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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Feb 1888, p. 4

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P. TREBILCOCK. Pictures Framed VERY CHEAP. .. ~ Christian c,1mrnunitv on the fa1·0 of the The Rome, Watertown 11nd Ogdensburg I n another column will be found the !!lobe. Great Britain anouall.v .,onsumed R. R. Company has arranged ih second fifteenth annual repart of the Outarlo 30 gallons of strnng drink per he ..d of 1mnnal grand excur~ion to Wa·hington her population, the Uoiied Shtes 12. and and rf'lturn, and no cheaper or more atLoan and Savings Society. It shows a Caoada last year only 4. The quantity tractive excursion could be offered to the continua.nee of the ma· ked prosperity of of liquor consumed in the difforent partd people of Northern districts than this this co111pany. The town of Oshawa may 1 lf th10 Dominion was exactly proportion· admirably arranged trip to the National feel justly proud of this financial institu· ate, in au inverse ratio, to the hold pro- Capital. The fare to Washington and . tion. A profit of nine per cent. on the hibition had in these parts. In Briti~h re~urn is only ten dollars from any station Columb'a, where there is no Scott Act, on the line of the R. W. and 0. R. R. paid capital is a remarkably good.showing the consu mption w..s 8:} gallons per hMd; Special eolid trains of elegant West Shore particularly when safe investments, rather Ontario, which h1id more territory under coaches and Wagner palace sieeping cars am than greater profit on weaker risks, were license t htm any other province, consnm· will be run through on special schedule sou11;ht for. Ont of this profit the usual ed 5i galhms ; Quebec, where long ago time wi·h?ut ch:mge, from. R . ,V, & 0. the Uatholic Church had taken hold of R. R. stations. dh·idende, at the rate of seven per cent. the liquor trafiic, a~d where more than The price for double berth in sleeping were declared, five thousand dollars added one half the province was under local I car is $3.5-0, section $7.:JO, fr'Jm any stato th rest, making it seventy thousand parish pr.,hibition, 3:f gallons; Manitoba, tion on line of R. W. &O. R.R . to Wash· dollars, and eight hundred aud six dollars which had an almost proh1bitorv law, and ington. Sleeping oar tickets can be vur· I the North-west Territ ..ries, where total chased of any R. W. &. 0 . R. R. ticket placed to the Contingent Fund. The prohibition exists, together consu:ned 2! agent. The sale of tho~e tickets closes wisdom of accumula.ting the large rest the gallons ; New Brun~wick, where out of Saturday March 3rd, 1888. PAPE this ccmpany now has is clearly apparent as 18 counties the Sc··tt Act wi.:11 enforced in The route is via Rom e, Watertown and it is only by this means that itl!I large di· ten, 1~ gall?ns ; Nova Scotia, wh13 re out Ogdensburg R.R., West shore and Penn· vidend can be paid. As an instance of of 19 counties 12 were un~er the Scort sylvania Railr ads, passing thP cities of Act, .1} gallons, and Prmce ~d ward NtJw York, Philadelphia and B ..ltimore the benefit of tho Company to 01Jha wa and Island, where the Scott Act was m force as well as lllany other places of interest. I vicinity, it has since its inception paid ou t from end to end, less than ·t of a gall~m The excursion starts from the line of the the report of the_ chief R. W . & O R. R,, in the afternoon end t-0 depositors, in interest alone, nearly a per head. quarter of a million dollars, the figures mspect?r of tlcott ~~t enforcement_ it w~s evening of Tuesday, March 6th. A etop oscert~med that in the~ counnes_ m will be made at Jersey City fur breakfast and see. reaching $240,000. The repayment of Ontario under that Act 1~301 prost1cut1ons and at Philndelphia for lunch, arriving loans were larger than last year, but the had. been entered durmg the quarter in Washington early in the afternoon, new loans have kept pace with t hem. e11dlllg ~anua.ry l~i-t for the s 11le of stro_ng Wednesday, March 7th, the time not ex: 'l1hese large repayments in this period of drink w~ · hout a llcensa, 11s ?6ropared w1th ceeding twenty hours from any 11tation in 373 dur1~g the correspondm11 quarter of Northern New York to Washi1igton. financial sta~nation show that the loans the ~revw~a year ; of the~ ~48 had been Tickets are good until March 2bt iuclusof the company have been most judicious- convicted _m 18~6 l;'nd 82v m 1887, the ive, and allow a sojourn of ten days in ly placed. In fact the great succel!ls of latter .havm!