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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Feb 1888, p. 3

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ur:: I I which stood aloae 1.o the river, with water h!!.ir, a. skin like old ivory, and features of [ALL RIGHTS l t 11:sirav1m.] [Now F'rnsT Pb":llUslllID. j on one side 11nd marsh on the other, wa.s purest Roman mould. The Vice.r wa.s morthe 1tlti-n11 dnile of hie parish; a.nd here he ta.I, and he conld not help feeling a deeper IB PUBLIBHED aho'1lt a dozen times in the year to see interest in the soul that dwelt within this CATAJ.Um.-A new treatment bco11 di!S" lOVf'red whereby a permanent cure of thie E\7EltY WEDNESDAY ltlOll:NlNG two of h1a p<trishoners who ha.d awakened lovely clay than Ill his snub-nosed apple- tltberto incurable disease, ls ubsoluiely nll"ect .. -BY1n lhim u. keener mterest than their merits cheeked v1llagera. And the girl was bhy, id in from one to three applicat:ions. no "" \ttermight be said to deserve. or proud, e.nd held herself aloof from all ivhether stantting one yeai or fo.'!by. ~ieara '.l' lli· th h" 1 d th v· emedy is only applied once m twtilve !lay~. Yonder hovel, with low cob walls e.nd a sympa y, w 10 1 ma. e e icar onJY th e md does not interfere wh h bu.sinesf, l)e.,.crl:p· AT TRJll OJl'ElOE gable roof of blackened reeds, had been ten more sympa.thetic. .ive pamphlet sent free ou rece>pll or ·tariip by At71'HOR 0 1.' "LADY A UDL'ElL'S ::;EC!~h1'," "'V YLLARD !i W E IRD," E·t.;, J./JTC. Post OIDct\ Bluel·, King Stn;lt't~ :llowmnn· anted for the last forty years by a basket Mr. Rock atone had deferred his visit to ~. H. Dixon & Son, 30i1 Krng Bil" et. WMt·· \'1Uc, Onh!l. ' iie. m:i.ker, whose gi wife had died soon aft'!r old D~wley'a cotta,ge longer the.n usual, and l';ironto, Canada. ,.., r h h d h h I ·J WHAT IS v H ARRHl T E R :NI: s: his establishment in that solitarv abode, and e approac e t e mars to 111Y wit 18 cerCatnr rtt 18 adangeroug 11r8 f\'aaewliw b. tb-0110jll.$O p~r .Anmt m, or ~~ it ii:ild In litl· nil c CHAPTER I V .- IN THE Hu.NTINO F IELD, The Miss Treducey bad been christened had left him with a daughter of three years tain anxiety of nund, inasmuch as Madge ·nds conscwubly or miconsciousty snffcriuJi:< Mrs. 1J'reemn.ntle was right in her dh·gno· Matilda ancl Isabel, in honour of thetr Nor· old. The child bad grown up with him had not appeared m her usual place m the ~roro. It is a mnco·purulent d·scba~go (laused: Pa,ment strictly in o.d vance r equired from s1's. A·'ra1·n was i·n love. He was not n.l· man descent ; the 11'l19s Tofl:Staff were somehow, as the birds grow U. their neats, gallery cf his church fot· more than a month. by the presence of a vcge~able p a ra site m the rb:!Ol"lbers outside of tho county, Orders to " p M · d J h · b Th h h d b h b d d bt hung membrane of the nose. 'l'he prc<ltspO!lso»ntinue the paper mn~t be acccmpam eod bv together uz.conscious of his own condition; 11.tty, 1 IHJone, an esine, avmg een in that lonely place, without womanly help e went er a een eit er a or ou · Ing ca.use~ a 1e a morbid state of the blood, tbe. amount due,ortb paperw1l notbestopped. but like most 1Dtellectual young men he christenecl u.t a period when rustic of any kind, and ehe had ~rown mto a ful on all those Sundays, and he had taken °lllRhted corpuscle of tubc. cle, the germ poison. 1b·crlbera a r eresvonsiblennt1 full paymentia fan cied himself much wiser than he really nu.mes were in fashion. Mm. To~staff wo.s ereatuie of a. stra.nge wild beauty, in which that to be the cause of her absence, yet ?I syr,h1hs, mercury, toxomoo, from the r e~nr d uous Iy, her gipsy blood was manifest. She had bw h ent.a.f fifth t!on of t he etl'ete matter of the skm, eupprCBooii!: wae. He thought that he only admired a worn o.n w h o f o11owed f uon ass1. l f S un d a.y ~atmeba.nd th ~ d·tarkly persp1rat1ons, badly ven~ilated sleepmi;: npar_ tRATJES OF .Un'E!RTlSl!.ili«>h Ii.~... Helen Deverill ; and he told himself that ' and ll~ she n ever t hou17_!it of a.rivth1~g else, grown almost to womanhood when Mr can I u ace was no, o e seen Ill I 8 a.c· n1ents and the germination of othei· poisons m Vb lle Col~muono yeai· ............. $60 on ~;;;;; he would go no furbh er than adnmD.tion / ~nmet! mes overto_ o k 1t Eve1ytlnug. at Rookstone came to the parish, arid he he,d cm1tome<l place, the Viuar began to thmk be blood. Irritated by these, the hnmg mem· u " Ho.if yer<!' ·· ... .. . . B 6 o'I/ ;:; ., imtil he knew a g r<1at d~al more of the lady. I 'Vilmm gton, the d mner table. the d::awm~· been interested m her as a. curious growth the1 e must be some more se1ious reason for brane ot the nosfl is ever ready tor ~he recep One Qna.rter ........ 