .· this, since t he day, seven years ago, when would not grieve Nutt1e by dwellmg con· d b f swept down 1 board and was soon b eiD!! .fil Annaple hadn't been bespoke-but now stantly on the ba.d accounts, and the girl · she . and Mildred Sharpe Im een ounc = . . . h k f · 1 stream. '.!.'here was great excitement on ~ L ' · board the steamer, but the great speed at ..13he ~oserves herself for Muriel." hardly attended to them in the tumult of ousp.iciously toymg with t e ey 0 a:'-'it1 · · Alice looked with some discomfort at the occupations; and so at last, when the final me .ic, ana had been debarred. and guil~y; which theboatwas runningw ould.noti;iermi t 111oft fair·baired creature who was uttering tidin s i the se o d week in July now she felt, or ought to feel, like a heroine of any attempt at rescue. The man m the t J """ <'l>llthis worldly jargon in a tona that would they ~e:::i: absolute sho~k to Nuttie, and maintaining the right. . water screamed lustily and managed to keep 1-een flippant if it had not been so p.ffected her as the firat grief sometimes S he got up and set herself to rights as atloat by a series of awkward motions. Just QQfil c hildish. She asked if Lord Ronnisglen does. Mrs. Nugent was really the first well as she could. Martin, who had been · as he r eached the bridge a form was seen to ,had written. ' person ofherownintima.teknowledgewho al!owedto know th~t.she had lost an old shootdownfr~mt~e ~pan . seventy.five f~et .~ ·Oh yes, long ago. La.dy Delmar had had died and in the excited state in which friend, petted and pitied her, and brought above. The d1verfell m midstr eam and seiz. r, r'iel'i to make him no.sty about it, but be she was the idea of the contrast between her a. substantial meal with her tea, after ing t.he apparently lifeless floater struck out "Wouldn't be, so that's all right ; and Mark her ow~ occupations and Mary's was so which ahe set out to evenson~ c.t t.he church for the shore. Men went to che rescue of the :-;seems to get on very well, though it must dreadful to her that she wept moat bitterly, at t he end of the Equ1;1-re, well v~1l~d under brave mn.n a.nd they were so'.>n taken on land. l h e horridly dull for him now the Kirkaldys with the sobs of childhood, such as she a ahad! hat, and with a conviction . that The diver proved to be the elder Johnson > are way, and he; can't spend nll his Sundays really did not know how to restrain. somet hmg ought to happen. and the whole thing was put up to attract > l\t Monks Horton." ~2 . ,...;1!11·"·"·~,;. ' It was an unfortunate aay, for it ·waa one Nothing did, however, happen; she met public attention and for the money there "He will get more into the spirit of the of the few on which Mr. Egremont wanted no one whom_ she knew, th~ psalms was in it. The nex t morning the staid old plcce," said Nuttie, whereat Bl.i.nche shruv· to ta.kc out his ladies, There was to be were not particularly appropriate, and n 'lwspapers, which had been most b eautifully ged her shoulders a little, and exclaimed: a gr eat at Richmond, given her attention wande~ed away to the gulled by t he fake rescue, printed columns Inspe('tion Solicited. ou've got out of it at c.ny rate, Nut by one ot his former set, who had lately scene at home. She did not come. back, as on Johnson's perilous leap to save a drown. whitewashed himself by marrying a very she was. sure she ought to have done, sooth· . ing brother. The two men were promptly Victo1·ia Buildings. MlJRDOCD BllOS. "'I hope not I ' fast and fashionabl e lady. Nuttie had ?d, exhilarated, a.nd r?freshed, but ri;-ther hired by variety hall managers, and for six ~· W ell, then, the look of it I I never saw heard strong opinions on the subject at m a. rasped state of mmd, and a c;onsc!ence months or more they made 011rrels of money. ·====-=-= ·===-=-=== anyone so improved l Isn 't she, Aunt Alice? Lord Kirkaldy's ; but her father w<>s quite ~akmg ~vehement stru~gle to J:ielteve itself The trick came out event1,1ally, howovor, = ===-·-- - --------·-- ' - ··- -=-=....: .She 's grown, l declare I Yes "-measuring elated at being in a. position to c.ountenance m the n ght-a. matter m wh1ch she thor- but not before the fakirs had saved a. good filerseH against her cousin-" I was a his old friends. Alice, in the midst of her oughly succeeded. 