( paid m the_ shape of fines. Wa11hington, giving ample time to visit BoWMANVILLE, FEJ~'y 29, 1888. the company is largely due to the close ove~ $40,000 After gtvmg fnrther sta· Mt Vernon and other historic places in ti.stic~ t~ken from the rep?rt of the Pru· the vicinity of Washington, as well as A COMPLETE SURRl!lNDER. ecrutiny its mortgages have undergone. vmc1al Secretary of Ontario, to sho,... that some of the memorable battleliolds in The fact that the net earnings from ordi- vice and the nu~nber of person!! committed Virginia. Canada has given the Americsna every· nary sources of revenue are greater than to gaol for various offences had notably . . . , . Side trip oxcurs1on11 froll_l Waslungt~n thing and got nothing, Bii they have now during any former year ia an evidence of d~creased in counties where the prohib1tory law was enforced, he concluded by may ~e,~ade at the follov::ing round- t np ----o---secured by the Chamberlain trtlllty almost the oontinued and increasing prosp1erity urging npon his hearers to assist with rates . Io Mt. Vernon 7o cents, R1chall the advantages they would have ob- of the comp11Dy. We ca.n hea.rtily con- their influence and money the strul(gle mond, Va., $4.00, Petersburg, Va., $5 00. tained. by a treaty of reciprocity, without gratulate the Sec.-Trea11., Mr. 'r. H. Mc· for Scott Act supremacy now beiog waged . Reduced rat~s ha'l'e ?een arranged at in the County of H>1lton. s1xteen hotels m Waslungton. giving an equivalent of any kind, it is not Millan; the President, Mr. W, F. Cow· Mr. Schiverea was introduced and Four epecial to~ris~ al, en ta will n:coom· likely th..&t they will be very anxious to an ; and the .Board of Directors upon this od 1 tfo m pany the excurs10uista to Washmgton 1. 8 a go Ele l t d warm y gree o . p a r · t · t I m!lke any conce!sic·ns. All that Canada evidence of their energy, great caution, sp>iaker, though somewhat rug!(ed in de- an d give persona 1 at en.ti.on o tie wants . d h&d to offer in return for the free admis· and financial ability. To the former par · 1iverance t t f u ·ly b eak of paseengers. Jn c.dd1lion an ap o req en, r . · · · h' to these spe· sion of our ~roducts to the American mar· ticulal-ly is the credit due ancl stock- away from his subject to entertain his au- c111.l agonts1 n dietmguts. mg ~eature_ of ket has been virtually given away for holders as well ae the Directors clo not dience with anecdotes, which at firat seem the excur~10n a!1d one ~hich will_ partlCU· irrtilevant, but wliich he subsequently la~ly commend lt to ladies travellmg alone nothing. Waa this done with the delib- fail to acknowledge this. We hope the turns to good use . Taking for his text will be the pre6enco of a lady of culture erate purpose d destroying Mery hope company may have a' long career of pros· the 20th verse of the 6th cha ter of I I. and refinement who will act_as chaperon. , "L d h p h Not only en route, but durmg the stay of obtaining reciprocity- that boon which parity before it. Kmgs, or open t e eyes oft rse men · W h" t th h ·u b t that they may see," he at once plunged m as .mg on, . e c ~peron. wi e ~ the conntry requires, and which the Tor· Mr. W. F. Allen, . the Vice-President, into his subj ~.ct by declaring that of those the service o[ ladies_, e1ther srngly or m ies and ringsters are determined 1ha.ll uiake11 loams, receives deposits and trans- who ueeded light .many were ministers of groups who may desire_to place t.he_meelves never be obtained 1 acts other business for the society in B1w· tile Gospel, who were using their beat en· under her care and guidance. With snch deavors to defeat the Scott Act, while 0 ?