211 ()() I!!"" He was his own master, free t o murry whom· room, the stables, an d the_ gardens \\as m of eave.go ignoi a.nee in the very nndet of Madge's absence than rain or wind. &ion of the pa.rnsite, which ri>pidly spreads, up " " ::h!f - - soever he chose foi his wife, independent of the no\~ es t .stY le. A f ~sh10n cou. ld h· dl S he had grown up k now1Dg · Tn ' e sn1oke rose 1·n a. th1"n ' wh'1te colum n o he throat, nosti an<lmi;: down the fauces, orthroal back; U\ll or - Oo~umu one yo&r ·· ··· · · · .. .... '36 o 00 (l\) ~r Y civilnmtion. .he ulcemtlon of the :: lf:!r~~:!·ter."". :.::... 2 5{·1·:: ull mercemuy considerations A penniless be heard of m D~vonshue before it was to hnrdly anything which civilzied young wo from the low chimney of the hut, and a .he eusta.c.1:u1>n tubes, causmg deafness, bu ,:. mi.rter Colun.n one yc9 r .... ...... 20 O fl gir I of good family seemed to bun the mos!; , be seen a.t W1lm1ngton.. A t the Moat, on man know, but ehe had on the other hand gleam of lire· light showed in the wmd'.>w rowing m the vocal cords, causmg ' hoarseness; " " Half year ...... · · Ill f,O I)toperperson for i,1 ·m to tnairy , · but he t"l d 1 , the contrary_, everything was of the old the innocence of ignora,nce, bud no more that looked across the ma rah. There was :umrping the vroper structure of tbe btronchu~~ .. · te 8 O CI G u v th mbes endmg 1u pulmonary consump ion an~ 0 1 1'en 1,1166 a.~duntl~:. ~t\n:ertioii': $0 50 himself that he roust h nvt· the hi~hest qua!-/ s;-hool, a rnnous and ra e~ Peasant Ir?111g- knowledge of the outer world, its pleasures, some 11fe m the h ove1 a t any ra.t e. teath. Eaoh eu hseqnen t maer tion ...... 0 22 _ itiee Ill u. wife. She must not be beautiful hni: of ,old French 11,nd old l!:nghsh fashions. temptations and sins, than she had of the Old D~wley was s1ttmg by the hearth Many Ingenious speiflcs for for the cure ot trrom six to ten Jines, t\l"Rt tnsertlon o 7, · alone: mentally and mor,illy she must be Lady 'Ired.ucey protested her abhorrence o,f gieat shining worlds in that unfathomable whwh occupied one side of the low, daik catarrh have been mveuted. b\lt w1tbont enc. " .,. · II t d b t d f h I b d 1· · k b k t h" d oess, until a physician of long ·tandiug disco\"· t<ubsequent rn ~e1t1on ...... ",~,, ·· perfect. He was not t o be sea.r ed by a ht- ll mnova l':l!a.' an :ias .e . o .er ~us lln 3 universe above her head. She could neither ivmg room, ma IDg a, :is. e ; IS _gran ered the exact na,ture of th diseaee nnd the 101 ertion.pcr 1ioe 0 01 - 10 tle;unconventionality; he admired a gu l who pover ;;y, as it it were a d1~tmct10z; l1l an age read nor write, she could not count her own dilugbter knelt by th_., wmd~iw with her only a.pphance which will permanently destroy Over ten hues,:6rstmR subsequent insertion, " (' 1 --=: dared to thmk and act for herself and whose when parvenus are egregnomly nch. ten fingers without breaking down two or e.rms folded upon the sill, looking out across ihe parasite, no matter how a.ggravated the th~~Pe~1!~~~~P~~;l,ni:.~:~u~~;·~~~o: c<~i;1;;;! mu,nners were not model led up~n the man" Since France h<>s been a Republic every· threo times in the attempt and she had the broad, level marsh to the road on the oase. Sufferers should sond stamt a.t on~e llOl d Nonvarell. ' ners of a.ll'other girls ; but.he meant to study ~~ind~ n:J:,w lhad ~cen de~~~ia.b~e,t'~ sh~! said, never been inside a church' smce she was edg~dof ;be lod h¥~ which ~hut fjut ;he ~C::-sf::::·Eit~~~~::,P!~eiJ. oD1~~~ar~. S~~. ~O~ ~-- - · that lady'i; c har~cter before he suffered his a.n .~ng <1,n IS very, 1 e 0 er Jan .n. christened. Her father's excuse VI hen ('harg- wor eyon · . e ·mars was a ou a King s treet, wt' st, Toronto, Can ads. '"'-- - ---- - ·- ·· - - ~- heaxt to go out to her, never suspecting, R epu~hc. All cur fas_h1ons have ~n Ame.·1. cd with his sins of emission was that he was quarter of ~ mil e m width, broken up here the Rev. E B. Stevenson, B.A., a Ol~rg~ u:ns, ltlcr·.urG l l Lllll ~t; J~EnH, poor fool that his hEaxt wus already hers can ta1Dt. The <lay 1s fast commg when v. very poor: man and that h<1 lived four milcn and there mto pools where the wild fowl man of the London Conference of the Metk ,,. · · ' I L 9 n d on a nd D ~1a w·ll be oDly s ·!:> · bs 0f congregftted · dist Chu rch of Canada, has lo say in r egar u. OFFIOE :-- MoRRJS' ElI,OoK, BowMAN VILr.E. aud t hat 'he who a~p1red to be hequdge was ._ a, ~ ' " ur and v. lw lf a.way' from eve1y t h" mg. ,, ~ · a long stretch of waste land To A.H. Dixon&: ,'Jon's New 1'reatment fo:r 1 Dr.J.W.M.cLAUGJir.rn., Dr. A, BEH R , Grau 1l ·u reality her d ! Ne~v Y~rk, ·· "How collld I send her to