1 ·ound si:m of the Q11een's crowns. ALLI il.eelle bit taller when you came, and now sorrow, reuollected this with ·const ema· She wrote a long letter to Mary Nugent, ,you've got above me ! and what a duck of a tion. an d shed some softer over i t;, then she A Famous Trotter. 'Way of doing your hair ! You must show " M d d l h u 0 u must built a few ca.sties on her future escape from ·-e l I must tell . M ·y there's no fe .. i· of Y ear, my ea.r, ms ! .1. Aceoi·d i'n g to the b est comp1 'le d record s of ~, w w stup yourself I Re ber we have to go the power of he1· father ; and then she pick:~our ~eing taken for one a nother now; out-." mem ed up Reata, and became absorbed in it, re- the present day the first horse to trot a mile ...:>.Unt 1.forgaret will be qu ite surprised." " G t,, . d N tt' h b t !!retting only the weakness of her eyes, and better t.han three minutes was Y&nkee, 2 . . true th·t Ursula had develcped a o- ou ' one u 16· er so 8 arres · ~ r-9 · 1806 E~ C R 0 th f th fi f 1~ It 'V"S · o ·~ ~ ed by very horror " you wouldn't go 1'· the darkening of the summer e-veni11g. " ·m · · ·· · e rm o ·" erg ood deal during the last year, and, under " 1 m f . 'd · f th ld b - . She was stiu reaarng wnen i;he others guson. & Roth, insurance a.gents, of Buffalo, ithe experienced hands of Marti"n, had lost much a a rai your a er won e very came h ome. Her mothe1· kissed her, but h as an °i1 p "'i n ti ng in .h is · o fli ce of th e E ngPurify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the vexed-" ,IJloc echoolgirl air, and turned into a young '.' Let hiw ! It is a horrid wicked plaoe looked so languid and tired-out that N u ttie lish thoroughbred horse Bob, with a certiti.LIVER, S'l.'OlllllCU, .K IDl'UEVS AND BOWELS. ;~ir,d:y capable of becoming the l:'aris outfit t 0 t t ll d h d d was shocked, and Martin declared t.hat she cate written on the. margin stat ing that he 'Which her father had enjoined. Without f!.O 0 a a. ; an now- ·-i:v en ear, ear trotted a mile fo 2.50 in 1802. Bob was a ought not to go down to dinnar. h large, handsome chestnu t gelding, standing They invigorate and restore to health. Debilitated Constitutions, and n ositive beauty, she was a pleasing, intelli- oldTMrs. Nugent i s lying there- and- -" . ~cnt, a.nim11ted girl, with the reputation of he c:'-'ying gr ew v iolenEt again, and in the A tete·a-t ete d~nnedr bdeftween fAatl. e~ ~nd 16 hands, weighing l,050, with a white snip are invaluable ln all Oompfatnts incidental to Fema.iee of all, Fo11 ·lbeir.u( an heiress, with a romance in a back- midst m walked Mr. 'gremont with an daugh ter was too rea ul to ice a m1· . and banged tail. A groom dressAd a la (Jhildren and the aged t he:y priceless. ,.grou.nd, and there was nothing to preven t astonished " 'What is a ll this?" agination to be permitted, so she dressed English stancls at his side. The writing on 1 'her from being a success. The family con· " We have lost one of our dear kind old and went down, looking like a ghost. Mr. the ma.rgin of the oil painting is quite plain mections, with Lady K irkaldy to set t he friends at Micklethwayte," said Alice, going Egremont scowled at Nuttie, Nuttie sco wl . and reads as follows; ·example, had detel'mined on givincr full towards him ;" dearold Mrs; Nugent," ana ed at him, each considering it the faul t ot Bob- bred by Mr. Chinery of Gr eat 'W hel- Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds Sor and Ulcers. It ls famous for Gout and Rheumatism. For disorder s of tho :support to Mrs. E gremont, and, rui' of gourse she lifted up her tear-stained face, which he the other, and