~plete arra.nge~ent~ for careful ~upe_r· How the history of British diplomacy manville and vicinity · · others countenanced and even enconraJ?ed Vlsion the excursion will ho con~uc.ed in the moderate use of strong drink. He a m~nner t~ please the moat relined and 4'11 the North A merican continent has rereferred to the uae of fermented wine at fastidious taste . .peated itself. One huJJ.dred and five A Visit to Toronto. Communion, and expreHed the hope to Washington is a rem11.rkably beautiful years ago the country west of the Ohio Editot and Mrs. James spent Friday, soon see it disappear. He vigorously city and pre,en~s many iuteresting and '1 waa given np. Nine years later England Saturd&y and Sunday last in Toronto vis· d~ nouncoo the advocate of hi. !(h license on attractive featurea, aside from those oF a and C&nada. lost Michigan, Wisconsin and iting friends and seeing the sights . On the ground , that whatever the license, strictly national character. The Capitol l\linnisotta. In 1842, Lord Aahburton, J!'riday the Ho·pital was visited under the liquor would etill be obtainable, and noth- building is the largest and finest public "for the sake of peace," ga.\"e away the guidence of Miss Thomas who is attend· i11g short of total prohibition should sat- edifice in the world. Congrese being now .A.BSOLUTELY greater portion of what now forms theState ing the Ladies M edical College and i11 isfy true friend11 of temperance. Another in session, excnrsionista may visit the daily at the Hospital. If anything is cl!lss th ..t needed to· have their eyes open· Senate and House of · R epresentatives, the of Maine, thus placing a nook of American required to move one's heart to sympa- ed were the people who support Scott Act galleries being open to visitors and oL· ' '(.erritory b etween Canada prupe1· a.nd the thy, n visit to the various wards of this inspectors who do not do their duty. He eerv0 the chief legislati ve body of the maritime provinces. In 1840 we gave up inst1tution will prove most effectual. referred to several cases that had come nation at work. The state departments the Pacific Statea ; in 1871 we lost Sa.n Here are to be seen persons of all ages, under his personal notice while prosecut- and all other public bnildings are grand from the toddling infant to the old man ing the campaign where the law was not and imposing, of great intereat, and are .Juan and in 1888 our fisheries have been in bis second childhood, all suffering more enforced, owing to the cowMdice of the open to the public every day except Suneunendered. In 1878, Canada was re- or less with the diaeasea, ailments and ac- men to whom its ~nforcemeat was entrust· day frc,m 9 or 10 a, m. to 3 or 4 p. m. presented on the Halifax. arbitration by cidents to which human flesh is heir, and ed. If these men did their duty, many No fees are asked or expected ·for 11how(me of her own .iitizens. The proceedings the anguish and distress that marks the more convictions would be obtained. In ing them. countenances of these a.filicted ones, leads the course of an impassioned appeal t o Excursion ticket!, sleeping cu tickets, of that tribunal were not influenced by one to heave an iuvoluutary sigh and to the youn g men present to lead temperate time-tables and descriptivo circulars, givconsiderations of Imperial interests, and thank God for the b!esaings of heal~h and lives, the speaker feelingly referred to ing full and detailed informa.tion, also therefore Canada won the case and ob- freedom from accident and disease. the cond emned ma.n Neil, whom he had the addresses of the chaperon and special Requires more room for his Grocery, Flour and Feed and Grain trade, tained a subE:tantial payment for privil- Everything about the inatitution betokens visited the day previous, and whose fate tourist agenb can be obtained · from any and has determined to order, cleanlinees and as much comfort as he ascribed to the use of strong liquor. R. W. & 0. R. R. ticket sgent; from eges which Mr. Chamberlain bas given can be expected for the money paid for No one could foretell where