school? he and dark water very dear to the sports· Catarrh. licentiate of the Royal ate of the 'l 'oronto l . . . h I Th~ !. Vil yuung tames were all agreed as asked. ma.n, and not without a charm for the land Oaklans, Ont., Canada, l\Iarcb 17, 1883 College of Phl 51c1a.ns \ U . lle n11.d ne ver ridden to hounds s mce " to one fa.ct, t hat Colonel Dever1ll's da ugh· "you might have moved to a more civil. scape pEnnter, but of no value to anyone Mt.ssrs· .A . IL Dixon &: Son: t1nd member of the mvcrs1ty, l:'hys1cle.n was a boy, for fiom the !:our he found bard tera were i. disamce to the nei hbom hood . ,, "d v· else. DEAR Srns - Yours of the 13th Inst. t o hand . Royal College or Snr. Surgeon, &c. l' was perilous 01· even impossible for b th · 1 ' ·t 9 th h t ' lid b t l><ed home, SIJ,l the tcar. The girl turned her head with a listless it sEoemed al~ost too good to be true tha t I am ~one, llj<l.111bnrgh, him, he had turned his back l!pon the sport, Jy d e~r l ~x{dykm ~I un .m~ _ e ; u as "Moved ! Why this cottage is my oyrn M the Vicar entered but she did not cured or Catarrh, but I know tha.t Id am I ~ -Ml1~Cl!EiL___ and had tried to pereu1tde hiro~elf that he : : ulhe; f~r t:e1; ab::~:tn re:pne:t~:i~i~yer freehold, parson. I'd as soon part with rise from her knees or offer him greet ~~It~t~~r~~ i;:;~uf1~0otith:a~~e~~!~da~1> :::~ · COLLEGE · · ' OF PHYSIC! ' ' t ' Yet no\V he wa~ out · . .. d 80 mnch .. ~ n, "i ro1· EMBER OF S di'd not care for 1 ' eve1yone cnlled a.t Morcomb and the ob' my riiht arm as sell the house that · shdter11 mg ,hlngs for Catarr1 i, 'suuere r d Su ' AN evc1y hun tEna day dawdling at the mee t . t " bl 1 d' h d ~ b"dd t 1 h mo. should never get another If once I ··How d'ye do Ddwley how's the rhue ro many years, that it 1s hard to rea.lize that. 0 t '. C andrf-i.°e~~~~n~e aE~~isi1;t~';;· eto. 7' pott ering ab out the lanes, watching a.nd I JCC tona d ies at oeen I en o unc sold this. The money would all go in matism ., No better eh ,,'as the old basket I am really better. bad· it · · · 't" ._ d ~ "d cons an :i. crnoon ea.s. drink ,, · · ' I consider that mine was a very · - - -- - wa1 mg a.,,I'S :m 011';1 e covtlrB, as Matrone 11.u d owned that the new " · · mat. er shook his head. "That's bad. The was aggravated and chronic,·mvclvmg the w. s, ct,RMlSTON, :r,, i,, h. muc~ m the day_ s sport a.~ 1t was poss1 ble I comere were pretty but were unanimous Y ~u might at leas~ go to ,~hurch once a. weather has been aga,inst us old fellows for ht oat as well 1ae the nasal pas~ages. a~d. I.· Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Money for b1m to be without gomg over p~~- lu denouncin then~ as b\d at:y !e. The week, Pl!rs~ed the Vicar. You wa.nder the last thne months. But I didn't t}iink ibougbt it would require ;~~e:e!~e!~~e:!1:f~ to loan. Offioo, in Beaver BloC'k up~tau-s m ture or common and takmg hm fence a With word httd bee~ passed round as it were. ~any a mde m thjkeef to se~ your b:s~ete weather waa bad enough to keep a hee..thy, ~'::.,~ f~:~f;:1/~f t~~;~ !!sever mduced tll eie:nili ~oms foriorly occupied by Dr. Harnden, the. rest of the ~eld. "Vheuever the,re w~,s They were to be received and t~Lernted, but Could you not wa a. ~w m es on t e un- Mtive young woman like you from church, I :o you. . owmanvil e. ___ _ _ ____ _ - ~q-- a bit of slow going he waa o.t·Helen n l'li<lo. they wea·e llOt t o be admi' t "d 00 the ;nner <lay to save your soul 1 Madge,' added the V1cat, with good humor You are at liber ty to use th1s letter stating When the bounds were in full ci.'y llhe wa.s t f · · t f : d ·h. · John Dawley shook his head eel remonstrttnce snnling at the girl whose tba.t I have be6n cured at two treatments. a.nil. DR. E. c. lllcDO't<Vlll;r,. off after tho n whUe he wuittM patiently iu sauTc huary o mtl~ade hn~n e I(:lt.h t th "When a man has been on the tramu all de.rk eyes were l~oku;g at him d1eamily as I shall gladly r ecommendft,Your retned;y to some lOENTIA'.l'EOJi'ROY U,<JoLLEGE hlt d ' l d f hd eywererece1ve, owever, a,wa,s ejth kh teh" r tonSunday~' he · 1tmyCriendswhoareauerera. · a 2 _e ere corner o, I~ 'e'e'il;ar o ~ e ge, main point . Sir Adrian met them every~\\OE e wan le es · if she were but half con.scions of external Yours, with many thanks. 1 Colle~~ P~7i~~~~~;a~~~~C:: s.?'J;loh~efi~~:ri~: hopu:;g fate >l nd th~ rox might bnng hsr where. His life was a new life, full of new aaid. . · thrno;4, in the absorption of )\er own , REV. E, B. STEvENSOB, SURGERY AND RKSIDll:~dE:-Rear of Messrs back that Wll.h · · · interests. He wrote long lettcis to his The V1~ar talked tt> M:a.dg_ e b.1.-:vl'ey, _tued thoug hts. l. i:d birndrens <Jf othet!' 1hggmbotham s Drug Store. Bowmanv lie, . She seen;."