when at hat i t was over; netham, · near St. Edmunds .Bnry-got by -Chest it h;i.a no eqna.l. -· e very one liked to look at so lovely a face, caressed a little and baid, "Poor old body ;" .Alice gave up the struggle, and went off to Nimrod, from a mar~ by Herod. Mr. Chin1,t he way of both was smoothed in a manner but t hen, at a. sob, " Can't you stop Ursula bed, l eaving a contrite mea:.sage tha.t her ery made a considerable bet tba.t he would For Sore '.l'hroah~, B1·oncb.itis, Coughs, Colds , " tht1.t delighted her husband when they en- from makiug si10h a row and disfi guring headache would be better to-morrow. trot oµe mile in t hree minutes, April 2, <eountered any of those who had looked herself ? You must pick up yonr looks, "All your accursecl lolly and obstinacy," 1862, when four years old, which he perform- Gl~ndulEI.l· Swellings, and all Skin Diseases i t has no rival; and cold ly on her at Nice. Edda, for I mean you to make a sensation observed Mr. Egremont, .when Nuttie, with ed in 2} (mea.ning 2.50) to t he astonishment contracted and stiff joints it acts like a ch&rm. ffie would have had her presented, but her at Jerningha.m'e." a. tone of monition gave him the message. of n. great concourse of spectators, many of · own reluctance and the united counsels of . " Oh, Alwyn, if you could let us stay at "I llhould call 'it·the consequence of being whom bet against him. Colonel MoLeroth Manufactured only at THOMAS HoLLOWAY's Establishment, L ady Kirkaldy and the Canoness prevailed home I Mrs. Nugent was so good to us, dragged out with a rnre heart, " r eturned purchased him rather than he should be ·Un him to drop the idea; and then ther e a.nd it does seem unkind- " The were Nuttie- a lirtle speech she had prepared hurt in going 72 miles in four hours, which '18, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late _,33, OXFORD STREET), LONDONl was a fight with Ursula, who declared that in h iir eyes again. ever since she had seen how knocked up her was bet ted be could. And are liOld nt ls. lid., 2e. 9d., 4a. 6d., lla., 2211. , and 33s. each Box or Pot, and -:ohe would not go to court if her mother did "Nonsense !" he said impatiently. "I mother was.. [Signed] WILLIAM CooPE. R 111ot ; but she was at last overruled by that promised J erningham, a nd it is absurd to "Then I should recommend keeping your .fecit, 18()'2. may be had from all Medicine Vendorst.hroughout t~e World. : Thie picture was brought from England a l!llotller's at her defiance ; and let her- have you shutting yourself up for every old ideas to yourself," he answered, looking a t llll'Parehascr~ hould look st the J.abel on tbe Pots and Boxes, It the r ddre : ; ..self be presen ted, together w ith Blanche woman at M.ieklethwayte." her in his annihilating manner. great many years ago, and the story is · la n &aa. U::i:r.,rd St.reef.. 1.un1Jnn, t hey are &»Uri&··· ~ Lady Kirkaldy. ' '.L'hereupon Ursula wiped away h er tears, S he was put down. She thought after· ,-ouch ed for as bei.:ng correct. ............~.........................-...-·--·--~~~!!'!"'----,_,..,,....,,,..~~--~·~-~ . ~!?'~==~ .............."""'...... . To l'.rsula it was al together a strange and st?od up wrathful before him. " I am war ds of a hundred things t ba.t she could -·~ !?W: 6.000,0 0Q i::EOJ:.l.,,E l!;?E fall1;e, full of the same kind of reckl ess not going," she said. have to him, but she was ci·ushed for He Apologized on Pl'inciple. .'lwmg and sense of intoxicatien that had "Oh indeed !" he returned' in a tone t he present, and when he went out she could l>ill Bluster, while on a t ear insulted Jl>OSSf'..ased her at Bridgefield, Not that iha.t m~de her still more angry.