drink would Genl. Pas11enger Agent, Oswego. N. Y. , awny for nothmg. the privileges available. lead him, and the only safe plan was to or from M.A. -!ames, Bowmanville. On Saturday we visited the Cyclorama, leave the cursed stuff alone. Ile entreat· In 1871 Sir John Macdonald, then that wonderful work of art, a descriptior. ed of hoads of households not to keep and extend his Grocery into the premises now occupied with AUCTION SALES. minister of justice, reported to th, Gover- of which we published last week from ex- liquor in their homes, and above all, n ot DRY GOODS. nor- Ge~eral that the inshore fish ries tracts given in the Toronto paperis, and to offer it, even in a spirit of Hociability, S..1.~URDA.Y, MA.Ren 10.-A sale of new after a personal inspection we can endorse to male or female; From the large numdouble and single harness, a lot of fur· To make a clear s'veep, everything in the Dry Goods department "could not b e prei;crved to our peop1 e if everything therein stated . It it1 r eally ber of yout.hful faces that he saw before niture, sewine: machines, etc., at .Bows now being sold AT AND UNDER COST. The goods are all tirsteveryone of the United States fishing vee:· Q.116 of the finest executio1111. of perspective him, h e felt that the cause of temperance man & Hunking's auction rooms, Osheels that are accustomed te swarm along pat~~~. that we have noticed a!ld we was making good headway in Toronto. class, carefullJ selected for the regular trade and no old culled bankawa, at 2 p. m. See posters. S. C. our coasts could claim the right to enter ha:: ~ in the art galleries of Europe Toronto wanted prohibition, and Toront o HUNKING, Auctioneer. rupt stock, the public can understan d the immense advantages ofour harbora for trading purposes. Hence some o b~be!lt that and brush have would soon 11:et it. Ta uusDAY, M..ul.cH 15.-A valuable freefered to purchasers of this stock. Everything mmally kept in a produced. 0.{l Saturday crowds or people, Mr. Schiverea was frequently inter hold property will be sold at the Ruefirst class Dry Good<J establishment, and required in the Clothincr the freedom now granted to American including man)-,Jrom Bowmanville and rupted by outbursts of appl&uae, a11d ap· 0 bottom House, Bowmanville, consistand House Furnishing line, offered at AWAY-DOWN PRICES. vessels to enter our harbors to purchase ".ic~nity.' inspe cteCi--.~is ma~t~rpiece .of ar- parently produced n i:narked_ impre1s1on ing of 100 acres, being lot 18, con. 3, supplies and trans-ship·cargoes involves tistic ~kill and prull:omi~~1_~1ndescr1bably on his hearers. At ~1ght this t.vangel~l!t Cartwright, on which are house, barn, Call and get Bargains. Clearing Sales for Cash only. Positivelyaaacritice of our fishery riuhts. magmfi~e.nt. Aga1~ we. ~ m~rk : to any prfached in tbs Parhament-st. Methodist tables, eta, Small orchard and 20 110 Reserve. Everything must go. Call and satisfy yourselves that; 0 we es- church Rev. A . O. Oourtice, M. A.. B. D., { of our c1t1Zens v1s1tlng the 'tlty, acr !! wood. Land in good etate of 1 the WEST END HOUSE is giving greater value for a little money One year ago, on the lirst of February pecially re~ommend this exhifilti~n which pastor,' to a paoke~ h~11se. Servicee will cultintion. Sale at 1 p. m. S C. . .· . . ls open dally from 10 a. m. to .itl p. m. be conducted by him m the same church than any other house in the district. It will pay you to lay in ·il. llux.s:1~, Auctioneer. 1887, ma mmute of council, Sir John It has bt>en said by a distingu:i~ted throughout the week-. year's supply, as such goods cannot be repeated at my prices. S PlUNO SALE. Mr. S. C. Hunking ha11 Macdonald and his colleguee declared American visitor that a larger percentitge j made arrange~nts to hold an immense that C.i.nadu could not "suddenly and of the people of T~ronto attend churc~ ~='"'~" "'"' - ,.,_ ,.,_ , ,. ,__ ,._ SP1ttNG S..i.LE at the Centra.l Hotel, Oah· without the justification supplied by any th~n of any other Citl'.