<1 t:' like his ~oc1sty, t alked, to brother, filltd wit.h descripbions of Helen, 1 t G her the ele1?'1ents 01 Chr1st1anity."She's neither he~ltby uor ae,ivti l!U'I\ ," _ 6- l yr. ' him and \Vlv!l. htm of all thrn go unde~ hea"\en her looks, her s weet little way~, het Bpark· 1 but the task was. d1ftioult. He _ oould ;not e~1d her grandfather, disco uteutdly, " { '------- ~ - - - - - -- - --D. BIJJU(E SDli·soN, ttncl eart.h, but she was full ot ca.prices and ling conversation, which lost a good rieal of as~ her to walk nme miles a day Ill quea u of don't know what has come O'lir her. She's ARRISTl!:'&, soucn·oR, &ii. Mn PTtU3 moortaintle~, way ward , Wllf il, a coque_ tte its sparkle when reduced to pen :i.nri mk enlightenment. li·l rodb OHh"tO tlie cottage just as if s!J£' was ha.If asleep all day, yet · ,. .. :BLOCK, up atMrll, King 8treet, BQ·.vma.n- to the marrow of hel' bones, only Adrian " l did not think it was in yon t o be such by the ma.rah_ a.s of.ten a~ he could, a.nd he she'!! a.· ;rnke almost all night, for I bear he1 1le. 8olfo1to~ for the dnt ar10Ban k du1 not so JUdf,e her. H e thought her a a fool " wrote Yalentine with bro t ho Iy ca.n. 1took more pams with th1& beau t1fol youvg toss anout t 'other ·Ide the lath Til.ts·er and G tl , "'l th ,... d t O d v·t·i"ou· · " f Vl'hini . evidently s~ ttrng her cap 1guorn.mus · tll'1.ll wi "t l1 anyb 1V ID · 1us p~ns · b· sigh . as IC she cl a mort o' t rouhle, half· the j en emen sv o e s .tr.ta e o I e r . 1 hivate llllOlU>'V8 loaned 1~t the lowest eates, ~ ·· v ers_a.t. 1 e cre1J,t ure, a ben.,,? . dom ;· "the girl is - - - - - -- - -- - - and fancy, d1smterested, uncalcula.tmg, I~ at you. S b.e bas not a s1xprnce, at:d you 1 A ftm he had beea enga)l;e<l thus for about a nig ht through. She breaks my rest, she .;Jo'.b:n Keith Ga ~bralth, nocen.t as a. wood or wate~ nymph, but fuJ are one of the beet mv.tch9ij in D v~i::sh·rr. I year, h~.beg~n t<J thmk. he h ad shed s~m.e do, as well as her own. Shes the moat dis A s~ Alfi ~~8 TE H., SOLIU!'l'OR, NOTARY of tricks and changes hke t?e nyrr phs. I However of caurse :you will p'cn80 vu,1.sel.t', j ri;.yg of ··52~ upn t he dim~':§~ Q f t he tPrl s cqutentedes t young fo:;u'llo a.~ ever I met &'& Kln~ S~roa~', :~wn1a.Onffiv~~e.'8~uon::1vl~so l~n l~·· k That :ihehwas a clevtirk, keen-wd1ttedhyk oung / Thet e is 'no re8.son why you should try t o ' mu.1,-;I. lu~'-llig(l. ct .ecmeJ to be i\ ~·1·ke11fog. ·,with, " jl <.J .. womanw omeanttoma mate , · new l d I J I u d l h"ld" h · I k 1 the value of her own beauty to an iota ,and in- P ease ~nyoo Y e se. · '!'ho hav J on Y my m a (!e w...a e~s c 1 ie 111 ~r r ema.r sup~~ I " C:ime, come, friend, yot1 muan't be Your attention is directed t o the immense ' £.OBERT .&R!llOtJR, tended to en3oy all that i8 bes~ and pleasant mother s fortune to dep ena upon, must mar : t 'he G?apel, and mo:e our111ua ~bout th., r hard upc.n her. It may be tha t the life ia stock of RBGISTR.A:R, WEST DURH AM ISSUEU. eat in this brief, swift race across the earths ry m oz:ey, 1~ I ever m,·rry at all . . To my I w;o1ld lll whtch she .lived. :Mr. Rock~tone too lonely for her, and that she's not well. '11,7c:!t1¥.~~i:;'dLJ~Tf:i~fg~f!.ac~~~~e~~~11 1~~~ surface, which we call lifc--thrn he suspect- own mmd a" p resent ~y state is the more >ms.full of hope a.bout her , when she d1sap- Young women most of them seem subject to osned R E t t Offi Kt t d t H d d h d . grac10us as IJ, bachelor. p eated suddenl_y from the cottage, the neuralgia now a-days. 'l'hey all seem to , ...J B on ea! s a e. ce on ng str eEl , e no . e a mir e er a on ng1y, saw marsh and pansh of Chadmouth without . . d . crwmanvllle. - - - - -oz:ly graces. and cha.rms and frank ~nco~leavin' the sli htes!; clue to the ;node and want tomes, qmm;ie an 1r?n· sea air, and of e very description at ' scions loveliness of person and of mmd in OH.APTER V .-As THE SPARR~ F I,Y lJp . . t" g f h g d t All h t change of scene. What e the matter, 1 WU.LU.M wuarr. k d d . . "'ARD .no lve o er epar ure. t a ier ·u d ?" k d th 'T" t l I b 9very 1oo an word an achon. T o h1m ~ . fathercouldtcllthe arsonwasthatheho.d .m.a ge . as o e.1Cargen y, aym_g 1111 I ,,.... 1 ir\1,t.J! , L'[CENSED AUCTIONEER for the .he appeared faultless and yet he thongbt rl'hough h e was much of a stud1int o.nd l ft th h t b k t h' broad fatherly ha.nd upon the raven hair, l · \llu~~ ~ County of Durham. Orders left at tho that he wa s over·cdti~a.l that he er red on moie of a dreamer, Mr. Rockst one \VIJ,S a ;: k e ove1 a ay rek - o carryh is "Nothing'a the matter," the gh·l Miswer- C!