· " Hein" I only betake herself to B eata ii.nd forvet all Has r e ceiv01l her new stook of. rich old Stronger. A few d ays after, · hap· D.M .FER!lY&CO. t b!lre was un excessive amount of actual a. French ejaculation which he the habit abimt it as much as she could. ·ro 1>dmitted t o be tlle g aiety. Hot rooms and 11;1-t<s 11oura were ; of u t tering in a mo&t exasper a.tini; manner. W hen she went up~tairs, at the end of pening to meet him, he apologized as to Larff,e;~.;>~~rJ':'en .s oon found not to agree with Mrs. E ger "No," she said. "lt is scarcely a plac e thii t hird volume, Martin was on the watch, wit : D. !>I. FERRY.& CO'S al'.ld invites t he JJadies of Bow Say, Mr. Stronger, while drunk the other mon~. She looked failed and languid after to wh;ch we even ought to be asked to go, and would not l et.her go .into the room. U llu;t r nted, De:iicrJp~ "I have been at hand, ma'am, without day I'm told I insulted you. I'm sorry for e venm g; 11.nd, as her husbai:d r e1lly cared and certainly not when- -" tivt· nn ·l Prlced. manvme and vicinity to caU mor e to have her r eady to wait upon him " Do you hear that, Mrs. Egremont ?" he her guessing it, and I am happy so say her it and beg your pardon." SE!ED " Oh, that's all right, \Yilliam." was t he >!Wd amuse him t han for anything else, he asked. tears have bad a free course when she was and see her Pattern ANNU JIU... d i;J uot insist on her going out more than " Oh, Nuttie, Nuttie; dear!" she implor· in bed. Yes, ma'am, suppr essed grief is response. ' " W e are all liable to do wrong For !SSS occasionally. "That's all right." · amght be. nee~ful t.o establish her pusition, ed ; "don't. " al ways dangerous." . . mil b e mailed "Yea, but see here. You must n' t feel <>r when it smted him to a.h ow her oJf. The "No, mother," said N uttie, with flashMrs. Egr emont was still pr ostrate with FREE TO Al..L proud over it because I'm hoiaest enough to npt,1iicants. n.n.d -0thc:r purposes were qui~e as well se.rved by , inv eyes; "if you care so little for your . fatig ue and lteada~he the n~xt_day! and Nt~t and t\ssor tmen t oi to ! sen.son'8 J.ettmg Ursula go ~mt with I.~y J.{:irkaldy, 1 best friend as to . let yourself be dragged ! t ie had a ll th~ qmet 111x uriat mg m remum - ask yer pa~dorl, for, u~tderst~nd y Ju, I'd customers \fith out ol'd eriug i t . ask t he parc 10n of a dog if I'd msulted h im. who· was warmly mtereste~ m mother and 1 .out all ~ortt!. of g?'Y· ~icked people ences she desired . H er father was vexe;I Snvalua bleto all. daugh~er, glad of a. oompamon f?r Blanche, when your dear friend 1s lymg dead, l 'm ancl angry, a nd k ept out of ~h; wa.y,_ but it It's the principle of the thin(" I'm after. I E very p orson usmg: $Ad s td! more glad of a oompamon for her- 1 su re I shan't go with you." \must be confessed that Nuthe s sp1r1?' had know yer an old hypocrite, but at the sa me Ca rden, i' i·elcl"" Flo we r iil'l'Olt.!! :- Seeond Door West of '\Vllli&vns self: . ~or she was not slow to discover that Her father laughed a little. "A pretty I so much risen by the afternoon that it was time I've insulted you and I'll ask yer par ~ SEE os~1~~ll11\~clld1r!~ ln~J1-e r i!itl\11 · .exh1b1t1ons, whic~ were merely fashi?nable ·figure you are, to mil.kc a favour of accomp· sore concession liO consistency when she don I" P. M. FERRY &.CO ·· Wmdsor,Ont. ,gapeseed i;o her n1 ec;, were to Nutt1e real anying us!" I.! rs M*' .. ....TFftYn. ::ii:WXff ma rrw n NUTTIE'S F . ATHER. '"1 · ... ; · , ' · ' ' · ' Q Infants I Childreno 0 The Prices tell, the Quality. sells. I BOOTS, SHOES .AND SLIPPERS i M. TRELEVEN Murdoch Brothers'N'"EW O:S:IN""..A. :S:.A..LL'.I where are to be seen Sets lovely patter:as I21 Dinner 30 Ch· Illa T ea S 8t S v ery pretL·y 15 Printed Tea Sets elegant designr.: 5Q S U perlOr · p Tlll · ted Bed R S 0 t S, TI"'Th. B d R s 2 o· vv 1te e . oom ets. SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR CLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c. tie·;.r I-:I:EALTH FOR THE THE OINTMENT ' I - - .....~f\:Y·',cEEDS ~. 1188 McTAVISH GOODS"» I l l I i j I j BONNETS, HATS 4 TRI lv1 1:v1 I J\ 1G S la. · c hildren .Cry.for ..P ltoh.~-!~ _.,._ q_a,to~!~-~

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