· An_y person who Great Revival At Ottawa. awa, comprisin11; Horses,Cattle,and Im· . . thmks the statement mcred1ble, only ro· plements. Eutrre h~_l bereceived up -n ew facts or arguments, w1thdtaw from a q oires to spend a Sunday in the city to io March 15th ap.d par~~ having any of position taken up deliberately, and by b e convinced of its correctness, for from The Evangelists, Rev. Messrs. Crossley above to dispose Of would d-o well to avail doing so in effect plead guilty to t he whole 10 t~ 11 a. m. and 6 to ! p. m, die ~treats and Uunt?r ~ve boon conducting R wonthemselves of thiaopportunif)i.,_as outside of the cllttrges of oppression inhumanity are literally _ thronged with church~goera. derful reVlval at Ottawa. B ev. W .. W. buyers will be invited. Entrl\,uce fees ·· J... . ~ I n ~he mormng we att?oded the Metro· Car~on sa.ys 1,000 n&.mes hav~ ?een g1ven for h orses and cattle,50c. ArrangtJments and bad fa1th w·. ich, 1_n lan,,uage wholly pohtan church a:i d listened to a very to lnm who have recelv.ed epmtual ~ood can be made at STATESMAN office or ith unwarrafited by the 01rcumstances of the I practioal aermon 011 Christian duty by in the eoquiry _room. 340 ~ave been Mr. Bowman, at Hunkin~'a uucfion case, had been made against it by the ; Re_v. E. A. Stafford, the popular and er- , a~d~d to the ad\l~t memberah11? of Dorooms Oahawa. publio men of theU nited Stales." B ut udite pastor, from 1Cor.14th ch!1P 23rd, mrn10n Church, with 200 )IJVell1les from AucTION SALEr>.- S.C. Hunking, Ocurt· . . . 24th and 25th verses. A choir of over the Sabbath school. Members have beon that 18 precisely wha~ they will do if the 60 voici:;s, with Prof. Torrington ae organ· added to the Weetern Methodist C hurch, tice, Ontario, Licensed Auctioneer, for treaty of capi t.ula.tion humiliation, signed ist, lead the praises in which the large 107; to the East Met hodist Chttrcb, 70. Darlington and Whitby, Bowmanville by Mr . Chamberlni.n and Sir Charles congregation heartily joined, '.l'he order He was forwarding many hundreds of and Oshawa, Apprai~er, &c. All business BES1' nnirnT, T · t"li d of serYi<-es impress~d us very favorably. names, with addresses, to the pastors ()f attended ~o promptly. OrderB may be 18 1 upper ra e ' The pastor entered the pulpit promptly the Episcop:ilian, Presbyterian, Congre- left at the STATESMAN office, Bowman ville, When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, Thosa v;ho are 80 anxious that ao mat- as the clock struck the h our for commenc· gational, R eformfld and Baptist churches. or Reformer office. Oshawa. ing, when the choir and audience instant· Last Thursday night was announced to be ter affecting Canadian in ter ests shall b e Jy arose and sang the Dox:ol.;gy. 'l'he the last meeting and over$500 was placed W}1l>NESDAY, l\'.IAROH 14.- Mr. J.B. R us· "arranged at. Washington" will no doubt hymns were announced and the first verse on the plates. Before the close o f the :::sell, lot- 21, con. 5, Darliugton, willsell Try it once, and you will use no other. · ·'sang t h e I1ymns meet mg " th e R ev. M r. Car~on moved ,and without reserve the whole of his valuabe pleased to h Par from President Cleve- read wh en th e ch 01r 111.nd tha.t the treaty of s'Q n·ender was without lining." We bave often wonder- the Right Hon. Sir John Macdonald ble farm stock, implements, etc. The .MctJOLl..1 BROS. & ()0,.Y, Toronto .. ed why Methodist ruinioters persist in the seconded, t hat the Rev. Messn. Crossley stock is very well br~d and the masigned undtir hie "direction and author· old style of "lining" each verse before it and Hunter be requ ested t o con tinue chinery and implements are nearly new. ity." The names of tho American n ego· is suug, when everybody has a book to their work for God in Ottawa. It \fas Sale at 1 P· m., sharp. See pc>eters H ONOR 'BOLL. tiators appear first as signatories to the read for themselves. The audience an<! supported by 3,000 standing votes. The for psrticularli. R. HUTCHISOl'i, A11ct reaty, and that of Sir Charles Tupper past or r epeated the Lord's Prayer in con- evangelists rec..ived it as th e voice of God. tioneer. The folowing persons have sent us one cert at the close of the opening prayer, This is the beginning. What will the end H. Hutohison, Licensed Auctionoer for last. Canada's representative M well as after the good old custom of the English be ~ the TownBhips of Darlington, Whitby, or more new subscriber:i for 1888 in nd· Canada's interest seems to .have been church. .. . ~j Clarke, Manvers and Cartwright. Salea dition to the names published befor e : W. Lammlma.n, Solina. l· Jractically ignored thNughout the entire We attended the Pavihon m the . S :ter· A CA.NADIA...,, DRAMA.