~ · 'll'r.olTESMll.N office or forwarded to Tyrone P .o. the side of deliber ation a~d severe judgment. true friend, helpGr and counsellor to the as eta to a r~i:i.ote mo.r et t_own, w ere ed moodily " I am sick of my !He, tha t 's ·mlil Ji1u1 JUSt op1mtlt'l out one of tlie lar gest ·llll receive prompt attention. ~~ S d h th f h t h th.ere. was a fau , and on commg back at all ,, and most ~tyhsh stocks ever brou aht.. ome 11.ys, Vi en e ox wa.s w a. s e poor of his })ar ish. It o,yas a sadly ignorant m1dmght he found the house empty · t t · · f " s. c. HUNIUNO, called "a 1inging brute," and the run scarce parish, such as one might elcpect to light H h ' . "You are tired of tltl:i lonely place, you · I:> own, consrntmg o :J ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOit worth serious consideration, she would upon could oome umgici1m' s wand rev erse ad e everseene. s~range man lurku~g,wauttolee.veyourpooroldgra.ndfather?" 1UiJlinc1·y Dt'CSS Si1Jn1 the Coup.ty of Durham. Su.Jes attended spend the whole day in Sir Adrian's com- the of time and a.nd us back e. a.bout the pid he ?uspect his "No, I shonld be no better anywhere el!e. ' ' "' 10 on ebortest notice and lowes t !'ates. Address pany, utterly indifferent to the s"anda.lsuch a. century to the days of F armer George and of any ac<1ua.mti.nce with a person It isn't the place I'm tired of, it's my hfe. " Velvets, &c., JtJvnric:. P. O. 36:tf companionship might occasion, She had Snt1ffy Charlotte. Rea.ding and writing w1N mighbt luhre her .away? "This is a case for qmnine, I'll send Y'O\I. with a very fine stock of Feathers and been accusto'Xled to be t&lked abou~ ever were rarest acuompbs hments amon those o, to ot question~. · . a box of pills, " said the Vicar cheerily, " Flowers Pianos 'l'uned . n mI ltepaired. 'smce she wa.s fitteen and wo11ld have fonci- of mature, and ID ·t · h g l d Mr. Rockatone took IDfinite paws to trace Madge turned her back up on hi~h il.n(l · ed her e.ttraotiveneB~ ou the wane if people ·choolmastera, · , he sp1hfe11olr sc. od o s an the fugitive, but in vain; she ha.d not been looked out at the marsh J· llst t\3 ahe hacl Call and inspect this fine diFpla.y, which ' w yout mm was · th 'II t th t ·1 ' t f ·1 t · · f ~ct1on. canno ai o give satis ARTIES WISHING THErnPlANOS - womn:nkmd especially-bad ceas~d to say in a stat,c of do.rknees wluch a sim le , aeen m . e vi age, no.r a . e neares nu· been looking when her.po,tron entered. '.l'he TUl.ed or repa1ren uun nuv" thorn attended hard t hings of her. She had her sister for game of tlominoes in the Vicar's ReadEi a ~~y st;i.~ion The !?cal pohce could do lo old man got up from his ,t ht ee legged stool, c b,.1 leaving word at tho DOMINION ORGAN chaperon, but then Mrs. B 11ddeley always Room seem as mys·e rions and perplexing a~ t 1 £g, t e Jnetropohtan police were equa ly and rointed eignifici:.l!tly towards the .>·s Oli'B'ICJE, Bowma.nvme .A. first olns man had her own affairs to look after. She was an inscription on a ·B,.,byloman brick at au1t. ?hn DawleY:'s daughter was but door. 'w beina lu their emvlo,· a.splendid horsewom,.n and rode in Often ID the 1 · t ' Id another vanished drop ID the great ocean of "Come out and have a talk Dawley " 'Bi> l . · ong wm er evenings wou humamty 'd h V · · W e . h like way wh w at m1tted of no favor to that Mr. Rock stone tear himself aw..y from his · BBJ. t e 1car, "your cottage is too warm little con rt of admirers which sh· e.lways ho.d own comfortable fire side to go down to the F ive years afterward3 the basket maker, for me, an<l I've gob Don outside to look VE'IERI.N ARY SURGEON. ~her\~ak e. Her aclmirers muet the first httle Reading Room, where he would labour returning towards midnight from the same after." ('ro BE CONTINUED.) Hight if they wanted to see 1J,nythmg of her; with sublime patieIJcc at the mystery of market town, and the same a.nnua.l, for t~ose who rode as boldly and a.s fas~ as dominoes, or the peiplexity of "Muggms" upon the anmversary of his <laughter's she did, s~e hafl ever the sweetest smil_es, or " Slap Jack," two ge.mes at cards, by flight, f~1md a chlld, app_a.rently .between A Great Fish Story. and the _kmdest words; and the long ride which he tried to enliven the dullness of a two .or t. ree years <0ld! s1tt1Dg <Jn his ~earth b?me wit~ two or thre~ of these, after the purely !iter11,ry evenin~. Here, too, he would staring a.t the fire, which had been hghted On Wednesday and Thursday of week 1ull, was hke a procession of lovers, ·ead aloud and enlighten the rustic mind by not. long before by unknown hands. an unusual event occurred in the Des Moines 1 "Launce lot and Guinevere," excl~imed a leader i~ the Stan dar d or the Post, and He ha.d n~ ~cc'!'sion . to puzzle his bra.ins river at Bonaparte, Va.nllurencounty, Iowa 0 T one of the county D1anas, would listen goodnaturedly to the rust ic about the child s 1dent1ty, for she was the There is a dam across the river there, and t he way th.oee two young women go OJ?