- Mrs S. A. Cur· attended ~o pro_ mJiltlY and &t ~easonable W"illiam Short. Hampton, l' iegotiationa. President Cleveland says noo!1 to hear an addrei s from Mr. l i r~d. zon' the author of "Laura Secorcl" !l.nd rates, Vi here 1t is not oonvement. to see James Mountjoy, EnJlelcl. 1. hat the treaty will be fouud satisfactory Sch1verea, the noted ~rooklY_n evange.l iet other poems, is contributing to the (me! arrangements can be ma.~ e w1th t,he J ohn R. l:!cott, Elol'a. J. ~ho h as been couductmg revival _ services "Canadian Advance,, (Toronto,) an origi- . Ed1t?r<?f theST..1.TES..,.,!A.:N.- R.liuTCFlISO:N, Jas. Richards, Piokerlllg. 1. o those American citizens "who are en· ~n Oshawa for a mo 11th whlCh over no.I drama of much power and int.erest Enmskillen N. llillls, Taonton, 1· :aged in the open , sea fisheries adj acent 300 per~ons ~ave been le~ to ~nt~r upon dealing with the importatiou of marriage~ N .R - Onr advert.ising rate for auction Mrs. Morcombe, M ·aJnville.l. ., the Cauadi<>n coast and resortmg to a. ne1v life sp1r~tually. After singing and able girla of good character from Fr~nce sales, when we do not print the sal~ 2. Mies Susie Der iH, Marquette. h.o9e ports and harbors under trellty prayer the cha1rman, Mr. F . S. Spence, to Canada in the time of Louis X IV. bills, i.s 25 cents a line, each insertion. I rovisions aud rules of international r ose to address ove1· 1,000 persons of bot~ The Canadian AdvaiJC\l also publishes Dr. L W." Canadians ha\'C been tcld for s?xes, and of all classes, on ~he cond 1- Wild's sermons in full. One old and one new subscriber for ~ars tlrnt the New E ngland fi~hermen t10n of the temperance cause rn Canada 1888 for only $1.60. Order Doors, So.shes, Blinds, Picket,, ApartiOie is a~pliad into eaoh nostril snd ould never be satisfied unless they got the generally and Ontario in particular. H ~ F to..v Lib M. la agreeable. l. l'ico 50 cents At DrugRists: by · ' Pl · Subscriptions taken fo:r all newspape1·a e tc 1 rth, and they are sa.tisfied with the stated (we now q uote from the Mail r e· AS SWEET A!! HONEY b Dt:". Lwn 'A Pv~~· ·· a t Morris arung ac ., · e.:r.~ mail registered, 60 cents. li:LY BRO'l'lTl.i:US, street, R. H. Osborne, leasee. 23ii ~re011wlch st.. New Y< u·k , port) that, judging from the report for :;~c:V;~~m:!ruv. yet sure tu llltitroy nnd . and periodic~ls nt STATESfilN Office. '111mberlain surrender. The Ontario Loan and Savings 1887 issued by the Minister 11f Inla.nd EXCURSION TO WASHINGRevenue at Ottawa, Canada, fr·Hll a tem· TON. Society. perance standpoint, was in a lvauce of any J. H. KENNER'S Variety Hall, -FOR- HEW STYLES OF MOULDINGS IN A FEW DAYS. I still continuing t o give five quires of Note Paper for 25 cts. Most excellent value. am going to surprise · you all with my WALL RS spring. One consignment already in. Those who know say have good taste. Come HEAD QUARTERS SCHOOL---BOOKS, -..A.N"'D- SLEIG:H:S !3Y I Picture Frames. &SON, Dispensing Chemists. 1 The following preparations are carefully prepared and will be found useful in every house. Nasal Cream, Rose Glyeerole, For all Roughness of the Skin. For Cold in the Head, Catarrh, etc. Corn Cure, For Removing Hard and Soft Corns. SHORLEY'S IMPROVED FOOD ALWAYS ON HAND. ---- 0--Agents for the Argus " Spectacles and Eye-· glasses. ----o- - I QUITTING The Dry Goods :Businees I JOHN McBUBTRI O/ose Out His DRY GOODS BU8JNE88 THB,ESHERS ANDFABftlERS USE ONLY McCOLL'S ~ ::LA R D :I N E:: ~!~.~&~~RE .'? ~~E FAMILYSAFETY&SUNLIGHTCOAL0IL.. 1 · ,,.· :...,

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