- is ideas as to the last political crisis, Nor < lid exact reproduction of his daughter's infancy, no wa.ter passes through it, the only escape t oo a.s~oundwg. I never s,aw anyth1!1g the Vtcar confine his ministrations t <.' t he and 'llh'e wore rou.nd her neck the yellow being t.irough the mill race and the water H A RN C ~ N L n $ ;'"orsc m ~he. R ow, an~, tltat, .a.dded Miss vicinity of, church, and schoo'ls. [{lass necklace which M adge had w?rn from wheeh. For the past few days nil kinds of ..::. ' · Lil · · Tofl's,~aff s1g mf10antly, lB so.y m g a greac His symp athies ex tended to the furthes t ~nfancy to wom~hood, he~ mothers favor- fish-black bass, buffalo, blue oat, yellow 0rr.du.a.te orthe Royal College or Dent!!<I deal. limit.a of un extensive but sparsely populated 1te ornamem, without which she hacl never cat, mud cat, salmon, pike, rock ba~s and all Snrs:eons, Onter10. There were thr ee Miss Toffsta.ffs, who parish. considered herself dressed. the varieties of fish m this stream-filled the tOFFICE OPPOSI'l'E EXPRESS OF.I<'CE . rode to hounds, and who r ode well, .and The Deverills hlJ,d been 8 ettled at Morcomb He searched the . hovel, thmk1ng to find mill race so full that the powerful wheels of ~OLD FILI.JING A SPECIALTY were always well _nounted: They pm; lecl for nearly a month, and it was the first week his dauphter m h1dmg somewhere, but~e the mill were stopped by them. An eyethemselves ID turmng out m perfect style, in December whev Mr R ockstone act out place was empty save for that young thmg witness writes : "The people ot the town AJ1TIFIOIAL TEETH INSERTED WITHOU~' and had thou· habits, hats and boots from one m ild, sunny mur mng for a leisurely r ide er1ua tti_ng before the fire. H e qu e~tioned turned out en mass with rakes a.nd hoe.s, and Gradua to or the Ontario Vetermary College, P LAl'ES. th ~ maker , b~ ~ e w~o _he might. Fa- 10 W y mperley Marsh, w hich was at the ex t he child, hut ~he was b"ckward m her took out fish by the tub, basket ancl bag foll, Registered member of the Ontario Veterinary $reat Rcductioua i n vnoe on all Dental sh10.n is very capn ·,1on~ m its treat ment of treme edge of Chadmouth P a.rish The sort epce?b! and co~ld ol!ly expr~ss her ow.n and now everybody has fish apd to spare. Medical Association. Work. V1tol1zeC: Air. e:onstalltJy ia use pro- ha.bit m"kcrs. There 1s always a new man west wmd and blue sky suqa est ed '!; prll wan"" m a very mfantme fashion. Maggie They are of all sizes and vi>rioGies, IO to 12· W Offlce and Residence, Newtonville, Ont., ducmg Painless Operation s. Partioular atton iturrtay i t1on paid to the regulation of Child1en's Toeth coming to the. fron t, with adva nced theor~es i:ather t han nml -wi.iter, and th~ Vicar · felt tm:d, . .M'.aggie hungry, Maggie want nnlk. pound catfish and buffalo being freq uent. Wlll visit Orona every T uesduy amliS1 upon the cuttmg of the knee ; so the Miss it a privilege to exist as he trotted along Sh? did no~ cry for her mothe1, ox make any The fish have been crushed hy hundreds in Office houra fr m 10 a. m., to 4 p. m., M: ..-.ALL WO RK WAkRANT lJJD. ~ Toft'staffs changed their habit maker about a Duvonshue lane on hia steady goinu old ob3ect1on t o h er changed surroundings. th., wheels, and thoud1 1.11da have been carried Coulters' Hotel, Calla by Telegraph rece11~ imr. ediate attention · .Branch office, Dr. Rut;herfo1d's O ro no. once a ;r,ea-. · horse, Don-so called because he w 3 · as S he a te her supper of ~ry bread contented- away by the people, This began on the 18th CHAI GEB MODERA'.l'E. Mr. loffotaff was a new man m thfl> t part stupid and aa lazy as some of t he <>Ollege ly ; but she rdused to sit upon the basaet- and continueg The run is supposed to be of Devonshire, who h ad lately acqun eel the dons Mr. Rocks tone had knowu in i.18 youth, maJ;:u 's knee She curled herself ~tp like on account <>I the severe weather having fro. - - -- -- - estate of a d ec!lased native N eedles!! to T he Vicar. who was a t all t im,,,; somewha.t a kitten upon t he bed where he put her, and zen the 11pper river =Cl creeks to the bottom suy t hat he was more " county" than the a drea.mer' was mos ~ of all ~iven to day- slept as p eacefully as a kitten. ancl tlie fish seeking deeper wa ter or breaks coun~y p eople, whose ancestors h ad been dreammg 'when he rode h "' good old bay The basket maker took to his new bur in tlie ice for more air. The mills were closowners of the eo1l ever 11ince the H eptar chy ; cob who never did wrong except EO fe.r as den with a stolidity which might be eit her 91f, the wheels stopped, anl race wickets subscribed much more liber ally to the hunt , to ~ome to a dead stop no;, and then when resignation or md1fference. He would havo opened yesterday to permit the fish to pass and ga.Vtl himself more airs than the men of he found the Vicar's mind had wan'dered br ought up the gra.nddaughter ex a.ctly i;.s he throu~h and empty t he race." As an evithe vielle r?~he. . . to crop and munch the hedgerow, or th~ ha.d bro_ught up the da ug hter, but here the dence of the number of fish,. the race, .whic_h I n opp<1a1t1on to, and yet 1n fnendly rela· young h azel tn·igs fo.- a pea·eful fi ve Vicar mterfored. He arraIJged that the they crowded for t wo days ID succession, is tions with the three M rna Tolfataffs, wer e minutes 0 ; to «et hi~ head down into a dry child should be boarded for two weeeks out about 300 feet long and 50 to 75 feet wide, the two Miss Treduceya, whose father, Sir ditch after ,um~ succulent her b before hie of < 'Very four io the house of a respect a ble and a.bout ten or twelve feet deep Bona. N at haniel T reducey, was Of an older family rider roul"'d himself from his re~erie so for cottager on the outskirts of Cha.dmoutb. parte lS a famous fishing ~round. In winter wira: TEE'l'H. wrTHQul TBilf ll and owned more arist ocratic connection as t o ~come aware that locom otion had During that fortnight the girl was to attend holes a re cut in the ice and catfish weighing tha n any_ other man in t he nei_'l hbor- ceasec. Lhe, sc~o?l, and_ be.taugh~ a~d cared for as from 5 to 75 pounds are speared in large · , ' ~oo<l , Hui mother ca!ne of a ducal race TJie Vicar love(! Don, an<l Don loved the a Chris tian chi! ~ m. a. Chnstian cvuut':Y numbers. PUL'!iES'.1'., STRONCEST, B~ST,. P.BA.CTl()A.L DENTIST, m Sc~tland, a.n<l his wife was the daughter Vicar, would r ecognise his master's voice The ~econd fortlught m each month slie hv R oa<ly for uso lu any quantit y, l·or mP .Jdng So·ti>, Sof t en1ng \Va te1 ~ Jl1s1n · OV.ll:Jl TWENTY YmAns EXP .ll:Rlll:NOl!I, o~ al! rench marqu12, who had fallen ID love :;far oft m t he garden, a.nd a ppeal to hi m ed with her gmndiatller, and as soon as her Tige1 Shoo tine; in lndia. focting ,aml a bunchccl ethe1 uses, A. &reoaOxtdeGu fo:r Patnlcll with the handsome y onng d1pl-0mataat at from his stable with loud neighinge. Don baby finge!'8 w~re c~pe.ble of work .she began Mr, John Poweil, a :r,emindar in the Saha can equa l s 20 pound s Sal Soda,. tJ one of the Empress'a b11>lls m the golden l1ad cairied the Vicar over every acre of his to help !11m ID his basket·makmg. Her runpot"e district, shot three very fine tigers 0 Sold by a ll Grocers nnd Uruggistu, O:l'llHE pera ons. of the Second E mpir e. Cl}p aoious parisn a.ud knew every cottage friend thecottajl"er t aught her domestic work a short time ago under peculiarly exception 11. W . GILLE TT, TORON'l10a MCCJL11NG'S DJ.OC:I, J...ady Treducey Wt\S still beautiful, but it at which he wa; accustomed to stop , and j of all .Kin<l;s. and trained her to usefulness a.I circumstances. Mr. .Powell had pone - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - was a beauty almost submerg<id in fab. She every turn in the lanes which led to his own t..oe ear~est age. She was ~ble to keep down to his estate-which is in the vicrnity led a life of utter idleness in a. lovely old ata.ble. 'Hotse a.nd rider had a gentle tussle I the hovel in order from the time. sht> was of Ba.dshabagb, a village on the south side house in t.he mids t of a. small deer park; now and t hen when Don wanted to go home eight yoars old. Her board ~as pa.1~ for by a.nd two to three miles from the Tunli Pass: never bestirred h erself save w hen 8he wen t -which was the normal condition of his t he Vrnar, who asked no ones help lll ih1S on tbe road. between Sa.harunt:ore and Chuto Londoa for a few weeks in May ar Jttne mind-and whe n the V icar wanted to go good work. W~en !!he 'Yas eleven years k rato.. It seem~ a buffalo had bern killeti to launch h er daughter s and then she only further afield. J~ut this morning Don was old the cottagers wife died, and Madge, by a. tiger. Mr. Powell had a. mo.chan t i.ed t ransferred her elegant Jo,nguor, o.nd her a.s fresh and as ready for his wotk as it wa~ who waa able to r ea.d and write aud c!pher, u p near it ; on this he aat for some consider· sofa cualuo~s and eau de colog11e bot tle in his nature t o be at to.ny lime, and he got ~1ow took l1P her abode p ermanently m t he able t ime ; but, nothing t urning up, he grew the Moat , Cha.dworth, to ClM 't<l ges or J,1m over the ground 1 a.thcr quicker than usual. , <.:ottage on t he marsh, and was only expect;. tired, got off and rode home. He the~ had mere a.a the case might oo . 'l'he river Cha.d is one of the most pictur· ed t o appe1.r at Sunday school and church a bath, a nd intended to go for a. drive ; but cho.nged his mind a.nd went again to the m>i · T he M1 sse9 Troducey hacl been as it were esqae str eams fo England, but even the , on fine Sunday s born on hon u ba?k, = d looked d_own frrn1 Chad has its bits of commonplace ; and it 1a Sometimes she tramped about the coun chan. He had scarcely settled himself a tremendous alt 1tude upon t he M1~sea '.l!op never less rom!lntic than in that broad , t ry side with her gra.ndfa.ther, selling; bil.9· down- that is, he had not been in the staff, whom ~h~y r rnspected ~f ha.vmg be: n xeach which ia bounded on one side by kets. At other times sh~ spent long, soli- ma.chan ten minutes - when out stalk. taught by a rid;ng mas_t er. They w-:rc fair, W ymperley Marsh, on the other by :1ow ,,11ry <lays in the garden, a qu11,rter ed a fine full grown tiger from the a.dJOlll· ra.ther pret ty girls, with_ large h9u1d blue level meadows, where the cattle wallow in of an acre redeemed laboricusly from the ing Jungle and commenced to devour the After spendmg much t ime and money, I an1 WILL CURE OR RELIEVE now prepared to fill all order· promptly I eyes, un<l ~~c1'. were 8.fl thm a.s their ·mother fa.tness and breast deep in the ranl!: I marsh, a, paradise of flaunting wallflowers, <lend buffalo. He fired a shot, which hit it stocks, and nasturtiums, hollyhocks and in the shoulder and rolled it over dead. He have a fine assortment of WAv'l!JS DANGS 'Yas fat. l.heu:_ aqm!ine n9ses a~d ~lender sedgy grase. BILIOUSNESS,, DIZZINESS, SWITCHES, COMBS and PINS very clieap.' ? gures were an mb entance from Sir 'Nathan The marsh sustains nothing but wild i sunflowers, with patches of potatoes a.nd had. scarcely reloadefl the disollarged barrel DYSPEP.SIA DROPSY 1el, whe belonged to a.u eagle nosed. race, fowl, and can only be crossed at one p oint i cabbage, and a. tall screen of scarlet runners when ont another ; !l.t this he fired BANGS :1:-"'RO::M $2 UPINDIGESTION, FLUITTRING Old Switches colol'.ed and made t o look like and had t he air of a gentlem,tnhke bird of by oorse or foot p assenger, wl10 has to pick bright against blue river and blue sky in four shots before he it its q uietus. new. Highest prlce uaid for long cut hair. prey JAUNDICE, Of" THE HEART'. . · his way a.long a rough atone causeway, the hot summer afternoons, when Madge This animlll had hardly given up moving ERYSIPF.1As, ACIDITY OF y The Mmiea Toffsta'ff and the MLSSea t re· which wa.a constructed in the dim remote· sat on a little mound at the edge of the its body in it;s fine.I death-throes, when e.n DAIR TONIC duci:y rarely agreed about any one sub3ect, nc;as of 111\ unrecorded past, a.nd which it is stream, basket-weaving, and watching the enormous tigress put in her appearance. SALT RHEUMJ THE STOMACH Wanunted to prevtint the hmr fr om falling albe1t they wer e sue~ very _good f_nends ; nobody'e bu~incss to improve or r epair in the lazy tide flow by, her fingers moving softly One well aimed shot struck her close to the HEARTBURN, DRYNESS · out and will make it grow. with a monotonous regular motion as if she eye and rolled her over dee.d. Now all HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN , « I have also 11 fine lot of new Stamping but tney were unanimous m their con· present. de~ma.tion of Colonel Devenll's daught,ere. F ew but sportsmen intent on slaughter ha.d b een wea.ving a, net to ca.tch the sonls these three tiger!! were killed in a spa ~e of And eve:ry' spe1:ie11 o:f disease 11,rl.s:ilJ.J:! Patterns. All orders p~omptly attended to It ma kes one feel of berng a would have tempted the clangers of this of men. time somewhat lees than half an hour · and l'.rom disozodert3d LIVER KIDNEY~ STOMA CB, BOWI!JLS OR BLOOD. ' girl, don't it ?" asked Matilda. ll'reducey of dilapidated cauoewav ; but Mr. Rockstone She was beautiful enough for a.n enchant- the very next day he killed a rema.rk:W>ly 47 N e ads' Block, Bowma.nyllle. ldaril'1ry 1 fo'ffotE1ft'. lme'w eYErf stone 01 it. A 9olittuy hut resa, with those great dark eyes and nven fine panther over the ~me · · ki l,J, " T~ ~pri~6~io THE CANADIAN STATESMAM M. A.JAMES, CATARRH. LIKE AND UNLIKE. By M. E. BRADDON, 0 i I ;n - DR--; I 0 M om': I ert°' kc, t\;.1: I L ! l B IR PEAT E T a1 ·1or. I ' I °' j B IL I DIE ! IMI I LI N E R Y l '" ' O '=Ly', IMRS - - jff! L I P DENTISTRY. z DENTISTRY~ I GILLETTS POWDERED r. II BR I MA c0 m: BE LYE 99 PERCENT I F l·ne Ha1·r Goods. LADIES, Im I I I Patronize Ham e TRADE l l i I l Mrs. A. DAVIS, I I I MILBURN.& CO.,

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